path: root/vobject/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'vobject/')
1 files changed, 219 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/vobject/ b/vobject/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4aaaef9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vobject/
@@ -0,0 +1,219 @@
+"""Compare VTODOs and VEVENTs in two iCalendar sources."""
+from base import Component, getBehavior, newFromBehavior
+def getSortKey(component):
+ def getUID(component):
+ return component.getChildValue('uid', '')
+ # it's not quite as simple as getUID, need to account for recurrenceID and
+ # sequence
+ def getSequence(component):
+ sequence = component.getChildValue('sequence', 0)
+ return "%05d" % int(sequence)
+ def getRecurrenceID(component):
+ recurrence_id = component.getChildValue('recurrence_id', None)
+ if recurrence_id is None:
+ return '0000-00-00'
+ else:
+ return recurrence_id.isoformat()
+ return getUID(component) + getSequence(component) + getRecurrenceID(component)
+def sortByUID(components):
+ return sorted(components, key=getSortKey)
+def deleteExtraneous(component, ignore_dtstamp=False):
+ """
+ Recursively walk the component's children, deleting extraneous details like
+ """
+ for comp in component.components():
+ deleteExtraneous(comp, ignore_dtstamp)
+ for line in component.lines():
+ if line.params.has_key('X-VOBJ-ORIGINAL-TZID'):
+ del line.params['X-VOBJ-ORIGINAL-TZID']
+ if ignore_dtstamp and hasattr(component, 'dtstamp_list'):
+ del component.dtstamp_list
+def diff(left, right):
+ """
+ Take two VCALENDAR components, compare VEVENTs and VTODOs in them,
+ return a list of object pairs containing just UID and the bits
+ that didn't match, using None for objects that weren't present in one
+ version or the other.
+ When there are multiple ContentLines in one VEVENT, for instance many
+ DESCRIPTION lines, such lines original order is assumed to be
+ meaningful. Order is also preserved when comparing (the unlikely case
+ of) multiple parameters of the same type in a ContentLine
+ """
+ def processComponentLists(leftList, rightList):
+ output = []
+ rightIndex = 0
+ rightListSize = len(rightList)
+ for comp in leftList:
+ if rightIndex >= rightListSize:
+ output.append((comp, None))
+ else:
+ leftKey = getSortKey(comp)
+ rightComp = rightList[rightIndex]
+ rightKey = getSortKey(rightComp)
+ while leftKey > rightKey:
+ output.append((None, rightComp))
+ rightIndex += 1
+ if rightIndex >= rightListSize:
+ output.append((comp, None))
+ break
+ else:
+ rightComp = rightList[rightIndex]
+ rightKey = getSortKey(rightComp)
+ if leftKey < rightKey:
+ output.append((comp, None))
+ elif leftKey == rightKey:
+ rightIndex += 1
+ matchResult = processComponentPair(comp, rightComp)
+ if matchResult is not None:
+ output.append(matchResult)
+ return output
+ def newComponent(name, body):
+ if body is None:
+ return None
+ else:
+ c = Component(name)
+ c.behavior = getBehavior(name)
+ c.isNative = True
+ return c
+ def processComponentPair(leftComp, rightComp):
+ """
+ Return None if a match, or a pair of components including UIDs and
+ any differing children.
+ """
+ leftChildKeys = leftComp.contents.keys()
+ rightChildKeys = rightComp.contents.keys()
+ differentContentLines = []
+ differentComponents = {}
+ for key in leftChildKeys:
+ rightList = rightComp.contents.get(key, [])
+ if isinstance(leftComp.contents[key][0], Component):
+ compDifference = processComponentLists(leftComp.contents[key],
+ rightList)
+ if len(compDifference) > 0:
+ differentComponents[key] = compDifference
+ elif leftComp.contents[key] != rightList:
+ differentContentLines.append((leftComp.contents[key],
+ rightList))
+ for key in rightChildKeys:
+ if key not in leftChildKeys:
+ if isinstance(rightComp.contents[key][0], Component):
+ differentComponents[key] = ([], rightComp.contents[key])
+ else:
+ differentContentLines.append(([], rightComp.contents[key]))
+ if len(differentContentLines) == 0 and len(differentComponents) == 0:
+ return None
+ else:
+ left = newFromBehavior(
+ right = newFromBehavior(
+ # add a UID, if one existed, despite the fact that they'll always be
+ # the same
+ uid = leftComp.getChildValue('uid')
+ if uid is not None:
+ left.add( 'uid').value = uid
+ right.add('uid').value = uid
+ for name, childPairList in differentComponents.iteritems():
+ leftComponents, rightComponents = zip(*childPairList)
+ if len(leftComponents) > 0:
+ # filter out None
+ left.contents[name] = filter(None, leftComponents)
+ if len(rightComponents) > 0:
+ # filter out None
+ right.contents[name] = filter(None, rightComponents)
+ for leftChildLine, rightChildLine in differentContentLines:
+ nonEmpty = leftChildLine or rightChildLine
+ name = nonEmpty[0].name
+ if leftChildLine is not None:
+ left.contents[name] = leftChildLine
+ if rightChildLine is not None:
+ right.contents[name] = rightChildLine
+ return left, right
+ vevents = processComponentLists(sortByUID(getattr(left, 'vevent_list', [])),
+ sortByUID(getattr(right, 'vevent_list', [])))
+ vtodos = processComponentLists(sortByUID(getattr(left, 'vtodo_list', [])),
+ sortByUID(getattr(right, 'vtodo_list', [])))
+ return vevents + vtodos
+def prettyDiff(leftObj, rightObj):
+ for left, right in diff(leftObj, rightObj):
+ print "<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<"
+ if left is not None:
+ left.prettyPrint()
+ print "==============="
+ if right is not None:
+ right.prettyPrint()
+ print ">>>>>>>>>>>>>>>"
+ print
+from optparse import OptionParser
+import icalendar, base
+import os
+import codecs
+def main():
+ options, args = getOptions()
+ if args:
+ ignore_dtstamp = options.ignore
+ ics_file1, ics_file2 = args
+ cal1 = base.readOne(file(ics_file1))
+ cal2 = base.readOne(file(ics_file2))
+ deleteExtraneous(cal1, ignore_dtstamp=ignore_dtstamp)
+ deleteExtraneous(cal2, ignore_dtstamp=ignore_dtstamp)
+ prettyDiff(cal1, cal2)
+version = "0.1"
+def getOptions():
+ ##### Configuration options #####
+ usage = "usage: %prog [options] ics_file1 ics_file2"
+ parser = OptionParser(usage=usage, version=version)
+ parser.set_description("ics_diff will print a comparison of two iCalendar files ")
+ parser.add_option("-i", "--ignore-dtstamp", dest="ignore", action="store_true",
+ default=False, help="ignore DTSTAMP lines [default: False]")
+ (cmdline_options, args) = parser.parse_args()
+ if len(args) < 2:
+ print "error: too few arguments given"
+ print
+ print parser.format_help()
+ return False, False
+ return cmdline_options, args
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+ try:
+ main()
+ except KeyboardInterrupt:
+ print "Aborted"