/* * def.c -- * * This module incorporates the LEF/DEF format for standard-cell place and * route. * * Version 0.1 (September 26, 2003): DEF input of designs. * * Written by Tim Edwards, Open Circuit Design * Modified April 2013 for use with qrouter * * It is assumed that the LEF files have been read in prior to this, and * layer information is already known. The DEF file should have information * primarily on die are, track placement, pins, components, and nets. * * Routed nets have their routes dropped into track obstructions, and the * nets are ignored. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include /* for roundf() function, if std=c99 */ #include "qrouter.h" #include "node.h" #include "qconfig.h" #include "maze.h" #include "lef.h" #include "def.h" int numSpecial = 0; /* Tracks number of specialnets */ #ifndef TCL_QROUTER /* Find an instance in the instance list. If qrouter */ /* is compiled with Tcl support, then this routine is */ /* found in tclqrouter.c and uses hash tables, greatly */ /* speeding up the read-in of large DEF files. */ static GATE DefFindInstance(char *name) { GATE ginst; for (ginst = Nlgates; ginst; ginst = ginst->next) { if (!strcasecmp(ginst->gatename, name)) return ginst; } return NULL; } /* For the non-Tcl version, these are empty placeholders */ static void DefHashInit(void) { } static void DefHashInstance(GATE gateginfo) { } #else /* The versions using TCL hash tables */ #include /* This hash table speeds up DEF file reading */ static Tcl_HashTable InstanceTable; /*--------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* Cell macro lookup based on the hash table */ /*--------------------------------------------------------------*/ static void DefHashInit(void) { /* Initialize the macro hash table */ Tcl_InitHashTable(&InstanceTable, TCL_STRING_KEYS); } static GATE DefFindInstance(char *name) { GATE ginst; Tcl_HashEntry *entry; entry = Tcl_FindHashEntry(&InstanceTable, name); ginst = (entry) ? (GATE)Tcl_GetHashValue(entry) : NULL; return ginst; } /*--------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* Cell macro hash table generation */ /* Given an instance record, create an entry in the hash table */ /* for the instance name, with the record entry pointing to the */ /* instance record. */ /*--------------------------------------------------------------*/ static void DefHashInstance(GATE gateginfo) { int new; Tcl_HashEntry *entry; entry = Tcl_CreateHashEntry(&InstanceTable, gateginfo->gatename, &new); if (entry != NULL) Tcl_SetHashValue(entry, (ClientData)gateginfo); } #endif /* TCL_QROUTER */ /* *------------------------------------------------------------ * * DefAddRoutes -- * * Parse a network route statement from the DEF file. * If "special" is 1, then, add the geometry to the * list of obstructions. If "special" is 0, then read * the geometry into a route structure for the net. * * Results: * Returns the last token encountered. * * Side Effects: * Reads from input stream; * Adds information to the layout database. * *------------------------------------------------------------ */ static char * DefAddRoutes(FILE *f, float oscale, NET net, char special) { char *token; SEG newRoute = NULL; DSEG lr, drect; struct point_ refp; char valid = FALSE; /* is there a valid reference point? */ char initial = TRUE; struct dseg_ locarea; double x, y, lx, ly, w, hw, s; int routeLayer = -1, paintLayer; LefList lefl; ROUTE routednet = NULL; refp.x1 = 0; refp.y1 = 0; /* Set pitches and allocate memory for Obs[] if we haven't yet. */ set_num_channels(); while (initial || (token = LefNextToken(f, TRUE)) != NULL) { /* Get next point, token "NEW", or via name */ if (initial || !strcmp(token, "NEW") || !strcmp(token, "new")) { /* initial pass is like a NEW record, but has no NEW keyword */ initial = FALSE; /* invalidate reference point */ valid = FALSE; token = LefNextToken(f, TRUE); routeLayer = LefFindLayerNum(token); if (routeLayer < 0) { LefError("Unknown layer type \"%s\" for NEW route\n", token); continue; } else if (routeLayer >= Num_layers) { LefError("DEF file contains layer \"%s\" which is not allowed " "by the layer limit setting of %d\n", token, Num_layers); continue; } paintLayer = routeLayer; if (special == (char)1) { /* SPECIALNETS has the additional width */ token = LefNextToken(f, TRUE); if (sscanf(token, "%lg", &w) != 1) { LefError("Bad width in special net\n"); continue; } if (w != 0) w /= oscale; else w = LefGetRouteWidth(paintLayer); } else w = LefGetRouteWidth(paintLayer); // Create a new route record, add to the 1st node if (special == (char)0) { routednet = (ROUTE)malloc(sizeof(struct route_)); routednet->next = net->routes; net->routes = routednet; routednet->netnum = net->netnum; routednet->segments = NULL; routednet->flags = (u_char)0; routednet->start.route = NULL; routednet->end.route = NULL; } } else if (*token != '(') /* via name */ { /* A '+' or ';' record ends the route */ if (*token == ';' || *token == '+') break; else if (valid == FALSE) { LefError("Route has via name \"%s\" but no points!\n", token); continue; } lefl = LefFindLayer(token); if (lefl != NULL) { /* The area to paint is derived from the via definitions. */ if (lefl != NULL) { if (lefl->lefClass == CLASS_VIA) { paintLayer = Num_layers - 1; routeLayer = -1; lr = lefl->info.via.lr; while (lr != NULL) { routeLayer = lr->layer; if (routeLayer < paintLayer) paintLayer = routeLayer; if ((routeLayer >= 0) && (special == (char)1) && (valid == TRUE)) { s = LefGetRouteSpacing(routeLayer); drect = (DSEG)malloc(sizeof(struct dseg_)); drect->x1 = x + (lr->x1 / 2.0) - s; drect->x2 = x + (lr->x2 / 2.0) + s; drect->y1 = y + (lr->y1 / 2.0) - s; drect->y2 = y + (lr->y2 / 2.0) + s; drect->layer = routeLayer; drect->next = UserObs; UserObs = drect; } lr = lr->next; } if (routeLayer == -1) paintLayer = lefl->type; } else { paintLayer = lefl->type; if (special == (char)1) s = LefGetRouteSpacing(paintLayer); } } else { LefError("Error: Via \"%s\" named but undefined.\n", token); paintLayer = routeLayer; } if ((special == (char)0) && (paintLayer >= 0) && (paintLayer < Num_layers)) { newRoute = (SEG)malloc(sizeof(struct seg_)); newRoute->segtype = ST_VIA; newRoute->x1 = refp.x1; newRoute->x2 = refp.x1; newRoute->y1 = refp.y1; newRoute->y2 = refp.y1; newRoute->layer = paintLayer; if (routednet == NULL) { routednet = (ROUTE)malloc(sizeof(struct route_)); routednet->next = net->routes; net->routes = routednet; routednet->netnum = net->netnum; routednet->segments = NULL; routednet->flags = (u_char)0; routednet->start.route = NULL; routednet->end.route = NULL; } newRoute->next = routednet->segments; routednet->segments = newRoute; } else { if (paintLayer >= Num_layers) LefError("Via \"%s\" exceeds layer limit setting!\n", token); else LefError("Via \"%s\" does not define a metal layer!\n", token); } } else LefError("Via name \"%s\" unknown in route.\n", token); } else { /* Revert to the routing layer type, in case we painted a via */ paintLayer = routeLayer; /* Record current reference point */ locarea.x1 = refp.x1; locarea.y1 = refp.y1; lx = x; ly = y; /* Read an (X Y) point */ token = LefNextToken(f, TRUE); /* read X */ if (*token == '*') { if (valid == FALSE) { LefError("No reference point for \"*\" wildcard\n"); goto endCoord; } } else if (sscanf(token, "%lg", &x) == 1) { x /= oscale; // In microns refp.x1 = (int)((x - Xlowerbound + EPS) / PitchX[paintLayer]); } else { LefError("Cannot parse X coordinate.\n"); goto endCoord; } token = LefNextToken(f, TRUE); /* read Y */ if (*token == '*') { if (valid == FALSE) { LefError("No reference point for \"*\" wildcard\n"); if (newRoute != NULL) { free(newRoute); newRoute = NULL; } goto endCoord; } } else if (sscanf(token, "%lg", &y) == 1) { y /= oscale; // In microns refp.y1 = (int)((y - Ylowerbound + EPS) / PitchY[paintLayer]); } else { LefError("Cannot parse Y coordinate.\n"); goto endCoord; } /* Indicate that we have a valid reference point */ if (valid == FALSE) { valid = TRUE; } else if ((locarea.x1 != refp.x1) && (locarea.y1 != refp.y1)) { /* Skip over nonmanhattan segments, reset the reference */ /* point, and output a warning. */ LefError("Can't deal with nonmanhattan geometry in route.\n"); locarea.x1 = refp.x1; locarea.y1 = refp.y1; lx = x; ly = y; } else { locarea.x2 = refp.x1; locarea.y2 = refp.y1; if (special == (char)1) { if (valid == TRUE) { s = LefGetRouteSpacing(routeLayer); hw = w / 2; drect = (DSEG)malloc(sizeof(struct dseg_)); if (lx > x) { drect->x1 = x - s; drect->x2 = lx + s; } else if (lx < x) { drect->x1 = lx - s; drect->x2 = x + s; } else { drect->x1 = x - hw - s; drect->x2 = x + hw + s; } if (ly > y) { drect->y1 = y - s; drect->y2 = ly + s; } else if (ly < y) { drect->y1 = ly - s; drect->y2 = y + s; } else { drect->y1 = y - hw - s; drect->y2 = y + hw + s; } drect->layer = routeLayer; drect->next = UserObs; UserObs = drect; } } else if ((paintLayer >= 0) && (paintLayer < Num_layers)) { newRoute = (SEG)malloc(sizeof(struct seg_)); newRoute->segtype = ST_WIRE; newRoute->x1 = locarea.x1; newRoute->x2 = locarea.x2; newRoute->y1 = locarea.y1; newRoute->y2 = locarea.y2; newRoute->layer = paintLayer; if (routednet == NULL) { routednet = (ROUTE)malloc(sizeof(struct route_)); routednet->next = net->routes; net->routes = routednet; routednet->netnum = net->netnum; routednet->segments = NULL; routednet->flags = (u_char)0; routednet->start.route = NULL; routednet->end.route = NULL; } newRoute->next = routednet->segments; routednet->segments = newRoute; } else if (paintLayer >= Num_layers) { LefError("Route layer exceeds layer limit setting!\n"); } } endCoord: /* Find the closing parenthesis for the coordinate pair */ while (*token != ')') token = LefNextToken(f, TRUE); } } /* Make sure we have allocated memory for nets */ allocate_obs_array(); /* Write the route(s) back into Obs[] */ writeback_all_routes(net); return token; /* Pass back the last token found */ } /* *------------------------------------------------------------ * * DefReadGatePin --- * * Given a gate name and a pin name in a net from the * DEF file NETS section, find the position of the * gate, then the position of the pin within the gate, * and add pin and obstruction information to the grid * network. * *------------------------------------------------------------ */ static void DefReadGatePin(NET net, NODE node, char *instname, char *pinname, double *home) { int i; GATE gateginfo; DSEG drect; GATE g; double dx, dy; int gridx, gridy; DPOINT dp; g = DefFindInstance(instname); if (g) { gateginfo = g->gatetype; if (!gateginfo) { LefError("Endpoint %s/%s of net %s not found\n", instname, pinname, net->netname); return; } for (i = 0; i < gateginfo->nodes; i++) { if (!strcasecmp(gateginfo->node[i], pinname)) { node->taps = (DPOINT)NULL; node->extend = (DPOINT)NULL; for (drect = g->taps[i]; drect; drect = drect->next) { // Add all routing gridpoints that fall inside // the rectangle. Much to do here: // (1) routable area should extend 1/2 route width // to each side, as spacing to obstructions allows. // (2) terminals that are wide enough to route to // but not centered on gridpoints should be marked // in some way, and handled appropriately. gridx = (int)((drect->x1 - Xlowerbound) / PitchX[drect->layer]) - 1; if (gridx < 0) gridx = 0; while (1) { dx = (gridx * PitchX[drect->layer]) + Xlowerbound; if (dx > drect->x2 + home[drect->layer] - EPS) break; if (dx < drect->x1 - home[drect->layer] + EPS) { gridx++; continue; } gridy = (int)((drect->y1 - Ylowerbound) / PitchY[drect->layer]) - 1; if (gridy < 0) gridy = 0; while (1) { dy = (gridy * PitchY[drect->layer]) + Ylowerbound; if (dy > drect->y2 + home[drect->layer] - EPS) break; if (dy < drect->y1 - home[drect->layer] + EPS) { gridy++; continue; } // Routing grid point is an interior point // of a gate port. Record the position dp = (DPOINT)malloc(sizeof(struct dpoint_)); dp->layer = drect->layer; dp->x = dx; dp->y = dy; dp->gridx = gridx; dp->gridy = gridy; if ((dy >= drect->y1 - EPS) && (dx >= drect->x1 - EPS) && (dy <= drect->y2 + EPS) && (dx <= drect->x2 + EPS)) { dp->next = node->taps; node->taps = dp; } else { dp->next = node->extend; node->extend = dp; } gridy++; } gridx++; } } node->netnum = net->netnum; g->netnum[i] = net->netnum; g->noderec[i] = node; node->netname = net->netname; node->next = net->netnodes; net->netnodes = node; break; } } if (i < gateginfo->nodes) return; } } /* *------------------------------------------------------------ * * DefReadNets -- * * Read a NETS or SPECIALNETS section from a DEF file. * * Results: * None. * * Side Effects: * Many. Networks are created, and geometry may be * painted into the database top-level cell. * *------------------------------------------------------------ */ enum def_net_keys {DEF_NET_START = 0, DEF_NET_END}; enum def_netprop_keys { DEF_NETPROP_USE = 0, DEF_NETPROP_ROUTED, DEF_NETPROP_FIXED, DEF_NETPROP_COVER, DEF_NETPROP_SHAPE, DEF_NETPROP_SOURCE, DEF_NETPROP_WEIGHT, DEF_NETPROP_PROPERTY}; static void DefReadNets(FILE *f, char *sname, float oscale, char special, int total) { char *token; int keyword, subkey; int i, processed = 0; int nodeidx; char instname[MAX_NAME_LEN], pinname[MAX_NAME_LEN]; NET net; int netidx; NODE node; double home[MAX_LAYERS]; static char *net_keys[] = { "-", "END", NULL }; static char *net_property_keys[] = { "USE", "ROUTED", "FIXED", "COVER", "SHAPE", "SOURCE", "WEIGHT", "PROPERTY", NULL }; if (Numnets == 0) { // Initialize net and node records netidx = MIN_NET_NUMBER; Nlnets = (NET *)malloc(total * sizeof(NET)); for (i = 0; i < total; i++) Nlnets[i] = NULL; // Compute distance for keepout halo for each route layer // NOTE: This must match the definition for the keepout halo // used in nodes.c! for (i = 0; i < Num_layers; i++) { home[i] = LefGetViaWidth(i, i, 0) / 2.0 + LefGetRouteSpacing(i); } } else { Nlnets = (NET *)realloc(Nlnets, (Numnets + total) * sizeof(NET)); for (i = Numnets; i < (Numnets + total); i++) Nlnets[i] = NULL; } while ((token = LefNextToken(f, TRUE)) != NULL) { keyword = Lookup(token, net_keys); if (keyword < 0) { LefError("Unknown keyword \"%s\" in NET " "definition; ignoring.\n", token); LefEndStatement(f); continue; } switch (keyword) { case DEF_NET_START: /* Get net name */ token = LefNextToken(f, TRUE); net = (NET)malloc(sizeof(struct net_)); Nlnets[Numnets++] = net; net->netorder = 0; net->numnodes = 0; net->flags = 0; net->netname = strdup(token); net->netnodes = (NODE)NULL; net->noripup = (NETLIST)NULL; net->routes = (ROUTE)NULL; net->xmin = net->ymin = 0; net->xmax = net->ymax = 0; // Net numbers start at MIN_NET_NUMBER for regular nets, // use VDD_NET and GND_NET for power and ground, and 0 // is not a valid net number. if (vddnet && !strcmp(token, vddnet)) net->netnum = VDD_NET; else if (gndnet && !strcmp(token, gndnet)) net->netnum = GND_NET; else net->netnum = netidx++; nodeidx = 0; /* Update the record of the number of nets processed */ /* and spit out a message for every 5% finished. */ processed++; /* Get next token; will be '(' if this is a netlist */ token = LefNextToken(f, TRUE); /* Process all properties */ while (token && (*token != ';')) { /* Find connections for the net */ if (*token == '(') { token = LefNextToken(f, TRUE); /* get pin or gate */ strcpy(instname, token); token = LefNextToken(f, TRUE); /* get node name */ if (!strcasecmp(instname, "pin")) { strcpy(instname, token); strcpy(pinname, "pin"); } else strcpy(pinname, token); node = (NODE)calloc(1, sizeof(struct node_)); node->nodenum = nodeidx++; DefReadGatePin(net, node, instname, pinname, home); token = LefNextToken(f, TRUE); /* should be ')' */ continue; } else if (*token != '+') { token = LefNextToken(f, TRUE); /* Not a property */ continue; /* Ignore it, whatever it is */ } else token = LefNextToken(f, TRUE); subkey = Lookup(token, net_property_keys); if (subkey < 0) { LefError("Unknown net property \"%s\" in " "NET definition; ignoring.\n", token); continue; } switch (subkey) { case DEF_NETPROP_USE: /* Presently, we ignore this */ break; case DEF_NETPROP_SHAPE: /* Ignore this too, along with the next keyword */ token = LefNextToken(f, TRUE); break; case DEF_NETPROP_ROUTED: // Read in the route; qrouter now takes // responsibility for this route. while (token && (*token != ';')) token = DefAddRoutes(f, oscale, net, special); break; case DEF_NETPROP_FIXED: case DEF_NETPROP_COVER: // Treat fixed nets like specialnets: read them // in as obstructions, and write them out as-is. // Use special = 2 so it is treated like a // specialnet but does not expect the specialnet // syntax (unless it is, in fact, a specialnet // entry). while (token && (*token != ';')) token = DefAddRoutes(f, oscale, net, (special == (char)0) ? (char)2 : special); break; } } break; case DEF_NET_END: if (!LefParseEndStatement(f, sname)) { LefError("Net END statement missing.\n"); keyword = -1; } break; } if (keyword == DEF_NET_END) break; } // Set the number of nodes per net for each node on the net if (special == FALSE) { // Fill in the netnodes list for each net, needed for checking // for isolated routed groups within a net. for (i = 0; i < Numnets; i++) { net = Nlnets[i]; for (node = net->netnodes; node; node = node->next) net->numnodes++; for (node = net->netnodes; node; node = node->next) node->numnodes = net->numnodes; } } if (processed == total) { if (Verbose > 0) Fprintf(stdout, " Processed %d%s nets total.\n", processed, (special) ? " special" : ""); } else LefError("Warning: Number of nets read (%d) does not match " "the number declared (%d).\n", processed, total); } /* *------------------------------------------------------------ * * DefReadUseLocation -- * * Read location and orientation of a cell use * Syntax: ( X Y ) O * * Results: * 0 on success, -1 on failure * * Side Effects: * GATE definition for the use has the placedX, placedY, * and orient values filled. *------------------------------------------------------------ */ enum def_orient {DEF_NORTH, DEF_SOUTH, DEF_EAST, DEF_WEST, DEF_FLIPPED_NORTH, DEF_FLIPPED_SOUTH, DEF_FLIPPED_EAST, DEF_FLIPPED_WEST}; static int DefReadLocation(gate, f, oscale) GATE gate; FILE *f; float oscale; { int keyword; char *token; float x, y; char mxflag, myflag; static char *orientations[] = { "N", "S", "E", "W", "FN", "FS", "FE", "FW" }; token = LefNextToken(f, TRUE); if (*token != '(') goto parse_error; token = LefNextToken(f, TRUE); if (sscanf(token, "%f", &x) != 1) goto parse_error; token = LefNextToken(f, TRUE); if (sscanf(token, "%f", &y) != 1) goto parse_error; token = LefNextToken(f, TRUE); if (*token != ')') goto parse_error; token = LefNextToken(f, TRUE); keyword = Lookup(token, orientations); if (keyword < 0) { LefError("Unknown macro orientation \"%s\".\n", token); return -1; } mxflag = myflag = (char)0; switch (keyword) { case DEF_NORTH: break; case DEF_SOUTH: mxflag = 1; myflag = 1; break; case DEF_FLIPPED_NORTH: mxflag = 1; break; case DEF_FLIPPED_SOUTH: myflag = 1; break; case DEF_EAST: case DEF_WEST: case DEF_FLIPPED_EAST: case DEF_FLIPPED_WEST: LefError("Error: Cannot handle 90-degree rotated components!\n"); break; } if (gate) { gate->placedX = x / oscale; gate->placedY = y / oscale; gate->orient = MNONE; if (mxflag) gate->orient |= MX; if (myflag) gate->orient |= MY; } return 0; parse_error: LefError("Cannot parse location: must be ( X Y ) orient\n"); return -1; } /* *------------------------------------------------------------ * * DefReadPins -- * * Read a PINS section from a DEF file. * * Results: * None. * * Side Effects: * Generates paint and labels in the layout. * *------------------------------------------------------------ */ enum def_pins_keys {DEF_PINS_START = 0, DEF_PINS_END}; enum def_pins_prop_keys { DEF_PINS_PROP_NET = 0, DEF_PINS_PROP_DIR, DEF_PINS_PROP_LAYER, DEF_PINS_PROP_PLACED, DEF_PINS_PROP_USE, DEF_PINS_PROP_FIXED, DEF_PINS_PROP_COVER}; static void DefReadPins(FILE *f, char *sname, float oscale, int total) { char *token; char pinname[MAX_NAME_LEN]; int keyword, subkey; int processed = 0; DSEG currect, drect; GATE gate; int curlayer; double hwidth; u_char pin_use; static char *pin_keys[] = { "-", "END", NULL }; static char *pin_property_keys[] = { "NET", "DIRECTION", "LAYER", "PLACED", "USE", "FIXED", "COVER", NULL }; static char *pin_classes[] = { "DEFAULT", "INPUT", "OUTPUT TRISTATE", "OUTPUT", "INOUT", "FEEDTHRU", NULL }; static char *pin_uses[] = { "DEFAULT", "SIGNAL", "ANALOG", "POWER", "GROUND", "CLOCK", "TIEOFF", "SCAN", "RESET", NULL }; pin_use = PORT_USE_DEFAULT; while ((token = LefNextToken(f, TRUE)) != NULL) { keyword = Lookup(token, pin_keys); if (keyword < 0) { LefError("Unknown keyword \"%s\" in PINS " "definition; ignoring.\n", token); LefEndStatement(f); continue; } switch (keyword) { case DEF_PINS_START: /* "-" keyword */ /* Update the record of the number of pins */ /* processed and spit out a message for every 5% done. */ processed++; /* Get pin name */ token = LefNextToken(f, TRUE); if (sscanf(token, "%2047s", pinname) != 1) { LefError("Bad pin statement: Need pin name\n"); LefEndStatement(f); break; } /* Create the pin record */ gate = (GATE)malloc(sizeof(struct gate_)); gate->gatetype = PinMacro; gate->gatename = NULL; /* Use NET, but if none, use */ /* the pin name, set at end. */ gate->width = gate->height = 0; curlayer = -1; /* Pin record has one node; allocate memory for it */ gate->taps = (DSEG *)malloc(sizeof(DSEG)); gate->noderec = (NODE *)malloc(sizeof(NODE)); gate->direction = (u_char *)malloc(sizeof(u_char)); gate->netnum = (int *)malloc(sizeof(int)); gate->node = (char **)malloc(sizeof(char *)); gate->taps[0] = NULL; gate->noderec[0] = NULL; gate->netnum[0] = -1; gate->node[0] = NULL; gate->direction[0] = PORT_CLASS_DEFAULT; /* Now do a search through the line for "+" entries */ /* And process each. */ while ((token = LefNextToken(f, TRUE)) != NULL) { if (*token == ';') break; if (*token != '+') continue; token = LefNextToken(f, TRUE); subkey = Lookup(token, pin_property_keys); if (subkey < 0) { LefError("Unknown pin property \"%s\" in " "PINS definition; ignoring.\n", token); continue; } switch (subkey) { case DEF_PINS_PROP_NET: /* Get the net name */ token = LefNextToken(f, TRUE); gate->gatename = strdup(token); gate->node[0] = strdup(token); break; case DEF_PINS_PROP_DIR: token = LefNextToken(f, TRUE); subkey = Lookup(token, pin_classes); if (subkey < 0) LefError("Unknown pin class %s\n", token); else gate->direction[0] = subkey; break; case DEF_PINS_PROP_LAYER: curlayer = LefReadLayer(f, FALSE); currect = LefReadRect(f, curlayer, oscale); gate->width = currect->x2 - currect->x1; gate->height = currect->y2 - currect->y1; break; case DEF_PINS_PROP_USE: token = LefNextToken(f, TRUE); subkey = Lookup(token, pin_uses); if (subkey < 0) LefError("Unknown pin use %s\n", token); else pin_use = subkey; break; case DEF_PINS_PROP_PLACED: case DEF_PINS_PROP_FIXED: case DEF_PINS_PROP_COVER: DefReadLocation(gate, f, oscale); break; } } if (curlayer >= 0 && curlayer < Num_layers) { /* If no NET was declared for pin, use pinname */ if (gate->gatename == NULL) gate->gatename = strdup(pinname); /* Make sure pin is at least the size of the route layer */ drect = (DSEG)malloc(sizeof(struct dseg_)); gate->taps[0] = drect; drect->next = (DSEG)NULL; hwidth = LefGetRouteWidth(curlayer); if (gate->width < hwidth) gate->width = hwidth; if (gate->height < hwidth) gate->height = hwidth; hwidth /= 2.0; drect->x1 = gate->placedX - hwidth; drect->y1 = gate->placedY - hwidth; drect->x2 = gate->placedX + hwidth; drect->y2 = gate->placedY + hwidth; drect->layer = curlayer; gate->obs = (DSEG)NULL; gate->nodes = 1; gate->next = Nlgates; Nlgates = gate; // Used by Tcl version of qrouter DefHashInstance(gate); } else { LefError("Pin %s is defined outside of route layer area!\n", pinname); free(gate->taps); free(gate->noderec); free(gate->direction); free(gate->netnum); free(gate->node); free(gate); } break; case DEF_PINS_END: if (!LefParseEndStatement(f, sname)) { LefError("Pins END statement missing.\n"); keyword = -1; } if (pin_use != PORT_USE_DEFAULT && gate->direction[0] == PORT_CLASS_DEFAULT) { /* Derive pin use from pin class, if needed */ switch (pin_use) { case PORT_USE_SIGNAL: case PORT_USE_RESET: case PORT_USE_CLOCK: case PORT_USE_SCAN: gate->direction[0] = PORT_CLASS_INPUT; break; case PORT_USE_POWER: case PORT_USE_GROUND: case PORT_USE_TIEOFF: case PORT_USE_ANALOG: gate->direction[0] = PORT_CLASS_BIDIRECTIONAL; break; } } break; } if (keyword == DEF_PINS_END) break; } if (processed == total) { if (Verbose > 0) Fprintf(stdout, " Processed %d pins total.\n", processed); } else LefError("Warning: Number of pins read (%d) does not match " "the number declared (%d).\n", processed, total); } /* *------------------------------------------------------------ * * DefReadVias -- * * Read a VIAS section from a DEF file. * * Results: * None. * * Side Effects: * Technically, this routine should be creating a cell for * each defined via. For now, it just computes the bounding * rectangle and layer. * *------------------------------------------------------------ */ enum def_vias_keys {DEF_VIAS_START = 0, DEF_VIAS_END}; enum def_vias_prop_keys { DEF_VIAS_PROP_RECT = 0}; static void DefReadVias(f, sname, oscale, total) FILE *f; char *sname; float oscale; int total; { char *token; char vianame[LEF_LINE_MAX]; int keyword, subkey; int processed = 0; int curlayer; LefList lefl; static char *via_keys[] = { "-", "END", NULL }; static char *via_property_keys[] = { "RECT", NULL }; while ((token = LefNextToken(f, TRUE)) != NULL) { keyword = Lookup(token, via_keys); if (keyword < 0) { LefError("Unknown keyword \"%s\" in VIAS " "definition; ignoring.\n", token); LefEndStatement(f); continue; } switch (keyword) { case DEF_VIAS_START: /* "-" keyword */ /* Update the record of the number of vias */ /* processed and spit out a message for every 5% done. */ processed++; /* Get via name */ token = LefNextToken(f, TRUE); if (sscanf(token, "%2047s", vianame) != 1) { LefError("Bad via statement: Need via name\n"); LefEndStatement(f); break; } lefl = LefFindLayer(token); if (lefl == NULL) { lefl = (LefList)calloc(1, sizeof(lefLayer)); lefl->type = -1; lefl->obsType = -1; lefl->lefClass = CLASS_VIA; lefl->info.via.area.x1 = 0.0; lefl->info.via.area.y1 = 0.0; lefl->info.via.area.x2 = 0.0; lefl->info.via.area.y2 = 0.0; lefl->info.via.area.layer = -1; lefl->info.via.cell = (GATE)NULL; lefl->info.via.lr = (DSEG)NULL; lefl->lefName = strdup(token); lefl->next = LefInfo; LefInfo = lefl; } else { LefError("Warning: Composite via \"%s\" redefined.\n", vianame); lefl = LefRedefined(lefl, vianame); } /* Now do a search through the line for "+" entries */ /* And process each. */ while ((token = LefNextToken(f, TRUE)) != NULL) { if (*token == ';') break; if (*token != '+') continue; token = LefNextToken(f, TRUE); subkey = Lookup(token, via_property_keys); if (subkey < 0) { LefError("Unknown via property \"%s\" in " "VIAS definition; ignoring.\n", token); continue; } switch (subkey) { case DEF_VIAS_PROP_RECT: curlayer = LefReadLayer(f, FALSE); LefAddViaGeometry(f, lefl, curlayer, oscale); break; } } break; case DEF_VIAS_END: if (!LefParseEndStatement(f, sname)) { LefError("Vias END statement missing.\n"); keyword = -1; } break; } if (keyword == DEF_VIAS_END) break; } if (processed == total) { if (Verbose > 0) Fprintf(stdout, " Processed %d vias total.\n", processed); } else LefError("Warning: Number of vias read (%d) does not match " "the number declared (%d).\n", processed, total); } /* *------------------------------------------------------------ * * DefReadBlockages -- * * Read a BLOCKAGES section from a DEF file. * * Results: * None. * * Side Effects: * UserObs list is updated with the additional * obstructions. * *------------------------------------------------------------ */ enum def_block_keys {DEF_BLOCK_START = 0, DEF_BLOCK_END}; static void DefReadBlockages(FILE *f, char *sname, float oscale, int total) { char *token; int keyword; int processed = 0; DSEG drect, rsrch; LefList lefl; static char *blockage_keys[] = { "-", "END", NULL }; while ((token = LefNextToken(f, TRUE)) != NULL) { keyword = Lookup(token, blockage_keys); if (keyword < 0) { LefError("Unknown keyword \"%s\" in BLOCKAGE " "definition; ignoring.\n", token); LefEndStatement(f); continue; } switch (keyword) { case DEF_BLOCK_START: /* "-" keyword */ /* Update the record of the number of components */ /* processed and spit out a message for every 5% done. */ processed++; /* Get layer name */ token = LefNextToken(f, TRUE); lefl = LefFindLayer(token); if (lefl != NULL) { drect = LefReadGeometry(NULL, f, oscale); if (UserObs == NULL) UserObs = drect; else { for (rsrch = UserObs; rsrch->next; rsrch = rsrch->next); rsrch->next = drect; } } else { LefError("Bad blockage statement: Need layer name\n"); LefEndStatement(f); break; } break; case DEF_BLOCK_END: if (!LefParseEndStatement(f, sname)) { LefError("Blockage END statement missing.\n"); keyword = -1; } break; } if (keyword == DEF_BLOCK_END) break; } if (processed == total) { if (Verbose > 0) Fprintf(stdout, " Processed %d blockages total.\n", processed); } else LefError("Warning: Number of blockages read (%d) does not match " "the number declared (%d).\n", processed, total); } /* *------------------------------------------------------------ * * DefReadComponents -- * * Read a COMPONENTS section from a DEF file. * * Results: * None. * * Side Effects: * Many. Cell instances are created and added to * the database. * *------------------------------------------------------------ */ enum def_comp_keys {DEF_COMP_START = 0, DEF_COMP_END}; enum def_prop_keys { DEF_PROP_FIXED = 0, DEF_PROP_COVER, DEF_PROP_PLACED, DEF_PROP_UNPLACED, DEF_PROP_SOURCE, DEF_PROP_WEIGHT, DEF_PROP_FOREIGN, DEF_PROP_REGION, DEF_PROP_GENERATE, DEF_PROP_PROPERTY, DEF_PROP_EEQMASTER}; static void DefReadComponents(FILE *f, char *sname, float oscale, int total) { GATE gateginfo; GATE gate = NULL; char *token; char usename[512]; int keyword, subkey, i; int processed = 0; char OK; DSEG drect, newrect; double tmp; static char *component_keys[] = { "-", "END", NULL }; static char *property_keys[] = { "FIXED", "COVER", "PLACED", "UNPLACED", "SOURCE", "WEIGHT", "FOREIGN", "REGION", "GENERATE", "PROPERTY", "EEQMASTER", NULL }; while ((token = LefNextToken(f, TRUE)) != NULL) { keyword = Lookup(token, component_keys); if (keyword < 0) { LefError("Unknown keyword \"%s\" in COMPONENT " "definition; ignoring.\n", token); LefEndStatement(f); continue; } switch (keyword) { case DEF_COMP_START: /* "-" keyword */ /* Update the record of the number of components */ /* processed and spit out a message for every 5% done. */ processed++; /* Get use and macro names */ token = LefNextToken(f, TRUE); if (sscanf(token, "%511s", usename) != 1) { LefError("Bad component statement: Need use and macro names\n"); LefEndStatement(f); break; } token = LefNextToken(f, TRUE); /* Find the corresponding macro */ OK = 0; for (gateginfo = GateInfo; gateginfo; gateginfo = gateginfo->next) { if (!strcasecmp(gateginfo->gatename, token)) { OK = 1; break; } } if (!OK) { LefError("Could not find a macro definition for \"%s\"\n", token); gate = NULL; } else { gate = (GATE)malloc(sizeof(struct gate_)); gate->gatename = strdup(usename); gate->gatetype = gateginfo; } /* Now do a search through the line for "+" entries */ /* And process each. */ while ((token = LefNextToken(f, TRUE)) != NULL) { if (*token == ';') break; if (*token != '+') continue; token = LefNextToken(f, TRUE); subkey = Lookup(token, property_keys); if (subkey < 0) { LefError("Unknown component property \"%s\" in " "COMPONENT definition; ignoring.\n", token); continue; } switch (subkey) { case DEF_PROP_PLACED: case DEF_PROP_UNPLACED: case DEF_PROP_FIXED: case DEF_PROP_COVER: DefReadLocation(gate, f, oscale); break; case DEF_PROP_SOURCE: case DEF_PROP_WEIGHT: case DEF_PROP_FOREIGN: case DEF_PROP_REGION: case DEF_PROP_GENERATE: case DEF_PROP_PROPERTY: case DEF_PROP_EEQMASTER: token = LefNextToken(f, TRUE); break; } } if (gate != NULL) { /* Process the gate */ gate->width = gateginfo->width; gate->height = gateginfo->height; gate->nodes = gateginfo->nodes; gate->obs = (DSEG)NULL; gate->taps = (DSEG *)malloc(gate->nodes * sizeof(DSEG)); gate->noderec = (NODE *)malloc(gate->nodes * sizeof(NODE)); gate->direction = (u_char *)malloc(gate->nodes * sizeof(u_char)); gate->netnum = (int *)malloc(gate->nodes * sizeof(int)); gate->node = (char **)malloc(gate->nodes * sizeof(char *)); for (i = 0; i < gate->nodes; i++) { /* Let the node names point to the master cell; */ /* this is just diagnostic; allows us, for */ /* instance, to identify vdd and gnd nodes, so */ /* we don't complain about them being */ /* disconnected. */ gate->node[i] = gateginfo->node[i]; /* copy pointer */ gate->direction[i] = gateginfo->direction[i]; /* copy */ gate->taps[i] = (DSEG)NULL; /* Global power/ground bus check */ if (vddnet && !strcmp(gate->node[i], vddnet)) { /* Create a placeholder node with no taps */ gate->netnum[i] = VDD_NET; gate->noderec[i] = (NODE)calloc(1, sizeof(struct node_)); gate->noderec[i]->netnum = VDD_NET; } else if (gndnet && !strcmp(gate->node[i], gndnet)) { /* Create a placeholder node with no taps */ gate->netnum[i] = GND_NET; gate->noderec[i] = (NODE)calloc(1, sizeof(struct node_)); gate->noderec[i]->netnum = GND_NET; } else { gate->netnum[i] = 0; /* Until we read NETS */ gate->noderec[i] = NULL; } /* Make a copy of the gate nodes and adjust for */ /* instance position */ for (drect = gateginfo->taps[i]; drect; drect = drect->next) { newrect = (DSEG)malloc(sizeof(struct dseg_)); *newrect = *drect; newrect->next = gate->taps[i]; gate->taps[i] = newrect; } for (drect = gate->taps[i]; drect; drect = drect->next) { // handle offset from gate origin drect->x1 -= gateginfo->placedX; drect->x2 -= gateginfo->placedX; drect->y1 -= gateginfo->placedY; drect->y2 -= gateginfo->placedY; // handle rotations and orientations here if (gate->orient & MX) { tmp = drect->x1; drect->x1 = -drect->x2; drect->x1 += gate->placedX + gateginfo->width; drect->x2 = -tmp; drect->x2 += gate->placedX + gateginfo->width; } else { drect->x1 += gate->placedX; drect->x2 += gate->placedX; } if (gate->orient & MY) { tmp = drect->y1; drect->y1 = -drect->y2; drect->y1 += gate->placedY + gateginfo->height; drect->y2 = -tmp; drect->y2 += gate->placedY + gateginfo->height; } else { drect->y1 += gate->placedY; drect->y2 += gate->placedY; } } } /* Make a copy of the gate obstructions and adjust */ /* for instance position */ for (drect = gateginfo->obs; drect; drect = drect->next) { newrect = (DSEG)malloc(sizeof(struct dseg_)); *newrect = *drect; newrect->next = gate->obs; gate->obs = newrect; } for (drect = gate->obs; drect; drect = drect->next) { drect->x1 -= gateginfo->placedX; drect->x2 -= gateginfo->placedX; drect->y1 -= gateginfo->placedY; drect->y2 -= gateginfo->placedY; // handle rotations and orientations here if (gate->orient & MX) { tmp = drect->x1; drect->x1 = -drect->x2; drect->x1 += gate->placedX + gateginfo->width; drect->x2 = -tmp; drect->x2 += gate->placedX + gateginfo->width; } else { drect->x1 += gate->placedX; drect->x2 += gate->placedX; } if (gate->orient & MY) { tmp = drect->y1; drect->y1 = -drect->y2; drect->y1 += gate->placedY + gateginfo->height; drect->y2 = -tmp; drect->y2 += gate->placedY + gateginfo->height; } else { drect->y1 += gate->placedY; drect->y2 += gate->placedY; } } gate->next = Nlgates; Nlgates = gate; // Used by Tcl version of qrouter DefHashInstance(gate); } break; case DEF_COMP_END: if (!LefParseEndStatement(f, sname)) { LefError("Component END statement missing.\n"); keyword = -1; } /* Finish final call by placing the cell use */ if ((total > 0) && (gate != NULL)) { // Nothing to do. . . gate has already been placed in list. gate = NULL; } break; } if (keyword == DEF_COMP_END) break; } if (processed == total) { if (Verbose > 0) Fprintf(stdout, " Processed %d subcell instances total.\n", processed); } else LefError("Warning: Number of subcells read (%d) does not match " "the number declared (%d).\n", processed, total); } /* *------------------------------------------------------------ * * DefRead -- * * Read a .def file and parse die area, track positions, * components, pins, and nets. * * Results: * Returns the units scale, so the routed output can be * scaled to match the DEF file header. * * Side Effects: * Many. * *------------------------------------------------------------ */ /* Enumeration of sections defined in DEF files */ enum def_sections {DEF_VERSION = 0, DEF_NAMESCASESENSITIVE, DEF_UNITS, DEF_DESIGN, DEF_REGIONS, DEF_ROW, DEF_TRACKS, DEF_GCELLGRID, DEF_DIVIDERCHAR, DEF_BUSBITCHARS, DEF_PROPERTYDEFINITIONS, DEF_DEFAULTCAP, DEF_TECHNOLOGY, DEF_HISTORY, DEF_DIEAREA, DEF_COMPONENTS, DEF_VIAS, DEF_PINS, DEF_PINPROPERTIES, DEF_SPECIALNETS, DEF_NETS, DEF_IOTIMINGS, DEF_SCANCHAINS, DEF_BLOCKAGES, DEF_CONSTRAINTS, DEF_GROUPS, DEF_EXTENSION, DEF_END}; float DefRead(char *inName) { FILE *f; char filename[256]; char *token; int keyword, dscale, total; int curlayer = -1, channels; int v, h, i; float oscale; double start, step; double llx, lly, urx, ury; double dXlowerbound, dYlowerbound, dXupperbound, dYupperbound; char corient = '.'; DSEG diearea; static char *sections[] = { "VERSION", "NAMESCASESENSITIVE", "UNITS", "DESIGN", "REGIONS", "ROW", "TRACKS", "GCELLGRID", "DIVIDERCHAR", "BUSBITCHARS", "PROPERTYDEFINITIONS", "DEFAULTCAP", "TECHNOLOGY", "HISTORY", "DIEAREA", "COMPONENTS", "VIAS", "PINS", "PINPROPERTIES", "SPECIALNETS", "NETS", "IOTIMINGS", "SCANCHAINS", "BLOCKAGES", "CONSTRAINTS", "GROUPS", "BEGINEXT", "END", NULL }; if (!strrchr(inName, '.')) sprintf(filename, "%s.def", inName); else strcpy(filename, inName); f = fopen(filename, "r"); if (f == NULL) { Fprintf(stderr, "Cannot open input file: "); perror(filename); return (float)0.0; } /* Initialize */ if (Verbose > 0) { Fprintf(stdout, "Reading DEF data from file %s.\n", filename); Flush(stdout); } oscale = 1; lefCurrentLine = 0; v = h = -1; DefHashInit(); /* Read file contents */ while ((token = LefNextToken(f, TRUE)) != NULL) { keyword = Lookup(token, sections); if (keyword < 0) { LefError("Unknown keyword \"%s\" in DEF file; ignoring.\n", token); LefEndStatement(f); continue; } /* After the TRACKS have been read in, corient is 'x' or 'y'. */ /* On the next keyword, finish filling in track information. */ if (keyword != DEF_TRACKS && corient != '.') { /* Because the TRACKS statement only covers the pitch of */ /* a single direction, we need to fill in with the pitch */ /* of opposing layers. For now, we expect all horizontal */ /* routes to be at the same pitch, and all vertical routes */ /* to be at the same pitch. */ if (h == -1) h = v; if (v == -1) v = h; /* This code copied from qconfig.c. Preferably, all */ /* information available in the DEF file should be taken */ /* from the DEF file. */ for (i = 0; i < Num_layers; i++) { if (PitchX[i] != 0.0 && PitchX[i] != PitchX[v] && Verbose > 0) Fprintf(stderr, "Multiple vertical route layers at different" " pitches. Using pitch %g and routing on 1-of-N" " tracks for larger pitches.\n", PitchX[v]); PitchX[i] = PitchX[v]; if (PitchY[i] != 0.0 && PitchY[i] != PitchY[h] && Verbose > 0) Fprintf(stderr, "Multiple horizontal route layers at different" " pitches. Using pitch %g and routing on 1-of-N" " tracks for larger pitches.\n", PitchY[h]); PitchY[i] = PitchY[h]; corient = '.'; // So we don't run this code again. } } switch (keyword) { case DEF_VERSION: LefEndStatement(f); break; case DEF_NAMESCASESENSITIVE: LefEndStatement(f); break; case DEF_TECHNOLOGY: token = LefNextToken(f, TRUE); if (Verbose > 0) Fprintf(stdout, "Diagnostic: DEF file technology: \"%s\"\n", token); LefEndStatement(f); break; case DEF_REGIONS: LefSkipSection(f, sections[DEF_REGIONS]); break; case DEF_DESIGN: token = LefNextToken(f, TRUE); if (Verbose > 0) Fprintf(stdout, "Diagnostic: Design name: \"%s\"\n", token); LefEndStatement(f); break; case DEF_UNITS: token = LefNextToken(f, TRUE); token = LefNextToken(f, TRUE); token = LefNextToken(f, TRUE); if (sscanf(token, "%d", &dscale) != 1) { LefError("Invalid syntax for UNITS statement.\n"); LefError("Assuming default value of 100\n"); dscale = 100; } /* We don't care if the scale is 100, 200, 1000, or 2000. */ /* Do we need to deal with numeric roundoff issues? */ oscale *= (float)dscale; LefEndStatement(f); break; case DEF_ROW: LefEndStatement(f); break; case DEF_TRACKS: token = LefNextToken(f, TRUE); if (strlen(token) != 1) { LefError("Problem parsing track orientation (X or Y).\n"); } corient = tolower(token[0]); // X or Y token = LefNextToken(f, TRUE); if (sscanf(token, "%lg", &start) != 1) { LefError("Problem parsing track start position.\n"); } token = LefNextToken(f, TRUE); if (strcmp(token, "DO")) { LefError("TRACKS missing DO loop.\n"); } token = LefNextToken(f, TRUE); if (sscanf(token, "%d", &channels) != 1) { LefError("Problem parsing number of track channels.\n"); } token = LefNextToken(f, TRUE); if (strcmp(token, "STEP")) { LefError("TRACKS missing STEP size.\n"); } token = LefNextToken(f, TRUE); if (sscanf(token, "%lg", &step) != 1) { LefError("Problem parsing track step size.\n"); } token = LefNextToken(f, TRUE); if (!strcmp(token, "LAYER")) { curlayer = LefReadLayer(f, FALSE); } if (corient == 'x') { Vert[curlayer] = 1; PitchX[curlayer] = step / oscale; if ((v == -1) || (PitchX[curlayer] < PitchX[v])) v = curlayer; if ((curlayer < Num_layers - 1) && PitchX[curlayer + 1] == 0.0) PitchX[curlayer + 1] = PitchX[curlayer]; llx = start; urx = start + step * channels; if ((llx / oscale) < Xlowerbound) Xlowerbound = llx / oscale; if ((urx / oscale) > Xupperbound) Xupperbound = urx / oscale; } else { Vert[curlayer] = 0; PitchY[curlayer] = step / oscale; if ((h == -1) || (PitchY[curlayer] < PitchX[h])) h = curlayer; if ((curlayer < Num_layers - 1) && PitchY[curlayer + 1] == 0.0) PitchY[curlayer + 1] = PitchY[curlayer]; lly = start; ury = start + step * channels; if ((lly / oscale) < Ylowerbound) Ylowerbound = lly / oscale; if ((ury / oscale) > Yupperbound) Yupperbound = ury / oscale; } LefEndStatement(f); break; case DEF_GCELLGRID: LefEndStatement(f); break; case DEF_DIVIDERCHAR: LefEndStatement(f); break; case DEF_BUSBITCHARS: LefEndStatement(f); break; case DEF_HISTORY: LefEndStatement(f); break; case DEF_DIEAREA: diearea = LefReadRect(f, 0, oscale); // no current layer, use 0 dXlowerbound = diearea->x1; dYlowerbound = diearea->y1; dXupperbound = diearea->x2; dYupperbound = diearea->y2; /* Seed actual lower/upper bounds with the midpoint */ Xlowerbound = (diearea->x1 + diearea->x2) / 2; Ylowerbound = (diearea->y1 + diearea->y2) / 2; Xupperbound = Xlowerbound; Yupperbound = Ylowerbound; LefEndStatement(f); break; case DEF_PROPERTYDEFINITIONS: LefSkipSection(f, sections[DEF_PROPERTYDEFINITIONS]); break; case DEF_DEFAULTCAP: LefSkipSection(f, sections[DEF_DEFAULTCAP]); break; case DEF_COMPONENTS: token = LefNextToken(f, TRUE); if (sscanf(token, "%d", &total) != 1) total = 0; LefEndStatement(f); DefReadComponents(f, sections[DEF_COMPONENTS], oscale, total); break; case DEF_BLOCKAGES: token = LefNextToken(f, TRUE); if (sscanf(token, "%d", &total) != 1) total = 0; LefEndStatement(f); DefReadBlockages(f, sections[DEF_BLOCKAGES], oscale, total); break; case DEF_VIAS: token = LefNextToken(f, TRUE); if (sscanf(token, "%d", &total) != 1) total = 0; LefEndStatement(f); DefReadVias(f, sections[DEF_VIAS], oscale, total); break; case DEF_PINS: token = LefNextToken(f, TRUE); if (sscanf(token, "%d", &total) != 1) total = 0; LefEndStatement(f); DefReadPins(f, sections[DEF_PINS], oscale, total); break; case DEF_PINPROPERTIES: LefSkipSection(f, sections[DEF_PINPROPERTIES]); break; case DEF_SPECIALNETS: token = LefNextToken(f, TRUE); if (sscanf(token, "%d", &total) != 1) total = 0; LefEndStatement(f); DefReadNets(f, sections[DEF_SPECIALNETS], oscale, TRUE, total); numSpecial = total; break; case DEF_NETS: token = LefNextToken(f, TRUE); if (sscanf(token, "%d", &total) != 1) total = 0; LefEndStatement(f); if (total > MAX_NETNUMS) { LefError("Number of nets in design (%d) exceeds maximum (%d)\n", total, MAX_NETNUMS); } DefReadNets(f, sections[DEF_NETS], oscale, FALSE, total); break; case DEF_IOTIMINGS: LefSkipSection(f, sections[DEF_IOTIMINGS]); break; case DEF_SCANCHAINS: LefSkipSection(f, sections[DEF_SCANCHAINS]); break; case DEF_CONSTRAINTS: LefSkipSection(f, sections[DEF_CONSTRAINTS]); break; case DEF_GROUPS: LefSkipSection(f, sections[DEF_GROUPS]); break; case DEF_EXTENSION: LefSkipSection(f, sections[DEF_EXTENSION]); break; case DEF_END: if (!LefParseEndStatement(f, "DESIGN")) { LefError("END statement out of context.\n"); keyword = -1; } break; } if (keyword == DEF_END) break; } if (Verbose > 0) Fprintf(stdout, "DEF read: Processed %d lines.\n", lefCurrentLine); LefError(NULL); /* print statement of errors, if any, and reset */ /* If there were no TRACKS statements, then use the DIEAREA */ if (Xlowerbound == Xupperbound) { Xlowerbound = dXlowerbound; Xupperbound = dXupperbound; } if (Ylowerbound == Yupperbound) { Ylowerbound = dYlowerbound; Yupperbound = dYupperbound; } /* Cleanup */ if (f != NULL) fclose(f); return oscale; }