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+<h1>Known Issues<a class="headerlink" href="#known-issues" title="Permalink to this headline">ΒΆ</a></h1>
+<li><p class="first">S3QL is rather slow when an application tries to write data in
+unreasonably small chunks. If a 1 MB file is copied in chunks of 1
+KB, this will take more than 10 times as long as when it&#8217;s copied
+with the (recommended) chunk size of 128 KB.</p>
+<p>This is a limitation of the FUSE library (which does not yet support
+write caching) which will hopefully be addressed in some future FUSE
+<p>Most applications, including e.g. GNU <tt class=" docutils literal"><span class="pre">cp</span></tt> and <tt class=" docutils literal"><span class="pre">rsync</span></tt>, use
+reasonably large buffers and are therefore not affected by this
+problem and perform very efficient on S3QL file systems.</p>
+<p>However, if you encounter unexpectedly slow performance with a
+specific program, this might be due to the program using very small
+write buffers. Although this is not really a bug in the program,
+it might be worth to ask the program&#8217;s authors for help.</p>
+<li><p class="first">S3QL always updates file and directory access times as if the <tt class="docutils literal"><span class="pre">relatime</span></tt>
+mount option has been specified: the access time (&#8220;atime&#8221;) is only updated
+if it is currently earlier than either the status change time
+(&#8220;ctime&#8221;) or modification time (&#8220;mtime&#8221;).</p>
+<li><p class="first">S3QL directories always have an <tt class=" docutils literal"><span class="pre">st_nlink</span></tt> value of 1. This may confuse
+programs that rely on directories having <tt class=" docutils literal"><span class="pre">st_nlink</span></tt> values of <em>(2 +
+number of sub directories)</em>.</p>
+<p>Note that this is not a bug in S3QL. Including sub directories in
+the <tt class=" docutils literal"><span class="pre">st_nlink</span></tt> value is a Unix convention, but by no means a
+requirement. If an application blindly relies on this convention
+being followed, then this is a bug in the application.</p>
+<p>A prominent example are early versions of GNU find, which required
+the <tt class=" docutils literal"><span class="pre">--noleaf</span></tt> option to work correctly on S3QL file systems. This
+bug has already been fixed in recent find versions.</p>
+<li><p class="first">In theory, S3QL is not fully compatible with NFS. Since S3QL does
+not support <em>inode generation numbers</em>, NFS clients may (once again,
+in theory) accidentally read or write the wrong file in the
+following situation:</p>
+<ol class="arabic simple">
+<li>An S3QL file system is exported over NFS</li>
+<li>NFS client 1 opens a file A</li>
+<li>Another NFS client 2 (or the server itself) deletes file A (without
+client 1 knowing about this)</li>
+<li>A new file B is created by either of the clients or the server</li>
+<li>NFS client 1 tries to read or write file A (which has actually already been deleted).</li>
+<p>In this situation it is possible that NFS client 1 actually writes
+or reads the newly created file B instead. The chances of this are 1
+to (2^32 - <em>n</em>) where <em>n</em> is the total number of directory entries
+in the S3QL file system (as displayed by <tt class=" docutils literal"><span class="pre">s3qlstat</span></tt>).</p>
+<p>Luckily enough, as long as you have less than about 2 thousand
+million directory entries (2^31), the chances for this are totally
+irrelevant and you don&#8217;t have to worry about it.</p>
+<li><p class="first">The <tt class=" docutils literal"><span class="pre">umount</span></tt> and <tt class=" docutils literal"><span class="pre">fusermount</span> <span class="pre">-u</span></tt> commands will <em>not</em> block until all
+data has been uploaded to the backend. (this is a FUSE limitation
+that will hopefully be removed in the future, see <a class="reference external" href="">issue 159</a>). If you use
+either command to unmount an S3QL file system, you have to take care
+to explicitly wait for the <tt class=" docutils literal"><span class="pre">mount.s3ql</span></tt> process to terminate before
+you shut down or restart the system. Therefore it is generally not a
+good idea to mount an S3QL file system in <tt class=" docutils literal"><span class="pre">/etc/fstab</span></tt> (you should
+use a dedicated init script instead).</p>
+<li><p class="first">S3QL relies on the backends not to run out of space. This is a given
+for big storage providers like Amazon S3, but you may stumble upon
+this if you store buckets e.g. on a small sftp server.</p>
+<p>If there is no space left in the backend, attempts to write more
+data into the S3QL file system will fail and the file system will be
+in an inconsistent state and require a file system check (and you
+should make sure to make space available in the backend before
+running the check).</p>
+<p>Unfortunately, there is no way to handle insufficient space in the
+backend without leaving the file system inconsistent. Since
+S3QL first writes data into the cache, it can no longer return an
+error when it later turns out that the cache can not be committed to
+the backend.</p>
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