[pytest] # If a pytest section is found in one of the possible config files # (pytest.ini, tox.ini or setup.cfg), then pytest will not look for any others, # so if you add a pytest config section elsewhere, # you will need to delete this section from setup.cfg. norecursedirs = migrations python_files = test_*.py *_test.py tests.py addopts = -ra --strict-markers --ignore=tests/badmodule.py --ignore=tests/badsyntax.py --doctest-modules --doctest-glob=\*.rst --tb=short testpaths = tests # Idea from: https://til.simonwillison.net/pytest/treat-warnings-as-errors filterwarnings = error # You can add exclusions, some examples: # ignore:'tblib' defines default_app_config:PendingDeprecationWarning:: # ignore:The {{% if::: # ignore:Coverage disabled via --no-cov switch!