path: root/src/schemify
diff options
authorDavid Bremner <>2020-03-13 16:52:08 -0300
committerDavid Bremner <>2020-03-13 16:52:08 -0300
commit581d3da6760e99130be788f33a5c4dd665e1c234 (patch)
tree9fae6a19964cd33ba421a371b217b95b5638e1a6 /src/schemify
parent90a97004257ffa083cfc937a7c85d5628d9e87af (diff)
Importing racket_7.6.orig.tar.gz
Diffstat (limited to 'src/schemify')
3 files changed, 267 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/schemify/gensym.rkt b/src/schemify/gensym.rkt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..5899d7269c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/schemify/gensym.rkt
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+#lang racket/base
+(provide with-deterministic-gensym
+ deterministic-gensym)
+(define gensym-counter (make-parameter #f))
+(define-syntax-rule (with-deterministic-gensym body ...)
+ (parameterize ([gensym-counter (box 0)])
+ body ...))
+(define (deterministic-gensym prefix)
+ (define b (gensym-counter))
+ (unless b (error 'deterministic-gensym "not in `call-with-deterministic-gensym`"))
+ (set-box! b (add1 (unbox b)))
+ (string->uninterned-symbol (string-append (if (string? prefix)
+ prefix
+ (symbol->string prefix))
+ (number->string (unbox b)))))
diff --git a/src/schemify/path-and-fasl.rkt b/src/schemify/path-and-fasl.rkt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..d61b25af5f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/schemify/path-and-fasl.rkt
@@ -0,0 +1,146 @@
+#lang racket/base
+(require racket/private/relative-path
+ racket/private/truncate-path
+ racket/fasl
+ "match.rkt"
+ "path-for-srcloc.rkt"
+ "to-fasl.rkt")
+(provide extract-paths-and-fasls-from-schemified-linklet
+ make-path->compiled-path
+ compiled-path->path
+ force-unfasl)
+;; Recognize lifted paths and `to-fasl`s in a schemified linklet, and
+;; return the list of path and `to-fasl` values. If `convert?`, then
+;; change the schemified linklet to expect the paths as arguments.
+;; In addition to paths, this extraction deals with values that have
+;; been packages as `to-fasl`, either because they are large values
+;; that are best handled in fasl form, because they are not
+;; serializable (and we want to delay complaining in case no
+;; serialization is needed), or because they are uninterned symbols
+;; that need to be exposed to the Scheme-level `fasl` for a full
+;; linklet.
+(define (extract-paths-and-fasls-from-schemified-linklet linklet-e convert?)
+ (match linklet-e
+ [`(lambda . ,_)
+ ;; No constants, so no paths:
+ (values '() linklet-e)]
+ [`(let* ,bindings ,body)
+ (define (path-binding? b)
+ (define rhs (cadr b))
+ (or (path? rhs)
+ (path-for-srcloc? rhs)
+ (to-fasl? rhs)))
+ (define any-path?
+ (for/or ([b (in-list bindings)])
+ (path-binding? b)))
+ (cond
+ [any-path?
+ (define paths (for/list ([b (in-list bindings)]
+ #:when (path-binding? b))
+ (cadr b)))
+ (cond
+ [convert?
+ (define path-ids (for/list ([b (in-list bindings)]
+ #:when (path-binding? b))
+ (car b)))
+ (define other-bindings (for/list ([b (in-list bindings)]
+ #:unless (path-binding? b))
+ b))
+ (values paths
+ `(lambda ,path-ids
+ (let* ,other-bindings ,body)))]
+ [else
+ (values paths linklet-e)])]
+ [else
+ (values '() linklet-e)])]))
+(define (make-path->compiled-path who)
+ (define path->relative-path-elements (make-path->relative-path-elements #:who who))
+ (lambda (orig-p)
+ (cond
+ [(to-fasl? orig-p)
+ (define v (force-unfasl orig-p))
+ (cond
+ [(symbol? v)
+ ;; Shortcut for just an uninterned symbol:
+ (box v)]
+ [else
+ (define lifts '())
+ (define bstr (s-exp->fasl v
+ #:handle-fail cannot-fasl
+ ;; We have to keep uninterned symbols exposed, so they're
+ ;; fasled with the encloding linklet directory
+ #:external-lift? (lambda (v)
+ (and (symbol? v)
+ (not (symbol-interned? v))
+ (not (symbol-unreadable? v))
+ (begin
+ (set! lifts (cons v lifts))
+ #t)))))
+ (if (null? lifts)
+ (box bstr)
+ (box (cons bstr (list->vector (reverse lifts)))))])]
+ [(symbol? orig-p)
+ ;; Must be an uninterned symbol:
+ orig-p]
+ [else
+ (define p (if (path-for-srcloc? orig-p)
+ (path-for-srcloc-path orig-p)
+ orig-p))
+ (cond
+ [(path? p)
+ (or (path->relative-path-elements p)
+ (cond
+ [(path-for-srcloc? orig-p)
+ ;; Can't make relative, so create a string that keeps up
+ ;; to two path elements
+ (truncate-path p)]
+ [else (path->bytes p)]))]
+ [(or (string? p) (bytes? p) (symbol? p) (not p))
+ ;; Allowed in compiled form
+ p]
+ [else
+ (error 'write
+ "cannot marshal value that is embedded in compiled code: ~V"
+ p)])])))
+(define (compiled-path->path e)
+ (cond
+ [(box? e)
+ (define c (unbox e))
+ (to-fasl (box (if (pair? c) (car c) c))
+ (if (pair? c) (cdr c) '#())
+ (and (not (symbol? c))
+ (or (current-load-relative-directory)
+ (current-directory))))]
+ [(symbol? e)
+ ;; Must be an uninterned symbol:
+ e]
+ [(bytes? e) (bytes->path e)]
+ [(string? e) e] ; was `path-for-srcloc` on write
+ [else (relative-path-elements->path e)]))
+(define (force-unfasl tf)
+ (define vb (to-fasl-vb tf))
+ (define v (unbox vb))
+ (cond
+ [(bytes? v)
+ (define v2 (parameterize ([current-load-relative-directory (to-fasl-wrt tf)])
+ (fasl->s-exp v
+ #:datum-intern? #t
+ #:external-lifts (to-fasl-lifts tf))))
+ (box-cas! vb v v2)
+ (set-to-fasl-wrt! tf #f)
+ (unbox vb)]
+ [else
+ ;; already forced (or never fasled)
+ v]))
+(define (cannot-fasl v)
+ (error 'write
+ "cannot marshal value that is embedded in compiled code\n value: ~v"
+ v))
diff --git a/src/schemify/unnest-let.rkt b/src/schemify/unnest-let.rkt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..b1da5c1a17
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/schemify/unnest-let.rkt
@@ -0,0 +1,102 @@
+#lang racket/base
+(require "wrap.rkt"
+ "match.rkt"
+ "simple.rkt")
+(provide unnest-let)
+;; Rotate something like
+;; (let ([x (let ([y <simple>])
+;; <rhs>)])
+;; <body>)
+;; to
+;; (let ([y <simple>])
+;; (let ([x <rhs>])
+;; <body>)))
+;; to better expose procedure bindings for the lifting phase.
+;; For `letrec*`, we rewrite to
+;; (letrec* ([y <simple>]
+ ;; [x <rhs>])
+;; <body>)
+;; because <simple> might refer to `x`. We only do that when <simple>
+;; and <rhs> are immediate `lambda` forms, though, to avoid
+;; pessimizing a set of mutually recursive functions.
+(define (unnest-let e prim-knowns knowns imports mutated simples)
+ (match e
+ [`(,let-id (,binds ...) . ,body)
+ (cond
+ [(or (eq? let-id 'let)
+ (eq? let-id 'letrec*))
+ (let loop ([binds binds]
+ [accum-binds '()]
+ [wraps '()]
+ [convert? #f])
+ (cond
+ [(null? binds)
+ (if (not convert?)
+ e
+ (let loop ([wraps wraps] [e `(,let-id ,(reverse accum-binds) . ,body)])
+ (cond
+ [(null? wraps) e]
+ [else
+ (loop (cdr wraps)
+ `(,(caar wraps) ,(cdar wraps) ,e))])))]
+ [else
+ (match (car binds)
+ [`[,id (,nest-let-id ([,ids ,rhss] ...)
+ ,body)]
+ (cond
+ [(not (or (eq? let-id 'let)
+ (immediate-lambda? body)))
+ e]
+ [(and (or (eq? 'let nest-let-id)
+ (eq? 'letrec* nest-let-id))
+ (for/and ([rhs (in-list rhss)])
+ (and (or (eq? 'let let-id)
+ (immediate-lambda? rhs))
+ (simple? rhs prim-knowns knowns imports mutated simples))))
+ (match (car binds)
+ [`[,_ (,_ ,inner-binds ,_)]
+ (cond
+ [(eq? 'let let-id)
+ ;; let: can lift out
+ (loop (cdr binds)
+ (cons `[,id ,body] accum-binds)
+ (cons (cons nest-let-id
+ inner-binds)
+ wraps)
+ #t)]
+ [else
+ ;; letrec: need to keep in same set of bindings
+ (loop (cdr binds)
+ (cons `[,id ,body] (append inner-binds accum-binds))
+ wraps
+ #t)])])]
+ [else (loop (cdr binds)
+ (cons (car binds) accum-binds)
+ wraps
+ convert?)])]
+ [`[,_ ,rhs]
+ (if (or (eq? let-id 'let)
+ (immediate-lambda? rhs))
+ (loop (cdr binds)
+ (cons (car binds) accum-binds)
+ wraps
+ convert?)
+ e)])]))]
+ [else e])]
+ [`,_ e]))
+(define (immediate-lambda? e)
+ (match e
+ [`(lambda . ,_) #t]
+ [`(case-lambda . ,_) #t]
+ [`,_ #f]))