path: root/silx/gui/plot/
diff options
authorPicca Frédéric-Emmanuel <>2018-03-04 10:20:27 +0100
committerPicca Frédéric-Emmanuel <>2018-03-04 10:20:27 +0100
commit270d5ddc31c26b62379e3caa9044dd75ccc71847 (patch)
tree55c5bfc851dfce7172d335cd2405b214323e3caf /silx/gui/plot/
parente19c96eff0c310c06c4f268c8b80cb33bd08996f (diff)
New upstream version 0.7.0+dfsg
Diffstat (limited to 'silx/gui/plot/')
1 files changed, 362 insertions, 322 deletions
diff --git a/silx/gui/plot/ b/silx/gui/plot/
index 4b10cd6..ccb6866 100644
--- a/silx/gui/plot/
+++ b/silx/gui/plot/
@@ -46,7 +46,7 @@ ROI are defined by :
__authors__ = ["V.A. Sole", "T. Vincent"]
__license__ = "MIT"
-__date__ = "27/06/2017"
+__date__ = "13/11/2017"
from collections import OrderedDict
@@ -57,6 +57,8 @@ import sys
import numpy
from import dictdump
+from silx.utils import deprecation
from .. import icons, qt
@@ -84,10 +86,14 @@ class CurvesROIWidget(qt.QWidget):
- def __init__(self, parent=None, name=None):
+ sigROISignal = qt.Signal(object)
+ def __init__(self, parent=None, name=None, plot=None):
super(CurvesROIWidget, self).__init__(parent)
if name is not None:
+ assert plot is not None
+ self.plot = plot
layout = qt.QVBoxLayout(self)
layout.setContentsMargins(0, 0, 0, 0)
@@ -151,6 +157,19 @@ class CurvesROIWidget(qt.QWidget):
+ self.currentROI = None
+ self._middleROIMarkerFlag = False
+ self._isConnected = False # True if connected to plot signals
+ self._isInit = False
+ def showEvent(self, event):
+ self._visibilityChangedHandler(visible=True)
+ qt.QWidget.showEvent(self, event)
+ def hideEvent(self, event):
+ self._visibilityChangedHandler(visible=False)
+ qt.QWidget.hideEvent(self, event)
def roiFileDir(self):
"""The directory from which to load/save ROI from/to files."""
@@ -214,6 +233,19 @@ class CurvesROIWidget(qt.QWidget):
return OrderedDict([(name, roidict[name]) for name in ordered_roilist])
+ def setMiddleROIMarkerFlag(self, flag=True):
+ """Activate or deactivate middle marker.
+ This allows shifting both min and max limits at once, by dragging
+ a marker located in the middle.
+ :param bool flag: True to activate middle ROI marker
+ """
+ if flag:
+ self._middleROIMarkerFlag = True
+ else:
+ self._middleROIMarkerFlag = False
def _add(self):
"""Add button clicked handler"""
ddict = {}
@@ -365,6 +397,322 @@ class CurvesROIWidget(qt.QWidget):
"""Set the header text of this widget"""
self.headerLabel.setText("<b>%s<\b>" % text)
+ def _roiSignal(self, ddict):
+ """Handle ROI widget signal"""
+ _logger.debug("CurvesROIWidget._roiSignal %s", str(ddict))
+ if ddict['event'] == "AddROI":
+ xmin, xmax = self.plot.getXAxis().getLimits()
+ fromdata = xmin + 0.25 * (xmax - xmin)
+ todata = xmin + 0.75 * (xmax - xmin)
+ self.plot.remove('ROI min', kind='marker')
+ self.plot.remove('ROI max', kind='marker')
+ if self._middleROIMarkerFlag:
+ self.plot.remove('ROI middle', kind='marker')
+ roiList, roiDict = self.roiTable.getROIListAndDict()
+ nrois = len(roiList)
+ if nrois == 0:
+ newroi = "ICR"
+ fromdata, dummy0, todata, dummy1 = self._getAllLimits()
+ draggable = False
+ color = 'black'
+ else:
+ for i in range(nrois):
+ i += 1
+ newroi = "newroi %d" % i
+ if newroi not in roiList:
+ break
+ color = 'blue'
+ draggable = True
+ self.plot.addXMarker(fromdata,
+ legend='ROI min',
+ text='ROI min',
+ color=color,
+ draggable=draggable)
+ self.plot.addXMarker(todata,
+ legend='ROI max',
+ text='ROI max',
+ color=color,
+ draggable=draggable)
+ if draggable and self._middleROIMarkerFlag:
+ pos = 0.5 * (fromdata + todata)
+ self.plot.addXMarker(pos,
+ legend='ROI middle',
+ text="",
+ color='yellow',
+ draggable=draggable)
+ roiList.append(newroi)
+ roiDict[newroi] = {}
+ if newroi == "ICR":
+ roiDict[newroi]['type'] = "Default"
+ else:
+ roiDict[newroi]['type'] = self.plot.getXAxis().getLabel()
+ roiDict[newroi]['from'] = fromdata
+ roiDict[newroi]['to'] = todata
+ self.roiTable.fillFromROIDict(roilist=roiList,
+ roidict=roiDict,
+ currentroi=newroi)
+ self.currentROI = newroi
+ self.calculateRois()
+ elif ddict['event'] in ['DelROI', "ResetROI"]:
+ self.plot.remove('ROI min', kind='marker')
+ self.plot.remove('ROI max', kind='marker')
+ if self._middleROIMarkerFlag:
+ self.plot.remove('ROI middle', kind='marker')
+ roiList, roiDict = self.roiTable.getROIListAndDict()
+ roiDictKeys = list(roiDict.keys())
+ if len(roiDictKeys):
+ currentroi = roiDictKeys[0]
+ else:
+ # create again the ICR
+ ddict = {"event": "AddROI"}
+ return self._roiSignal(ddict)
+ self.roiTable.fillFromROIDict(roilist=roiList,
+ roidict=roiDict,
+ currentroi=currentroi)
+ self.currentROI = currentroi
+ elif ddict['event'] == 'LoadROI':
+ self.calculateRois()
+ elif ddict['event'] == 'selectionChanged':
+ _logger.debug("Selection changed")
+ self.roilist, self.roidict = self.roiTable.getROIListAndDict()
+ fromdata = ddict['roi']['from']
+ todata = ddict['roi']['to']
+ self.plot.remove('ROI min', kind='marker')
+ self.plot.remove('ROI max', kind='marker')
+ if ddict['key'] == 'ICR':
+ draggable = False
+ color = 'black'
+ else:
+ draggable = True
+ color = 'blue'
+ self.plot.addXMarker(fromdata,
+ legend='ROI min',
+ text='ROI min',
+ color=color,
+ draggable=draggable)
+ self.plot.addXMarker(todata,
+ legend='ROI max',
+ text='ROI max',
+ color=color,
+ draggable=draggable)
+ if draggable and self._middleROIMarkerFlag:
+ pos = 0.5 * (fromdata + todata)
+ self.plot.addXMarker(pos,
+ legend='ROI middle',
+ text="",
+ color='yellow',
+ draggable=True)
+ self.currentROI = ddict['key']
+ if ddict['colheader'] in ['From', 'To']:
+ dict0 = {}
+ dict0['event'] = "SetActiveCurveEvent"
+ dict0['legend'] = self.plot.getActiveCurve(just_legend=1)
+ self.plot.setActiveCurve(dict0['legend'])
+ elif ddict['colheader'] == 'Raw Counts':
+ pass
+ elif ddict['colheader'] == 'Net Counts':
+ pass
+ else:
+ self._emitCurrentROISignal()
+ else:
+ _logger.debug("Unknown or ignored event %s", ddict['event'])
+ def _getAllLimits(self):
+ """Retrieve the limits based on the curves."""
+ curves = self.plot.getAllCurves()
+ if not curves:
+ return 1.0, 1.0, 100., 100.
+ xmin, ymin = None, None
+ xmax, ymax = None, None
+ for curve in curves:
+ x = curve.getXData(copy=False)
+ y = curve.getYData(copy=False)
+ if xmin is None:
+ xmin = x.min()
+ else:
+ xmin = min(xmin, x.min())
+ if xmax is None:
+ xmax = x.max()
+ else:
+ xmax = max(xmax, x.max())
+ if ymin is None:
+ ymin = y.min()
+ else:
+ ymin = min(ymin, y.min())
+ if ymax is None:
+ ymax = y.max()
+ else:
+ ymax = max(ymax, y.max())
+ return xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax
+ @deprecation.deprecated(replacement="calculateRois",
+ reason="CamelCase convention")
+ def calculateROIs(self, *args, **kw):
+ self.calculateRois(*args, **kw)
+ def calculateRois(self, roiList=None, roiDict=None):
+ """Compute ROI information"""
+ if roiList is None or roiDict is None:
+ roiList, roiDict = self.roiTable.getROIListAndDict()
+ activeCurve = self.plot.getActiveCurve(just_legend=False)
+ if activeCurve is None:
+ xproc = None
+ yproc = None
+ self.setHeader()
+ else:
+ x = activeCurve.getXData(copy=False)
+ y = activeCurve.getYData(copy=False)
+ legend = activeCurve.getLegend()
+ idx = numpy.argsort(x, kind='mergesort')
+ xproc = numpy.take(x, idx)
+ yproc = numpy.take(y, idx)
+ self.setHeader('ROIs of %s' % legend)
+ for key in roiList:
+ if key == 'ICR':
+ if xproc is not None:
+ roiDict[key]['from'] = xproc.min()
+ roiDict[key]['to'] = xproc.max()
+ else:
+ roiDict[key]['from'] = 0
+ roiDict[key]['to'] = -1
+ fromData = roiDict[key]['from']
+ toData = roiDict[key]['to']
+ if xproc is not None:
+ idx = numpy.nonzero((fromData <= xproc) &
+ (xproc <= toData))[0]
+ if len(idx):
+ xw = xproc[idx]
+ yw = yproc[idx]
+ rawCounts = yw.sum(dtype=numpy.float)
+ deltaX = xw[-1] - xw[0]
+ deltaY = yw[-1] - yw[0]
+ if deltaX > 0.0:
+ slope = (deltaY / deltaX)
+ background = yw[0] + slope * (xw - xw[0])
+ netCounts = (rawCounts -
+ background.sum(dtype=numpy.float))
+ else:
+ netCounts = 0.0
+ else:
+ rawCounts = 0.0
+ netCounts = 0.0
+ roiDict[key]['rawcounts'] = rawCounts
+ roiDict[key]['netcounts'] = netCounts
+ else:
+ roiDict[key].pop('rawcounts', None)
+ roiDict[key].pop('netcounts', None)
+ self.roiTable.fillFromROIDict(
+ roilist=roiList,
+ roidict=roiDict,
+ currentroi=self.currentROI if self.currentROI in roiList else None)
+ def _emitCurrentROISignal(self):
+ ddict = {}
+ ddict['event'] = "currentROISignal"
+ _roiList, roiDict = self.roiTable.getROIListAndDict()
+ if self.currentROI in roiDict:
+ ddict['ROI'] = roiDict[self.currentROI]
+ else:
+ self.currentROI = None
+ ddict['current'] = self.currentROI
+ self.sigROISignal.emit(ddict)
+ def _handleROIMarkerEvent(self, ddict):
+ """Handle plot signals related to marker events."""
+ if ddict['event'] == 'markerMoved':
+ label = ddict['label']
+ if label not in ['ROI min', 'ROI max', 'ROI middle']:
+ return
+ roiList, roiDict = self.roiTable.getROIListAndDict()
+ if self.currentROI is None:
+ return
+ if self.currentROI not in roiDict:
+ return
+ x = ddict['x']
+ if label == 'ROI min':
+ roiDict[self.currentROI]['from'] = x
+ if self._middleROIMarkerFlag:
+ pos = 0.5 * (roiDict[self.currentROI]['to'] +
+ roiDict[self.currentROI]['from'])
+ self.plot.addXMarker(pos,
+ legend='ROI middle',
+ text='',
+ color='yellow',
+ draggable=True)
+ elif label == 'ROI max':
+ roiDict[self.currentROI]['to'] = x
+ if self._middleROIMarkerFlag:
+ pos = 0.5 * (roiDict[self.currentROI]['to'] +
+ roiDict[self.currentROI]['from'])
+ self.plot.addXMarker(pos,
+ legend='ROI middle',
+ text='',
+ color='yellow',
+ draggable=True)
+ elif label == 'ROI middle':
+ delta = x - 0.5 * (roiDict[self.currentROI]['from'] +
+ roiDict[self.currentROI]['to'])
+ roiDict[self.currentROI]['from'] += delta
+ roiDict[self.currentROI]['to'] += delta
+ self.plot.addXMarker(roiDict[self.currentROI]['from'],
+ legend='ROI min',
+ text='ROI min',
+ color='blue',
+ draggable=True)
+ self.plot.addXMarker(roiDict[self.currentROI]['to'],
+ legend='ROI max',
+ text='ROI max',
+ color='blue',
+ draggable=True)
+ else:
+ return
+ self.calculateRois(roiList, roiDict)
+ self._emitCurrentROISignal()
+ def _visibilityChangedHandler(self, visible):
+ """Handle widget's visibility updates.
+ It is connected to plot signals only when visible.
+ """
+ if visible:
+ if not self._isInit:
+ # Deferred ROI widget init finalization
+ self._isInit = True
+ self.sigROIWidgetSignal.connect(self._roiSignal)
+ # initialize with the ICR
+ self._roiSignal({'event': "AddROI"})
+ if not self._isConnected:
+ self.plot.sigPlotSignal.connect(self._handleROIMarkerEvent)
+ self.plot.sigActiveCurveChanged.connect(
+ self._activeCurveChanged)
+ self._isConnected = True
+ self.calculateRois()
+ else:
+ if self._isConnected:
+ self.plot.sigPlotSignal.disconnect(self._handleROIMarkerEvent)
+ self.plot.sigActiveCurveChanged.disconnect(
+ self._activeCurveChanged)
+ self._isConnected = False
+ def _activeCurveChanged(self, *args):
+ """Recompute ROIs when active curve changed."""
+ self.calculateRois()
class ROITable(qt.QTableWidget):
"""Table widget displaying ROI information.
@@ -622,6 +970,9 @@ class CurvesROIDockWidget(qt.QDockWidget):
:param name: See :class:`QDockWidget`
sigROISignal = qt.Signal(object)
+ """Deprecated signal for backward compatibility with silx < 0.7.
+ Prefer connecting directly to :attr:`CurvesRoiWidget.sigRoiSignal`
+ """
def __init__(self, parent=None, plot=None, name=None):
super(CurvesROIDockWidget, self).__init__(name, parent)
@@ -629,25 +980,24 @@ class CurvesROIDockWidget(qt.QDockWidget):
assert plot is not None
self.plot = plot
- self.currentROI = None
- self._middleROIMarkerFlag = False
- self._isConnected = False # True if connected to plot signals
- self._isInit = False
- self.roiWidget = CurvesROIWidget(self, name)
+ self.roiWidget = CurvesROIWidget(self, name, plot=plot)
"""Main widget of type :class:`CurvesROIWidget`"""
# convenience methods to offer a simpler API allowing to ignore
# the details of the underlying implementation
- self.calculateROIs = self.calculateRois
+ self.calculateROIs = self.calculateRois = self.roiWidget.calculateRois
self.setRois = self.roiWidget.setRois
self.getRois = self.roiWidget.getRois
+ self.roiWidget.sigROISignal.connect(self._forwardSigROISignal)
+ self.currentROI = self.roiWidget.currentROI
self.layout().setContentsMargins(0, 0, 0, 0)
- self.visibilityChanged.connect(self._visibilityChangedHandler)
+ def _forwardSigROISignal(self, ddict):
+ # emit deprecated signal for backward compatibility (silx < 0.7)
+ self.sigROISignal.emit(ddict)
def toggleViewAction(self):
"""Returns a checkable action that shows or closes this widget.
@@ -658,320 +1008,10 @@ class CurvesROIDockWidget(qt.QDockWidget):
return action
- def _visibilityChangedHandler(self, visible):
- """Handle widget's visibilty updates.
- It is connected to plot signals only when visible.
- """
- if visible:
- if not self._isInit:
- # Deferred ROI widget init finalization
- self._isInit = True
- self.roiWidget.sigROIWidgetSignal.connect(self._roiSignal)
- # initialize with the ICR
- self._roiSignal({'event': "AddROI"})
- if not self._isConnected:
- self.plot.sigPlotSignal.connect(self._handleROIMarkerEvent)
- self.plot.sigActiveCurveChanged.connect(
- self._activeCurveChanged)
- self._isConnected = True
- self.calculateROIs()
- else:
- if self._isConnected:
- self.plot.sigPlotSignal.disconnect(self._handleROIMarkerEvent)
- self.plot.sigActiveCurveChanged.disconnect(
- self._activeCurveChanged)
- self._isConnected = False
- def _handleROIMarkerEvent(self, ddict):
- """Handle plot signals related to marker events."""
- if ddict['event'] == 'markerMoved':
- label = ddict['label']
- if label not in ['ROI min', 'ROI max', 'ROI middle']:
- return
- roiList, roiDict = self.roiWidget.getROIListAndDict()
- if self.currentROI is None:
- return
- if self.currentROI not in roiDict:
- return
- x = ddict['x']
- if label == 'ROI min':
- roiDict[self.currentROI]['from'] = x
- if self._middleROIMarkerFlag:
- pos = 0.5 * (roiDict[self.currentROI]['to'] +
- roiDict[self.currentROI]['from'])
- self.plot.addXMarker(pos,
- legend='ROI middle',
- text='',
- color='yellow',
- draggable=True)
- elif label == 'ROI max':
- roiDict[self.currentROI]['to'] = x
- if self._middleROIMarkerFlag:
- pos = 0.5 * (roiDict[self.currentROI]['to'] +
- roiDict[self.currentROI]['from'])
- self.plot.addXMarker(pos,
- legend='ROI middle',
- text='',
- color='yellow',
- draggable=True)
- elif label == 'ROI middle':
- delta = x - 0.5 * (roiDict[self.currentROI]['from'] +
- roiDict[self.currentROI]['to'])
- roiDict[self.currentROI]['from'] += delta
- roiDict[self.currentROI]['to'] += delta
- self.plot.addXMarker(roiDict[self.currentROI]['from'],
- legend='ROI min',
- text='ROI min',
- color='blue',
- draggable=True)
- self.plot.addXMarker(roiDict[self.currentROI]['to'],
- legend='ROI max',
- text='ROI max',
- color='blue',
- draggable=True)
- else:
- return
- self.calculateROIs(roiList, roiDict)
- self._emitCurrentROISignal()
- def _roiSignal(self, ddict):
- """Handle ROI widget signal"""
- _logger.debug("PlotWindow._roiSignal %s", str(ddict))
- if ddict['event'] == "AddROI":
- xmin, xmax = self.plot.getXAxis().getLimits()
- fromdata = xmin + 0.25 * (xmax - xmin)
- todata = xmin + 0.75 * (xmax - xmin)
- self.plot.remove('ROI min', kind='marker')
- self.plot.remove('ROI max', kind='marker')
- if self._middleROIMarkerFlag:
- self.remove('ROI middle', kind='marker')
- roiList, roiDict = self.roiWidget.getROIListAndDict()
- nrois = len(roiList)
- if nrois == 0:
- newroi = "ICR"
- fromdata, dummy0, todata, dummy1 = self._getAllLimits()
- draggable = False
- color = 'black'
- else:
- for i in range(nrois):
- i += 1
- newroi = "newroi %d" % i
- if newroi not in roiList:
- break
- color = 'blue'
- draggable = True
- self.plot.addXMarker(fromdata,
- legend='ROI min',
- text='ROI min',
- color=color,
- draggable=draggable)
- self.plot.addXMarker(todata,
- legend='ROI max',
- text='ROI max',
- color=color,
- draggable=draggable)
- if draggable and self._middleROIMarkerFlag:
- pos = 0.5 * (fromdata + todata)
- self.plot.addXMarker(pos,
- legend='ROI middle',
- text="",
- color='yellow',
- draggable=draggable)
- roiList.append(newroi)
- roiDict[newroi] = {}
- if newroi == "ICR":
- roiDict[newroi]['type'] = "Default"
- else:
- roiDict[newroi]['type'] = self.plot.getXAxis().getLabel()
- roiDict[newroi]['from'] = fromdata
- roiDict[newroi]['to'] = todata
- self.roiWidget.fillFromROIDict(roilist=roiList,
- roidict=roiDict,
- currentroi=newroi)
- self.currentROI = newroi
- self.calculateROIs()
- elif ddict['event'] in ['DelROI', "ResetROI"]:
- self.plot.remove('ROI min', kind='marker')
- self.plot.remove('ROI max', kind='marker')
- if self._middleROIMarkerFlag:
- self.plot.remove('ROI middle', kind='marker')
- roiList, roiDict = self.roiWidget.getROIListAndDict()
- roiDictKeys = list(roiDict.keys())
- if len(roiDictKeys):
- currentroi = roiDictKeys[0]
- else:
- # create again the ICR
- ddict = {"event": "AddROI"}
- return self._roiSignal(ddict)
- self.roiWidget.fillFromROIDict(roilist=roiList,
- roidict=roiDict,
- currentroi=currentroi)
- self.currentROI = currentroi
- elif ddict['event'] == 'LoadROI':
- self.calculateROIs()
- elif ddict['event'] == 'selectionChanged':
- _logger.debug("Selection changed")
- self.roilist, self.roidict = self.roiWidget.getROIListAndDict()
- fromdata = ddict['roi']['from']
- todata = ddict['roi']['to']
- self.plot.remove('ROI min', kind='marker')
- self.plot.remove('ROI max', kind='marker')
- if ddict['key'] == 'ICR':
- draggable = False
- color = 'black'
- else:
- draggable = True
- color = 'blue'
- self.plot.addXMarker(fromdata,
- legend='ROI min',
- text='ROI min',
- color=color,
- draggable=draggable)
- self.plot.addXMarker(todata,
- legend='ROI max',
- text='ROI max',
- color=color,
- draggable=draggable)
- if draggable and self._middleROIMarkerFlag:
- pos = 0.5 * (fromdata + todata)
- self.plot.addXMarker(pos,
- legend='ROI middle',
- text="",
- color='yellow',
- draggable=True)
- self.currentROI = ddict['key']
- if ddict['colheader'] in ['From', 'To']:
- dict0 = {}
- dict0['event'] = "SetActiveCurveEvent"
- dict0['legend'] = self.plot.getActiveCurve(just_legend=1)
- self.plot.setActiveCurve(dict0['legend'])
- elif ddict['colheader'] == 'Raw Counts':
- pass
- elif ddict['colheader'] == 'Net Counts':
- pass
- else:
- self._emitCurrentROISignal()
- else:
- _logger.debug("Unknown or ignored event %s", ddict['event'])
- def _activeCurveChanged(self, *args):
- """Recompute ROIs when active curve changed."""
- self.calculateROIs()
- def calculateRois(self, roiList=None, roiDict=None):
- """Compute ROI information"""
- if roiList is None or roiDict is None:
- roiList, roiDict = self.roiWidget.getROIListAndDict()
- activeCurve = self.plot.getActiveCurve(just_legend=False)
- if activeCurve is None:
- xproc = None
- yproc = None
- self.roiWidget.setHeader()
- else:
- x = activeCurve.getXData(copy=False)
- y = activeCurve.getYData(copy=False)
- legend = activeCurve.getLegend()
- idx = numpy.argsort(x, kind='mergesort')
- xproc = numpy.take(x, idx)
- yproc = numpy.take(y, idx)
- self.roiWidget.setHeader('ROIs of %s' % legend)
- for key in roiList:
- if key == 'ICR':
- if xproc is not None:
- roiDict[key]['from'] = xproc.min()
- roiDict[key]['to'] = xproc.max()
- else:
- roiDict[key]['from'] = 0
- roiDict[key]['to'] = -1
- fromData = roiDict[key]['from']
- toData = roiDict[key]['to']
- if xproc is not None:
- idx = numpy.nonzero((fromData <= xproc) &
- (xproc <= toData))[0]
- if len(idx):
- xw = xproc[idx]
- yw = yproc[idx]
- rawCounts = yw.sum(dtype=numpy.float)
- deltaX = xw[-1] - xw[0]
- deltaY = yw[-1] - yw[0]
- if deltaX > 0.0:
- slope = (deltaY / deltaX)
- background = yw[0] + slope * (xw - xw[0])
- netCounts = (rawCounts -
- background.sum(dtype=numpy.float))
- else:
- netCounts = 0.0
- else:
- rawCounts = 0.0
- netCounts = 0.0
- roiDict[key]['rawcounts'] = rawCounts
- roiDict[key]['netcounts'] = netCounts
- else:
- roiDict[key].pop('rawcounts', None)
- roiDict[key].pop('netcounts', None)
- self.roiWidget.fillFromROIDict(
- roilist=roiList,
- roidict=roiDict,
- currentroi=self.currentROI if self.currentROI in roiList else None)
- def _emitCurrentROISignal(self):
- ddict = {}
- ddict['event'] = "currentROISignal"
- _roiList, roiDict = self.roiWidget.getROIListAndDict()
- if self.currentROI in roiDict:
- ddict['ROI'] = roiDict[self.currentROI]
- else:
- self.currentROI = None
- ddict['current'] = self.currentROI
- self.sigROISignal.emit(ddict)
- def _getAllLimits(self):
- """Retrieve the limits based on the curves."""
- curves = self.plot.getAllCurves()
- if not curves:
- return 1.0, 1.0, 100., 100.
- xmin, ymin = None, None
- xmax, ymax = None, None
- for curve in curves:
- x = curve.getXData(copy=False)
- y = curve.getYData(copy=False)
- if xmin is None:
- xmin = x.min()
- else:
- xmin = min(xmin, x.min())
- if xmax is None:
- xmax = x.max()
- else:
- xmax = max(xmax, x.max())
- if ymin is None:
- ymin = y.min()
- else:
- ymin = min(ymin, y.min())
- if ymax is None:
- ymax = y.max()
- else:
- ymax = max(ymax, y.max())
- return xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax
def showEvent(self, event):
"""Make sure this widget is raised when it is shown
(when it is first created as a tab in PlotWindow or when it is shown
again after hiding).
+ qt.QDockWidget.showEvent(self, event)