path: root/silx/gui/plot/
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authorPicca Frédéric-Emmanuel <>2017-08-18 14:48:52 +0200
committerPicca Frédéric-Emmanuel <>2017-08-18 14:48:52 +0200
commitf7bdc2acff3c13a6d632c28c4569690ab106eed7 (patch)
tree9d67cdb7152ee4e711379e03fe0546c7c3b97303 /silx/gui/plot/
Import Upstream version 0.5.0+dfsg
Diffstat (limited to 'silx/gui/plot/')
1 files changed, 975 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/silx/gui/plot/ b/silx/gui/plot/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..13c3de0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/silx/gui/plot/
@@ -0,0 +1,975 @@
+# coding: utf-8
+# /*##########################################################################
+# Copyright (c) 2004-2017 European Synchrotron Radiation Facility
+# Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
+# of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
+# in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
+# to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
+# copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
+# furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
+# The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
+# all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
+# ###########################################################################*/
+"""Widget to handle regions of interest (ROI) on curves displayed in a PlotWindow.
+This widget is meant to work with :class:`PlotWindow`.
+ROI are defined by :
+- A name (`ROI` column)
+- A type. The type is the label of the x axis.
+ This can be used to apply or not some ROI to a curve and do some post processing.
+- The x coordinate of the left limit (`from` column)
+- The x coordinate of the right limit (`to` column)
+- Raw counts: integral of the curve between the
+ min ROI point and the max ROI point to the y = 0 line
+ .. image:: img/rawCounts.png
+- Net counts: the integral of the curve between the
+ min ROI point and the max ROI point to [ROI min point, ROI max point] segment
+ .. image:: img/netCounts.png
+__authors__ = ["V.A. Sole", "T. Vincent"]
+__license__ = "MIT"
+__date__ = "26/04/2017"
+from collections import OrderedDict
+import logging
+import os
+import sys
+import numpy
+from import dictdump
+from .. import icons, qt
+_logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
+class CurvesROIWidget(qt.QWidget):
+ """Widget displaying a table of ROI information.
+ :param parent: See :class:`QWidget`
+ :param str name: The title of this widget
+ """
+ sigROIWidgetSignal = qt.Signal(object)
+ """Signal of ROIs modifications.
+ Modification information if given as a dict with an 'event' key
+ providing the type of events.
+ Type of events:
+ - AddROI, DelROI, LoadROI and ResetROI with keys: 'roilist', 'roidict'
+ - selectionChanged with keys: 'row', 'col' 'roi', 'key', 'colheader',
+ 'rowheader'
+ """
+ def __init__(self, parent=None, name=None):
+ super(CurvesROIWidget, self).__init__(parent)
+ if name is not None:
+ self.setWindowTitle(name)
+ layout = qt.QVBoxLayout(self)
+ layout.setContentsMargins(0, 0, 0, 0)
+ layout.setSpacing(0)
+ ##############
+ self.headerLabel = qt.QLabel(self)
+ self.headerLabel.setAlignment(qt.Qt.AlignHCenter)
+ self.setHeader()
+ layout.addWidget(self.headerLabel)
+ ##############
+ self.roiTable = ROITable(self)
+ rheight = self.roiTable.horizontalHeader().sizeHint().height()
+ self.roiTable.setMinimumHeight(4 * rheight)
+ self.fillFromROIDict = self.roiTable.fillFromROIDict
+ self.getROIListAndDict = self.roiTable.getROIListAndDict
+ layout.addWidget(self.roiTable)
+ self._roiFileDir = qt.QDir.home().absolutePath()
+ #################
+ hbox = qt.QWidget(self)
+ hboxlayout = qt.QHBoxLayout(hbox)
+ hboxlayout.setContentsMargins(0, 0, 0, 0)
+ hboxlayout.setSpacing(0)
+ hboxlayout.addStretch(0)
+ self.addButton = qt.QPushButton(hbox)
+ self.addButton.setText("Add ROI")
+ self.addButton.setToolTip('Create a new ROI')
+ self.delButton = qt.QPushButton(hbox)
+ self.delButton.setText("Delete ROI")
+ self.addButton.setToolTip('Remove the selected ROI')
+ self.resetButton = qt.QPushButton(hbox)
+ self.resetButton.setText("Reset")
+ self.addButton.setToolTip('Clear all created ROIs. We only let the default ROI')
+ hboxlayout.addWidget(self.addButton)
+ hboxlayout.addWidget(self.delButton)
+ hboxlayout.addWidget(self.resetButton)
+ hboxlayout.addStretch(0)
+ self.loadButton = qt.QPushButton(hbox)
+ self.loadButton.setText("Load")
+ self.loadButton.setToolTip('Load ROIs from a .ini file')
+ self.saveButton = qt.QPushButton(hbox)
+ self.saveButton.setText("Save")
+ self.loadButton.setToolTip('Save ROIs to a .ini file')
+ hboxlayout.addWidget(self.loadButton)
+ hboxlayout.addWidget(self.saveButton)
+ layout.setStretchFactor(self.headerLabel, 0)
+ layout.setStretchFactor(self.roiTable, 1)
+ layout.setStretchFactor(hbox, 0)
+ layout.addWidget(hbox)
+ self.addButton.clicked.connect(self._add)
+ self.delButton.clicked.connect(self._del)
+ self.resetButton.clicked.connect(self._reset)
+ self.loadButton.clicked.connect(self._load)
+ self.saveButton.clicked.connect(self._save)
+ self.roiTable.sigROITableSignal.connect(self._forward)
+ @property
+ def roiFileDir(self):
+ """The directory from which to load/save ROI from/to files."""
+ if not os.path.isdir(self._roiFileDir):
+ self._roiFileDir = qt.QDir.home().absolutePath()
+ return self._roiFileDir
+ @roiFileDir.setter
+ def roiFileDir(self, roiFileDir):
+ self._roiFileDir = str(roiFileDir)
+ def setRois(self, roidict, order=None):
+ """Set the ROIs by providing a dictionary of ROI information.
+ The dictionary keys are the ROI names.
+ Each value is a sub-dictionary of ROI info with the following fields:
+ - ``"from"``: x coordinate of the left limit, as a float
+ - ``"to"``: x coordinate of the right limit, as a float
+ - ``"type"``: type of ROI, as a string (e.g "channels", "energy")
+ :param roidict: Dictionary of ROIs
+ :param str order: Field used for ordering the ROIs.
+ One of "from", "to", "type".
+ None (default) for no ordering, or same order as specified
+ in parameter ``roidict`` if provided as an OrderedDict.
+ """
+ if order is None or order.lower() == "none":
+ roilist = list(roidict.keys())
+ else:
+ assert order in ["from", "to", "type"]
+ roilist = sorted(roidict.keys(),
+ key=lambda roi_name: roidict[roi_name].get(order))
+ return self.roiTable.fillFromROIDict(roilist, roidict)
+ def getRois(self, order=None):
+ """Return the currently defined ROIs, as an ordered dict.
+ The dictionary keys are the ROI names.
+ Each value is a sub-dictionary of ROI info with the following fields:
+ - ``"from"``: x coordinate of the left limit, as a float
+ - ``"to"``: x coordinate of the right limit, as a float
+ - ``"type"``: type of ROI, as a string (e.g "channels", "energy")
+ :param order: Field used for ordering the ROIs.
+ One of "from", "to", "type", "netcounts", "rawcounts".
+ None (default) to get the same order as displayed in the widget.
+ :return: Ordered dictionary of ROI information
+ """
+ roilist, roidict = self.roiTable.getROIListAndDict()
+ if order is None or order.lower() == "none":
+ ordered_roilist = roilist
+ else:
+ assert order in ["from", "to", "type", "netcounts", "rawcounts"]
+ ordered_roilist = sorted(roidict.keys(),
+ key=lambda roi_name: roidict[roi_name].get(order))
+ return OrderedDict([(name, roidict[name]) for name in ordered_roilist])
+ def _add(self):
+ """Add button clicked handler"""
+ ddict = {}
+ ddict['event'] = "AddROI"
+ roilist, roidict = self.roiTable.getROIListAndDict()
+ ddict['roilist'] = roilist
+ ddict['roidict'] = roidict
+ self.sigROIWidgetSignal.emit(ddict)
+ def _del(self):
+ """Delete button clicked handler"""
+ row = self.roiTable.currentRow()
+ if row >= 0:
+ index = self.roiTable.labels.index('Type')
+ text = str(self.roiTable.item(row, index).text())
+ if text.upper() != 'DEFAULT':
+ index = self.roiTable.labels.index('ROI')
+ key = str(self.roiTable.item(row, index).text())
+ else:
+ # This is to prevent deleting ICR ROI, that is
+ # usually initialized as "Default" type.
+ return
+ roilist, roidict = self.roiTable.getROIListAndDict()
+ row = roilist.index(key)
+ del roilist[row]
+ del roidict[key]
+ if len(roilist) > 0:
+ currentroi = roilist[0]
+ else:
+ currentroi = None
+ self.roiTable.fillFromROIDict(roilist=roilist,
+ roidict=roidict,
+ currentroi=currentroi)
+ ddict = {}
+ ddict['event'] = "DelROI"
+ ddict['roilist'] = roilist
+ ddict['roidict'] = roidict
+ self.sigROIWidgetSignal.emit(ddict)
+ def _forward(self, ddict):
+ """Broadcast events from ROITable signal"""
+ self.sigROIWidgetSignal.emit(ddict)
+ def _reset(self):
+ """Reset button clicked handler"""
+ ddict = {}
+ ddict['event'] = "ResetROI"
+ roilist0, roidict0 = self.roiTable.getROIListAndDict()
+ index = 0
+ for key in roilist0:
+ if roidict0[key]['type'].upper() == 'DEFAULT':
+ index = roilist0.index(key)
+ break
+ roilist = []
+ roidict = {}
+ if len(roilist0):
+ roilist.append(roilist0[index])
+ roidict[roilist[0]] = {}
+ roidict[roilist[0]].update(roidict0[roilist[0]])
+ self.roiTable.fillFromROIDict(roilist=roilist, roidict=roidict)
+ ddict['roilist'] = roilist
+ ddict['roidict'] = roidict
+ self.sigROIWidgetSignal.emit(ddict)
+ def _load(self):
+ """Load button clicked handler"""
+ dialog = qt.QFileDialog(self)
+ dialog.setNameFilters(
+ ['INI File *.ini', 'JSON File *.json', 'All *.*'])
+ dialog.setFileMode(qt.QFileDialog.ExistingFile)
+ dialog.setDirectory(self.roiFileDir)
+ if not dialog.exec_():
+ dialog.close()
+ return
+ # pyflakes bug
+ outputFile = dialog.selectedFiles()[0]
+ dialog.close()
+ self.roiFileDir = os.path.dirname(outputFile)
+ self.load(outputFile)
+ def load(self, filename):
+ """Load ROI widget information from a file storing a dict of ROI.
+ :param str filename: The file from which to load ROI
+ """
+ rois = dictdump.load(filename)
+ currentROI = None
+ if self.roiTable.rowCount():
+ item = self.roiTable.item(self.roiTable.currentRow(), 0)
+ if item is not None:
+ currentROI = str(item.text())
+ # Remove rawcounts and netcounts from ROIs
+ for roi in rois['ROI']['roidict'].values():
+ roi.pop('rawcounts', None)
+ roi.pop('netcounts', None)
+ self.roiTable.fillFromROIDict(roilist=rois['ROI']['roilist'],
+ roidict=rois['ROI']['roidict'],
+ currentroi=currentROI)
+ roilist, roidict = self.roiTable.getROIListAndDict()
+ event = {'event': 'LoadROI', 'roilist': roilist, 'roidict': roidict}
+ self.sigROIWidgetSignal.emit(event)
+ def _save(self):
+ """Save button clicked handler"""
+ dialog = qt.QFileDialog(self)
+ dialog.setNameFilters(['INI File *.ini', 'JSON File *.json'])
+ dialog.setFileMode(qt.QFileDialog.AnyFile)
+ dialog.setAcceptMode(qt.QFileDialog.AcceptSave)
+ dialog.setDirectory(self.roiFileDir)
+ if not dialog.exec_():
+ dialog.close()
+ return
+ outputFile = dialog.selectedFiles()[0]
+ extension = '.' + dialog.selectedNameFilter().split('.')[-1]
+ dialog.close()
+ if not outputFile.endswith(extension):
+ outputFile += extension
+ if os.path.exists(outputFile):
+ try:
+ os.remove(outputFile)
+ except IOError:
+ msg = qt.QMessageBox(self)
+ msg.setIcon(qt.QMessageBox.Critical)
+ msg.setText("Input Output Error: %s" % (sys.exc_info()[1]))
+ msg.exec_()
+ return
+ self.roiFileDir = os.path.dirname(outputFile)
+ def save(self, filename):
+ """Save current ROIs of the widget as a dict of ROI to a file.
+ :param str filename: The file to which to save the ROIs
+ """
+ roilist, roidict = self.roiTable.getROIListAndDict()
+ datadict = {'ROI': {'roilist': roilist, 'roidict': roidict}}
+ dictdump.dump(datadict, filename)
+ def setHeader(self, text='ROIs'):
+ """Set the header text of this widget"""
+ self.headerLabel.setText("<b>%s<\b>" % text)
+class ROITable(qt.QTableWidget):
+ """Table widget displaying ROI information.
+ See :class:`QTableWidget` for constructor arguments.
+ """
+ sigROITableSignal = qt.Signal(object)
+ """Signal of ROI table modifications.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
+ super(ROITable, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
+ self.setRowCount(1)
+ self.labels = 'ROI', 'Type', 'From', 'To', 'Raw Counts', 'Net Counts'
+ self.setColumnCount(len(self.labels))
+ self.setSortingEnabled(False)
+ for index, label in enumerate(self.labels):
+ item = self.horizontalHeaderItem(index)
+ if item is None:
+ item = qt.QTableWidgetItem(label,
+ qt.QTableWidgetItem.Type)
+ item.setText(label)
+ self.setHorizontalHeaderItem(index, item)
+ self.roidict = {}
+ self.roilist = []
+ self.building = False
+ self.fillFromROIDict(roilist=self.roilist, roidict=self.roidict)
+ self.cellClicked[(int, int)].connect(self._cellClickedSlot)
+ self.cellChanged[(int, int)].connect(self._cellChangedSlot)
+ verticalHeader = self.verticalHeader()
+ verticalHeader.sectionClicked[int].connect(self._rowChangedSlot)
+ self.__setTooltip()
+ def __setTooltip(self):
+ assert(self.labels[0] == 'ROI')
+ self.horizontalHeaderItem(0).setToolTip('Region of interest identifier')
+ assert(self.labels[1] == 'Type')
+ self.horizontalHeaderItem(1).setToolTip('Type of the ROI')
+ assert(self.labels[2] == 'From')
+ self.horizontalHeaderItem(2).setToolTip('X-value of the min point')
+ assert(self.labels[3] == 'To')
+ self.horizontalHeaderItem(3).setToolTip('X-value of the max point')
+ assert(self.labels[4] == 'Raw Counts')
+ self.horizontalHeaderItem(4).setToolTip('Estimation of the integral \
+ between y=0 and the selected curve')
+ assert(self.labels[5] == 'Net Counts')
+ self.horizontalHeaderItem(5).setToolTip('Estimation of the integral \
+ between the segment [maxPt, minPt] and the selected curve')
+ def fillFromROIDict(self, roilist=(), roidict=None, currentroi=None):
+ """Set the ROIs by providing a list of ROI names and a dictionary
+ of ROI information for each ROI.
+ The ROI names must match an existing dictionary key.
+ The name list is used to provide an order for the ROIs.
+ The dictionary's values are sub-dictionaries containing 3
+ mandatory fields:
+ - ``"from"``: x coordinate of the left limit, as a float
+ - ``"to"``: x coordinate of the right limit, as a float
+ - ``"type"``: type of ROI, as a string (e.g "channels", "energy")
+ :param roilist: List of ROI names (keys of roidict)
+ :type roilist: List
+ :param dict roidict: Dict of ROI information
+ :param currentroi: Name of the selected ROI or None (no selection)
+ """
+ if roidict is None:
+ roidict = {}
+ self.building = True
+ line0 = 0
+ self.roilist = []
+ self.roidict = {}
+ for key in roilist:
+ if key in roidict.keys():
+ roi = roidict[key]
+ self.roilist.append(key)
+ self.roidict[key] = {}
+ self.roidict[key].update(roi)
+ line0 = line0 + 1
+ nlines = self.rowCount()
+ if (line0 > nlines):
+ self.setRowCount(line0)
+ line = line0 - 1
+ self.roidict[key]['line'] = line
+ ROI = key
+ roitype = "%s" % roi['type']
+ fromdata = "%6g" % (roi['from'])
+ todata = "%6g" % (roi['to'])
+ if 'rawcounts' in roi:
+ rawcounts = "%6g" % (roi['rawcounts'])
+ else:
+ rawcounts = " ?????? "
+ if 'netcounts' in roi:
+ netcounts = "%6g" % (roi['netcounts'])
+ else:
+ netcounts = " ?????? "
+ fields = [ROI, roitype, fromdata, todata, rawcounts, netcounts]
+ col = 0
+ for field in fields:
+ key2 = self.item(line, col)
+ if key2 is None:
+ key2 = qt.QTableWidgetItem(field,
+ qt.QTableWidgetItem.Type)
+ self.setItem(line, col, key2)
+ else:
+ key2.setText(field)
+ if (ROI.upper() == 'ICR') or (ROI.upper() == 'DEFAULT'):
+ key2.setFlags(qt.Qt.ItemIsSelectable |
+ qt.Qt.ItemIsEnabled)
+ else:
+ if col in [0, 2, 3]:
+ key2.setFlags(qt.Qt.ItemIsSelectable |
+ qt.Qt.ItemIsEnabled |
+ qt.Qt.ItemIsEditable)
+ else:
+ key2.setFlags(qt.Qt.ItemIsSelectable |
+ qt.Qt.ItemIsEnabled)
+ col = col + 1
+ self.setRowCount(line0)
+ i = 0
+ for _label in self.labels:
+ self.resizeColumnToContents(i)
+ i = i + 1
+ self.sortByColumn(2, qt.Qt.AscendingOrder)
+ for i in range(len(self.roilist)):
+ key = str(self.item(i, 0).text())
+ self.roilist[i] = key
+ self.roidict[key]['line'] = i
+ if len(self.roilist) == 1:
+ self.selectRow(0)
+ else:
+ if currentroi in self.roidict.keys():
+ self.selectRow(self.roidict[currentroi]['line'])
+ _logger.debug("Qt4 ensureCellVisible to be implemented")
+ self.building = False
+ def getROIListAndDict(self):
+ """Return the currently defined ROIs, as a 2-tuple
+ ``(roiList, roiDict)``
+ ``roiList`` is a list of ROI names.
+ ``roiDict`` is a dictionary of ROI info.
+ The ROI names must match an existing dictionary key.
+ The name list is used to provide an order for the ROIs.
+ The dictionary's values are sub-dictionaries containing 3
+ fields:
+ - ``"from"``: x coordinate of the left limit, as a float
+ - ``"to"``: x coordinate of the right limit, as a float
+ - ``"type"``: type of ROI, as a string (e.g "channels", "energy")
+ :return: ordered dict as a tuple of (list of ROI names, dict of info)
+ """
+ return self.roilist, self.roidict
+ def _cellClickedSlot(self, *var, **kw):
+ # selection changed event, get the current selection
+ row = self.currentRow()
+ col = self.currentColumn()
+ if row >= 0 and row < len(self.roilist):
+ item = self.item(row, 0)
+ text = '' if item is None else str(item.text())
+ self.roilist[row] = text
+ self._emitSelectionChangedSignal(row, col)
+ def _rowChangedSlot(self, row):
+ self._emitSelectionChangedSignal(row, 0)
+ def _cellChangedSlot(self, row, col):
+ _logger.debug("_cellChangedSlot(%d, %d)", row, col)
+ if self.building:
+ return
+ if col == 0:
+ self.nameSlot(row, col)
+ else:
+ self._valueChanged(row, col)
+ def _valueChanged(self, row, col):
+ if col not in [2, 3]:
+ return
+ item = self.item(row, col)
+ if item is None:
+ return
+ text = str(item.text())
+ try:
+ value = float(text)
+ except:
+ return
+ if row >= len(self.roilist):
+ _logger.debug("deleting???")
+ return
+ item = self.item(row, 0)
+ if item is None:
+ text = ""
+ else:
+ text = str(item.text())
+ if not len(text):
+ return
+ if col == 2:
+ self.roidict[text]['from'] = value
+ elif col == 3:
+ self.roidict[text]['to'] = value
+ self._emitSelectionChangedSignal(row, col)
+ def nameSlot(self, row, col):
+ if col != 0:
+ return
+ if row >= len(self.roilist):
+ _logger.debug("deleting???")
+ return
+ item = self.item(row, col)
+ if item is None:
+ text = ""
+ else:
+ text = str(item.text())
+ if len(text) and (text not in self.roilist):
+ old = self.roilist[row]
+ self.roilist[row] = text
+ self.roidict[text] = {}
+ self.roidict[text].update(self.roidict[old])
+ del self.roidict[old]
+ self._emitSelectionChangedSignal(row, col)
+ def _emitSelectionChangedSignal(self, row, col):
+ ddict = {}
+ ddict['event'] = "selectionChanged"
+ ddict['row'] = row
+ ddict['col'] = col
+ ddict['roi'] = self.roidict[self.roilist[row]]
+ ddict['key'] = self.roilist[row]
+ ddict['colheader'] = self.labels[col]
+ ddict['rowheader'] = "%d" % row
+ self.sigROITableSignal.emit(ddict)
+class CurvesROIDockWidget(qt.QDockWidget):
+ """QDockWidget with a :class:`CurvesROIWidget` connected to a PlotWindow.
+ It makes the link between the :class:`CurvesROIWidget` and the PlotWindow.
+ :param parent: See :class:`QDockWidget`
+ :param plot: :class:`.PlotWindow` instance on which to operate
+ :param name: See :class:`QDockWidget`
+ """
+ sigROISignal = qt.Signal(object)
+ def __init__(self, parent=None, plot=None, name=None):
+ super(CurvesROIDockWidget, self).__init__(name, parent)
+ assert plot is not None
+ self.plot = plot
+ self.currentROI = None
+ self._middleROIMarkerFlag = False
+ self._isConnected = False # True if connected to plot signals
+ self._isInit = False
+ self.roiWidget = CurvesROIWidget(self, name)
+ """Main widget of type :class:`CurvesROIWidget`"""
+ # convenience methods to offer a simpler API allowing to ignore
+ # the details of the underlying implementation
+ self.calculateROIs = self.calculateRois
+ self.setRois = self.roiWidget.setRois
+ self.getRois = self.roiWidget.getRois
+ self.layout().setContentsMargins(0, 0, 0, 0)
+ self.setWidget(self.roiWidget)
+ self.visibilityChanged.connect(self._visibilityChangedHandler)
+ def toggleViewAction(self):
+ """Returns a checkable action that shows or closes this widget.
+ See :class:`QMainWindow`.
+ """
+ action = super(CurvesROIDockWidget, self).toggleViewAction()
+ action.setIcon(icons.getQIcon('plot-roi'))
+ return action
+ def _visibilityChangedHandler(self, visible):
+ """Handle widget's visibilty updates.
+ It is connected to plot signals only when visible.
+ """
+ if visible:
+ if not self._isInit:
+ # Deferred ROI widget init finalization
+ self._isInit = True
+ self.roiWidget.sigROIWidgetSignal.connect(self._roiSignal)
+ # initialize with the ICR
+ self._roiSignal({'event': "AddROI"})
+ if not self._isConnected:
+ self.plot.sigPlotSignal.connect(self._handleROIMarkerEvent)
+ self.plot.sigActiveCurveChanged.connect(
+ self._activeCurveChanged)
+ self._isConnected = True
+ self.calculateROIs()
+ else:
+ if self._isConnected:
+ self.plot.sigPlotSignal.disconnect(self._handleROIMarkerEvent)
+ self.plot.sigActiveCurveChanged.disconnect(
+ self._activeCurveChanged)
+ self._isConnected = False
+ def _handleROIMarkerEvent(self, ddict):
+ """Handle plot signals related to marker events."""
+ if ddict['event'] == 'markerMoved':
+ label = ddict['label']
+ if label not in ['ROI min', 'ROI max', 'ROI middle']:
+ return
+ roiList, roiDict = self.roiWidget.getROIListAndDict()
+ if self.currentROI is None:
+ return
+ if self.currentROI not in roiDict:
+ return
+ x = ddict['x']
+ if label == 'ROI min':
+ roiDict[self.currentROI]['from'] = x
+ if self._middleROIMarkerFlag:
+ pos = 0.5 * (roiDict[self.currentROI]['to'] +
+ roiDict[self.currentROI]['from'])
+ self.plot.addXMarker(pos,
+ legend='ROI middle',
+ text='',
+ color='yellow',
+ draggable=True)
+ elif label == 'ROI max':
+ roiDict[self.currentROI]['to'] = x
+ if self._middleROIMarkerFlag:
+ pos = 0.5 * (roiDict[self.currentROI]['to'] +
+ roiDict[self.currentROI]['from'])
+ self.plot.addXMarker(pos,
+ legend='ROI middle',
+ text='',
+ color='yellow',
+ draggable=True)
+ elif label == 'ROI middle':
+ delta = x - 0.5 * (roiDict[self.currentROI]['from'] +
+ roiDict[self.currentROI]['to'])
+ roiDict[self.currentROI]['from'] += delta
+ roiDict[self.currentROI]['to'] += delta
+ self.plot.addXMarker(roiDict[self.currentROI]['from'],
+ legend='ROI min',
+ text='ROI min',
+ color='blue',
+ draggable=True)
+ self.plot.addXMarker(roiDict[self.currentROI]['to'],
+ legend='ROI max',
+ text='ROI max',
+ color='blue',
+ draggable=True)
+ else:
+ return
+ self.calculateROIs(roiList, roiDict)
+ self._emitCurrentROISignal()
+ def _roiSignal(self, ddict):
+ """Handle ROI widget signal"""
+ _logger.debug("PlotWindow._roiSignal %s", str(ddict))
+ if ddict['event'] == "AddROI":
+ xmin, xmax = self.plot.getGraphXLimits()
+ fromdata = xmin + 0.25 * (xmax - xmin)
+ todata = xmin + 0.75 * (xmax - xmin)
+ self.plot.remove('ROI min', kind='marker')
+ self.plot.remove('ROI max', kind='marker')
+ if self._middleROIMarkerFlag:
+ self.remove('ROI middle', kind='marker')
+ roiList, roiDict = self.roiWidget.getROIListAndDict()
+ nrois = len(roiList)
+ if nrois == 0:
+ newroi = "ICR"
+ fromdata, dummy0, todata, dummy1 = self._getAllLimits()
+ draggable = False
+ color = 'black'
+ else:
+ for i in range(nrois):
+ i += 1
+ newroi = "newroi %d" % i
+ if newroi not in roiList:
+ break
+ color = 'blue'
+ draggable = True
+ self.plot.addXMarker(fromdata,
+ legend='ROI min',
+ text='ROI min',
+ color=color,
+ draggable=draggable)
+ self.plot.addXMarker(todata,
+ legend='ROI max',
+ text='ROI max',
+ color=color,
+ draggable=draggable)
+ if draggable and self._middleROIMarkerFlag:
+ pos = 0.5 * (fromdata + todata)
+ self.plot.addXMarker(pos,
+ legend='ROI middle',
+ text="",
+ color='yellow',
+ draggable=draggable)
+ roiList.append(newroi)
+ roiDict[newroi] = {}
+ if newroi == "ICR":
+ roiDict[newroi]['type'] = "Default"
+ else:
+ roiDict[newroi]['type'] = self.plot.getGraphXLabel()
+ roiDict[newroi]['from'] = fromdata
+ roiDict[newroi]['to'] = todata
+ self.roiWidget.fillFromROIDict(roilist=roiList,
+ roidict=roiDict,
+ currentroi=newroi)
+ self.currentROI = newroi
+ self.calculateROIs()
+ elif ddict['event'] in ['DelROI', "ResetROI"]:
+ self.plot.remove('ROI min', kind='marker')
+ self.plot.remove('ROI max', kind='marker')
+ if self._middleROIMarkerFlag:
+ self.plot.remove('ROI middle', kind='marker')
+ roiList, roiDict = self.roiWidget.getROIListAndDict()
+ roiDictKeys = list(roiDict.keys())
+ if len(roiDictKeys):
+ currentroi = roiDictKeys[0]
+ else:
+ # create again the ICR
+ ddict = {"event": "AddROI"}
+ return self._roiSignal(ddict)
+ self.roiWidget.fillFromROIDict(roilist=roiList,
+ roidict=roiDict,
+ currentroi=currentroi)
+ self.currentROI = currentroi
+ elif ddict['event'] == 'LoadROI':
+ self.calculateROIs()
+ elif ddict['event'] == 'selectionChanged':
+ _logger.debug("Selection changed")
+ self.roilist, self.roidict = self.roiWidget.getROIListAndDict()
+ fromdata = ddict['roi']['from']
+ todata = ddict['roi']['to']
+ self.plot.remove('ROI min', kind='marker')
+ self.plot.remove('ROI max', kind='marker')
+ if ddict['key'] == 'ICR':
+ draggable = False
+ color = 'black'
+ else:
+ draggable = True
+ color = 'blue'
+ self.plot.addXMarker(fromdata,
+ legend='ROI min',
+ text='ROI min',
+ color=color,
+ draggable=draggable)
+ self.plot.addXMarker(todata,
+ legend='ROI max',
+ text='ROI max',
+ color=color,
+ draggable=draggable)
+ if draggable and self._middleROIMarkerFlag:
+ pos = 0.5 * (fromdata + todata)
+ self.plot.addXMarker(pos,
+ legend='ROI middle',
+ text="",
+ color='yellow',
+ draggable=True)
+ self.currentROI = ddict['key']
+ if ddict['colheader'] in ['From', 'To']:
+ dict0 = {}
+ dict0['event'] = "SetActiveCurveEvent"
+ dict0['legend'] = self.plot.getActiveCurve(just_legend=1)
+ self.plot.setActiveCurve(dict0['legend'])
+ elif ddict['colheader'] == 'Raw Counts':
+ pass
+ elif ddict['colheader'] == 'Net Counts':
+ pass
+ else:
+ self._emitCurrentROISignal()
+ else:
+ _logger.debug("Unknown or ignored event %s", ddict['event'])
+ def _activeCurveChanged(self, *args):
+ """Recompute ROIs when active curve changed."""
+ self.calculateROIs()
+ def calculateRois(self, roiList=None, roiDict=None):
+ """Compute ROI information"""
+ if roiList is None or roiDict is None:
+ roiList, roiDict = self.roiWidget.getROIListAndDict()
+ activeCurve = self.plot.getActiveCurve(just_legend=False)
+ if activeCurve is None:
+ xproc = None
+ yproc = None
+ self.roiWidget.setHeader()
+ else:
+ x = activeCurve.getXData(copy=False)
+ y = activeCurve.getYData(copy=False)
+ legend = activeCurve.getLegend()
+ idx = numpy.argsort(x, kind='mergesort')
+ xproc = numpy.take(x, idx)
+ yproc = numpy.take(y, idx)
+ self.roiWidget.setHeader('ROIs of %s' % legend)
+ for key in roiList:
+ if key == 'ICR':
+ if xproc is not None:
+ roiDict[key]['from'] = xproc.min()
+ roiDict[key]['to'] = xproc.max()
+ else:
+ roiDict[key]['from'] = 0
+ roiDict[key]['to'] = -1
+ fromData = roiDict[key]['from']
+ toData = roiDict[key]['to']
+ if xproc is not None:
+ idx = numpy.nonzero((fromData <= xproc) &
+ (xproc <= toData))[0]
+ if len(idx):
+ xw = xproc[idx]
+ yw = yproc[idx]
+ rawCounts = yw.sum(dtype=numpy.float)
+ deltaX = xw[-1] - xw[0]
+ deltaY = yw[-1] - yw[0]
+ if deltaX > 0.0:
+ slope = (deltaY / deltaX)
+ background = yw[0] + slope * (xw - xw[0])
+ netCounts = (rawCounts -
+ background.sum(dtype=numpy.float))
+ else:
+ netCounts = 0.0
+ else:
+ rawCounts = 0.0
+ netCounts = 0.0
+ roiDict[key]['rawcounts'] = rawCounts
+ roiDict[key]['netcounts'] = netCounts
+ else:
+ roiDict[key].pop('rawcounts', None)
+ roiDict[key].pop('netcounts', None)
+ self.roiWidget.fillFromROIDict(
+ roilist=roiList,
+ roidict=roiDict,
+ currentroi=self.currentROI if self.currentROI in roiList else None)
+ def _emitCurrentROISignal(self):
+ ddict = {}
+ ddict['event'] = "currentROISignal"
+ _roiList, roiDict = self.roiWidget.getROIListAndDict()
+ if self.currentROI in roiDict:
+ ddict['ROI'] = roiDict[self.currentROI]
+ else:
+ self.currentROI = None
+ ddict['current'] = self.currentROI
+ self.sigROISignal.emit(ddict)
+ def _getAllLimits(self):
+ """Retrieve the limits based on the curves."""
+ curves = self.plot.getAllCurves()
+ if not curves:
+ return 1.0, 1.0, 100., 100.
+ xmin, ymin = None, None
+ xmax, ymax = None, None
+ for curve in curves:
+ x = curve.getXData(copy=False)
+ y = curve.getYData(copy=False)
+ if xmin is None:
+ xmin = x.min()
+ else:
+ xmin = min(xmin, x.min())
+ if xmax is None:
+ xmax = x.max()
+ else:
+ xmax = max(xmax, x.max())
+ if ymin is None:
+ ymin = y.min()
+ else:
+ ymin = min(ymin, y.min())
+ if ymax is None:
+ ymax = y.max()
+ else:
+ ymax = max(ymax, y.max())
+ return xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax
+ def showEvent(self, event):
+ """Make sure this widget is raised when it is shown
+ (when it is first created as a tab in PlotWindow or when it is shown
+ again after hiding).
+ """
+ self.raise_()