path: root/silx/gui/data/
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Diffstat (limited to 'silx/gui/data/')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 670 deletions
diff --git a/silx/gui/data/ b/silx/gui/data/
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-# coding: utf-8
-# /*##########################################################################
-# Copyright (c) 2016-2021 European Synchrotron Radiation Facility
-# Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
-# of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
-# in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
-# to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
-# copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
-# furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
-# The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
-# all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
-# ###########################################################################*/
-This module defines a data model for displaying and editing arrays of any
-number of dimensions in a table view.
-from __future__ import division
-import numpy
-import logging
-from silx.gui import qt
-from import TextFormatter
-__authors__ = ["V.A. Sole"]
-__license__ = "MIT"
-__date__ = "27/09/2017"
-_logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
-def _is_array(data):
- """Return True if object implements all necessary attributes to be used
- as a numpy array.
- :param object data: Array-like object (numpy array, h5py dataset...)
- :return: boolean
- """
- # add more required attribute if necessary
- for attr in ("shape", "dtype"):
- if not hasattr(data, attr):
- return False
- return True
-class ArrayTableModel(qt.QAbstractTableModel):
- """This data model provides access to 2D slices in a N-dimensional
- array.
- A slice for a 3-D array is characterized by a perspective (the number of
- the axis orthogonal to the slice) and an index at which the slice
- intersects the orthogonal axis.
- In the n-D case, only slices parallel to the last two axes are handled. A
- slice is therefore characterized by a list of indices locating the
- slice on all the :math:`n - 2` orthogonal axes.
- :param parent: Parent QObject
- :param data: Numpy array, or object implementing a similar interface
- (e.g. h5py dataset)
- :param str fmt: Format string for representing numerical values.
- Default is ``"%g"``.
- :param sequence[int] perspective: See documentation
- of :meth:`setPerspective`.
- """
- """Maximum number of displayed rows and columns"""
- def __init__(self, parent=None, data=None, perspective=None):
- qt.QAbstractTableModel.__init__(self, parent)
- self._array = None
- """n-dimensional numpy array"""
- self._bgcolors = None
- """(n+1)-dimensional numpy array containing RGB(A) color data
- for the background color
- """
- self._fgcolors = None
- """(n+1)-dimensional numpy array containing RGB(A) color data
- for the foreground color
- """
- self._formatter = None
- """Formatter for text representation of data"""
- formatter = TextFormatter(self)
- formatter.setUseQuoteForText(False)
- self.setFormatter(formatter)
- self._index = None
- """This attribute stores the slice index, as a list of indices
- where the frame intersects orthogonal axis."""
- self._perspective = None
- """Sequence of dimensions orthogonal to the frame to be viewed.
- For an array with ``n`` dimensions, this is a sequence of ``n-2``
- integers. the first dimension is numbered ``0``.
- By default, the data frames use the last two dimensions as their axes
- and therefore the perspective is a sequence of the first ``n-2``
- dimensions.
- For example, for a 5-D array, the default perspective is ``(0, 1, 2)``
- and the default frames axes are ``(3, 4)``."""
- # set _data and _perspective
- self.setArrayData(data, perspective=perspective)
- def _getRowDim(self):
- """The row axis is the first axis parallel to the frames
- (lowest dimension number)
- Return None for 0-D (scalar) or 1-D arrays
- """
- n_dimensions = len(self._array.shape)
- if n_dimensions < 2:
- # scalar or 1D array: no row index
- return None
- # take all dimensions and remove the orthogonal ones
- frame_axes = set(range(0, n_dimensions)) - set(self._perspective)
- # sanity check
- assert len(frame_axes) == 2
- return min(frame_axes)
- def _getColumnDim(self):
- """The column axis is the second (highest dimension) axis parallel
- to the frames
- Return None for 0-D (scalar)
- """
- n_dimensions = len(self._array.shape)
- if n_dimensions < 1:
- # scalar: no column index
- return None
- frame_axes = set(range(0, n_dimensions)) - set(self._perspective)
- # sanity check
- assert (len(frame_axes) == 2) if n_dimensions > 1 else (len(frame_axes) == 1)
- return max(frame_axes)
- def _getIndexTuple(self, table_row, table_col):
- """Return the n-dimensional index of a value in the original array,
- based on its row and column indices in the table view
- :param table_row: Row index (0-based) of a table cell
- :param table_col: Column index (0-based) of a table cell
- :return: Tuple of indices of the element in the numpy array
- """
- row_dim = self._getRowDim()
- col_dim = self._getColumnDim()
- # get indices on all orthogonal axes
- selection = list(self._index)
- # insert indices on parallel axes
- if row_dim is not None:
- selection.insert(row_dim, table_row)
- if col_dim is not None:
- selection.insert(col_dim, table_col)
- return tuple(selection)
- # Methods to be implemented to subclass QAbstractTableModel
- def rowCount(self, parent_idx=None):
- """QAbstractTableModel method
- Return number of rows to be displayed in table"""
- row_dim = self._getRowDim()
- if row_dim is None:
- # 0-D and 1-D arrays
- return 1
- return min(self._array.shape[row_dim], self.MAX_NUMBER_OF_SECTIONS)
- def columnCount(self, parent_idx=None):
- """QAbstractTableModel method
- Return number of columns to be displayed in table"""
- col_dim = self._getColumnDim()
- if col_dim is None:
- # 0-D array
- return 1
- return min(self._array.shape[col_dim], self.MAX_NUMBER_OF_SECTIONS)
- def __isClipped(self, orientation=qt.Qt.Vertical) -> bool:
- """Returns whether or not array is clipped in a given orientation"""
- if orientation == qt.Qt.Vertical:
- dim = self._getRowDim()
- else:
- dim = self._getColumnDim()
- return (dim is not None and
- self._array.shape[dim] > self.MAX_NUMBER_OF_SECTIONS)
- def __isClippedIndex(self, index) -> bool:
- """Returns whether or not index's cell represents clipped data."""
- if not index.isValid():
- return False
- if index.row() == self.MAX_NUMBER_OF_SECTIONS - 2:
- return self.__isClipped(qt.Qt.Vertical)
- if index.column() == self.MAX_NUMBER_OF_SECTIONS - 2:
- return self.__isClipped(qt.Qt.Horizontal)
- return False
- def __clippedData(self, role=qt.Qt.DisplayRole):
- """Return data for cells representing clipped data"""
- if role == qt.Qt.DisplayRole:
- return "..."
- elif role == qt.Qt.ToolTipRole:
- return "Dataset is too large: display is clipped"
- else:
- return None
- def data(self, index, role=qt.Qt.DisplayRole):
- """QAbstractTableModel method to access data values
- in the format ready to be displayed"""
- if index.isValid():
- if self.__isClippedIndex(index): # Special displayed for clipped data
- return self.__clippedData(role)
- row, column = index.row(), index.column()
- # When clipped, display last data of the array in last column of the table
- if (self.__isClipped(qt.Qt.Vertical) and
- row == self.MAX_NUMBER_OF_SECTIONS - 1):
- row = self._array.shape[self._getRowDim()] - 1
- if (self.__isClipped(qt.Qt.Horizontal) and
- column == self.MAX_NUMBER_OF_SECTIONS - 1):
- column = self._array.shape[self._getColumnDim()] - 1
- selection = self._getIndexTuple(row, column)
- if role == qt.Qt.DisplayRole:
- return self._formatter.toString(self._array[selection], self._array.dtype)
- if role == qt.Qt.BackgroundRole and self._bgcolors is not None:
- r, g, b = self._bgcolors[selection][0:3]
- if self._bgcolors.shape[-1] == 3:
- return qt.QColor(r, g, b)
- if self._bgcolors.shape[-1] == 4:
- a = self._bgcolors[selection][3]
- return qt.QColor(r, g, b, a)
- if role == qt.Qt.ForegroundRole:
- if self._fgcolors is not None:
- r, g, b = self._fgcolors[selection][0:3]
- if self._fgcolors.shape[-1] == 3:
- return qt.QColor(r, g, b)
- if self._fgcolors.shape[-1] == 4:
- a = self._fgcolors[selection][3]
- return qt.QColor(r, g, b, a)
- # no fg color given, use black or white
- # based on luminosity threshold
- elif self._bgcolors is not None:
- r, g, b = self._bgcolors[selection][0:3]
- lum = 0.21 * r + 0.72 * g + 0.07 * b
- if lum < 128:
- return qt.QColor(qt.Qt.white)
- else:
- return qt.QColor(
- def headerData(self, section, orientation, role=qt.Qt.DisplayRole):
- """QAbstractTableModel method
- Return the 0-based row or column index, for display in the
- horizontal and vertical headers"""
- if self.__isClipped(orientation): # Header is clipped
- if section == self.MAX_NUMBER_OF_SECTIONS - 2:
- # Represent clipped data
- return self.__clippedData(role)
- elif section == self.MAX_NUMBER_OF_SECTIONS - 1:
- # Display last index from data not table
- if role == qt.Qt.DisplayRole:
- if orientation == qt.Qt.Vertical:
- dim = self._getRowDim()
- else:
- dim = self._getColumnDim()
- return str(self._array.shape[dim] - 1)
- else:
- return None
- if role == qt.Qt.DisplayRole:
- return "%d" % section
- return None
- def flags(self, index):
- """QAbstractTableModel method to inform the view whether data
- is editable or not."""
- if not self._editable or self.__isClippedIndex(index):
- return qt.QAbstractTableModel.flags(self, index)
- return qt.QAbstractTableModel.flags(self, index) | qt.Qt.ItemIsEditable
- def setData(self, index, value, role=None):
- """QAbstractTableModel method to handle editing data.
- Cast the new value into the same format as the array before editing
- the array value."""
- if index.isValid() and role == qt.Qt.EditRole:
- try:
- # cast value to same type as array
- v = numpy.array(value, dtype=self._array.dtype).item()
- except ValueError:
- return False
- selection = self._getIndexTuple(index.row(),
- index.column())
- self._array[selection] = v
- self.dataChanged.emit(index, index)
- return True
- else:
- return False
- # Public methods
- def setArrayData(self, data, copy=True,
- perspective=None, editable=False):
- """Set the data array and the viewing perspective.
- You can set ``copy=False`` if you need more performances, when dealing
- with a large numpy array. In this case, a simple reference to the data
- is used to access the data, rather than a copy of the array.
- .. warning::
- Any change to the data model will affect your original data
- array, when using a reference rather than a copy..
- :param data: n-dimensional numpy array, or any object that can be
- converted to a numpy array using ``numpy.array(data)`` (e.g.
- a nested sequence).
- :param bool copy: If *True* (default), a copy of the array is stored
- and the original array is not modified if the table is edited.
- If *False*, then the behavior depends on the data type:
- if possible (if the original array is a proper numpy array)
- a reference to the original array is used.
- :param perspective: See documentation of :meth:`setPerspective`.
- If None, the default perspective is the list of the first ``n-2``
- dimensions, to view frames parallel to the last two axes.
- :param bool editable: Flag to enable editing data. Default *False*.
- """
- if qt.qVersion() > "4.6":
- self.beginResetModel()
- else:
- self.reset()
- if data is None:
- # empty array
- self._array = numpy.array([])
- elif copy:
- # copy requested (default)
- self._array = numpy.array(data, copy=True)
- if hasattr(data, "dtype"):
- # Avoid to lose the monkey-patched h5py dtype
- self._array.dtype = data.dtype
- elif not _is_array(data):
- raise TypeError("data is not a proper array. Try setting" +
- " copy=True to convert it into a numpy array" +
- " (this will cause the data to be copied!)")
- # # copy not requested, but necessary
- # _logger.warning(
- # "data is not an array-like object. " +
- # "Data must be copied.")
- # self._array = numpy.array(data, copy=True)
- else:
- # Copy explicitly disabled & data implements required attributes.
- # We can use a reference.
- self._array = data
- # reset colors to None if new data shape is inconsistent
- valid_color_shapes = (self._array.shape + (3,),
- self._array.shape + (4,))
- if self._bgcolors is not None:
- if self._bgcolors.shape not in valid_color_shapes:
- self._bgcolors = None
- if self._fgcolors is not None:
- if self._fgcolors.shape not in valid_color_shapes:
- self._fgcolors = None
- self.setEditable(editable)
- self._index = [0 for _i in range((len(self._array.shape) - 2))]
- self._perspective = tuple(perspective) if perspective is not None else\
- tuple(range(0, len(self._array.shape) - 2))
- if qt.qVersion() > "4.6":
- self.endResetModel()
- def setArrayColors(self, bgcolors=None, fgcolors=None):
- """Set the colors for all table cells by passing an array
- of RGB or RGBA values (integers between 0 and 255).
- The shape of the colors array must be consistent with the data shape.
- If the data array is n-dimensional, the colors array must be
- (n+1)-dimensional, with the first n-dimensions identical to the data
- array dimensions, and the last dimension length-3 (RGB) or
- length-4 (RGBA).
- :param bgcolors: RGB or RGBA colors array, defining the background color
- for each cell in the table.
- :param fgcolors: RGB or RGBA colors array, defining the foreground color
- (text color) for each cell in the table.
- """
- # array must be RGB or RGBA
- valid_shapes = (self._array.shape + (3,), self._array.shape + (4,))
- errmsg = "Inconsistent shape for color array, should be %s or %s" % valid_shapes
- if bgcolors is not None:
- if not _is_array(bgcolors):
- bgcolors = numpy.array(bgcolors)
- assert bgcolors.shape in valid_shapes, errmsg
- self._bgcolors = bgcolors
- if fgcolors is not None:
- if not _is_array(fgcolors):
- fgcolors = numpy.array(fgcolors)
- assert fgcolors.shape in valid_shapes, errmsg
- self._fgcolors = fgcolors
- def setEditable(self, editable):
- """Set flags to make the data editable.
- .. warning::
- If the data is a reference to a h5py dataset open in read-only
- mode, setting *editable=True* will fail and print a warning.
- .. warning::
- Making the data editable means that the underlying data structure
- in this data model will be modified.
- If the data is a reference to a public object (open with
- ``copy=False``), this could have side effects. If it is a
- reference to an HDF5 dataset, this means the file will be
- modified.
- :param bool editable: Flag to enable editing data.
- :return: True if setting desired flag succeeded, False if it failed.
- """
- self._editable = editable
- if hasattr(self._array, "file"):
- if hasattr(self._array.file, "mode"):
- if editable and self._array.file.mode == "r":
- _logger.warning(
- "Data is a HDF5 dataset open in read-only " +
- "mode. Editing must be disabled.")
- self._editable = False
- return False
- return True
- def getData(self, copy=True):
- """Return a copy of the data array, or a reference to it
- if *copy=False* is passed as parameter.
- In case the shape was modified, to convert 0-D or 1-D data
- into 2-D data, the original shape is restored in the returned data.
- :param bool copy: If *True* (default), return a copy of the data. If
- *False*, return a reference.
- :return: numpy array of data, or reference to original data object
- if *copy=False*
- """
- data = self._array if not copy else numpy.array(self._array, copy=True)
- return data
- def setFrameIndex(self, index):
- """Set the active slice index.
- This method is only relevant to arrays with at least 3 dimensions.
- :param index: Index of the active slice in the array.
- In the general n-D case, this is a sequence of :math:`n - 2`
- indices where the slice intersects the respective orthogonal axes.
- :raise IndexError: If any index in the index sequence is out of bound
- on its respective axis.
- """
- shape = self._array.shape
- if len(shape) < 3:
- # index is ignored
- return
- if qt.qVersion() > "4.6":
- self.beginResetModel()
- else:
- self.reset()
- if len(shape) == 3:
- len_ = shape[self._perspective[0]]
- # accept integers as index in the case of 3-D arrays
- if not hasattr(index, "__len__"):
- self._index = [index]
- else:
- self._index = index
- if not 0 <= self._index[0] < len_:
- raise ValueError("Index must be a positive integer " +
- "lower than %d" % len_)
- else:
- # general n-D case
- for i_, idx in enumerate(index):
- if not 0 <= idx < shape[self._perspective[i_]]:
- raise IndexError("Invalid index %d " % idx +
- "not in range 0-%d" % (shape[i_] - 1))
- self._index = index
- if qt.qVersion() > "4.6":
- self.endResetModel()
- def setFormatter(self, formatter):
- """Set the formatter object to be used to display data from the model
- :param TextFormatter formatter: Formatter to use
- """
- if formatter is self._formatter:
- return
- if qt.qVersion() > "4.6":
- self.beginResetModel()
- if self._formatter is not None:
- self._formatter.formatChanged.disconnect(self.__formatChanged)
- self._formatter = formatter
- if self._formatter is not None:
- self._formatter.formatChanged.connect(self.__formatChanged)
- if qt.qVersion() > "4.6":
- self.endResetModel()
- else:
- self.reset()
- def getFormatter(self):
- """Returns the text formatter used.
- :rtype: TextFormatter
- """
- return self._formatter
- def __formatChanged(self):
- """Called when the format changed.
- """
- self.reset()
- def setPerspective(self, perspective):
- """Set the perspective by defining a sequence listing all axes
- orthogonal to the frame or 2-D slice to be visualized.
- Alternatively, you can use :meth:`setFrameAxes` for the complementary
- approach of specifying the two axes parallel to the frame.
- In the 1-D or 2-D case, this parameter is irrelevant.
- In the 3-D case, if the unit vectors describing
- your axes are :math:`\vec{x}, \vec{y}, \vec{z}`, a perspective of 0
- means you slices are parallel to :math:`\vec{y}\vec{z}`, 1 means they
- are parallel to :math:`\vec{x}\vec{z}` and 2 means they
- are parallel to :math:`\vec{x}\vec{y}`.
- In the n-D case, this parameter is a sequence of :math:`n-2` axes
- numbers.
- For instance if you want to display 2-D frames whose axes are the
- second and third dimensions of a 5-D array, set the perspective to
- ``(0, 3, 4)``.
- :param perspective: Sequence of dimensions/axes orthogonal to the
- frames.
- :raise: IndexError if any value in perspective is higher than the
- number of dimensions minus one (first dimension is 0), or
- if the number of values is different from the number of dimensions
- minus two.
- """
- n_dimensions = len(self._array.shape)
- if n_dimensions < 3:
- _logger.warning(
- "perspective is not relevant for 1D and 2D arrays")
- return
- if not hasattr(perspective, "__len__"):
- # we can tolerate an integer for 3-D array
- if n_dimensions == 3:
- perspective = [perspective]
- else:
- raise ValueError("perspective must be a sequence of integers")
- # ensure unicity of dimensions in perspective
- perspective = tuple(set(perspective))
- if len(perspective) != n_dimensions - 2 or\
- min(perspective) < 0 or max(perspective) >= n_dimensions:
- raise IndexError(
- "Invalid perspective " + str(perspective) +
- " for %d-D array " % n_dimensions +
- "with shape " + str(self._array.shape))
- if qt.qVersion() > "4.6":
- self.beginResetModel()
- else:
- self.reset()
- self._perspective = perspective
- # reset index
- self._index = [0 for _i in range(n_dimensions - 2)]
- if qt.qVersion() > "4.6":
- self.endResetModel()
- def setFrameAxes(self, row_axis, col_axis):
- """Set the perspective by specifying the two axes parallel to the frame
- to be visualised.
- The complementary approach of defining the orthogonal axes can be used
- with :meth:`setPerspective`.
- :param int row_axis: Index (0-based) of the first dimension used as a frame
- axis
- :param int col_axis: Index (0-based) of the 2nd dimension used as a frame
- axis
- :raise: IndexError if axes are invalid
- """
- if row_axis > col_axis:
- _logger.warning("The dimension of the row axis must be lower " +
- "than the dimension of the column axis. Swapping.")
- row_axis, col_axis = min(row_axis, col_axis), max(row_axis, col_axis)
- n_dimensions = len(self._array.shape)
- if n_dimensions < 3:
- _logger.warning(
- "Frame axes cannot be changed for 1D and 2D arrays")
- return
- perspective = tuple(set(range(0, n_dimensions)) - {row_axis, col_axis})
- if len(perspective) != n_dimensions - 2 or\
- min(perspective) < 0 or max(perspective) >= n_dimensions:
- raise IndexError(
- "Invalid perspective " + str(perspective) +
- " for %d-D array " % n_dimensions +
- "with shape " + str(self._array.shape))
- if qt.qVersion() > "4.6":
- self.beginResetModel()
- else:
- self.reset()
- self._perspective = perspective
- # reset index
- self._index = [0 for _i in range(n_dimensions - 2)]
- if qt.qVersion() > "4.6":
- self.endResetModel()
-if __name__ == "__main__":
- app = qt.QApplication([])
- w = qt.QTableView()
- d = numpy.random.normal(0, 1, (5, 1000, 1000))
- for i in range(5):
- d[i, :, :] += i * 10
- m = ArrayTableModel(data=d)
- w.setModel(m)
- m.setFrameIndex(3)
- # m.setArrayData(numpy.ones((100,)))
- app.exec_()