path: root/src/readlef.c
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/readlef.c')
1 files changed, 3436 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/readlef.c b/src/readlef.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..21a8b1d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/readlef.c
@@ -0,0 +1,3436 @@
+ * lef.c --
+ *
+ * This module incorporates the LEF/DEF format for standard-cell routing
+ * route.
+ *
+ * Version 0.1 (September 26, 2003): LEF input handling. Includes creation
+ * of cells from macro statements, handling of pins, ports, obstructions, and
+ * associated geometry.
+ *
+ * Written by Tim Edwards, Open Circuit Design
+ * Modified June 2011 for use with qrouter.
+ * Modified November 2018 for use with qflow.
+ */
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <ctype.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include <errno.h>
+#include <stdarg.h>
+#include <sys/time.h>
+#include <math.h>
+#include "hash.h"
+#include "readlef.h"
+/* Global variables */
+GATE GateInfo = NULL; // standard cell macro information
+u_char Verbose = 0;
+char delimiter; // opening bus delimiter;
+struct hashtable MacroTable;
+/* Current line number for reading */
+int lefCurrentLine = 0;
+/* Information about routing layers */
+LefList LefInfo = NULL;
+/* Information about what vias to use */
+LinkedStringPtr AllowedVias = NULL;
+/* Gate information is in the linked list GateInfo, imported */
+ *---------------------------------------------------------
+ * Initialize hash table of cells
+ *---------------------------------------------------------
+ */
+static void
+ /* Initialize the macro hash table */
+ InitializeHashTable(&MacroTable, SMALLHASHSIZE);
+ *---------------------------------------------------------
+ * Add macro to Lef cell macro hash table
+ *---------------------------------------------------------
+ */
+static void
+LefHashMacro(GATE gateginfo)
+ HashPtrInstall(gateginfo->gatename, gateginfo, &MacroTable);
+ * Lookup --
+ * Searches a table of strings to find one that matches a given
+ * string. It's useful mostly for command lookup.
+ *
+ * Only the portion of a string in the table up to the first
+ * blank character is considered significant for matching.
+ *
+ * Results:
+ * If str is the same as
+ * or an unambiguous abbreviation for one of the entries
+ * in table, then the index of the matching entry is returned.
+ * If str is not the same as any entry in the table, but
+ * an abbreviation for more than one entry,
+ * then -1 is returned. If str doesn't match any entry, then
+ * -2 is returned. Case differences are ignored.
+ *
+ * NOTE:
+ * Table entries need no longer be in alphabetical order
+ * and they need not be lower case. The irouter command parsing
+ * depends on these features.
+ *
+ * Side Effects:
+ * None.
+ *---------------------------------------------------------
+ */
+Lookup(str, table)
+ char *str; /* Pointer to a string to be looked up */
+ char *(table[]); /* Pointer to an array of string pointers
+ * which are the valid commands.
+ * The end of
+ * the table is indicated by a NULL string.
+ */
+ int match = -2; /* result, initialized to -2 = no match */
+ int pos;
+ int ststart = 0;
+ /* search for match */
+ for (pos=0; table[pos] != NULL; pos++)
+ {
+ char *tabc = table[pos];
+ char *strc = &(str[ststart]);
+ while (*strc!='\0' && *tabc!=' ' &&
+ ((*tabc==*strc) ||
+ (isupper(*tabc) && islower(*strc) && (tolower(*tabc)== *strc))||
+ (islower(*tabc) && isupper(*strc) && (toupper(*tabc)== *strc)) ))
+ {
+ strc++;
+ tabc++;
+ }
+ if (*strc=='\0')
+ {
+ /* entry matches */
+ if(*tabc==' ' || *tabc=='\0')
+ {
+ /* exact match - record it and terminate search */
+ match = pos;
+ break;
+ }
+ else if (match == -2)
+ {
+ /* inexact match and no previous match - record this one
+ * and continue search */
+ match = pos;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ /* previous match, so string is ambiguous unless exact
+ * match exists. Mark ambiguous for now, and continue
+ * search.
+ */
+ match = -1;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return(match);
+ * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * LookupFull --
+ *
+ * Look up a string in a table of pointers to strings. The last
+ * entry in the string table must be a NULL pointer.
+ * This is much simpler than Lookup() in that it does not
+ * allow abbreviations. It does, however, ignore case.
+ *
+ * Results:
+ * Index of the name supplied in the table, or -1 if the name
+ * is not found.
+ *
+ * Side effects:
+ * None.
+ *
+ * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ */
+LookupFull(name, table)
+ char *name;
+ char **table;
+ char **tp;
+ for (tp = table; *tp; tp++)
+ {
+ if (strcmp(name, *tp) == 0)
+ return (tp - table);
+ else
+ {
+ char *sptr, *tptr;
+ for (sptr = name, tptr = *tp; ((*sptr != '\0') && (*tptr != '\0'));
+ sptr++, tptr++)
+ if (toupper(*sptr) != toupper(*tptr))
+ break;
+ if ((*sptr == '\0') && (*tptr == '\0'))
+ return (tp - table);
+ }
+ }
+ return (-1);
+ *------------------------------------------------------------
+ *
+ * LefNextToken --
+ *
+ * Move to the next token in the stream input.
+ * If "ignore_eol" is FALSE, then the end-of-line character
+ * "\n" will be returned as a token when encountered.
+ * Otherwise, end-of-line will be ignored.
+ *
+ * Results:
+ * Pointer to next token to parse
+ *
+ * Side Effects:
+ * May read a new line from the specified file.
+ *
+ * Warnings:
+ * The return result of LefNextToken will be overwritten by
+ * subsequent calls to LefNextToken if more than one line of
+ * input is parsed.
+ *
+ *------------------------------------------------------------
+ */
+char *
+LefNextToken(FILE *f, u_char ignore_eol)
+ static char line[LEF_LINE_MAX + 2]; /* input buffer */
+ static char *nexttoken = NULL; /* pointer to next token */
+ static char *curtoken; /* pointer to current token */
+ static char eol_token='\n';
+ /* Read a new line if necessary */
+ if (nexttoken == NULL)
+ {
+ for(;;)
+ {
+ if (fgets(line, LEF_LINE_MAX + 1, f) == NULL) return NULL;
+ lefCurrentLine++;
+ curtoken = line;
+ while (isspace(*curtoken) && (*curtoken != '\n') && (*curtoken != '\0'))
+ curtoken++; /* skip leading whitespace */
+ if ((*curtoken != '#') && (*curtoken != '\n') && (*curtoken != '\0'))
+ {
+ nexttoken = curtoken;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if (!ignore_eol)
+ return &eol_token;
+ }
+ else
+ curtoken = nexttoken;
+ /* Find the next token; set to NULL if none (end-of-line). */
+ /* Treat quoted material as a single token */
+ if (*nexttoken == '\"') {
+ nexttoken++;
+ while (((*nexttoken != '\"') || (*(nexttoken - 1) == '\\')) &&
+ (*nexttoken != '\0')) {
+ if (*nexttoken == '\n') {
+ if (fgets(nexttoken + 1, LEF_LINE_MAX -
+ (size_t)(nexttoken - line), f) == NULL)
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ nexttoken++; /* skip all in quotes (move past current token) */
+ }
+ if (*nexttoken == '\"')
+ nexttoken++;
+ }
+ else {
+ while (!isspace(*nexttoken) && (*nexttoken != '\0') && (*nexttoken != '\n'))
+ nexttoken++; /* skip non-whitespace (move past current token) */
+ }
+ /* Terminate the current token */
+ if (*nexttoken != '\0') *nexttoken++ = '\0';
+ while (isspace(*nexttoken) && (*nexttoken != '\0') && (*nexttoken != '\n'))
+ nexttoken++; /* skip any whitespace */
+ if ((*nexttoken == '#') || (*nexttoken == '\n') || (*nexttoken == '\0'))
+ nexttoken = NULL;
+ return curtoken;
+ *------------------------------------------------------------
+ *
+ * LefError --
+ *
+ * Print an error message (via fprintf) giving the line
+ * number of the input file on which the error occurred.
+ *
+ * "type" should be either LEF_ERROR or LEF_WARNING (or DEF_*).
+ *
+ * Results:
+ * None.
+ *
+ * Side Effects:
+ * Prints to the output (stderr).
+ *
+ *------------------------------------------------------------
+ */
+LefError(int type, char *fmt, ...)
+ static int fatal = 0;
+ static int nonfatal = 0;
+ char lefordef = 'L';
+ int errors;
+ va_list args;
+ if (Verbose == 0) return;
+ if ((type == DEF_WARNING) || (type == DEF_ERROR)) lefordef = 'D';
+ errors = fatal + nonfatal;
+ if (fmt == NULL) /* Special case: report any errors and reset */
+ {
+ if (errors > 0)
+ {
+ fprintf(stdout, "%cEF Read: encountered %d error%s and %d warning%s total.\n",
+ lefordef,
+ fatal, (fatal == 1) ? "" : "s",
+ nonfatal, (nonfatal == 1) ? "" : "s");
+ fatal = 0;
+ nonfatal = 0;
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ if (errors < LEF_MAX_ERRORS)
+ {
+ fprintf(stderr, "%cEF Read, Line %d: ", lefordef, lefCurrentLine);
+ va_start(args, fmt);
+ vfprintf(stderr, fmt, args);
+ va_end(args);
+ fflush(stderr);
+ }
+ else if (errors == LEF_MAX_ERRORS)
+ fprintf(stderr, "%cEF Read: Further errors/warnings will not be reported.\n",
+ lefordef);
+ if ((type == LEF_ERROR) || (type == DEF_ERROR))
+ fatal++;
+ else if ((type == LEF_WARNING) || (type == DEF_WARNING))
+ nonfatal++;
+ *------------------------------------------------------------
+ *
+ * LefParseEndStatement --
+ *
+ * Check if the string passed in "lineptr" contains the
+ * appropriate matching keyword. Sections in LEF files
+ * should end with "END (keyword)" or "END". To check
+ * against the latter case, "match" should be NULL.
+ *
+ * Results:
+ * TRUE if the line matches the expected end statement,
+ * FALSE if not.
+ *
+ * Side effects:
+ * None.
+ *
+ *------------------------------------------------------------
+ */
+LefParseEndStatement(FILE *f, char *match)
+ char *token;
+ int keyword;
+ char *match_name[2];
+ match_name[0] = match;
+ match_name[1] = NULL;
+ token = LefNextToken(f, (match == NULL) ? FALSE : TRUE);
+ if (token == NULL)
+ {
+ LefError(LEF_ERROR, "Bad file read while looking for END statement\n");
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ /* END or ENDEXT */
+ if ((*token == '\n') && (match == NULL)) return TRUE;
+ /* END <section_name> */
+ else {
+ keyword = LookupFull(token, match_name);
+ if (keyword == 0)
+ return TRUE;
+ else
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ *------------------------------------------------------------
+ *
+ * LefSkipSection --
+ *
+ * Skip to the "END" record of a LEF input section
+ * String "section" must follow the "END" statement in
+ * the file to be considered a match; however, if
+ * section = NULL, then "END" must have no strings
+ * following.
+ *
+ * Results:
+ * None.
+ *
+ * Side Effects:
+ * Reads input from the specified file. Prints an
+ * error message if the expected END record cannot
+ * be found.
+ *
+ *------------------------------------------------------------
+ */
+LefSkipSection(FILE *f, char *section)
+ char *token;
+ int keyword;
+ static char *end_section[] = {
+ "END",
+ };
+ while ((token = LefNextToken(f, TRUE)) != NULL)
+ {
+ if ((keyword = Lookup(token, end_section)) == 0)
+ {
+ if (LefParseEndStatement(f, section))
+ return;
+ }
+ else if (keyword == 1)
+ {
+ if (!strcmp(section, "BEGINEXT"))
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ LefError(LEF_ERROR, "Section %s has no END record!\n", section);
+ return;
+ *------------------------------------------------------------
+ *
+ * lefFindCell --
+ *
+ * "name" is the name of the cell to search for.
+ * Returns the GATE entry for the cell from the GateInfo
+ * hash table.
+ *
+ *------------------------------------------------------------
+ */
+lefFindCell(char *name)
+ GATE gateginfo;
+ gateginfo = (GATE)HashLookup(name, &MacroTable);
+ return gateginfo;
+ *------------------------------------------------------------
+ *
+ * LefLower --
+ *
+ * Convert a token in a LEF or DEF file to all-lowercase.
+ *
+ *------------------------------------------------------------
+ */
+char *
+LefLower(char *token)
+ char *tptr;
+ for (tptr = token; *tptr != '\0'; tptr++)
+ *tptr = tolower(*tptr);
+ return token;
+LefRedefined(LefList lefl, char *redefname)
+ LefList slef, newlefl;
+ char *altName;
+ int records;
+ DSEG drect;
+ /* check if more than one entry points to the same */
+ /* lefLayer record. If so, we will also record the */
+ /* name of the first type that is not the same as */
+ /* "redefname". */
+ records = 0;
+ altName = NULL;
+ for (slef = LefInfo; slef; slef = slef->next) {
+ if (slef == lefl)
+ records++;
+ if (altName == NULL)
+ if (strcmp(slef->lefName, redefname))
+ altName = (char *)slef->lefName;
+ }
+ if (records == 1)
+ {
+ /* Only one name associated with the record, so */
+ /* just clear all the allocated information. */
+ while (lefl-> {
+ drect = lefl->>next;
+ free(lefl->;
+ lefl-> = drect;
+ }
+ newlefl = lefl;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ slef = LefFindLayer(redefname);
+ newlefl = (LefList)malloc(sizeof(lefLayer));
+ newlefl->lefName = strdup(newlefl->lefName);
+ newlefl->next = LefInfo;
+ LefInfo = newlefl;
+ /* If the canonical name of the original entry */
+ /* is "redefname", then change it. */
+ if (!strcmp(slef->lefName, redefname))
+ if (altName != NULL)
+ slef->lefName = altName;
+ }
+ newlefl->type = -1;
+ newlefl->obsType = -1;
+ newlefl->info.via.area.x1 = 0.0;
+ newlefl->info.via.area.x2 = 0.0;
+ newlefl->info.via.area.y1 = 0.0;
+ newlefl->info.via.area.y2 = 0.0;
+ newlefl->info.via.area.layer = -1;
+ newlefl->info.via.cell = (GATE)NULL;
+ newlefl-> = (DSEG)NULL;
+ return newlefl;
+ *------------------------------------------------------------
+ * Find a layer record in the list of layers
+ *------------------------------------------------------------
+ */
+LefFindLayer(char *token)
+ LefList lefl, rlefl;
+ if (token == NULL) return NULL;
+ rlefl = (LefList)NULL;
+ for (lefl = LefInfo; lefl; lefl = lefl->next) {
+ if (!strcmp(lefl->lefName, token)) {
+ rlefl = lefl;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ return rlefl;
+ *------------------------------------------------------------
+ * Find a layer record in the list of layers, by layer number
+ *------------------------------------------------------------
+ */
+LefFindLayerByNum(int layer)
+ LefList lefl, rlefl;
+ rlefl = (LefList)NULL;
+ for (lefl = LefInfo; lefl; lefl = lefl->next) {
+ if (lefl->type == layer) {
+ rlefl = lefl;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ return rlefl;
+ *------------------------------------------------------------
+ * Find a layer record in the list of layers, and return the
+ * layer number.
+ *------------------------------------------------------------
+ */
+LefFindLayerNum(char *token)
+ LefList lefl;
+ lefl = LefFindLayer(token);
+ if (lefl)
+ return lefl->type;
+ else
+ return -1;
+ *---------------------------------------------------------------
+ * Find the maximum layer number defined by the LEF file
+ * This includes layer numbers assigned to both routes and
+ * via cut layers.
+ *---------------------------------------------------------------
+ */
+ int maxlayer = -1;
+ LefList lefl;
+ for (lefl = LefInfo; lefl; lefl = lefl->next) {
+ if (lefl->type > maxlayer)
+ maxlayer = lefl->type;
+ }
+ return (maxlayer + 1);
+ *---------------------------------------------------------------
+ * Find the maximum routing layer number defined by the LEF file
+ * Note that as defined, this returns value (layer_index + 1).
+ *---------------------------------------------------------------
+ */
+ int maxlayer = -1;
+ LefList lefl;
+ for (lefl = LefInfo; lefl; lefl = lefl->next) {
+ if (lefl->lefClass != CLASS_ROUTE) continue;
+ if (lefl->type > maxlayer)
+ maxlayer = lefl->type;
+ }
+ return (maxlayer + 1);
+ *------------------------------------------------------------
+ * Return the route keepout area, defined as the route space
+ * plus 1/2 the route width. This is the distance outward
+ * from an obstruction edge within which one cannot place a
+ * route.
+ *
+ * If no route layer is defined, then we pick up the value
+ * from information in the route.cfg file (if any). Here
+ * we define it as the route pitch less 1/2 the route width,
+ * which is the same as above if the route pitch has been
+ * chosen for minimum spacing.
+ *
+ * If all else fails, return zero.
+ *------------------------------------------------------------
+ */
+LefGetRouteKeepout(int layer)
+ LefList lefl;
+ lefl = LefFindLayerByNum(layer);
+ if (lefl) {
+ if (lefl->lefClass == CLASS_ROUTE) {
+ return lefl->info.route.width / 2.0
+ + lefl->info.route.spacing->spacing;
+ }
+ }
+ return 0.0;
+ *------------------------------------------------------------
+ * Similar routine to the above. Return the route width for
+ * a route layer. Return value in microns. If there is no
+ * LEF file information about the route width, then return
+ * half of the minimum route pitch.
+ *------------------------------------------------------------
+ */
+LefGetRouteWidth(int layer)
+ LefList lefl;
+ lefl = LefFindLayerByNum(layer);
+ if (lefl) {
+ if (lefl->lefClass == CLASS_ROUTE) {
+ return lefl->info.route.width;
+ }
+ }
+ return 0.0;
+ *------------------------------------------------------------
+ * Similar to the above, return the width of a via. Arguments
+ * are the via record, the layer to check the width of, and
+ * direction "dir" = 1 for height and 0 for width.
+ *------------------------------------------------------------
+ */
+LefGetViaWidth(LefList lefl, int layer, int dir)
+ double width, maxwidth;
+ DSEG lrect;
+ maxwidth = 0.0;
+ if (lefl->lefClass == CLASS_VIA) {
+ if (lefl->info.via.area.layer == layer) {
+ if (dir)
+ width = lefl->info.via.area.y2 - lefl->info.via.area.y1;
+ else
+ width = lefl->info.via.area.x2 - lefl->info.via.area.x1;
+ if (width > maxwidth) maxwidth = width;
+ }
+ for (lrect = lefl->; lrect; lrect = lrect->next) {
+ if (lrect->layer == layer) {
+ if (dir)
+ width = lrect->y2 - lrect->y1;
+ else
+ width = lrect->x2 - lrect->x1;
+ if (width > maxwidth) maxwidth = width;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return maxwidth / 2;
+ *------------------------------------------------------------
+ * Similar routine to the above. Return the route offset for
+ * a route layer. Return value in microns. If there is no
+ * LEF file information about the route offset, then return
+ * half of the minimum route pitch.
+ *------------------------------------------------------------
+ */
+LefGetRouteOffset(int layer)
+ LefList lefl;
+ u_char o;
+ lefl = LefFindLayerByNum(layer);
+ if (lefl) {
+ if (lefl->lefClass == CLASS_ROUTE) {
+ o = lefl->info.route.hdirection;
+ if (o == TRUE)
+ return lefl->info.route.offsety;
+ else
+ return lefl->info.route.offsetx;
+ }
+ }
+ return 0.0;
+LefGetRouteOffsetX(int layer)
+ LefList lefl;
+ u_char o;
+ lefl = LefFindLayerByNum(layer);
+ if (lefl) {
+ if (lefl->lefClass == CLASS_ROUTE) {
+ return lefl->info.route.offsetx;
+ }
+ }
+ return 0.0;
+LefGetRouteOffsetY(int layer)
+ LefList lefl;
+ u_char o;
+ lefl = LefFindLayerByNum(layer);
+ if (lefl) {
+ if (lefl->lefClass == CLASS_ROUTE) {
+ return lefl->info.route.offsety;
+ }
+ }
+ return 0.0;
+ *------------------------------------------------------------
+ * Find and return the minimum metal area requirement for a
+ * route layer.
+ *------------------------------------------------------------
+ */
+LefGetRouteMinArea(int layer)
+ LefList lefl;
+ lefl = LefFindLayerByNum(layer);
+ if (lefl) {
+ if (lefl->lefClass == CLASS_ROUTE) {
+ return lefl->info.route.minarea;
+ }
+ }
+ return 0.0; /* Assume no minimum area requirement */
+ *------------------------------------------------------------
+ * Get route spacing rule (minimum width)
+ *------------------------------------------------------------
+ */
+LefGetRouteSpacing(int layer)
+ LefList lefl;
+ lefl = LefFindLayerByNum(layer);
+ if (lefl) {
+ if (lefl->lefClass == CLASS_ROUTE) {
+ if (lefl->info.route.spacing)
+ return lefl->info.route.spacing->spacing;
+ else
+ return 0.0;
+ }
+ }
+ return 0.0;
+ *------------------------------------------------------------
+ * Find route spacing to a metal layer of specific width
+ *------------------------------------------------------------
+ */
+LefGetRouteWideSpacing(int layer, double width)
+ LefList lefl;
+ lefSpacingRule *srule;
+ double spacing;
+ lefl = LefFindLayerByNum(layer);
+ if (lefl) {
+ if (lefl->lefClass == CLASS_ROUTE) {
+ // Prepare a default in case of bad values
+ spacing = lefl->info.route.spacing->spacing;
+ for (srule = lefl->info.route.spacing; srule; srule = srule->next) {
+ if (srule->width > width) break;
+ spacing = srule->spacing;
+ }
+ return spacing;
+ }
+ }
+ return 0.0;
+ *-----------------------------------------------------------------
+ * Get the route pitch in the preferred direction for a given layer
+ *-----------------------------------------------------------------
+ */
+LefGetRoutePitch(int layer)
+ LefList lefl;
+ u_char o;
+ lefl = LefFindLayerByNum(layer);
+ if (lefl) {
+ if (lefl->lefClass == CLASS_ROUTE) {
+ o = lefl->info.route.hdirection;
+ if (o == TRUE)
+ return lefl->info.route.pitchy;
+ else
+ return lefl->info.route.pitchx;
+ }
+ }
+ return 0.0;
+ *------------------------------------------------------------
+ * Get the route pitch in X for a given layer
+ *------------------------------------------------------------
+ */
+LefGetRoutePitchX(int layer)
+ LefList lefl;
+ lefl = LefFindLayerByNum(layer);
+ if (lefl) {
+ if (lefl->lefClass == CLASS_ROUTE) {
+ return lefl->info.route.pitchx;
+ }
+ }
+ return 0.0;
+ *------------------------------------------------------------
+ * Get the route pitch in Y for a given layer
+ *------------------------------------------------------------
+ */
+LefGetRoutePitchY(int layer)
+ LefList lefl;
+ lefl = LefFindLayerByNum(layer);
+ if (lefl) {
+ if (lefl->lefClass == CLASS_ROUTE) {
+ return lefl->info.route.pitchy;
+ }
+ }
+ return 0.0;
+ *------------------------------------------------------------
+ * Set the route pitch in X for a given layer
+ *------------------------------------------------------------
+ */
+LefSetRoutePitchX(int layer, double value)
+ LefList lefl;
+ lefl = LefFindLayerByNum(layer);
+ if (lefl) {
+ if (lefl->lefClass == CLASS_ROUTE) {
+ lefl->info.route.pitchx = value;
+ }
+ }
+ *------------------------------------------------------------
+ * Set the route pitch in Y for a given layer
+ *------------------------------------------------------------
+ */
+LefSetRoutePitchY(int layer, double value)
+ LefList lefl;
+ lefl = LefFindLayerByNum(layer);
+ if (lefl) {
+ if (lefl->lefClass == CLASS_ROUTE) {
+ lefl->info.route.pitchy = value;
+ }
+ }
+ *------------------------------------------------------------
+ * Get the route name for a given layer
+ *------------------------------------------------------------
+ */
+char *
+LefGetRouteName(int layer)
+ LefList lefl;
+ lefl = LefFindLayerByNum(layer);
+ if (lefl) {
+ if (lefl->lefClass == CLASS_ROUTE) {
+ return lefl->lefName;
+ }
+ }
+ return NULL;
+ *------------------------------------------------------------
+ * Get the route orientation for the given layer,
+ * where the result is 1 for horizontal, 0 for vertical, and
+ * -1 if the layer is not found.
+ *------------------------------------------------------------
+ */
+LefGetRouteOrientation(int layer)
+ LefList lefl;
+ lefl = LefFindLayerByNum(layer);
+ if (lefl) {
+ if (lefl->lefClass == CLASS_ROUTE) {
+ return (int)lefl->info.route.hdirection;
+ }
+ }
+ return -1;
+ *------------------------------------------------------------
+ * Get the route resistance and capacitance information.
+ * Fill in the pointer values with the relevant information.
+ * Return 0 on success, -1 if the layer is not found.
+ *------------------------------------------------------------
+ */
+LefGetRouteRCvalues(int layer, double *areacap, double *edgecap,
+ double *respersq)
+ LefList lefl;
+ lefl = LefFindLayerByNum(layer);
+ if (lefl) {
+ if (lefl->lefClass == CLASS_ROUTE) {
+ *areacap = (double)lefl->info.route.areacap;
+ *edgecap = (double)lefl->info.route.edgecap;
+ *respersq = (double)lefl->info.route.respersq;
+ return 0;
+ }
+ }
+ return -1;
+ *------------------------------------------------------------
+ * Get the antenna violation area ratio for the given layer.
+ *------------------------------------------------------------
+ */
+LefGetRouteAreaRatio(int layer)
+ LefList lefl;
+ lefl = LefFindLayerByNum(layer);
+ if (lefl) {
+ if (lefl->lefClass == CLASS_ROUTE) {
+ return lefl->info.route.antenna;
+ }
+ }
+ return 0.0;
+ *------------------------------------------------------------
+ * Get the antenna violation area calculation method for the
+ * given layer.
+ *------------------------------------------------------------
+ */
+LefGetRouteAntennaMethod(int layer)
+ LefList lefl;
+ lefl = LefFindLayerByNum(layer);
+ if (lefl) {
+ if (lefl->lefClass == CLASS_ROUTE) {
+ return lefl->info.route.method;
+ }
+ }
+ return CALC_NONE;
+ *------------------------------------------------------------
+ * Get the route metal layer thickness (if any is defined)
+ *------------------------------------------------------------
+ */
+LefGetRouteThickness(int layer)
+ LefList lefl;
+ lefl = LefFindLayerByNum(layer);
+ if (lefl) {
+ if (lefl->lefClass == CLASS_ROUTE) {
+ return lefl->info.route.thick;
+ }
+ }
+ return 0.0;
+ *------------------------------------------------------------
+ * LefReadLayers --
+ *
+ * Read a LEF "LAYER" record from the file.
+ * If "obstruct" is TRUE, returns the layer mapping
+ * for obstruction geometry as defined in the
+ * technology file (if it exists), and up to two
+ * types are returned (the second in the 3rd argument
+ * pointer).
+ *
+ * Results:
+ * Returns layer number or -1 if no matching type is found.
+ *
+ * Side Effects:
+ * Reads input from file f;
+ *
+ *------------------------------------------------------------
+ */
+LefReadLayers(f, obstruct, lreturn)
+ FILE *f;
+ u_char obstruct;
+ int *lreturn;
+ char *token;
+ int curlayer = -1;
+ LefList lefl = NULL;
+ token = LefNextToken(f, TRUE);
+ if (*token == ';')
+ {
+ LefError(LEF_ERROR, "Bad Layer statement\n");
+ return -1;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ lefl = LefFindLayer(token);
+ if (lefl)
+ {
+ if (obstruct)
+ {
+ /* Use the obstruction type, if it is defined */
+ curlayer = lefl->obsType;
+ if ((curlayer < 0) && (lefl->lefClass != CLASS_IGNORE))
+ curlayer = lefl->type;
+ else if (lefl->lefClass == CLASS_VIA || lefl->lefClass == CLASS_CUT)
+ if (lreturn) *lreturn = lefl->info.via.obsType;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if (lefl->lefClass != CLASS_IGNORE)
+ curlayer = lefl->type;
+ }
+ }
+ if ((curlayer < 0) && ((!lefl) || (lefl->lefClass != CLASS_IGNORE)))
+ {
+ /* CLASS_VIA in lefl record is a cut, and the layer */
+ /* geometry is ignored for the purpose of routing. */
+ if (lefl && (lefl->lefClass == CLASS_CUT)) {
+ int cuttype;
+ /* By the time a cut layer is being requested, */
+ /* presumably from a VIA definition, the route */
+ /* layers should all be defined, so start */
+ /* assigning layers to cuts. */
+ /* If a cut layer is found with an unassigned number, */
+ /* then assign it here. */
+ cuttype = LefGetMaxLayer();
+ if (cuttype < MAX_TYPES) {
+ lefl->type = cuttype;
+ curlayer = cuttype;
+ }
+ else
+ LefError(LEF_WARNING, "Too many cut types; type \"%s\" ignored.\n",
+ token);
+ }
+ else if ((!lefl) || (lefl->lefClass != CLASS_VIA))
+ LefError(LEF_ERROR, "Don't know how to parse layer \"%s\"\n", token);
+ }
+ }
+ return curlayer;
+ *------------------------------------------------------------
+ * LefReadLayer --
+ *
+ * Read a LEF "LAYER" record from the file.
+ * If "obstruct" is TRUE, returns the layer mapping
+ * for obstruction geometry as defined in the
+ * technology file (if it exists).
+ *
+ * Results:
+ * Returns a layer number or -1 if no match is found.
+ *
+ * Side Effects:
+ * Reads input from file f;
+ *
+ *------------------------------------------------------------
+ */
+LefReadLayer(FILE *f, u_char obstruct)
+ return LefReadLayers(f, obstruct, (int *)NULL);
+ *------------------------------------------------------------
+ * LefReadRect --
+ *
+ * Read a LEF "RECT" record from the file, and
+ * return a Rect in micron coordinates.
+ *
+ * Results:
+ * Returns a pointer to a Rect containing the micron
+ * coordinates, or NULL if an error occurred.
+ *
+ * Side Effects:
+ * Reads input from file f;
+ *
+ * Note:
+ * LEF/DEF does NOT define a RECT record as having (...)
+ * pairs, only routes. However, at least one DEF file
+ * contains this syntax, so it is checked.
+ *
+ *------------------------------------------------------------
+ */
+LefReadRect(FILE *f, int curlayer, float oscale)
+ char *token;
+ float llx, lly, urx, ury;
+ static struct dseg_ paintrect;
+ u_char needMatch = FALSE;
+ token = LefNextToken(f, TRUE);
+ if (*token == '(')
+ {
+ token = LefNextToken(f, TRUE);
+ needMatch = TRUE;
+ }
+ if (!token || sscanf(token, "%f", &llx) != 1) goto parse_error;
+ token = LefNextToken(f, TRUE);
+ if (!token || sscanf(token, "%f", &lly) != 1) goto parse_error;
+ token = LefNextToken(f, TRUE);
+ if (needMatch)
+ {
+ if (*token != ')') goto parse_error;
+ else token = LefNextToken(f, TRUE);
+ needMatch = FALSE;
+ }
+ if (*token == '(')
+ {
+ token = LefNextToken(f, TRUE);
+ needMatch = TRUE;
+ }
+ if (!token || sscanf(token, "%f", &urx) != 1) goto parse_error;
+ token = LefNextToken(f, TRUE);
+ if (!token || sscanf(token, "%f", &ury) != 1) goto parse_error;
+ if (needMatch)
+ {
+ token = LefNextToken(f, TRUE);
+ if (*token != ')') goto parse_error;
+ }
+ if (curlayer < 0) {
+ /* Issue warning but keep geometry with negative layer number */
+ LefError(LEF_WARNING, "No layer defined for RECT.\n");
+ }
+ /* Scale coordinates (microns to centimicrons) */
+ paintrect.x1 = llx / oscale;
+ paintrect.y1 = lly / oscale;
+ paintrect.x2 = urx / oscale;
+ paintrect.y2 = ury / oscale;
+ paintrect.layer = curlayer;
+ return (&paintrect);
+ LefError(LEF_ERROR, "Bad port geometry: RECT requires 4 values.\n");
+ return (DSEG)NULL;
+ *------------------------------------------------------------
+ * LefReadEnclosure --
+ *
+ * Read a LEF "ENCLOSURE" record from the file, and
+ * return a Rect in micron coordinates, representing
+ * the bounding box of the stated enclosure dimensions
+ * in both directions, centered on the origin.
+ *
+ * Results:
+ * Returns a pointer to a Rect containing the micron
+ * coordinates, or NULL if an error occurred.
+ *
+ * Side Effects:
+ * Reads input from file f
+ *
+ *------------------------------------------------------------
+ */
+LefReadEnclosure(FILE *f, int curlayer, float oscale)
+ char *token;
+ float x, y, scale;
+ static struct dseg_ paintrect;
+ token = LefNextToken(f, TRUE);
+ if (!token) goto enc_parse_error;
+ if (sscanf(token, "%f", &x) != 1) {
+ if (!strcmp(token, "BELOW") || !strcmp(token, "ABOVE"))
+ /* NOTE: This creates two records but fails to differentiate */
+ /* between the layers, both of which will be -1 if this is a */
+ /* cut layer. Needs to be handled properly. */
+ token = LefNextToken(f, TRUE);
+ else
+ goto enc_parse_error;
+ }
+ token = LefNextToken(f, TRUE);
+ if (!token || sscanf(token, "%f", &y) != 1) goto enc_parse_error;
+ if (curlayer < 0) {
+ /* Issue warning but keep geometry with negative layer number */
+ LefError(LEF_ERROR, "No layer defined for RECT.\n");
+ }
+ /* Scale coordinates (microns to centimicrons) (doubled) */
+ scale = oscale / 2.0;
+ paintrect.x1 = -x / scale;
+ paintrect.y1 = -y / scale;
+ paintrect.x2 = x / scale;
+ paintrect.y2 = y / scale;
+ paintrect.layer = curlayer;
+ return (&paintrect);
+ LefError(LEF_ERROR, "Bad enclosure geometry: ENCLOSURE requires 2 values.\n");
+ return (DSEG)NULL;
+ *------------------------------------------------------------
+ * Support routines for polygon reading
+ *------------------------------------------------------------
+ */
+#define HEDGE 0 /* Horizontal edge */
+#define REDGE 1 /* Rising edge */
+#define FEDGE -1 /* Falling edge */
+ *------------------------------------------------------------
+ * lefLowX ---
+ *
+ * Sort routine to find the lowest X coordinate between
+ * two DPOINT structures passed from qsort()
+ *------------------------------------------------------------
+ */
+lefLowX(DPOINT *a, DPOINT *b)
+ DPOINT p = *a;
+ DPOINT q = *b;
+ if (p->x < q->x)
+ return (-1);
+ if (p->x > q->x)
+ return (1);
+ return (0);
+ *------------------------------------------------------------
+ * lefLowY ---
+ *
+ * Sort routine to find the lowest Y coordinate between
+ * two DPOINT structures passed from qsort()
+ *------------------------------------------------------------
+ */
+lefLowY(DPOINT *a, DPOINT *b)
+ DPOINT p = *a;
+ DPOINT q = *b;
+ if (p->y < q->y)
+ return (-1);
+ if (p->y > q->y)
+ return (1);
+ return (0);
+ *------------------------------------------------------------
+ * lefOrient ---
+ *
+ * Assign a direction to each of the edges in a polygon.
+ *
+ * Note that edges have been sorted, but retain the original
+ * linked list pointers, from which we can determine the
+ * path orientation
+ *
+ *------------------------------------------------------------
+ */
+lefOrient(DPOINT *edges, int nedges, int *dir)
+ int n;
+ DPOINT p, q;
+ for (n = 0; n < nedges; n++)
+ {
+ p = edges[n];
+ q = edges[n]->next;
+ if (p->y == q->y)
+ {
+ dir[n] = HEDGE;
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (p->x == q->x)
+ {
+ if (p->y < q->y)
+ {
+ dir[n] = REDGE;
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (p->y > q->y)
+ {
+ dir[n] = FEDGE;
+ continue;
+ }
+ /* Point connects to itself */
+ dir[n] = HEDGE;
+ continue;
+ }
+ /* It's not Manhattan, folks. */
+ return (FALSE);
+ }
+ return (TRUE);
+ *------------------------------------------------------------
+ * lefCross ---
+ *
+ * See if an edge crosses a particular area.
+ * Return TRUE if edge if vertical and if it crosses the
+ * y-range defined by ybot and ytop. Otherwise return
+ * FALSE.
+ *------------------------------------------------------------
+ */
+lefCross(DPOINT edge, int dir, double ybot, double ytop)
+ double ebot, etop;
+ switch (dir)
+ {
+ case REDGE:
+ ebot = edge->y;
+ etop = edge->next->y;
+ return (ebot <= ybot && etop >= ytop);
+ case FEDGE:
+ ebot = edge->next->y;
+ etop = edge->y;
+ return (ebot <= ybot && etop >= ytop);
+ }
+ return (FALSE);
+ *------------------------------------------------------------
+ * LefPolygonToRects --
+ *
+ * Convert Geometry information from a POLYGON statement
+ * into rectangles. NOTE: For now, this routine
+ * assumes that all points are Manhattan. It will flag
+ * non-Manhattan geometry
+ *
+ * the DSEG pointed to by rectListPtr is updated by
+ * having the list of rectangles appended to it.
+ *
+ *------------------------------------------------------------
+ */
+LefPolygonToRects(DSEG *rectListPtr, DPOINT pointlist)
+ DPOINT ptail, p, *pts, *edges;
+ DSEG rtail, rex, new;
+ int npts = 0;
+ int *dir;
+ int curr, wrapno, n;
+ double xbot, xtop, ybot, ytop;
+ if (pointlist == NULL) return;
+ /* Close the path by duplicating 1st point if necessary */
+ for (ptail = pointlist; ptail->next; ptail = ptail->next);
+ if ((ptail->x != pointlist->x) || (ptail->y != pointlist->y))
+ {
+ p = (DPOINT)malloc(sizeof(struct dpoint_));
+ p->x = pointlist->x;
+ p->y = pointlist->y;
+ p->layer = pointlist->layer;
+ p->next = NULL;
+ ptail->next = p;
+ }
+ // To do: Break out non-manhattan parts here.
+ // See CIFMakeManhattanPath in magic-8.0
+ rex = NULL;
+ for (p = pointlist; p->next; p = p->next, npts++);
+ pts = (DPOINT *)malloc(npts * sizeof(DPOINT));
+ edges = (DPOINT *)malloc(npts * sizeof(DPOINT));
+ dir = (int *)malloc(npts * sizeof(int));
+ npts = 0;
+ for (p = pointlist; p->next; p = p->next, npts++)
+ {
+ // pts and edges are two lists of pointlist entries
+ // that are NOT linked lists and can be shuffled
+ // around by qsort(). The linked list "next" pointers
+ // *must* be retained.
+ pts[npts] = p;
+ edges[npts] = p;
+ }
+ if (npts < 4)
+ {
+ LefError(LEF_ERROR, "Polygon with fewer than 4 points.\n");
+ goto done;
+ }
+ /* Sort points by low y, edges by low x */
+ qsort((char *)pts, npts, (int)sizeof(DPOINT), (__compar_fn_t)lefLowY);
+ qsort((char *)edges, npts, (int)sizeof(DPOINT), (__compar_fn_t)lefLowX);
+ /* Find out which direction each edge points */
+ if (!lefOrient(edges, npts, dir))
+ {
+ LefError(LEF_ERROR, "I can't handle non-manhattan polygons!\n");
+ goto done;
+ }
+ /* Scan the polygon from bottom to top. At each step, process
+ * a minimum-sized y-range of the polygon (i.e., a range such that
+ * there are no vertices inside the range). Use wrap numbers
+ * based on the edge orientations to determine how much of the
+ * x-range for this y-range should contain material.
+ */
+ for (curr = 1; curr < npts; curr++)
+ {
+ /* Find the next minimum-sized y-range. */
+ ybot = pts[curr - 1]->y;
+ while (ybot == pts[curr]->y)
+ if (++curr >= npts) goto done;
+ ytop = pts[curr]->y;
+ /* Process all the edges that cross the y-range, from left
+ * to right.
+ */
+ for (wrapno = 0, n = 0; n < npts; n++)
+ {
+ if (wrapno == 0) xbot = edges[n]->x;
+ if (!lefCross(edges[n], dir[n], ybot, ytop))
+ continue;
+ wrapno += (dir[n] == REDGE) ? 1 : -1;
+ if (wrapno == 0)
+ {
+ xtop = edges[n]->x;
+ if (xbot == xtop) continue;
+ new = (DSEG)malloc(sizeof(struct dseg_));
+ new->x1 = xbot;
+ new->x2 = xtop;
+ new->y1 = ybot;
+ new->y2 = ytop;
+ new->layer = edges[n]->layer;
+ new->next = rex;
+ rex = new;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ free(edges);
+ free(dir);
+ free(pts);
+ if (*rectListPtr == NULL)
+ *rectListPtr = rex;
+ else
+ {
+ for (rtail = *rectListPtr; rtail->next; rtail = rtail->next);
+ rtail->next = rex;
+ }
+ *------------------------------------------------------------
+ * LefReadPolygon --
+ *
+ * Read Geometry information from a POLYGON statement
+ *
+ *------------------------------------------------------------
+ */
+LefReadPolygon(FILE *f, int curlayer, float oscale)
+ DPOINT plist = NULL, newPoint;
+ char *token;
+ double px, py;
+ while (1)
+ {
+ token = LefNextToken(f, TRUE);
+ if (token == NULL || *token == ';') break;
+ if (sscanf(token, "%lg", &px) != 1)
+ {
+ LefError(LEF_ERROR, "Bad X value in polygon.\n");
+ LefEndStatement(f);
+ break;
+ }
+ token = LefNextToken(f, TRUE);
+ if (token == NULL || *token == ';')
+ {
+ LefError(LEF_ERROR, "Missing Y value in polygon point!\n");
+ break;
+ }
+ if (sscanf(token, "%lg", &py) != 1)
+ {
+ LefError(LEF_ERROR, "Bad Y value in polygon.\n");
+ LefEndStatement(f);
+ break;
+ }
+ newPoint = (DPOINT)malloc(sizeof(struct dpoint_));
+ newPoint->x = px / (double)oscale;
+ newPoint->y = py / (double)oscale;
+ newPoint->layer = curlayer;
+ newPoint->next = plist;
+ plist = newPoint;
+ }
+ return plist;
+ *------------------------------------------------------------
+ * LefReadGeometry --
+ *
+ * Read Geometry information from a LEF file.
+ * Used for PORT records and OBS statements.
+ *
+ * Results:
+ * Returns a linked list of all areas and types
+ * painted.
+ *
+ * Side Effects:
+ * Reads input from file f;
+ * Paints into the GATE lefMacro.
+ *
+ *------------------------------------------------------------
+ */
+enum lef_geometry_keys {LEF_LAYER = 0, LEF_WIDTH, LEF_PATH,
+LefReadGeometry(GATE lefMacro, FILE *f, float oscale)
+ int curlayer = -1, otherlayer = -1;
+ char *token;
+ int keyword;
+ DSEG rectList = (DSEG)NULL;
+ DSEG paintrect, newRect;
+ DPOINT pointlist;
+ static char *geometry_keys[] = {
+ "LAYER",
+ "WIDTH",
+ "PATH",
+ "RECT",
+ "VIA",
+ "CLASS",
+ "END",
+ };
+ while ((token = LefNextToken(f, TRUE)) != NULL)
+ {
+ keyword = Lookup(token, geometry_keys);
+ if (keyword < 0)
+ {
+ LefError(LEF_WARNING, "Unknown keyword \"%s\" in LEF file; ignoring.\n",
+ token);
+ LefEndStatement(f);
+ continue;
+ }
+ switch (keyword)
+ {
+ case LEF_LAYER:
+ curlayer = LefReadLayers(f, FALSE, &otherlayer);
+ LefEndStatement(f);
+ break;
+ case LEF_WIDTH:
+ LefEndStatement(f);
+ break;
+ case LEF_PATH:
+ LefEndStatement(f);
+ break;
+ case LEF_RECT:
+ paintrect = (curlayer < 0) ? NULL : LefReadRect(f, curlayer, oscale);
+ if (paintrect)
+ {
+ /* Remember the area and layer */
+ newRect = (DSEG)malloc(sizeof(struct dseg_));
+ *newRect = *paintrect;
+ newRect->next = rectList;
+ rectList = newRect;
+ }
+ LefEndStatement(f);
+ break;
+ pointlist = LefReadPolygon(f, curlayer, oscale);
+ LefPolygonToRects(&rectList, pointlist);
+ break;
+ case LEF_VIA:
+ LefEndStatement(f);
+ break;
+ LefEndStatement(f);
+ break;
+ if (!LefParseEndStatement(f, NULL))
+ {
+ LefError(LEF_ERROR, "Geometry (PORT or OBS) END statement missing.\n");
+ keyword = -1;
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ if (keyword == LEF_GEOMETRY_END) break;
+ }
+ return rectList;
+ *------------------------------------------------------------
+ * LefReadPort --
+ *
+ * A wrapper for LefReadGeometry, which adds a label
+ * to the last rectangle generated by the geometry
+ * parsing.
+ *
+ * Results:
+ * None.
+ *
+ * Side Effects:
+ * Reads input from file f;
+ * Paints into the GATE lefMacro.
+ *
+ *------------------------------------------------------------
+ */
+LefReadPort(lefMacro, f, pinName, pinNum, pinDir, pinUse, pinArea, oscale)
+ GATE lefMacro;
+ FILE *f;
+ char *pinName;
+ int pinNum, pinDir, pinUse;
+ double pinArea;
+ float oscale;
+ DSEG rectList, rlist;
+ BUS bus;
+ rectList = LefReadGeometry(lefMacro, f, oscale);
+ if (pinNum >= 0) {
+ int nodealloc, orignodes, ival;
+ char *aptr;
+ if (lefMacro->nodes <= pinNum) {
+ orignodes = lefMacro->nodes;
+ lefMacro->nodes = (pinNum + 1);
+ nodealloc = lefMacro->nodes / 10;
+ if (nodealloc > (orignodes / 10)) {
+ nodealloc++;
+ lefMacro->taps = (DSEG *)realloc(lefMacro->taps,
+ nodealloc * 10 * sizeof(DSEG));
+ lefMacro->noderec = (NODE *)realloc(lefMacro->noderec,
+ nodealloc * 10 * sizeof(NODE));
+ lefMacro->direction = (u_char *)realloc(lefMacro->direction,
+ nodealloc * 10 * sizeof(u_char));
+ lefMacro->area = (float *)realloc(lefMacro->area,
+ nodealloc * 10 * sizeof(float));
+ lefMacro->use = (u_char *)realloc(lefMacro->use,
+ nodealloc * 10 * sizeof(u_char));
+ lefMacro->netnum = (int *)realloc(lefMacro->netnum,
+ nodealloc * 10 * sizeof(int));
+ lefMacro->node = (char **)realloc(lefMacro->node,
+ nodealloc * 10 * sizeof(char *));
+ }
+ }
+ lefMacro->taps[pinNum] = rectList;
+ lefMacro->noderec[pinNum] = NULL;
+ lefMacro->area[pinNum] = 0.0;
+ lefMacro->direction[pinNum] = (u_char)pinDir;
+ lefMacro->area[pinNum] = pinArea;
+ lefMacro->use[pinNum] = (u_char)pinUse;
+ lefMacro->netnum[pinNum] = -1;
+ if (pinName != NULL) {
+ lefMacro->node[pinNum] = strdup(pinName);
+ /* Check for bus delimiters */
+ aptr = strrchr(pinName, delimiter);
+ if (aptr != NULL) {
+ if (sscanf(aptr + 1, "%d", &ival) == 1) {
+ *aptr = '\0';
+ /* Add to bus list if needed, or adjust bounds */
+ for (bus = lefMacro->bus; bus; bus = bus->next) {
+ if (!strcmp(pinName, bus->busname)) {
+ if (ival > bus->high) bus->high = ival;
+ if (ival < bus->low) bus->low = ival;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if (bus == NULL) {
+ bus = (BUS)malloc(sizeof(struct bus_));
+ bus->busname = strdup(pinName);
+ bus->high = bus->low = ival;
+ bus->next = lefMacro->bus;
+ lefMacro->bus = bus;
+ }
+ *aptr = '[';
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ lefMacro->node[pinNum] = NULL;
+ }
+ else {
+ while (rectList) {
+ rlist = rectList->next;
+ free(rectList);
+ rectList = rlist;
+ }
+ }
+ *------------------------------------------------------------
+ * LefReadPin --
+ *
+ * Read a PIN statement from a LEF file.
+ *
+ * Results:
+ * 0 if the pin had a port (success), 1 if not (indicating
+ * an unused pin that should be ignored).
+ *
+ * Side Effects:
+ * Reads input from file f;
+ * Paints into the GATE lefMacro.
+ *
+ *------------------------------------------------------------
+ */
+LefReadPin(lefMacro, f, pinname, pinNum, oscale)
+ GATE lefMacro;
+ FILE *f;
+ char *pinname;
+ int pinNum;
+ float oscale;
+ char *token;
+ int keyword, subkey;
+ int pinDir = PORT_CLASS_DEFAULT;
+ int pinUse = PORT_USE_DEFAULT;
+ float pinArea = 0.0;
+ int retval = 1;
+ static char *pin_keys[] = {
+ "USE",
+ "PORT",
+ "SHAPE",
+ "END",
+ };
+ static char *pin_classes[] = {
+ "INPUT",
+ "INOUT",
+ };
+ static int lef_class_to_bitmask[] = {
+ };
+ static char *pin_uses[] = {
+ "POWER",
+ "CLOCK",
+ "SCAN",
+ "RESET",
+ };
+ static int lef_use_to_bitmask[] = {
+ };
+ while ((token = LefNextToken(f, TRUE)) != NULL)
+ {
+ keyword = Lookup(token, pin_keys);
+ if (keyword < 0)
+ {
+ LefError(LEF_WARNING, "Unknown keyword \"%s\" in LEF file; ignoring.\n",
+ token);
+ LefEndStatement(f);
+ continue;
+ }
+ switch (keyword)
+ {
+ token = LefNextToken(f, TRUE);
+ subkey = Lookup(token, pin_classes);
+ if (subkey < 0)
+ LefError(LEF_ERROR, "Improper DIRECTION statement\n");
+ else
+ pinDir = lef_class_to_bitmask[subkey];
+ LefEndStatement(f);
+ break;
+ case LEF_USE:
+ token = LefNextToken(f, TRUE);
+ subkey = Lookup(token, pin_uses);
+ if (subkey < 0)
+ LefError(LEF_ERROR, "Improper USE statement\n");
+ else
+ pinUse = lef_use_to_bitmask[subkey];
+ LefEndStatement(f);
+ break;
+ case LEF_PORT:
+ LefReadPort(lefMacro, f, pinname, pinNum, pinDir, pinUse, pinArea, oscale);
+ retval = 0;
+ break;
+ /* Read off the next value as the pin's antenna gate area. */
+ /* The layers or layers are not recorded. */
+ token = LefNextToken(f, TRUE);
+ sscanf(token, "%g", &pinArea);
+ LefEndStatement(f);
+ break;
+ case LEF_SHAPE:
+ LefEndStatement(f); /* Ignore. . . */
+ break;
+ case LEF_PIN_END:
+ if (!LefParseEndStatement(f, pinname))
+ {
+ LefError(LEF_ERROR, "Pin END statement missing.\n");
+ keyword = -1;
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ if (keyword == LEF_PIN_END) break;
+ }
+ return retval;
+ *------------------------------------------------------------
+ * LefEndStatement --
+ *
+ * Read file input to EOF or a ';' token (end-of-statement)
+ * If we encounter a quote, make sure we don't terminate
+ * the statement on a semicolon that is part of the
+ * quoted material.
+ *
+ *------------------------------------------------------------
+ */
+LefEndStatement(FILE *f)
+ char *token;
+ while ((token = LefNextToken(f, TRUE)) != NULL)
+ if (*token == ';') break;
+ *------------------------------------------------------------
+ *
+ * LefReadMacro --
+ *
+ * Read in a MACRO section from a LEF file.
+ *
+ * Results:
+ * None.
+ *
+ * Side Effects:
+ * Creates a new cell definition in the database.
+ *
+ *------------------------------------------------------------
+ */
+enum lef_macro_keys {LEF_CLASS = 0, LEF_SIZE, LEF_ORIGIN,
+LefReadMacro(f, mname, oscale)
+ FILE *f; /* LEF file being read */
+ char *mname; /* name of the macro */
+ float oscale; /* scale factor to um, usually 1 */
+ GATE lefMacro, altMacro;
+ char *token, *pname, tsave[128];
+ int keyword, pinNum, subkey;
+ float x, y;
+ u_char has_size, is_imported = FALSE;
+ struct dseg_ lefBBox;
+ static char *macro_keys[] = {
+ "CLASS",
+ "SIZE",
+ "SITE",
+ "PIN",
+ "OBS",
+ "END",
+ };
+ static char *macro_classes[] = {
+ "CORE",
+ "BLOCK",
+ "PAD",
+ "RING",
+ "COVER",
+ };
+ static int lef_macro_class_to_bitmask[] = {
+ };
+ static char *macro_subclasses[] = {
+ ";",
+ };
+ static int lef_macro_subclass_to_bitmask[] = {
+ };
+ /* Start by creating a new celldef */
+ lefMacro = (GATE)NULL;
+ for (altMacro = GateInfo; altMacro; altMacro = altMacro->next)
+ {
+ if (!strcmp(altMacro->gatename, mname)) {
+ lefMacro = altMacro;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ while (lefMacro)
+ {
+ int suffix;
+ char newname[256];
+ altMacro = lefMacro;
+ for (suffix = 1; altMacro != NULL; suffix++)
+ {
+ sprintf(newname, "%250s_%d", mname, suffix);
+ for (altMacro = GateInfo; altMacro; altMacro = altMacro->next)
+ if (!strcmp(altMacro->gatename, newname))
+ break;
+ }
+ LefError(LEF_WARNING, "Cell \"%s\" was already defined in this file. "
+ "Renaming original cell \"%s\"\n", mname, newname);
+ lefMacro->gatename = strdup(newname);
+ lefMacro = lefFindCell(mname);
+ }
+ // Create the new cell
+ lefMacro = (GATE)malloc(sizeof(struct gate_));
+ lefMacro->gatename = strdup(mname);
+ lefMacro->gatetype = NULL;
+ lefMacro->gateclass = MACRO_CLASS_DEFAULT;
+ lefMacro->gatesubclass = MACRO_SUBCLASS_NONE;
+ lefMacro->width = 0.0;
+ lefMacro->height = 0.0;
+ lefMacro->placedX = 0.0;
+ lefMacro->placedY = 0.0;
+ lefMacro->obs = (DSEG)NULL;
+ lefMacro->next = GateInfo;
+ lefMacro->last = (GATE)NULL;
+ lefMacro->nodes = 0;
+ lefMacro->orient = 0;
+ // Allocate memory for up to 10 pins initially
+ lefMacro->taps = (DSEG *)malloc(10 * sizeof(DSEG));
+ lefMacro->noderec = (NODE *)malloc(10 * sizeof(NODE));
+ lefMacro->direction = (u_char *)malloc(10 * sizeof(u_char));
+ lefMacro->area = (float *)malloc(10 * sizeof(float));
+ lefMacro->use = (u_char *)malloc(10 * sizeof(u_char));
+ lefMacro->netnum = (int *)malloc(10 * sizeof(int));
+ lefMacro->node = (char **)malloc(10 * sizeof(char *));
+ // Fill in 1st entry
+ lefMacro->taps[0] = NULL;
+ lefMacro->noderec[0] = NULL;
+ lefMacro->area[0] = 0.0;
+ lefMacro->node[0] = NULL;
+ lefMacro->bus = NULL;
+ lefMacro->netnum[0] = -1;
+ lefMacro->clientdata = (void *)NULL;
+ GateInfo = lefMacro;
+ /* Set gate type to the site name for site definitions */
+ pname = mname;
+ if (!strncmp(mname, "site_", 5)) pname += 5;
+ /* Initial values */
+ pinNum = 0;
+ has_size = FALSE;
+ lefBBox.x2 = lefBBox.x1 = 0.0;
+ lefBBox.y2 = lefBBox.y1 = 0.0;
+ while ((token = LefNextToken(f, TRUE)) != NULL)
+ {
+ keyword = Lookup(token, macro_keys);
+ if (keyword < 0)
+ {
+ LefError(LEF_WARNING, "Unknown keyword \"%s\" in LEF file; ignoring.\n",
+ token);
+ LefEndStatement(f);
+ continue;
+ }
+ switch (keyword)
+ {
+ case LEF_CLASS:
+ token = LefNextToken(f, TRUE);
+ subkey = Lookup(token, macro_classes);
+ if (subkey < 0) {
+ LefError(LEF_ERROR, "Improper macro CLASS statement\n");
+ lefMacro->gateclass = MACRO_CLASS_DEFAULT;
+ }
+ else
+ lefMacro->gateclass = lef_macro_class_to_bitmask[subkey];
+ token = LefNextToken(f, TRUE);
+ if (token) {
+ subkey = Lookup(token, macro_subclasses);
+ if (subkey < 0) {
+ lefMacro->gatesubclass = MACRO_SUBCLASS_NONE;
+ LefEndStatement(f);
+ }
+ else if (subkey > 0) {
+ lefMacro->gatesubclass = lef_macro_subclass_to_bitmask[subkey];
+ LefEndStatement(f);
+ }
+ else
+ lefMacro->gatesubclass = MACRO_SUBCLASS_NONE;
+ }
+ else
+ LefEndStatement(f);
+ break;
+ case LEF_SIZE:
+ token = LefNextToken(f, TRUE);
+ if (!token || sscanf(token, "%f", &x) != 1) goto size_error;
+ token = LefNextToken(f, TRUE); /* skip keyword "BY" */
+ if (!token) goto size_error;
+ token = LefNextToken(f, TRUE);
+ if (!token || sscanf(token, "%f", &y) != 1) goto size_error;
+ lefBBox.x2 = x + lefBBox.x1;
+ lefBBox.y2 = y + lefBBox.y1;
+ has_size = TRUE;
+ LefEndStatement(f);
+ break;
+ LefError(LEF_ERROR, "Bad macro SIZE; requires values X BY Y.\n");
+ LefEndStatement(f);
+ break;
+ case LEF_ORIGIN:
+ token = LefNextToken(f, TRUE);
+ if (!token || sscanf(token, "%f", &x) != 1) goto origin_error;
+ token = LefNextToken(f, TRUE);
+ if (!token || sscanf(token, "%f", &y) != 1) goto origin_error;
+ lefBBox.x1 = -x;
+ lefBBox.y1 = -y;
+ if (has_size)
+ {
+ lefBBox.x2 += lefBBox.x1;
+ lefBBox.y2 += lefBBox.y1;
+ }
+ LefEndStatement(f);
+ break;
+ LefError(LEF_ERROR, "Bad macro ORIGIN; requires 2 values.\n");
+ LefEndStatement(f);
+ break;
+ token = LefNextToken(f, TRUE);
+ if (*token != '\n')
+ // DBPropPut(lefMacro, "LEFsymmetry", token + strlen(token) + 1);
+ ;
+ LefEndStatement(f);
+ break;
+ case LEF_SOURCE:
+ token = LefNextToken(f, TRUE);
+ if (*token != '\n')
+ // DBPropPut(lefMacro, "LEFsource", token);
+ ;
+ LefEndStatement(f);
+ break;
+ case LEF_SITE:
+ token = LefNextToken(f, TRUE);
+ if (*token != '\n')
+ // DBPropPut(lefMacro, "LEFsite", token);
+ ;
+ LefEndStatement(f);
+ break;
+ case LEF_PIN:
+ token = LefNextToken(f, TRUE);
+ /* Diagnostic */
+ /*
+ fprintf(stdout, " Macro defines pin %s\n", token);
+ */
+ sprintf(tsave, "%.127s", token);
+ if (is_imported)
+ LefSkipSection(f, tsave);
+ else
+ if (LefReadPin(lefMacro, f, tsave, pinNum, oscale) == 0)
+ pinNum++;
+ break;
+ case LEF_OBS:
+ /* Diagnostic */
+ /*
+ fprintf(stdout, " Macro defines obstruction\n");
+ */
+ if (is_imported)
+ LefSkipSection(f, NULL);
+ else
+ lefMacro->obs = LefReadGeometry(lefMacro, f, oscale);
+ break;
+ case LEF_TIMING:
+ LefSkipSection(f, macro_keys[LEF_TIMING]);
+ break;
+ LefEndStatement(f);
+ break;
+ pname = mname;
+ if (!strncmp(mname, "site_", 5)) pname += 5;
+ if (!LefParseEndStatement(f, pname))
+ {
+ LefError(LEF_ERROR, "Macro END statement missing.\n");
+ keyword = -1;
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ if (keyword == LEF_MACRO_END) break;
+ }
+ /* Finish up creating the cell */
+ if (lefMacro) {
+ if (has_size) {
+ lefMacro->width = (lefBBox.x2 - lefBBox.x1);
+ lefMacro->height = (lefBBox.y2 - lefBBox.y1);
+ /* "placed" for macros (not instances) corresponds to the */
+ /* cell origin. */
+ lefMacro->placedX = lefBBox.x1;
+ lefMacro->placedY = lefBBox.y1;
+ }
+ else {
+ LefError(LEF_ERROR, "Gate %s has no size information!\n", lefMacro->gatename);
+ }
+ }
+ *------------------------------------------------------------
+ *
+ * LefAddViaGeometry --
+ *
+ * Read in geometry for a VIA section from a LEF or DEF
+ * file.
+ *
+ * f LEF file being read
+ * lefl pointer to via info
+ * curlayer current tile type
+ * oscale output scaling
+ *
+ * Results:
+ * None.
+ *
+ * Side Effects:
+ * Adds to the lefLayer record for a via definition.
+ *
+ *------------------------------------------------------------
+ */
+LefAddViaGeometry(FILE *f, LefList lefl, int curlayer, float oscale)
+ DSEG currect;
+ DSEG viarect;
+ /* Rectangles for vias are read in units of 1/2 lambda */
+ currect = LefReadRect(f, curlayer, (oscale / 2));
+ if (currect == NULL) return;
+ /* First rect goes into info.via.area, others go into */
+ if (lefl->info.via.area.layer < 0)
+ {
+ lefl->info.via.area = *currect;
+ /* If entries exist for, this is a via GENERATE */
+ /* statement, and metal enclosures have been parsed. Therefore */
+ /* add the via dimensions to the enclosure rectangles. */
+ viarect = lefl->;
+ while (viarect != NULL) {
+ viarect->x1 += currect->x1;
+ viarect->x2 += currect->x2;
+ viarect->y1 += currect->y1;
+ viarect->y2 += currect->y2;
+ viarect = viarect->next;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ viarect = (DSEG)malloc(sizeof(struct dseg_));
+ *viarect = *currect;
+ viarect->next = lefl->;
+ lefl-> = viarect;
+ }
+ *------------------------------------------------------------
+ *
+ * LefNewRoute ---
+ *
+ * Allocate space for and fill out default records of a
+ * route layer.
+ *
+ *------------------------------------------------------------
+ */
+LefList LefNewRoute(char *name)
+ LefList lefl;
+ lefl = (LefList)malloc(sizeof(lefLayer));
+ lefl->type = -1;
+ lefl->obsType = -1;
+ lefl->lefClass = CLASS_IGNORE; /* For starters */
+ lefl->lefName = strdup(name);
+ return lefl;
+ *------------------------------------------------------------
+ *
+ * LefNewVia ---
+ *
+ * Allocate space for and fill out default records of a
+ * via definition.
+ *
+ *------------------------------------------------------------
+ */
+LefList LefNewVia(char *name)
+ LefList lefl;
+ lefl = (LefList)calloc(1, sizeof(lefLayer));
+ lefl->type = -1;
+ lefl->obsType = -1;
+ lefl->lefClass = CLASS_VIA;
+ lefl->info.via.area.x1 = 0.0;
+ lefl->info.via.area.y1 = 0.0;
+ lefl->info.via.area.x2 = 0.0;
+ lefl->info.via.area.y2 = 0.0;
+ lefl->info.via.area.layer = -1;
+ lefl->info.via.cell = (GATE)NULL;
+ lefl-> = (DSEG)NULL;
+ lefl->info.via.generated = FALSE;
+ lefl->info.via.respervia = 0.0;
+ lefl->info.via.spacing = (lefSpacingRule *)NULL;
+ if (name != NULL)
+ lefl->lefName = strdup(name);
+ else
+ lefl->lefName = NULL;
+ return lefl;
+/* Note: Used directly below, as it is passed to variable "mode"
+ * in LefReadLayerSection(). However, mainly used in LefRead().
+ */
+enum lef_sections {LEF_VERSION = 0,
+ *------------------------------------------------------------
+ *
+ * LefReadLayerSection --
+ *
+ * Read in a LAYER, VIA, or VIARULE section from a LEF file.
+ *
+ * Results:
+ * None.
+ *
+ * Side Effects:
+ *
+ *------------------------------------------------------------
+ */
+enum lef_layer_keys {LEF_LAYER_TYPE=0, LEF_LAYER_WIDTH,
+enum lef_spacing_keys {LEF_SPACING_RANGE=0, LEF_SPACING_BY,
+LefReadLayerSection(f, lname, mode, lefl)
+ FILE *f; /* LEF file being read */
+ char *lname; /* name of the layer */
+ int mode; /* layer, via, or viarule */
+ LefList lefl; /* pointer to layer info */
+ char *token, *tp;
+ int keyword, typekey = -1, entries, i;
+ int curlayer = -1;
+ double dvalue, oscale;
+ LefList altVia;
+ lefSpacingRule *newrule = NULL, *testrule;
+ /* These are defined in the order of CLASS_* in lefInt.h */
+ static char *layer_type_keys[] = {
+ "CUT",
+ };
+ static char *layer_keys[] = {
+ "TYPE",
+ "WIDTH",
+ "AREA",
+ "PITCH",
+ "LAYER",
+ "RECT",
+ "VIA",
+ "END",
+ };
+ static char *spacing_keys[] = {
+ "RANGE",
+ "BY",
+ ";",
+ };
+ /* Database is assumed to be in microns. */
+ /* If not, we need to parse the UNITS record, which is */
+ /* currently ignored. */
+ oscale = 1;
+ while ((token = LefNextToken(f, TRUE)) != NULL)
+ {
+ keyword = Lookup(token, layer_keys);
+ if (keyword < 0)
+ {
+ LefError(LEF_WARNING, "Unknown keyword \"%s\" in LEF file; ignoring.\n",
+ token);
+ LefEndStatement(f);
+ continue;
+ }
+ switch (keyword)
+ {
+ token = LefNextToken(f, TRUE);
+ if (*token != '\n')
+ {
+ typekey = Lookup(token, layer_type_keys);
+ if (typekey < 0)
+ LefError(LEF_WARNING, "Unknown layer type \"%s\" in LEF file; "
+ "ignoring.\n", token);
+ }
+ if (lefl->lefClass == CLASS_IGNORE) {
+ lefl->lefClass = typekey;
+ if (typekey == CLASS_ROUTE) {
+ lefl->info.route.width = 0.0;
+ lefl->info.route.spacing = NULL;
+ lefl->info.route.pitchx = 0.0;
+ lefl->info.route.pitchy = 0.0;
+ // Use -1.0 as an indication that offset has not
+ // been specified and needs to be set to default.
+ lefl->info.route.offsetx = -1.0;
+ lefl->info.route.offsety = -1.0;
+ lefl->info.route.hdirection = DIR_UNKNOWN;
+ lefl->info.route.minarea = 0.0;
+ lefl->info.route.thick = 0.0;
+ lefl->info.route.antenna = 0.0;
+ lefl->info.route.method = CALC_NONE;
+ lefl->info.route.areacap = 0.0;
+ lefl->info.route.respersq = 0.0;
+ lefl->info.route.edgecap = 0.0;
+ /* A routing type has been declared. Assume */
+ /* this takes the name "metal1", "M1", or some */
+ /* variant thereof. */
+ for (tp = lefl->lefName; *tp != '\0'; tp++) {
+ if (*tp >= '0' && *tp <= '9') {
+ sscanf(tp, "%d", &lefl->type);
+ /* "metal1", e.g., is assumed to be layer #0 */
+ /* This may not be a proper assumption, always */
+ lefl->type--;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ /* This is probably some special non-numerical */
+ /* name for a top metal layer. Take a stab at */
+ /* it, defining it to be the next layer up from */
+ /* whatever the previous topmost route layer */
+ /* was. This should work unless the LEF file */
+ /* is incorrectly written. */
+ if (lefl->type < 0) {
+ lefl->type = LefGetMaxRouteLayer();
+ }
+ }
+ else if (typekey == CLASS_CUT || typekey == CLASS_VIA) {
+ lefl->info.via.spacing = NULL;
+ lefl->info.via.area.x1 = 0.0;
+ lefl->info.via.area.y1 = 0.0;
+ lefl->info.via.area.x2 = 0.0;
+ lefl->info.via.area.y2 = 0.0;
+ lefl->info.via.area.layer = -1;
+ lefl->info.via.cell = (GATE)NULL;
+ lefl-> = (DSEG)NULL;
+ /* Note: lefl->type not set here for cut */
+ /* layers so that route layers will all be */
+ /* clustered at the bottom. */
+ }
+ }
+ else if (lefl->lefClass != typekey) {
+ LefError(LEF_ERROR, "Attempt to reclassify layer %s from %s to %s\n",
+ lname, layer_type_keys[lefl->lefClass],
+ layer_type_keys[typekey]);
+ }
+ LefEndStatement(f);
+ break;
+ // Not used, but syntax is f**king stupid and has to be
+ // specially handled, or it breaks the parser.
+ token = LefNextToken(f, TRUE); /* "AVERAGE", ... */
+ token = LefNextToken(f, TRUE); /* Value or "FREQUENCY" */
+ LefEndStatement(f);
+ if (!strcmp(token, "FREQUENCY"))
+ {
+ while (TRUE) {
+ token = LefNextToken(f, TRUE);
+ LefEndStatement(f);
+ if (!strcmp(token, "TABLEENTRIES")) {
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ // Not used. See comments above for ACCURRENTDENSITY
+ token = LefNextToken(f, TRUE); /* "AVERAGE" */
+ token = LefNextToken(f, TRUE); /* Value or "WIDTH" */
+ LefEndStatement(f);
+ if (!strcmp(token, "WIDTH"))
+ {
+ while (TRUE) {
+ token = LefNextToken(f, TRUE);
+ LefEndStatement(f);
+ if (!strcmp(token, "TABLEENTRIES")) {
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ // Not handled if width is already defined.
+ if ((lefl->lefClass != CLASS_ROUTE) ||
+ (lefl->info.route.width != 0)) {
+ LefEndStatement(f);
+ break;
+ }
+ /* drop through */
+ token = LefNextToken(f, TRUE);
+ sscanf(token, "%lg", &dvalue);
+ if (lefl->lefClass == CLASS_ROUTE)
+ lefl->info.route.width = dvalue / (double)oscale;
+ else if (lefl->lefClass == CLASS_CUT) {
+ double baseval = (dvalue / (double)oscale) / 2.0;
+ lefl->info.via.area.x1 = -baseval;
+ lefl->info.via.area.y1 = -baseval;
+ lefl->info.via.area.x2 = baseval;
+ lefl->info.via.area.y2 = baseval;
+ }
+ LefEndStatement(f);
+ break;
+ // Not handled.
+ LefEndStatement(f);
+ break;
+ /* Read minimum area rule value */
+ token = LefNextToken(f, TRUE);
+ if (lefl->lefClass == CLASS_ROUTE) {
+ sscanf(token, "%lg", &dvalue);
+ // Units of area (length * length)
+ lefl->info.route.minarea = dvalue / (double)oscale / (double)oscale;
+ }
+ LefEndStatement(f);
+ break;
+ if ((lefl->lefClass != CLASS_ROUTE) && (lefl->lefClass != CLASS_CUT) &&
+ (lefl->lefClass != CLASS_VIA)) {
+ LefEndStatement(f);
+ break;
+ }
+ token = LefNextToken(f, TRUE);
+ sscanf(token, "%lg", &dvalue);
+ token = LefNextToken(f, TRUE);
+ typekey = Lookup(token, spacing_keys);
+ newrule = (lefSpacingRule *)malloc(sizeof(lefSpacingRule));
+ // If no range specified, then the rule goes in front
+ if (typekey == LEF_SPACING_RANGE) {
+ // Get range minimum, ignore range maximum, and sort
+ // the spacing order.
+ newrule->spacing = dvalue / (double)oscale;
+ token = LefNextToken(f, TRUE);
+ sscanf(token, "%lg", &dvalue);
+ newrule->width = dvalue / (double)oscale;
+ for (testrule = lefl->info.route.spacing; testrule;
+ testrule = testrule->next)
+ if (testrule->next == NULL || testrule->next->width >
+ newrule->width)
+ break;
+ if (!testrule) {
+ newrule->next = NULL;
+ lefl->info.route.spacing = newrule;
+ }
+ else {
+ newrule->next = testrule->next;
+ testrule->next = newrule;
+ }
+ token = LefNextToken(f, TRUE);
+ typekey = Lookup(token, spacing_keys);
+ }
+ else if (typekey == LEF_SPACING_BY) {
+ /* In info.via.spacing, save two rules; first one */
+ /* is for X spacing, second is for Y spacing */
+ newrule->spacing = dvalue / (double)oscale;
+ newrule->width = 0;
+ newrule->next = NULL;
+ lefl->info.via.spacing = newrule;
+ token = LefNextToken(f, TRUE);
+ sscanf(token, "%lg", &dvalue);
+ newrule = (lefSpacingRule *)malloc(sizeof(lefSpacingRule));
+ newrule->spacing = dvalue / (double)oscale;
+ newrule->width = 0;
+ newrule->next = NULL;
+ lefl->info.via.spacing->next = newrule;
+ }
+ else if (typekey == LEF_SPACING_ADJACENTCUTS) {
+ /* ADJACENTCUTS not handled here (yet) */
+ /* Need this for power post generation in addspacers */
+ /* (Do nothing here) */
+ }
+ else if (typekey >= 0) {
+ newrule->spacing = dvalue / (double)oscale;
+ newrule->width = 0.0;
+ newrule->next = lefl->info.route.spacing;
+ lefl->info.route.spacing = newrule;
+ }
+ if (typekey != LEF_END_LAYER_SPACING)
+ LefEndStatement(f);
+ break;
+ // Use the values for the maximum parallel runlength
+ token = LefNextToken(f, TRUE); // "PARALLELRUNLENTTH"
+ entries = 0;
+ while (1) {
+ token = LefNextToken(f, TRUE);
+ if (*token == ';' || !strcmp(token, "WIDTH"))
+ break;
+ else
+ entries++;
+ }
+ if (*token != ';')
+ newrule = (lefSpacingRule *)malloc(sizeof(lefSpacingRule));
+ while (*token != ';') {
+ token = LefNextToken(f, TRUE); // Minimum width value
+ sscanf(token, "%lg", &dvalue);
+ newrule->width = dvalue / (double)oscale;
+ for (i = 0; i < entries; i++) {
+ token = LefNextToken(f, TRUE); // Spacing value
+ }
+ sscanf(token, "%lg", &dvalue);
+ newrule->spacing = dvalue / (double)oscale;
+ token = LefNextToken(f, TRUE);
+ for (testrule = lefl->info.route.spacing; testrule;
+ testrule = testrule->next)
+ if (testrule->next == NULL || testrule->next->width >
+ newrule->width)
+ break;
+ if (!testrule) {
+ newrule->next = NULL;
+ lefl->info.route.spacing = newrule;
+ }
+ else {
+ newrule->next = testrule->next;
+ testrule->next = newrule;
+ }
+ token = LefNextToken(f, TRUE);
+ if (strcmp(token, "WIDTH")) break;
+ }
+ break;
+ token = LefNextToken(f, TRUE);
+ sscanf(token, "%lg", &dvalue);
+ lefl->info.route.pitchx = dvalue / (double)oscale;
+ token = LefNextToken(f, TRUE);
+ if (token && (*token != ';')) {
+ sscanf(token, "%lg", &dvalue);
+ lefl->info.route.pitchy = dvalue / (double)oscale;
+ LefEndStatement(f);
+ }
+ else {
+ lefl->info.route.pitchy = lefl->info.route.pitchx;
+ /* If the orientation is known, then zero the pitch */
+ /* in the opposing direction. If not, then set the */
+ /* direction to DIR_RESOLVE so that the pitch in */
+ /* the opposing direction can be zeroed when the */
+ /* direction is specified. */
+ if (lefl->info.route.hdirection == DIR_UNKNOWN)
+ lefl->info.route.hdirection = DIR_RESOLVE;
+ else if (lefl->info.route.hdirection == DIR_VERTICAL)
+ lefl->info.route.pitchy = 0.0;
+ else if (lefl->info.route.hdirection == DIR_HORIZONTAL)
+ lefl->info.route.pitchx = 0.0;
+ }
+ /* Offset default is 1/2 the pitch. Offset is */
+ /* intialized to -1 to tell whether or not the value */
+ /* has been set by an OFFSET statement. */
+ if (lefl->info.route.offsetx < 0.0)
+ lefl->info.route.offsetx = lefl->info.route.pitchx / 2.0;
+ if (lefl->info.route.offsety < 0.0)
+ lefl->info.route.offsety = lefl->info.route.pitchy / 2.0;
+ break;
+ token = LefNextToken(f, TRUE);
+ LefLower(token);
+ if (lefl->info.route.hdirection == DIR_RESOLVE) {
+ if (token[0] == 'h')
+ lefl->info.route.pitchx = 0.0;
+ else if (token[0] == 'v')
+ lefl->info.route.pitchy = 0.0;
+ }
+ lefl->info.route.hdirection = (token[0] == 'h') ? DIR_HORIZONTAL
+ LefEndStatement(f);
+ break;
+ token = LefNextToken(f, TRUE);
+ sscanf(token, "%lg", &dvalue);
+ lefl->info.route.offsetx = dvalue / (double)oscale;
+ token = LefNextToken(f, TRUE);
+ if (token && (*token != ';')) {
+ sscanf(token, "%lg", &dvalue);
+ lefl->info.route.offsety = dvalue / (double)oscale;
+ LefEndStatement(f);
+ }
+ else {
+ lefl->info.route.offsety = lefl->info.route.offsetx;
+ }
+ break;
+ token = LefNextToken(f, TRUE);
+ if (lefl->lefClass == CLASS_ROUTE) {
+ if (!strcmp(token, "RPERSQ")) {
+ token = LefNextToken(f, TRUE);
+ sscanf(token, "%lg", &dvalue);
+ // Units are ohms per square
+ lefl->info.route.respersq = dvalue;
+ }
+ }
+ else if (lefl->lefClass == CLASS_VIA || lefl->lefClass == CLASS_CUT) {
+ sscanf(token, "%lg", &dvalue);
+ lefl->info.via.respervia = dvalue; // Units ohms
+ }
+ LefEndStatement(f);
+ break;
+ token = LefNextToken(f, TRUE);
+ if (lefl->lefClass == CLASS_ROUTE) {
+ if (!strcmp(token, "CPERSQDIST")) {
+ token = LefNextToken(f, TRUE);
+ sscanf(token, "%lg", &dvalue);
+ // Units are pF per squared unit length
+ lefl->info.route.areacap = dvalue /
+ ((double)oscale * (double)oscale);
+ }
+ }
+ LefEndStatement(f);
+ break;
+ token = LefNextToken(f, TRUE);
+ if (lefl->lefClass == CLASS_ROUTE) {
+ sscanf(token, "%lg", &dvalue);
+ // Units are pF per unit length
+ lefl->info.route.edgecap = dvalue / (double)oscale;
+ }
+ LefEndStatement(f);
+ break;
+ /* Assuming thickness and height are the same thing? */
+ token = LefNextToken(f, TRUE);
+ if (lefl->lefClass == CLASS_ROUTE) {
+ sscanf(token, "%lg", &dvalue);
+ // Units of length
+ lefl->info.route.thick = dvalue / (double)oscale;
+ }
+ LefEndStatement(f);
+ break;
+ /* NOTE: Assuming that only one of these methods will */
+ /* be used! If more than one is present, then only the */
+ /* last one will be recorded and used. */
+ token = LefNextToken(f, TRUE);
+ if (lefl->lefClass == CLASS_ROUTE) {
+ sscanf(token, "%lg", &dvalue);
+ // Unitless values (ratio)
+ lefl->info.route.antenna = dvalue;
+ }
+ if (keyword == LEF_LAYER_ANTENNA)
+ lefl->info.route.method = CALC_AREA;
+ else if (keyword == LEF_LAYER_ANTENNASIDE)
+ lefl->info.route.method = CALC_SIDEAREA;
+ else if (keyword == LEF_LAYER_AGG_ANTENNA)
+ lefl->info.route.method = CALC_AGG_AREA;
+ else
+ lefl->info.route.method = CALC_AGG_SIDEAREA;
+ LefEndStatement(f);
+ break;
+ /* Not specifically handling these antenna types */
+ /* (antenna ratios for antennas connected to diodes, */
+ /* which can still blow gates if the diode area is */
+ /* insufficiently large.) */
+ LefEndStatement(f);
+ break;
+ /* Not specifically handling these */
+ LefEndStatement(f);
+ break;
+ /* Do nothing; especially, don't look for end-of-statement! */
+ break;
+ curlayer = LefReadLayer(f, FALSE);
+ LefEndStatement(f);
+ break;
+ case LEF_VIA_RECT:
+ if (curlayer >= 0)
+ LefAddViaGeometry(f, lefl, curlayer, oscale);
+ LefEndStatement(f);
+ break;
+ /* Defines how to draw via metal layers. */
+ /* Note that values can interact with ENCLOSURE */
+ /* values given for the cut layer type. This is */
+ /* not being handled. */
+ {
+ DSEG viarect, encrect;
+ encrect = LefReadEnclosure(f, curlayer, oscale);
+ viarect = (DSEG)malloc(sizeof(struct dseg_));
+ *viarect = *encrect;
+ viarect->next = lefl->;
+ lefl-> = viarect;
+ }
+ if (mode == LEF_SECTION_VIARULE)
+ lefl->info.via.generated = TRUE;
+ LefEndStatement(f);
+ break;
+ /* These are from older LEF definitions (e.g., 5.4) */
+ /* and cannot completely specify via geometry. So if */
+ /* seen, ignore the rest of the via section. Only the */
+ /* explicitly defined VIA types will be used. */
+ LefError(LEF_WARNING, "NOTE: Old format VIARULE ignored.\n");
+ lefl->lefClass == CLASS_IGNORE;
+ LefEndStatement(f);
+ /* LefSkipSection(f, lname); */ /* Continue parsing */
+ break;
+ /* Ignoring this. */
+ LefEndStatement(f);
+ break;
+ LefEndStatement(f);
+ break;
+ if (!LefParseEndStatement(f, lname))
+ {
+ LefError(LEF_ERROR, "Layer END statement missing.\n");
+ keyword = -1;
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ if (keyword == LEF_LAYER_END) break;
+ }
+ *------------------------------------------------------------
+ *
+ * LefRead --
+ *
+ * Read a .lef file and generate all routing configuration
+ * structures and values from the LAYER, VIA, and MACRO sections
+ *
+ * Results:
+ * None.
+ *
+ * Side Effects:
+ * Many. Cell definitions are created and added to
+ * the GateInfo database.
+ *
+ *------------------------------------------------------------
+ */
+/* See above for "enum lef_sections {...}" */
+ char *inName;
+ FILE *f;
+ char filename[256];
+ char *token;
+ char tsave[128];
+ int keyword, layer;
+ int oprecis = 100; // = 1 / manufacturing grid (microns)
+ float oscale;
+ double xydiff, ogrid, minwidth;
+ LefList lefl;
+ DSEG grect;
+ GATE gateginfo;
+ static char *sections[] = {
+ "UNITS",
+ "LAYER",
+ "VIA",
+ "SITE",
+ "ARRAY",
+ "MACRO",
+ "END",
+ };
+ if (!strrchr(inName, '.'))
+ sprintf(filename, "%s.lef", inName);
+ else
+ strcpy(filename, inName);
+ f = fopen(filename, "r");
+ if (f == NULL)
+ {
+ fprintf(stderr, "Cannot open input file: ");
+ perror(filename);
+ return 0;
+ }
+ if (Verbose > 0) {
+ fprintf(stdout, "Reading LEF data from file %s.\n", filename);
+ fflush(stdout);
+ }
+ oscale = 1;
+ LefHashInit();
+ while ((token = LefNextToken(f, TRUE)) != NULL)
+ {
+ keyword = Lookup(token, sections);
+ if (keyword < 0)
+ {
+ LefError(LEF_WARNING, "Unknown keyword \"%s\" in LEF file; ignoring.\n",
+ token);
+ LefEndStatement(f);
+ continue;
+ }
+ switch (keyword)
+ {
+ LefEndStatement(f);
+ break;
+ token = LefNextToken(f, TRUE);
+ delimiter = (*token == '\"') ? *(token + 1) : *token;
+ LefEndStatement(f);
+ break;
+ token = LefNextToken(f, TRUE);
+ if (sscanf(token, "%lg", &ogrid) == 1)
+ oprecis = (int)((1.0 / ogrid) + 0.5);
+ LefEndStatement(f);
+ break;
+ LefSkipSection(f, sections[LEF_PROPERTYDEFS]);
+ break;
+ case LEF_UNITS:
+ LefSkipSection(f, sections[LEF_UNITS]);
+ break;
+ token = LefNextToken(f, TRUE);
+ sprintf(tsave, "%.127s", token);
+ lefl = LefFindLayer(token);
+ if (keyword == LEF_SECTION_VIARULE) {
+ char *vianame = (char *)malloc(strlen(token) + 3);
+ sprintf(vianame, "%s_0", token);
+ /* If the following keyword is GENERATE, then */
+ /* prepare up to four contact types to represent */
+ /* all possible orientations of top and bottom */
+ /* metal layers. If no GENERATE keyword, ignore. */
+ token = LefNextToken(f, TRUE);
+ if (!strcmp(token, "GENERATE")) {
+ lefl = LefNewVia(vianame);
+ lefl->next = LefInfo;
+ LefInfo = lefl;
+ LefReadLayerSection(f, tsave, keyword, lefl);
+ }
+ else {
+ LefSkipSection(f, tsave);
+ }
+ free(vianame);
+ }
+ else if (lefl == NULL)
+ {
+ lefl = LefNewVia(token);
+ lefl->next = LefInfo;
+ LefInfo = lefl;
+ LefReadLayerSection(f, tsave, keyword, lefl);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ LefError(LEF_WARNING, "Warning: Cut type \"%s\" redefined.\n",
+ token);
+ lefl = LefRedefined(lefl, token);
+ LefReadLayerSection(f, tsave, keyword, lefl);
+ }
+ break;
+ token = LefNextToken(f, TRUE);
+ sprintf(tsave, "%.127s", token);
+ lefl = LefFindLayer(token);
+ if (lefl == (LefList)NULL)
+ {
+ lefl = LefNewRoute(token);
+ lefl->next = LefInfo;
+ LefInfo = lefl;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if (lefl && lefl->type < 0)
+ {
+ LefError(LEF_ERROR, "Layer %s is only defined for"
+ " obstructions!\n", token);
+ LefSkipSection(f, tsave);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ LefReadLayerSection(f, tsave, keyword, lefl);
+ break;
+ LefSkipSection(f, sections[LEF_SECTION_SPACING]);
+ break;
+ token = LefNextToken(f, TRUE);
+ if (Verbose > 0)
+ fprintf(stdout, "LEF file: Defines site %s\n", token);
+ sprintf(tsave, "site_%.122s", token);
+ LefReadMacro(f, tsave, oscale);
+ break;
+ LefSkipSection(f, NULL);
+ break;
+ LefSkipSection(f, sections[LEF_NOISETABLE]);
+ break;
+ LefSkipSection(f, sections[LEF_CORRECTIONTABLE]);
+ break;
+ case LEF_IRDROP:
+ LefSkipSection(f, sections[LEF_IRDROP]);
+ break;
+ case LEF_ARRAY:
+ LefSkipSection(f, sections[LEF_ARRAY]);
+ break;
+ LefSkipSection(f, sections[LEF_SECTION_TIMING]);
+ break;
+ LefSkipSection(f, sections[LEF_EXTENSION]);
+ break;
+ case LEF_MACRO:
+ token = LefNextToken(f, TRUE);
+ /* Diagnostic */
+ /*
+ fprintf(stdout, "LEF file: Defines new cell %s\n", token);
+ */
+ sprintf(tsave, "%.127s", token);
+ LefReadMacro(f, tsave, oscale);
+ break;
+ case LEF_END:
+ if (!LefParseEndStatement(f, "LIBRARY"))
+ {
+ LefError(LEF_ERROR, "END statement out of context.\n");
+ keyword = -1;
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ if (keyword == LEF_END) break;
+ }
+ if (Verbose > 0) {
+ fprintf(stdout, "LEF read: Processed %d lines.\n", lefCurrentLine);
+ LefError(LEF_ERROR, NULL); /* print statement of errors, if any */
+ }
+ /* Cleanup */
+ if (f != NULL) fclose(f);
+ /* Make sure that the gate list has one entry called "pin" */
+ for (gateginfo = GateInfo; gateginfo; gateginfo = gateginfo->next)
+ if (!strcasecmp(gateginfo->gatename, "pin"))
+ break;
+ if (!gateginfo) {
+ /* Add a new GateInfo entry for pseudo-gate "pin" */
+ gateginfo = (GATE)malloc(sizeof(struct gate_));
+ gateginfo->gatetype = NULL;
+ gateginfo->gateclass = MACRO_CLASS_DEFAULT;
+ gateginfo->gatesubclass = MACRO_SUBCLASS_NONE;
+ gateginfo->gatename = (char *)malloc(4);
+ strcpy(gateginfo->gatename, "pin");
+ gateginfo->width = 0.0;
+ gateginfo->height = 0.0;
+ gateginfo->placedX = 0.0;
+ gateginfo->placedY = 0.0;
+ gateginfo->nodes = 1;
+ gateginfo->taps = (DSEG *)malloc(sizeof(DSEG));
+ gateginfo->noderec = (NODE *)malloc(sizeof(NODE));
+ gateginfo->area = (float *)malloc(sizeof(float));
+ gateginfo->direction = (u_char *)malloc(sizeof(u_char));
+ gateginfo->use = (u_char *)malloc(sizeof(u_char));
+ gateginfo->netnum = (int *)malloc(sizeof(int));
+ gateginfo->node = (char **)malloc(sizeof(char *));
+ grect = (DSEG)malloc(sizeof(struct dseg_));
+ grect->x1 = grect->x2 = 0.0;
+ grect->y1 = grect->y2 = 0.0;
+ grect->next = (DSEG)NULL;
+ gateginfo->obs = (DSEG)NULL;
+ gateginfo->next = GateInfo;
+ gateginfo->last = (GATE)NULL;
+ gateginfo->taps[0] = grect;
+ gateginfo->noderec[0] = NULL;
+ gateginfo->area[0] = 0.0;
+ gateginfo->netnum[0] = -1;
+ gateginfo->node[0] = strdup("pin");
+ gateginfo->clientdata = (void *)NULL;
+ GateInfo = gateginfo;
+ LefHashMacro(gateginfo);
+ }
+ return oprecis;