path: root/examples/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'examples/')
1 files changed, 635 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/examples/ b/examples/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..71c1fd3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/
@@ -0,0 +1,635 @@
+# coding: utf-8
+from __future__ import division, absolute_import, print_function, unicode_literals
+import six
+from silx.gui import qt, icons
+from silx.gui.plot.actions import PlotAction, mode
+from silx.gui.plot import PlotWindow, PlotWidget
+from silx.gui.plot.Colors import rgba
+class DrawModeAction(PlotAction):
+ """Action that control drawing mode"""
+ _MODES = { # shape: (icon, text, tooltip
+ 'rectangle': ('shape-rectangle', 'Rectangle selection', 'Select a rectangular region'),
+ 'line': ('shape-diagonal', 'Line selection', 'Select a line'),
+ 'hline': ('shape-horizontal', 'H. line selection', 'Select a horizontal line'),
+ 'vline': ('shape-vertical', 'V. line selection', 'Select a vertical line'),
+ 'polygon': ('shape-polygon', 'Polygon selection', 'Select a polygon'),
+ }
+ def __init__(self, plot, parent=None):
+ self._shape = 'polygon'
+ self._label = None
+ self._color = 'black'
+ self._width = None
+ icon, text, tooltip = self._MODES[self._shape]
+ super(DrawModeAction, self).__init__(
+ plot, icon=icon, text=text,
+ tooltip=tooltip,
+ triggered=self._actionTriggered,
+ checkable=True, parent=parent)
+ # Listen to mode change
+ self.plot.sigInteractiveModeChanged.connect(self._modeChanged)
+ # Init the state
+ self._modeChanged(None)
+ def _update(self):
+ if self.isChecked():
+ self._actionTriggered()
+ def setShape(self, shape):
+ self._shape = shape
+ icon, text, tooltip = self._MODES[self._shape]
+ self.setIcon(icons.getQIcon(icon))
+ self.setText(text)
+ self.setToolTip(tooltip)
+ self._update()
+ def getShape(self):
+ return self._shape
+ def setColor(self, color):
+ self._color = rgba(color)
+ self._update()
+ def getColor(self):
+ return qt.QColor.fromRgbF(*self._color)
+ def setLabel(self, label):
+ self._label = label
+ self._update()
+ def getLabel(self):
+ return self._label
+ def setWidth(self, width):
+ self._width = width
+ self._update()
+ def getWidth(self):
+ return self._width
+ def _modeChanged(self, source):
+ modeDict = self.plot.getInteractiveMode()
+ old = self.blockSignals(True)
+ self.setChecked(modeDict['mode'] == 'draw' and
+ modeDict['shape'] == self._shape and
+ modeDict['label'] == self._label)
+ self.blockSignals(old)
+ def _actionTriggered(self, checked=False):
+ self.plot.setInteractiveMode('draw',
+ source=self,
+ shape=self._shape,
+ color=self._color,
+ label=self._label,
+ width=self._width)
+class ShapeSelector(qt.QObject):
+ """Handles the selection of a single shape in a PlotWidget
+ :param parent: QObject's parent
+ """
+ selectionChanged = qt.Signal(tuple)
+ """Signal emitted whenever the selection has changed.
+ It provides the selection.
+ """
+ selectionFinished = qt.Signal(tuple)
+ """Signal emitted when selection is terminated.
+ It provides the selection.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, parent=None):
+ assert isinstance(parent, PlotWidget)
+ super(ShapeSelector, self).__init__(parent)
+ self._isSelectionRunning = False
+ self._selection = ()
+ self._itemId = "%s-%s" % (self.__class__.__name__, id(self))
+ # Add a toolbar to plot
+ self._toolbar = qt.QToolBar('Selection')
+ self._modeAction = DrawModeAction(plot=parent)
+ self._modeAction.setLabel(self._itemId)
+ self._modeAction.setColor(rgba('red'))
+ toolButton = qt.QToolButton()
+ toolButton.setDefaultAction(self._modeAction)
+ toolButton.setToolButtonStyle(qt.Qt.ToolButtonTextBesideIcon)
+ self._toolbar.addWidget(toolButton)
+ # Style
+ def getColor(self):
+ """Returns the color used for the selection shape
+ :rtype: QColor
+ """
+ return self._modeAction.getColor()
+ def setColor(self, color):
+ """Set the color used for the selection shape
+ :param color: The color to use for selection shape as
+ either a color name, a QColor, a list of uint8 or float in [0, 1].
+ """
+ self._modeAction.setColor(color)
+ self._updateShape()
+ # Control selection
+ def getSelection(self):
+ """Returns selection control point coordinates
+ Returns an empty tuple if there is no selection
+ :return: Nx2 (x, y) coordinates or an empty tuple.
+ """
+ return tuple(zip(*self._selection))
+ def _setSelection(self, x, y):
+ """Set the selection shape control points.
+ Use :meth:`reset` to remove the selection.
+ :param x: X coordinates of control points
+ :param y: Y coordinates of control points
+ """
+ selection = x, y
+ if selection != self._selection:
+ self._selection = selection
+ self._updateShape()
+ self.selectionChanged.emit(self.getSelection())
+ def reset(self):
+ """Clear the rectangle selection"""
+ if self._selection:
+ self._selection = ()
+ self._updateShape()
+ self.selectionChanged.emit(self.getSelection())
+ def start(self, shape):
+ """Start requiring user to select a rectangle
+ :param str shape: The shape to select in:
+ 'rectangle', 'line', 'polygon', 'hline', 'vline'
+ """
+ plot = self.parent()
+ if plot is None:
+ raise RuntimeError('No plot to perform selection')
+ self.stop()
+ self.reset()
+ assert shape in ('rectangle', 'line', 'polygon', 'hline', 'vline')
+ self._modeAction.setShape(shape)
+ self._modeAction.trigger() # To set the interaction mode
+ self._isSelectionRunning = True
+ plot.sigPlotSignal.connect(self._handleDraw)
+ plot.addToolBar(qt.Qt.BottomToolBarArea, self._toolbar)
+ def stop(self):
+ """Stop shape selection"""
+ if not self._isSelectionRunning:
+ return
+ plot = self.parent()
+ if plot is None:
+ return
+ mode = plot.getInteractiveMode()
+ if mode['mode'] == 'draw' and mode['label'] == self._itemId:
+ plot.setInteractiveMode('zoom') # This disconnects draw handler
+ plot.sigPlotSignal.disconnect(self._handleDraw)
+ plot.removeToolBar(self._toolbar)
+ self._isSelectionRunning = False
+ self.selectionFinished.emit(self.getSelection())
+ def _handleDraw(self, event):
+ """Handle shape drawing event"""
+ if (event['event'] == 'drawingFinished' and
+ event['parameters']['label'] == self._itemId):
+ self._setSelection(event['xdata'], event['ydata'])
+ self.stop()
+ def _updateShape(self):
+ """Update shape on the plot"""
+ plot = self.parent()
+ if plot is not None:
+ if not self._selection:
+ plot.remove(legend=self._itemId, kind='item')
+ else:
+ x, y = self._selection
+ shape = self._modeAction.getShape()
+ if shape == 'line':
+ shape = 'polylines'
+ plot.addItem(x, y,
+ legend=self._itemId,
+ shape=shape,
+ color=rgba(self._modeAction.getColor()),
+ fill=False)
+class PointsSelector(qt.QObject):
+ """Handle selection of points in a PlotWidget"""
+ selectionChanged = qt.Signal(tuple)
+ """Signal emitted whenever the selection has changed.
+ It provides the selection.
+ """
+ selectionFinished = qt.Signal(tuple)
+ """Signal emitted when selection is terminated.
+ It provides the selection.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, parent):
+ assert isinstance(parent, PlotWidget)
+ super(PointsSelector, self).__init__(parent)
+ self._isSelectionRunning = False
+ self._markersAndPos = []
+ self._totalPoints = 0
+ def getSelection(self):
+ """Returns the selection"""
+ return tuple(pos for _, pos in self._markersAndPos)
+ def eventFilter(self, obj, event):
+ """Event filter for plot hide and key event"""
+ if event.type() == qt.QEvent.Hide:
+ self.stop()
+ elif event.type() == qt.QEvent.KeyPress:
+ if event.key() in (qt.Qt.Key_Delete, qt.Qt.Key_Backspace) or (
+ event.key() == qt.Qt.Key_Z and event.modifiers() & qt.Qt.ControlModifier):
+ if len(self._markersAndPos) > 0:
+ plot = self.parent()
+ if plot is not None:
+ legend, _ = self._markersAndPos.pop()
+ plot.remove(legend=legend, kind='marker')
+ self._updateStatusBar()
+ self.selectionChanged.emit(self.getSelection())
+ return True # Stop further handling of those keys
+ elif event.key() == qt.Qt.Key_Return:
+ self.stop()
+ return True # Stop further handling of those keys
+ return super(PointsSelector, self).eventFilter(obj, event)
+ def start(self, nbPoints=1):
+ """Start interactive selection of points
+ :param int nbPoints: Number of points to select
+ """
+ self.stop()
+ self.reset()
+ plot = self.parent()
+ if plot is None:
+ raise RuntimeError('No plot to perform selection')
+ self._totalPoints = nbPoints
+ self._isSelectionRunning = True
+ plot.setInteractiveMode(mode='zoom')
+ self._handleInteractiveModeChanged(None)
+ plot.sigInteractiveModeChanged.connect(
+ self._handleInteractiveModeChanged)
+ plot.installEventFilter(self)
+ self._updateStatusBar()
+ def stop(self):
+ """Stop interactive point selection"""
+ if not self._isSelectionRunning:
+ return
+ plot = self.parent()
+ if plot is None:
+ return
+ plot.removeEventFilter(self)
+ plot.sigInteractiveModeChanged.disconnect(
+ self._handleInteractiveModeChanged)
+ currentMode = plot.getInteractiveMode()
+ if currentMode['mode'] == 'zoom': # Stop handling mouse click
+ plot.sigPlotSignal.disconnect(self._handleSelect)
+ plot.statusBar().clearMessage()
+ self._isSelectionRunning = False
+ self.selectionFinished.emit(self.getSelection())
+ def reset(self):
+ """Reset selected points"""
+ plot = self.parent()
+ if plot is None:
+ return
+ for legend, _ in self._markersAndPos:
+ plot.remove(legend=legend, kind='marker')
+ self._markersAndPos = []
+ self.selectionChanged.emit(self.getSelection())
+ def _updateStatusBar(self):
+ """Update status bar message"""
+ plot = self.parent()
+ if plot is None:
+ return
+ msg = 'Select %d/%d input points' % (len(self._markersAndPos),
+ self._totalPoints)
+ currentMode = plot.getInteractiveMode()
+ if currentMode['mode'] != 'zoom':
+ msg += ' (Use zoom mode to add/remove points)'
+ plot.statusBar().showMessage(msg)
+ def _handleSelect(self, event):
+ """Handle mouse events"""
+ if event['event'] == 'mouseClicked' and event['button'] == 'left':
+ plot = self.parent()
+ if plot is None:
+ return
+ x, y = event['x'], event['y']
+ # Add marker
+ legend = "sx.ginput %d" % len(self._markersAndPos)
+ plot.addMarker(
+ x, y,
+ legend=legend,
+ text='%d' % len(self._markersAndPos),
+ color='red',
+ draggable=False)
+ self._markersAndPos.append((legend, (x, y)))
+ self._updateStatusBar()
+ if len(self._markersAndPos) >= self._totalPoints:
+ self.stop()
+ def _handleInteractiveModeChanged(self, source):
+ """Handle change of interactive mode in the plot
+ :param source: Objects that triggered the mode change
+ """
+ plot = self.parent()
+ if plot is None:
+ return
+ mode = plot.getInteractiveMode()
+ if mode['mode'] == 'zoom': # Handle click events
+ plot.sigPlotSignal.connect(self._handleSelect)
+ else: # Do not handle click event
+ plot.sigPlotSignal.disconnect(self._handleSelect)
+ self._updateStatusBar()
+# TODO refactor to make a selection by composition rather than inheritance...
+class BlissPlot(PlotWindow):
+ """Plot with selection methods"""
+ sigSelectionDone = qt.Signal(object)
+ """Signal emitted when the selection is done
+ It provides the list of selected points
+ """
+ def __init__(self, parent=None, **kwargs):
+ super(BlissPlot, self).__init__(parent=parent, **kwargs)
+ self._selectionColor = rgba('red')
+ self._selectionMode = None
+ self._markers = []
+ self._pointNames = ()
+ # Style
+ def getColor(self):
+ """Returns the color used for selection markers
+ :rtype: QColor
+ """
+ return qt.QColor.fromRgbF(*self._selectionColor)
+ def setColor(self, color):
+ """Set the markers used for selection
+ :param color: The color to use for selection markers as
+ either a color name, a QColor, a list of uint8 or float in [0, 1].
+ """
+ self._selectionColor = rgba(color)
+ self._updateMarkers() # To apply color change
+ # Marker helpers
+ def _setSelectedPointMarker(self, x, y, index=None):
+ """Add/Update a marker for a point
+ :param float x: X coord in plot
+ :param float y: Y coord in plot
+ :param int index: Index of point in points names to set
+ :return: corresponding marker legend
+ :rtype: str
+ """
+ if index is None:
+ index = len(self._markers)
+ name = self._pointNames[index]
+ legend = "BlissPlotSelection-%d" % index
+ self.addMarker(
+ x, y,
+ legend=legend,
+ text=name,
+ color=self._selectionColor,
+ draggable=self._selectionMode is not None)
+ return legend
+ def _updateMarkers(self):
+ """Update all markers to sync color/draggable"""
+ for index, (x, y) in enumerate(self.getSelectedPoints()):
+ self._setSelectedPointMarker(x, y, index)
+ # Selection mode control
+ def startPointSelection(self, points=1):
+ """Request the user to select a number of points
+ :param points:
+ The number of points the user need to select (default: 1)
+ or a list of point names or a single name.
+ :type points: Union[int, List[str], str]
+ :return: A future to access the result
+ :rtype: concurrent.futures.Future
+ """
+ self.stopSelection()
+ self.resetSelection()
+ if isinstance(points, six.string_types):
+ points = [points]
+ elif isinstance(points, int):
+ points = [str(i) for i in range(points)]
+ self._pointNames = points
+ self._markers = []
+ self._selectionMode = 'points'
+ self.setInteractiveMode(mode='zoom')
+ self._handleInteractiveModeChanged(None)
+ self.sigInteractiveModeChanged.connect(
+ self._handleInteractiveModeChanged)
+ def stopSelection(self):
+ """Stop current selection.
+ Calling this method emits the selection through sigSelectionDone
+ and does not clear the selection.
+ """
+ if self._selectionMode is not None:
+ currentMode = self.getInteractiveMode()
+ if currentMode['mode'] == 'zoom': # Stop handling mouse click
+ self.sigPlotSignal.disconnect(self._handleSelect)
+ self.sigInteractiveModeChanged.disconnect(
+ self._handleInteractiveModeChanged)
+ self._selectionMode = None
+ self.statusBar().showMessage('Selection done')
+ self._updateMarkers() # To make them not draggable
+ self.sigSelectionDone.emit(self.getSelectedPoints())
+ def getSelectedPoints(self):
+ """Returns list of currently selected points
+ :rtype: tuple
+ """
+ return tuple(self._getItem(kind='marker', legend=legend).getPosition()
+ for legend in self._markers)
+ def resetSelection(self):
+ """Clear current selection"""
+ for legend in self._markers:
+ self.remove(legend, kind='marker')
+ self._markers = []
+ if self._selectionMode is not None:
+ self._updateStatusBar()
+ else:
+ self.statusBar().clearMessage()
+ def _handleInteractiveModeChanged(self, source):
+ """Handle change of interactive mode in the plot
+ :param source: Objects that triggered the mode change
+ """
+ mode = self.getInteractiveMode()
+ if mode['mode'] == 'zoom': # Handle click events
+ self.sigPlotSignal.connect(self._handleSelect)
+ else: # Do not handle click event
+ self.sigPlotSignal.disconnect(self._handleSelect)
+ self._updateStatusBar()
+ def _handleSelect(self, event):
+ """Handle mouse events"""
+ if event['event'] == 'mouseClicked' and event['button'] == 'left':
+ if len(self._markers) == len(self._pointNames):
+ return
+ x, y = event['x'], event['y']
+ legend = self._setSelectedPointMarker(x, y, len(self._markers))
+ self._markers.append(legend)
+ self._updateStatusBar()
+ def keyPressEvent(self, event):
+ """Handle keys for undo/done actions"""
+ if self._selectionMode is not None:
+ if event.key() in (qt.Qt.Key_Delete, qt.Qt.Key_Backspace) or (
+ event.key() == qt.Qt.Key_Z and
+ event.modifiers() & qt.Qt.ControlModifier):
+ if len(self._markers) > 0:
+ legend = self._markers.pop()
+ self.remove(legend, kind='marker')
+ self._updateStatusBar()
+ return # Stop processing the event
+ elif event.key() == qt.Qt.Key_Return:
+ self.stopSelection()
+ return # Stop processing the event
+ return super(BlissPlot, self).keyPressEvent(event)
+ def _updateStatusBar(self):
+ """Update status bar message"""
+ if len(self._markers) < len(self._pointNames):
+ name = self._pointNames[len(self._markers)]
+ msg = 'Select point: %s (%d/%d)' % (
+ name, len(self._markers), len(self._pointNames))
+ else:
+ msg = 'Selection ready. Press Enter to validate'
+ currentMode = self.getInteractiveMode()
+ if currentMode['mode'] != 'zoom':
+ msg += ' (Use zoom mode to add/edit points)'
+ self.statusBar().showMessage(msg)
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ app = qt.QApplication([])
+ #plot = BlissPlot()
+ #plot.startPointSelection(('first', 'second', 'third'))
+ def dumpChanged(selection):
+ print('selectionChanged', selection)
+ def dumpFinished(selection):
+ print('selectionFinished', selection)
+ plot = PlotWindow()
+ selector = ShapeSelector(plot)
+ #selector.start(shape='rectangle')
+ selector.selectionChanged.connect(dumpChanged)
+ selector.selectionFinished.connect(dumpFinished)
+ points = PointsSelector(plot)
+ points.start(3)
+ points.selectionChanged.connect(dumpChanged)
+ points.selectionFinished.connect(dumpFinished)
+ #app.exec_()