path: root/src/silx/gui/widgets/
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authorPicca Frédéric-Emmanuel <>2022-02-02 14:19:58 +0100
committerPicca Frédéric-Emmanuel <>2022-02-02 14:19:58 +0100
commit4e774db12d5ebe7a20eded6dd434a289e27999e5 (patch)
treea9822974ba45196f1e3740995ab157d6eb214a04 /src/silx/gui/widgets/
parentd3194b1a9c4404ba93afac43d97172ab24c57098 (diff)
New upstream version 1.0.0+dfsg
Diffstat (limited to 'src/silx/gui/widgets/')
1 files changed, 626 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/silx/gui/widgets/ b/src/silx/gui/widgets/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..50eb9e2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/silx/gui/widgets/
@@ -0,0 +1,626 @@
+# coding: utf-8
+# /*##########################################################################
+# Copyright (c) 2004-2021 European Synchrotron Radiation Facility
+# Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
+# of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
+# in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
+# to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
+# copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
+# furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
+# The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
+# all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
+# ###########################################################################*/
+"""This module provides table widgets handling cut, copy and paste for
+multiple cell selections. These actions can be triggered using keyboard
+shortcuts or through a context menu (right-click).
+:class:`TableView` is a subclass of :class:`QTableView`. The added features
+are made available to users after a model is added to the widget, using
+:class:`TableWidget` is a subclass of :class:`qt.QTableWidget`, a table view
+with a built-in standard data model. The added features are available as soon as
+the widget is initialized.
+The cut, copy and paste actions are implemented as QActions:
+ - :class:`CopySelectedCellsAction` (*Ctrl+C*)
+ - :class:`CopyAllCellsAction`
+ - :class:`CutSelectedCellsAction` (*Ctrl+X*)
+ - :class:`CutAllCellsAction`
+ - :class:`PasteCellsAction` (*Ctrl+V*)
+The copy actions are enabled by default. The cut and paste actions must be
+explicitly enabled, by passing parameters ``cut=True, paste=True`` when
+creating the widgets, or later by calling their :meth:`enableCut` and
+:meth:`enablePaste` methods.
+__authors__ = ["P. Knobel"]
+__license__ = "MIT"
+__date__ = "03/07/2017"
+import sys
+from .. import qt
+if sys.platform.startswith("win"):
+ row_separator = "\r\n"
+ row_separator = "\n"
+col_separator = "\t"
+class CopySelectedCellsAction(qt.QAction):
+ """QAction to copy text from selected cells in a :class:`QTableWidget`
+ into the clipboard.
+ If multiple cells are selected, the copied text will be a concatenation
+ of the texts in all selected cells, tabulated with tabulation and
+ newline characters.
+ If the cells are sparsely selected, the structure is preserved by
+ representing the unselected cells as empty strings in between two
+ tabulation characters.
+ Beware of pasting this data in another table widget, because depending
+ on how the paste is implemented, the empty cells may cause data in the
+ target table to be deleted, even though you didn't necessarily select the
+ corresponding cell in the origin table.
+ :param table: :class:`QTableView` to which this action belongs.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, table):
+ if not isinstance(table, qt.QTableView):
+ raise ValueError('CopySelectedCellsAction must be initialised ' +
+ 'with a QTableWidget.')
+ super(CopySelectedCellsAction, self).__init__(table)
+ self.setText("Copy selection")
+ self.setToolTip("Copy selected cells into the clipboard.")
+ self.setShortcut(qt.QKeySequence.Copy)
+ self.setShortcutContext(qt.Qt.WidgetShortcut)
+ self.triggered.connect(self.copyCellsToClipboard)
+ self.table = table
+ self.cut = False
+ """:attr:`cut` can be set to True by classes inheriting this action,
+ to do a cut action."""
+ def copyCellsToClipboard(self):
+ """Concatenate the text content of all selected cells into a string
+ using tabulations and newlines to keep the table structure.
+ Put this text into the clipboard.
+ """
+ selected_idx = self.table.selectedIndexes()
+ if not selected_idx:
+ return
+ selected_idx_tuples = [(idx.row(), idx.column()) for idx in selected_idx]
+ selected_rows = [idx[0] for idx in selected_idx_tuples]
+ selected_columns = [idx[1] for idx in selected_idx_tuples]
+ data_model = self.table.model()
+ copied_text = ""
+ for row in range(min(selected_rows), max(selected_rows) + 1):
+ for col in range(min(selected_columns), max(selected_columns) + 1):
+ index = data_model.index(row, col)
+ cell_text =
+ flags = data_model.flags(index)
+ if (row, col) in selected_idx_tuples and cell_text is not None:
+ copied_text += cell_text
+ if self.cut and (flags & qt.Qt.ItemIsEditable):
+ data_model.setData(index, "")
+ copied_text += col_separator
+ # remove the right-most tabulation
+ copied_text = copied_text[:-len(col_separator)]
+ # add a newline
+ copied_text += row_separator
+ # remove final newline
+ copied_text = copied_text[:-len(row_separator)]
+ # put this text into clipboard
+ qapp = qt.QApplication.instance()
+ qapp.clipboard().setText(copied_text)
+class CopyAllCellsAction(qt.QAction):
+ """QAction to copy text from all cells in a :class:`QTableWidget`
+ into the clipboard.
+ The copied text will be a concatenation
+ of the texts in all cells, tabulated with tabulation and
+ newline characters.
+ :param table: :class:`QTableView` to which this action belongs.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, table):
+ if not isinstance(table, qt.QTableView):
+ raise ValueError('CopyAllCellsAction must be initialised ' +
+ 'with a QTableWidget.')
+ super(CopyAllCellsAction, self).__init__(table)
+ self.setText("Copy all")
+ self.setToolTip("Copy all cells into the clipboard.")
+ self.triggered.connect(self.copyCellsToClipboard)
+ self.table = table
+ self.cut = False
+ def copyCellsToClipboard(self):
+ """Concatenate the text content of all cells into a string
+ using tabulations and newlines to keep the table structure.
+ Put this text into the clipboard.
+ """
+ data_model = self.table.model()
+ copied_text = ""
+ for row in range(data_model.rowCount()):
+ for col in range(data_model.columnCount()):
+ index = data_model.index(row, col)
+ cell_text =
+ flags = data_model.flags(index)
+ if cell_text is not None:
+ copied_text += cell_text
+ if self.cut and (flags & qt.Qt.ItemIsEditable):
+ data_model.setData(index, "")
+ copied_text += col_separator
+ # remove the right-most tabulation
+ copied_text = copied_text[:-len(col_separator)]
+ # add a newline
+ copied_text += row_separator
+ # remove final newline
+ copied_text = copied_text[:-len(row_separator)]
+ # put this text into clipboard
+ qapp = qt.QApplication.instance()
+ qapp.clipboard().setText(copied_text)
+class CutSelectedCellsAction(CopySelectedCellsAction):
+ """QAction to cut text from selected cells in a :class:`QTableWidget`
+ into the clipboard.
+ The text is deleted from the original table widget
+ (use :class:`CopySelectedCellsAction` to preserve the original data).
+ If multiple cells are selected, the cut text will be a concatenation
+ of the texts in all selected cells, tabulated with tabulation and
+ newline characters.
+ If the cells are sparsely selected, the structure is preserved by
+ representing the unselected cells as empty strings in between two
+ tabulation characters.
+ Beware of pasting this data in another table widget, because depending
+ on how the paste is implemented, the empty cells may cause data in the
+ target table to be deleted, even though you didn't necessarily select the
+ corresponding cell in the origin table.
+ :param table: :class:`QTableView` to which this action belongs."""
+ def __init__(self, table):
+ super(CutSelectedCellsAction, self).__init__(table)
+ self.setText("Cut selection")
+ self.setShortcut(qt.QKeySequence.Cut)
+ self.setShortcutContext(qt.Qt.WidgetShortcut)
+ # cutting is already implemented in CopySelectedCellsAction (but
+ # it is disabled), we just need to enable it
+ self.cut = True
+class CutAllCellsAction(CopyAllCellsAction):
+ """QAction to cut text from all cells in a :class:`QTableWidget`
+ into the clipboard.
+ The text is deleted from the original table widget
+ (use :class:`CopyAllCellsAction` to preserve the original data).
+ The cut text will be a concatenation
+ of the texts in all cells, tabulated with tabulation and
+ newline characters.
+ :param table: :class:`QTableView` to which this action belongs."""
+ def __init__(self, table):
+ super(CutAllCellsAction, self).__init__(table)
+ self.setText("Cut all")
+ self.setToolTip("Cut all cells into the clipboard.")
+ self.cut = True
+def _parseTextAsTable(text, row_separator=row_separator, col_separator=col_separator):
+ """Parse text into list of lists (2D sequence).
+ The input text must be tabulated using tabulation characters and
+ newlines to separate columns and rows.
+ :param text: text to be parsed
+ :param record_separator: String, or single character, to be interpreted
+ as a record/row separator.
+ :param field_separator: String, or single character, to be interpreted
+ as a field/column separator.
+ :return: 2D sequence of strings
+ """
+ rows = text.split(row_separator)
+ table_data = [row.split(col_separator) for row in rows]
+ return table_data
+class PasteCellsAction(qt.QAction):
+ """QAction to paste text from the clipboard into the table.
+ If the text contains tabulations and
+ newlines, they are interpreted as column and row separators.
+ In such a case, the text is split into multiple texts to be pasted
+ into multiple cells.
+ If a cell content is an empty string in the original text, it is
+ ignored: the destination cell's text will not be deleted.
+ :param table: :class:`QTableView` to which this action belongs.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, table):
+ if not isinstance(table, qt.QTableView):
+ raise ValueError('PasteCellsAction must be initialised ' +
+ 'with a QTableWidget.')
+ super(PasteCellsAction, self).__init__(table)
+ self.table = table
+ self.setText("Paste")
+ self.setShortcut(qt.QKeySequence.Paste)
+ self.setShortcutContext(qt.Qt.WidgetShortcut)
+ self.setToolTip("Paste data. The selected cell is the top-left" +
+ "corner of the paste area.")
+ self.triggered.connect(self.pasteCellFromClipboard)
+ def pasteCellFromClipboard(self):
+ """Paste text from clipboard into the table.
+ :return: *True* in case of success, *False* if pasting data failed.
+ """
+ selected_idx = self.table.selectedIndexes()
+ if len(selected_idx) != 1:
+ msgBox = qt.QMessageBox(parent=self.table)
+ msgBox.setText("A single cell must be selected to paste data")
+ msgBox.exec()
+ return False
+ data_model = self.table.model()
+ selected_row = selected_idx[0].row()
+ selected_col = selected_idx[0].column()
+ qapp = qt.QApplication.instance()
+ clipboard_text = qapp.clipboard().text()
+ table_data = _parseTextAsTable(clipboard_text)
+ protected_cells = 0
+ out_of_range_cells = 0
+ # paste table data into cells, using selected cell as origin
+ for row_offset in range(len(table_data)):
+ for col_offset in range(len(table_data[row_offset])):
+ target_row = selected_row + row_offset
+ target_col = selected_col + col_offset
+ if target_row >= data_model.rowCount() or\
+ target_col >= data_model.columnCount():
+ out_of_range_cells += 1
+ continue
+ index = data_model.index(target_row, target_col)
+ flags = data_model.flags(index)
+ # ignore empty strings
+ if table_data[row_offset][col_offset] != "":
+ if not flags & qt.Qt.ItemIsEditable:
+ protected_cells += 1
+ continue
+ data_model.setData(index, table_data[row_offset][col_offset])
+ # item.setText(table_data[row_offset][col_offset])
+ if protected_cells or out_of_range_cells:
+ msgBox = qt.QMessageBox(parent=self.table)
+ msg = "Some data could not be inserted, "
+ msg += "due to out-of-range or write-protected cells."
+ msgBox.setText(msg)
+ msgBox.exec()
+ return False
+ return True
+class CopySingleCellAction(qt.QAction):
+ """QAction to copy text from a single cell in a modified
+ :class:`QTableWidget`.
+ This action relies on the fact that the text in the last clicked cell
+ are stored in :attr:`_last_cell_clicked` of the modified widget.
+ In most cases, :class:`CopySelectedCellsAction` handles single cells,
+ but if the selection mode of the widget has been set to NoSelection
+ it is necessary to use this class instead.
+ :param table: :class:`QTableView` to which this action belongs.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, table):
+ if not isinstance(table, qt.QTableView):
+ raise ValueError('CopySingleCellAction must be initialised ' +
+ 'with a QTableWidget.')
+ super(CopySingleCellAction, self).__init__(table)
+ self.setText("Copy cell")
+ self.setToolTip("Copy cell content into the clipboard.")
+ self.triggered.connect(self.copyCellToClipboard)
+ self.table = table
+ def copyCellToClipboard(self):
+ """
+ """
+ cell_text = self.table._text_last_cell_clicked
+ if cell_text is None:
+ return
+ # put this text into clipboard
+ qapp = qt.QApplication.instance()
+ qapp.clipboard().setText(cell_text)
+class TableWidget(qt.QTableWidget):
+ """:class:`QTableWidget` with a context menu displaying up to 5 actions:
+ - :class:`CopySelectedCellsAction`
+ - :class:`CopyAllCellsAction`
+ - :class:`CutSelectedCellsAction`
+ - :class:`CutAllCellsAction`
+ - :class:`PasteCellsAction`
+ These actions interact with the clipboard and can be used to copy data
+ to or from an external application, or another widget.
+ The cut and paste actions are disabled by default, due to the risk of
+ overwriting data (no *Undo* action is available). Use :meth:`enablePaste`
+ and :meth:`enableCut` to activate them.
+ .. image:: img/TableWidget.png
+ :param parent: Parent QWidget
+ :param bool cut: Enable cut action
+ :param bool paste: Enable paste action
+ """
+ def __init__(self, parent=None, cut=False, paste=False):
+ super(TableWidget, self).__init__(parent)
+ self._text_last_cell_clicked = None
+ self.copySelectedCellsAction = CopySelectedCellsAction(self)
+ self.copyAllCellsAction = CopyAllCellsAction(self)
+ self.copySingleCellAction = None
+ self.pasteCellsAction = None
+ self.cutSelectedCellsAction = None
+ self.cutAllCellsAction = None
+ self.addAction(self.copySelectedCellsAction)
+ self.addAction(self.copyAllCellsAction)
+ if cut:
+ self.enableCut()
+ if paste:
+ self.enablePaste()
+ self.setContextMenuPolicy(qt.Qt.ActionsContextMenu)
+ def mousePressEvent(self, event):
+ item = self.itemAt(event.pos())
+ if item is not None:
+ self._text_last_cell_clicked = item.text()
+ super(TableWidget, self).mousePressEvent(event)
+ def enablePaste(self):
+ """Enable paste action, to paste data from the clipboard into the
+ table.
+ .. warning::
+ This action can cause data to be overwritten.
+ There is currently no *Undo* action to retrieve lost data.
+ """
+ self.pasteCellsAction = PasteCellsAction(self)
+ self.addAction(self.pasteCellsAction)
+ def enableCut(self):
+ """Enable cut action.
+ .. warning::
+ This action can cause data to be deleted.
+ There is currently no *Undo* action to retrieve lost data."""
+ self.cutSelectedCellsAction = CutSelectedCellsAction(self)
+ self.cutAllCellsAction = CutAllCellsAction(self)
+ self.addAction(self.cutSelectedCellsAction)
+ self.addAction(self.cutAllCellsAction)
+ def setSelectionMode(self, mode):
+ """Overloaded from QTableWidget to disable cut/copy selection
+ actions in case mode is NoSelection
+ :param mode:
+ :return:
+ """
+ if mode == qt.QTableView.NoSelection:
+ self.copySelectedCellsAction.setVisible(False)
+ self.copySelectedCellsAction.setEnabled(False)
+ if self.cutSelectedCellsAction is not None:
+ self.cutSelectedCellsAction.setVisible(False)
+ self.cutSelectedCellsAction.setEnabled(False)
+ if self.copySingleCellAction is None:
+ self.copySingleCellAction = CopySingleCellAction(self)
+ self.insertAction(self.copySelectedCellsAction, # before first action
+ self.copySingleCellAction)
+ self.copySingleCellAction.setVisible(True)
+ self.copySingleCellAction.setEnabled(True)
+ else:
+ self.copySelectedCellsAction.setVisible(True)
+ self.copySelectedCellsAction.setEnabled(True)
+ if self.cutSelectedCellsAction is not None:
+ self.cutSelectedCellsAction.setVisible(True)
+ self.cutSelectedCellsAction.setEnabled(True)
+ if self.copySingleCellAction is not None:
+ self.copySingleCellAction.setVisible(False)
+ self.copySingleCellAction.setEnabled(False)
+ super(TableWidget, self).setSelectionMode(mode)
+class TableView(qt.QTableView):
+ """:class:`QTableView` with a context menu displaying up to 5 actions:
+ - :class:`CopySelectedCellsAction`
+ - :class:`CopyAllCellsAction`
+ - :class:`CutSelectedCellsAction`
+ - :class:`CutAllCellsAction`
+ - :class:`PasteCellsAction`
+ These actions interact with the clipboard and can be used to copy data
+ to or from an external application, or another widget.
+ The cut and paste actions are disabled by default, due to the risk of
+ overwriting data (no *Undo* action is available). Use :meth:`enablePaste`
+ and :meth:`enableCut` to activate them.
+ .. note::
+ These actions will be available only after a model is associated
+ with this view, using :meth:`setModel`.
+ :param parent: Parent QWidget
+ :param bool cut: Enable cut action
+ :param bool paste: Enable paste action
+ """
+ def __init__(self, parent=None, cut=False, paste=False):
+ super(TableView, self).__init__(parent)
+ self._text_last_cell_clicked = None
+ self.cut = cut
+ self.paste = paste
+ self.copySelectedCellsAction = None
+ self.copyAllCellsAction = None
+ self.copySingleCellAction = None
+ self.pasteCellsAction = None
+ self.cutSelectedCellsAction = None
+ self.cutAllCellsAction = None
+ def mousePressEvent(self, event):
+ qindex = self.indexAt(event.pos())
+ if self.copyAllCellsAction is not None: # model was set
+ self._text_last_cell_clicked = self.model().data(qindex)
+ super(TableView, self).mousePressEvent(event)
+ def setModel(self, model):
+ """Set the data model for the table view, activate the actions
+ and the context menu.
+ :param model: :class:`qt.QAbstractItemModel` object
+ """
+ super(TableView, self).setModel(model)
+ self.copySelectedCellsAction = CopySelectedCellsAction(self)
+ self.copyAllCellsAction = CopyAllCellsAction(self)
+ self.addAction(self.copySelectedCellsAction)
+ self.addAction(self.copyAllCellsAction)
+ if self.cut:
+ self.enableCut()
+ if self.paste:
+ self.enablePaste()
+ self.setContextMenuPolicy(qt.Qt.ActionsContextMenu)
+ def enablePaste(self):
+ """Enable paste action, to paste data from the clipboard into the
+ table.
+ .. warning::
+ This action can cause data to be overwritten.
+ There is currently no *Undo* action to retrieve lost data.
+ """
+ self.pasteCellsAction = PasteCellsAction(self)
+ self.addAction(self.pasteCellsAction)
+ def enableCut(self):
+ """Enable cut action.
+ .. warning::
+ This action can cause data to be deleted.
+ There is currently no *Undo* action to retrieve lost data.
+ """
+ self.cutSelectedCellsAction = CutSelectedCellsAction(self)
+ self.cutAllCellsAction = CutAllCellsAction(self)
+ self.addAction(self.cutSelectedCellsAction)
+ self.addAction(self.cutAllCellsAction)
+ def addAction(self, action):
+ # ensure the actions are not added multiple times:
+ # compare action type and parent widget with those of existing actions
+ for existing_action in self.actions():
+ if type(action) == type(existing_action):
+ if hasattr(action, "table") and\
+ action.table is existing_action.table:
+ return None
+ super(TableView, self).addAction(action)
+ def setSelectionMode(self, mode):
+ """Overloaded from QTableView to disable cut/copy selection
+ actions in case mode is NoSelection
+ :param mode:
+ :return:
+ """
+ if mode == qt.QTableView.NoSelection:
+ self.copySelectedCellsAction.setVisible(False)
+ self.copySelectedCellsAction.setEnabled(False)
+ if self.cutSelectedCellsAction is not None:
+ self.cutSelectedCellsAction.setVisible(False)
+ self.cutSelectedCellsAction.setEnabled(False)
+ if self.copySingleCellAction is None:
+ self.copySingleCellAction = CopySingleCellAction(self)
+ self.insertAction(self.copySelectedCellsAction, # before first action
+ self.copySingleCellAction)
+ self.copySingleCellAction.setVisible(True)
+ self.copySingleCellAction.setEnabled(True)
+ else:
+ self.copySelectedCellsAction.setVisible(True)
+ self.copySelectedCellsAction.setEnabled(True)
+ if self.cutSelectedCellsAction is not None:
+ self.cutSelectedCellsAction.setVisible(True)
+ self.cutSelectedCellsAction.setEnabled(True)
+ if self.copySingleCellAction is not None:
+ self.copySingleCellAction.setVisible(False)
+ self.copySingleCellAction.setEnabled(False)
+ super(TableView, self).setSelectionMode(mode)
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+ app = qt.QApplication([])
+ tablewidget = TableWidget()
+ tablewidget.setWindowTitle("TableWidget")
+ tablewidget.setColumnCount(10)
+ tablewidget.setRowCount(7)
+ tablewidget.enableCut()
+ tablewidget.enablePaste()
+ tableview = TableView(cut=True, paste=True)
+ tableview.setWindowTitle("TableView")
+ model = qt.QStandardItemModel()
+ model.setColumnCount(10)
+ model.setRowCount(7)
+ tableview.setModel(model)
+ app.exec()