#include #include #include "kitchensink/kitplayer.h" #include "kitchensink/kiterror.h" #include "kitchensink/internal/kitlibstate.h" #include "kitchensink/internal/video/kitvideo.h" #include "kitchensink/internal/audio/kitaudio.h" #include "kitchensink/internal/subtitle/kitsubtitle.h" #include "kitchensink/internal/utils/kithelpers.h" #include "kitchensink/internal/utils/kitlog.h" enum DecoderIndex { KIT_VIDEO_DEC = 0, KIT_AUDIO_DEC, KIT_SUBTITLE_DEC, KIT_DEC_COUNT }; // Return 0 if stream is good but nothing else to do for now // Return -1 if there may still work to be done // Return 1 if there was an error or stream end static int _DemuxStream(const Kit_Player *player) { assert(player != NULL); AVFormatContext *format_ctx = player->src->format_ctx; // If any buffer is full, just stop here for now. // Since we don't know what kind of data is going to come out of av_read_frame, we really // want to make sure we are prepared for everything :) for(int i = 0; i < KIT_DEC_COUNT; i++) { Kit_Decoder *dec = player->decoders[i]; if(dec == NULL) continue; if(!Kit_CanWriteDecoderInput(dec)) return 0; } // Attempt to read frame. Just return here if it fails. AVPacket *packet = av_packet_alloc(); if(av_read_frame(format_ctx, packet) < 0) { av_packet_free(&packet); return 1; } // Check if this is a packet we need to handle and pass it on for(int i = 0; i < KIT_DEC_COUNT; i++) { Kit_Decoder *dec = player->decoders[i]; if(dec == NULL) continue; if(dec->stream_index == packet->stream_index) { Kit_WriteDecoderInput(player->decoders[i], packet); return -1; } } // We only get here if packet was not written to a decoder. IF that is the case, // disregard and free the packet. av_packet_free(&packet); return -1; } static bool _IsOutputEmpty(const Kit_Player *player) { for(int i = 0; i < KIT_DEC_COUNT; i++) { Kit_Decoder *dec = player->decoders[i]; if(dec == NULL) continue; if(Kit_PeekDecoderOutput(dec)) return false; } return true; } static int _RunDecoder(Kit_Player *player) { int got; bool has_room = true; do { while((got = _DemuxStream(player)) == -1); if(got == 1 && _IsOutputEmpty(player)) { return 1; } for(int i = 0; i < KIT_DEC_COUNT; i++) { while(Kit_RunDecoder(player->decoders[i]) == 1); } // If there is no room in any decoder input, just stop here since it likely means that // at least some decoder output is full. for(int i = 0; i < KIT_DEC_COUNT; i++) { Kit_Decoder *dec = player->decoders[i]; if(dec == NULL) continue; if(!Kit_CanWriteDecoderInput(dec)) { has_room = false; break; } } } while(has_room); return 0; } static int _DecoderThread(void *ptr) { Kit_Player *player = ptr; bool is_running = true; bool is_playing = true; while(is_running) { if(player->state == KIT_CLOSED) { is_running = false; continue; } if(player->state == KIT_PLAYING) { is_playing = true; } while(is_running && is_playing) { // Grab the decoder lock, and run demuxer & decoders for a bit. if(SDL_LockMutex(player->dec_lock) == 0) { if(player->state == KIT_CLOSED) { is_running = false; goto end_block; } if(player->state == KIT_STOPPED) { is_playing = false; goto end_block; } if(_RunDecoder(player) == 1) { player->state = KIT_STOPPED; goto end_block; } end_block: SDL_UnlockMutex(player->dec_lock); } // Delay to make sure this thread does not hog all cpu SDL_Delay(2); } // Just idle while waiting for work. SDL_Delay(25); } return 0; } Kit_Player* Kit_CreatePlayer(const Kit_Source *src, int video_stream_index, int audio_stream_index, int subtitle_stream_index, int screen_w, int screen_h) { assert(src != NULL); assert(screen_w >= 0); assert(screen_h >= 0); if(video_stream_index < 0 && subtitle_stream_index >= 0) { Kit_SetError("Subtitle stream selected without video stream"); goto exit_0; } Kit_Player *player = calloc(1, sizeof(Kit_Player)); if(player == NULL) { Kit_SetError("Unable to allocate player"); goto exit_0; } // Initialize audio decoder player->decoders[KIT_AUDIO_DEC] = Kit_CreateAudioDecoder(src, audio_stream_index); if(player->decoders[KIT_AUDIO_DEC] == NULL && audio_stream_index >= 0) { goto exit_1; } // Initialize video decoder player->decoders[KIT_VIDEO_DEC] = Kit_CreateVideoDecoder(src, video_stream_index); if(player->decoders[KIT_VIDEO_DEC] == NULL && video_stream_index >= 0) { goto exit_2; } // Initialize subtitle decoder. Kit_OutputFormat output; Kit_GetDecoderOutputFormat(player->decoders[KIT_VIDEO_DEC], &output); player->decoders[KIT_SUBTITLE_DEC] = Kit_CreateSubtitleDecoder( src, subtitle_stream_index, output.width, output.height, screen_w, screen_h); if(player->decoders[KIT_SUBTITLE_DEC] == NULL && subtitle_stream_index >= 0) { goto exit_2; } // Decoder thread lock player->dec_lock = SDL_CreateMutex(); if(player->dec_lock == NULL) { Kit_SetError("Unable to create a decoder thread lock mutex: %s", SDL_GetError()); goto exit_2; } // Decoder thread player->dec_thread = SDL_CreateThread(_DecoderThread, "Kit Decoder Thread", player); if(player->dec_thread == NULL) { Kit_SetError("Unable to create a decoder thread: %s", SDL_GetError()); goto exit_3; } player->src = src; return player; exit_3: SDL_DestroyMutex(player->dec_lock); exit_2: for(int i = 0; i < KIT_DEC_COUNT; i++) { Kit_CloseDecoder(player->decoders[i]); } exit_1: free(player); exit_0: return NULL; } void Kit_ClosePlayer(Kit_Player *player) { if(player == NULL) return; // Kill the decoder thread and mutex if(SDL_LockMutex(player->dec_lock) == 0) { player->state = KIT_CLOSED; SDL_UnlockMutex(player->dec_lock); } SDL_WaitThread(player->dec_thread, NULL); SDL_DestroyMutex(player->dec_lock); // Shutdown decoders for(int i = 0; i < KIT_DEC_COUNT; i++) { Kit_CloseDecoder(player->decoders[i]); } // Free the player structure itself free(player); } void Kit_SetPlayerScreenSize(Kit_Player *player, int w, int h) { assert(player != NULL); Kit_Decoder *dec = player->decoders[KIT_SUBTITLE_DEC]; if(dec == NULL) return; Kit_SetSubtitleDecoderSize(dec, w, h); } int Kit_GetPlayerVideoStream(const Kit_Player *player) { assert(player != NULL); return Kit_GetDecoderStreamIndex(player->decoders[KIT_VIDEO_DEC]); } int Kit_GetPlayerAudioStream(const Kit_Player *player) { assert(player != NULL); return Kit_GetDecoderStreamIndex(player->decoders[KIT_AUDIO_DEC]); } int Kit_GetPlayerSubtitleStream(const Kit_Player *player) { assert(player != NULL); return Kit_GetDecoderStreamIndex(player->decoders[KIT_SUBTITLE_DEC]); } int Kit_GetPlayerVideoData(Kit_Player *player, SDL_Texture *texture) { assert(player != NULL); Kit_Decoder *dec = player->decoders[KIT_VIDEO_DEC]; if(dec == NULL) { return 0; } // If paused or stopped, do nothing if(player->state == KIT_PAUSED) { return 0; } if(player->state == KIT_STOPPED) { return 0; } return Kit_GetVideoDecoderData(dec, texture); } int Kit_GetPlayerAudioData(Kit_Player *player, unsigned char *buffer, int length) { assert(player != NULL); assert(buffer != NULL); Kit_Decoder *dec = player->decoders[KIT_AUDIO_DEC]; if(dec == NULL) { return 0; } // If asked for nothing, don't return anything either :P if(length == 0) { return 0; } // If paused or stopped, do nothing if(player->state == KIT_PAUSED) { return 0; } if(player->state == KIT_STOPPED) { return 0; } return Kit_GetAudioDecoderData(dec, buffer, length); } int Kit_GetPlayerSubtitleData(Kit_Player *player, SDL_Texture *texture, SDL_Rect *sources, SDL_Rect *targets, int limit) { assert(player != NULL); assert(texture != NULL); assert(sources != NULL); assert(targets != NULL); assert(limit >= 0); Kit_Decoder *dec = player->decoders[KIT_SUBTITLE_DEC]; if(dec == NULL) { return 0; } // If paused, just return the current items if(player->state == KIT_PAUSED) { return Kit_GetSubtitleDecoderInfo(dec, texture, sources, targets, limit); } // If stopped, do nothing. if(player->state == KIT_STOPPED) { return 0; } // Refresh texture, then refresh rects and return number of items in the texture. Kit_GetSubtitleDecoderTexture(dec, texture); return Kit_GetSubtitleDecoderInfo(dec, texture, sources, targets, limit); } void Kit_GetPlayerInfo(const Kit_Player *player, Kit_PlayerInfo *info) { assert(player != NULL); assert(info != NULL); void *streams[] = {&info->video, &info->audio, &info->subtitle}; for(int i = 0; i < KIT_DEC_COUNT; i++) { Kit_Decoder *dec = player->decoders[i]; Kit_PlayerStreamInfo *stream = streams[i]; Kit_GetDecoderCodecInfo(dec, &stream->codec); Kit_GetDecoderOutputFormat(dec, &stream->output); } } static void _SetClockSync(Kit_Player *player) { double sync = _GetSystemTime(); for(int i = 0; i < KIT_DEC_COUNT; i++) { Kit_SetDecoderClockSync(player->decoders[i], sync); } } static void _ChangeClockSync(Kit_Player *player, double delta) { for(int i = 0; i < KIT_DEC_COUNT; i++) { Kit_ChangeDecoderClockSync(player->decoders[i], delta); } } Kit_PlayerState Kit_GetPlayerState(const Kit_Player *player) { assert(player != NULL); return player->state; } void Kit_PlayerPlay(Kit_Player *player) { assert(player != NULL); double tmp; if(SDL_LockMutex(player->dec_lock) == 0) { switch(player->state) { case KIT_PLAYING: case KIT_CLOSED: break; case KIT_PAUSED: tmp = _GetSystemTime() - player->pause_started; _ChangeClockSync(player, tmp); player->state = KIT_PLAYING; break; case KIT_STOPPED: _RunDecoder(player); // Fill some buffers before starting playback _SetClockSync(player); player->state = KIT_PLAYING; break; } SDL_UnlockMutex(player->dec_lock); } } void Kit_PlayerStop(Kit_Player *player) { assert(player != NULL); if(SDL_LockMutex(player->dec_lock) == 0) { switch(player->state) { case KIT_STOPPED: case KIT_CLOSED: break; case KIT_PLAYING: case KIT_PAUSED: player->state = KIT_STOPPED; for(int i = 0; i < KIT_DEC_COUNT; i++) { Kit_ClearDecoderBuffers(player->decoders[i]); } break; } SDL_UnlockMutex(player->dec_lock); } } void Kit_PlayerPause(Kit_Player *player) { assert(player != NULL); player->state = KIT_PAUSED; player->pause_started = _GetSystemTime(); } int Kit_PlayerSeek(Kit_Player *player, double seek_set) { assert(player != NULL); double position; double duration; int64_t seek_target; int flags = AVSEEK_FLAG_ANY; if(SDL_LockMutex(player->dec_lock) == 0) { duration = Kit_GetPlayerDuration(player); position = Kit_GetPlayerPosition(player); if(seek_set <= 0) { seek_set = 0; } if(seek_set >= duration) { seek_set = duration; } // Set source to timestamp AVFormatContext *format_ctx = player->src->format_ctx; seek_target = seek_set * AV_TIME_BASE; if(seek_set < position) { flags |= AVSEEK_FLAG_BACKWARD; } // First, tell ffmpeg to seek stream. If not capable, stop here. // Failure here probably means that stream is unseekable someway, eg. streamed media if(avformat_seek_file(format_ctx, -1, INT64_MIN, seek_target, INT64_MAX, flags) < 0) { Kit_SetError("Unable to seek source"); SDL_UnlockMutex(player->dec_lock); return 1; } // Clean old buffers and try to fill them with new data for(int i = 0; i < KIT_DEC_COUNT; i++) { Kit_ClearDecoderBuffers(player->decoders[i]); } _RunDecoder(player); // Try to get a precise seek position from the next audio/video frame // (depending on which one is used to sync) double precise_pts = -1.0F; if(player->decoders[KIT_VIDEO_DEC] != NULL) { precise_pts = Kit_GetVideoDecoderPTS(player->decoders[KIT_VIDEO_DEC]); } else if(player->decoders[KIT_AUDIO_DEC] != NULL) { precise_pts = Kit_GetAudioDecoderPTS(player->decoders[KIT_AUDIO_DEC]); } // If we got a legit looking value, set it as seek value. Otherwise use // the seek value we requested. if(precise_pts >= 0) { _ChangeClockSync(player, position - precise_pts); } else { _ChangeClockSync(player, position - seek_set); } // That's it. Unlock and continue. SDL_UnlockMutex(player->dec_lock); } return 0; } double Kit_GetPlayerDuration(const Kit_Player *player) { assert(player != NULL); AVFormatContext *fmt_ctx = player->src->format_ctx; return (fmt_ctx->duration / AV_TIME_BASE); } double Kit_GetPlayerPosition(const Kit_Player *player) { assert(player != NULL); if(player->decoders[KIT_VIDEO_DEC]) { return ((Kit_Decoder*)player->decoders[KIT_VIDEO_DEC])->clock_pos; } if(player->decoders[KIT_AUDIO_DEC]) { return ((Kit_Decoder*)player->decoders[KIT_AUDIO_DEC])->clock_pos; } return 0; }