path: root/doc/latex
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'doc/latex')
13 files changed, 6138 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/doc/latex/Makefile b/doc/latex/Makefile
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f219a2f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/latex/Makefile
@@ -0,0 +1,64 @@
+# Makefile for Sphinx LaTeX output
+ALLDOCS = $(basename $(wildcard *.tex))
+ALLPDF = $(addsuffix .pdf,$(ALLDOCS))
+ALLDVI = $(addsuffix .dvi,$(ALLDOCS))
+# Prefix for archive names
+# Additional LaTeX options
+all: $(ALLPDF)
+all-pdf: $(ALLPDF)
+all-dvi: $(ALLDVI)
+all-ps: all-dvi
+ for f in *.dvi; do dvips $$f; done
+all-pdf-ja: $(wildcard *.tex)
+ ebb $(wildcard *.pdf *.png *.gif *.jpeg)
+ platex -kanji=utf8 $(LATEXOPTS) '$<'
+ platex -kanji=utf8 $(LATEXOPTS) '$<'
+ platex -kanji=utf8 $(LATEXOPTS) '$<'
+ -mendex -U -f -d '$(basename $<).dic' -s '$(basename $<).idx'
+ platex -kanji=utf8 $(LATEXOPTS) '$<'
+ platex -kanji=utf8 $(LATEXOPTS) '$<'
+ dvipdfmx '$(basename $<).dvi'
+zip: all-$(FMT)
+ mkdir $(ARCHIVEPREFIX)docs-$(FMT)
+ zip -q -r -9 $(ARCHIVEPREFIX)docs-$(FMT).zip $(ARCHIVEPREFIX)docs-$(FMT)
+ rm -r $(ARCHIVEPREFIX)docs-$(FMT)
+tar: all-$(FMT)
+ mkdir $(ARCHIVEPREFIX)docs-$(FMT)
+ tar cf $(ARCHIVEPREFIX)docs-$(FMT).tar $(ARCHIVEPREFIX)docs-$(FMT)
+ rm -r $(ARCHIVEPREFIX)docs-$(FMT)
+bz2: tar
+ bzip2 -9 -k $(ARCHIVEPREFIX)docs-$(FMT).tar
+# The number of LaTeX runs is quite conservative, but I don't expect it
+# to get run often, so the little extra time won't hurt.
+%.dvi: %.tex
+ latex $(LATEXOPTS) '$<'
+ latex $(LATEXOPTS) '$<'
+ latex $(LATEXOPTS) '$<'
+ -makeindex -s '$(basename $<).idx'
+ latex $(LATEXOPTS) '$<'
+ latex $(LATEXOPTS) '$<'
+%.pdf: %.tex
+ pdflatex $(LATEXOPTS) '$<'
+ pdflatex $(LATEXOPTS) '$<'
+ pdflatex $(LATEXOPTS) '$<'
+ -makeindex -s '$(basename $<).idx'
+ pdflatex $(LATEXOPTS) '$<'
+ pdflatex $(LATEXOPTS) '$<'
+ rm -f *.dvi *.log *.ind *.aux *.toc *.syn *.idx *.out *.ilg *.pla
+.PHONY: all all-pdf all-dvi all-ps clean
diff --git a/doc/latex/fncychap.sty b/doc/latex/fncychap.sty
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9a56c04
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/latex/fncychap.sty
@@ -0,0 +1,683 @@
+%%% Copyright Ulf A. Lindgren
+%%% Note Premission is granted to modify this file under
+%%% the condition that it is saved using another
+%%% file and package name.
+%%% Revision 1.1 (1997)
+%%% Jan. 8th Modified package name base date option
+%%% Jan. 22th Modified FmN and FmTi for error in book.cls
+%%% \MakeUppercase{#}->{\MakeUppercase#}
+%%% Apr. 6th Modified Lenny option to prevent undesired
+%%% skip of line.
+%%% Nov. 8th Fixed \@chapapp for AMS
+%%% Revision 1.2 (1998)
+%%% Feb. 11th Fixed appendix problem related to Bjarne
+%%% Aug. 11th Fixed problem related to 11pt and 12pt
+%%% suggested by Tomas Lundberg. THANKS!
+%%% Revision 1.3 (2004)
+%%% Sep. 20th problem with frontmatter, mainmatter and
+%%% backmatter, pointed out by Lapo Mori
+%%% Revision 1.31 (2004)
+%%% Sep. 21th problem with the Rejne definition streched text
+%%% caused ugly gaps in the vrule aligned with the title
+%%% text. Kindly pointed out to me by Hendri Adriaens
+%%% Revision 1.32 (2005)
+%%% Jun. 23th compatibility problem with the KOMA class 'scrbook.cls'
+%%% a remedy is a redefinition of '\@schapter' in
+%%% line with that used in KOMA. The problem was pointed
+%%% out to me by Mikkel Holm Olsen
+%%% Revision 1.33 (2005)
+%%% Aug. 9th misspelled ``TWELV'' corrected, the error was pointed
+%%% out to me by George Pearson
+%%% Revision 1.34 (2007)
+%%% Added an alternative to Lenny provided by Peter
+%%% Osborne (2005-11-28)
+%%% Corrected front, main and back matter, based on input
+%%% from Bas van Gils (2006-04-24)
+%%% Jul. 30th Added Bjornstrup option provided by Jean-Marc
+%%% Francois (2007-01-05).
+%%% Reverted to \MakeUppercase{#} see rev 1.1, solved
+%%% problem with MakeUppercase and MakeLowercase pointed
+%%% out by Marco Feuerstein (2007-06-06)
+%%% Last modified Jul. 2007
+ [2007/07/30 v1.34
+ LaTeX package (Revised chapters)]
+%%%% For conditional inclusion of color
+%%%% DEFINITION OF Chapapp variables
+%%%% DEFINITION OF TheChapter variables
+%%%%% Fix for AMSBook 971008
+%%%%% Fix for Bjarne and appendix 980211
+ \setcounter{chapter}{0}%
+ \setcounter{section}{0}%
+ \inapptrue%
+ \renewcommand\@chapapp{\appendixname}%
+ \renewcommand\thechapter{\@Alph\c@chapter}}
+%%%%% Fix for frontmatter, mainmatter, and backmatter 040920
+\@ifundefined{@mainmatter}{\newif\if@mainmatter \@mainmattertrue}{}
+ {\MakeUppercase{#1}}\LCNfalse
+ \ifLCN
+ {\MakeLowercase{#1}}\UCNfalse
+ \else #1
+ \fi
+%%%% DEFINITION OF Title variables
+%%%% DEFINITION OF the basic rule width
+ {\MakeUppercase{#1}}\LCTfalse
+ \ifLCT
+ {\MakeLowercase{#1}}\UCTfalse
+ \else {#1}
+ \fi
+\def\mghrulefill#1{\leavevmode\leaders\hrule\@height #1\hfill\kern\z@}
+ \CNV\FmN{\@chapapp}\space \CNoV\thechapter
+ \par\nobreak
+ \vskip 20\p@
+ }
+ \CTV\FmTi{#1}\par\nobreak
+ \vskip 40\p@
+ }
+ \CTV\FmTi{#1}\par\nobreak
+ \vskip 40\p@
+ }
+%%%%%% SONNY DEF
+ \ChNameVar{\Large\sf}
+ \ChNumVar{\Huge}
+ \ChTitleVar{\Large\sf}
+ \ChRuleWidth{0.5pt}
+ \ChNameUpperCase
+ \renewcommand{\DOCH}{%
+ \raggedleft
+ \CNV\FmN{\@chapapp}\space \CNoV\thechapter
+ \par\nobreak
+ \vskip 40\p@}
+ \renewcommand{\DOTI}[1]{%
+ \CTV\raggedleft\mghrulefill{\RW}\par\nobreak
+ \vskip 5\p@
+ \CTV\FmTi{#1}\par\nobreak
+ \mghrulefill{\RW}\par\nobreak
+ \vskip 40\p@}
+ \renewcommand{\DOTIS}[1]{%
+ \CTV\raggedleft\mghrulefill{\RW}\par\nobreak
+ \vskip 5\p@
+ \CTV\FmTi{#1}\par\nobreak
+ \mghrulefill{\RW}\par\nobreak
+ \vskip 40\p@}
+%%%%%% LENNY DEF
+ \ChNameVar{\fontsize{14}{16}\usefont{OT1}{phv}{m}{n}\selectfont}
+ \ChNumVar{\fontsize{60}{62}\usefont{OT1}{ptm}{m}{n}\selectfont}
+ \ChTitleVar{\Huge\bfseries\rm}
+ \ChRuleWidth{1pt}
+ \renewcommand{\DOCH}{%
+ \settowidth{\px}{\CNV\FmN{\@chapapp}}
+ \addtolength{\px}{2pt}
+ \settoheight{\py}{\CNV\FmN{\@chapapp}}
+ \addtolength{\py}{1pt}
+ \settowidth{\mylen}{\CNV\FmN{\@chapapp}\space\CNoV\thechapter}
+ \addtolength{\mylen}{1pt}
+ \settowidth{\pxx}{\CNoV\thechapter}
+ \addtolength{\pxx}{-1pt}
+ \settoheight{\pyy}{\CNoV\thechapter}
+ \addtolength{\pyy}{-2pt}
+ \setlength{\myhi}{\pyy}
+ \addtolength{\myhi}{-1\py}
+ \par
+ \parbox[b]{\textwidth}{%
+ \rule[\py]{\RW}{\myhi}%
+ \hskip -\RW%
+ \rule[\pyy]{\px}{\RW}%
+ \hskip -\px%
+ \raggedright%
+ \CNV\FmN{\@chapapp}\space\CNoV\thechapter%
+ \hskip1pt%
+ \mghrulefill{\RW}%
+ \rule{\RW}{\pyy}\par\nobreak%
+ \vskip -\baselineskip%
+ \vskip -\pyy%
+ \hskip \mylen%
+ \mghrulefill{\RW}\par\nobreak%
+ \vskip \pyy}%
+ \vskip 20\p@}
+ \renewcommand{\DOTI}[1]{%
+ \raggedright
+ \CTV\FmTi{#1}\par\nobreak
+ \vskip 40\p@}
+ \renewcommand{\DOTIS}[1]{%
+ \raggedright
+ \CTV\FmTi{#1}\par\nobreak
+ \vskip 40\p@}
+ }
+%%%%%% Peter Osbornes' version of LENNY DEF
+% five new lengths
+\newlength{\bl} % bottom left : orig \space
+\newlength{\br} % bottom right : orig 1pt
+\newlength{\tl} % top left : orig 2pt
+\newlength{\trr} % top right :orig 1pt
+\newlength{\blrule} % top right :orig 1pt
+ \ChNameVar{\fontsize{14}{16}\usefont{OT1}{phv}{m}{n}\selectfont}
+ \ChNumVar{\fontsize{60}{62}\usefont{OT1}{ptm}{m}{n}\selectfont}
+ \ChTitleVar{\Huge\bfseries\rm}
+ \ChRuleWidth{1pt}
+%%%%%%% tweaks for 1--9 and A--Z
+ \settowidth{\px}{\CNV\FmN{\@chapapp}}
+ \addtolength{\px}{\tl} %MOD change 2pt to \tl
+ \settoheight{\py}{\CNV\FmN{\@chapapp}}
+ \addtolength{\py}{1pt}
+ \settowidth{\mylen}{\CNV\FmN{\@chapapp}\space\CNoV\thechapter}
+ \addtolength{\mylen}{\trr}% MOD change 1pt to \tr
+ \settowidth{\pxx}{\CNoV\thechapter}
+ \addtolength{\pxx}{-1pt}
+ \settoheight{\pyy}{\CNoV\thechapter}
+ \addtolength{\pyy}{-2pt}
+ \setlength{\myhi}{\pyy}
+ \addtolength{\myhi}{-1\py}
+ \par
+ \parbox[b]{\textwidth}{%
+ \rule[\py]{\RW}{\myhi}%
+ \hskip -\RW%
+ \rule[\pyy]{\px}{\RW}%
+ \hskip -\px%
+ \raggedright%
+ \CNV\FmN{\@chapapp}\rule{\blrule}{\RW}\hskip\bl\CNoV\thechapter%MOD
+% \CNV\FmN{\@chapapp}\space\CNoV\thechapter %ORIGINAL
+ \hskip\br% %MOD 1pt to \br
+ \mghrulefill{\RW}%
+ \rule{\RW}{\pyy}\par\nobreak%
+ \vskip -\baselineskip%
+ \vskip -\pyy%
+ \hskip \mylen%
+ \mghrulefill{\RW}\par\nobreak%
+ \vskip \pyy}%
+ \vskip 20\p@}
+ \renewcommand{\DOTI}[1]{%
+ \raggedright
+ \CTV\FmTi{#1}\par\nobreak
+ \vskip 40\p@}
+ \renewcommand{\DOTIS}[1]{%
+ \raggedright
+ \CTV\FmTi{#1}\par\nobreak
+ \vskip 40\p@}
+ }
+ \usecolortrue
+ % pzc (Zapf Chancelery) is nice. ppl (Palatino) is cool too.
+ \ChNumVar{\fontsize{76}{80}\usefont{OT1}{pzc}{m}{n}\selectfont}
+ \ChTitleVar{\raggedleft\Large\sffamily\bfseries}
+ \setlength{\myhi}{10pt} % Space between grey box border and text
+ \setlength{\mylen}{\textwidth}
+ \addtolength{\mylen}{-2\myhi}
+ \renewcommand{\DOCH}{%
+ \settowidth{\py}{\CNoV\thechapter}
+ \addtolength{\py}{-10pt} % Amount of space by which the
+% % number is shifted right
+ \fboxsep=0pt%
+ \colorbox[gray]{.85}{\rule{0pt}{40pt}\parbox[b]{\textwidth}{\hfill}}%
+ \kern-\py\raise20pt%
+ \hbox{\color[gray]{.5}\CNoV\thechapter}\\%
+ }
+ \renewcommand{\DOTI}[1]{%
+ \nointerlineskip\raggedright%
+ \fboxsep=\myhi%
+ \vskip-1ex%
+ \colorbox[gray]{.85}{\parbox[t]{\mylen}{\CTV\FmTi{#1}}}\par\nobreak%
+ \vskip 40\p@%
+ }
+ \renewcommand{\DOTIS}[1]{%
+ \fboxsep=0pt
+ \colorbox[gray]{.85}{\rule{0pt}{40pt}\parbox[b]{\textwidth}{\hfill}}\\%
+ \nointerlineskip\raggedright%
+ \fboxsep=\myhi%
+ \colorbox[gray]{.85}{\parbox[t]{\mylen}{\CTV\FmTi{#1}}}\par\nobreak%
+ \vskip 40\p@%
+ }
+%%%%%%% GLENN DEF
+ \ChNameVar{\bfseries\Large\sf}
+ \ChNumVar{\Huge}
+ \ChTitleVar{\bfseries\Large\rm}
+ \ChRuleWidth{1pt}
+ \ChNameUpperCase
+ \ChTitleUpperCase
+ \renewcommand{\DOCH}{%
+ \settoheight{\myhi}{\CTV\FmTi{Test}}
+ \setlength{\py}{\baselineskip}
+ \addtolength{\py}{\RW}
+ \addtolength{\py}{\myhi}
+ \setlength{\pyy}{\py}
+ \addtolength{\pyy}{-1\RW}
+ \raggedright
+ \CNV\FmN{\@chapapp}\space\CNoV\thechapter
+ \hskip 3pt\mghrulefill{\RW}\rule[-1\pyy]{2\RW}{\py}\par\nobreak}
+ \renewcommand{\DOTI}[1]{%
+ \addtolength{\pyy}{-4pt}
+ \settoheight{\myhi}{\CTV\FmTi{#1}}
+ \addtolength{\myhi}{\py}
+ \addtolength{\myhi}{-1\RW}
+ \vskip -1\pyy
+ \rule{2\RW}{\myhi}\mghrulefill{\RW}\hskip 2pt
+ \raggedleft\CTV\FmTi{#1}\par\nobreak
+ \vskip 80\p@}
+ \renewcommand{\DOTIS}[1]{%
+% \setlength{\py}{10pt}
+% \setlength{\pyy}{\py}
+% \addtolength{\pyy}{\RW}
+% \setlength{\myhi}{\baselineskip}
+% \addtolength{\myhi}{\pyy}
+% \mghrulefill{\RW}\rule[-1\py]{2\RW}{\pyy}\par\nobreak
+% \addtolength{}{}
+%\vskip -1\baselineskip
+% \rule{2\RW}{\myhi}\mghrulefill{\RW}\hskip 2pt
+% \raggedleft\CTV\FmTi{#1}\par\nobreak
+% \vskip 60\p@}
+%% Fix suggested by Tomas Lundberg
+ \setlength{\py}{25pt} % eller vad man vill
+ \setlength{\pyy}{\py}
+ \setlength{\backskip}{\py}
+ \addtolength{\backskip}{2pt}
+ \addtolength{\pyy}{\RW}
+ \setlength{\myhi}{\baselineskip}
+ \addtolength{\myhi}{\pyy}
+ \mghrulefill{\RW}\rule[-1\py]{2\RW}{\pyy}\par\nobreak
+ \vskip -1\backskip
+ \rule{2\RW}{\myhi}\mghrulefill{\RW}\hskip 3pt %
+ \raggedleft\CTV\FmTi{#1}\par\nobreak
+ \vskip 40\p@}
+ }
+%%%%%%% CONNY DEF
+ \ChNameUpperCase
+ \ChTitleUpperCase
+ \ChNameVar{\centering\Huge\rm\bfseries}
+ \ChNumVar{\Huge}
+ \ChTitleVar{\centering\Huge\rm}
+ \ChRuleWidth{2pt}
+ \renewcommand{\DOCH}{%
+ \mghrulefill{3\RW}\par\nobreak
+ \vskip -0.5\baselineskip
+ \mghrulefill{\RW}\par\nobreak
+ \CNV\FmN{\@chapapp}\space \CNoV\thechapter
+ \par\nobreak
+ \vskip -0.5\baselineskip
+ }
+ \renewcommand{\DOTI}[1]{%
+ \mghrulefill{\RW}\par\nobreak
+ \CTV\FmTi{#1}\par\nobreak
+ \vskip 60\p@
+ }
+ \renewcommand{\DOTIS}[1]{%
+ \mghrulefill{\RW}\par\nobreak
+ \CTV\FmTi{#1}\par\nobreak
+ \vskip 60\p@
+ }
+ }
+%%%%%%% REJNE DEF
+ \ChNameUpperCase
+ \ChTitleUpperCase
+ \ChNameVar{\centering\Large\rm}
+ \ChNumVar{\Huge}
+ \ChTitleVar{\centering\Huge\rm}
+ \ChRuleWidth{1pt}
+ \renewcommand{\DOCH}{%
+ \settoheight{\py}{\CNoV\thechapter}
+ \parskip=0pt plus 1pt % Set parskip to default, just in case v1.31
+ \addtolength{\py}{-1pt}
+ \CNV\FmN{\@chapapp}\par\nobreak
+ \vskip 20\p@
+ \setlength{\myhi}{2\baselineskip}
+ \setlength{\px}{\myhi}
+ \addtolength{\px}{-1\RW}
+ \rule[-1\px]{\RW}{\myhi}\mghrulefill{\RW}\hskip
+ 10pt\raisebox{-0.5\py}{\CNoV\thechapter}\hskip 10pt\mghrulefill{\RW}\rule[-1\px]{\RW}{\myhi}\par\nobreak
+ \vskip -3\p@% Added -2pt vskip to correct for streched text v1.31
+ }
+ \renewcommand{\DOTI}[1]{%
+ \setlength{\mylen}{\textwidth}
+ \parskip=0pt plus 1pt % Set parskip to default, just in case v1.31
+ \addtolength{\mylen}{-2\RW}
+ {\vrule width\RW}\parbox{\mylen}{\CTV\FmTi{#1}}{\vrule width\RW}\par\nobreak%
+ \vskip -3pt\rule{\RW}{2\baselineskip}\mghrulefill{\RW}\rule{\RW}{2\baselineskip}%
+ \vskip 60\p@% Added -2pt in vskip to correct for streched text v1.31
+ }
+ \renewcommand{\DOTIS}[1]{%
+ \setlength{\py}{\fboxrule}
+ \setlength{\fboxrule}{\RW}
+ \setlength{\mylen}{\textwidth}
+ \addtolength{\mylen}{-2\RW}
+ \fbox{\parbox{\mylen}{\vskip 2\baselineskip\CTV\FmTi{#1}\par\nobreak\vskip \baselineskip}}
+ \setlength{\fboxrule}{\py}
+ \vskip 60\p@
+ }
+ }
+%%%%%%% BJARNE DEF
+ \ChNameUpperCase
+ \ChTitleUpperCase
+ \ChNameVar{\raggedleft\normalsize\rm}
+ \ChNumVar{\raggedleft \bfseries\Large}
+ \ChTitleVar{\raggedleft \Large\rm}
+ \ChRuleWidth{1pt}
+%% Note thechapter -> c@chapter fix appendix bug
+%% Fixed misspelled 12
+ \newcounter{AlphaCnt}
+ \newcounter{AlphaDecCnt}
+ \newcommand{\AlphaNo}{%
+ \ifcase\number\theAlphaCnt
+ \ifnum\c@chapter=0
+ ZERO\else{}\fi
+ \or ONE\or TWO\or THREE\or FOUR\or FIVE
+ \or SIX\or SEVEN\or EIGHT\or NINE\or TEN
+ \newcommand{\AlphaDecNo}{%
+ \setcounter{AlphaDecCnt}{0}
+ \@whilenum\number\theAlphaCnt>0\do
+ {\addtocounter{AlphaCnt}{-10}
+ \addtocounter{AlphaDecCnt}{1}}
+ \ifnum\number\theAlphaCnt=0
+ \else
+ \addtocounter{AlphaDecCnt}{-1}
+ \addtocounter{AlphaCnt}{10}
+ \fi
+ \ifcase\number\theAlphaDecCnt\or TEN\or TWENTY\or THIRTY\or
+ }
+ \newcommand{\TheAlphaChapter}{%
+ \ifinapp
+ \thechapter
+ \else
+ \setcounter{AlphaCnt}{\c@chapter}
+ \ifnum\c@chapter<20
+ \AlphaNo
+ \else
+ \AlphaDecNo\AlphaNo
+ \fi
+ \fi
+ }
+ \renewcommand{\DOCH}{%
+ \mghrulefill{\RW}\par\nobreak
+ \CNV\FmN{\@chapapp}\par\nobreak
+ \CNoV\TheAlphaChapter\par\nobreak
+ \vskip -1\baselineskip\vskip 5pt\mghrulefill{\RW}\par\nobreak
+ \vskip 20\p@
+ }
+ \renewcommand{\DOTI}[1]{%
+ \CTV\FmTi{#1}\par\nobreak
+ \vskip 40\p@
+ }
+ \renewcommand{\DOTIS}[1]{%
+ \CTV\FmTi{#1}\par\nobreak
+ \vskip 40\p@
+ }
+ \PackageWarning{fancychapter}{unknown style option}
+ }
+\ProcessOptions* \relax
+ \RequirePackage{color}
+ \vspace*{50\p@}%
+ {\parindent \z@ \raggedright \normalfont
+ \ifnum \c@secnumdepth >\m@ne
+ \if@mainmatter%%%%% Fix for frontmatter, mainmatter, and backmatter 040920
+ \fi
+ \fi
+ \interlinepenalty\@M
+ \if@mainmatter%%%%% Fix for frontmatter, mainmatter, and backmatter 060424
+ \DOTI{#1}%
+ \else%
+ \DOTIS{#1}%
+ \fi
+ }}
+%%% Begin: To avoid problem with scrbook.cls (fncychap version 1.32)
+% \@topnewpage[\@makeschapterhead{#1}]%
+% \else
+% \@makeschapterhead{#1}%
+% \@afterheading
+% \fi}
+ \@makeschapterhead{#1}%
+ \@makeschapterhead{#1}%
+ \@afterheading%
+%%% End: To avoid problem with scrbook.cls (fncychap version 1.32)
+ \vspace*{50\p@}%
+ {\parindent \z@ \raggedright
+ \normalfont
+ \interlinepenalty\@M
+ \DOTIS{#1}
+ \vskip 40\p@
+ }}
diff --git a/doc/latex/manual.aux b/doc/latex/manual.aux
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4f41234
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/latex/manual.aux
@@ -0,0 +1,366 @@
+\global \let \oldcontentsline\contentsline
+\gdef \contentsline#1#2#3#4{\oldcontentsline{#1}{#2}{#3}}
+\global \let \oldnewlabel\newlabel
+\gdef \newlabel#1#2{\newlabelxx{#1}#2}
+\gdef \newlabelxx#1#2#3#4#5#6{\oldnewlabel{#1}{{#2}{#3}}}
+\AtEndDocument{\let \contentsline\oldcontentsline
+\let \newlabel\oldnewlabel}
+\global \let \hyper@last\relax
+\newlabel{index::doc}{{}{1}{\relax }{section*.2}{}}
+\@writefile{toc}{\contentsline {chapter}{\numberline {1}About S3QL}{1}{chapter.1}}
+\@writefile{lof}{\addvspace {10\p@ }}
+\@writefile{lot}{\addvspace {10\p@ }}
+\newlabel{about:about-s3ql}{{1}{1}{About S3QL\relax }{chapter.1}{}}
+\newlabel{about::doc}{{1}{1}{About S3QL\relax }{chapter.1}{}}
+\newlabel{about:s3ql-user-s-guide}{{1}{1}{About S3QL\relax }{chapter.1}{}}
+\@writefile{toc}{\contentsline {section}{\numberline {1.1}Features}{1}{section.1.1}}
+\newlabel{about:features}{{1.1}{1}{Features\relax }{section.1.1}{}}
+\@writefile{toc}{\contentsline {section}{\numberline {1.2}Development Status}{2}{section.1.2}}
+\newlabel{about:development-status}{{1.2}{2}{Development Status\relax }{section.1.2}{}}
+\@writefile{toc}{\contentsline {chapter}{\numberline {2}Installation}{3}{chapter.2}}
+\@writefile{lof}{\addvspace {10\p@ }}
+\@writefile{lot}{\addvspace {10\p@ }}
+\newlabel{installation:installation}{{2}{3}{Installation\relax }{chapter.2}{}}
+\newlabel{installation::doc}{{2}{3}{Installation\relax }{chapter.2}{}}
+\@writefile{toc}{\contentsline {section}{\numberline {2.1}Dependencies}{3}{section.2.1}}
+\newlabel{installation:dependencies}{{2.1}{3}{Dependencies\relax }{section.2.1}{}}
+\@writefile{toc}{\contentsline {section}{\numberline {2.2}Installing S3QL}{4}{section.2.2}}
+\newlabel{installation:inst-s3ql}{{2.2}{4}{Installing S3QL\relax }{section.2.2}{}}
+\newlabel{installation:installing-s3ql}{{2.2}{4}{Installing S3QL\relax }{section.2.2}{}}
+\@writefile{toc}{\contentsline {chapter}{\numberline {3}Storage Backends}{5}{chapter.3}}
+\@writefile{lof}{\addvspace {10\p@ }}
+\@writefile{lot}{\addvspace {10\p@ }}
+\newlabel{backends::doc}{{3}{5}{Storage Backends\relax }{chapter.3}{}}
+\newlabel{backends:storage-backends}{{3}{5}{Storage Backends\relax }{chapter.3}{}}
+\@writefile{toc}{\contentsline {section}{\numberline {3.1}On Backend Reliability}{5}{section.3.1}}
+\newlabel{backends:on-backend-reliability}{{3.1}{5}{On Backend Reliability\relax }{section.3.1}{}}
+\@writefile{toc}{\contentsline {section}{\numberline {3.2}The \texttt {authinfo} file}{6}{section.3.2}}
+\newlabel{backends:the-authinfo-file}{{3.2}{6}{The \texttt {authinfo} file\relax }{section.3.2}{}}
+\@writefile{toc}{\contentsline {section}{\numberline {3.3}Consistency Guarantees}{6}{section.3.3}}
+\newlabel{backends:consistency-guarantees}{{3.3}{6}{Consistency Guarantees\relax }{section.3.3}{}}
+\@writefile{toc}{\contentsline {subsection}{\numberline {3.3.1}Dealing with Eventual Consistency}{6}{subsection.3.3.1}}
+\newlabel{backends:dealing-with-eventual-consistency}{{3.3.1}{6}{Dealing with Eventual Consistency\relax }{subsection.3.3.1}{}}
+\newlabel{backends:eventual-consistency}{{3.3.1}{6}{Dealing with Eventual Consistency\relax }{subsection.3.3.1}{}}
+\@writefile{toc}{\contentsline {section}{\numberline {3.4}The Amazon S3 Backend}{7}{section.3.4}}
+\newlabel{backends:the-amazon-s3-backend}{{3.4}{7}{The Amazon S3 Backend\relax }{section.3.4}{}}
+\@writefile{toc}{\contentsline {section}{\numberline {3.5}The Local Backend}{8}{section.3.5}}
+\newlabel{backends:the-local-backend}{{3.5}{8}{The Local Backend\relax }{section.3.5}{}}
+\@writefile{toc}{\contentsline {section}{\numberline {3.6}The SFTP Backend}{8}{section.3.6}}
+\newlabel{backends:the-sftp-backend}{{3.6}{8}{The SFTP Backend\relax }{section.3.6}{}}
+\@writefile{toc}{\contentsline {chapter}{\numberline {4}File System Creation}{9}{chapter.4}}
+\@writefile{lof}{\addvspace {10\p@ }}
+\@writefile{lot}{\addvspace {10\p@ }}
+\newlabel{mkfs::doc}{{4}{9}{File System Creation\relax }{chapter.4}{}}
+\newlabel{mkfs:file-system-creation}{{4}{9}{File System Creation\relax }{chapter.4}{}}
+\@writefile{toc}{\contentsline {chapter}{\numberline {5}Managing Buckets}{11}{chapter.5}}
+\@writefile{lof}{\addvspace {10\p@ }}
+\@writefile{lot}{\addvspace {10\p@ }}
+\newlabel{adm::doc}{{5}{11}{Managing Buckets\relax }{chapter.5}{}}
+\newlabel{adm:managing-buckets}{{5}{11}{Managing Buckets\relax }{chapter.5}{}}
+\@writefile{toc}{\contentsline {section}{\numberline {5.1}Changing the Passphrase}{11}{section.5.1}}
+\newlabel{adm:changing-the-passphrase}{{5.1}{11}{Changing the Passphrase\relax }{section.5.1}{}}
+\@writefile{toc}{\contentsline {section}{\numberline {5.2}Upgrading the file system}{11}{section.5.2}}
+\newlabel{adm:upgrading-the-file-system}{{5.2}{11}{Upgrading the file system\relax }{section.5.2}{}}
+\@writefile{toc}{\contentsline {section}{\numberline {5.3}Deleting a file system}{12}{section.5.3}}
+\newlabel{adm:deleting-a-file-system}{{5.3}{12}{Deleting a file system\relax }{section.5.3}{}}
+\@writefile{toc}{\contentsline {section}{\numberline {5.4}Restoring Metadata Backups}{12}{section.5.4}}
+\newlabel{adm:restoring-metadata-backups}{{5.4}{12}{Restoring Metadata Backups\relax }{section.5.4}{}}
+\@writefile{toc}{\contentsline {chapter}{\numberline {6}Mounting}{13}{chapter.6}}
+\@writefile{lof}{\addvspace {10\p@ }}
+\@writefile{lot}{\addvspace {10\p@ }}
+\newlabel{mount:mounting}{{6}{13}{Mounting\relax }{chapter.6}{}}
+\newlabel{mount::doc}{{6}{13}{Mounting\relax }{chapter.6}{}}
+\@writefile{toc}{\contentsline {section}{\numberline {6.1}Storing Encryption Passwords}{14}{section.6.1}}
+\newlabel{mount:bucket-pw}{{6.1}{14}{Storing Encryption Passwords\relax }{section.6.1}{}}
+\newlabel{mount:storing-encryption-passwords}{{6.1}{14}{Storing Encryption Passwords\relax }{section.6.1}{}}
+\@writefile{toc}{\contentsline {section}{\numberline {6.2}Compression Algorithms}{14}{section.6.2}}
+\newlabel{mount:compression-algorithms}{{6.2}{14}{Compression Algorithms\relax }{section.6.2}{}}
+\@writefile{toc}{\contentsline {section}{\numberline {6.3}Parallel Compression}{15}{section.6.3}}
+\newlabel{mount:parallel-compression}{{6.3}{15}{Parallel Compression\relax }{section.6.3}{}}
+\@writefile{toc}{\contentsline {section}{\numberline {6.4}Notes about Caching}{15}{section.6.4}}
+\newlabel{mount:notes-about-caching}{{6.4}{15}{Notes about Caching\relax }{section.6.4}{}}
+\@writefile{toc}{\contentsline {subsection}{\numberline {6.4.1}Maximum Number of Cache Entries}{15}{subsection.6.4.1}}
+\newlabel{mount:maximum-number-of-cache-entries}{{6.4.1}{15}{Maximum Number of Cache Entries\relax }{subsection.6.4.1}{}}
+\@writefile{toc}{\contentsline {subsection}{\numberline {6.4.2}Cache Flushing and Expiration}{15}{subsection.6.4.2}}
+\newlabel{mount:cache-flushing-and-expiration}{{6.4.2}{15}{Cache Flushing and Expiration\relax }{subsection.6.4.2}{}}
+\@writefile{toc}{\contentsline {section}{\numberline {6.5}Automatic Mounting}{15}{section.6.5}}
+\newlabel{mount:automatic-mounting}{{6.5}{15}{Automatic Mounting\relax }{section.6.5}{}}
+\@writefile{toc}{\contentsline {chapter}{\numberline {7}Advanced S3QL Features}{17}{chapter.7}}
+\@writefile{lof}{\addvspace {10\p@ }}
+\@writefile{lot}{\addvspace {10\p@ }}
+\newlabel{special:advanced-s3ql-features}{{7}{17}{Advanced S3QL Features\relax }{chapter.7}{}}
+\newlabel{special::doc}{{7}{17}{Advanced S3QL Features\relax }{chapter.7}{}}
+\@writefile{toc}{\contentsline {section}{\numberline {7.1}Snapshotting and Copy-on-Write}{17}{section.7.1}}
+\newlabel{special:snapshotting-and-copy-on-write}{{7.1}{17}{Snapshotting and Copy-on-Write\relax }{section.7.1}{}}
+\newlabel{special:s3qlcp}{{7.1}{17}{Snapshotting and Copy-on-Write\relax }{section.7.1}{}}
+\@writefile{toc}{\contentsline {subsection}{\numberline {7.1.1}Snapshotting vs Hardlinking}{17}{subsection.7.1.1}}
+\newlabel{special:snapshotting-vs-hardlinking}{{7.1.1}{17}{Snapshotting vs Hardlinking\relax }{subsection.7.1.1}{}}
+\@writefile{toc}{\contentsline {section}{\numberline {7.2}Getting Statistics}{18}{section.7.2}}
+\newlabel{special:s3qlstat}{{7.2}{18}{Getting Statistics\relax }{section.7.2}{}}
+\newlabel{special:getting-statistics}{{7.2}{18}{Getting Statistics\relax }{section.7.2}{}}
+\@writefile{toc}{\contentsline {section}{\numberline {7.3}Immutable Trees}{18}{section.7.3}}
+\newlabel{special:immutable-trees}{{7.3}{18}{Immutable Trees\relax }{section.7.3}{}}
+\newlabel{special:s3qllock}{{7.3}{18}{Immutable Trees\relax }{section.7.3}{}}
+\@writefile{toc}{\contentsline {section}{\numberline {7.4}Fast Recursive Removal}{19}{section.7.4}}
+\newlabel{special:s3qlrm}{{7.4}{19}{Fast Recursive Removal\relax }{section.7.4}{}}
+\newlabel{special:fast-recursive-removal}{{7.4}{19}{Fast Recursive Removal\relax }{section.7.4}{}}
+\@writefile{toc}{\contentsline {section}{\numberline {7.5}Runtime Configuration}{19}{section.7.5}}
+\newlabel{special:runtime-configuration}{{7.5}{19}{Runtime Configuration\relax }{section.7.5}{}}
+\newlabel{special:s3qlctrl}{{7.5}{19}{Runtime Configuration\relax }{section.7.5}{}}
+\@writefile{toc}{\contentsline {chapter}{\numberline {8}Unmounting}{21}{chapter.8}}
+\@writefile{lof}{\addvspace {10\p@ }}
+\@writefile{lot}{\addvspace {10\p@ }}
+\newlabel{umount::doc}{{8}{21}{Unmounting\relax }{chapter.8}{}}
+\newlabel{umount:unmounting}{{8}{21}{Unmounting\relax }{chapter.8}{}}
+\@writefile{toc}{\contentsline {chapter}{\numberline {9}Checking for Errors}{23}{chapter.9}}
+\@writefile{lof}{\addvspace {10\p@ }}
+\@writefile{lot}{\addvspace {10\p@ }}
+\newlabel{fsck:checking-for-errors}{{9}{23}{Checking for Errors\relax }{chapter.9}{}}
+\newlabel{fsck::doc}{{9}{23}{Checking for Errors\relax }{chapter.9}{}}
+\@writefile{toc}{\contentsline {chapter}{\numberline {10}Contributed Programs}{25}{chapter.10}}
+\@writefile{lof}{\addvspace {10\p@ }}
+\@writefile{lot}{\addvspace {10\p@ }}
+\newlabel{contrib:contributed-programs}{{10}{25}{Contributed Programs\relax }{chapter.10}{}}
+\newlabel{contrib::doc}{{10}{25}{Contributed Programs\relax }{chapter.10}{}}
+\@writefile{toc}{\contentsline {section}{\numberline {10.1}}{25}{section.10.1}}
+\newlabel{contrib:benchmark-py}{{10.1}{25}{\relax }{section.10.1}{}}
+\@writefile{toc}{\contentsline {section}{\numberline {10.2}s3\}{25}{section.10.2}}
+\newlabel{contrib:s3-copy-py}{{10.2}{25}{s3\\relax }{section.10.2}{}}
+\@writefile{toc}{\contentsline {section}{\numberline {10.3}}{25}{section.10.3}}
+\newlabel{contrib:pcp-py}{{10.3}{25}{\relax }{section.10.3}{}}
+\newlabel{contrib:pcp}{{10.3}{25}{\relax }{section.10.3}{}}
+\@writefile{toc}{\contentsline {section}{\numberline {10.4}s3\}{25}{section.10.4}}
+\newlabel{contrib:s3-backup-sh}{{10.4}{25}{s3\\relax }{section.10.4}{}}
+\@writefile{toc}{\contentsline {section}{\numberline {10.5}expire\}{26}{section.10.5}}
+\newlabel{contrib:expire-backups-py}{{10.5}{26}{expire\\relax }{section.10.5}{}}
+\@writefile{toc}{\contentsline {section}{\numberline {10.6}s3ql.conf}{27}{section.10.6}}
+\newlabel{contrib:s3ql-conf}{{10.6}{27}{s3ql.conf\relax }{section.10.6}{}}
+\@writefile{toc}{\contentsline {chapter}{\numberline {11}Tips \& Tricks}{29}{chapter.11}}
+\@writefile{lof}{\addvspace {10\p@ }}
+\@writefile{lot}{\addvspace {10\p@ }}
+\newlabel{tips:tips-tricks}{{11}{29}{Tips \& Tricks\relax }{chapter.11}{}}
+\newlabel{tips::doc}{{11}{29}{Tips \& Tricks\relax }{chapter.11}{}}
+\@writefile{toc}{\contentsline {section}{\numberline {11.1}Permanently mounted backup file system}{29}{section.11.1}}
+\newlabel{tips:copy-performance}{{11.1}{29}{Permanently mounted backup file system\relax }{section.11.1}{}}
+\newlabel{tips:permanently-mounted-backup-file-system}{{11.1}{29}{Permanently mounted backup file system\relax }{section.11.1}{}}
+\@writefile{toc}{\contentsline {section}{\numberline {11.2}Improving copy performance}{29}{section.11.2}}
+\newlabel{tips:improving-copy-performance}{{11.2}{29}{Improving copy performance\relax }{section.11.2}{}}
+\@writefile{toc}{\contentsline {chapter}{\numberline {12}Known Issues}{31}{chapter.12}}
+\@writefile{lof}{\addvspace {10\p@ }}
+\@writefile{lot}{\addvspace {10\p@ }}
+\newlabel{issues:known-issues}{{12}{31}{Known Issues\relax }{chapter.12}{}}
+\newlabel{issues::doc}{{12}{31}{Known Issues\relax }{chapter.12}{}}
+\@writefile{toc}{\contentsline {chapter}{\numberline {13}Manpages}{33}{chapter.13}}
+\@writefile{lof}{\addvspace {10\p@ }}
+\@writefile{lot}{\addvspace {10\p@ }}
+\newlabel{man/index:manpages}{{13}{33}{Manpages\relax }{chapter.13}{}}
+\newlabel{man/index::doc}{{13}{33}{Manpages\relax }{chapter.13}{}}
+\@writefile{toc}{\contentsline {section}{\numberline {13.1}The \textbf {mkfs.s3ql} command}{33}{section.13.1}}
+\newlabel{man/mkfs:the-mkfs-s3ql-command}{{13.1}{33}{The \textbf {mkfs.s3ql} command\relax }{section.13.1}{}}
+\newlabel{man/mkfs::doc}{{13.1}{33}{The \textbf {mkfs.s3ql} command\relax }{section.13.1}{}}
+\@writefile{toc}{\contentsline {subsection}{\numberline {13.1.1}Synopsis}{33}{subsection.13.1.1}}
+\newlabel{man/mkfs:synopsis}{{13.1.1}{33}{Synopsis\relax }{subsection.13.1.1}{}}
+\@writefile{toc}{\contentsline {subsection}{\numberline {13.1.2}Description}{33}{subsection.13.1.2}}
+\newlabel{man/mkfs:description}{{13.1.2}{33}{Description\relax }{subsection.13.1.2}{}}
+\@writefile{toc}{\contentsline {subsubsection}{Amazon S3}{33}{subsubsection*.3}}
+\newlabel{man/mkfs:amazon-s3}{{13.1.2}{33}{Amazon S3\relax }{subsubsection*.3}{}}
+\@writefile{toc}{\contentsline {subsubsection}{Local}{33}{subsubsection*.4}}
+\newlabel{man/mkfs:local}{{13.1.2}{33}{Local\relax }{subsubsection*.4}{}}
+\@writefile{toc}{\contentsline {subsubsection}{SFTP}{33}{subsubsection*.5}}
+\newlabel{man/mkfs:sftp}{{13.1.2}{33}{SFTP\relax }{subsubsection*.5}{}}
+\@writefile{toc}{\contentsline {subsection}{\numberline {13.1.3}Options}{34}{subsection.13.1.3}}
+\newlabel{man/mkfs:options}{{13.1.3}{34}{Options\relax }{subsection.13.1.3}{}}
+\@writefile{toc}{\contentsline {subsection}{\numberline {13.1.4}Files}{34}{subsection.13.1.4}}
+\newlabel{man/mkfs:files}{{13.1.4}{34}{Files\relax }{subsection.13.1.4}{}}
+\@writefile{toc}{\contentsline {subsection}{\numberline {13.1.5}Exit Status}{34}{subsection.13.1.5}}
+\newlabel{man/mkfs:exit-status}{{13.1.5}{34}{Exit Status\relax }{subsection.13.1.5}{}}
+\@writefile{toc}{\contentsline {subsection}{\numberline {13.1.6}See Also}{34}{subsection.13.1.6}}
+\newlabel{man/mkfs:see-also}{{13.1.6}{34}{See Also\relax }{subsection.13.1.6}{}}
+\@writefile{toc}{\contentsline {section}{\numberline {13.2}The \textbf {s3qladm} command}{34}{section.13.2}}
+\newlabel{man/adm::doc}{{13.2}{34}{The \textbf {s3qladm} command\relax }{section.13.2}{}}
+\newlabel{man/adm:the-s3qladm-command}{{13.2}{34}{The \textbf {s3qladm} command\relax }{section.13.2}{}}
+\@writefile{toc}{\contentsline {subsection}{\numberline {13.2.1}Synopsis}{34}{subsection.13.2.1}}
+\newlabel{man/adm:synopsis}{{13.2.1}{34}{Synopsis\relax }{subsection.13.2.1}{}}
+\@writefile{toc}{\contentsline {subsection}{\numberline {13.2.2}Description}{35}{subsection.13.2.2}}
+\newlabel{man/adm:description}{{13.2.2}{35}{Description\relax }{subsection.13.2.2}{}}
+\@writefile{toc}{\contentsline {subsubsection}{Amazon S3}{35}{subsubsection*.6}}
+\newlabel{man/adm:amazon-s3}{{13.2.2}{35}{Amazon S3\relax }{subsubsection*.6}{}}
+\@writefile{toc}{\contentsline {subsubsection}{Local}{35}{subsubsection*.7}}
+\newlabel{man/adm:local}{{13.2.2}{35}{Local\relax }{subsubsection*.7}{}}
+\@writefile{toc}{\contentsline {subsubsection}{SFTP}{35}{subsubsection*.8}}
+\newlabel{man/adm:sftp}{{13.2.2}{35}{SFTP\relax }{subsubsection*.8}{}}
+\@writefile{toc}{\contentsline {subsection}{\numberline {13.2.3}Options}{35}{subsection.13.2.3}}
+\newlabel{man/adm:options}{{13.2.3}{35}{Options\relax }{subsection.13.2.3}{}}
+\@writefile{toc}{\contentsline {subsection}{\numberline {13.2.4}Actions}{35}{subsection.13.2.4}}
+\newlabel{man/adm:actions}{{13.2.4}{35}{Actions\relax }{subsection.13.2.4}{}}
+\@writefile{toc}{\contentsline {subsection}{\numberline {13.2.5}Files}{36}{subsection.13.2.5}}
+\newlabel{man/adm:files}{{13.2.5}{36}{Files\relax }{subsection.13.2.5}{}}
+\@writefile{toc}{\contentsline {subsection}{\numberline {13.2.6}Exit Status}{36}{subsection.13.2.6}}
+\newlabel{man/adm:exit-status}{{13.2.6}{36}{Exit Status\relax }{subsection.13.2.6}{}}
+\@writefile{toc}{\contentsline {subsection}{\numberline {13.2.7}See Also}{36}{subsection.13.2.7}}
+\newlabel{man/adm:see-also}{{13.2.7}{36}{See Also\relax }{subsection.13.2.7}{}}
+\@writefile{toc}{\contentsline {section}{\numberline {13.3}The \textbf {mount.s3ql} command}{36}{section.13.3}}
+\newlabel{man/mount::doc}{{13.3}{36}{The \textbf {mount.s3ql} command\relax }{section.13.3}{}}
+\newlabel{man/mount:the-mount-s3ql-command}{{13.3}{36}{The \textbf {mount.s3ql} command\relax }{section.13.3}{}}
+\@writefile{toc}{\contentsline {subsection}{\numberline {13.3.1}Synopsis}{36}{subsection.13.3.1}}
+\newlabel{man/mount:synopsis}{{13.3.1}{36}{Synopsis\relax }{subsection.13.3.1}{}}
+\@writefile{toc}{\contentsline {subsection}{\numberline {13.3.2}Description}{36}{subsection.13.3.2}}
+\newlabel{man/mount:description}{{13.3.2}{36}{Description\relax }{subsection.13.3.2}{}}
+\@writefile{toc}{\contentsline {subsubsection}{Amazon S3}{36}{subsubsection*.9}}
+\newlabel{man/mount:amazon-s3}{{13.3.2}{36}{Amazon S3\relax }{subsubsection*.9}{}}
+\@writefile{toc}{\contentsline {subsubsection}{Local}{36}{subsubsection*.10}}
+\newlabel{man/mount:local}{{13.3.2}{36}{Local\relax }{subsubsection*.10}{}}
+\@writefile{toc}{\contentsline {subsubsection}{SFTP}{36}{subsubsection*.11}}
+\newlabel{man/mount:sftp}{{13.3.2}{36}{SFTP\relax }{subsubsection*.11}{}}
+\@writefile{toc}{\contentsline {subsection}{\numberline {13.3.3}Options}{37}{subsection.13.3.3}}
+\newlabel{man/mount:options}{{13.3.3}{37}{Options\relax }{subsection.13.3.3}{}}
+\@writefile{toc}{\contentsline {subsection}{\numberline {13.3.4}Files}{38}{subsection.13.3.4}}
+\newlabel{man/mount:files}{{13.3.4}{38}{Files\relax }{subsection.13.3.4}{}}
+\@writefile{toc}{\contentsline {subsection}{\numberline {13.3.5}Exit Status}{38}{subsection.13.3.5}}
+\newlabel{man/mount:exit-status}{{13.3.5}{38}{Exit Status\relax }{subsection.13.3.5}{}}
+\@writefile{toc}{\contentsline {subsection}{\numberline {13.3.6}See Also}{38}{subsection.13.3.6}}
+\newlabel{man/mount:see-also}{{13.3.6}{38}{See Also\relax }{subsection.13.3.6}{}}
+\@writefile{toc}{\contentsline {section}{\numberline {13.4}The \textbf {s3qlstat} command}{38}{section.13.4}}
+\newlabel{man/stat:the-s3qlstat-command}{{13.4}{38}{The \textbf {s3qlstat} command\relax }{section.13.4}{}}
+\newlabel{man/stat::doc}{{13.4}{38}{The \textbf {s3qlstat} command\relax }{section.13.4}{}}
+\@writefile{toc}{\contentsline {subsection}{\numberline {13.4.1}Synopsis}{38}{subsection.13.4.1}}
+\newlabel{man/stat:synopsis}{{13.4.1}{38}{Synopsis\relax }{subsection.13.4.1}{}}
+\@writefile{toc}{\contentsline {subsection}{\numberline {13.4.2}Description}{38}{subsection.13.4.2}}
+\newlabel{man/stat:description}{{13.4.2}{38}{Description\relax }{subsection.13.4.2}{}}
+\@writefile{toc}{\contentsline {subsection}{\numberline {13.4.3}Options}{38}{subsection.13.4.3}}
+\newlabel{man/stat:options}{{13.4.3}{38}{Options\relax }{subsection.13.4.3}{}}
+\@writefile{toc}{\contentsline {subsection}{\numberline {13.4.4}Exit Status}{38}{subsection.13.4.4}}
+\newlabel{man/stat:exit-status}{{13.4.4}{38}{Exit Status\relax }{subsection.13.4.4}{}}
+\@writefile{toc}{\contentsline {subsection}{\numberline {13.4.5}See Also}{38}{subsection.13.4.5}}
+\newlabel{man/stat:see-also}{{13.4.5}{38}{See Also\relax }{subsection.13.4.5}{}}
+\@writefile{toc}{\contentsline {section}{\numberline {13.5}The \textbf {s3qlctrl} command}{39}{section.13.5}}
+\newlabel{man/ctrl:the-s3qlctrl-command}{{13.5}{39}{The \textbf {s3qlctrl} command\relax }{section.13.5}{}}
+\newlabel{man/ctrl::doc}{{13.5}{39}{The \textbf {s3qlctrl} command\relax }{section.13.5}{}}
+\@writefile{toc}{\contentsline {subsection}{\numberline {13.5.1}Synopsis}{39}{subsection.13.5.1}}
+\newlabel{man/ctrl:synopsis}{{13.5.1}{39}{Synopsis\relax }{subsection.13.5.1}{}}
+\@writefile{toc}{\contentsline {subsection}{\numberline {13.5.2}Description}{39}{subsection.13.5.2}}
+\newlabel{man/ctrl:description}{{13.5.2}{39}{Description\relax }{subsection.13.5.2}{}}
+\@writefile{toc}{\contentsline {subsection}{\numberline {13.5.3}Options}{39}{subsection.13.5.3}}
+\newlabel{man/ctrl:options}{{13.5.3}{39}{Options\relax }{subsection.13.5.3}{}}
+\@writefile{toc}{\contentsline {subsection}{\numberline {13.5.4}Exit Status}{39}{subsection.13.5.4}}
+\newlabel{man/ctrl:exit-status}{{13.5.4}{39}{Exit Status\relax }{subsection.13.5.4}{}}
+\@writefile{toc}{\contentsline {subsection}{\numberline {13.5.5}See Also}{39}{subsection.13.5.5}}
+\newlabel{man/ctrl:see-also}{{13.5.5}{39}{See Also\relax }{subsection.13.5.5}{}}
+\@writefile{toc}{\contentsline {section}{\numberline {13.6}The \textbf {s3qlcp} command}{40}{section.13.6}}
+\newlabel{man/cp:the-s3qlcp-command}{{13.6}{40}{The \textbf {s3qlcp} command\relax }{section.13.6}{}}
+\newlabel{man/cp::doc}{{13.6}{40}{The \textbf {s3qlcp} command\relax }{section.13.6}{}}
+\@writefile{toc}{\contentsline {subsection}{\numberline {13.6.1}Synopsis}{40}{subsection.13.6.1}}
+\newlabel{man/cp:synopsis}{{13.6.1}{40}{Synopsis\relax }{subsection.13.6.1}{}}
+\@writefile{toc}{\contentsline {subsection}{\numberline {13.6.2}Description}{40}{subsection.13.6.2}}
+\newlabel{man/cp:description}{{13.6.2}{40}{Description\relax }{subsection.13.6.2}{}}
+\@writefile{toc}{\contentsline {subsubsection}{Snapshotting vs Hardlinking}{40}{subsubsection*.12}}
+\newlabel{man/cp:snapshotting-vs-hardlinking}{{13.6.2}{40}{Snapshotting vs Hardlinking\relax }{subsubsection*.12}{}}
+\@writefile{toc}{\contentsline {subsection}{\numberline {13.6.3}Options}{40}{subsection.13.6.3}}
+\newlabel{man/cp:options}{{13.6.3}{40}{Options\relax }{subsection.13.6.3}{}}
+\@writefile{toc}{\contentsline {subsection}{\numberline {13.6.4}Exit Status}{41}{subsection.13.6.4}}
+\newlabel{man/cp:exit-status}{{13.6.4}{41}{Exit Status\relax }{subsection.13.6.4}{}}
+\@writefile{toc}{\contentsline {subsection}{\numberline {13.6.5}See Also}{41}{subsection.13.6.5}}
+\newlabel{man/cp:see-also}{{13.6.5}{41}{See Also\relax }{subsection.13.6.5}{}}
+\@writefile{toc}{\contentsline {section}{\numberline {13.7}The \textbf {s3qlrm} command}{41}{section.13.7}}
+\newlabel{man/rm::doc}{{13.7}{41}{The \textbf {s3qlrm} command\relax }{section.13.7}{}}
+\newlabel{man/rm:the-s3qlrm-command}{{13.7}{41}{The \textbf {s3qlrm} command\relax }{section.13.7}{}}
+\@writefile{toc}{\contentsline {subsection}{\numberline {13.7.1}Synopsis}{41}{subsection.13.7.1}}
+\newlabel{man/rm:synopsis}{{13.7.1}{41}{Synopsis\relax }{subsection.13.7.1}{}}
+\@writefile{toc}{\contentsline {subsection}{\numberline {13.7.2}Description}{41}{subsection.13.7.2}}
+\newlabel{man/rm:description}{{13.7.2}{41}{Description\relax }{subsection.13.7.2}{}}
+\@writefile{toc}{\contentsline {subsection}{\numberline {13.7.3}Options}{41}{subsection.13.7.3}}
+\newlabel{man/rm:options}{{13.7.3}{41}{Options\relax }{subsection.13.7.3}{}}
+\@writefile{toc}{\contentsline {subsection}{\numberline {13.7.4}Exit Status}{41}{subsection.13.7.4}}
+\newlabel{man/rm:exit-status}{{13.7.4}{41}{Exit Status\relax }{subsection.13.7.4}{}}
+\@writefile{toc}{\contentsline {subsection}{\numberline {13.7.5}See Also}{41}{subsection.13.7.5}}
+\newlabel{man/rm:see-also}{{13.7.5}{41}{See Also\relax }{subsection.13.7.5}{}}
+\@writefile{toc}{\contentsline {section}{\numberline {13.8}The \textbf {s3qllock} command}{42}{section.13.8}}
+\newlabel{man/lock:the-s3qllock-command}{{13.8}{42}{The \textbf {s3qllock} command\relax }{section.13.8}{}}
+\newlabel{man/lock::doc}{{13.8}{42}{The \textbf {s3qllock} command\relax }{section.13.8}{}}
+\@writefile{toc}{\contentsline {subsection}{\numberline {13.8.1}Synopsis}{42}{subsection.13.8.1}}
+\newlabel{man/lock:synopsis}{{13.8.1}{42}{Synopsis\relax }{subsection.13.8.1}{}}
+\@writefile{toc}{\contentsline {subsection}{\numberline {13.8.2}Description}{42}{subsection.13.8.2}}
+\newlabel{man/lock:description}{{13.8.2}{42}{Description\relax }{subsection.13.8.2}{}}
+\@writefile{toc}{\contentsline {subsection}{\numberline {13.8.3}Rationale}{42}{subsection.13.8.3}}
+\newlabel{man/lock:rationale}{{13.8.3}{42}{Rationale\relax }{subsection.13.8.3}{}}
+\@writefile{toc}{\contentsline {subsection}{\numberline {13.8.4}Options}{42}{subsection.13.8.4}}
+\newlabel{man/lock:options}{{13.8.4}{42}{Options\relax }{subsection.13.8.4}{}}
+\@writefile{toc}{\contentsline {subsection}{\numberline {13.8.5}Exit Status}{42}{subsection.13.8.5}}
+\newlabel{man/lock:exit-status}{{13.8.5}{42}{Exit Status\relax }{subsection.13.8.5}{}}
+\@writefile{toc}{\contentsline {subsection}{\numberline {13.8.6}See Also}{43}{subsection.13.8.6}}
+\newlabel{man/lock:see-also}{{13.8.6}{43}{See Also\relax }{subsection.13.8.6}{}}
+\@writefile{toc}{\contentsline {section}{\numberline {13.9}The \textbf {umount.s3ql} command}{43}{section.13.9}}
+\newlabel{man/umount::doc}{{13.9}{43}{The \textbf {umount.s3ql} command\relax }{section.13.9}{}}
+\newlabel{man/umount:the-umount-s3ql-command}{{13.9}{43}{The \textbf {umount.s3ql} command\relax }{section.13.9}{}}
+\@writefile{toc}{\contentsline {subsection}{\numberline {13.9.1}Synopsis}{43}{subsection.13.9.1}}
+\newlabel{man/umount:synopsis}{{13.9.1}{43}{Synopsis\relax }{subsection.13.9.1}{}}
+\@writefile{toc}{\contentsline {subsection}{\numberline {13.9.2}Description}{43}{subsection.13.9.2}}
+\newlabel{man/umount:description}{{13.9.2}{43}{Description\relax }{subsection.13.9.2}{}}
+\@writefile{toc}{\contentsline {subsection}{\numberline {13.9.3}Options}{43}{subsection.13.9.3}}
+\newlabel{man/umount:options}{{13.9.3}{43}{Options\relax }{subsection.13.9.3}{}}
+\@writefile{toc}{\contentsline {subsection}{\numberline {13.9.4}Exit Status}{43}{subsection.13.9.4}}
+\newlabel{man/umount:exit-status}{{13.9.4}{43}{Exit Status\relax }{subsection.13.9.4}{}}
+\@writefile{toc}{\contentsline {subsection}{\numberline {13.9.5}See Also}{43}{subsection.13.9.5}}
+\newlabel{man/umount:see-also}{{13.9.5}{43}{See Also\relax }{subsection.13.9.5}{}}
+\@writefile{toc}{\contentsline {section}{\numberline {13.10}The \textbf {fsck.s3ql} command}{44}{section.13.10}}
+\newlabel{man/fsck::doc}{{13.10}{44}{The \textbf {fsck.s3ql} command\relax }{section.13.10}{}}
+\newlabel{man/fsck:the-fsck-s3ql-command}{{13.10}{44}{The \textbf {fsck.s3ql} command\relax }{section.13.10}{}}
+\@writefile{toc}{\contentsline {subsection}{\numberline {13.10.1}Synopsis}{44}{subsection.13.10.1}}
+\newlabel{man/fsck:synopsis}{{13.10.1}{44}{Synopsis\relax }{subsection.13.10.1}{}}
+\@writefile{toc}{\contentsline {subsection}{\numberline {13.10.2}Description}{44}{subsection.13.10.2}}
+\newlabel{man/fsck:description}{{13.10.2}{44}{Description\relax }{subsection.13.10.2}{}}
+\@writefile{toc}{\contentsline {subsubsection}{Amazon S3}{44}{subsubsection*.13}}
+\newlabel{man/fsck:amazon-s3}{{13.10.2}{44}{Amazon S3\relax }{subsubsection*.13}{}}
+\@writefile{toc}{\contentsline {subsubsection}{Local}{44}{subsubsection*.14}}
+\newlabel{man/fsck:local}{{13.10.2}{44}{Local\relax }{subsubsection*.14}{}}
+\@writefile{toc}{\contentsline {subsubsection}{SFTP}{44}{subsubsection*.15}}
+\newlabel{man/fsck:sftp}{{13.10.2}{44}{SFTP\relax }{subsubsection*.15}{}}
+\@writefile{toc}{\contentsline {subsection}{\numberline {13.10.3}Options}{44}{subsection.13.10.3}}
+\newlabel{man/fsck:options}{{13.10.3}{44}{Options\relax }{subsection.13.10.3}{}}
+\@writefile{toc}{\contentsline {subsection}{\numberline {13.10.4}Files}{45}{subsection.13.10.4}}
+\newlabel{man/fsck:files}{{13.10.4}{45}{Files\relax }{subsection.13.10.4}{}}
+\@writefile{toc}{\contentsline {subsection}{\numberline {13.10.5}Exit Status}{45}{subsection.13.10.5}}
+\newlabel{man/fsck:exit-status}{{13.10.5}{45}{Exit Status\relax }{subsection.13.10.5}{}}
+\@writefile{toc}{\contentsline {subsection}{\numberline {13.10.6}See Also}{45}{subsection.13.10.6}}
+\newlabel{man/fsck:see-also}{{13.10.6}{45}{See Also\relax }{subsection.13.10.6}{}}
+\@writefile{toc}{\contentsline {section}{\numberline {13.11}The \textbf {pcp} command}{45}{section.13.11}}
+\newlabel{man/pcp:the-pcp-command}{{13.11}{45}{The \textbf {pcp} command\relax }{section.13.11}{}}
+\newlabel{man/pcp::doc}{{13.11}{45}{The \textbf {pcp} command\relax }{section.13.11}{}}
+\@writefile{toc}{\contentsline {subsection}{\numberline {13.11.1}Synopsis}{45}{subsection.13.11.1}}
+\newlabel{man/pcp:synopsis}{{13.11.1}{45}{Synopsis\relax }{subsection.13.11.1}{}}
+\@writefile{toc}{\contentsline {subsection}{\numberline {13.11.2}Description}{45}{subsection.13.11.2}}
+\newlabel{man/pcp:description}{{13.11.2}{45}{Description\relax }{subsection.13.11.2}{}}
+\@writefile{toc}{\contentsline {subsection}{\numberline {13.11.3}Options}{45}{subsection.13.11.3}}
+\newlabel{man/pcp:options}{{13.11.3}{45}{Options\relax }{subsection.13.11.3}{}}
+\@writefile{toc}{\contentsline {subsection}{\numberline {13.11.4}Exit Status}{45}{subsection.13.11.4}}
+\newlabel{man/pcp:exit-status}{{13.11.4}{45}{Exit Status\relax }{subsection.13.11.4}{}}
+\@writefile{toc}{\contentsline {subsection}{\numberline {13.11.5}See Also}{45}{subsection.13.11.5}}
+\newlabel{man/pcp:see-also}{{13.11.5}{45}{See Also\relax }{subsection.13.11.5}{}}
+\@writefile{toc}{\contentsline {section}{\numberline {13.12}The \textbf {expire\_backups} command}{46}{section.13.12}}
+\newlabel{man/expire_backups::doc}{{13.12}{46}{The \textbf {expire\_backups} command\relax }{section.13.12}{}}
+\newlabel{man/expire_backups:the-expire-backups-command}{{13.12}{46}{The \textbf {expire\_backups} command\relax }{section.13.12}{}}
+\@writefile{toc}{\contentsline {subsection}{\numberline {13.12.1}Synopsis}{46}{subsection.13.12.1}}
+\newlabel{man/expire_backups:synopsis}{{13.12.1}{46}{Synopsis\relax }{subsection.13.12.1}{}}
+\@writefile{toc}{\contentsline {subsection}{\numberline {13.12.2}Description}{46}{subsection.13.12.2}}
+\newlabel{man/expire_backups:description}{{13.12.2}{46}{Description\relax }{subsection.13.12.2}{}}
+\@writefile{toc}{\contentsline {subsection}{\numberline {13.12.3}Options}{47}{subsection.13.12.3}}
+\newlabel{man/expire_backups:options}{{13.12.3}{47}{Options\relax }{subsection.13.12.3}{}}
+\@writefile{toc}{\contentsline {subsection}{\numberline {13.12.4}Exit Status}{47}{subsection.13.12.4}}
+\newlabel{man/expire_backups:exit-status}{{13.12.4}{47}{Exit Status\relax }{subsection.13.12.4}{}}
+\@writefile{toc}{\contentsline {subsection}{\numberline {13.12.5}See Also}{47}{subsection.13.12.5}}
+\newlabel{man/expire_backups:see-also}{{13.12.5}{47}{See Also\relax }{subsection.13.12.5}{}}
+\@writefile{toc}{\contentsline {chapter}{\numberline {14}Further Resources / Getting Help}{49}{chapter.14}}
+\@writefile{lof}{\addvspace {10\p@ }}
+\@writefile{lot}{\addvspace {10\p@ }}
+\newlabel{resources::doc}{{14}{49}{Further Resources / Getting Help\relax }{chapter.14}{}}
+\newlabel{resources:further-resources-getting-help}{{14}{49}{Further Resources / Getting Help\relax }{chapter.14}{}}
+\newlabel{resources:resources}{{14}{49}{Further Resources / Getting Help\relax }{chapter.14}{}}
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+This is pdfTeX, Version 3.1415926-1.40.10 (TeX Live 2009/Debian) (format=pdflatex 2011.4.17) 20 MAY 2011 12:20
+entering extended mode
+ %&-line parsing enabled.
+LaTeX2e <2009/09/24>
+Babel <v3.8l> and hyphenation patterns for english, usenglishmax, dumylang, noh
+yphenation, ngerman, german, german-x-2009-06-19, ngerman-x-2009-06-19, loaded.
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+ defining Unicode char U+00A1 (decimal 161)
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+Now handling font encoding OMX ...
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+ defining Unicode char U+00A2 (decimal 162)
+ defining Unicode char U+00A3 (decimal 163)
+ defining Unicode char U+00A4 (decimal 164)
+ defining Unicode char U+00A5 (decimal 165)
+ defining Unicode char U+00A6 (decimal 166)
+ defining Unicode char U+00A7 (decimal 167)
+ defining Unicode char U+00A8 (decimal 168)
+ defining Unicode char U+00A9 (decimal 169)
+ defining Unicode char U+00AA (decimal 170)
+ defining Unicode char U+00AC (decimal 172)
+ defining Unicode char U+00AE (decimal 174)
+ defining Unicode char U+00AF (decimal 175)
+ defining Unicode char U+00B0 (decimal 176)
+ defining Unicode char U+00B1 (decimal 177)
+ defining Unicode char U+00B2 (decimal 178)
+ defining Unicode char U+00B3 (decimal 179)
+ defining Unicode char U+00B4 (decimal 180)
+ defining Unicode char U+00B5 (decimal 181)
+ defining Unicode char U+00B6 (decimal 182)
+ defining Unicode char U+00B7 (decimal 183)
+ defining Unicode char U+00B9 (decimal 185)
+ defining Unicode char U+00BA (decimal 186)
+ defining Unicode char U+00BC (decimal 188)
+ defining Unicode char U+00BD (decimal 189)
+ defining Unicode char U+00BE (decimal 190)
+ defining Unicode char U+00D7 (decimal 215)
+ defining Unicode char U+00F7 (decimal 247)
+ defining Unicode char U+0192 (decimal 402)
+ defining Unicode char U+02C7 (decimal 711)
+ defining Unicode char U+02D8 (decimal 728)
+ defining Unicode char U+02DD (decimal 733)
+ defining Unicode char U+0E3F (decimal 3647)
+ defining Unicode char U+2016 (decimal 8214)
+ defining Unicode char U+2020 (decimal 8224)
+ defining Unicode char U+2021 (decimal 8225)
+ defining Unicode char U+2022 (decimal 8226)
+ defining Unicode char U+2030 (decimal 8240)
+ defining Unicode char U+2031 (decimal 8241)
+ defining Unicode char U+203B (decimal 8251)
+ defining Unicode char U+203D (decimal 8253)
+ defining Unicode char U+2044 (decimal 8260)
+ defining Unicode char U+204E (decimal 8270)
+ defining Unicode char U+2052 (decimal 8274)
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+l.38 ...ine {9}Checking for Errors}{23}{chapter.9}
+ [1
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+l.112 \tableofcontents
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+Chapter 1.
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+LaTeX Font Info: Try loading font information for TS1+ptm on input line 140.
+File: ts1ptm.fd 2001/06/04 font definitions for TS1/ptm.
+) [1
+] [2]
+Chapter 2.
+] [4]
+Chapter 3.
+Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 346--347
+ []
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+[6] [7]
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+Chapter 4.
+] [10
+Chapter 5.
+Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 777--778
+ []
+Chapter 6.
+] [14] [15] [16]
+Chapter 7.
+] [18] [19] [20
+Chapter 8.
+[21] [22
+Chapter 9.
+[23] [24
+Chapter 10.
+Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 1439--1444
+[]\T1/ptm/b/n/10 expire_backups \T1/ptm/m/n/10 us-age is sim-ple. It re-quires
+back-ups to have names of the forms
+ []
+[26] [27] [28
+Chapter 11.
+[29] [30]
+Chapter 12.
+] [32]
+Chapter 13.
+] [34] [35] [36] [37] [38] [39] [40] [41] [42] [43] [44] [45]
+Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 2672--2677
+[]\T1/ptm/b/n/10 expire_backups \T1/ptm/m/n/10 us-age is sim-ple. It re-quires
+back-ups to have names of the forms
+ []
+[46] [47] [48
+Chapter 14.
+No file manual.ind.
+[49] (./manual.aux) )
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@@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
+\BOOKMARK [0][-]{chapter.1}{About S3QL}{}
+\BOOKMARK [1][-]{section.1.1}{Features}{chapter.1}
+\BOOKMARK [1][-]{section.1.2}{Development Status}{chapter.1}
+\BOOKMARK [0][-]{chapter.2}{Installation}{}
+\BOOKMARK [1][-]{section.2.1}{Dependencies}{chapter.2}
+\BOOKMARK [1][-]{section.2.2}{Installing S3QL}{chapter.2}
+\BOOKMARK [0][-]{chapter.3}{Storage Backends}{}
+\BOOKMARK [1][-]{section.3.1}{On Backend Reliability}{chapter.3}
+\BOOKMARK [1][-]{section.3.2}{The authinfo file}{chapter.3}
+\BOOKMARK [1][-]{section.3.3}{Consistency Guarantees}{chapter.3}
+\BOOKMARK [1][-]{section.3.4}{The Amazon S3 Backend}{chapter.3}
+\BOOKMARK [1][-]{section.3.5}{The Local Backend}{chapter.3}
+\BOOKMARK [1][-]{section.3.6}{The SFTP Backend}{chapter.3}
+\BOOKMARK [0][-]{chapter.4}{File System Creation}{}
+\BOOKMARK [0][-]{chapter.5}{Managing Buckets}{}
+\BOOKMARK [1][-]{section.5.1}{Changing the Passphrase}{chapter.5}
+\BOOKMARK [1][-]{section.5.2}{Upgrading the file system}{chapter.5}
+\BOOKMARK [1][-]{section.5.3}{Deleting a file system}{chapter.5}
+\BOOKMARK [1][-]{section.5.4}{Restoring Metadata Backups}{chapter.5}
+\BOOKMARK [0][-]{chapter.6}{Mounting}{}
+\BOOKMARK [1][-]{section.6.1}{Storing Encryption Passwords}{chapter.6}
+\BOOKMARK [1][-]{section.6.2}{Compression Algorithms}{chapter.6}
+\BOOKMARK [1][-]{section.6.3}{Parallel Compression}{chapter.6}
+\BOOKMARK [1][-]{section.6.4}{Notes about Caching}{chapter.6}
+\BOOKMARK [1][-]{section.6.5}{Automatic Mounting}{chapter.6}
+\BOOKMARK [0][-]{chapter.7}{Advanced S3QL Features}{}
+\BOOKMARK [1][-]{section.7.1}{Snapshotting and Copy-on-Write}{chapter.7}
+\BOOKMARK [1][-]{section.7.2}{Getting Statistics}{chapter.7}
+\BOOKMARK [1][-]{section.7.3}{Immutable Trees}{chapter.7}
+\BOOKMARK [1][-]{section.7.4}{Fast Recursive Removal}{chapter.7}
+\BOOKMARK [1][-]{section.7.5}{Runtime Configuration}{chapter.7}
+\BOOKMARK [0][-]{chapter.8}{Unmounting}{}
+\BOOKMARK [0][-]{chapter.9}{Checking for Errors}{}
+\BOOKMARK [0][-]{chapter.10}{Contributed Programs}{}
+\BOOKMARK [1][-]{section.10.1}{}{chapter.10}
+\BOOKMARK [1][-]{section.10.2}{s3\}{chapter.10}
+\BOOKMARK [1][-]{section.10.3}{}{chapter.10}
+\BOOKMARK [1][-]{section.10.4}{s3\}{chapter.10}
+\BOOKMARK [1][-]{section.10.5}{expire\}{chapter.10}
+\BOOKMARK [1][-]{section.10.6}{s3ql.conf}{chapter.10}
+\BOOKMARK [0][-]{chapter.11}{Tips \046 Tricks}{}
+\BOOKMARK [1][-]{section.11.1}{Permanently mounted backup file system}{chapter.11}
+\BOOKMARK [1][-]{section.11.2}{Improving copy performance}{chapter.11}
+\BOOKMARK [0][-]{chapter.12}{Known Issues}{}
+\BOOKMARK [0][-]{chapter.13}{Manpages}{}
+\BOOKMARK [1][-]{section.13.1}{The mkfs.s3ql command}{chapter.13}
+\BOOKMARK [1][-]{section.13.2}{The s3qladm command}{chapter.13}
+\BOOKMARK [1][-]{section.13.3}{The mount.s3ql command}{chapter.13}
+\BOOKMARK [1][-]{section.13.4}{The s3qlstat command}{chapter.13}
+\BOOKMARK [1][-]{section.13.5}{The s3qlctrl command}{chapter.13}
+\BOOKMARK [1][-]{section.13.6}{The s3qlcp command}{chapter.13}
+\BOOKMARK [1][-]{section.13.7}{The s3qlrm command}{chapter.13}
+\BOOKMARK [1][-]{section.13.8}{The s3qllock command}{chapter.13}
+\BOOKMARK [1][-]{section.13.9}{The umount.s3ql command}{chapter.13}
+\BOOKMARK [1][-]{section.13.10}{The fsck.s3ql command}{chapter.13}
+\BOOKMARK [1][-]{section.13.11}{The pcp command}{chapter.13}
+\BOOKMARK [1][-]{section.13.12}{The expire\137backups command}{chapter.13}
+\BOOKMARK [0][-]{chapter.14}{Further Resources / Getting Help}{}
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new file mode 100644
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+++ b/doc/latex/manual.tex
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+% Generated by Sphinx.
+\title{S3QL Documentation}
+\date{May 20, 2011}
+\author{Nikolaus Rath}
+\def\PYG@reset{\let\PYG@it=\relax \let\PYG@bf=\relax%
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+ \PYG@it{\PYG@bf{\PYG@ff{#1}}}}}}}
+% for compatibility with earlier versions
+\chapter{About S3QL}
+S3QL is a file system that stores all its data online. It supports
+\href{}{Amazon S3} as well as arbitrary
+SFTP servers and effectively provides you with a hard disk of dynamic,
+infinite capacity that can be accessed from any computer with internet
+S3QL is providing a standard, full featured UNIX file system that is
+conceptually indistinguishable from any local file system.
+Furthermore, S3QL has additional features like compression,
+encryption, data de-duplication, immutable trees and snapshotting
+which make it especially suitable for online backup and archival.
+S3QL is designed to favor simplicity and elegance over performance and
+feature-creep. Care has been taken to make the source code as
+readable and serviceable as possible. Solid error detection and error
+handling have been included from the very first line, and S3QL comes
+with extensive automated test cases for all its components.
+\item {}
+\textbf{Transparency.} Conceptually, S3QL is indistinguishable from a
+local file system. For example, it supports hardlinks, symlinks,
+ACLs and standard unix permissions, extended attributes and file
+sizes up to 2 TB.
+\item {}
+\textbf{Dynamic Size.} The size of an S3QL file system grows and shrinks
+dynamically as required.
+\item {}
+\textbf{Compression.} Before storage, all data may compressed with the
+LZMA, bzip2 or deflate (gzip) algorithm.
+\item {}
+\textbf{Encryption.} After compression (but before upload), all data can
+AES encrypted with a 256 bit key. An additional SHA256 HMAC checksum
+is used to protect the data against manipulation.
+\item {}
+\textbf{Data De-duplication.} If several files have identical contents,
+the redundant data will be stored only once. This works across all
+files stored in the file system, and also if only some parts of the
+files are identical while other parts differ.
+\item {}
+\textbf{Immutable Trees.} Directory trees can be made immutable, so that
+their contents can no longer be changed in any way whatsoever. This
+can be used to ensure that backups can not be modified after they
+have been made.
+\item {}
+\textbf{Copy-on-Write/Snapshotting.} S3QL can replicate entire directory
+trees without using any additional storage space. Only if one of the
+copies is modified, the part of the data that has been modified will
+take up additional storage space. This can be used to create
+intelligent snapshots that preserve the state of a directory at
+different points in time using a minimum amount of space.
+\item {}
+\textbf{High Performance independent of network latency.} All operations
+that do not write or read file contents (like creating directories
+or moving, renaming, and changing permissions of files and
+directories) are very fast because they are carried out without any
+network transactions.
+S3QL achieves this by saving the entire file and directory structure
+in a database. This database is locally cached and the remote
+copy updated asynchronously.
+\item {}
+\textbf{Support for low bandwidth connections.} S3QL splits file contents
+into smaller blocks and caches blocks locally. This minimizes both
+the number of network transactions required for reading and writing
+data, and the amount of data that has to be transferred when only
+parts of a file are read or written.
+\section{Development Status}
+After two years of beta-testing by about 93 users did not reveal any
+data-critical bugs, S3QL was declared \textbf{stable} with the release of
+version 1.0 on May 13th, 2011. Note that this does not mean that S3QL
+is bug-free. S3QL still has several known, and probably many more
+unknown bugs. However, there is a high probability that these bugs
+will, although being inconvenient, not endanger any stored data.
+Please report any problems on the \href{}{mailing list} or the \href{}{issue tracker}.
+S3QL depends on several other programs and libraries that have to be
+installed first. The best method to satisfy these dependencies depends
+on your distribution. In some cases S3QL and all its dependencies can
+be installed with as little as three commands, while in other cases more work
+may be required.
+The \href{}{S3QL Wiki} contains
+installation instructions for quite a few different Linux
+distributions. You should only use the generic instructions in this
+manual if your distribution is not included in the \href{}{distribution-specific
+installation instructions} on the wiki.
+The following is a list of the programs and libraries required for
+running S3QL. Generally, you should first check if your distribution
+already provides a suitable packages and only install from source if
+that is not the case.
+\item {}
+Kernel version 2.6.9 or newer. Starting with kernel 2.6.26
+you will get significantly better write performance, so you should
+actually use \emph{2.6.26 or newer whenever possible}.
+\item {}
+The \href{}{FUSE Library} should already be
+installed on your system. However, you have to make sure that you
+have at least version 2.8.0.
+\item {}
+The \href{}{PyCrypto++ Python Module}. To check if this module
+is installed, try to execute \code{python -c 'import pycryptopp'}.
+\item {}
+The \href{}{argparse Python Module}. To check if this module is
+installed, try to execute \code{python -c 'import argparse; print
+argparse.\_\_version\_\_'}. If argparse is installed, this will print
+the version number. You need version 1.1 or later.
+\item {}
+The \href{}{APSW Python Module}. To check
+which (if any) version of APWS is installed, run the command
+\PYG{l}{python -c 'import apsw; print apsw.apswversion(), apsw.sqlitelibversion()'}
+If APSW is installed, this should print two version numbers which
+both have to be at least 3.7.0.
+\item {}
+The \href{}{PyLibLZMA Python module}. To check if this module
+is installed, execute \code{python -c 'import lzma; print
+lzma.\_\_version\_\_'}. This should print a version number. You need at
+least version 0.5.3.
+\item {}
+The \href{}{Python LLFUSE module}. To check if this module
+is installed, execute \code{python -c 'import llfuse; print
+llfuse.\_\_version\_\_'}. This should print a version number. You need at
+least version 0.29.
+Note that earlier S3QL versions shipped with a builtin version of
+this module. If you are upgrading from such a version, make sure to
+completely remove the old S3QL version first.
+\item {}
+If you want to use the SFTP backend, then you also need the
+\href{}{Paramiko Python Module}. To check
+if this module is installed, try to execute \code{python -c 'import
+\section{Installing S3QL}
+To install S3QL itself, proceed as follows:
+\item {}
+Download S3QL from \href{}{}
+\item {}
+Unpack it into a folder of your choice
+\item {}
+Run \code{python test} to run a self-test. If this fails, ask
+for help on the \href{}{mailing list} or report a bug in the
+\href{}{issue tracker}.
+Now you have three options:
+\item {}
+You can run the S3QL commands from the \code{bin/} directory.
+\item {}
+You can install S3QL system-wide for all users. To do that, you
+have to run \code{sudo python install}.
+\item {}
+You can install S3QL into \code{\textasciitilde{}/.local} by executing \code{python install -{-}user}. In this case you should make sure that
+\code{\textasciitilde{}/.local/bin} is in your \code{\$PATH} environment variable.
+\chapter{Storage Backends}
+S3QL can use different protocols to store the file system data.
+Independent of the backend that you use, the place where your file
+system data is being stored is called a \emph{bucket}. (This is mostly for
+historical reasons, since initially S3QL supported only the Amazon S3
+\section{On Backend Reliability}
+S3QL has been designed for use with a storage backend where data loss
+is so infrequent that it can be completely neglected (e.g. the Amazon
+S3 backend). If you decide to use a less reliable backend, you should
+keep the following warning in mind and read this section carefully.
+S3QL is not able to compensate for any failures of the backend. In
+particular, it is not able reconstruct any data that has been lost
+or corrupted by the backend. The persistence and durability of data
+stored in an S3QL file system is limited and determined by the
+backend alone.
+On the plus side, if a backend looses or corrupts some of the stored
+data, S3QL \emph{will} detect the problem. Missing data will be detected
+when running \code{fsck.s3ql} or when attempting to access the data in the
+mounted file system. In the later case you will get an IO Error, and
+on unmounting S3QL will warn you that the file system is damaged and
+you need to run \code{fsck.s3ql}.
+\code{fsck.s3ql} will report all the affected files and move them into the
+\code{/lost+found} directory of the file system.
+You should be aware that, because of S3QL's data de-duplication
+feature, the consequences of a data loss in the backend can be
+significantly more severe than you may expect. More concretely, a data
+loss in the backend at time \emph{x} may cause data that is written \emph{after}
+time \emph{x} to be lost as well. What may happen is this:
+\item {}
+You store an important file in the S3QL file system.
+\item {}
+The backend looses the data blocks of this file. As long as you
+do not access the file or run \code{fsck.s3ql}, S3QL
+is not aware that the data has been lost by the backend.
+\item {}
+You save an additional copy of the important file in a different
+location on the same S3QL file system.
+\item {}
+S3QL detects that the contents of the new file are identical to the
+data blocks that have been stored earlier. Since at this point S3QL
+is not aware that these blocks have been lost by the backend, it
+does not save another copy of the file contents in the backend but
+relies on the (presumably) existing blocks instead.
+\item {}
+Therefore, even though you saved another copy, you still do not
+have a backup of the important file (since both copies refer to the
+same data blocks that have been lost by the backend).
+As one can see, this effect becomes the less important the more often
+one runs \code{fsck.s3ql}, since \code{fsck.s3ql} will make S3QL aware of any
+blocks that the backend may have lost. Figuratively, this establishes
+a ``checkpoint'': data loss in the backend that occurred before running
+\code{fsck.s3ql} can not affect any file system operations performed after
+running \code{fsck.s3ql}.
+Nevertheless, (as said at the beginning) the recommended way to use
+S3QL is in combination with a sufficiently reliable storage backend.
+In that case none of the above will ever be a concern.
+\section{The \texttt{authinfo} file}
+Most backends first try to read the file \code{\textasciitilde{}/.s3ql/authinfo} to determine
+the username and password for connecting to the remote host. If this
+fails, both username and password are read from the terminal.
+The \code{authinfo} file has to contain entries of the form
+\PYG{l}{backend }\PYG{n+nv}{\textless{}backend\textgreater{}}\PYG{l}{ machine }\PYG{n+nv}{\textless{}host\textgreater{}}\PYG{l}{ login }\PYG{n+nv}{\textless{}user\textgreater{}}\PYG{l}{ password }\PYG{n+nv}{\textless{}password\textgreater{}}
+So to use the login \code{joe} with password \code{jibbadup} when using the FTP
+backend to connect to the host \code{}, you would
+\PYG{l}{backend ftp machine login joe password jibbadup}
+\section{Consistency Guarantees}
+The different backends provide different types of \emph{consistency
+guarantees}. Informally, a consistency guarantee tells you how fast
+the backend will apply changes to the stored data.
+S3QL defines the following three levels:
+\item {}
+\textbf{Read-after-Write Consistency.} This is the strongest consistency
+guarantee. If a backend offers read-after-write consistency, it
+guarantees that as soon as you have committed any changes to the
+backend, subsequent requests will take into account these changes.
+\item {}
+\textbf{Read-after-Create Consistency.} If a backend provides only
+read-after-create consistency, only the creation of a new object is
+guaranteed to be taken into account for subsequent requests. This
+means that, for example, if you overwrite data in an existing
+object, subsequent requests may still return the old data for a
+certain period of time.
+\item {}
+\textbf{Eventual consistency.} This is the lowest consistency level.
+Basically, any changes that you make to the backend may not be
+visible for a certain amount of time after the change has been made.
+However, you are guaranteed that no change will be lost. All changes
+will \emph{eventually} become visible.
+As long as your backend provides read-after-write or read-after-create
+consistency, you do not have to worry about consistency guarantees at
+all. However, if you plan to use a backend with only eventual
+consistency, you have to be a bit careful in some situations.
+\subsection{Dealing with Eventual Consistency}
+The following applies only to storage backends that do not provide
+read-after-create or read-after-write consistency. Currently,
+this is only the Amazon S3 backend \emph{if used with the US-Standard
+storage region}. If you use a different storage backend, or the S3
+backend with a different storage region, this section does not apply
+to you.
+While the file system is mounted, S3QL is able to automatically handle
+all issues related to the weak eventual consistency guarantee.
+However, some issues may arise during the mount process and when the
+file system is checked.
+Suppose that you mount the file system, store some new data, delete
+some old data and unmount it again. Now remember that eventual
+consistency means that there is no guarantee that these changes will
+be visible immediately. At least in theory it is therefore possible
+that if you mount the file system again, S3QL does not see any of the
+changes that you have done and presents you an ``old version'' of the
+file system without them. Even worse, if you notice the problem and
+unmount the file system, S3QL will upload the old status (which S3QL
+necessarily has to consider as current) and thereby permanently
+override the newer version (even though this change may not become
+immediately visible either).
+The same problem applies when checking the file system. If the backend
+provides S3QL with only partially updated data, S3QL has no way to
+find out if this a real consistency problem that needs to be fixed or
+if it is only a temporary problem that will resolve itself
+automatically (because there are still changes that have not become
+visible yet).
+While this may seem to be a rather big problem, the likelihood of it
+to occur is rather low. In practice, most storage providers rarely
+need more than a few seconds to apply incoming changes, so to trigger
+this problem one would have to unmount and remount the file system in
+a very short time window. Many people therefore make sure that they
+wait a few minutes between successive mounts (or file system checks)
+and decide that the remaining risk is negligible.
+Nevertheless, the eventual consistency guarantee does not impose an
+upper limit on the time that it may take for change to become visible.
+Therefore there is no ``totally safe'' waiting time that would totally
+eliminate this problem; a theoretical possibility always remains.
+\section{The Amazon S3 Backend}
+To store your file system in an Amazon S3 bucket, use a storage URL of
+the form \code{s3://\textless{}bucketname\textgreater{}}. Bucket names must conform to the \href{}{S3
+Bucket Name Restrictions}.
+The S3 backend offers exceptionally strong reliability guarantees. As
+of August 2010, Amazon guarantees a durability of 99.999999999\% per
+year. In other words, if you store a thousand million objects then on
+average you would loose less than one object in a hundred years.
+The Amazon S3 backend provides read-after-create consistency for the
+EU, Asia-Pacific and US-West storage regions. \emph{For the US-Standard
+storage region, Amazon S3 provides only eventual consistency} (please
+refer to {\hyperref[backends:eventual-consistency]{\emph{Dealing with Eventual Consistency}}} for information about
+what this entails).
+When connecting to Amazon S3, S3QL uses an unencrypted HTTP
+connection, so if you want your data to stay confidential, you have
+to create the S3QL file system with encryption (this is also the default).
+When reading the authentication information for the S3 backend from
+the \code{authinfo} file, the \code{host} field is ignored, i.e. the first entry
+with \code{s3} as a backend will be used. For example
+\PYG{l}{backend s3 machine any login myAWSaccessKeyId password myAwsSecretAccessKey}
+Note that the bucket names come from a global pool, so chances are
+that your favorite name has already been taken by another S3 user.
+Usually a longer bucket name containing some random numbers, like
+\code{19283712\_yourname\_s3ql}, will work better.
+If you do not already have one, you need to obtain an Amazon S3
+account from \href{}{Amazon AWS}. The account is
+free, you will pay only for the amount of storage that you actually
+Note that the login and password for accessing S3 are not the user id
+and password that you use to log into the Amazon Webpage, but the ``AWS
+access key id'' and ``AWS secret access key'' shown under \href{\&action=access-key}{My
+Account/Access Identifiers}.
+S3QL also allows you to use \href{\#protecting}{reduced redundancy storage} by using \code{s3rr://}
+instead of \code{s3://} in the storage url. However, this not
+recommended. The reason is a combination of three factors:
+\item {}
+RRS has a relatively low reliability, on average you loose one
+out of every ten-thousand objects a year. So you can expect to
+occasionally loose some data.
+\item {}
+When \code{fsck.s3ql} asks Amazon S3 for a list of the stored objects,
+this list includes even those objects that have been lost.
+Therefore \code{fsck.s3ql} \emph{can not detect lost objects} and lost data
+will only become apparent when you try to actually read from a
+file whose data has been lost. This is a (very unfortunate)
+peculiarity of Amazon S3.
+\item {}
+Due to the data de-duplication feature of S3QL, unnoticed lost
+objects may cause subsequent data loss later in time (see {\hyperref[backends:on-backend-reliability]{On
+Backend Reliability}} for details).
+In other words, you should really only store an S3QL file system
+using RRS if you know exactly what you are getting into.
+\section{The Local Backend}
+The local backend stores file system data in a directory on your
+computer. The storage URL for the local backend has the form
+\code{local://\textless{}path\textgreater{}}. Note that you have to write three consecutive
+slashes to specify an absolute path, e.g. \code{local:///var/archive}.
+The local backend provides read-after-write consistency.
+\section{The SFTP Backend}
+The SFTP backend uses the SFTP protocol, which is a file transfer
+protocol similar to ftp, but uses an encrypted SSH connection.
+It provides read-after-write consistency.
+Note that the SFTP backend is rather slow and has not been tested
+as extensively as the S3 and Local backends.
+The storage URL for SFTP connections has the form
+The SFTP backend will always ask you for a password if you haven't
+defined one in \code{\textasciitilde{}/.s3ql/authinfo}. However, public key authentication
+is tried first and the password will only be used if the public key
+authentication fails.
+The public and private keys will be read from the standard files in
+\code{\textasciitilde{}/.ssh/}. Note that S3QL will refuse to connect to a computer with
+unknown host key; to add the key to your local keyring you have to
+establish a connection to that computer with the standard SSH command
+line programs first.
+\chapter{File System Creation}
+A S3QL file system is created with the \code{mkfs.s3ql} command. It has the
+following syntax:
+\PYG{l}{mkfs.s3ql }\PYG{g+ge}{[options]}\PYG{l}{ }\PYG{n+nv}{\textless{}storage url\textgreater{}}
+This command accepts the following options:
+\item [-{-}homedir \textless{}path\textgreater{}]
+Directory for log files, cache and authentication
+info. (default: \code{\textasciitilde{}/.s3ql)}
+\item [-{-}debug \textless{}module\textgreater{}]
+activate debugging output from \textless{}module\textgreater{}. Use \code{all} to
+get debug messages from all modules. This option can
+be specified multiple times.
+\item [-{-}quiet]
+be really quiet
+\item [-{-}version]
+just print program version and exit
+\item [-{-}ssl]
+Use SSL when connecting to remote servers. This option
+is not enabled by default, because for encrypted file
+systems, all data is already encrypted anyway, and
+authentication data is never transmitted in plaintext
+even for unencrypted file systems.
+\item [-{-}s3-location \textless{}name\textgreater{}]
+Storage location for new S3 buckets. Allowed values:
+\code{EU}, \code{us-west-1}, \code{ap-southeast-1}, or \code{us-standard}.
+(default: EU)
+\item [-L \textless{}name\textgreater{}]
+Filesystem label
+\item [-{-}blocksize \textless{}size\textgreater{}]
+Maximum block size in KB (default: 10240)
+\item [-{-}plain]
+Create unencrypted file system.
+\item [-{-}force]
+Overwrite any existing data.
+Unless you have specified the \code{-{-}plain} option, \code{mkfs.s3ql} will ask you
+to enter an encryption password. If you do not want to enter this
+password every time that you mount the file system, you can store it
+in the \code{\textasciitilde{}/.s3ql/authinfo} file, see {\hyperref[mount:bucket-pw]{\emph{Storing Encryption Passwords}}}.
+\chapter{Managing Buckets}
+The \code{s3qladm} command performs various operations on S3QL buckets.
+The file system contained in the bucket \emph{must not be mounted} when
+using \code{s3qladm} or things will go wrong badly.
+The syntax is
+\PYG{l}{s3qladm }\PYG{g+ge}{[options]}\PYG{l}{ }\PYG{n+nv}{\textless{}action\textgreater{}}\PYG{l}{ }\PYG{n+nv}{\textless{}storage-url\textgreater{}}
+where \code{action} may be either of \textbf{passphrase},
+\textbf{upgrade}, \textbf{delete} or \textbf{download-metadata}.
+The \textbf{s3qladm} accepts the following general options, no
+matter what specific action is being invoked:
+\item [-{-}debug \textless{}module\textgreater{}]
+activate debugging output from \textless{}module\textgreater{}. Use \code{all} to get
+debug messages from all modules. This option can be
+specified multiple times.
+\item [-{-}quiet]
+be really quiet
+\item [-{-}homedir \textless{}path\textgreater{}]
+Directory for log files, cache and authentication info.
+(default: \code{\textasciitilde{}/.s3ql)}
+\item [-{-}version]
+just print program version and exit
+\item [-{-}ssl]
+Use SSL when connecting to remote servers. This option is
+not enabled by default, because for encrypted file
+systems, all data is already encrypted anyway, and
+authentication data is never transmitted in plaintext
+even for unencrypted file systems.
+Hint: run \code{s3qladm \textless{}action\textgreater{} -{-}help} to get help on the additional
+arguments that the different actions take.
+\section{Changing the Passphrase}
+To change the passphrase a bucket, use the \code{s3qladm} command:
+\PYG{l}{s3qladm passphrase }\PYG{n+nv}{\textless{}storage url\textgreater{}}
+The passphrase can only be changed when the bucket is not mounted.
+\section{Upgrading the file system}
+If you have installed a new version of S3QL, it may sometimes be
+necessary to upgrade the file system metadata as well. Note that in
+this case the file system can no longer be accessed with older
+versions of S3QL after the upgrade.
+During the upgrade you have to make sure that the command is not
+interrupted, and that no one else tries to mount, check or upgrade the
+file system at the same time.
+To upgrade a file system from the previous to the current revision,
+\PYG{l}{s3qladm upgrade }\PYG{n+nv}{\textless{}storage url\textgreater{}}
+\section{Deleting a file system}
+A file system can be deleted with:
+\PYG{l}{s3qladm delete }\PYG{n+nv}{\textless{}storage url\textgreater{}}
+This physically deletes all the data and file system structures.
+\section{Restoring Metadata Backups}
+If the most-recent copy of the file system metadata has been damaged
+irreparably, it is possible to restore one of the automatically
+created backup copies.
+The command
+\PYG{l}{s3qladm download-metadata }\PYG{n+nv}{\textless{}storage url\textgreater{}}
+will give you a list of the available metadata backups and allow you
+to download them. This will create two new files in the current
+directory, ending in \code{.db} and \code{.params}. To actually use the
+downloaded backup, you need to move these files into the \code{\textasciitilde{}/.s3ql/}
+directory and run \code{fsck.s3ql}.
+You should probably not use this functionality without having asked
+for help on the mailing list first (see {\hyperref[resources:resources]{\emph{Further Resources / Getting Help}}}).
+A S3QL file system is mounted with the \code{mount.s3ql} command. It has
+the following syntax:
+\PYG{l}{mount.s3ql }\PYG{g+ge}{[options]}\PYG{l}{ }\PYG{n+nv}{\textless{}storage url\textgreater{}}\PYG{l}{ }\PYG{n+nv}{\textless{}mountpoint\textgreater{}}
+S3QL is not a network file system like \href{\_File\_System\_\%28protocol\%29}{NFS}
+or \href{}{CIFS}. It can only be
+mounted on one computer at a time.
+This command accepts the following options:
+\item [-{-}homedir \textless{}path\textgreater{}]
+Directory for log files, cache and authentication
+info. (default: \code{\textasciitilde{}/.s3ql)}
+\item [-{-}debug \textless{}module\textgreater{}]
+activate debugging output from \textless{}module\textgreater{}. Use \code{all} to
+get debug messages from all modules. This option can
+be specified multiple times.
+\item [-{-}quiet]
+be really quiet
+\item [-{-}version]
+just print program version and exit
+\item [-{-}ssl]
+Use SSL when connecting to remote servers. This option
+is not enabled by default, because for encrypted file
+systems, all data is already encrypted anyway, and
+authentication data is never transmitted in plaintext
+even for unencrypted file systems.
+\item [-{-}cachesize \textless{}size\textgreater{}]
+Cache size in kb (default: 102400 (100 MB)). Should be
+at least 10 times the blocksize of the filesystem,
+otherwise an object may be retrieved and written
+several times during a single write() or read()
+\item [-{-}max-cache-entries \textless{}num\textgreater{}]
+Maximum number of entries in cache (default: 768).
+Each cache entry requires one file descriptor, so if
+you increase this number you have to make sure that
+your process file descriptor limit (as set with
+\code{ulimit -n}) is high enough (at least the number of
+cache entries + 100).
+\item [-{-}allow-other]
+Normally, only the user who called \code{mount.s3ql} can
+access the mount point. This user then also has full
+access to it, independent of individual file
+permissions. If the \code{-{-}allow-other} option is
+specified, other users can access the mount point as
+well and individual file permissions are taken into
+account for all users.
+\item [-{-}allow-root]
+Like \code{-{-}allow-other}, but restrict access to the
+mounting user and the root user.
+\item [-{-}fg]
+Do not daemonize, stay in foreground
+\item [-{-}single]
+Run in single threaded mode. If you don't understand
+this, then you don't need it.
+\item [-{-}upstart]
+Stay in foreground and raise SIGSTOP once mountpoint
+is up.
+\item [-{-}profile]
+Create profiling information. If you don't understand
+this, then you don't need it.
+\item [-{-}compress \textless{}name\textgreater{}]
+Compression algorithm to use when storing new data.
+Allowed values: \code{lzma}, \code{bzip2}, \code{zlib}, none.
+(default: \code{lzma})
+\item [-{-}metadata-upload-interval \textless{}seconds\textgreater{}]
+Interval in seconds between complete metadata uploads.
+Set to 0 to disable. Default: 24h.
+\item [-{-}compression-threads \textless{}no\textgreater{}]
+Number of parallel compression and encryption threads
+to use (default: 1).
+\section{Storing Encryption Passwords}
+If you are trying to mount an encrypted bucket, \code{mount.s3ql} will first
+try to read the password from the \code{.s3ql/authinfo} file (the same file
+that is used to read the backend authentication data) and prompt the
+user to enter the password only if this fails.
+The \code{authinfo} entries to specify bucket passwords are of the form
+\PYG{l}{storage-url }\PYG{n+nv}{\textless{}storage-url\textgreater{}}\PYG{l}{ password }\PYG{n+nv}{\textless{}password\textgreater{}}
+So to always use the password \code{topsecret} when mounting \code{s3://joes\_bucket},
+the entry would be
+\PYG{l}{storage-url s3://joes\PYGZus{}bucket password topsecret}
+If you are using the local backend, the storage url will
+always be converted to an absolute path. So if you are in the
+\code{/home/john} directory and try to mount \code{local://bucket}, the matching
+\code{authinfo} entry has to have a storage url of
+\section{Compression Algorithms}
+S3QL supports three compression algorithms, LZMA, Bzip2 and zlib (with
+LZMA being the default). The compression algorithm can be specified
+freely whenever the file system is mounted, since it affects only the
+compression of new data blocks.
+Roughly speaking, LZMA is slower but achieves better compression
+ratios than Bzip2, while Bzip2 in turn is slower but achieves better
+compression ratios than zlib.
+For maximum file system performance, the best algorithm therefore
+depends on your network connection speed: the compression algorithm
+should be fast enough to saturate your network connection.
+To find the optimal algorithm for your system, S3QL ships with a
+program called \code{} in the \code{contrib} directory. You should
+run this program on a file that has a size that is roughly equal to
+the block size of your file system and has similar contents. It will
+then determine the compression speeds for the different algorithms and
+the upload speeds for the specified backend and recommend the best
+algorithm that is fast enough to saturate your network connection.
+Obviously you should make sure that there is little other system load
+when you run \code{} (i.e., don't compile software or encode
+videos at the same time).
+\section{Parallel Compression}
+If you are running S3QL on a system with multiple cores, you might
+want to set \code{-{-}compression-threads} to a value bigger than one. This
+will instruct S3QL to compress and encrypt several blocks at the same
+If you want to do this in combination with using the LZMA compression
+algorithm, you should keep an eye on memory usage though. Every
+LZMA compression threads requires about 200 MB of RAM.
+To determine the optimal compression algorithm for your network
+connection when using multiple threads, you can pass the
+\code{-{-}compression-threads} option to \code{contrib/}.
+\section{Notes about Caching}
+S3QL maintains a local cache of the file system data to speed up
+access. The cache is block based, so it is possible that only parts of
+a file are in the cache.
+\subsection{Maximum Number of Cache Entries}
+The maximum size of the cache can be configured with the \code{-{-}cachesize}
+option. In addition to that, the maximum number of objects in the
+cache is limited by the \code{-{-}max-cache-entries} option, so it is
+possible that the cache does not grow up to the maximum cache size
+because the maximum number of cache elements has been reached. The
+reason for this limit is that each cache entry requires one open
+file descriptor, and Linux distributions usually limit the total
+number of file descriptors per process to about a thousand.
+If you specify a value for \code{-{-}max-cache-entries}, you should therefore
+make sure to also configure your system to increase the maximum number
+of open file handles. This can be done temporarily with the \code{umask -n}
+command. The method to permanently change this limit system-wide
+depends on your distribution.
+\subsection{Cache Flushing and Expiration}
+S3QL flushes changed blocks in the cache to the backend whenever a block
+has not been accessed for at least 10 seconds. Note that when a block is
+flushed, it still remains in the cache.
+Cache expiration (i.e., removal of blocks from the cache) is only done
+when the maximum cache size is reached. S3QL always expires the least
+recently used blocks first.
+\section{Automatic Mounting}
+If you want to mount and umount an S3QL file system automatically at
+system startup and shutdown, you should do so with one dedicated S3QL
+init script for each S3QL file system.
+If your system is using upstart, an appropriate job can be defined
+as follows (and should be placed in \code{/etc/init/}):
+\PYG{l}{description "S3QL Backup File System"}
+\PYG{l}{author "Nikolaus Rath }\PYG{n+nv}{\textless{}\textgreater{}}\PYG{l}{"}
+\PYG{l}{\PYGZsh{} This assumes that eth0 provides your internet connection}
+\PYG{l}{start on (filesystem and net-device-up IFACE=eth0)}
+\PYG{l}{stop on runlevel }\PYG{g+ge}{[016]}
+\PYG{l}{env BUCKET="s3://my-backup-bla"}
+\PYG{l}{env MOUNTPOINT="/mnt/backup"}
+\PYG{l}{expect stop}
+\PYG{l}{ \PYGZsh{} Redirect stdout and stderr into the system log}
+\PYG{l}{ DIR=\PYGZdl{}(mktemp -d)}
+\PYG{l}{ mkfifo "\PYGZdl{}DIR/LOG\PYGZus{}FIFO"}
+\PYG{l}{ logger -t s3ql -p }\PYG{n+nv}{\textless{} "\PYGZdl{}DIR/LOG\PYGZus{}FIFO" \&}
+\PYG{n+nv}{ exec \textgreater{}}\PYG{l}{ "\PYGZdl{}DIR/LOG\PYGZus{}FIFO"}
+\PYG{l}{ exec 2\textgreater{}\&1}
+\PYG{l}{ rm -rf "\PYGZdl{}DIR"}
+\PYG{l}{ \PYGZsh{} Check and mount file system}
+\PYG{l}{ fsck.s3ql --batch "\PYGZdl{}BUCKET"}
+\PYG{l}{ exec mount.s3ql --upstart "\PYGZdl{}BUCKET" "\PYGZdl{}MOUNTPOINT"}
+\PYG{l}{end script}
+\PYG{l}{pre-stop script}
+\PYG{l}{ umount.s3ql "\PYGZdl{}MOUNTPOINT"}
+\PYG{l}{end script}
+In principle, it is also possible to automatically mount an S3QL
+file system with an appropriate entry in \code{/etc/fstab}. However,
+this is not recommended for several reasons:
+\item {}
+file systems mounted in \code{/etc/fstab} will be unmounted with the
+\code{umount} command, so your system will not wait until all data has
+been uploaded but shutdown (or restart) immediately (this is a
+FUSE limitation, see \href{}{issue 159}).
+\item {}
+There is no way to tell the system that mounting S3QL requires a
+Python interpreter to be available, so it may attempt to run
+\code{mount.s3ql} before it has mounted the volume containing the
+Python interpreter.
+\item {}
+There is no standard way to tell the system that internet
+connection has to be up before the S3QL file system can be
+\chapter{Advanced S3QL Features}
+\section{Snapshotting and Copy-on-Write}
+The command \code{s3qlcp} can be used to duplicate a directory tree without
+physically copying the file contents. This is possible due to the data
+de-duplication feature of S3QL.
+The syntax of \code{s3qlcp} is:
+\PYG{l}{s3qlcp }\PYG{g+ge}{[options]}\PYG{l}{ }\PYG{n+nv}{\textless{}src\textgreater{}}\PYG{l}{ }\PYG{n+nv}{\textless{}target\textgreater{}}
+This will replicate the contents of the directory \code{\textless{}src\textgreater{}} in the
+directory \code{\textless{}target\textgreater{}}. \code{\textless{}src\textgreater{}} has to be an existing directory and
+\code{\textless{}target\textgreater{}} must not exist. Moreover, both directories have to be
+within the same S3QL file system.
+The replication will not take any additional space. Only if one of
+directories is modified later on, the modified data will take
+additional storage space.
+\code{s3qlcp} can only be called by the user that mounted the file system
+and (if the file system was mounted with \code{-{-}allow-other} or \code{-{-}allow-root})
+the root user. This limitation might be removed in the future (see \href{}{issue 155}).
+Note that:
+\item {}
+After the replication, both source and target directory will still
+be completely ordinary directories. You can regard \code{\textless{}src\textgreater{}} as a
+snapshot of \code{\textless{}target\textgreater{}} or vice versa. However, the most common
+usage of \code{s3qlcp} is to regularly duplicate the same source
+directory, say \code{documents}, to different target directories. For a
+e.g. monthly replication, the target directories would typically be
+named something like \code{documents\_Januray} for the replication in
+January, \code{documents\_February} for the replication in February etc.
+In this case it is clear that the target directories should be
+regarded as snapshots of the source directory.
+\item {}
+Exactly the same effect could be achieved by an ordinary copy
+program like \code{cp -a}. However, this procedure would be orders of
+magnitude slower, because \code{cp} would have to read every file
+completely (so that S3QL had to fetch all the data over the network
+from the backend) before writing them into the destination folder.
+\item {}
+Before starting with the replication, S3QL has to flush the local
+cache. So if you just copied lots of new data into the file system
+that has not yet been uploaded, replication will take longer than
+\subsection{Snapshotting vs Hardlinking}
+Snapshot support in S3QL is inspired by the hardlinking feature that
+is offered by programs like \href{}{rsync} or
+These programs can create a hardlink instead of copying a file if an
+identical file already exists in the backup. However, using hardlinks
+has two large disadvantages:
+\item {}
+backups and restores always have to be made with a special program
+that takes care of the hardlinking. The backup must not be touched
+by any other programs (they may make changes that inadvertently
+affect other hardlinked files)
+\item {}
+special care needs to be taken to handle files which are already
+hardlinked (the restore program needs to know that the hardlink was
+not just introduced by the backup program to safe space)
+S3QL snapshots do not have these problems, and they can be used with
+any backup program.
+\section{Getting Statistics}
+You can get more information about a mounted S3QL file system with the
+\code{s3qlstat} command. It has the following syntax:
+\PYG{l}{s3qlstat }\PYG{g+ge}{[options]}\PYG{l}{ }\PYG{n+nv}{\textless{}mountpoint\textgreater{}}
+Probably the most interesting numbers are the total size of your data,
+the total size after duplication, and the final size after
+de-duplication and compression.
+\code{s3qlstat} can only be called by the user that mounted the file system
+and (if the file system was mounted with \code{-{-}allow-other} or \code{-{-}allow-root})
+the root user. This limitation might be removed in the future (see \href{}{issue 155}).
+For a full list of available options, run \code{s3qlstat -{-}help}.
+\section{Immutable Trees}
+The command \textbf{s3qllock} can be used to make a directory tree
+immutable. Immutable trees can no longer be changed in any way
+whatsoever. You can not add new files or directories and you can not
+change or delete existing files and directories. The only way to get
+rid of an immutable tree is to use the \textbf{s3qlrm} command (see
+For example, to make the directory tree beneath the directory
+\code{2010-04-21} immutable, execute
+\PYG{l}{s3qllock 2010-04-21}
+Immutability is a feature designed for backups. Traditionally, backups
+have been made on external tape drives. Once a backup was made, the
+tape drive was removed and locked somewhere in a shelf. This has the
+great advantage that the contents of the backup are now permanently
+fixed. Nothing (short of physical destruction) can change or delete
+files in the backup.
+In contrast, when backing up into an online storage system like S3QL,
+all backups are available every time the file system is mounted.
+Nothing prevents a file in an old backup from being changed again
+later on. In the worst case, this may make your entire backup system
+worthless. Imagine that your system gets infected by a nasty virus
+that simply deletes all files it can find -- if the virus is active
+while the backup file system is mounted, the virus will destroy all
+your old backups as well!
+Even if the possibility of a malicious virus or trojan horse is
+excluded, being able to change a backup after it has been made is
+generally not a good idea. A common S3QL use case is to keep the file
+system mounted at all times and periodically create backups with
+\textbf{rsync -a}. This allows every user to recover her files from a
+backup without having to call the system administrator. However, this
+also allows every user to accidentally change or delete files \emph{in} one
+of the old backups.
+Making a backup immutable protects you against all these problems.
+Unless you happen to run into a virus that was specifically programmed
+to attack S3QL file systems, backups can be neither deleted nor
+changed after they have been made immutable.
+\section{Fast Recursive Removal}
+The \code{s3qlrm} command can be used to recursively delete files and
+directories on an S3QL file system. Although \code{s3qlrm} is faster than
+using e.g. \code{rm -r}, the main reason for its existence is that it
+allows you to delete immutable trees as well. The syntax is rather
+\PYG{l}{s3qlrm }\PYG{n+nv}{\textless{}directory\textgreater{}}
+Be warned that there is no additional confirmation. The directory will
+be removed entirely and immediately.
+\section{Runtime Configuration}
+The \code{s3qlctrl} can be used to control a mounted S3QL file system. Its
+syntax is
+\PYG{l}{s3qlctrl }\PYG{g+ge}{[options]}\PYG{l}{ }\PYG{n+nv}{\textless{}action\textgreater{}}\PYG{l}{ }\PYG{n+nv}{\textless{}mountpoint\textgreater{}}\PYG{l}{ ...}
+\code{\textless{}mountpoint\textgreater{}} must be the location of a mounted S3QL file system.
+For a list of valid options, run \code{s3qlctrl -{-}help}. \code{\textless{}action\textgreater{}}
+may be either of:
+\item[{flushcache}] \leavevmode
+Flush file system cache. The command blocks until the cache has
+been flushed.
+\item[{log}] \leavevmode
+Change log level.
+\item[{cachesize}] \leavevmode
+Change file system cache size.
+\item[{upload-meta}] \leavevmode
+Trigger a metadata upload.
+To unmount an S3QL file system, use the command:
+\PYG{l}{umount.s3ql }\PYG{g+ge}{[options]}\PYG{l}{ }\PYG{n+nv}{\textless{}mountpoint\textgreater{}}
+This will block until all data has been committed to the storage
+Only the user who mounted the file system with \textbf{mount.s3ql}
+is able to unmount it again. If you are root and want to unmount an
+S3QL file system mounted by an ordinary user, you have to use the
+\textbf{fusermount -u} or \textbf{umount} command instead. Note
+that these commands do not block until all data has been uploaded, so
+if you use them instead of \code{umount.s3ql} then you should manually wait
+for the \code{mount.s3ql} process to terminate before shutting down the
+The \textbf{umount.s3ql} command accepts the following options:
+\item [-{-}debug]
+activate debugging output
+\item [-{-}quiet]
+be really quiet
+\item [-{-}version]
+just print program version and exit
+\item [-{-}lazy, -z]
+Lazy umount. Detaches the file system immediately, even if
+there are still open files. The data will be uploaded in the
+background once all open files have been closed.
+If, for some reason, the \code{umount.sql} command does not work, the file
+system can also be unmounted with \code{fusermount -u -z}. Note that this
+command will return immediately and the file system may continue to
+upload data in the background for a while longer.
+\chapter{Checking for Errors}
+If, for some reason, the filesystem has not been correctly unmounted,
+or if you suspect that there might be errors, you should run the
+\code{fsck.s3ql} utility. It has the following syntax:
+\PYG{l}{fsck.s3ql }\PYG{g+ge}{[options]}\PYG{l}{ }\PYG{n+nv}{\textless{}storage url\textgreater{}}
+This command accepts the following options:
+\item [-{-}homedir \textless{}path\textgreater{}]
+Directory for log files, cache and authentication info.
+(default: \code{\textasciitilde{}/.s3ql)}
+\item [-{-}debug \textless{}module\textgreater{}]
+activate debugging output from \textless{}module\textgreater{}. Use \code{all} to get
+debug messages from all modules. This option can be
+specified multiple times.
+\item [-{-}quiet]
+be really quiet
+\item [-{-}version]
+just print program version and exit
+\item [-{-}ssl]
+Use SSL when connecting to remote servers. This option is
+not enabled by default, because for encrypted file
+systems, all data is already encrypted anyway, and
+authentication data is never transmitted in plaintext even
+for unencrypted file systems.
+\item [-{-}batch]
+If user input is required, exit without prompting.
+\item [-{-}force]
+Force checking even if file system is marked clean.
+\chapter{Contributed Programs}
+S3QL comes with a few contributed programs that are not part of the
+core distribution (and are therefore not installed automatically by
+default), but which may nevertheless be useful. These programs are in
+the \code{contrib} directory of the source distribution or in
+\code{/usr/share/doc/s3ql/contrib} if you installed S3QL from a package.
+This program measures your uplink bandwidth and compression speed and
+recommends a compression algorithm for optimal throughput.
+This program physically duplicates Amazon S3 bucket. It can be used to
+migrate buckets to a different storage region or storage class
+(standard or reduced redundancy).
+\code{} is a wrapper program that starts several rsync processes to
+copy directory trees in parallel. This is important because
+transferring files in parallel significantly enhances performance when
+copying data from an S3QL file system (see {\hyperref[tips:copy-performance]{\emph{Permanently mounted backup file system}}} for
+To recursively copy the directory \code{/mnt/home-backup} into
+\code{/home/joe} using 8 parallel processes and preserving permissions,
+you would execute
+\PYG{l}{ -a --processes=8 /mnt/home-backup/ /home/joe}
+This is an example script that demonstrates how to set up a simple but
+powerful backup solution using S3QL and \href{}{rsync}.
+The \code{s3\} script automates the following steps:
+\item {}
+Mount the file system
+\item {}
+Replicate the previous backup with {\hyperref[special:s3qlcp]{\emph{s3qlcp}}}
+\item {}
+Update the new copy with the data from the backup source using rsync
+\item {}
+Make the new backup immutable with {\hyperref[special:s3qllock]{\emph{s3qllock}}}
+\item {}
+Delete old backups that are no longer needed
+\item {}
+Unmount the file system
+The backups are stored in directories of the form
+\code{YYYY-MM-DD\_HH:mm:SS} and the {\hyperref[contrib:expire-backups-py]{expire\}} command is used to
+delete old backups.
+\textbf{expire\} is a program to intelligently remove old
+backups that are no longer needed.
+To define what backups you want to keep for how long, you define a
+number of \emph{age ranges}. \textbf{expire\_backups} ensures that you
+will have at least one backup in each age range at all times. It will
+keep exactly as many backups as are required for that and delete any
+backups that become redundant.
+Age ranges are specified by giving a list of range boundaries in terms
+of backup cycles. Every time you create a new backup, the existing
+backups age by one cycle.
+Example: when \textbf{expire\_backups} is called with the age range
+definition \code{1 3 7 14 31}, it will guarantee that you always have the
+following backups available:
+\item {}
+A backup that is 0 to 1 cycles old (i.e, the most recent backup)
+\item {}
+A backup that is 1 to 3 cycles old
+\item {}
+A backup that is 3 to 7 cycles old
+\item {}
+A backup that is 7 to 14 cycles old
+\item {}
+A backup that is 14 to 31 cycles old
+If you do backups in fixed intervals, then one cycle will be
+equivalent to the backup interval. The advantage of specifying the
+age ranges in terms of backup cycles rather than days or weeks is
+that it allows you to gracefully handle irregular backup intervals.
+Imagine that for some reason you do not turn on your computer for
+one month. Now all your backups are at least a month old, and if you
+had specified the above backup strategy in terms of absolute ages,
+they would all be deleted! Specifying age ranges in terms of backup
+cycles avoids these sort of problems.
+\textbf{expire\_backups} usage is simple. It requires backups to have
+names of the forms \code{year-month-day\_hour:minute:seconds}
+(\code{YYYY-MM-DD\_HH:mm:ss}) and works on all backups in the current
+directory. So for the above backup strategy, the correct invocation
+would be:
+\PYG{l}{expire\PYGZus{} 1 3 7 14 31}
+When storing your backups on an S3QL file system, you probably want to
+specify the \code{-{-}use-s3qlrm} option as well. This tells
+\textbf{expire\_backups} to use the {\hyperref[special:s3qlrm]{\emph{s3qlrm}}} command to
+delete directories.
+\textbf{expire\_backups} uses a ``state file'' to keep track which
+backups are how many cycles old (since this cannot be inferred from
+the dates contained in the directory names). The standard name for
+this state file is \code{.expire\_backups.dat}. If this file gets
+damaged or deleted, \textbf{expire\_backups} no longer knows the ages
+of the backups and refuses to work. In this case you can use the
+\code{-{-}reconstruct-state} option to try to reconstruct the state
+from the backup dates. However, the accuracy of this reconstruction
+depends strongly on how rigorous you have been with making backups (it
+is only completely correct if the time between subsequent backups has
+always been exactly the same), so it's generally a good idea not to
+tamper with the state file.
+For a full list of available options, run \textbf{expire\
+\code{s3ql.conf} is an example upstart job definition file. It defines a
+job that automatically mounts an S3QL file system on system start, and
+properly unmounts it when the system is shut down.
+\chapter{Tips \& Tricks}
+\section{Permanently mounted backup file system}
+If you use S3QL as a backup file system, it can be useful to mount the
+file system permanently (rather than just mounting it for a backup and
+unmounting it afterwards). Especially if your file system becomes
+large, this saves you long mount- and unmount times if you only want
+to restore a single file.
+If you decide to do so, you should make sure to
+\item {}
+Use {\hyperref[special:s3qllock]{\emph{s3qllock}}} to ensure that backups are immutable
+after they have been made.
+\item {}
+Call {\hyperref[special:s3qlctrl]{\emph{s3qlctrl upload-meta}}} right after a every
+backup to make sure that the newest metadata is stored safely (if
+you do backups often enough, this may also allow you to set the
+\code{-{-}metadata-upload-interval} option of \textbf{mount.s3ql}
+to zero).
+\section{Improving copy performance}
+If you want to copy a lot of smaller files \emph{from} an S3QL file system
+(e.g. for a system restore) you will probably notice that the
+performance is rather bad.
+The reason for this is intrinsic to the way S3QL works. Whenever you
+read a file, S3QL first has to retrieve this file over the network
+from the storage backend. This takes a minimum amount of time (the
+network latency), no matter how big or small the file is. So when you
+copy lots of small files, 99\% of the time is actually spend waiting
+for network data.
+Theoretically, this problem is easy to solve: you just have to copy
+several files at the same time. In practice, however, almost all unix
+utilities (\code{cp}, \code{rsync}, \code{tar} and friends) insist on copying
+data one file at a time. This makes a lot of sense when copying data
+on the local hard disk, but in case of S3QL this is really
+The best workaround that has been found so far is to copy files by
+starting several rsync processes at once and use exclusion rules to
+make sure that they work on different sets of files.
+For example, the following script will start 3 rsync instances. The
+first instance handles all filenames starting with a-f, the second the
+filenames from g-l and the third covers the rest. The \code{+ */} rule
+ensures that every instance looks into all directories.
+\PYG{l}{RSYNC\PYGZus{}ARGS="-aHv /mnt/s3ql/ /home/restore/"}
+\PYG{l}{rsync -f "+ */" -f "-! }\PYG{g+ge}{[a-f]}\PYG{l}{*" \PYGZdl{}RSYNC\PYGZus{}ARGS \&}
+\PYG{l}{rsync -f "+ */" -f "-! }\PYG{g+ge}{[g-l]}\PYG{l}{*" \PYGZdl{}RSYNC\PYGZus{}ARGS \&}
+\PYG{l}{rsync -f "+ */" -f "- }\PYG{g+ge}{[a-l]}\PYG{l}{*" \PYGZdl{}RSYNC\PYGZus{}ARGS \&}
+The optimum number of parallel processes depends on your network
+connection and the size of the files that you want to transfer.
+However, starting about 10 processes seems to be a good compromise
+that increases performance dramatically in almost all situations.
+S3QL comes with a script named \code{} in the \code{contrib} directory
+that can be used to transfer files in parallel without having to write
+an explicit script first. See the description of {\hyperref[contrib:pcp]{\emph{}}} for
+\chapter{Known Issues}
+\item {}
+S3QL is rather slow when an application tries to write data in
+unreasonably small chunks. If a 1 MB file is copied in chunks of 1
+KB, this will take more than 10 times as long as when it's copied
+with the (recommended) chunk size of 128 KB.
+This is a limitation of the FUSE library (which does not yet support
+write caching) which will hopefully be addressed in some future FUSE
+Most applications, including e.g. GNU \code{cp} and \code{rsync}, use
+reasonably large buffers and are therefore not affected by this
+problem and perform very efficient on S3QL file systems.
+However, if you encounter unexpectedly slow performance with a
+specific program, this might be due to the program using very small
+write buffers. Although this is not really a bug in the program,
+it might be worth to ask the program's authors for help.
+\item {}
+S3QL always updates file and directory access times as if the \code{relatime}
+mount option has been specified: the access time (``atime'') is only updated
+if it is currently earlier than either the status change time
+(``ctime'') or modification time (``mtime'').
+\item {}
+S3QL directories always have an \code{st\_nlink} value of 1. This may confuse
+programs that rely on directories having \code{st\_nlink} values of \emph{(2 +
+number of sub directories)}.
+Note that this is not a bug in S3QL. Including sub directories in
+the \code{st\_nlink} value is a Unix convention, but by no means a
+requirement. If an application blindly relies on this convention
+being followed, then this is a bug in the application.
+A prominent example are early versions of GNU find, which required
+the \code{-{-}noleaf} option to work correctly on S3QL file systems. This
+bug has already been fixed in recent find versions.
+\item {}
+In theory, S3QL is not fully compatible with NFS. Since S3QL does
+not support \emph{inode generation numbers}, NFS clients may (once again,
+in theory) accidentally read or write the wrong file in the
+following situation:
+\item {}
+An S3QL file system is exported over NFS
+\item {}
+NFS client 1 opens a file A
+\item {}
+Another NFS client 2 (or the server itself) deletes file A (without
+client 1 knowing about this)
+\item {}
+A new file B is created by either of the clients or the server
+\item {}
+NFS client 1 tries to read or write file A (which has actually already been deleted).
+In this situation it is possible that NFS client 1 actually writes
+or reads the newly created file B instead. The chances of this are 1
+to (2\textasciicircum{}32 - \emph{n}) where \emph{n} is the total number of directory entries
+in the S3QL file system (as displayed by \code{s3qlstat}).
+Luckily enough, as long as you have less than about 2 thousand
+million directory entries (2\textasciicircum{}31), the chances for this are totally
+irrelevant and you don't have to worry about it.
+\item {}
+The \code{umount} and \code{fusermount -u} commands will \emph{not} block until all
+data has been uploaded to the backend. (this is a FUSE limitation
+that will hopefully be removed in the future, see \href{}{issue 159}). If you use
+either command to unmount an S3QL file system, you have to take care
+to explicitly wait for the \code{mount.s3ql} process to terminate before
+you shut down or restart the system. Therefore it is generally not a
+good idea to mount an S3QL file system in \code{/etc/fstab} (you should
+use a dedicated init script instead).
+\item {}
+S3QL relies on the backends not to run out of space. This is a given
+for big storage providers like Amazon S3, but you may stumble upon
+this if you store buckets e.g. on a small sftp server.
+If there is no space left in the backend, attempts to write more
+data into the S3QL file system will fail and the file system will be
+in an inconsistent state and require a file system check (and you
+should make sure to make space available in the backend before
+running the check).
+Unfortunately, there is no way to handle insufficient space in the
+backend without leaving the file system inconsistent. Since
+S3QL first writes data into the cache, it can no longer return an
+error when it later turns out that the cache can not be committed to
+the backend.
+The man pages are installed with S3QL on your system and can be viewed
+with the \textbf{man} command. For reference, they are also included
+here in the User's Guide.
+\section{The \textbf{mkfs.s3ql} command}
+\PYG{l}{mkfs.s3ql }\PYG{g+ge}{[options]}\PYG{l}{ }\PYG{n+nv}{\textless{}storage url\textgreater{}}
+The \textbf{mkfs.s3ql} command creates a new file system in the location
+specified by \emph{storage url}.
+The form of the storage url depends on the backend that is used. The
+following backends are supported:
+\subsubsection{Amazon S3}
+To store your file system in an Amazon S3 bucket, use a storage URL of
+the form \code{s3://\textless{}bucketname\textgreater{}}. Bucket names must conform to the S3 Bucket
+Name Restrictions.
+The local backend stores file system data in a directory on your
+computer. The storage URL for the local backend has the form
+\code{local://\textless{}path\textgreater{}}. Note that you have to write three consecutive
+slashes to specify an absolute path, e.g. \code{local:///var/archive}.
+The storage URL for SFTP connections has the form
+The \textbf{mkfs.s3ql} command accepts the following options.
+\item [-{-}homedir \textless{}path\textgreater{}]
+Directory for log files, cache and authentication
+info. (default: \code{\textasciitilde{}/.s3ql)}
+\item [-{-}debug \textless{}module\textgreater{}]
+activate debugging output from \textless{}module\textgreater{}. Use \code{all} to
+get debug messages from all modules. This option can
+be specified multiple times.
+\item [-{-}quiet]
+be really quiet
+\item [-{-}version]
+just print program version and exit
+\item [-{-}ssl]
+Use SSL when connecting to remote servers. This option
+is not enabled by default, because for encrypted file
+systems, all data is already encrypted anyway, and
+authentication data is never transmitted in plaintext
+even for unencrypted file systems.
+\item [-{-}s3-location \textless{}name\textgreater{}]
+Storage location for new S3 buckets. Allowed values:
+\code{EU}, \code{us-west-1}, \code{ap-southeast-1}, or \code{us-standard}.
+(default: EU)
+\item [-L \textless{}name\textgreater{}]
+Filesystem label
+\item [-{-}blocksize \textless{}size\textgreater{}]
+Maximum block size in KB (default: 10240)
+\item [-{-}plain]
+Create unencrypted file system.
+\item [-{-}force]
+Overwrite any existing data.
+Authentication data for backends and bucket encryption passphrases are
+read from \code{authinfo} in \code{\textasciitilde{}/.s3ql} or the directory
+specified with \code{-{-}homedir}. Log files are placed in the same
+\subsection{Exit Status}
+\textbf{mkfs.s3ql} returns exit code 0 if the operation succeeded and 1 if some
+error occured.
+\subsection{See Also}
+The S3QL homepage is at \href{}{}.
+The full S3QL documentation should also be installed somewhere on your
+system, conventional locations are \code{/usr/share/doc/s3ql} or
+\section{The \textbf{s3qladm} command}
+\PYG{l}{s3qladm }\PYG{g+ge}{[options]}\PYG{l}{ }\PYG{n+nv}{\textless{}action\textgreater{}}\PYG{l}{ }\PYG{n+nv}{\textless{}storage url\textgreater{}}
+where \code{action} may be either of \textbf{passphrase},
+\textbf{upgrade}, \textbf{delete} or \textbf{download-metadata}.
+The \textbf{s3qladm} command performs various operations on S3QL buckets.
+The file system contained in the bucket \emph{must not be mounted} when
+using \textbf{s3qladm} or things will go wrong badly.
+The form of the storage url depends on the backend that is used. The
+following backends are supported:
+\subsubsection{Amazon S3}
+To store your file system in an Amazon S3 bucket, use a storage URL of
+the form \code{s3://\textless{}bucketname\textgreater{}}. Bucket names must conform to the S3 Bucket
+Name Restrictions.
+The local backend stores file system data in a directory on your
+computer. The storage URL for the local backend has the form
+\code{local://\textless{}path\textgreater{}}. Note that you have to write three consecutive
+slashes to specify an absolute path, e.g. \code{local:///var/archive}.
+The storage URL for SFTP connections has the form
+The \textbf{s3qladm} command accepts the following options.
+\item [-{-}debug \textless{}module\textgreater{}]
+activate debugging output from \textless{}module\textgreater{}. Use \code{all} to get
+debug messages from all modules. This option can be
+specified multiple times.
+\item [-{-}quiet]
+be really quiet
+\item [-{-}homedir \textless{}path\textgreater{}]
+Directory for log files, cache and authentication info.
+(default: \code{\textasciitilde{}/.s3ql)}
+\item [-{-}version]
+just print program version and exit
+\item [-{-}ssl]
+Use SSL when connecting to remote servers. This option is
+not enabled by default, because for encrypted file
+systems, all data is already encrypted anyway, and
+authentication data is never transmitted in plaintext
+even for unencrypted file systems.
+Hint: run \code{s3qladm \textless{}action\textgreater{} -{-}help} to get help on the additional
+arguments that the different actions take.
+The following actions may be specified:
+\item[{passphrase}] \leavevmode
+Changes the encryption passphrase of the bucket.
+\item[{upgrade}] \leavevmode
+Upgrade the file system contained in the bucket to the newest revision.
+\item[{delete}] \leavevmode
+Delete the bucket and all its contents.
+\item[{download-metadata}] \leavevmode
+Interactively download backups of the file system metadata.
+Authentication data for backends and bucket encryption passphrases are
+read from \code{authinfo} in \code{\textasciitilde{}/.s3ql} or the directory
+specified with \code{-{-}homedir}. Log files are placed in the same
+\subsection{Exit Status}
+\textbf{s3qladm} returns exit code 0 if the operation succeeded and 1 if some
+error occured.
+\subsection{See Also}
+The S3QL homepage is at \href{}{}.
+The full S3QL documentation should also be installed somewhere on your
+system, conventional locations are \code{/usr/share/doc/s3ql} or
+\section{The \textbf{mount.s3ql} command}
+\PYG{l}{mount.s3ql }\PYG{g+ge}{[options]}\PYG{l}{ }\PYG{n+nv}{\textless{}storage url\textgreater{}}\PYG{l}{ }\PYG{n+nv}{\textless{}mount point\textgreater{}}
+The \textbf{mount.s3ql} command mounts the S3QL file system stored in \emph{storage
+url} in the directory \emph{mount point}.
+The form of the storage url depends on the backend that is used. The
+following backends are supported:
+\subsubsection{Amazon S3}
+To store your file system in an Amazon S3 bucket, use a storage URL of
+the form \code{s3://\textless{}bucketname\textgreater{}}. Bucket names must conform to the S3 Bucket
+Name Restrictions.
+The local backend stores file system data in a directory on your
+computer. The storage URL for the local backend has the form
+\code{local://\textless{}path\textgreater{}}. Note that you have to write three consecutive
+slashes to specify an absolute path, e.g. \code{local:///var/archive}.
+The storage URL for SFTP connections has the form
+The \textbf{mount.s3ql} command accepts the following options.
+\item [-{-}homedir \textless{}path\textgreater{}]
+Directory for log files, cache and authentication
+info. (default: \code{\textasciitilde{}/.s3ql)}
+\item [-{-}debug \textless{}module\textgreater{}]
+activate debugging output from \textless{}module\textgreater{}. Use \code{all} to
+get debug messages from all modules. This option can
+be specified multiple times.
+\item [-{-}quiet]
+be really quiet
+\item [-{-}version]
+just print program version and exit
+\item [-{-}ssl]
+Use SSL when connecting to remote servers. This option
+is not enabled by default, because for encrypted file
+systems, all data is already encrypted anyway, and
+authentication data is never transmitted in plaintext
+even for unencrypted file systems.
+\item [-{-}cachesize \textless{}size\textgreater{}]
+Cache size in kb (default: 102400 (100 MB)). Should be
+at least 10 times the blocksize of the filesystem,
+otherwise an object may be retrieved and written
+several times during a single write() or read()
+\item [-{-}max-cache-entries \textless{}num\textgreater{}]
+Maximum number of entries in cache (default: 768).
+Each cache entry requires one file descriptor, so if
+you increase this number you have to make sure that
+your process file descriptor limit (as set with
+\code{ulimit -n}) is high enough (at least the number of
+cache entries + 100).
+\item [-{-}allow-other]
+Normally, only the user who called \code{mount.s3ql} can
+access the mount point. This user then also has full
+access to it, independent of individual file
+permissions. If the \code{-{-}allow-other} option is
+specified, other users can access the mount point as
+well and individual file permissions are taken into
+account for all users.
+\item [-{-}allow-root]
+Like \code{-{-}allow-other}, but restrict access to the
+mounting user and the root user.
+\item [-{-}fg]
+Do not daemonize, stay in foreground
+\item [-{-}single]
+Run in single threaded mode. If you don't understand
+this, then you don't need it.
+\item [-{-}upstart]
+Stay in foreground and raise SIGSTOP once mountpoint
+is up.
+\item [-{-}profile]
+Create profiling information. If you don't understand
+this, then you don't need it.
+\item [-{-}compress \textless{}name\textgreater{}]
+Compression algorithm to use when storing new data.
+Allowed values: \code{lzma}, \code{bzip2}, \code{zlib}, none.
+(default: \code{lzma})
+\item [-{-}metadata-upload-interval \textless{}seconds\textgreater{}]
+Interval in seconds between complete metadata uploads.
+Set to 0 to disable. Default: 24h.
+\item [-{-}compression-threads \textless{}no\textgreater{}]
+Number of parallel compression and encryption threads
+to use (default: 1).
+Authentication data for backends and bucket encryption passphrases are
+read from \code{authinfo} in \code{\textasciitilde{}/.s3ql} or the directory
+specified with \code{-{-}homedir}. Log files are placed in the same
+\subsection{Exit Status}
+\textbf{mount.s3ql} returns exit code 0 if the operation succeeded and 1 if some
+error occured.
+\subsection{See Also}
+The S3QL homepage is at \href{}{}.
+The full S3QL documentation should also be installed somewhere on your
+system, conventional locations are \code{/usr/share/doc/s3ql} or
+\section{The \textbf{s3qlstat} command}
+\PYG{l}{s3qlstat }\PYG{g+ge}{[options]}\PYG{l}{ }\PYG{n+nv}{\textless{}mountpoint\textgreater{}}
+The \textbf{s3qlstat} command prints statistics about the S3QL file system mounted
+at \code{mountpoint}.
+\textbf{s3qlstat} can only be called by the user that mounted the file system
+and (if the file system was mounted with \code{-{-}allow-other} or
+\code{-{-}allow-root}) the root user. This limitation might be
+removed in the future (see \href{}{issue 155}).
+The \textbf{s3qlstat} command accepts the following options:
+\item [-{-}debug]
+activate debugging output
+\item [-{-}quiet]
+be really quiet
+\item [-{-}version]
+just print program version and exit
+\subsection{Exit Status}
+\textbf{s3qlstat} returns exit code 0 if the operation succeeded and 1 if some
+error occured.
+\subsection{See Also}
+The S3QL homepage is at \href{}{}.
+The full S3QL documentation should also be installed somewhere on your
+system, conventional locations are \code{/usr/share/doc/s3ql} or
+\section{The \textbf{s3qlctrl} command}
+\PYG{l}{s3qlctrl }\PYG{g+ge}{[options]}\PYG{l}{ }\PYG{n+nv}{\textless{}action\textgreater{}}\PYG{l}{ }\PYG{n+nv}{\textless{}mountpoint\textgreater{}}\PYG{l}{ ...}
+where \code{action} may be either of \textbf{flushcache},
+\textbf{upload-meta}, \textbf{cachesize} or
+The \textbf{s3qlctrl} command performs various actions on the S3QL file system mounted
+in \code{mountpoint}.
+The following actions may be specified:
+\item[{flushcache}] \leavevmode
+Uploads all changed file data to the backend.
+\item[{upload-meta}] \leavevmode
+Upload metadata to the backend. All file system operations will
+block while a snapshot of the metadata is prepared for upload.
+\item[{cachesize}] \leavevmode
+Changes the cache size of the file system. This action requires an
+additional argument that specifies the new cache size in kB, so the
+complete command line is:
+\PYG{l}{s3qlctrl }\PYG{g+ge}{[options]}\PYG{l}{ cachesize }\PYG{n+nv}{\textless{}mountpoint\textgreater{}}\PYG{l}{ }\PYG{n+nv}{\textless{}new-cache-size\textgreater{}}
+\item[{log}] \leavevmode
+Change the amount of information that is logged into
+\code{\textasciitilde{}/.s3ql/mount.log} file. The complete syntax is:
+s3qlctrl @PYGZlb[]options@PYGZrb[] log @textless[]mountpoint@textgreater[] @textless[]level@textgreater[] @PYGZlb[]@textless[]module@textgreater[] @PYGZlb[]@textless[]module@textgreater[] ...@PYGZrb[]@PYGZrb[]
+here \code{level} is the desired new log level and may be either of
+\emph{debug}, \emph{info} or \emph{warn}. One or more \code{module} may only be
+specified with the \emph{debug} level and allow to restrict the debug
+output to just the listed modules.
+The \textbf{s3qlctrl} command also accepts the following options, no matter
+what specific action is being invoked:
+\item [-{-}debug]
+activate debugging output
+\item [-{-}quiet]
+be really quiet
+\item [-{-}version]
+just print program version and exit
+Hint: run \code{s3qlctrl \textless{}action\textgreater{} -{-}help} to get help on the additional
+arguments that the different actions take.
+\subsection{Exit Status}
+\textbf{s3qlctrl} returns exit code 0 if the operation succeeded and 1 if some
+error occured.
+\subsection{See Also}
+The S3QL homepage is at \href{}{}.
+The full S3QL documentation should also be installed somewhere on your
+system, conventional locations are \code{/usr/share/doc/s3ql} or
+\section{The \textbf{s3qlcp} command}
+\PYG{l}{s3qlcp }\PYG{g+ge}{[options]}\PYG{l}{ }\PYG{n+nv}{\textless{}source-dir\textgreater{}}\PYG{l}{ }\PYG{n+nv}{\textless{}dest-dir\textgreater{}}
+The \textbf{s3qlcp} command duplicates the directory tree \code{source-dir}
+into \code{dest-dir} without physically copying the file contents.
+Both source and destination must lie inside the same S3QL file system.
+The replication will not take any additional space. Only if one of
+directories is modified later on, the modified data will take
+additional storage space.
+\code{s3qlcp} can only be called by the user that mounted the file system
+and (if the file system was mounted with \code{-{-}allow-other} or \code{-{-}allow-root})
+the root user. This limitation might be removed in the future (see \href{}{issue 155}).
+Note that:
+\item {}
+After the replication, both source and target directory will still
+be completely ordinary directories. You can regard \code{\textless{}src\textgreater{}} as a
+snapshot of \code{\textless{}target\textgreater{}} or vice versa. However, the most common
+usage of \code{s3qlcp} is to regularly duplicate the same source
+directory, say \code{documents}, to different target directories. For a
+e.g. monthly replication, the target directories would typically be
+named something like \code{documents\_Januray} for the replication in
+January, \code{documents\_February} for the replication in February etc.
+In this case it is clear that the target directories should be
+regarded as snapshots of the source directory.
+\item {}
+Exactly the same effect could be achieved by an ordinary copy
+program like \code{cp -a}. However, this procedure would be orders of
+magnitude slower, because \code{cp} would have to read every file
+completely (so that S3QL had to fetch all the data over the network
+from the backend) before writing them into the destination folder.
+\item {}
+Before starting with the replication, S3QL has to flush the local
+cache. So if you just copied lots of new data into the file system
+that has not yet been uploaded, replication will take longer than
+\subsubsection{Snapshotting vs Hardlinking}
+Snapshot support in S3QL is inspired by the hardlinking feature that
+is offered by programs like \href{}{rsync} or
+These programs can create a hardlink instead of copying a file if an
+identical file already exists in the backup. However, using hardlinks
+has two large disadvantages:
+\item {}
+backups and restores always have to be made with a special program
+that takes care of the hardlinking. The backup must not be touched
+by any other programs (they may make changes that inadvertently
+affect other hardlinked files)
+\item {}
+special care needs to be taken to handle files which are already
+hardlinked (the restore program needs to know that the hardlink was
+not just introduced by the backup program to safe space)
+S3QL snapshots do not have these problems, and they can be used with
+any backup program.
+The \textbf{s3qlcp} command accepts the following options:
+\item [-{-}debug]
+activate debugging output
+\item [-{-}quiet]
+be really quiet
+\item [-{-}version]
+just print program version and exit
+\subsection{Exit Status}
+\textbf{s3qlcp} returns exit code 0 if the operation succeeded and 1 if some
+error occured.
+\subsection{See Also}
+The S3QL homepage is at \href{}{}.
+The full S3QL documentation should also be installed somewhere on your
+system, conventional locations are \code{/usr/share/doc/s3ql} or
+\section{The \textbf{s3qlrm} command}
+\PYG{l}{s3qlrm }\PYG{g+ge}{[options]}\PYG{l}{ }\PYG{n+nv}{\textless{}directory\textgreater{}}
+The \textbf{s3qlrm} command recursively deletes files and directories on an
+S3QL file system. Although \textbf{s3qlrm} is faster than using e.g.
+\textbf{rm -r{}`}, the main reason for its existence is that it allows
+you to delete immutable trees (which can be created with
+\textbf{s3qllock}) as well.
+Be warned that there is no additional confirmation. The directory will
+be removed entirely and immediately.
+The \textbf{s3qlrm} command accepts the following options:
+\item [-{-}debug]
+activate debugging output
+\item [-{-}quiet]
+be really quiet
+\item [-{-}version]
+just print program version and exit
+\subsection{Exit Status}
+\textbf{s3qlrm} returns exit code 0 if the operation succeeded and 1 if some
+error occured.
+\subsection{See Also}
+The S3QL homepage is at \href{}{}.
+The full S3QL documentation should also be installed somewhere on your
+system, conventional locations are \code{/usr/share/doc/s3ql} or
+\section{The \textbf{s3qllock} command}
+\PYG{l}{s3qllock }\PYG{g+ge}{[options]}\PYG{l}{ }\PYG{n+nv}{\textless{}directory\textgreater{}}
+The \textbf{s3qllock} command makes a directory tree in an S3QL file
+system immutable. Immutable trees can no longer be changed in any way
+whatsoever. You can not add new files or directories and you can not
+change or delete existing files and directories. The only way to get
+rid of an immutable tree is to use the \textbf{s3qlrm} command.
+Immutability is a feature designed for backups. Traditionally, backups
+have been made on external tape drives. Once a backup was made, the
+tape drive was removed and locked somewhere in a shelf. This has the
+great advantage that the contents of the backup are now permanently
+fixed. Nothing (short of physical destruction) can change or delete
+files in the backup.
+In contrast, when backing up into an online storage system like S3QL,
+all backups are available every time the file system is mounted.
+Nothing prevents a file in an old backup from being changed again
+later on. In the worst case, this may make your entire backup system
+worthless. Imagine that your system gets infected by a nasty virus
+that simply deletes all files it can find -- if the virus is active
+while the backup file system is mounted, the virus will destroy all
+your old backups as well!
+Even if the possibility of a malicious virus or trojan horse is
+excluded, being able to change a backup after it has been made is
+generally not a good idea. A common S3QL use case is to keep the file
+system mounted at all times and periodically create backups with
+\textbf{rsync -a}. This allows every user to recover her files from a
+backup without having to call the system administrator. However, this
+also allows every user to accidentally change or delete files \emph{in} one
+of the old backups.
+Making a backup immutable protects you against all these problems.
+Unless you happen to run into a virus that was specifically programmed
+to attack S3QL file systems, backups can be neither deleted nor
+changed after they have been made immutable.
+The \textbf{s3qllock} command accepts the following options:
+\item [-{-}debug]
+activate debugging output
+\item [-{-}quiet]
+be really quiet
+\item [-{-}version]
+just print program version and exit
+\subsection{Exit Status}
+\textbf{s3qllock} returns exit code 0 if the operation succeeded and 1 if some
+error occured.
+\subsection{See Also}
+The S3QL homepage is at \href{}{}.
+The full S3QL documentation should also be installed somewhere on your
+system, conventional locations are \code{/usr/share/doc/s3ql} or
+\section{The \textbf{umount.s3ql} command}
+\PYG{l}{umount.s3ql }\PYG{g+ge}{[options]}\PYG{l}{ }\PYG{n+nv}{\textless{}mount point\textgreater{}}
+The \textbf{umount.s3ql} command unmounts the S3QL file system mounted in the
+directory \emph{mount point} and blocks until all data has been uploaded to
+the storage backend.
+Only the user who mounted the file system with \textbf{mount.s3ql}
+is able to unmount it with \textbf{umount.s3ql}. If you are root and want to
+unmount an S3QL file system mounted by an ordinary user, you have to
+use the \textbf{fusermount -u} or \textbf{umount} command instead.
+Note that these commands do not block until all data has been
+uploaded, so if you use them instead of \textbf{umount.s3ql} then
+you should manually wait for the \textbf{mount.s3ql} process to
+terminate before shutting down the system.
+The \textbf{umount.s3ql} command accepts the following options.
+\item [-{-}debug]
+activate debugging output
+\item [-{-}quiet]
+be really quiet
+\item [-{-}version]
+just print program version and exit
+\item [-{-}lazy, -z]
+Lazy umount. Detaches the file system immediately, even if
+there are still open files. The data will be uploaded in the
+background once all open files have been closed.
+\subsection{Exit Status}
+\textbf{umount.s3ql} returns exit code 0 if the operation succeeded and 1 if some
+error occured.
+\subsection{See Also}
+The S3QL homepage is at \href{}{}.
+The full S3QL documentation should also be installed somewhere on your
+system, conventional locations are \code{/usr/share/doc/s3ql} or
+\section{The \textbf{fsck.s3ql} command}
+\PYG{l}{fsck.s3ql }\PYG{g+ge}{[options]}\PYG{l}{ }\PYG{n+nv}{\textless{}storage url\textgreater{}}
+The \textbf{mkfs.s3ql} command checks the new file system in the location
+specified by \emph{storage url} for errors and attempts to repair any
+The form of the storage url depends on the backend that is used. The
+following backends are supported:
+\subsubsection{Amazon S3}
+To store your file system in an Amazon S3 bucket, use a storage URL of
+the form \code{s3://\textless{}bucketname\textgreater{}}. Bucket names must conform to the S3 Bucket
+Name Restrictions.
+The local backend stores file system data in a directory on your
+computer. The storage URL for the local backend has the form
+\code{local://\textless{}path\textgreater{}}. Note that you have to write three consecutive
+slashes to specify an absolute path, e.g. \code{local:///var/archive}.
+The storage URL for SFTP connections has the form
+The \textbf{mkfs.s3ql} command accepts the following options.
+\item [-{-}homedir \textless{}path\textgreater{}]
+Directory for log files, cache and authentication info.
+(default: \code{\textasciitilde{}/.s3ql)}
+\item [-{-}debug \textless{}module\textgreater{}]
+activate debugging output from \textless{}module\textgreater{}. Use \code{all} to get
+debug messages from all modules. This option can be
+specified multiple times.
+\item [-{-}quiet]
+be really quiet
+\item [-{-}version]
+just print program version and exit
+\item [-{-}ssl]
+Use SSL when connecting to remote servers. This option is
+not enabled by default, because for encrypted file
+systems, all data is already encrypted anyway, and
+authentication data is never transmitted in plaintext even
+for unencrypted file systems.
+\item [-{-}batch]
+If user input is required, exit without prompting.
+\item [-{-}force]
+Force checking even if file system is marked clean.
+Authentication data for backends and bucket encryption passphrases are
+read from \code{authinfo} in \code{\textasciitilde{}/.s3ql} or the directory
+specified with \code{-{-}homedir}. Log files are placed in the same
+\subsection{Exit Status}
+\textbf{mkfs.s3ql} returns exit code 0 if the operation succeeded and 1 if some
+error occured.
+\subsection{See Also}
+The S3QL homepage is at \href{}{}.
+The full S3QL documentation should also be installed somewhere on your
+system, conventional locations are \code{/usr/share/doc/s3ql} or
+\section{The \textbf{pcp} command}
+\PYG{l}{pcp }\PYG{g+ge}{[options]}\PYG{l}{ }\PYG{n+nv}{\textless{}source\textgreater{}}\PYG{l}{ }\PYG{g+ge}{[\textless{}source\textgreater{} ...]}\PYG{l}{ }\PYG{n+nv}{\textless{}destination\textgreater{}}
+The \textbf{pcp} command is a is a wrapper that starts several
+\textbf{sync} processes to copy directory trees in parallel. This is
+allows much better copying performance on file system that have
+relatively high latency when retrieving individual files like S3QL.
+The \textbf{pcp} command accepts the following options:
+\item [-{-}quiet]
+be really quiet
+\item [-{-}debug]
+activate debugging output
+\item [-{-}version]
+just print program version and exit
+\item [-a]
+Pass -aHAX option to rsync.
+\item [-{-}processes \textless{}no\textgreater{}]
+Number of rsync processes to use (default: 10).
+\subsection{Exit Status}
+\textbf{pcp} returns exit code 0 if the operation succeeded and 1 if some
+error occured.
+\subsection{See Also}
+\textbf{pcp} is shipped as part of S3QL, \href{}{}.
+\section{The \textbf{expire\_backups} command}
+\PYG{l}{expire\PYGZus{}backups }\PYG{g+ge}{[options]}\PYG{l}{ }\PYG{n+nv}{\textless{}age\textgreater{}}\PYG{l}{ }\PYG{g+ge}{[\textless{}age\textgreater{} ...]}
+The \textbf{expire\_backups} command intelligently remove old backups that are no
+longer needed.
+To define what backups you want to keep for how long, you define a
+number of \emph{age ranges}. \textbf{expire\_backups} ensures that you
+will have at least one backup in each age range at all times. It will
+keep exactly as many backups as are required for that and delete any
+backups that become redundant.
+Age ranges are specified by giving a list of range boundaries in terms
+of backup cycles. Every time you create a new backup, the existing
+backups age by one cycle.
+Example: when \textbf{expire\_backups} is called with the age range
+definition \code{1 3 7 14 31}, it will guarantee that you always have the
+following backups available:
+\item {}
+A backup that is 0 to 1 cycles old (i.e, the most recent backup)
+\item {}
+A backup that is 1 to 3 cycles old
+\item {}
+A backup that is 3 to 7 cycles old
+\item {}
+A backup that is 7 to 14 cycles old
+\item {}
+A backup that is 14 to 31 cycles old
+If you do backups in fixed intervals, then one cycle will be
+equivalent to the backup interval. The advantage of specifying the
+age ranges in terms of backup cycles rather than days or weeks is
+that it allows you to gracefully handle irregular backup intervals.
+Imagine that for some reason you do not turn on your computer for
+one month. Now all your backups are at least a month old, and if you
+had specified the above backup strategy in terms of absolute ages,
+they would all be deleted! Specifying age ranges in terms of backup
+cycles avoids these sort of problems.
+\textbf{expire\_backups} usage is simple. It requires backups to have
+names of the forms \code{year-month-day\_hour:minute:seconds}
+(\code{YYYY-MM-DD\_HH:mm:ss}) and works on all backups in the current
+directory. So for the above backup strategy, the correct invocation
+would be:
+\PYG{l}{expire\PYGZus{} 1 3 7 14 31}
+When storing your backups on an S3QL file system, you probably want to
+specify the \code{-{-}use-s3qlrm} option as well. This tells
+\textbf{expire\_backups} to use the {\hyperref[special:s3qlrm]{\emph{s3qlrm}}} command to
+delete directories.
+\textbf{expire\_backups} uses a ``state file'' to keep track which
+backups are how many cycles old (since this cannot be inferred from
+the dates contained in the directory names). The standard name for
+this state file is \code{.expire\_backups.dat}. If this file gets
+damaged or deleted, \textbf{expire\_backups} no longer knows the ages
+of the backups and refuses to work. In this case you can use the
+\code{-{-}reconstruct-state} option to try to reconstruct the state
+from the backup dates. However, the accuracy of this reconstruction
+depends strongly on how rigorous you have been with making backups (it
+is only completely correct if the time between subsequent backups has
+always been exactly the same), so it's generally a good idea not to
+tamper with the state file.
+The \textbf{expire\_backups} command accepts the following options:
+\item [-{-}quiet]
+be really quiet
+\item [-{-}debug]
+activate debugging output
+\item [-{-}version]
+just print program version and exit
+\item [-{-}state \textless{}file\textgreater{}]
+File to save state information in (default:
+\item [-n]
+Dry run. Just show which backups would be deleted.
+\item [-{-}reconstruct-state]
+Try to reconstruct a missing state file from backup
+\item [-{-}use-s3qlrm]
+Use \code{s3qlrm} command to delete backups.
+\subsection{Exit Status}
+\textbf{expire\_backups} returns exit code 0 if the operation succeeded and 1 if some
+error occured.
+\subsection{See Also}
+\textbf{expire\_backups} is shipped as part of S3QL, \href{}{}.
+\chapter{Further Resources / Getting Help}
+If you have questions or problems with S3QL that you weren't able to
+resolve with this manual, you might want to consider the following other resources:
+\item {}
+The \href{}{S3QL Wiki}
+\item {}
+The \href{}{S3QL FAQ}
+\item {}
+The \href{}{S3QL Mailing List}. You
+can subscribe by sending a mail to
+Please report any bugs you may encounter in the \href{}{Issue Tracker}.
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+\select@language {english}
+\contentsline {chapter}{\numberline {1}About S3QL}{1}{chapter.1}
+\contentsline {section}{\numberline {1.1}Features}{1}{section.1.1}
+\contentsline {section}{\numberline {1.2}Development Status}{2}{section.1.2}
+\contentsline {chapter}{\numberline {2}Installation}{3}{chapter.2}
+\contentsline {section}{\numberline {2.1}Dependencies}{3}{section.2.1}
+\contentsline {section}{\numberline {2.2}Installing S3QL}{4}{section.2.2}
+\contentsline {chapter}{\numberline {3}Storage Backends}{5}{chapter.3}
+\contentsline {section}{\numberline {3.1}On Backend Reliability}{5}{section.3.1}
+\contentsline {section}{\numberline {3.2}The \texttt {authinfo} file}{6}{section.3.2}
+\contentsline {section}{\numberline {3.3}Consistency Guarantees}{6}{section.3.3}
+\contentsline {subsection}{\numberline {3.3.1}Dealing with Eventual Consistency}{6}{subsection.3.3.1}
+\contentsline {section}{\numberline {3.4}The Amazon S3 Backend}{7}{section.3.4}
+\contentsline {section}{\numberline {3.5}The Local Backend}{8}{section.3.5}
+\contentsline {section}{\numberline {3.6}The SFTP Backend}{8}{section.3.6}
+\contentsline {chapter}{\numberline {4}File System Creation}{9}{chapter.4}
+\contentsline {chapter}{\numberline {5}Managing Buckets}{11}{chapter.5}
+\contentsline {section}{\numberline {5.1}Changing the Passphrase}{11}{section.5.1}
+\contentsline {section}{\numberline {5.2}Upgrading the file system}{11}{section.5.2}
+\contentsline {section}{\numberline {5.3}Deleting a file system}{12}{section.5.3}
+\contentsline {section}{\numberline {5.4}Restoring Metadata Backups}{12}{section.5.4}
+\contentsline {chapter}{\numberline {6}Mounting}{13}{chapter.6}
+\contentsline {section}{\numberline {6.1}Storing Encryption Passwords}{14}{section.6.1}
+\contentsline {section}{\numberline {6.2}Compression Algorithms}{14}{section.6.2}
+\contentsline {section}{\numberline {6.3}Parallel Compression}{15}{section.6.3}
+\contentsline {section}{\numberline {6.4}Notes about Caching}{15}{section.6.4}
+\contentsline {subsection}{\numberline {6.4.1}Maximum Number of Cache Entries}{15}{subsection.6.4.1}
+\contentsline {subsection}{\numberline {6.4.2}Cache Flushing and Expiration}{15}{subsection.6.4.2}
+\contentsline {section}{\numberline {6.5}Automatic Mounting}{15}{section.6.5}
+\contentsline {chapter}{\numberline {7}Advanced S3QL Features}{17}{chapter.7}
+\contentsline {section}{\numberline {7.1}Snapshotting and Copy-on-Write}{17}{section.7.1}
+\contentsline {subsection}{\numberline {7.1.1}Snapshotting vs Hardlinking}{17}{subsection.7.1.1}
+\contentsline {section}{\numberline {7.2}Getting Statistics}{18}{section.7.2}
+\contentsline {section}{\numberline {7.3}Immutable Trees}{18}{section.7.3}
+\contentsline {section}{\numberline {7.4}Fast Recursive Removal}{19}{section.7.4}
+\contentsline {section}{\numberline {7.5}Runtime Configuration}{19}{section.7.5}
+\contentsline {chapter}{\numberline {8}Unmounting}{21}{chapter.8}
+\contentsline {chapter}{\numberline {9}Checking for Errors}{23}{chapter.9}
+\contentsline {chapter}{\numberline {10}Contributed Programs}{25}{chapter.10}
+\contentsline {section}{\numberline {10.1}}{25}{section.10.1}
+\contentsline {section}{\numberline {10.2}s3\}{25}{section.10.2}
+\contentsline {section}{\numberline {10.3}}{25}{section.10.3}
+\contentsline {section}{\numberline {10.4}s3\}{25}{section.10.4}
+\contentsline {section}{\numberline {10.5}expire\}{26}{section.10.5}
+\contentsline {section}{\numberline {10.6}s3ql.conf}{27}{section.10.6}
+\contentsline {chapter}{\numberline {11}Tips \& Tricks}{29}{chapter.11}
+\contentsline {section}{\numberline {11.1}Permanently mounted backup file system}{29}{section.11.1}
+\contentsline {section}{\numberline {11.2}Improving copy performance}{29}{section.11.2}
+\contentsline {chapter}{\numberline {12}Known Issues}{31}{chapter.12}
+\contentsline {chapter}{\numberline {13}Manpages}{33}{chapter.13}
+\contentsline {section}{\numberline {13.1}The \textbf {mkfs.s3ql} command}{33}{section.13.1}
+\contentsline {subsection}{\numberline {13.1.1}Synopsis}{33}{subsection.13.1.1}
+\contentsline {subsection}{\numberline {13.1.2}Description}{33}{subsection.13.1.2}
+\contentsline {subsubsection}{Amazon S3}{33}{subsubsection*.3}
+\contentsline {subsubsection}{Local}{33}{subsubsection*.4}
+\contentsline {subsubsection}{SFTP}{33}{subsubsection*.5}
+\contentsline {subsection}{\numberline {13.1.3}Options}{34}{subsection.13.1.3}
+\contentsline {subsection}{\numberline {13.1.4}Files}{34}{subsection.13.1.4}
+\contentsline {subsection}{\numberline {13.1.5}Exit Status}{34}{subsection.13.1.5}
+\contentsline {subsection}{\numberline {13.1.6}See Also}{34}{subsection.13.1.6}
+\contentsline {section}{\numberline {13.2}The \textbf {s3qladm} command}{34}{section.13.2}
+\contentsline {subsection}{\numberline {13.2.1}Synopsis}{34}{subsection.13.2.1}
+\contentsline {subsection}{\numberline {13.2.2}Description}{35}{subsection.13.2.2}
+\contentsline {subsubsection}{Amazon S3}{35}{subsubsection*.6}
+\contentsline {subsubsection}{Local}{35}{subsubsection*.7}
+\contentsline {subsubsection}{SFTP}{35}{subsubsection*.8}
+\contentsline {subsection}{\numberline {13.2.3}Options}{35}{subsection.13.2.3}
+\contentsline {subsection}{\numberline {13.2.4}Actions}{35}{subsection.13.2.4}
+\contentsline {subsection}{\numberline {13.2.5}Files}{36}{subsection.13.2.5}
+\contentsline {subsection}{\numberline {13.2.6}Exit Status}{36}{subsection.13.2.6}
+\contentsline {subsection}{\numberline {13.2.7}See Also}{36}{subsection.13.2.7}
+\contentsline {section}{\numberline {13.3}The \textbf {mount.s3ql} command}{36}{section.13.3}
+\contentsline {subsection}{\numberline {13.3.1}Synopsis}{36}{subsection.13.3.1}
+\contentsline {subsection}{\numberline {13.3.2}Description}{36}{subsection.13.3.2}
+\contentsline {subsubsection}{Amazon S3}{36}{subsubsection*.9}
+\contentsline {subsubsection}{Local}{36}{subsubsection*.10}
+\contentsline {subsubsection}{SFTP}{36}{subsubsection*.11}
+\contentsline {subsection}{\numberline {13.3.3}Options}{37}{subsection.13.3.3}
+\contentsline {subsection}{\numberline {13.3.4}Files}{38}{subsection.13.3.4}
+\contentsline {subsection}{\numberline {13.3.5}Exit Status}{38}{subsection.13.3.5}
+\contentsline {subsection}{\numberline {13.3.6}See Also}{38}{subsection.13.3.6}
+\contentsline {section}{\numberline {13.4}The \textbf {s3qlstat} command}{38}{section.13.4}
+\contentsline {subsection}{\numberline {13.4.1}Synopsis}{38}{subsection.13.4.1}
+\contentsline {subsection}{\numberline {13.4.2}Description}{38}{subsection.13.4.2}
+\contentsline {subsection}{\numberline {13.4.3}Options}{38}{subsection.13.4.3}
+\contentsline {subsection}{\numberline {13.4.4}Exit Status}{38}{subsection.13.4.4}
+\contentsline {subsection}{\numberline {13.4.5}See Also}{38}{subsection.13.4.5}
+\contentsline {section}{\numberline {13.5}The \textbf {s3qlctrl} command}{39}{section.13.5}
+\contentsline {subsection}{\numberline {13.5.1}Synopsis}{39}{subsection.13.5.1}
+\contentsline {subsection}{\numberline {13.5.2}Description}{39}{subsection.13.5.2}
+\contentsline {subsection}{\numberline {13.5.3}Options}{39}{subsection.13.5.3}
+\contentsline {subsection}{\numberline {13.5.4}Exit Status}{39}{subsection.13.5.4}
+\contentsline {subsection}{\numberline {13.5.5}See Also}{39}{subsection.13.5.5}
+\contentsline {section}{\numberline {13.6}The \textbf {s3qlcp} command}{40}{section.13.6}
+\contentsline {subsection}{\numberline {13.6.1}Synopsis}{40}{subsection.13.6.1}
+\contentsline {subsection}{\numberline {13.6.2}Description}{40}{subsection.13.6.2}
+\contentsline {subsubsection}{Snapshotting vs Hardlinking}{40}{subsubsection*.12}
+\contentsline {subsection}{\numberline {13.6.3}Options}{40}{subsection.13.6.3}
+\contentsline {subsection}{\numberline {13.6.4}Exit Status}{41}{subsection.13.6.4}
+\contentsline {subsection}{\numberline {13.6.5}See Also}{41}{subsection.13.6.5}
+\contentsline {section}{\numberline {13.7}The \textbf {s3qlrm} command}{41}{section.13.7}
+\contentsline {subsection}{\numberline {13.7.1}Synopsis}{41}{subsection.13.7.1}
+\contentsline {subsection}{\numberline {13.7.2}Description}{41}{subsection.13.7.2}
+\contentsline {subsection}{\numberline {13.7.3}Options}{41}{subsection.13.7.3}
+\contentsline {subsection}{\numberline {13.7.4}Exit Status}{41}{subsection.13.7.4}
+\contentsline {subsection}{\numberline {13.7.5}See Also}{41}{subsection.13.7.5}
+\contentsline {section}{\numberline {13.8}The \textbf {s3qllock} command}{42}{section.13.8}
+\contentsline {subsection}{\numberline {13.8.1}Synopsis}{42}{subsection.13.8.1}
+\contentsline {subsection}{\numberline {13.8.2}Description}{42}{subsection.13.8.2}
+\contentsline {subsection}{\numberline {13.8.3}Rationale}{42}{subsection.13.8.3}
+\contentsline {subsection}{\numberline {13.8.4}Options}{42}{subsection.13.8.4}
+\contentsline {subsection}{\numberline {13.8.5}Exit Status}{42}{subsection.13.8.5}
+\contentsline {subsection}{\numberline {13.8.6}See Also}{43}{subsection.13.8.6}
+\contentsline {section}{\numberline {13.9}The \textbf {umount.s3ql} command}{43}{section.13.9}
+\contentsline {subsection}{\numberline {13.9.1}Synopsis}{43}{subsection.13.9.1}
+\contentsline {subsection}{\numberline {13.9.2}Description}{43}{subsection.13.9.2}
+\contentsline {subsection}{\numberline {13.9.3}Options}{43}{subsection.13.9.3}
+\contentsline {subsection}{\numberline {13.9.4}Exit Status}{43}{subsection.13.9.4}
+\contentsline {subsection}{\numberline {13.9.5}See Also}{43}{subsection.13.9.5}
+\contentsline {section}{\numberline {13.10}The \textbf {fsck.s3ql} command}{44}{section.13.10}
+\contentsline {subsection}{\numberline {13.10.1}Synopsis}{44}{subsection.13.10.1}
+\contentsline {subsection}{\numberline {13.10.2}Description}{44}{subsection.13.10.2}
+\contentsline {subsubsection}{Amazon S3}{44}{subsubsection*.13}
+\contentsline {subsubsection}{Local}{44}{subsubsection*.14}
+\contentsline {subsubsection}{SFTP}{44}{subsubsection*.15}
+\contentsline {subsection}{\numberline {13.10.3}Options}{44}{subsection.13.10.3}
+\contentsline {subsection}{\numberline {13.10.4}Files}{45}{subsection.13.10.4}
+\contentsline {subsection}{\numberline {13.10.5}Exit Status}{45}{subsection.13.10.5}
+\contentsline {subsection}{\numberline {13.10.6}See Also}{45}{subsection.13.10.6}
+\contentsline {section}{\numberline {13.11}The \textbf {pcp} command}{45}{section.13.11}
+\contentsline {subsection}{\numberline {13.11.1}Synopsis}{45}{subsection.13.11.1}
+\contentsline {subsection}{\numberline {13.11.2}Description}{45}{subsection.13.11.2}
+\contentsline {subsection}{\numberline {13.11.3}Options}{45}{subsection.13.11.3}
+\contentsline {subsection}{\numberline {13.11.4}Exit Status}{45}{subsection.13.11.4}
+\contentsline {subsection}{\numberline {13.11.5}See Also}{45}{subsection.13.11.5}
+\contentsline {section}{\numberline {13.12}The \textbf {expire\_backups} command}{46}{section.13.12}
+\contentsline {subsection}{\numberline {13.12.1}Synopsis}{46}{subsection.13.12.1}
+\contentsline {subsection}{\numberline {13.12.2}Description}{46}{subsection.13.12.2}
+\contentsline {subsection}{\numberline {13.12.3}Options}{47}{subsection.13.12.3}
+\contentsline {subsection}{\numberline {13.12.4}Exit Status}{47}{subsection.13.12.4}
+\contentsline {subsection}{\numberline {13.12.5}See Also}{47}{subsection.13.12.5}
+\contentsline {chapter}{\numberline {14}Further Resources / Getting Help}{49}{chapter.14}
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+ \item[#1\code{(}\py@sigparams{#2}{#3}]}
+% Production lists
+% \def\optional##1{{\Large[}##1{\Large]}}
+ \def\production##1##2{\\\code{##1}&::=&\code{##2}}
+ \def\productioncont##1{\\& &\code{##1}}
+ \parindent=2em
+ \indent
+ \begin{tabular}{lcl}
+ \end{tabular}
+% Notices / Admonitions
+ \setlength{\fboxrule}{1pt}
+ \setlength{\fboxsep}{6pt}
+ \setlength{\py@noticelength}{\linewidth}
+ \addtolength{\py@noticelength}{-2\fboxsep}
+ \addtolength{\py@noticelength}{-2\fboxrule}
+ %\setlength{\shadowsize}{3pt}
+ \Sbox
+ \minipage{\py@noticelength}
+ \endminipage
+ \endSbox
+ \fbox{\TheSbox}
+ \setlength\parskip{0pt}\par
+ \rule[0ex]{\linewidth}{0.5pt}%
+ \par\vspace{-0.5ex}%
+ }}
+ \setlength{\parskip}{0pt}%
+ \par\rule[0.5ex]{\linewidth}{0.5pt}%
+ \par\vspace{-0.5ex}%
+ }}
+% Some are quite plain:
+% Others gets more visible distinction:
+ \def\py@noticetype{#1}
+ \csname py@noticestart@#1\endcsname
+ \strong{#2}
+}{\csname py@noticeend@\py@noticetype\endcsname}
+% Allow the release number to be specified independently of the
+% \date{}. This allows the date to reflect the document's date and
+% release to specify the release that is documented.
+ \renewcommand{\py@release}{\releasename\space\version}%
+ \renewcommand{\version}{#1}}
+ \renewcommand{\shortversion}{#1}}
+ \renewcommand{\releaseinfo}{#1}}
+% Allow specification of the author's address separately from the
+% author's name. This can be used to format them differently, which
+% is a good thing.
+% This sets up the fancy chapter headings that make the documents look
+% at least a little better than the usual LaTeX output.
+ \ChNameVar{\raggedleft\normalsize\py@HeaderFamily}
+ \ChNumVar{\raggedleft \bfseries\Large\py@HeaderFamily}
+ \ChTitleVar{\raggedleft \rm\Huge\py@HeaderFamily}
+ % This creates chapter heads without the leading \vspace*{}:
+ \def\@makechapterhead#1{%
+ {\parindent \z@ \raggedright \normalfont
+ \ifnum \c@secnumdepth >\m@ne
+ \fi
+ \interlinepenalty\@M
+ \DOTI{#1}
+ }
+ }
+% Redefine description environment so that it is usable inside fulllineitems.
+ \list{}{\labelwidth\z@%
+ \itemindent-\leftmargin%
+ \labelsep5pt%
+ \let\makelabel=\descriptionlabel}}
+% Definition lists; requested by AMK for HOWTO documents. Probably useful
+% elsewhere as well, so keep in in the general style support.
+ \begin{description}%
+ \def\term##1{\item[##1]\mbox{}\\*[0mm]}
+ \end{description}%
+% Tell TeX about pathological hyphenation cases:
+% The following is stuff copied from docutils' latex writer.
+\newcommand{\optionlistlabel}[1]{\bf #1 \hfill}
+ {\setlength{\labelwidth}{#1}
+ \setlength{\rightmargin}{1cm}
+ \setlength{\leftmargin}{\rightmargin}
+ \addtolength{\leftmargin}{\labelwidth}
+ \addtolength{\leftmargin}{\labelsep}
+ \renewcommand{\makelabel}{\optionlistlabel}}
+ {\setlength{\partopsep}{\parskip}
+ \addtolength{\partopsep}{\baselineskip}
+ \topsep0pt\itemsep0.15\baselineskip\parsep0pt
+ \leftmargin#1}
+ \raggedright}
+% Redefine includgraphics for avoiding images larger than the screen size
+% If the size is not specified.
+ \ifx#1\@empty%
+ \setbox\image@box=\hbox{\py@Oldincludegraphics{#2}}%
+ \image@width\wd\image@box%
+ \ifdim \image@width>\linewidth%
+ \setbox\image@box=\hbox{\py@Oldincludegraphics[width=\linewidth]{#2}}%
+ \box\image@box%
+ \else%
+ \py@Oldincludegraphics{#2}%
+ \fi%
+ \else%
+ \py@Oldincludegraphics[#1]{#2}%
+ \fi%
+% Fix the index and bibliography environments to add an entry to the Table of
+% Contents; this is much nicer than just having to jump to the end of the book
+% and flip around, especially with multiple indexes.
+ \cleardoublepage
+ \phantomsection
+ \py@OldTheindex
+ \addcontentsline{toc}{chapter}{\indexname}
+ \cleardoublepage
+ \phantomsection
+ \py@OldThebibliography{1}
+ \addcontentsline{toc}{chapter}{\bibname}
+% Include hyperref last.
+ linkcolor=InnerLinkColor,filecolor=OuterLinkColor,
+ menucolor=OuterLinkColor,urlcolor=OuterLinkColor,
+ citecolor=InnerLinkColor]{hyperref}
+% Fix anchor placement for figures with captions.
+% (Note: we don't use a package option here; instead, we give an explicit
+% \capstart for figures that actually have a caption.)
+% From docutils.writers.latex2e
+ {% group ("span") to limit the scope of styling commands
+ \@for\node@class@name:=#1\do{%
+ \ifcsname docutilsrole\node@class@name\endcsname%
+ \csname docutilsrole\node@class@name\endcsname%
+ \fi%
+ }%
+ {#2}% node content
+ }% close "span"
+ \ifthenelse{\isundefined{#1}}{\newlength{#1}\setlength{#1}{#2}}{}
+ \newenvironment{DUlineblock}[1]{%
+ \list{}{\setlength{\partopsep}{\parskip}
+ \addtolength{\partopsep}{\baselineskip}
+ \setlength{\topsep}{0pt}
+ \setlength{\itemsep}{0.15\baselineskip}
+ \setlength{\parsep}{0pt}
+ \setlength{\leftmargin}{#1}}
+ \raggedright
+ }
+ {\endlist}
diff --git a/doc/latex/sphinxhowto.cls b/doc/latex/sphinxhowto.cls
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1ebdd43
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/latex/sphinxhowto.cls
@@ -0,0 +1,81 @@
+% sphinxhowto.cls for Sphinx (
+\ProvidesClass{sphinxhowto}[2009/06/02 Document class (Sphinx HOWTO)]
+% 'oneside' option overriding the 'twoside' default
+% Pass remaining document options to the parent class.
+% Default to two-side document
+% nothing to do (oneside is the default)
+% Set some sane defaults for section numbering depth and TOC depth. You can
+% reset these counters in your preamble.
+% Change the title page to look a bit better, and fit in with the fncychap
+% ``Bjarne'' style a bit better.
+ \rule{\textwidth}{1pt}
+ \ifsphinxpdfoutput
+ \begingroup
+ % These \defs are required to deal with multi-line authors; it
+ % changes \\ to ', ' (comma-space), making it pass muster for
+ % generating document info in the PDF file.
+ \def\\{, }
+ \def\and{and }
+ \pdfinfo{
+ /Author (\@author)
+ /Title (\@title)
+ }
+ \endgroup
+ \fi
+ \begin{flushright}
+ \sphinxlogo%
+ {\rm\Huge\py@HeaderFamily \@title} \par
+ {\em\large\py@HeaderFamily \py@release\releaseinfo} \par
+ \vspace{25pt}
+ {\Large\py@HeaderFamily
+ \begin{tabular}[t]{c}
+ \@author
+ \end{tabular}} \par
+ \vspace{25pt}
+ \@date \par
+ \py@authoraddress \par
+ \end{flushright}
+ \@thanks
+ \setcounter{footnote}{0}
+ \let\thanks\relax\let\maketitle\relax
+ %\gdef\@thanks{}\gdef\@author{}\gdef\@title{}
+ \begingroup
+ \parskip = 0mm
+ \py@OldTableofcontents
+ \endgroup
+ \rule{\textwidth}{1pt}
+ \vspace{12pt}
+ \pagestyle{plain}}{
+ \pagestyle{normal}} % start this way; change for
+\pagenumbering{arabic} % ToC & chapters
diff --git a/doc/latex/sphinxmanual.cls b/doc/latex/sphinxmanual.cls
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5751779
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/latex/sphinxmanual.cls
@@ -0,0 +1,122 @@
+% sphinxmanual.cls for Sphinx (
+\ProvidesClass{sphinxmanual}[2009/06/02 Document class (Sphinx manual)]
+% chapters starting at odd pages (overridden by 'openany' document option)
+% 'oneside' option overriding the 'twoside' default
+% Pass remaining document options to the parent class.
+% Defaults two-side document
+% nothing to do (oneside is the default)
+% Set some sane defaults for section numbering depth and TOC depth. You can
+% reset these counters in your preamble.
+% Change the title page to look a bit better, and fit in with the fncychap
+% ``Bjarne'' style a bit better.
+ \begin{titlepage}%
+ \let\footnotesize\small
+ \let\footnoterule\relax
+ \rule{\textwidth}{1pt}%
+ \ifsphinxpdfoutput
+ \begingroup
+ % These \defs are required to deal with multi-line authors; it
+ % changes \\ to ', ' (comma-space), making it pass muster for
+ % generating document info in the PDF file.
+ \def\\{, }
+ \def\and{and }
+ \pdfinfo{
+ /Author (\@author)
+ /Title (\@title)
+ }
+ \endgroup
+ \fi
+ \begin{flushright}%
+ \sphinxlogo%
+ {\rm\Huge\py@HeaderFamily \@title \par}%
+ {\em\LARGE\py@HeaderFamily \py@release\releaseinfo \par}
+ \vfill
+ {\LARGE\py@HeaderFamily
+ \begin{tabular}[t]{c}
+ \@author
+ \end{tabular}
+ \par}
+ \vfill\vfill
+ {\large
+ \@date \par
+ \vfill
+ \py@authoraddress \par
+ }%
+ \end{flushright}%\par
+ \@thanks
+ \end{titlepage}%
+ \cleardoublepage%
+ \setcounter{footnote}{0}%
+ \let\thanks\relax\let\maketitle\relax
+ %\gdef\@thanks{}\gdef\@author{}\gdef\@title{}
+% Catch the end of the {abstract} environment, but here make sure the abstract
+% is followed by a blank page if the 'openright' option is used.
+ \if@openright
+ \ifodd\value{page}
+ \typeout{Adding blank page after the abstract.}
+ \vfil\pagebreak
+ \fi
+ \fi
+ \py@OldEndAbstract
+% This wraps the \tableofcontents macro with all the magic to get the spacing
+% right and have the right number of pages if the 'openright' option has been
+% used. This eliminates a fair amount of crud in the individual document files.
+ \setcounter{page}{1}%
+ \pagebreak%
+ \pagestyle{plain}%
+ {%
+ \parskip = 0mm%
+ \py@OldTableofcontents%
+ \if@openright%
+ \ifodd\value{page}%
+ \typeout{Adding blank page after the table of contents.}%
+ \pagebreak\hspace{0pt}%
+ \fi%
+ \fi%
+ \cleardoublepage%
+ }%
+ \pagenumbering{arabic}%
+ \@ifundefined{fancyhf}{}{\pagestyle{normal}}%
+% This is needed to get the width of the section # area wide enough in the
+% library reference. Doing it here keeps it the same for all the manuals.
diff --git a/doc/latex/tabulary.sty b/doc/latex/tabulary.sty
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ba83c0a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/latex/tabulary.sty
@@ -0,0 +1,452 @@
+%% This is file `tabulary.sty',
+%% generated with the docstrip utility.
+%% The original source files were:
+%% tabulary.dtx (with options: `package')
+%% File `tabulary.dtx'.
+%% Copyright (C) 1995 1996 2003 David Carlisle
+%% This file may be distributed under the terms of the LPPL.
+%% See 00readme.txt for details.
+ [2007/10/02 v0.9 tabulary package (DPC)]
+ \unskip\ifhmode\nobreak\fi\vrule\@width\z@\@height\z@\@depth\dp#1}
+ \let\TY@final\tabular
+ \let\endTY@final\endtabular
+ \TY@tabular}
+ \edef\TY@{\@currenvir}%
+ {\ifnum0=`}\fi
+ \@ovxx\TY@linewidth
+ \@ovyy\TY@tablewidth
+ \count@\z@
+ \@tempswatrue
+ \@whilesw\if@tempswa\fi{%
+ \advance\count@\@ne
+ \expandafter\ifx\csname TY@F\the\count@\endcsname\relax
+ \@tempswafalse
+ \else
+ \expandafter\let\csname TY@SF\the\count@\expandafter\endcsname
+ \csname TY@F\the\count@\endcsname
+ \global\expandafter\let\csname TY@F\the\count@\endcsname\relax
+ \expandafter\let\csname TY@S\the\count@\expandafter\endcsname
+ \csname TY@\the\count@\endcsname
+ \fi}%
+ \global\TY@count\@ne
+ \TY@width\xdef{0pt}%
+ \global\TY@tablewidth\z@
+ \global\TY@linewidth#1\relax
+Z Target Width: \the\TY@linewidth^^J%
+Z \string\tabcolsep: \the\tabcolsep\space
+Z \string\arrayrulewidth: \the\arrayrulewidth\space
+Z \string\doublerulesep: \the\doublerulesep^^J%
+Z \string\tymin: \the\tymin\space
+Z \string\tymax: \the\tymax^^J}%
+ \let\@classz\TY@classz
+ \let\verb\TX@verb
+ \toks@{}\TY@get@body}
+ \def\@addamp{%
+ \if@firstamp \@firstampfalse \else
+ \global\advance\TY@count\@ne
+ \edef\@preamble{\@preamble &}\fi
+ \TY@width\xdef{0pt}}%
+ \def\@acol{%
+ \TY@subwidth\col@sep
+ \@addtopreamble{\hskip\col@sep}}%
+ \let\@arrayrule\TY@arrayrule
+ \let\@classvi\TY@classvi
+ \def\@classv{\save@decl
+ \expandafter\NC@ecs\@nextchar\extracolsep{}\extracolsep\@@@
+ \sbox\z@{\d@llarbegin\@nextchar\d@llarend}%
+ \TY@subwidth{\wd\z@}%
+ \@addtopreamble{\d@llarbegin\the@toks\the\count@\relax\d@llarend}%
+ \prepnext@tok}%
+ \global\let\@mkpream\TY@@mkpream
+ \TY@@mkpream}
+ \TY@subwidth\arrayrulewidth
+ \@addtopreamble \vline}
+\def\TY@classvi{\ifcase \@lastchclass
+ \@acol \or
+ \TY@subwidth\doublerulesep
+ \@addtopreamble{\hskip \doublerulesep}\or
+ \@acol \or
+ \@classvii
+ \fi}
+ \setbox\z@\hbox\bgroup
+ \let\[$\let\]$%
+ \let\equation$\let\endequation$%
+ \col@sep\tabcolsep
+ \let\d@llarbegin\begingroup\let\d@llarend\endgroup
+ \let\@mkpream\TY@mkpream
+ \def\multicolumn##1##2##3{\multispan##1\relax}%
+ \CT@start\TY@tabarray}
+ \expandafter#1\csname TY@\the\TY@count\endcsname}
+ \TY@width\dimen@
+ \advance\dimen@-#1\relax
+ \TY@width\xdef{\the\dimen@}%
+ \global\advance\TY@linewidth-#1\relax}
+ \gdef\@halignto{}%
+ \let\TY@footnote\footnote%
+ \def\footnote{}% prevent footnotes from doing anything
+ \expandafter\TY@tab\the\toks@
+ \crcr\omit
+ {\xdef\TY@save@row{}%
+ \loop
+ \advance\TY@count\m@ne
+ \ifnum\TY@count>\z@
+ \xdef\TY@save@row{\TY@save@row&\omit}%
+ \repeat}\TY@save@row
+ \endarray\global\setbox1=\lastbox\setbox0=\vbox{\unvbox1
+ \unskip\global\setbox1=\lastbox}\egroup
+ \dimen@\TY@linewidth
+ \divide\dimen@\TY@count
+ \ifdim\dimen@<\tymin
+ \TY@warn{tymin too large (\the\tymin), resetting to \the\dimen@}%
+ \tymin\dimen@
+ \fi
+ \setbox\tw@=\hbox{\unhbox\@ne
+ \loop
+Z \message{ecs=\the\@tempdima^^J}%
+ \global\advance\TY@linewidth-\@tempdima
+ \unskip
+ \setbox\tw@=\lastbox
+ \ifhbox\tw@
+Z \message{Col \the\TY@count: Initial=\the\wd\tw@\space}%
+ \ifdim\wd\tw@>\tymax
+ \wd\tw@\tymax
+Z \message{> max\space}%
+Z \else
+Z \message{ \@spaces\space}%
+ \fi
+ \TY@width\dimen@
+Z \message{\the\dimen@\space}%
+ \advance\dimen@\wd\tw@
+Z \message{Final=\the\dimen@\space}%
+ \TY@width\xdef{\the\dimen@}%
+ \ifdim\dimen@<\tymin
+Z \message{< tymin}%
+ \global\advance\TY@linewidth-\dimen@
+ \expandafter\xdef\csname TY@F\the\TY@count\endcsname
+ {\the\dimen@}%
+ \else
+ \expandafter\ifx\csname TY@F\the\TY@count\endcsname\z@
+Z \message{***}%
+ \global\advance\TY@linewidth-\dimen@
+ \expandafter\xdef\csname TY@F\the\TY@count\endcsname
+ {\the\dimen@}%
+ \else
+Z \message{> tymin}%
+ \global\advance\TY@tablewidth\dimen@
+ \global\expandafter\let\csname TY@F\the\TY@count\endcsname
+ \maxdimen
+ \fi\fi
+ \advance\TY@count\m@ne
+ \repeat}%
+ \TY@checkmin
+ \TY@checkmin
+ \TY@checkmin
+ \TY@checkmin
+ \TY@count\z@
+ \let\TY@box\TY@box@v
+ \let\footnote\TY@footnote % restore footnotes
+ {\expandafter\TY@final\the\toks@\endTY@final}%
+ \count@\z@
+ \@tempswatrue
+ \@whilesw\if@tempswa\fi{%
+ \advance\count@\@ne
+ \expandafter\ifx\csname TY@SF\the\count@\endcsname\relax
+ \@tempswafalse
+ \else
+ \global\expandafter\let\csname TY@F\the\count@\expandafter\endcsname
+ \csname TY@SF\the\count@\endcsname
+ \global\expandafter\let\csname TY@\the\count@\expandafter\endcsname
+ \csname TY@S\the\count@\endcsname
+ \fi}%
+ \TY@linewidth\@ovxx
+ \TY@tablewidth\@ovyy
+ \ifnum0=`{\fi}}
+ \let\TY@checkmin\relax
+ \Gscale@div\TY@ratio\TY@linewidth\TY@tablewidth
+ \ifdim\TY@tablewidth <\linewidth
+ \def\TY@ratio{1}%
+ \fi
+ \TY@warn{No suitable columns!}%
+ \def\TY@ratio{1}%
+Z \message{^^JLine Width: \the\TY@linewidth,
+Z Natural Width: \the\TY@tablewidth,
+Z Ratio: \TY@ratio^^J}%
+ \ifdim\csname TY@F\the\count@\endcsname>\tymin
+ \dimen@\csname TY@\the\count@\endcsname
+ \dimen@\TY@ratio\dimen@
+ \ifdim\dimen@<\tymin
+Z \message{Column \the\count@\space ->}%
+ \global\expandafter\let\csname TY@F\the\count@\endcsname\tymin
+ \global\advance\TY@linewidth-\tymin
+ \global\advance\TY@tablewidth-\csname TY@\the\count@\endcsname
+ \let\TY@checkmin\TY@@checkmin
+ \else
+ \expandafter\xdef\csname TY@F\the\count@\endcsname{\the\dimen@}%
+ \advance\@tempdima\csname TY@F\the\count@\endcsname
+ \fi
+ \fi
+Z \dimen@\csname TY@F\the\count@\endcsname\message{\the\dimen@, }%
+Z \message{^^JTotal:\the\@tempdima^^J}%
+ \ifnum \@lastchclass=6 \@ne \@chnum \@ne \else
+ \ifnum \@lastchclass=7 5 \else
+ \ifnum \@lastchclass=8 \tw@ \else
+ \ifnum \@lastchclass=9 \thr@@
+ \else \z@
+ \ifnum \@lastchclass = 10 \else
+ \edef\@nextchar{\expandafter\string\@nextchar}%
+ \@chnum
+ \if \@nextchar c\z@ \else
+ \if \@nextchar l\@ne \else
+ \if \@nextchar r\tw@ \else
+ \if \@nextchar C7 \else
+ \if \@nextchar L8 \else
+ \if \@nextchar R9 \else
+ \if \@nextchar J10 \else
+ \z@ \@chclass
+ \if\@nextchar |\@ne \else
+ \if \@nextchar !6 \else
+ \if \@nextchar @7 \else
+ \if \@nextchar <8 \else
+ \if \@nextchar >9 \else
+ 10
+ \@chnum
+ \if \@nextchar m\thr@@\else
+ \if \@nextchar p4 \else
+ \if \@nextchar b5 \else
+ \z@ \@chclass \z@ \@preamerr \z@ \fi \fi \fi \fi\fi \fi \fi\fi \fi
+ \fi \fi \fi \fi \fi \fi \fi \fi \fi \fi \fi}
+ \@classx
+ \@tempcnta\count@
+ \ifx\TY@box\TY@box@v
+ \global\advance\TY@count\@ne
+ \fi
+ \let\centering c%
+ \let\raggedright\noindent
+ \let\raggedleft\indent
+ \let\arraybackslash\relax
+ \prepnext@tok
+ \ifnum\@chnum<4
+ \global\expandafter\let\csname TY@F\the\TY@count\endcsname\z@
+ \fi
+ \ifnum\@chnum=6
+ \global\expandafter\let\csname TY@F\the\TY@count\endcsname\z@
+ \fi
+ \@addtopreamble{%
+ \ifcase\@chnum
+ \hfil \d@llarbegin\insert@column\d@llarend \hfil \or
+ \kern\z@
+ \d@llarbegin \insert@column \d@llarend \hfil \or
+ \hfil\kern\z@ \d@llarbegin \insert@column \d@llarend \or
+ $\vcenter\@startpbox{\@nextchar}\insert@column \@endpbox $\or
+ \vtop \@startpbox{\@nextchar}\insert@column \@endpbox \or
+ \vbox \@startpbox{\@nextchar}\insert@column \@endpbox \or
+ \d@llarbegin \insert@column \d@llarend \or% dubious "s" case
+ \TY@box\centering\or
+ \TY@box\raggedright\or
+ \TY@box\raggedleft\or
+ \TY@box\relax
+ \fi}\prepnext@tok}
+ \ifx\centering#1%
+ \hfil \d@llarbegin\insert@column\d@llarend \hfil \else
+ \ifx\raggedright#1%
+ \kern\z@%<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
+ \d@llarbegin \insert@column \d@llarend \hfil \else
+ \ifx\raggedleft#1%
+ \hfil\kern\z@ \d@llarbegin \insert@column \d@llarend \else
+ \ifx\relax#1%
+ \d@llarbegin \insert@column \d@llarend
+ \fi \fi \fi \fi}
+ \vtop \@startpbox{\csname TY@F\the\TY@count\endcsname}%
+ #1\arraybackslash\tyformat
+ \insert@column\@endpbox}
+ \setlength\dimen@{#3}%
+ \ifdim\dimen@=\z@
+ \PackageError{graphics}{Division by 0}\@eha
+ \dimen@#2%
+ \fi
+ \edef\@tempd{\the\dimen@}%
+ \setlength\dimen@{#2}%
+ \count@65536\relax
+ \ifdim\dimen@<\z@
+ \dimen@-\dimen@
+ \count@-\count@
+ \fi
+ \loop
+ \ifdim\dimen@<8192\p@
+ \dimen@\tw@\dimen@
+ \divide\count@\tw@
+ \repeat
+ \dimen@ii=\@tempd\relax
+ \divide\dimen@ii\count@
+ \divide\dimen@\dimen@ii
+ \edef#1{\strip@pt\dimen@}}
+ {\toks@\expandafter{\the\toks@#1}\TY@find@end}
+ \def\@tempa{#1}%
+ \ifx\@tempa\TY@\def\@tempa{\end{#1}}\expandafter\@tempa
+ \else\toks@\expandafter
+ {\the\toks@\end{#1}}\expandafter\TY@get@body\fi}
+ \PackageWarning{tabulary}}
+ \expandafter{%
+ \expandafter\let\expandafter\CT@setup\expandafter\relax
+ \expandafter\let\expandafter\CT@color\expandafter\relax
+ \expandafter\let\expandafter\CT@do@color\expandafter\relax
+ \expandafter\let\expandafter\color\expandafter\relax
+ \expandafter\let\expandafter\CT@column@color\expandafter\relax
+ \expandafter\let\expandafter\CT@row@color\expandafter\relax
+ \@mkpream{#1}}
+ \@classx
+ \@tempcnta\count@
+ \ifx\TY@box\TY@box@v
+ \global\advance\TY@count\@ne
+ \fi
+ \let\centering c%
+ \let\raggedright\noindent
+ \let\raggedleft\indent
+ \let\arraybackslash\relax
+ \prepnext@tok
+ \ifnum\@chnum<4
+ \global\expandafter\let\csname TY@F\the\TY@count\endcsname\z@
+ \fi
+ \ifnum\@chnum=6
+ \global\expandafter\let\csname TY@F\the\TY@count\endcsname\z@
+ \fi
+ \@addtopreamble{%
+ \setbox\z@\hbox\bgroup\bgroup
+ \ifcase\@chnum
+ \hskip\stretch{.5}\kern\z@
+ \d@llarbegin\insert@column\d@llarend\hskip\stretch{.5}\or
+ \kern\z@%<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
+ \d@llarbegin \insert@column \d@llarend \hfill \or
+ \hfill\kern\z@ \d@llarbegin \insert@column \d@llarend \or
+ $\vcenter\@startpbox{\@nextchar}\insert@column \@endpbox $\or
+ \vtop \@startpbox{\@nextchar}\insert@column \@endpbox \or
+ \vbox \@startpbox{\@nextchar}\insert@column \@endpbox \or
+ \d@llarbegin \insert@column \d@llarend \or% dubious s case
+ \TY@box\centering\or
+ \TY@box\raggedright\or
+ \TY@box\raggedleft\or
+ \TY@box\relax
+ \fi
+ \egroup\egroup
+ \CT@setup
+ \CT@column@color
+ \CT@row@color
+ \CT@do@color
+ \@tempdima\ht\z@
+ \advance\@tempdima\minrowclearance
+ \vrule\@height\@tempdima\@width\z@
+ \def\TY@arrayrule{%
+ \TY@subwidth\arrayrulewidth
+ \@addtopreamble{{\CT@arc@\vline}}}%
+ \def\TY@classvi{\ifcase \@lastchclass
+ \@acol \or
+ \TY@subwidth\doublerulesep
+ \ifx\CT@drsc@\relax
+ \@addtopreamble{\hskip\doublerulesep}%
+ \else
+ \@addtopreamble{{\CT@drsc@\vrule\@width\doublerulesep}}%
+ \fi\or
+ \@acol \or
+ \@classvii
+ \fi}%
+{\uccode`\*=`\ %
+ \leavevmode\null\TX@vwarn
+ {\ifnum0=`}\fi\ttfamily\let\\\ignorespaces
+ \@ifstar{\let~*\TX@vb}{\TX@vb}}}}
+ \expandafter\TX@v\meaning\@tempa\\ \\\ifnum0=`{\fi}}\@tempa!}
+\def\TX@v#1!{\afterassignment\TX@vfirst\let\@tempa= }
+ \if\@tempa#%
+ \def\@tempb{\TX@v@#}%
+ \else
+ \let\@tempb\TX@v@
+ \if\@tempa\space~\else\@tempa\fi
+ \fi
+ \@tempb}
+\gdef\TX@v@*1 *2{%
+ \TX@v@hash*1##\relax\if*2\\\else~\expandafter\TX@v@\fi*2}
+ \@warning{\noexpand\verb may be unreliable inside tabularx/y}%
+ \global\let\TX@vwarn\@empty}
+%% End of file `tabulary.sty'.