### Elements - Filter based - `feColorMatrix` - `feComponentTransfer` - `feConvolveMatrix` - `feDiffuseLighting` - `feDisplacementMap` - `feDistantLight` - `feImage` with a reference to an element - `feMorphology` - `fePointLight` - `feSpecularLighting` - `feSpotLight` - Font based - `altGlyph` - `altGlyphDef` - `altGlyphItem` - `font-face-format` - `font-face-name` - `font-face-src` - `font-face-uri` - `font-face` - `font` - `glyph` - `glyphRef` - `hkern` - `missing-glyph` - `vkern` - `color-profile` - `use` with a reference to an external SVG file ### Attributes - `alignment-baseline` - `clip` (deprecated in the SVG 2) - `color-interpolation` - `color-profile` - `color-rendering` - `direction` - `dominant-baseline` - [`enable-background`](https://www.w3.org/TR/SVG11/filters.html#EnableBackgroundProperty) (deprecated in the SVG 2) - `font` - `font-size-adjust` - `font-stretch` - `font-variant` - `glyph-orientation-horizontal` (removed in the SVG 2) - `glyph-orientation-vertical` (deprecated in the SVG 2) - [`in`](https://www.w3.org/TR/SVG11/filters.html#FilterPrimitiveInAttribute) with `BackgroundImage`, `BackgroundAlpha`, `FillPaint`, `StrokePaint` - `kerning` (removed in the SVG 2) - `lengthAdjust` - `textLength` - `unicode-bidi` **Note:** this list does not include elements and attributes outside the [static SVG](http://www.w3.org/TR/SVG11/feature#SVG-static) subset.