path: root/silx/gui/data/
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authorPicca Frédéric-Emmanuel <>2017-08-18 14:48:52 +0200
committerPicca Frédéric-Emmanuel <>2017-08-18 14:48:52 +0200
commitf7bdc2acff3c13a6d632c28c4569690ab106eed7 (patch)
tree9d67cdb7152ee4e711379e03fe0546c7c3b97303 /silx/gui/data/
Import Upstream version 0.5.0+dfsg
Diffstat (limited to 'silx/gui/data/')
1 files changed, 490 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/silx/gui/data/ b/silx/gui/data/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ba3fa11
--- /dev/null
+++ b/silx/gui/data/
@@ -0,0 +1,490 @@
+# coding: utf-8
+# /*##########################################################################
+# Copyright (c) 2016-2017 European Synchrotron Radiation Facility
+# Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
+# of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
+# in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
+# to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
+# copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
+# furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
+# The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
+# all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
+# ###########################################################################*/
+"""This module defines a widget designed to display data arrays with any
+number of dimensions as 2D frames (images, slices) in a table view.
+The dimensions not displayed in the table can be browsed using improved
+The widget uses a TableView that relies on a custom abstract item
+model: :class:``.
+from __future__ import division
+import sys
+from silx.gui import qt
+from silx.gui.widgets.TableWidget import TableView
+from .ArrayTableModel import ArrayTableModel
+from silx.gui.widgets.FrameBrowser import HorizontalSliderWithBrowser
+__authors__ = ["V.A. Sole", "P. Knobel"]
+__license__ = "MIT"
+__date__ = "24/01/2017"
+class AxesSelector(qt.QWidget):
+ """Widget with two combo-boxes to select two dimensions among
+ all possible dimensions of an n-dimensional array.
+ The first combobox contains values from :math:`0` to :math:`n-2`.
+ The choices in the 2nd CB depend on the value selected in the first one.
+ If the value selected in the first CB is :math:`m`, the second one lets you
+ select values from :math:`m+1` to :math:`n-1`.
+ The two axes can be used to select the row axis and the column axis t
+ display a slice of the array data in a table view.
+ """
+ sigDimensionsChanged = qt.Signal(int, int)
+ """Signal emitted whenever one of the comboboxes is changed.
+ The signal carries the two selected dimensions."""
+ def __init__(self, parent=None, n=None):
+ qt.QWidget.__init__(self, parent)
+ self.layout = qt.QHBoxLayout(self)
+ self.layout.setContentsMargins(0, 2, 0, 2)
+ self.layout.setSpacing(10)
+ self.rowsCB = qt.QComboBox(self)
+ self.columnsCB = qt.QComboBox(self)
+ self.layout.addWidget(qt.QLabel("Rows dimension", self))
+ self.layout.addWidget(self.rowsCB)
+ self.layout.addWidget(qt.QLabel(" ", self))
+ self.layout.addWidget(qt.QLabel("Columns dimension", self))
+ self.layout.addWidget(self.columnsCB)
+ self.layout.addStretch(1)
+ self._slotsAreConnected = False
+ if n is not None:
+ self.setNDimensions(n)
+ def setNDimensions(self, n):
+ """Initialize combo-boxes depending on number of dimensions of array.
+ Initially, the rows dimension is the second-to-last one, and the
+ columns dimension is the last one.
+ Link the CBs together. MAke them emit a signal when their value is
+ changed.
+ :param int n: Number of dimensions of array
+ """
+ # remember the number of dimensions and the rows dimension
+ self.n = n
+ self._rowsDim = n - 2
+ # ensure slots are disconnected before (re)initializing widget
+ if self._slotsAreConnected:
+ self.rowsCB.currentIndexChanged.disconnect(self._rowDimChanged)
+ self.columnsCB.currentIndexChanged.disconnect(self._colDimChanged)
+ self._clear()
+ self.rowsCB.addItems([str(i) for i in range(n - 1)])
+ self.rowsCB.setCurrentIndex(n - 2)
+ if n >= 1:
+ self.columnsCB.addItem(str(n - 1))
+ self.columnsCB.setCurrentIndex(0)
+ # reconnect slots
+ self.rowsCB.currentIndexChanged.connect(self._rowDimChanged)
+ self.columnsCB.currentIndexChanged.connect(self._colDimChanged)
+ self._slotsAreConnected = True
+ # emit new dimensions
+ if n > 2:
+ self.sigDimensionsChanged.emit(n - 2, n - 1)
+ def setDimensions(self, row_dim, col_dim):
+ """Set the rows and columns dimensions.
+ The rows dimension must be lower than the columns dimension.
+ :param int row_dim: Rows dimension
+ :param int col_dim: Columns dimension
+ """
+ if row_dim >= col_dim:
+ raise IndexError("Row dimension must be lower than column dimension")
+ if not (0 <= row_dim < self.n - 1):
+ raise IndexError("Row dimension must be between 0 and %d" % (self.n - 2))
+ if not (row_dim < col_dim <= self.n - 1):
+ raise IndexError("Col dimension must be between %d and %d" % (row_dim + 1, self.n - 1))
+ # set the rows dimension; this triggers an update of columnsCB
+ self.rowsCB.setCurrentIndex(row_dim)
+ # columnsCB first item is "row_dim + 1". So index of "col_dim" is
+ # col_dim - (row_dim + 1)
+ self.columnsCB.setCurrentIndex(col_dim - row_dim - 1)
+ def getDimensions(self):
+ """Return a 2-tuple of the rows dimension and the columns dimension.
+ :return: 2-tuple of axes numbers (row_dimension, col_dimension)
+ """
+ return self._getRowDim(), self._getColDim()
+ def _clear(self):
+ """Empty the combo-boxes"""
+ self.rowsCB.clear()
+ self.columnsCB.clear()
+ def _getRowDim(self):
+ """Get rows dimension, selected in :attr:`rowsCB`
+ """
+ # rows combobox contains elements "0", ..."n-2",
+ # so the selected dim is always equal to the index
+ return self.rowsCB.currentIndex()
+ def _getColDim(self):
+ """Get columns dimension, selected in :attr:`columnsCB`"""
+ # columns combobox contains elements "row_dim+1", "row_dim+2", ..., "n-1"
+ # so the selected dim is equal to row_dim + 1 + index
+ return self._rowsDim + 1 + self.columnsCB.currentIndex()
+ def _rowDimChanged(self):
+ """Update columns combobox when the rows dimension is changed.
+ Emit :attr:`sigDimensionsChanged`"""
+ old_col_dim = self._getColDim()
+ new_row_dim = self._getRowDim()
+ # clear cols CB
+ self.columnsCB.currentIndexChanged.disconnect(self._colDimChanged)
+ self.columnsCB.clear()
+ # refill cols CB
+ for i in range(new_row_dim + 1, self.n):
+ self.columnsCB.addItem(str(i))
+ # keep previous col dimension if possible
+ new_col_cb_idx = old_col_dim - (new_row_dim + 1)
+ if new_col_cb_idx < 0:
+ # if row_dim is now greater than the previous col_dim,
+ # we select a new col_dim = row_dim + 1 (first element in cols CB)
+ new_col_cb_idx = 0
+ self.columnsCB.setCurrentIndex(new_col_cb_idx)
+ # reconnect slot
+ self.columnsCB.currentIndexChanged.connect(self._colDimChanged)
+ self._rowsDim = new_row_dim
+ self.sigDimensionsChanged.emit(self._getRowDim(), self._getColDim())
+ def _colDimChanged(self):
+ """Emit :attr:`sigDimensionsChanged`"""
+ self.sigDimensionsChanged.emit(self._getRowDim(), self._getColDim())
+def _get_shape(array_like):
+ """Return shape of an array like object.
+ In case the object is a nested sequence (list of lists, tuples...),
+ the size of each dimension is assumed to be uniform, and is deduced from
+ the length of the first sequence.
+ :param array_like: Array like object: numpy array, hdf5 dataset,
+ multi-dimensional sequence
+ :return: Shape of array, as a tuple of integers
+ """
+ if hasattr(array_like, "shape"):
+ return array_like.shape
+ shape = []
+ subsequence = array_like
+ while hasattr(subsequence, "__len__"):
+ shape.append(len(subsequence))
+ subsequence = subsequence[0]
+ return tuple(shape)
+class ArrayTableWidget(qt.QWidget):
+ """This widget is designed to display data of 2D frames (images, slices)
+ in a table view. The widget can load any n-dimensional array, and display
+ any 2-D frame/slice in the array.
+ The index of the dimensions orthogonal to the displayed frame can be set
+ interactively using a browser widget (sliders, buttons and text entries).
+ To set the data, use :meth:`setArrayData`.
+ To select the perspective, use :meth:`setPerspective` or
+ use :meth:`setFrameAxes`.
+ To select the frame, use :meth:`setFrameIndex`.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, parent=None):
+ """
+ :param parent: parent QWidget
+ :param labels: list of labels for each dimension of the array
+ """
+ qt.QWidget.__init__(self, parent)
+ self.mainLayout = qt.QVBoxLayout(self)
+ self.mainLayout.setContentsMargins(0, 0, 0, 0)
+ self.mainLayout.setSpacing(0)
+ self.browserContainer = qt.QWidget(self)
+ self.browserLayout = qt.QGridLayout(self.browserContainer)
+ self.browserLayout.setContentsMargins(0, 0, 0, 0)
+ self.browserLayout.setSpacing(0)
+ self._dimensionLabelsText = []
+ """List of text labels sorted in the increasing order of the dimension
+ they apply to."""
+ self._browserLabels = []
+ """List of QLabel widgets."""
+ self._browserWidgets = []
+ """List of HorizontalSliderWithBrowser widgets."""
+ self.axesSelector = AxesSelector(self)
+ self.view = TableView(self)
+ self.mainLayout.addWidget(self.browserContainer)
+ self.mainLayout.addWidget(self.axesSelector)
+ self.mainLayout.addWidget(self.view)
+ self.model = ArrayTableModel(self)
+ self.view.setModel(self.model)
+ def setArrayData(self, data, labels=None, copy=True, editable=False):
+ """Set the data array. Update frame browsers and labels.
+ :param data: Numpy array or similar object (e.g. nested sequence,
+ h5py dataset...)
+ :param labels: list of labels for each dimension of the array, or
+ boolean ``True`` to use default labels ("dimension 0",
+ "dimension 1", ...). `None` to disable labels (default).
+ :param bool copy: If *True*, store a copy of *data* in the model. If
+ *False*, store a reference to *data* if possible (only possible if
+ *data* is a proper numpy array or an object that implements the
+ same methods).
+ :param bool editable: Flag to enable editing data. Default is *False*
+ """
+ self._data_shape = _get_shape(data)
+ n_widgets = len(self._browserWidgets)
+ n_dimensions = len(self._data_shape)
+ # Reset text of labels
+ self._dimensionLabelsText = []
+ for i in range(n_dimensions):
+ if labels in [True, 1]:
+ label_text = "Dimension %d" % i
+ elif labels is None or i >= len(labels):
+ label_text = ""
+ else:
+ label_text = labels[i]
+ self._dimensionLabelsText.append(label_text)
+ # not enough widgets, create new ones (we need n_dim - 2)
+ for i in range(n_widgets, n_dimensions - 2):
+ browser = HorizontalSliderWithBrowser(self.browserContainer)
+ self.browserLayout.addWidget(browser, i, 1)
+ self._browserWidgets.append(browser)
+ browser.valueChanged.connect(self._browserSlot)
+ browser.setEnabled(False)
+ browser.hide()
+ label = qt.QLabel(self.browserContainer)
+ self._browserLabels.append(label)
+ self.browserLayout.addWidget(label, i, 0)
+ label.hide()
+ n_widgets = len(self._browserWidgets)
+ for i in range(n_widgets):
+ label = self._browserLabels[i]
+ browser = self._browserWidgets[i]
+ if (i + 2) < n_dimensions:
+ label.setText(self._dimensionLabelsText[i])
+ browser.setRange(0, self._data_shape[i] - 1)
+ browser.setEnabled(True)
+ if labels is not None:
+ else:
+ label.hide()
+ else:
+ browser.setEnabled(False)
+ browser.hide()
+ label.hide()
+ # set model
+ self.model.setArrayData(data, copy=copy, editable=editable)
+ # some linux distributions need this call
+ self.view.setModel(self.model)
+ if editable:
+ self.view.enableCut()
+ self.view.enablePaste()
+ # initialize & connect axesSelector
+ self.axesSelector.setNDimensions(n_dimensions)
+ self.axesSelector.sigDimensionsChanged.connect(self.setFrameAxes)
+ def setArrayColors(self, bgcolors=None, fgcolors=None):
+ """Set the colors for all table cells by passing an array
+ of RGB or RGBA values (integers between 0 and 255).
+ The shape of the colors array must be consistent with the data shape.
+ If the data array is n-dimensional, the colors array must be
+ (n+1)-dimensional, with the first n-dimensions identical to the data
+ array dimensions, and the last dimension length-3 (RGB) or
+ length-4 (RGBA).
+ :param bgcolors: RGB or RGBA colors array, defining the background color
+ for each cell in the table.
+ :param fgcolors: RGB or RGBA colors array, defining the foreground color
+ (text color) for each cell in the table.
+ """
+ self.model.setArrayColors(bgcolors, fgcolors)
+ def displayAxesSelector(self, isVisible):
+ """Allow to display or hide the axes selector.
+ :param bool isVisible: True to display the axes selector.
+ """
+ self.axesSelector.setVisible(isVisible)
+ def setFrameIndex(self, index):
+ """Set the active slice/image index in the n-dimensional array.
+ A frame is a 2D array extracted from an array. This frame is
+ necessarily parallel to 2 axes, and orthogonal to all other axes.
+ The index of a frame is a sequence of indices along the orthogonal
+ axes, where the frame intersects the respective axis. The indices
+ are listed in the same order as the corresponding dimensions of the
+ data array.
+ For example, it the data array has 5 dimensions, and we are
+ considering frames whose parallel axes are the 2nd and 4th dimensions
+ of the array, the frame index will be a sequence of length 3
+ corresponding to the indices where the frame intersects the 1st, 3rd
+ and 5th axes.
+ :param index: Sequence of indices defining the active data slice in
+ a n-dimensional array. The sequence length is :math:`n-2`
+ :raise: IndexError if any index in the index sequence is out of bound
+ on its respective axis.
+ """
+ self.model.setFrameIndex(index)
+ def _resetBrowsers(self, perspective):
+ """Adjust limits for browsers based on the perspective and the
+ size of the corresponding dimensions. Reset the index to 0.
+ Update the dimension in the labels.
+ :param perspective: Sequence of axes/dimensions numbers (0-based)
+ defining the axes orthogonal to the frame.
+ """
+ # for 3D arrays we can accept an int rather than a 1-tuple
+ if not hasattr(perspective, "__len__"):
+ perspective = [perspective]
+ # perspective must be sorted
+ perspective = sorted(perspective)
+ n_dimensions = len(self._data_shape)
+ for i in range(n_dimensions - 2):
+ browser = self._browserWidgets[i]
+ label = self._browserLabels[i]
+ browser.setRange(0, self._data_shape[perspective[i]] - 1)
+ browser.setValue(0)
+ label.setText(self._dimensionLabelsText[perspective[i]])
+ def setPerspective(self, perspective):
+ """Set the *perspective* by specifying which axes are orthogonal
+ to the frame.
+ For the opposite approach (defining parallel axes), use
+ :meth:`setFrameAxes` instead.
+ :param perspective: Sequence of unique axes numbers (0-based) defining
+ the orthogonal axes. For a n-dimensional array, the sequence
+ length is :math:`n-2`. The order is of the sequence is not taken
+ into account (the dimensions are displayed in increasing order
+ in the widget).
+ """
+ self.model.setPerspective(perspective)
+ self._resetBrowsers(perspective)
+ def setFrameAxes(self, row_axis, col_axis):
+ """Set the *perspective* by specifying which axes are parallel
+ to the frame.
+ For the opposite approach (defining orthogonal axes), use
+ :meth:`setPerspective` instead.
+ :param int row_axis: Index (0-based) of the first dimension used as a frame
+ axis
+ :param int col_axis: Index (0-based) of the 2nd dimension used as a frame
+ axis
+ """
+ self.model.setFrameAxes(row_axis, col_axis)
+ n_dimensions = len(self._data_shape)
+ perspective = tuple(set(range(0, n_dimensions)) - {row_axis, col_axis})
+ self._resetBrowsers(perspective)
+ def _browserSlot(self, value):
+ index = []
+ for browser in self._browserWidgets:
+ if browser.isEnabled():
+ index.append(browser.value())
+ self.setFrameIndex(index)
+ self.view.reset()
+ def getData(self, copy=True):
+ """Return a copy of the data array, or a reference to it if
+ *copy=False* is passed as parameter.
+ :param bool copy: If *True* (default), return a copy of the data. If
+ *False*, return a reference.
+ :return: Numpy array of data, or reference to original data object
+ if *copy=False*
+ """
+ return self.model.getData(copy=copy)
+def main():
+ import numpy
+ a = qt.QApplication([])
+ d = numpy.random.normal(0, 1, (4, 5, 1000, 1000))
+ for j in range(4):
+ for i in range(5):
+ d[j, i, :, :] += i + 10 * j
+ w = ArrayTableWidget()
+ if "2" in sys.argv:
+ print("sending a single image")
+ w.setArrayData(d[0, 0])
+ elif "3" in sys.argv:
+ print("sending 5 images")
+ w.setArrayData(d[0])
+ else:
+ print("sending 4 * 5 images ")
+ w.setArrayData(d, labels=True)
+ a.exec_()
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+ main()