SECURITY -------- Please note: The man page now has detailed information about security concerns and some tips for setting up rssh securely. If you haven't read these, please do so now. What follows is mostly a summary of specific security issues which have affected rssh since I started developing it. Nov 27, 2005 Max Vozeler reported a scary problem whereby rssh_chroot_helper can be exploited to chroot to arbitrary directories and thereby gain root access. The 2.3.0 release of rssh fixes this problem by forcing the chroot helper program to re-parse the config file instead of allowing the chroot home to be specified on the command line. Thus users not listed can not use it to chroot (or will chroot to the default location, which hopefully the sysadmin has set up securely), and users who are listed will be chrooted to the directories where they are supposed to go only. Numerous people reported a problem with the way I used va_start/va_end in log.c which causes a segfault on 64-bit Linux platforms. I don't know if this is exploitable, but it's fixed. Given the previously mentioned root compromise, this probably doesn't matter much... ;-) Dec 3, 2004 Jason Wies has reported a problem whereby rssh can be bypassed in conjunction with scp, rdist, and rsync. The source of the problem is that these commands have command-line options which trigger execution of arbitrary programs. The 2.2.3 release of rssh fixes this problem, by parsing the command line passed to the exec()'d program, making sure it does not contain command line options which allow arbitrary execution of programs. Oct 23, 2004 Florian Schilhabel has identified a format string bug which can allow an attacker to run arbitrary code from an account configured to use rssh. In general the risk is low, as in most cases the user can only compromise their own account. The risk is mittigated by the fact that before this bug can be exploited, the user must log in successfully through ssh. This means that either the user is known, or that the system is already compromised. However, on some older systems with broken implementations of the setuid() family of functions, a root compromise may be possible with certain configurations of rssh. Specifically, if rssh is configured to use a chroot jail, it will exec() rssh_chroot_helper, which must be setuid root in order to call chroot(). Normally, rssh_chroot_helper calls setuid(getuid()) and drops privileges before any of the logging functions are called, making a root compromise impossible on most systems. However, some older systems which handle saved UIDs improperly may be vulnerable to a root compromise. Linux in particular is not vulnerable to this, nor should modern POSIX-compliant Unix variants be. POSIX defines that the setuid() system call will set all UIDs (UID, saved UID, and effective UID) the specified UID if it is called with root privileges. Therefore in general, a root compromise is not possible, and I am not specifically aware of any systems on which one is possible. The 2.2.2 release of rssh fixes this string format vulnerability. I have also gone over the code to make sure that no other such vulnerabilities exist. In addition to fixing this problem, rssh contains some new code to help identify certain problems for debugging problems when rssh fails. Additional logging of error conditions is performed. May 22, 2004 There is a bug in rssh 2.0 - 2.1.x which allows a user to gather information outside of a chrooted jail unintentionally. It was reported by William McCaw, to whom I am thankful. The latest release of rssh fixes this problem, and also improves support for some non-openssh sftp clients. Additionally, it extends rssh by allowing cvs, rsync, and rdist. The cause of the problem identified by Mr. McCaw is that rssh expanded command-line arguments prior to entering the chroot jail. This bug DOES NOT allow a user to access any of the files outside the jail, but can allow them to discover what files are in a directory which is outside the jail, if their credentials on the server would normally allow them read/execute access in the specified directory. For example (from William's bug report), if a user has an account on a server machine which restricts them into a jail using rssh, the user can use the following command to access the server and see what files exist in the /etc directory: scp target:/etc/* . The results of this command will look something like this: scp: /etc/DIR_COLORS: No such file or directory scp: /etc/HOSTNAME: No such file or directory scp: /etc/X11: No such file or directory scp: /etc/adjtime: No such file or directory [ ... ] 100% 675 0.0KB/s 00:00 100% 0 0.0KB/s 00:00 [ ... ] passwd 100% 51 0.0KB/s 00:00 [ ... ] scp: /etc/termcap-Linux: No such file or directory scp: /etc/updatedb.conf: No such file or directory scp: /etc/warnquota.conf-sample: No such file or directory scp: /etc/xml: No such file or directory The files which succeed in copying exist inside the chroot jail, and thus should be harmless. All of the files which produce an error message exist in the system's /etc directory, but do not exist inside the chroot jail. The user is placed in the jail before access to any of these files is attempted, so again, it is not possible to access them. For many sites, this is not a serious issue. However if it is important at your site that users not be able to know about any files which exist outside the chroot jail, then you should upgrade as soon as possible. The 2.2.0 release of rssh fixed the problem in question, but was mistakenly released missing some code for parsing per-user options. The 2.2.1 release corrects that problem, and should be the final release of rssh. No further development is planned. Aug 22 2002 1. Summary 2. Details Summary ------- If you are using OpenSSH >= 3.5, you can edit sshd_config to be sure that PermitUserEnvironment=no appears in the file and is not commented out, and then ignore the rest of this file (well, read it anyway, so you understand the issues). This option did not exist prior to OpenSSH 3.5, so if you're using and older version, the rest of this definitely applies to you! The details of the problem, including a description of how a user might exploit the problem, are discussed below. It is currently not completely possible to prevent users from circumventing rssh to gain access to the restricted system, unless one of two precautions is taken: * the rssh binary is compiled statically * efforts are made to prevent the restricted users' environment files from being user-modifiable In practice, the latter means that an rssh user's home directory must not be writable to the user, nor must their .ssh directory (if it exists) be writable. It is not sufficient to limit the .ssh directory, as users could use sftp to remove or rename the .ssh directory, and create a new one which is writable by them. Note that this means they can not own their home directory either, as if they do they can use sftp to chmod it. Alternately on Linux systems using file systems which support the chattr command, you could chattr +i the .ssh directory. For this reason, as of rssh v0.9.3, the binary is compiled statically by default. Note that this results in a very large binary (>400k), unlike when rssh is compiled and linked dynamically. You can override static compilation by removing the -static flag from the CFLAGS macro in Makefile (after configure is run); however this is only recommended for sites who basically trust their users, or aren't concerned about the possibility of advanced users gaining shell access to the host on which access has been restricted via rssh. Future versions of rssh will include an option to configure to enable/disable static compilation explicitly, so editing the makefile will not be necessary. Details ------- Please note, the flaw is not in rssh itself. The problem is that the OpenSSH Project's sshd reads $HOME/.ssh/environment when a user first connects (regardless of whether it's via ssh, scp, or sftp), allowing users to set variables in their environment. A user could scp a file to that location containing a line that sets variables such as LD_LIBRARY_PATH and/or LD_PRELOAD, allowing the user to cause binaries exec()'d by the sshd daemon to be dynamically linked against libraries of their choosing. This means that users can cause rssh itself to execute arbitrary code, and the only thing that you can do to prevent this attack is to control users' environments, and make absolutely sure they can not write to their .ssh directory. In OpenSSH 3.4 and before, there is no way to prevent user environment files from being sourced. As of 3.5, sshd has the option PermitUserEnvironment, which should be set to no. Additionally, according to the sshd(8) man page from at least some releases of OpenSSH, the commands listed in the $HOME/.ssh/rc file are executed with /bin/sh instead of the user's defined shell. This appears not to be the case on systems I had available to test on, despite the man page; commands were executed using the user's configured shell (rssh), which did not allow the execution. However if it is true on your system, then a malicious user may be able to circumvent rssh by uploading a file to $HOME/.ssh/rc which will be executed by /bin/sh on that system. I recommend that you upgrade to OpenSSH 3.5 as soon as it becomes available, if you wish to use rssh without restricting ownerships and permissions of users' home directories, and/or compiling statically. rssh is a small shell whose purpose is to restrict users to using scp or sftp, and also provides the facilities to place users in a chroot jail. It can also be used to lock users out of a system completely. William F. McCaw identified a minor security flaw in rssh when used with chroot jails.