path: root/silx/gui/plot/items/
diff options
authorPicca Frédéric-Emmanuel <>2018-07-31 16:22:25 +0200
committerPicca Frédéric-Emmanuel <>2018-07-31 16:22:25 +0200
commit159ef14fb9e198bb0066ea14e6b980f065de63dd (patch)
treebc37c7d4ba09ee59deb708897fa0571709aec293 /silx/gui/plot/items/
parent270d5ddc31c26b62379e3caa9044dd75ccc71847 (diff)
New upstream version 0.8.0+dfsg
Diffstat (limited to 'silx/gui/plot/items/')
1 files changed, 1416 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/silx/gui/plot/items/ b/silx/gui/plot/items/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f55ef91
--- /dev/null
+++ b/silx/gui/plot/items/
@@ -0,0 +1,1416 @@
+# coding: utf-8
+# /*##########################################################################
+# Copyright (c) 2018 European Synchrotron Radiation Facility
+# Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
+# of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
+# in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
+# to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
+# copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
+# furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
+# The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
+# all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
+# ###########################################################################*/
+"""This module provides ROI item for the :class:`~silx.gui.plot.PlotWidget`.
+__authors__ = ["T. Vincent"]
+__license__ = "MIT"
+__date__ = "28/06/2018"
+import functools
+import itertools
+import logging
+import collections
+import numpy
+from ....utils.weakref import WeakList
+from ... import qt
+from .. import items
+from ...colors import rgba
+logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
+class RegionOfInterest(qt.QObject):
+ """Object describing a region of interest in a plot.
+ :param QObject parent:
+ The RegionOfInterestManager that created this object
+ """
+ _kind = None
+ """Label for this kind of ROI.
+ Should be setted by inherited classes to custom the ROI manager widget.
+ """
+ sigRegionChanged = qt.Signal()
+ """Signal emitted everytime the shape or position of the ROI changes"""
+ def __init__(self, parent=None):
+ # Avoid circular dependancy
+ from import roi as roi_tools
+ assert parent is None or isinstance(parent, roi_tools.RegionOfInterestManager)
+ super(RegionOfInterest, self).__init__(parent)
+ self._color = rgba('red')
+ self._items = WeakList()
+ self._editAnchors = WeakList()
+ self._points = None
+ self._label = ''
+ self._labelItem = None
+ self._editable = False
+ def __del__(self):
+ # Clean-up plot items
+ self._removePlotItems()
+ def setParent(self, parent):
+ """Set the parent of the RegionOfInterest
+ :param Union[None,RegionOfInterestManager] parent:
+ """
+ # Avoid circular dependancy
+ from import roi as roi_tools
+ if (parent is not None and not isinstance(parent, roi_tools.RegionOfInterestManager)):
+ raise ValueError('Unsupported parent')
+ self._removePlotItems()
+ super(RegionOfInterest, self).setParent(parent)
+ self._createPlotItems()
+ @classmethod
+ def _getKind(cls):
+ """Return an human readable kind of ROI
+ :rtype: str
+ """
+ return cls._kind
+ def getColor(self):
+ """Returns the color of this ROI
+ :rtype: QColor
+ """
+ return qt.QColor.fromRgbF(*self._color)
+ def _getAnchorColor(self, color):
+ """Returns the anchor color from the base ROI color
+ :param Union[numpy.array,Tuple,List]: color
+ :rtype: Union[numpy.array,Tuple,List]
+ """
+ return color[:3] + (0.5,)
+ def setColor(self, color):
+ """Set the color used for this ROI.
+ :param color: The color to use for ROI shape as
+ either a color name, a QColor, a list of uint8 or float in [0, 1].
+ """
+ color = rgba(color)
+ if color != self._color:
+ self._color = color
+ # Update color of shape items in the plot
+ rgbaColor = rgba(color)
+ for item in list(self._items):
+ if isinstance(item, items.ColorMixIn):
+ item.setColor(rgbaColor)
+ item = self._getLabelItem()
+ if isinstance(item, items.ColorMixIn):
+ item.setColor(rgbaColor)
+ rgbaColor = self._getAnchorColor(rgbaColor)
+ for item in list(self._editAnchors):
+ if isinstance(item, items.ColorMixIn):
+ item.setColor(rgbaColor)
+ def getLabel(self):
+ """Returns the label displayed for this ROI.
+ :rtype: str
+ """
+ return self._label
+ def setLabel(self, label):
+ """Set the label displayed with this ROI.
+ :param str label: The text label to display
+ """
+ label = str(label)
+ if label != self._label:
+ self._label = label
+ self._updateLabelItem(label)
+ def isEditable(self):
+ """Returns whether the ROI is editable by the user or not.
+ :rtype: bool
+ """
+ return self._editable
+ def setEditable(self, editable):
+ """Set whether the ROI can be changed interactively.
+ :param bool editable: True to allow edition by the user,
+ False to disable.
+ """
+ editable = bool(editable)
+ if self._editable != editable:
+ self._editable = editable
+ # Recreate plot items
+ # This can be avoided once marker.setDraggable is public
+ self._createPlotItems()
+ def _getControlPoints(self):
+ """Returns the current ROI control points.
+ It returns an empty tuple if there is currently no ROI.
+ :return: Array of (x, y) position in plot coordinates
+ :rtype: numpy.ndarray
+ """
+ return None if self._points is None else numpy.array(self._points)
+ @classmethod
+ def showFirstInteractionShape(cls):
+ """Returns True if the shape created by the first interaction and
+ managed by the plot have to be visible.
+ :rtype: bool
+ """
+ return True
+ @classmethod
+ def getFirstInteractionShape(cls):
+ """Returns the shape kind which will be used by the very first
+ interaction with the plot.
+ This interactions are hardcoded inside the plot
+ :rtype: str
+ """
+ return cls._plotShape
+ def setFirstShapePoints(self, points):
+ """"Initialize the ROI using the points from the first interaction.
+ This interaction is constains by the plot API and only supports few
+ shapes.
+ """
+ points = self._createControlPointsFromFirstShape(points)
+ self._setControlPoints(points)
+ def _createControlPointsFromFirstShape(self, points):
+ """Returns the list of control points from the very first shape
+ provided.
+ This shape is provided by the plot interaction and constained by the
+ class of the ROI itself.
+ """
+ return points
+ def _setControlPoints(self, points):
+ """Set this ROI control points.
+ :param points: Iterable of (x, y) control points
+ """
+ points = numpy.array(points)
+ nbPointsChanged = (self._points is None or
+ points.shape != self._points.shape)
+ if nbPointsChanged or not numpy.all(numpy.equal(points, self._points)):
+ self._points = points
+ self._updateShape()
+ if self._items and not nbPointsChanged: # Update plot items
+ item = self._getLabelItem()
+ if item is not None:
+ markerPos = self._getLabelPosition()
+ item.setPosition(*markerPos)
+ if self._editAnchors: # Update anchors
+ for anchor, point in zip(self._editAnchors, points):
+ old = anchor.blockSignals(True)
+ anchor.setPosition(*point)
+ anchor.blockSignals(old)
+ else: # No items or new point added
+ # re-create plot items
+ self._createPlotItems()
+ self.sigRegionChanged.emit()
+ def _updateShape(self):
+ """Called when shape must be updated.
+ Must be reimplemented if a shape item have to be updated.
+ """
+ return
+ def _getLabelPosition(self):
+ """Compute position of the label
+ :return: (x, y) position of the marker
+ """
+ return None
+ def _createPlotItems(self):
+ """Create items displaying the ROI in the plot.
+ It first removes any existing plot items.
+ """
+ roiManager = self.parent()
+ if roiManager is None:
+ return
+ plot = roiManager.parent()
+ self._removePlotItems()
+ legendPrefix = "__RegionOfInterest-%d__" % id(self)
+ itemIndex = 0
+ controlPoints = self._getControlPoints()
+ if self._labelItem is None:
+ self._labelItem = self._createLabelItem()
+ if self._labelItem is not None:
+ self._labelItem._setLegend(legendPrefix + "label")
+ plot._add(self._labelItem)
+ self._items = WeakList()
+ plotItems = self._createShapeItems(controlPoints)
+ for item in plotItems:
+ item._setLegend(legendPrefix + str(itemIndex))
+ plot._add(item)
+ self._items.append(item)
+ itemIndex += 1
+ self._editAnchors = WeakList()
+ if self.isEditable():
+ plotItems = self._createAnchorItems(controlPoints)
+ color = rgba(self.getColor())
+ color = self._getAnchorColor(color)
+ for index, item in enumerate(plotItems):
+ item._setLegend(legendPrefix + str(itemIndex))
+ item.setColor(color)
+ plot._add(item)
+ item.sigItemChanged.connect(functools.partial(
+ self._controlPointAnchorChanged, index))
+ self._editAnchors.append(item)
+ itemIndex += 1
+ def _updateLabelItem(self, label):
+ """Update the marker displaying the label.
+ Inherite this method to custom the way the ROI display the label.
+ :param str label: The new label to use
+ """
+ item = self._getLabelItem()
+ if item is not None:
+ item.setText(label)
+ def _createLabelItem(self):
+ """Returns a created marker which will be used to dipslay the label of
+ this ROI.
+ Inherite this method to return nothing if no new items have to be
+ created, or your own marker.
+ :rtype: Union[None,Marker]
+ """
+ # Add label marker
+ markerPos = self._getLabelPosition()
+ marker = items.Marker()
+ marker.setPosition(*markerPos)
+ marker.setText(self.getLabel())
+ marker.setColor(rgba(self.getColor()))
+ marker.setSymbol('')
+ marker._setDraggable(False)
+ return marker
+ def _getLabelItem(self):
+ """Returns the marker displaying the label of this ROI.
+ Inherite this method to choose your own item. In case this item is also
+ a control point.
+ """
+ return self._labelItem
+ def _createShapeItems(self, points):
+ """Create shape items from the current control points.
+ :rtype: List[PlotItem]
+ """
+ return []
+ def _createAnchorItems(self, points):
+ """Create anchor items from the current control points.
+ :rtype: List[Marker]
+ """
+ return []
+ def _controlPointAnchorChanged(self, index, event):
+ """Handle update of position of an edition anchor
+ :param int index: Index of the anchor
+ :param ItemChangedType event: Event type
+ """
+ if event == items.ItemChangedType.POSITION:
+ anchor = self._editAnchors[index]
+ previous = self._points[index].copy()
+ current = anchor.getPosition()
+ self._controlPointAnchorPositionChanged(index, current, previous)
+ def _controlPointAnchorPositionChanged(self, index, current, previous):
+ """Called when an anchor is manually edited.
+ This function have to be inherited to change the behaviours of the
+ control points. This function have to call :meth:`_getControlPoints` to
+ reach the previous state of the control points. Updated the positions
+ of the changed control points. Then call :meth:`_setControlPoints` to
+ update the anchors and send signals.
+ """
+ points = self._getControlPoints()
+ points[index] = current
+ self._setControlPoints(points)
+ def _removePlotItems(self):
+ """Remove items from their plot."""
+ for item in itertools.chain(list(self._items),
+ list(self._editAnchors)):
+ plot = item.getPlot()
+ if plot is not None:
+ plot._remove(item)
+ self._items = WeakList()
+ self._editAnchors = WeakList()
+ if self._labelItem is not None:
+ item = self._labelItem
+ plot = item.getPlot()
+ if plot is not None:
+ plot._remove(item)
+ self._labelItem = None
+ def __str__(self):
+ """Returns parameters of the ROI as a string."""
+ points = self._getControlPoints()
+ params = '; '.join('(%f; %f)' % (pt[0], pt[1]) for pt in points)
+ return "%s(%s)" % (self.__class__.__name__, params)
+class PointROI(RegionOfInterest):
+ """A ROI identifying a point in a 2D plot."""
+ _kind = "Point"
+ """Label for this kind of ROI"""
+ _plotShape = "point"
+ """Plot shape which is used for the first interaction"""
+ def getPosition(self):
+ """Returns the position of this ROI
+ :rtype: numpy.ndarray
+ """
+ return self._points[0].copy()
+ def setPosition(self, pos):
+ """Set the position of this ROI
+ :param numpy.ndarray pos: 2d-coordinate of this point
+ """
+ controlPoints = numpy.array([pos])
+ self._setControlPoints(controlPoints)
+ def _createLabelItem(self):
+ return None
+ def _updateLabelItem(self, label):
+ if self.isEditable():
+ item = self._editAnchors[0]
+ else:
+ item = self._items[0]
+ item.setText(label)
+ def _createShapeItems(self, points):
+ if self.isEditable():
+ return []
+ marker = items.Marker()
+ marker.setPosition(points[0][0], points[0][1])
+ marker.setText(self.getLabel())
+ marker.setColor(rgba(self.getColor()))
+ marker._setDraggable(False)
+ return [marker]
+ def _createAnchorItems(self, points):
+ marker = items.Marker()
+ marker.setPosition(points[0][0], points[0][1])
+ marker.setText(self.getLabel())
+ marker._setDraggable(self.isEditable())
+ return [marker]
+ def __str__(self):
+ points = self._getControlPoints()
+ params = '%f %f' % (points[0, 0], points[0, 1])
+ return "%s(%s)" % (self.__class__.__name__, params)
+class LineROI(RegionOfInterest):
+ """A ROI identifying a line in a 2D plot.
+ This ROI provides 1 anchor for each boundary of the line, plus an center
+ in the center to translate the full ROI.
+ """
+ _kind = "Line"
+ """Label for this kind of ROI"""
+ _plotShape = "line"
+ """Plot shape which is used for the first interaction"""
+ def _createControlPointsFromFirstShape(self, points):
+ center = numpy.mean(points, axis=0)
+ controlPoints = numpy.array([points[0], points[1], center])
+ return controlPoints
+ def setEndPoints(self, startPoint, endPoint):
+ """Set this line location using the endding points
+ :param numpy.ndarray startPoint: Staring bounding point of the line
+ :param numpy.ndarray endPoint: Endding bounding point of the line
+ """
+ assert(startPoint.shape == (2,) and endPoint.shape == (2,))
+ shapePoints = numpy.array([startPoint, endPoint])
+ controlPoints = self._createControlPointsFromFirstShape(shapePoints)
+ self._setControlPoints(controlPoints)
+ def getEndPoints(self):
+ """Returns bounding points of this ROI.
+ :rtype: Tuple(numpy.ndarray,numpy.ndarray)
+ """
+ startPoint = self._points[0].copy()
+ endPoint = self._points[1].copy()
+ return (startPoint, endPoint)
+ def _getLabelPosition(self):
+ points = self._getControlPoints()
+ return points[-1]
+ def _updateShape(self):
+ if len(self._items) == 0:
+ return
+ shape = self._items[0]
+ points = self._getControlPoints()
+ points = self._getShapeFromControlPoints(points)
+ shape.setPoints(points)
+ def _getShapeFromControlPoints(self, points):
+ # Remove the center from the control points
+ return points[0:2]
+ def _createShapeItems(self, points):
+ shapePoints = self._getShapeFromControlPoints(points)
+ item = items.Shape("polylines")
+ item.setPoints(shapePoints)
+ item.setColor(rgba(self.getColor()))
+ item.setFill(False)
+ item.setOverlay(True)
+ return [item]
+ def _createAnchorItems(self, points):
+ anchors = []
+ for point in points[0:-1]:
+ anchor = items.Marker()
+ anchor.setPosition(*point)
+ anchor.setText('')
+ anchor.setSymbol('s')
+ anchor._setDraggable(True)
+ anchors.append(anchor)
+ # Add an anchor to the center of the rectangle
+ center = numpy.mean(points, axis=0)
+ anchor = items.Marker()
+ anchor.setPosition(*center)
+ anchor.setText('')
+ anchor.setSymbol('+')
+ anchor._setDraggable(True)
+ anchors.append(anchor)
+ return anchors
+ def _controlPointAnchorPositionChanged(self, index, current, previous):
+ if index == len(self._editAnchors) - 1:
+ # It is the center anchor
+ points = self._getControlPoints()
+ center = numpy.mean(points[0:-1], axis=0)
+ offset = current - previous
+ points[-1] = current
+ points[0:-1] = points[0:-1] + offset
+ self._setControlPoints(points)
+ else:
+ # Update the center
+ points = self._getControlPoints()
+ points[index] = current
+ center = numpy.mean(points[0:-1], axis=0)
+ points[-1] = center
+ self._setControlPoints(points)
+ def __str__(self):
+ points = self._getControlPoints()
+ params = points[0][0], points[0][1], points[1][0], points[1][1]
+ params = 'start: %f %f; end: %f %f' % params
+ return "%s(%s)" % (self.__class__.__name__, params)
+class HorizontalLineROI(RegionOfInterest):
+ """A ROI identifying an horizontal line in a 2D plot."""
+ _kind = "HLine"
+ """Label for this kind of ROI"""
+ _plotShape = "hline"
+ """Plot shape which is used for the first interaction"""
+ def _createControlPointsFromFirstShape(self, points):
+ points = numpy.array([(float('nan'), points[0, 1])],
+ dtype=numpy.float64)
+ return points
+ def getPosition(self):
+ """Returns the position of this line if the horizontal axis
+ :rtype: float
+ """
+ return self._points[0, 1]
+ def setPosition(self, pos):
+ """Set the position of this ROI
+ :param float pos: Horizontal position of this line
+ """
+ controlPoints = numpy.array([[float('nan'), pos]])
+ self._setControlPoints(controlPoints)
+ def _createLabelItem(self):
+ return None
+ def _updateLabelItem(self, label):
+ if self.isEditable():
+ item = self._editAnchors[0]
+ else:
+ item = self._items[0]
+ item.setText(label)
+ def _updateShape(self):
+ if not self.isEditable():
+ if len(self._items) > 0:
+ controlPoints = self._getControlPoints()
+ item = self._items[0]
+ item.setPosition(*controlPoints[0])
+ def _createShapeItems(self, points):
+ if self.isEditable():
+ return []
+ marker = items.YMarker()
+ marker.setPosition(points[0][0], points[0][1])
+ marker.setText(self.getLabel())
+ marker.setColor(rgba(self.getColor()))
+ marker._setDraggable(False)
+ return [marker]
+ def _createAnchorItems(self, points):
+ marker = items.YMarker()
+ marker.setPosition(points[0][0], points[0][1])
+ marker.setText(self.getLabel())
+ marker._setDraggable(self.isEditable())
+ return [marker]
+ def __str__(self):
+ points = self._getControlPoints()
+ params = 'y: %f' % points[0, 1]
+ return "%s(%s)" % (self.__class__.__name__, params)
+class VerticalLineROI(RegionOfInterest):
+ """A ROI identifying a vertical line in a 2D plot."""
+ _kind = "VLine"
+ """Label for this kind of ROI"""
+ _plotShape = "vline"
+ """Plot shape which is used for the first interaction"""
+ def _createControlPointsFromFirstShape(self, points):
+ points = numpy.array([(points[0, 0], float('nan'))],
+ dtype=numpy.float64)
+ return points
+ def getPosition(self):
+ """Returns the position of this line if the horizontal axis
+ :rtype: float
+ """
+ return self._points[0, 0]
+ def setPosition(self, pos):
+ """Set the position of this ROI
+ :param float pos: Horizontal position of this line
+ """
+ controlPoints = numpy.array([[pos, float('nan')]])
+ self._setControlPoints(controlPoints)
+ def _createLabelItem(self):
+ return None
+ def _updateLabelItem(self, label):
+ if self.isEditable():
+ item = self._editAnchors[0]
+ else:
+ item = self._items[0]
+ item.setText(label)
+ def _updateShape(self):
+ if not self.isEditable():
+ if len(self._items) > 0:
+ controlPoints = self._getControlPoints()
+ item = self._items[0]
+ item.setPosition(*controlPoints[0])
+ def _createShapeItems(self, points):
+ if self.isEditable():
+ return []
+ marker = items.XMarker()
+ marker.setPosition(points[0][0], points[0][1])
+ marker.setText(self.getLabel())
+ marker.setColor(rgba(self.getColor()))
+ marker._setDraggable(False)
+ return [marker]
+ def _createAnchorItems(self, points):
+ marker = items.XMarker()
+ marker.setPosition(points[0][0], points[0][1])
+ marker.setText(self.getLabel())
+ marker._setDraggable(self.isEditable())
+ return [marker]
+ def __str__(self):
+ points = self._getControlPoints()
+ params = 'x: %f' % points[0, 0]
+ return "%s(%s)" % (self.__class__.__name__, params)
+class RectangleROI(RegionOfInterest):
+ """A ROI identifying a rectangle in a 2D plot.
+ This ROI provides 1 anchor for each corner, plus an anchor in the
+ center to translate the full ROI.
+ """
+ _kind = "Rectangle"
+ """Label for this kind of ROI"""
+ _plotShape = "rectangle"
+ """Plot shape which is used for the first interaction"""
+ def _createControlPointsFromFirstShape(self, points):
+ point0 = points[0]
+ point1 = points[1]
+ # 4 corners
+ controlPoints = numpy.array([
+ point0[0], point0[1],
+ point0[0], point1[1],
+ point1[0], point1[1],
+ point1[0], point0[1],
+ ])
+ # Central
+ center = numpy.mean(points, axis=0)
+ controlPoints = numpy.append(controlPoints, center)
+ controlPoints.shape = -1, 2
+ return controlPoints
+ def getCenter(self):
+ """Returns the central point of this rectangle
+ :rtype: numpy.ndarray([float,float])
+ """
+ return numpy.mean(self._points, axis=0)
+ def getOrigin(self):
+ """Returns the corner point with the smaller coordinates
+ :rtype: numpy.ndarray([float,float])
+ """
+ return numpy.min(self._points, axis=0)
+ def getSize(self):
+ """Returns the size of this rectangle
+ :rtype: numpy.ndarray([float,float])
+ """
+ minPoint = numpy.min(self._points, axis=0)
+ maxPoint = numpy.max(self._points, axis=0)
+ return maxPoint - minPoint
+ def setOrigin(self, position):
+ """Set the origin position of this ROI
+ :param numpy.ndarray position: Location of the smaller corner of the ROI
+ """
+ size = self.getSize()
+ self.setGeometry(origin=position, size=size)
+ def setSize(self, size):
+ """Set the size of this ROI
+ :param numpy.ndarray size: Size of the center of the ROI
+ """
+ origin = self.getOrigin()
+ self.setGeometry(origin=origin, size=size)
+ def setCenter(self, position):
+ """Set the size of this ROI
+ :param numpy.ndarray position: Location of the center of the ROI
+ """
+ size = self.getSize()
+ self.setGeometry(center=position, size=size)
+ def setGeometry(self, origin=None, size=None, center=None):
+ """Set the geometry of the ROI
+ """
+ if origin is not None:
+ origin = numpy.array(origin)
+ size = numpy.array(size)
+ points = numpy.array([origin, origin + size])
+ controlPoints = self._createControlPointsFromFirstShape(points)
+ elif center is not None:
+ center = numpy.array(center)
+ size = numpy.array(size)
+ points = numpy.array([center - size * 0.5, center + size * 0.5])
+ controlPoints = self._createControlPointsFromFirstShape(points)
+ else:
+ raise ValueError("Origin or cengter expected")
+ self._setControlPoints(controlPoints)
+ def _getLabelPosition(self):
+ points = self._getControlPoints()
+ return points.min(axis=0)
+ def _updateShape(self):
+ if len(self._items) == 0:
+ return
+ shape = self._items[0]
+ points = self._getControlPoints()
+ points = self._getShapeFromControlPoints(points)
+ shape.setPoints(points)
+ def _getShapeFromControlPoints(self, points):
+ minPoint = points.min(axis=0)
+ maxPoint = points.max(axis=0)
+ return numpy.array([minPoint, maxPoint])
+ def _createShapeItems(self, points):
+ shapePoints = self._getShapeFromControlPoints(points)
+ item = items.Shape("rectangle")
+ item.setPoints(shapePoints)
+ item.setColor(rgba(self.getColor()))
+ item.setFill(False)
+ item.setOverlay(True)
+ return [item]
+ def _createAnchorItems(self, points):
+ # Remove the center control point
+ points = points[0:-1]
+ anchors = []
+ for point in points:
+ anchor = items.Marker()
+ anchor.setPosition(*point)
+ anchor.setText('')
+ anchor.setSymbol('s')
+ anchor._setDraggable(True)
+ anchors.append(anchor)
+ # Add an anchor to the center of the rectangle
+ center = numpy.mean(points, axis=0)
+ anchor = items.Marker()
+ anchor.setPosition(*center)
+ anchor.setText('')
+ anchor.setSymbol('+')
+ anchor._setDraggable(True)
+ anchors.append(anchor)
+ return anchors
+ def _controlPointAnchorPositionChanged(self, index, current, previous):
+ if index == len(self._editAnchors) - 1:
+ # It is the center anchor
+ points = self._getControlPoints()
+ center = numpy.mean(points[0:-1], axis=0)
+ offset = current - previous
+ points[-1] = current
+ points[0:-1] = points[0:-1] + offset
+ self._setControlPoints(points)
+ else:
+ # Fix other corners
+ constrains = [(1, 3), (0, 2), (3, 1), (2, 0)]
+ constrains = constrains[index]
+ points = self._getControlPoints()
+ points[index] = current
+ points[constrains[0]][0] = current[0]
+ points[constrains[1]][1] = current[1]
+ # Update the center
+ center = numpy.mean(points[0:-1], axis=0)
+ points[-1] = center
+ self._setControlPoints(points)
+ def __str__(self):
+ origin = self.getOrigin()
+ w, h = self.getSize()
+ params = origin[0], origin[1], w, h
+ params = 'origin: %f %f; width: %f; height: %f' % params
+ return "%s(%s)" % (self.__class__.__name__, params)
+class PolygonROI(RegionOfInterest):
+ """A ROI identifying a closed polygon in a 2D plot.
+ This ROI provides 1 anchor for each point of the polygon.
+ """
+ _kind = "Polygon"
+ """Label for this kind of ROI"""
+ _plotShape = "polygon"
+ """Plot shape which is used for the first interaction"""
+ def getPoints(self):
+ """Returns the list of the points of this polygon.
+ :rtype: numpy.ndarray
+ """
+ return self._points.copy()
+ def setPoints(self, points):
+ """Set the position of this ROI
+ :param numpy.ndarray pos: 2d-coordinate of this point
+ """
+ assert(len(points.shape) == 2 and points.shape[1] == 2)
+ if len(points) > 0:
+ controlPoints = numpy.array(points)
+ else:
+ controlPoints = numpy.empty((0, 2))
+ self._setControlPoints(controlPoints)
+ def _getLabelPosition(self):
+ points = self._getControlPoints()
+ if len(points) == 0:
+ # FIXME: we should return none, this polygon have no location
+ return numpy.array([0, 0])
+ return points[numpy.argmin(points[:, 1])]
+ def _updateShape(self):
+ if len(self._items) == 0:
+ return
+ shape = self._items[0]
+ points = self._getControlPoints()
+ shape.setPoints(points)
+ def _createShapeItems(self, points):
+ if len(points) == 0:
+ return []
+ else:
+ item = items.Shape("polygon")
+ item.setPoints(points)
+ item.setColor(rgba(self.getColor()))
+ item.setFill(False)
+ item.setOverlay(True)
+ return [item]
+ def _createAnchorItems(self, points):
+ anchors = []
+ for point in points:
+ anchor = items.Marker()
+ anchor.setPosition(*point)
+ anchor.setText('')
+ anchor.setSymbol('s')
+ anchor._setDraggable(True)
+ anchors.append(anchor)
+ return anchors
+ def __str__(self):
+ points = self._getControlPoints()
+ params = '; '.join('%f %f' % (pt[0], pt[1]) for pt in points)
+ return "%s(%s)" % (self.__class__.__name__, params)
+class ArcROI(RegionOfInterest):
+ """A ROI identifying an arc of a circle with a width.
+ This ROI provides 3 anchors to control the curvature, 1 anchor to control
+ the weigth, and 1 anchor to translate the shape.
+ """
+ _kind = "Arc"
+ """Label for this kind of ROI"""
+ _plotShape = "line"
+ """Plot shape which is used for the first interaction"""
+ _ArcGeometry = collections.namedtuple('ArcGeometry', ['center',
+ 'startPoint', 'endPoint',
+ 'radius', 'weight',
+ 'startAngle', 'endAngle'])
+ def __init__(self, parent=None):
+ RegionOfInterest.__init__(self, parent=parent)
+ self._geometry = None
+ def _getInternalGeometry(self):
+ """Returns the object storing the internal geometry of this ROI.
+ This geometry is derived from the control points and cached for
+ efficiency. Calling :meth:`_setControlPoints` invalidate the cache.
+ """
+ if self._geometry is None:
+ controlPoints = self._getControlPoints()
+ self._geometry = self._createGeometryFromControlPoint(controlPoints)
+ return self._geometry
+ @classmethod
+ def showFirstInteractionShape(cls):
+ return False
+ def _getLabelPosition(self):
+ points = self._getControlPoints()
+ return points.min(axis=0)
+ def _updateShape(self):
+ if len(self._items) == 0:
+ return
+ shape = self._items[0]
+ points = self._getControlPoints()
+ points = self._getShapeFromControlPoints(points)
+ shape.setPoints(points)
+ def _controlPointAnchorPositionChanged(self, index, current, previous):
+ controlPoints = self._getControlPoints()
+ currentWeigth = numpy.linalg.norm(controlPoints[3] - controlPoints[1]) * 2
+ if index in [0, 2]:
+ # Moving start or end will maintain the same curvature
+ # Then we have to custom the curvature control point
+ startPoint = controlPoints[0]
+ endPoint = controlPoints[2]
+ center = (startPoint + endPoint) * 0.5
+ normal = (endPoint - startPoint)
+ normal = numpy.array((normal[1], -normal[0]))
+ distance = numpy.linalg.norm(normal)
+ # Compute the coeficient which have to be constrained
+ if distance != 0:
+ normal /= distance
+ midVector = controlPoints[1] - center
+ constainedCoef =, normal) / distance
+ else:
+ constainedCoef = 1.0
+ # Compute the location of the curvature point
+ controlPoints[index] = current
+ startPoint = controlPoints[0]
+ endPoint = controlPoints[2]
+ center = (startPoint + endPoint) * 0.5
+ normal = (endPoint - startPoint)
+ normal = numpy.array((normal[1], -normal[0]))
+ distance = numpy.linalg.norm(normal)
+ if distance != 0:
+ # BTW we dont need to divide by the distance here
+ # Cause we compute normal * distance after all
+ normal /= distance
+ midPoint = center + normal * constainedCoef * distance
+ controlPoints[1] = midPoint
+ # The weight have to be fixed
+ self._updateWeightControlPoint(controlPoints, currentWeigth)
+ self._setControlPoints(controlPoints)
+ elif index == 1:
+ # The weight have to be fixed
+ controlPoints[index] = current
+ self._updateWeightControlPoint(controlPoints, currentWeigth)
+ self._setControlPoints(controlPoints)
+ else:
+ super(ArcROI, self)._controlPointAnchorPositionChanged(index, current, previous)
+ def _updateWeightControlPoint(self, controlPoints, weigth):
+ startPoint = controlPoints[0]
+ midPoint = controlPoints[1]
+ endPoint = controlPoints[2]
+ normal = (endPoint - startPoint)
+ normal = numpy.array((normal[1], -normal[0]))
+ distance = numpy.linalg.norm(normal)
+ if distance != 0:
+ normal /= distance
+ controlPoints[3] = midPoint + normal * weigth * 0.5
+ def _createGeometryFromControlPoint(self, controlPoints):
+ """Returns the geometry of the object"""
+ weigth = numpy.linalg.norm(controlPoints[3] - controlPoints[1]) * 2
+ if numpy.allclose(controlPoints[0], controlPoints[2]):
+ # Special arc: It's a closed circle
+ center = (controlPoints[0] + controlPoints[1]) * 0.5
+ radius = numpy.linalg.norm(controlPoints[0] - center)
+ v = controlPoints[0] - center
+ startAngle = numpy.angle(complex(v[0], v[1]))
+ endAngle = startAngle + numpy.pi * 2.0
+ return self._ArcGeometry(center, controlPoints[0], controlPoints[2],
+ radius, weigth, startAngle, endAngle)
+ elif numpy.linalg.norm(
+ numpy.cross(controlPoints[1] - controlPoints[0],
+ controlPoints[2] - controlPoints[0])) < 1e-5:
+ # Degenerated arc, it's a rectangle
+ return self._ArcGeometry(None, controlPoints[0], controlPoints[2],
+ None, weigth, None, None)
+ else:
+ center, radius = self._circleEquation(*controlPoints[:3])
+ v = controlPoints[0] - center
+ startAngle = numpy.angle(complex(v[0], v[1]))
+ v = controlPoints[1] - center
+ midAngle = numpy.angle(complex(v[0], v[1]))
+ v = controlPoints[2] - center
+ endAngle = numpy.angle(complex(v[0], v[1]))
+ # Is it clockwise or anticlockwise
+ if (midAngle - startAngle + 2 * numpy.pi) % (2 * numpy.pi) <= numpy.pi:
+ if endAngle < startAngle:
+ endAngle += 2 * numpy.pi
+ else:
+ if endAngle > startAngle:
+ endAngle -= 2 * numpy.pi
+ return self._ArcGeometry(center, controlPoints[0], controlPoints[2],
+ radius, weigth, startAngle, endAngle)
+ def _isCircle(self, geometry):
+ """Returns True if the geometry is a closed circle"""
+ delta = numpy.abs(geometry.endAngle - geometry.startAngle)
+ return numpy.isclose(delta, numpy.pi * 2)
+ def _getShapeFromControlPoints(self, controlPoints):
+ geometry = self._createGeometryFromControlPoint(controlPoints)
+ if is None:
+ # It is not an arc
+ # but we can display it as an the intermediat shape
+ normal = (geometry.endPoint - geometry.startPoint)
+ normal = numpy.array((normal[1], -normal[0]))
+ distance = numpy.linalg.norm(normal)
+ if distance != 0:
+ normal /= distance
+ points = numpy.array([
+ geometry.startPoint + normal * geometry.weight * 0.5,
+ geometry.endPoint + normal * geometry.weight * 0.5,
+ geometry.endPoint - normal * geometry.weight * 0.5,
+ geometry.startPoint - normal * geometry.weight * 0.5])
+ else:
+ innerRadius = geometry.radius - geometry.weight * 0.5
+ outerRadius = geometry.radius + geometry.weight * 0.5
+ if numpy.isnan(geometry.startAngle):
+ # Degenerated, it's a point
+ # At least 2 points are expected
+ return numpy.array([geometry.startPoint, geometry.startPoint])
+ delta = 0.1 if geometry.endAngle >= geometry.startAngle else -0.1
+ if geometry.startAngle == geometry.endAngle:
+ # Degenerated, it's a line (single radius)
+ angle = geometry.startAngle
+ direction = numpy.array([numpy.cos(angle), numpy.sin(angle)])
+ points = []
+ points.append( + direction * innerRadius)
+ points.append( + direction * outerRadius)
+ return numpy.array(points)
+ angles = numpy.arange(geometry.startAngle, geometry.endAngle, delta)
+ if angles[-1] != geometry.endAngle:
+ angles = numpy.append(angles, geometry.endAngle)
+ isCircle = self._isCircle(geometry)
+ if isCircle:
+ if innerRadius <= 0:
+ # It's a circle
+ points = []
+ numpy.append(angles, angles[-1])
+ for angle in angles:
+ direction = numpy.array([numpy.cos(angle), numpy.sin(angle)])
+ points.append( + direction * outerRadius)
+ else:
+ # It's a donut
+ points = []
+ # NOTE: NaN value allow to create 2 separated circle shapes
+ # using a single plot item. It's a kind of cheat
+ points.append(numpy.array([float("nan"), float("nan")]))
+ for angle in angles:
+ direction = numpy.array([numpy.cos(angle), numpy.sin(angle)])
+ points.insert(0, + direction * innerRadius)
+ points.append( + direction * outerRadius)
+ points.append(numpy.array([float("nan"), float("nan")]))
+ else:
+ if innerRadius <= 0:
+ # It's a part of camembert
+ points = []
+ points.append(
+ points.append(geometry.startPoint)
+ delta = 0.1 if geometry.endAngle >= geometry.startAngle else -0.1
+ for angle in angles:
+ direction = numpy.array([numpy.cos(angle), numpy.sin(angle)])
+ points.append( + direction * outerRadius)
+ points.append(geometry.endPoint)
+ points.append(
+ else:
+ # It's a part of donut
+ points = []
+ points.append(geometry.startPoint)
+ for angle in angles:
+ direction = numpy.array([numpy.cos(angle), numpy.sin(angle)])
+ points.insert(0, + direction * innerRadius)
+ points.append( + direction * outerRadius)
+ points.insert(0, geometry.endPoint)
+ points.append(geometry.endPoint)
+ points = numpy.array(points)
+ return points
+ def _setControlPoints(self, points):
+ # Invalidate the geometry
+ self._geometry = None
+ RegionOfInterest._setControlPoints(self, points)
+ def getGeometry(self):
+ """Returns a tuple containing the geometry of this ROI
+ It is a symetric fonction of :meth:`setGeometry`.
+ If `startAngle` is smaller than `endAngle` the rotation is clockwise,
+ else the rotation is anticlockwise.
+ :rtype: Tuple[numpy.ndarray,float,float,float,float]
+ :raise ValueError: In case the ROI can't be representaed as section of
+ a circle
+ """
+ geometry = self._getInternalGeometry()
+ if is None:
+ raise ValueError("This ROI can't be represented as a section of circle")
+ return, self.getInnerRadius(), self.getOuterRadius(), geometry.startAngle, geometry.endAngle
+ def isClosed(self):
+ """Returns true if the arc is a closed shape, like a circle or a donut.
+ :rtype: bool
+ """
+ geometry = self._getInternalGeometry()
+ return self._isCircle(geometry)
+ def getCenter(self):
+ """Returns the center of the circle used to draw arcs of this ROI.
+ This center is usually outside the the shape itself.
+ :rtype: numpy.ndarray
+ """
+ geometry = self._getInternalGeometry()
+ return
+ def getStartAngle(self):
+ """Returns the angle of the start of the section of this ROI (in radian).
+ If `startAngle` is smaller than `endAngle` the rotation is clockwise,
+ else the rotation is anticlockwise.
+ :rtype: float
+ """
+ geometry = self._getInternalGeometry()
+ return geometry.startAngle
+ def getEndAngle(self):
+ """Returns the angle of the end of the section of this ROI (in radian).
+ If `startAngle` is smaller than `endAngle` the rotation is clockwise,
+ else the rotation is anticlockwise.
+ :rtype: float
+ """
+ geometry = self._getInternalGeometry()
+ return geometry.endAngle
+ def getInnerRadius(self):
+ """Returns the radius of the smaller arc used to draw this ROI.
+ :rtype: float
+ """
+ geometry = self._getInternalGeometry()
+ radius = geometry.radius - geometry.weight * 0.5
+ if radius < 0:
+ radius = 0
+ return radius
+ def getOuterRadius(self):
+ """Returns the radius of the bigger arc used to draw this ROI.
+ :rtype: float
+ """
+ geometry = self._getInternalGeometry()
+ radius = geometry.radius + geometry.weight * 0.5
+ return radius
+ def setGeometry(self, center, innerRadius, outerRadius, startAngle, endAngle):
+ """
+ Set the geometry of this arc.
+ :param numpy.ndarray center: Center of the circle.
+ :param float innerRadius: Radius of the smaller arc of the section.
+ :param float outerRadius: Weight of the bigger arc of the section.
+ It have to be bigger than `innerRadius`
+ :param float startAngle: Location of the start of the section (in radian)
+ :param float endAngle: Location of the end of the section (in radian).
+ If `startAngle` is smaller than `endAngle` the rotation is clockwise,
+ else the rotation is anticlockwise.
+ """
+ assert(innerRadius <= outerRadius)
+ assert(numpy.abs(startAngle - endAngle) <= 2 * numpy.pi)
+ center = numpy.array(center)
+ radius = (innerRadius + outerRadius) * 0.5
+ weight = outerRadius - innerRadius
+ geometry = self._ArcGeometry(center, None, None, radius, weight, startAngle, endAngle)
+ controlPoints = self._createControlPointsFromGeometry(geometry)
+ self._setControlPoints(controlPoints)
+ def _createControlPointsFromGeometry(self, geometry):
+ if geometry.startPoint or geometry.endPoint:
+ # Duplication with the angles
+ raise NotImplementedError("This general case is not implemented")
+ angle = geometry.startAngle
+ direction = numpy.array([numpy.cos(angle), numpy.sin(angle)])
+ startPoint = + direction * geometry.radius
+ angle = geometry.endAngle
+ direction = numpy.array([numpy.cos(angle), numpy.sin(angle)])
+ endPoint = + direction * geometry.radius
+ angle = (geometry.startAngle + geometry.endAngle) * 0.5
+ direction = numpy.array([numpy.cos(angle), numpy.sin(angle)])
+ curvaturePoint = + direction * geometry.radius
+ weightPoint = curvaturePoint + direction * geometry.weight * 0.5
+ return numpy.array([startPoint, curvaturePoint, endPoint, weightPoint])
+ def _createControlPointsFromFirstShape(self, points):
+ # The first shape is a line
+ point0 = points[0]
+ point1 = points[1]
+ # Compute a non colineate point for the curvature
+ center = (point1 + point0) * 0.5
+ normal = point1 - center
+ normal = numpy.array((normal[1], -normal[0]))
+ defaultCurvature = numpy.pi / 5.0
+ defaultWeight = 0.20 # percentage
+ curvaturePoint = center - normal * defaultCurvature
+ weightPoint = center - normal * defaultCurvature * (1.0 + defaultWeight)
+ # 3 corners
+ controlPoints = numpy.array([
+ point0,
+ curvaturePoint,
+ point1,
+ weightPoint
+ ])
+ return controlPoints
+ def _createShapeItems(self, points):
+ shapePoints = self._getShapeFromControlPoints(points)
+ item = items.Shape("polygon")
+ item.setPoints(shapePoints)
+ item.setColor(rgba(self.getColor()))
+ item.setFill(False)
+ item.setOverlay(True)
+ return [item]
+ def _createAnchorItems(self, points):
+ anchors = []
+ symbols = ['o', 'o', 'o', 's']
+ for index, point in enumerate(points):
+ if index in [1, 3]:
+ constraint = self._arcCurvatureMarkerConstraint
+ else:
+ constraint = None
+ anchor = items.Marker()
+ anchor.setPosition(*point)
+ anchor.setText('')
+ anchor.setSymbol(symbols[index])
+ anchor._setDraggable(True)
+ if constraint is not None:
+ anchor._setConstraint(constraint)
+ anchors.append(anchor)
+ return anchors
+ def _arcCurvatureMarkerConstraint(self, x, y):
+ """Curvature marker remains on "mediatrice" """
+ start = self._points[0]
+ end = self._points[2]
+ midPoint = (start + end) / 2.
+ normal = (end - start)
+ normal = numpy.array((normal[1], -normal[0]))
+ distance = numpy.linalg.norm(normal)
+ if distance != 0:
+ normal /= distance
+ v =, (numpy.array((x, y)) - midPoint))
+ x, y = midPoint + v * normal
+ return x, y
+ @staticmethod
+ def _circleEquation(pt1, pt2, pt3):
+ """Circle equation from 3 (x, y) points
+ :return: Position of the center of the circle and the radius
+ :rtype: Tuple[Tuple[float,float],float]
+ """
+ x, y, z = complex(*pt1), complex(*pt2), complex(*pt3)
+ w = z - x
+ w /= y - x
+ c = (x - y) * (w - abs(w) ** 2) / 2j / w.imag - x
+ return ((-c.real, -c.imag), abs(c + x))
+ def __str__(self):
+ try:
+ center, innerRadius, outerRadius, startAngle, endAngle = self.getGeometry()
+ params = center[0], center[1], innerRadius, outerRadius, startAngle, endAngle
+ params = 'center: %f %f; radius: %f %f; angles: %f %f' % params
+ except ValueError:
+ params = "invalid"
+ return "%s(%s)" % (self.__class__.__name__, params)