#!/usr/bin/env python """VObject: module for reading vCard and vCalendar files Parses iCalendar and vCard files into Python data structures, decoding the relevant encodings. Also serializes vobject data structures to valid iCalendar or vCard unicode strings. Requires dateutil (https://moin.conectiva.com.br/DateUtil) 0.9 or later. """ # not using setuptools until Chandler's ready for eggs from ez_setup import use_setuptools use_setuptools() from setuptools import setup, find_packages #from distutils.core import setup # Metadata PACKAGE_NAME = "vobject" PACKAGE_VERSION = "0.4.3" ALL_EXTS = ['*.py', '*.ics', '*.txt'] packages = ['vobject'] doclines = __doc__.splitlines() setup(name = "vobject", version = PACKAGE_VERSION, author = "Jeffrey Harris", author_email = "jeffrey@osafoundation.org", license = "Apache", zip_safe = True, url = "http://vobject.skyhouseconsulting.com", package_dir = {'':'src'}, package_data = {'': ALL_EXTS}, install_requires = ['python-dateutil >= 1.1'], platforms = ["any"], packages = ["vobject"], description = doclines[0], long_description = "\n".join(doclines[2:]), classifiers = """ Development Status :: 3 - Alpha Environment :: Console License :: OSI Approved :: BSD License Intended Audience :: Developers Natural Language :: English Programming Language :: Python Operating System :: OS Independent Topic :: Text Processing""".strip().splitlines() )