path: root/silx/gui/plot/
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authorPicca Frédéric-Emmanuel <>2017-08-18 14:48:52 +0200
committerPicca Frédéric-Emmanuel <>2017-08-18 14:48:52 +0200
commitf7bdc2acff3c13a6d632c28c4569690ab106eed7 (patch)
tree9d67cdb7152ee4e711379e03fe0546c7c3b97303 /silx/gui/plot/
Import Upstream version 0.5.0+dfsg
Diffstat (limited to 'silx/gui/plot/')
1 files changed, 860 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/silx/gui/plot/ b/silx/gui/plot/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..780215e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/silx/gui/plot/
@@ -0,0 +1,860 @@
+# coding: utf-8
+# /*##########################################################################
+# Copyright (c) 2015-2017 European Synchrotron Radiation Facility
+# Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
+# of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
+# in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
+# to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
+# copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
+# furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
+# The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
+# all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
+# ###########################################################################*/
+"""QWidget displaying a 2D image with histograms on its sides.
+The :class:`ImageView` implements this widget, and
+:class:`ImageViewMainWindow` provides a main window with additional toolbar
+and status bar.
+Basic usage of :class:`ImageView` is through the following methods:
+- :meth:`ImageView.getColormap`, :meth:`ImageView.setColormap` to update the
+ default colormap to use and update the currently displayed image.
+- :meth:`ImageView.setImage` to update the displayed image.
+The :class:`ImageView` uses :class:`PlotWindow` and also
+exposes :class:`silx.gui.plot.Plot` API for further control
+(plot title, axes labels, adding other images, ...).
+For an example of use, see the implementation of :class:`ImageViewMainWindow`,
+and `example/`.
+from __future__ import division
+__authors__ = ["T. Vincent"]
+__license__ = "MIT"
+__date__ = "13/10/2016"
+import logging
+import numpy
+from .. import qt
+from . import items, PlotWindow, PlotWidget, PlotActions
+from .Colors import cursorColorForColormap
+from .PlotTools import LimitsToolBar
+from .Profile import ProfileToolBar
+_logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
+# RadarView ###################################################################
+class RadarView(qt.QGraphicsView):
+ """Widget presenting a synthetic view of a 2D area and
+ the current visible area.
+ Coordinates are as in QGraphicsView:
+ x goes from left to right and y goes from top to bottom.
+ This widget preserves the aspect ratio of the areas.
+ The 2D area and the visible area can be set with :meth:`setDataRect`
+ and :meth:`setVisibleRect`.
+ When the visible area has been dragged by the user, its new position
+ is signaled by the *visibleRectDragged* signal.
+ It is possible to invert the direction of the axes by using the
+ :meth:`scale` method of QGraphicsView.
+ """
+ visibleRectDragged = qt.Signal(float, float, float, float)
+ """Signals that the visible rectangle has been dragged.
+ It provides: left, top, width, height in data coordinates.
+ """
+ _DATA_PEN = qt.QPen(qt.QColor('white'))
+ _DATA_BRUSH = qt.QBrush(qt.QColor('light gray'))
+ _VISIBLE_PEN = qt.QPen(qt.QColor('red'))
+ _VISIBLE_PEN.setWidth(2)
+ _VISIBLE_PEN.setCosmetic(True)
+ _VISIBLE_BRUSH = qt.QBrush(qt.QColor(0, 0, 0, 0))
+ _TOOLTIP = 'Radar View:\nRed contour: Visible area\nGray area: The image'
+ _PIXMAP_SIZE = 256
+ class _DraggableRectItem(qt.QGraphicsRectItem):
+ """RectItem which signals its change through visibleRectDragged."""
+ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
+ super(RadarView._DraggableRectItem, self).__init__(
+ *args, **kwargs)
+ self._previousCursor = None
+ self.setFlag(qt.QGraphicsItem.ItemIsMovable)
+ self.setFlag(qt.QGraphicsItem.ItemSendsGeometryChanges)
+ self.setAcceptHoverEvents(True)
+ self._ignoreChange = False
+ self._constraint = 0, 0, 0, 0
+ def setConstraintRect(self, left, top, width, height):
+ """Set the constraint rectangle for dragging.
+ The coordinates are in the _DraggableRectItem coordinate system.
+ This constraint only applies to modification through interaction
+ (i.e., this constraint is not applied to change through API).
+ If the _DraggableRectItem is smaller than the constraint rectangle,
+ the _DraggableRectItem remains within the constraint rectangle.
+ If the _DraggableRectItem is wider than the constraint rectangle,
+ the constraint rectangle remains within the _DraggableRectItem.
+ """
+ self._constraint = left, left + width, top, top + height
+ def setPos(self, *args, **kwargs):
+ """Overridden to ignore changes from API in itemChange."""
+ self._ignoreChange = True
+ super(RadarView._DraggableRectItem, self).setPos(*args, **kwargs)
+ self._ignoreChange = False
+ def moveBy(self, *args, **kwargs):
+ """Overridden to ignore changes from API in itemChange."""
+ self._ignoreChange = True
+ super(RadarView._DraggableRectItem, self).moveBy(*args, **kwargs)
+ self._ignoreChange = False
+ def itemChange(self, change, value):
+ """Callback called before applying changes to the item."""
+ if (change == qt.QGraphicsItem.ItemPositionChange and
+ not self._ignoreChange):
+ # Makes sure that the visible area is in the data
+ # or that data is in the visible area if area is too wide
+ x, y = value.x(), value.y()
+ xMin, xMax, yMin, yMax = self._constraint
+ if self.rect().width() <= (xMax - xMin):
+ if x < xMin:
+ value.setX(xMin)
+ elif x > xMax - self.rect().width():
+ value.setX(xMax - self.rect().width())
+ else:
+ if x > xMin:
+ value.setX(xMin)
+ elif x < xMax - self.rect().width():
+ value.setX(xMax - self.rect().width())
+ if self.rect().height() <= (yMax - yMin):
+ if y < yMin:
+ value.setY(yMin)
+ elif y > yMax - self.rect().height():
+ value.setY(yMax - self.rect().height())
+ else:
+ if y > yMin:
+ value.setY(yMin)
+ elif y < yMax - self.rect().height():
+ value.setY(yMax - self.rect().height())
+ if self.pos() != value:
+ # Notify change through signal
+ views = self.scene().views()
+ assert len(views) == 1
+ views[0].visibleRectDragged.emit(
+ value.x() + self.rect().left(),
+ value.y() + self.rect().top(),
+ self.rect().width(),
+ self.rect().height())
+ return value
+ return super(RadarView._DraggableRectItem, self).itemChange(
+ change, value)
+ def hoverEnterEvent(self, event):
+ """Called when the mouse enters the rectangle area"""
+ self._previousCursor = self.cursor()
+ self.setCursor(qt.Qt.OpenHandCursor)
+ def hoverLeaveEvent(self, event):
+ """Called when the mouse leaves the rectangle area"""
+ if self._previousCursor is not None:
+ self.setCursor(self._previousCursor)
+ self._previousCursor = None
+ def __init__(self, parent=None):
+ self._scene = qt.QGraphicsScene()
+ self._dataRect = self._scene.addRect(0, 0, 1, 1,
+ self._DATA_PEN,
+ self._DATA_BRUSH)
+ self._visibleRect = self._DraggableRectItem(0, 0, 1, 1)
+ self._visibleRect.setPen(self._VISIBLE_PEN)
+ self._visibleRect.setBrush(self._VISIBLE_BRUSH)
+ self._scene.addItem(self._visibleRect)
+ super(RadarView, self).__init__(self._scene, parent)
+ self.setHorizontalScrollBarPolicy(qt.Qt.ScrollBarAlwaysOff)
+ self.setVerticalScrollBarPolicy(qt.Qt.ScrollBarAlwaysOff)
+ self.setFocusPolicy(qt.Qt.NoFocus)
+ self.setStyleSheet('border: 0px')
+ self.setToolTip(self._TOOLTIP)
+ def sizeHint(self):
+ # """Overridden to avoid sizeHint to depend on content size."""
+ return self.minimumSizeHint()
+ def wheelEvent(self, event):
+ # """Overridden to disable vertical scrolling with wheel."""
+ event.ignore()
+ def resizeEvent(self, event):
+ # """Overridden to fit current content to new size."""
+ self.fitInView(self._scene.itemsBoundingRect(), qt.Qt.KeepAspectRatio)
+ super(RadarView, self).resizeEvent(event)
+ def setDataRect(self, left, top, width, height):
+ """Set the bounds of the data rectangular area.
+ This sets the coordinate system.
+ """
+ self._dataRect.setRect(left, top, width, height)
+ self._visibleRect.setConstraintRect(left, top, width, height)
+ self.fitInView(self._scene.itemsBoundingRect(), qt.Qt.KeepAspectRatio)
+ def setVisibleRect(self, left, top, width, height):
+ """Set the visible rectangular area.
+ The coordinates are relative to the data rect.
+ """
+ self._visibleRect.setRect(0, 0, width, height)
+ self._visibleRect.setPos(left, top)
+ self.fitInView(self._scene.itemsBoundingRect(), qt.Qt.KeepAspectRatio)
+# ImageView ###################################################################
+class ImageView(PlotWindow):
+ """Display a single image with horizontal and vertical histograms.
+ Use :meth:`setImage` to control the displayed image.
+ This class also provides the :class:`silx.gui.plot.Plot` API.
+ :param parent: The parent of this widget or None.
+ :param backend: The backend to use for the plot (default: matplotlib).
+ See :class:`.Plot` for the list of supported backend.
+ :type backend: str or :class:`BackendBase.BackendBase`
+ """
+ """Color to use for the side histograms."""
+ """Height in pixels of the side histograms."""
+ """Minimum size in pixels of the image area."""
+ # Qt signals
+ valueChanged = qt.Signal(float, float, float)
+ """Signals that the data value under the cursor has changed.
+ It provides: row, column, data value.
+ When the cursor is over an histogram, either row or column is Nan
+ and the provided data value is the histogram value
+ (i.e., the sum along the corresponding row/column).
+ Row and columns are either Nan or integer values.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, parent=None, backend=None):
+ self._imageLegend = '__ImageView__image' + str(id(self))
+ self._cache = None # Store currently visible data information
+ self._updatingLimits = False
+ super(ImageView, self).__init__(parent=parent, backend=backend,
+ resetzoom=True, autoScale=False,
+ logScale=False, grid=False,
+ curveStyle=False, colormap=True,
+ aspectRatio=True, yInverted=True,
+ copy=True, save=True, print_=True,
+ control=False, position=False,
+ roi=False, mask=True)
+ if parent is None:
+ self.setWindowTitle('ImageView')
+ self._initWidgets(backend)
+ self.profile = ProfileToolBar(plot=self)
+ """"Profile tools attached to this plot.
+ See :class:`silx.gui.plot.PlotTools.ProfileToolBar`
+ """
+ self.addToolBar(self.profile)
+ # Sync PlotBackend and ImageView
+ self._updateYAxisInverted()
+ def _initWidgets(self, backend):
+ """Set-up layout and plots."""
+ # Monkey-patch for histogram size
+ # alternative: create a layout that does not use widget size hints
+ def sizeHint():
+ self._histoHPlot = PlotWidget(backend=backend)
+ self._histoHPlot.setInteractiveMode('zoom')
+ self._histoHPlot.setCallback(self._histoHPlotCB)
+ self._histoHPlot.getWidgetHandle().sizeHint = sizeHint
+ self._histoHPlot.getWidgetHandle().minimumSizeHint = sizeHint
+ self.setPanWithArrowKeys(True)
+ self.setInteractiveMode('zoom') # Color set in setColormap
+ self.sigPlotSignal.connect(self._imagePlotCB)
+ self.sigSetYAxisInverted.connect(self._updateYAxisInverted)
+ self.sigActiveImageChanged.connect(self._activeImageChangedSlot)
+ self._histoVPlot = PlotWidget(backend=backend)
+ self._histoVPlot.setInteractiveMode('zoom')
+ self._histoVPlot.setCallback(self._histoVPlotCB)
+ self._histoVPlot.getWidgetHandle().sizeHint = sizeHint
+ self._histoVPlot.getWidgetHandle().minimumSizeHint = sizeHint
+ self._radarView = RadarView()
+ self._radarView.visibleRectDragged.connect(self._radarViewCB)
+ self._layout = qt.QGridLayout()
+ self._layout.addWidget(self.getWidgetHandle(), 0, 0)
+ self._layout.addWidget(self._histoVPlot.getWidgetHandle(), 0, 1)
+ self._layout.addWidget(self._histoHPlot.getWidgetHandle(), 1, 0)
+ self._layout.addWidget(self._radarView, 1, 1)
+ self._layout.setColumnMinimumWidth(0, self.IMAGE_MIN_SIZE)
+ self._layout.setColumnStretch(0, 1)
+ self._layout.setColumnMinimumWidth(1, self.HISTOGRAMS_HEIGHT)
+ self._layout.setColumnStretch(1, 0)
+ self._layout.setRowMinimumHeight(0, self.IMAGE_MIN_SIZE)
+ self._layout.setRowStretch(0, 1)
+ self._layout.setRowMinimumHeight(1, self.HISTOGRAMS_HEIGHT)
+ self._layout.setRowStretch(1, 0)
+ self._layout.setSpacing(0)
+ self._layout.setContentsMargins(0, 0, 0, 0)
+ centralWidget = qt.QWidget()
+ centralWidget.setLayout(self._layout)
+ self.setCentralWidget(centralWidget)
+ def _dirtyCache(self):
+ self._cache = None
+ def _updateHistograms(self):
+ """Update histograms content using current active image."""
+ activeImage = self.getActiveImage()
+ if activeImage is not None:
+ wasUpdatingLimits = self._updatingLimits
+ self._updatingLimits = True
+ data = activeImage.getData(copy=False)
+ origin = activeImage.getOrigin()
+ scale = activeImage.getScale()
+ height, width = data.shape
+ xMin, xMax = self.getGraphXLimits()
+ yMin, yMax = self.getGraphYLimits()
+ # Convert plot area limits to image coordinates
+ # and work in image coordinates (i.e., in pixels)
+ xMin = int((xMin - origin[0]) / scale[0])
+ xMax = int((xMax - origin[0]) / scale[0])
+ yMin = int((yMin - origin[1]) / scale[1])
+ yMax = int((yMax - origin[1]) / scale[1])
+ if (xMin < width and xMax >= 0 and
+ yMin < height and yMax >= 0):
+ # The image is at least partly in the plot area
+ # Get the visible bounds in image coords (i.e., in pixels)
+ subsetXMin = 0 if xMin < 0 else xMin
+ subsetXMax = (width if xMax >= width else xMax) + 1
+ subsetYMin = 0 if yMin < 0 else yMin
+ subsetYMax = (height if yMax >= height else yMax) + 1
+ if (self._cache is None or
+ subsetXMin != self._cache['dataXMin'] or
+ subsetXMax != self._cache['dataXMax'] or
+ subsetYMin != self._cache['dataYMin'] or
+ subsetYMax != self._cache['dataYMax']):
+ # The visible area of data has changed, update histograms
+ # Rebuild histograms for visible area
+ visibleData = data[subsetYMin:subsetYMax,
+ subsetXMin:subsetXMax]
+ histoHVisibleData = numpy.sum(visibleData, axis=0)
+ histoVVisibleData = numpy.sum(visibleData, axis=1)
+ self._cache = {
+ 'dataXMin': subsetXMin,
+ 'dataXMax': subsetXMax,
+ 'dataYMin': subsetYMin,
+ 'dataYMax': subsetYMax,
+ 'histoH': histoHVisibleData,
+ 'histoHMin': numpy.min(histoHVisibleData),
+ 'histoHMax': numpy.max(histoHVisibleData),
+ 'histoV': histoVVisibleData,
+ 'histoVMin': numpy.min(histoVVisibleData),
+ 'histoVMax': numpy.max(histoVVisibleData)
+ }
+ # Convert to histogram curve and update plots
+ # Taking into account origin and scale
+ coords = numpy.arange(2 * histoHVisibleData.size)
+ xCoords = (coords + 1) // 2 + subsetXMin
+ xCoords = origin[0] + scale[0] * xCoords
+ xData = numpy.take(histoHVisibleData, coords // 2)
+ self._histoHPlot.addCurve(xCoords, xData,
+ xlabel='', ylabel='',
+ replace=False,
+ color=self.HISTOGRAMS_COLOR,
+ linestyle='-',
+ selectable=False)
+ vMin = self._cache['histoHMin']
+ vMax = self._cache['histoHMax']
+ vOffset = 0.1 * (vMax - vMin)
+ if vOffset == 0.:
+ vOffset = 1.
+ self._histoHPlot.setGraphYLimits(vMin - vOffset,
+ vMax + vOffset)
+ coords = numpy.arange(2 * histoVVisibleData.size)
+ yCoords = (coords + 1) // 2 + subsetYMin
+ yCoords = origin[1] + scale[1] * yCoords
+ yData = numpy.take(histoVVisibleData, coords // 2)
+ self._histoVPlot.addCurve(yData, yCoords,
+ xlabel='', ylabel='',
+ replace=False,
+ color=self.HISTOGRAMS_COLOR,
+ linestyle='-',
+ selectable=False)
+ vMin = self._cache['histoVMin']
+ vMax = self._cache['histoVMax']
+ vOffset = 0.1 * (vMax - vMin)
+ if vOffset == 0.:
+ vOffset = 1.
+ self._histoVPlot.setGraphXLimits(vMin - vOffset,
+ vMax + vOffset)
+ else:
+ self._dirtyCache()
+ self._histoHPlot.remove(kind='curve')
+ self._histoVPlot.remove(kind='curve')
+ self._updatingLimits = wasUpdatingLimits
+ def _updateRadarView(self):
+ """Update radar view visible area.
+ Takes care of y coordinate conversion.
+ """
+ xMin, xMax = self.getGraphXLimits()
+ yMin, yMax = self.getGraphYLimits()
+ self._radarView.setVisibleRect(xMin, yMin, xMax - xMin, yMax - yMin)
+ # Plots event listeners
+ def _imagePlotCB(self, eventDict):
+ """Callback for imageView plot events."""
+ if eventDict['event'] == 'mouseMoved':
+ activeImage = self.getActiveImage()
+ if activeImage is not None:
+ data = activeImage.getData(copy=False)
+ height, width = data.shape
+ # Get corresponding coordinate in image
+ origin = activeImage.getOrigin()
+ scale = activeImage.getScale()
+ if (eventDict['x'] >= origin[0] and
+ eventDict['y'] >= origin[1]):
+ x = int((eventDict['x'] - origin[0]) / scale[0])
+ y = int((eventDict['y'] - origin[1]) / scale[1])
+ if x >= 0 and x < width and y >= 0 and y < height:
+ self.valueChanged.emit(float(x), float(y),
+ data[y][x])
+ elif eventDict['event'] == 'limitsChanged':
+ # Do not handle histograms limitsChanged while
+ # updating their limits from here.
+ self._updatingLimits = True
+ # Refresh histograms
+ self._updateHistograms()
+ # could use eventDict['xdata'], eventDict['ydata'] instead
+ xMin, xMax = self.getGraphXLimits()
+ yMin, yMax = self.getGraphYLimits()
+ # Set horizontal histo limits
+ self._histoHPlot.setGraphXLimits(xMin, xMax)
+ # Set vertical histo limits
+ self._histoVPlot.setGraphYLimits(yMin, yMax)
+ self._updateRadarView()
+ self._updatingLimits = False
+ def _histoHPlotCB(self, eventDict):
+ """Callback for horizontal histogram plot events."""
+ if eventDict['event'] == 'mouseMoved':
+ if self._cache is not None:
+ activeImage = self.getActiveImage()
+ if activeImage is not None:
+ xOrigin = activeImage.getOrigin()[0]
+ xScale = activeImage.getScale()[0]
+ minValue = xOrigin + xScale * self._cache['dataXMin']
+ if eventDict['x'] >= minValue:
+ data = self._cache['histoH']
+ column = int((eventDict['x'] - minValue) / xScale)
+ if column >= 0 and column < data.shape[0]:
+ self.valueChanged.emit(
+ float('nan'),
+ float(column + self._cache['dataXMin']),
+ data[column])
+ elif eventDict['event'] == 'limitsChanged':
+ if (not self._updatingLimits and
+ eventDict['xdata'] != self.getGraphXLimits()):
+ xMin, xMax = eventDict['xdata']
+ self.setGraphXLimits(xMin, xMax)
+ def _histoVPlotCB(self, eventDict):
+ """Callback for vertical histogram plot events."""
+ if eventDict['event'] == 'mouseMoved':
+ if self._cache is not None:
+ activeImage = self.getActiveImage()
+ if activeImage is not None:
+ yOrigin = activeImage.getOrigin()[1]
+ yScale = activeImage.getScale()[1]
+ minValue = yOrigin + yScale * self._cache['dataYMin']
+ if eventDict['y'] >= minValue:
+ data = self._cache['histoV']
+ row = int((eventDict['y'] - minValue) / yScale)
+ if row >= 0 and row < data.shape[0]:
+ self.valueChanged.emit(
+ float(row + self._cache['dataYMin']),
+ float('nan'),
+ data[row])
+ elif eventDict['event'] == 'limitsChanged':
+ if (not self._updatingLimits and
+ eventDict['ydata'] != self.getGraphYLimits()):
+ yMin, yMax = eventDict['ydata']
+ self.setGraphYLimits(yMin, yMax)
+ def _radarViewCB(self, left, top, width, height):
+ """Slot for radar view visible rectangle changes."""
+ if not self._updatingLimits:
+ # Takes care of Y axis conversion
+ self.setLimits(left, left + width, top, top + height)
+ def _updateYAxisInverted(self, inverted=None):
+ """Sync image, vertical histogram and radar view axis orientation."""
+ if inverted is None:
+ # Do not perform this when called from plot signal
+ inverted = self.isYAxisInverted()
+ self._histoVPlot.setYAxisInverted(inverted)
+ # Use scale to invert radarView
+ # RadarView default Y direction is from top to bottom
+ # As opposed to Plot. So invert RadarView when Plot is NOT inverted.
+ self._radarView.resetTransform()
+ if not inverted:
+ self._radarView.scale(1., -1.)
+ self._updateRadarView()
+ self._radarView.update()
+ def _activeImageChangedSlot(self, previous, legend):
+ """Handle Plot active image change.
+ Resets side histograms cache
+ """
+ self._dirtyCache()
+ self._updateHistograms()
+ def getHistogram(self, axis):
+ """Return the histogram and corresponding row or column extent.
+ The returned value when an histogram is available is a dict with keys:
+ - 'data': numpy array of the histogram values.
+ - 'extent': (start, end) row or column index.
+ end index is not included in the histogram.
+ :param str axis: 'x' for horizontal, 'y' for vertical
+ :return: The histogram and its extent as a dict or None.
+ :rtype: dict
+ """
+ assert axis in ('x', 'y')
+ if self._cache is None:
+ return None
+ else:
+ if axis == 'x':
+ return dict(
+ data=numpy.array(self._cache['histoH'], copy=True),
+ extent=(self._cache['dataXMin'], self._cache['dataXMax']))
+ else:
+ return dict(
+ data=numpy.array(self._cache['histoV'], copy=True),
+ extent=(self._cache['dataYMin'], self._cache['dataYMax']))
+ def radarView(self):
+ """Get the lower right radarView widget."""
+ return self._radarView
+ def setRadarView(self, radarView):
+ """Change the lower right radarView widget.
+ :param RadarView radarView: Widget subclassing RadarView to replace
+ the lower right corner widget.
+ """
+ self._radarView.visibleRectDragged.disconnect(self._radarViewCB)
+ self._radarView = radarView
+ self._radarView.visibleRectDragged.connect(self._radarViewCB)
+ self._layout.addWidget(self._radarView, 1, 1)
+ self._updateYAxisInverted()
+ # High-level API
+ def getColormap(self):
+ """Get the default colormap description.
+ :return: A description of the current colormap.
+ See :meth:`setColormap` for details.
+ :rtype: dict
+ """
+ return self.getDefaultColormap()
+ def setColormap(self, colormap=None, normalization=None,
+ autoscale=None, vmin=None, vmax=None, colors=None):
+ """Set the default colormap and update active image.
+ Parameters that are not provided are taken from the current colormap.
+ The colormap parameter can also be a dict with the following keys:
+ - *name*: string. The colormap to use:
+ 'gray', 'reversed gray', 'temperature', 'red', 'green', 'blue'.
+ - *normalization*: string. The mapping to use for the colormap:
+ either 'linear' or 'log'.
+ - *autoscale*: bool. Whether to use autoscale (True)
+ or range provided by keys 'vmin' and 'vmax' (False).
+ - *vmin*: float. The minimum value of the range to use if 'autoscale'
+ is False.
+ - *vmax*: float. The maximum value of the range to use if 'autoscale'
+ is False.
+ - *colors*: optional. Nx3 or Nx4 array of float in [0, 1] or uint8.
+ List of RGB or RGBA colors to use (only if name is None)
+ :param colormap: Name of the colormap in
+ 'gray', 'reversed gray', 'temperature', 'red', 'green', 'blue'.
+ Or the description of the colormap as a dict.
+ :type colormap: dict or str.
+ :param str normalization: Colormap mapping: 'linear' or 'log'.
+ :param bool autoscale: Whether to use autoscale (True)
+ or [vmin, vmax] range (False).
+ :param float vmin: The minimum value of the range to use if
+ 'autoscale' is False.
+ :param float vmax: The maximum value of the range to use if
+ 'autoscale' is False.
+ :param numpy.ndarray colors: Only used if name is None.
+ Custom colormap colors as Nx3 or Nx4 RGB or RGBA arrays
+ """
+ cmapDict = self.getDefaultColormap()
+ if isinstance(colormap, dict):
+ # Support colormap parameter as a dict
+ assert normalization is None
+ assert autoscale is None
+ assert vmin is None
+ assert vmax is None
+ assert colors is None
+ for key, value in colormap.items():
+ cmapDict[key] = value
+ else:
+ if colormap is not None:
+ cmapDict['name'] = colormap
+ if normalization is not None:
+ cmapDict['normalization'] = normalization
+ if autoscale is not None:
+ cmapDict['autoscale'] = autoscale
+ if vmin is not None:
+ cmapDict['vmin'] = vmin
+ if vmax is not None:
+ cmapDict['vmax'] = vmax
+ if colors is not None:
+ cmapDict['colors'] = colors
+ cursorColor = cursorColorForColormap(cmapDict['name'])
+ self.setInteractiveMode('zoom', color=cursorColor)
+ self.setDefaultColormap(cmapDict)
+ # Update active image colormap
+ activeImage = self.getActiveImage()
+ if isinstance(activeImage, items.ColormapMixIn):
+ activeImage.setColormap(self.getColormap())
+ def setImage(self, image, origin=(0, 0), scale=(1., 1.),
+ copy=True, reset=True):
+ """Set the image to display.
+ :param image: A 2D array representing the image or None to empty plot.
+ :type image: numpy.ndarray-like with 2 dimensions or None.
+ :param origin: The (x, y) position of the origin of the image.
+ Default: (0, 0).
+ The origin is the lower left corner of the image when
+ the Y axis is not inverted.
+ :type origin: Tuple of 2 floats: (origin x, origin y).
+ :param scale: The scale factor to apply to the image on X and Y axes.
+ Default: (1, 1).
+ It is the size of a pixel in the coordinates of the axes.
+ Scales must be positive numbers.
+ :type scale: Tuple of 2 floats: (scale x, scale y).
+ :param bool copy: Whether to copy image data (default) or not.
+ :param bool reset: Whether to reset zoom and ROI (default) or not.
+ """
+ self._dirtyCache()
+ assert len(origin) == 2
+ assert len(scale) == 2
+ assert scale[0] > 0
+ assert scale[1] > 0
+ if image is None:
+ self.remove(self._imageLegend, kind='image')
+ return
+ data = numpy.array(image, order='C', copy=copy)
+ assert data.size != 0
+ assert len(data.shape) == 2
+ height, width = data.shape
+ self.addImage(data,
+ legend=self._imageLegend,
+ origin=origin, scale=scale,
+ colormap=self.getColormap(),
+ replace=False)
+ self.setActiveImage(self._imageLegend)
+ self._updateHistograms()
+ self._radarView.setDataRect(origin[0],
+ origin[1],
+ width * scale[0],
+ height * scale[1])
+ if reset:
+ self.resetZoom()
+# ImageViewMainWindow #########################################################
+class ImageViewMainWindow(ImageView):
+ """:class:`ImageView` with additional toolbars
+ Adds extra toolbar and a status bar to :class:`ImageView`.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, parent=None, backend=None):
+ self._dataInfo = None
+ super(ImageViewMainWindow, self).__init__(parent, backend)
+ self.setWindowFlags(qt.Qt.Window)
+ self.setGraphXLabel('X')
+ self.setGraphYLabel('Y')
+ self.setGraphTitle('Image')
+ # Add toolbars and status bar
+ self.addToolBar(qt.Qt.BottomToolBarArea, LimitsToolBar(plot=self))
+ self.statusBar()
+ menu = self.menuBar().addMenu('File')
+ menu.addAction(self.saveAction)
+ menu.addAction(self.printAction)
+ menu.addSeparator()
+ action = menu.addAction('Quit')
+ action.triggered[bool].connect(qt.QApplication.instance().quit)
+ menu = self.menuBar().addMenu('Edit')
+ menu.addAction(self.copyAction)
+ menu.addSeparator()
+ menu.addAction(self.resetZoomAction)
+ menu.addAction(self.colormapAction)
+ menu.addAction(PlotActions.KeepAspectRatioAction(self, self))
+ menu.addAction(PlotActions.YAxisInvertedAction(self, self))
+ menu = self.menuBar().addMenu('Profile')
+ menu.addAction(self.profile.browseAction)
+ menu.addAction(self.profile.hLineAction)
+ menu.addAction(self.profile.vLineAction)
+ menu.addAction(self.profile.lineAction)
+ menu.addAction(self.profile.clearAction)
+ # Connect to ImageView's signal
+ self.valueChanged.connect(self._statusBarSlot)
+ def _statusBarSlot(self, row, column, value):
+ """Update status bar with coordinates/value from plots."""
+ if numpy.isnan(row):
+ msg = 'Column: %d, Sum: %g' % (int(column), value)
+ elif numpy.isnan(column):
+ msg = 'Row: %d, Sum: %g' % (int(row), value)
+ else:
+ msg = 'Position: (%d, %d), Value: %g' % (int(row), int(column),
+ value)
+ if self._dataInfo is not None:
+ msg = self._dataInfo + ', ' + msg
+ self.statusBar().showMessage(msg)
+ def setImage(self, image, *args, **kwargs):
+ """Set the displayed image.
+ See :meth:`ImageView.setImage` for details.
+ """
+ if hasattr(image, 'dtype') and hasattr(image, 'shape'):
+ assert len(image.shape) == 2
+ height, width = image.shape
+ self._dataInfo = 'Data: %dx%d (%s)' % (width, height,
+ str(image.dtype))
+ self.statusBar().showMessage(self._dataInfo)
+ else:
+ self._dataInfo = None
+ # Set the new image in ImageView widget
+ super(ImageViewMainWindow, self).setImage(image, *args, **kwargs)
+ self.setStatusBar(None)