rssh readme ----------- rssh is written and maintained by Derek D. Martin. Please do not e-mail me directly with questions about rssh. Instead, please post them on the mailing list. YOU MUST SIGN UP FOR THE MAILING LIST TO POST. Information about signing up for the mailing list can be found at the rssh homepage. Please note that e-mail sent directly to me will most likely be filtered into my spam mailbox and deleted without being read. The purpose of rssh is to allow system administrators to restrict ssh access to a particular host. It can be used to provide scp access, sftp access, or both, and now also cvs, rdist, and rsync. Formerly, this was done based on the name of the shell binary (or symlink to it), but is now done via config file. IMPORTANT: If you do not want your users to be able to circumvent rssh, read the security notes in the file SECURITY, and note the section about linking in the file INSTALL. BEFORE YOU E-MAIL ME WITH QUESTIONS, Be sure to THOROUGHLY read the following files: README, INSTALL, CHROOT, SECURITY. Also THOROUGHLY read the man pages for rssh(1), and rssh.conf(5). Finally, if you are still having problems, read the FAQ at If it is clear to me that you have not read these documents, I will ignore you. In most cases, these documents will already have everything you need to get rssh working, and I won't be able to explain it any better on a mailing list than I did in those documents... For instructions on how to install rssh, see the file INSTALL. For more information about using chroot jails with rssh, see the file CHROOT.