The Raspbian image at the time of writing is the `May 2016` version, with the release date of `2016-05-10`. It does not include `libsoxr`, but it is available as a package via `apt-get`. Alternatively, `libsoxr` is very easy to compile. Here are very brief instructions to download, compile and install it: * Install `cmake`. This is used in the building of libsoxr. On Linuxes such as Debian/Ubuntu/Raspbian: ``` # apt-get install cmake ``` On FreeBSD: ``` # pkg install cmake ``` * Download the `libsoxr source`: ``` $ git clone git:// libsoxr ``` * `cd` into the `libsoxr` directory and start the build process: ``` $ cd libsoxr $ ./go ``` Be patient! This takes a long time on a Raspberry Pi -- it looks like it gets stuck around 40% or 50%, but it will finish if you let it. Having compiled `libsoxr`, it must now must be installed: ``` $ cd Release # make install ``` Finally, for Shairport Sync to be able to locate `libsoxr` during compilation, you need to tell `ld` about it. Be careful here if you are on FreeBSD -- the following instructions for Linux would mess up your FreeBSD system. On Linuxes such as Debian/Ubuntu/Raspbian: ``` # ldconfig -v ``` On FreeBSD you must add the location of the `soxr.pc` file to the `PKG_CONFIG_PATH`, if it exists, and define it otherwise. Here is what you do if it doesn't already exist: ``` $ PKG_CONFIG_PATH="/usr/local/lib/pkgconfig" $ export PKG_CONFIG_PATH ``` That's it. Now you can select the `--with-soxr` option when you're building Shairport Sync.