"""Behavior (validation, encoding, and transformations) for vobjects.""" import base #------------------------ Abstract class for behavior -------------------------- class Behavior(object): """Abstract class to describe vobject options, requirements and encodings. Behaviors are used for root components like VCALENDAR, for subcomponents like VEVENT, and for individual lines in components. Behavior subclasses are not meant to be instantiated, all methods should be classmethods. @cvar name: The uppercase name of the object described by the class, or a generic name if the class defines behavior for many objects. @cvar description: A brief excerpt from the RFC explaining the function of the component or line. @cvar versionString: The string associated with the component, for instance, 2.0 if there's a line like VERSION:2.0, an empty string otherwise. @cvar knownChildren: A dictionary with uppercased component/property names as keys and a tuple (min, max, id) as value, where id is the id used by L{registerBehavior}, min and max are the limits on how many of this child must occur. None is used to denote no max or no id. @cvar quotedPrintable: A boolean describing whether the object should be encoded and decoded using quoted printable line folding and character escaping. @cvar defaultBehavior: Behavior to apply to ContentLine children when no behavior is found. @cvar hasNative: A boolean describing whether the object can be transformed into a more Pythonic object. @cvar isComponent: A boolean, True if the object should be a Component. @cvar sortFirst: The lower-case list of children which should come first when sorting. @cvar allowGroup: Whether or not vCard style group prefixes are allowed. """ name='' description='' versionString='' knownChildren = {} quotedPrintable = False defaultBehavior = None hasNative= False isComponent = False allowGroup = False forceUTC = False sortFirst = [] def __init__(self): err="Behavior subclasses are not meant to be instantiated" raise base.VObjectError(err) @classmethod def validate(cls, obj, raiseException=False, complainUnrecognized=False): """Check if the object satisfies this behavior's requirements. @param obj: The L{ContentLine} or L{Component} to be validated. @param raiseException: If True, raise a L{base.ValidateError} on validation failure. Otherwise return a boolean. @param complainUnrecognized: If True, fail to validate if an uncrecognized parameter or child is found. Otherwise log the lack of recognition. """ if not cls.allowGroup and obj.group is not None: err = str(obj) + " has a group, but this object doesn't support groups" raise base.VObjectError(err) if isinstance(obj, base.ContentLine): return cls.lineValidate(obj, raiseException, complainUnrecognized) elif isinstance(obj, base.Component): count = {} for child in obj.getChildren(): if not child.validate(raiseException, complainUnrecognized): return False name=child.name.upper() count[name] = count.get(name, 0) + 1 for key, val in cls.knownChildren.iteritems(): if count.get(key,0) < val[0]: if raiseException: m = "%s components must contain at least %i %s" raise base.ValidateError(m % (cls.name, val[0], key)) return False if val[1] and count.get(key,0) > val[1]: if raiseException: m = "%s components cannot contain more than %i %s" raise base.ValidateError(m % (cls.name, val[1], key)) return False return True else: err = str(obj) + " is not a Component or Contentline" raise base.VObjectError(err) @classmethod def lineValidate(cls, line, raiseException, complainUnrecognized): """Examine a line's parameters and values, return True if valid.""" return True @classmethod def decode(cls, line): if line.encoded: line.encoded=0 @classmethod def encode(cls, line): if not line.encoded: line.encoded=1 @classmethod def transformToNative(cls, obj): """Turn a ContentLine or Component into a Python-native representation. If appropriate, turn dates or datetime strings into Python objects. Components containing VTIMEZONEs turn into VtimezoneComponents. """ return obj @classmethod def transformFromNative(cls, obj): """Inverse of transformToNative.""" raise base.NativeError("No transformFromNative defined") @classmethod def generateImplicitParameters(cls, obj): """Generate any required information that don't yet exist.""" pass @classmethod def serialize(cls, obj, buf, lineLength, validate=True): """Set implicit parameters, do encoding, return unicode string. If validate is True, raise VObjectError if the line doesn't validate after implicit parameters are generated. Default is to call base.defaultSerialize. """ cls.generateImplicitParameters(obj) if validate: cls.validate(obj, raiseException=True) if obj.isNative: transformed = obj.transformFromNative() undoTransform = True else: transformed = obj undoTransform = False out = base.defaultSerialize(transformed, buf, lineLength) if undoTransform: obj.transformToNative() return out @classmethod def valueRepr( cls, line ): """return the representation of the given content line value""" return line.value