remctl PECL Extension for PHP OVERVIEW The remctl PECL extension for PHP provides PHP bindings to the libremctl client library. The provided interface is roughly the same as the C and Perl interfaces, with some minor variations to be more consistent with the normal PHP function interface. This PECL extension provides two interfaces, one which performs a single call to a remctl server and returns the result, and another which provides more control over the connection, returns individual output tokens, and allows multiple commands to be sent via the same connection. REQUIREMENTS The module has only been tested with PHP 5.2 and may or may not work with earlier versions. As with all libremctl bindings, it does not itself obtain Kerberos tickets and requires that a Kerberos ticket cache already be set up before making remctl calls. The PECL module build infrastructure is created on the fly by the configure script for the main remctl package using phpize. This means that you must have phpize and all of its dependencies installed to build the PECL module. SIMPLIFIED INTERFACE remctl(HOSTNAME, PORT, PRINCIPAL, COMMAND) Runs COMMAND on the remote system and returns an object containing the results. COMMAND should be an array of the type, the service, and any parameters. HOSTNAME is the remote host to connect to. PORT is the port; pass 0 to use the default library behavior (first try 4373 and then fall back to 4444). PRINCIPAL is the principal of the server to use for authentication; pass in the empty string to use the default of host/HOSTNAME with the realm determined by domain-realm mapping. The return value of remctl() is an object which will have the following properties: error The error message from the remote host or the local client library if the remctl command fails. Set to the empty string if there was no error. Checking whether error is the empty string is the suppported way of determining whether the call succeeded. stdout The command's standard output or null if there was none. stdout_len The length of the command's standard output or 0 if there was none. stderr The command's standard error or null if there was none. stderr_len The length of the command's standard error or 0 if there was none. status The exit status of the command. Here is an example using the simplified interface: dl(''); if (!extension_loaded('remctl')) { echo "Failed to load remctl extension\n"; exit(2); } $command = array('test', 'echo', 'hello world'); $result = remctl('', 0, '', $command); if ($result->error) { echo "remctl failed: $result->error\n"; exit(2); } if ($result->stdout_len) { echo "stdout: $result->stdout"; } if ($result->stderr_len) { echo "stderr: $result->stderr"; } echo "status: $result->status"; Each call to remctl() will open a new connection to the remote host and close it after retrieving the results of the command. FULL INTERFACE The full remctl interface requires the user to do more bookkeeping, but provides more flexibility and visibility into what is happening at a protocol level. It allows issuing multiple commands on the same persistant connection (provided that the remote server supports protocol version two; if it doesn't, the library will transparently fall back to opening a connection for each command). To use the full interface, first create a connection object with remctl_new(), connect to a server with remctl_open(), and then issue a command with remctl_command() and read output tokens with remctl_output(). Once a status token has been received, the command is complete and another command can be issued. The provided functions are: remctl_new() Create a new connection object. This doesn't attempt to connect to a host and will only fail if the extension cannot allocate memory. remctl_error(CONNECTION) Returns, as a string, the error message from the last failed operation on the connection object CONNECTION. remctl_open(CONNECTION, HOSTNAME[, PORT[, PRINCIPAL]]) Connect to HOSTNAME on port PORT using PRINCIPAL as the remote server's principal for authentication. If PORT is omitted or 0, use the default (first try 4373, the registered remctl port, and fall back to the legacy 4444 port if that fails). If PRINCIPAL is omitted or the empty string, use the default of host/HOSTNAME, with the realm determined by domain-realm mapping. Returns true on success, false on failure. remctl_command(CONNECTION, COMMAND) Send COMMAND (which should be an array) to the remote host. The command may, under the remctl protocol, contain any character, but be aware that most remctl servers will reject commands or arguments containing ASCII 0 (NUL). This currently therefore cannot be used for upload of arbitrary unencoded binary data. Returns true on success (meaning success in sending the command and implying nothing about the result of the command), and false on failure. remctl_output(CONNECTION) Returns the next output token from the remote host. This will be an object with one or more of the following properties: type The type of the output token, which will be one of "output", "error", "status", or "done". A command will result in either one "error" token or zero or more "output" tokens followed by a "status" token. The output is complete as soon as any token other than an "output" token has been received, but the library will keep returning "done" tokens to the caller for as long as remctl_output() is called without another remctl_command(). data Returns the contents of the token for either an "error" or "output" token. The returned data may contain any character, including ASCII 0 (NUL). stream For an "output" token, returns the stream with which the data is associated. Currently, this will either be 1 for standard output or 2 for standard error. This value is undefined for all other token types. status For a "status" token, returns the exit status of the remote command. This value is undefined for all other token types. error For an "error" token, returns the remctl error code for the protocol error. The text message will be returned in data. remctl_close(CONNECTION) Explicitly close the connection and destroy the connection object. This will also be done automatically when the object is destroyed, so calling remctl_close explicitly is often not necessary. Here is an example using the full interface: dl(''); if (!extension_loaded('remctl')) { echo "Failed to load remctl extension\n"; exit(2); } $r = remctl_new(); if ($r == null) { echo "remctl_new failed\n"; exit(2); } if (!remctl_open($r, '')) { echo "remctl_open failed: " . remctl_error($r) . "\n"; exit(2); } $command = array('test', 'echo', 'hello world'); if (!remctl_command($r, $command)) { echo "remctl_command failed: " . remctl_error($r) . "\n"; } $output = remctl_output($r); while ($output != null && $output->type != "done") { switch($output->type) { case "output": if ($output->stream == 1) { echo "stdout: $output->data"; } elseif ($output->stream == 2) { echo "stderr: $output->data"; } break; case "error": echo "error: $output->error ($output->data)\n"; break; case "status": echo "status: $output->status\n"; break; default: echo "unknown output token type $output->type\n"; } $output = remctl_output($r); } if ($output == null) { echo "remctl_output failed: " . remctl_error($r) . "\n"; exit(2); } remctl_close($r) As mentioned above, the final remctl_close() is normally not needed. HISTORY This binding was originally written by Andrew Mortensen. part of the stock remctl distribution and ongoing maintenance is done by Russ Allbery.