path: root/silx/gui/data/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'silx/gui/data/')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 668 deletions
diff --git a/silx/gui/data/ b/silx/gui/data/
deleted file mode 100644
index f7c479d..0000000
--- a/silx/gui/data/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,668 +0,0 @@
-# coding: utf-8
-# /*##########################################################################
-# Copyright (c) 2017-2018 European Synchrotron Radiation Facility
-# Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
-# of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
-# in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
-# to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
-# copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
-# furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
-# The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
-# all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
-# ###########################################################################*/
-"""This module defines widgets used by _NXdataView.
-__authors__ = ["P. Knobel"]
-__license__ = "MIT"
-__date__ = "10/10/2018"
-import numpy
-from silx.gui import qt
-from import NumpyAxesSelector
-from silx.gui.plot import Plot1D, Plot2D, StackView, ScatterView
-from silx.gui.colors import Colormap
-from silx.gui.widgets.FrameBrowser import HorizontalSliderWithBrowser
-from silx.math.calibration import ArrayCalibration, NoCalibration, LinearCalibration
-class ArrayCurvePlot(qt.QWidget):
- """
- Widget for plotting a curve from a multi-dimensional signal array
- and a 1D axis array.
- The signal array can have an arbitrary number of dimensions, the only
- limitation being that the last dimension must have the same length as
- the axis array.
- The widget provides sliders to select indices on the first (n - 1)
- dimensions of the signal array, and buttons to add/replace selected
- curves to the plot.
- This widget also handles simple 2D or 3D scatter plots (third dimension
- displayed as colour of points).
- """
- def __init__(self, parent=None):
- """
- :param parent: Parent QWidget
- """
- super(ArrayCurvePlot, self).__init__(parent)
- self.__signals = None
- self.__signals_names = None
- self.__signal_errors = None
- self.__axis = None
- self.__axis_name = None
- self.__x_axis_errors = None
- self.__values = None
- self._plot = Plot1D(self)
- self.selectorDock = qt.QDockWidget("Data selector", self._plot)
- # not closable
- self.selectorDock.setFeatures(qt.QDockWidget.DockWidgetMovable |
- qt.QDockWidget.DockWidgetFloatable)
- self._selector = NumpyAxesSelector(self.selectorDock)
- self._selector.setNamedAxesSelectorVisibility(False)
- self.__selector_is_connected = False
- self.selectorDock.setWidget(self._selector)
- self._plot.addTabbedDockWidget(self.selectorDock)
- self._plot.sigActiveCurveChanged.connect(self._setYLabelFromActiveLegend)
- layout = qt.QGridLayout()
- layout.setContentsMargins(0, 0, 0, 0)
- layout.addWidget(self._plot, 0, 0)
- self.setLayout(layout)
- def getPlot(self):
- """Returns the plot used for the display
- :rtype: Plot1D
- """
- return self._plot
- def setCurvesData(self, ys, x=None,
- yerror=None, xerror=None,
- ylabels=None, xlabel=None, title=None):
- """
- :param List[ndarray] ys: List of arrays to be represented by the y (vertical) axis.
- It can be multiple n-D array whose last dimension must
- have the same length as x (and values must be None)
- :param ndarray x: 1-D dataset used as the curve's x values. If provided,
- its lengths must be equal to the length of the last dimension of
- ``y`` (and equal to the length of ``value``, for a scatter plot).
- :param ndarray yerror: Single array of errors for y (same shape), or None.
- There can only be one array, and it applies to the first/main y
- (no y errors for auxiliary_signals curves).
- :param ndarray xerror: 1-D dataset of errors for x, or None
- :param str ylabels: Labels for each curve's Y axis
- :param str xlabel: Label for X axis
- :param str title: Graph title
- """
- self.__signals = ys
- self.__signals_names = ylabels or (["Y"] * len(ys))
- self.__signal_errors = yerror
- self.__axis = x
- self.__axis_name = xlabel
- self.__x_axis_errors = xerror
- if self.__selector_is_connected:
- self._selector.selectionChanged.disconnect(self._updateCurve)
- self.__selector_is_connected = False
- self._selector.setData(ys[0])
- self._selector.setAxisNames(["Y"])
- if len(ys[0].shape) < 2:
- self.selectorDock.hide()
- else:
- self._plot.setGraphTitle(title or "")
- self._updateCurve()
- if not self.__selector_is_connected:
- self._selector.selectionChanged.connect(self._updateCurve)
- self.__selector_is_connected = True
- def _updateCurve(self):
- selection = self._selector.selection()
- ys = [sig[selection] for sig in self.__signals]
- y0 = ys[0]
- len_y = len(y0)
- x = self.__axis
- if x is None:
- x = numpy.arange(len_y)
- elif numpy.isscalar(x) or len(x) == 1:
- # constant axis
- x = x * numpy.ones_like(y0)
- elif len(x) == 2 and len_y != 2:
- # linear calibration a + b * x
- x = x[0] + x[1] * numpy.arange(len_y)
- self._plot.remove(kind=("curve",))
- for i in range(len(self.__signals)):
- legend = self.__signals_names[i]
- # errors only supported for primary signal in NXdata
- y_errors = None
- if i == 0 and self.__signal_errors is not None:
- y_errors = self.__signal_errors[self._selector.selection()]
- self._plot.addCurve(x, ys[i], legend=legend,
- xerror=self.__x_axis_errors,
- yerror=y_errors)
- if i == 0:
- self._plot.setActiveCurve(legend)
- self._plot.resetZoom()
- self._plot.getXAxis().setLabel(self.__axis_name)
- self._plot.getYAxis().setLabel(self.__signals_names[0])
- def _setYLabelFromActiveLegend(self, previous_legend, new_legend):
- for ylabel in self.__signals_names:
- if new_legend is not None and new_legend == ylabel:
- self._plot.getYAxis().setLabel(ylabel)
- break
- def clear(self):
- self._plot.clear()
-class XYVScatterPlot(qt.QWidget):
- """
- Widget for plotting one or more scatters
- (with identical x, y coordinates).
- """
- def __init__(self, parent=None):
- """
- :param parent: Parent QWidget
- """
- super(XYVScatterPlot, self).__init__(parent)
- self.__y_axis = None
- """1D array"""
- self.__y_axis_name = None
- self.__values = None
- """List of 1D arrays (for multiple scatters with identical
- x, y coordinates)"""
- self.__x_axis = None
- self.__x_axis_name = None
- self.__x_axis_errors = None
- self.__y_axis = None
- self.__y_axis_name = None
- self.__y_axis_errors = None
- self._plot = ScatterView(self)
- self._plot.setColormap(Colormap(name="viridis",
- vmin=None, vmax=None,
- normalization=Colormap.LINEAR))
- self._slider = HorizontalSliderWithBrowser(parent=self)
- self._slider.setMinimum(0)
- self._slider.setValue(0)
- self._slider.valueChanged[int].connect(self._sliderIdxChanged)
- self._slider.setToolTip("Select auxiliary signals")
- layout = qt.QGridLayout()
- layout.setContentsMargins(0, 0, 0, 0)
- layout.addWidget(self._plot, 0, 0)
- layout.addWidget(self._slider, 1, 0)
- self.setLayout(layout)
- def _sliderIdxChanged(self, value):
- self._updateScatter()
- def getPlot(self):
- """Returns the plot used for the display
- :rtype: PlotWidget
- """
- return self._plot.getPlotWidget()
- def setScattersData(self, y, x, values,
- yerror=None, xerror=None,
- ylabel=None, xlabel=None,
- title="", scatter_titles=None):
- """
- :param ndarray y: 1D array for y (vertical) coordinates.
- :param ndarray x: 1D array for x coordinates.
- :param List[ndarray] values: List of 1D arrays of values.
- This will be used to compute the color map and assign colors
- to the points. There should be as many arrays in the list as
- scatters to be represented.
- :param ndarray yerror: 1D array of errors for y (same shape), or None.
- :param ndarray xerror: 1D array of errors for x, or None
- :param str ylabel: Label for Y axis
- :param str xlabel: Label for X axis
- :param str title: Main graph title
- :param List[str] scatter_titles: Subtitles (one per scatter)
- """
- self.__y_axis = y
- self.__x_axis = x
- self.__x_axis_name = xlabel or "X"
- self.__y_axis_name = ylabel or "Y"
- self.__x_axis_errors = xerror
- self.__y_axis_errors = yerror
- self.__values = values
- self.__graph_title = title or ""
- self.__scatter_titles = scatter_titles
- self._slider.valueChanged[int].disconnect(self._sliderIdxChanged)
- self._slider.setMaximum(len(values) - 1)
- if len(values) > 1:
- else:
- self._slider.hide()
- self._slider.setValue(0)
- self._slider.valueChanged[int].connect(self._sliderIdxChanged)
- self._updateScatter()
- def _updateScatter(self):
- x = self.__x_axis
- y = self.__y_axis
- idx = self._slider.value()
- title = ""
- if self.__graph_title:
- title += self.__graph_title + "\n" # main NXdata @title
- title += self.__scatter_titles[idx] # scatter dataset name
- self._plot.setGraphTitle(title)
- self._plot.setData(x, y, self.__values[idx],
- xerror=self.__x_axis_errors,
- yerror=self.__y_axis_errors)
- self._plot.resetZoom()
- self._plot.getXAxis().setLabel(self.__x_axis_name)
- self._plot.getYAxis().setLabel(self.__y_axis_name)
- def clear(self):
- self._plot.getPlotWidget().clear()
-class ArrayImagePlot(qt.QWidget):
- """
- Widget for plotting an image from a multi-dimensional signal array
- and two 1D axes array.
- The signal array can have an arbitrary number of dimensions, the only
- limitation being that the last two dimensions must have the same length as
- the axes arrays.
- Sliders are provided to select indices on the first (n - 2) dimensions of
- the signal array, and the plot is updated to show the image corresponding
- to the selection.
- If one or both of the axes does not have regularly spaced values, the
- the image is plotted as a coloured scatter plot.
- """
- def __init__(self, parent=None):
- """
- :param parent: Parent QWidget
- """
- super(ArrayImagePlot, self).__init__(parent)
- self.__signals = None
- self.__signals_names = None
- self.__x_axis = None
- self.__x_axis_name = None
- self.__y_axis = None
- self.__y_axis_name = None
- self._plot = Plot2D(self)
- self._plot.setDefaultColormap(Colormap(name="viridis",
- vmin=None, vmax=None,
- normalization=Colormap.LINEAR))
- self._plot.getIntensityHistogramAction().setVisible(True)
- self.selectorDock = qt.QDockWidget("Data selector", self._plot)
- # not closable
- self.selectorDock.setFeatures(qt.QDockWidget.DockWidgetMovable |
- qt.QDockWidget.DockWidgetFloatable)
- self._selector = NumpyAxesSelector(self.selectorDock)
- self._selector.setNamedAxesSelectorVisibility(False)
- self._selector.selectionChanged.connect(self._updateImage)
- self._auxSigSlider = HorizontalSliderWithBrowser(parent=self)
- self._auxSigSlider.setMinimum(0)
- self._auxSigSlider.setValue(0)
- self._auxSigSlider.valueChanged[int].connect(self._sliderIdxChanged)
- self._auxSigSlider.setToolTip("Select auxiliary signals")
- layout = qt.QVBoxLayout()
- layout.addWidget(self._plot)
- layout.addWidget(self._auxSigSlider)
- self.selectorDock.setWidget(self._selector)
- self._plot.addTabbedDockWidget(self.selectorDock)
- self.setLayout(layout)
- def _sliderIdxChanged(self, value):
- self._updateImage()
- def getPlot(self):
- """Returns the plot used for the display
- :rtype: Plot2D
- """
- return self._plot
- def setImageData(self, signals,
- x_axis=None, y_axis=None,
- signals_names=None,
- xlabel=None, ylabel=None,
- title=None, isRgba=False):
- """
- :param signals: list of n-D datasets, whose last 2 dimensions are used as the
- image's values, or list of 3D datasets interpreted as RGBA image.
- :param x_axis: 1-D dataset used as the image's x coordinates. If
- provided, its lengths must be equal to the length of the last
- dimension of ``signal``.
- :param y_axis: 1-D dataset used as the image's y. If provided,
- its lengths must be equal to the length of the 2nd to last
- dimension of ``signal``.
- :param signals_names: Names for each image, used as subtitle and legend.
- :param xlabel: Label for X axis
- :param ylabel: Label for Y axis
- :param title: Graph title
- :param isRgba: True if data is a 3D RGBA image
- """
- self._selector.selectionChanged.disconnect(self._updateImage)
- self._auxSigSlider.valueChanged.disconnect(self._sliderIdxChanged)
- self.__signals = signals
- self.__signals_names = signals_names
- self.__x_axis = x_axis
- self.__x_axis_name = xlabel
- self.__y_axis = y_axis
- self.__y_axis_name = ylabel
- self.__title = title
- self._selector.clear()
- if not isRgba:
- self._selector.setAxisNames(["Y", "X"])
- img_ndim = 2
- else:
- self._selector.setAxisNames(["Y", "X", "RGB(A) channel"])
- img_ndim = 3
- self._selector.setData(signals[0])
- if len(signals[0].shape) <= img_ndim:
- self.selectorDock.hide()
- else:
- self._auxSigSlider.setMaximum(len(signals) - 1)
- if len(signals) > 1:
- else:
- self._auxSigSlider.hide()
- self._auxSigSlider.setValue(0)
- self._updateImage()
- self._selector.selectionChanged.connect(self._updateImage)
- self._auxSigSlider.valueChanged.connect(self._sliderIdxChanged)
- def _updateImage(self):
- selection = self._selector.selection()
- auxSigIdx = self._auxSigSlider.value()
- legend = self.__signals_names[auxSigIdx]
- images = [img[selection] for img in self.__signals]
- image = images[auxSigIdx]
- x_axis = self.__x_axis
- y_axis = self.__y_axis
- if x_axis is None and y_axis is None:
- xcalib = NoCalibration()
- ycalib = NoCalibration()
- else:
- if x_axis is None:
- # no calibration
- x_axis = numpy.arange(image.shape[1])
- elif numpy.isscalar(x_axis) or len(x_axis) == 1:
- # constant axis
- x_axis = x_axis * numpy.ones((image.shape[1], ))
- elif len(x_axis) == 2:
- # linear calibration
- x_axis = x_axis[0] * numpy.arange(image.shape[1]) + x_axis[1]
- if y_axis is None:
- y_axis = numpy.arange(image.shape[0])
- elif numpy.isscalar(y_axis) or len(y_axis) == 1:
- y_axis = y_axis * numpy.ones((image.shape[0], ))
- elif len(y_axis) == 2:
- y_axis = y_axis[0] * numpy.arange(image.shape[0]) + y_axis[1]
- xcalib = ArrayCalibration(x_axis)
- ycalib = ArrayCalibration(y_axis)
- self._plot.remove(kind=("scatter", "image",))
- if xcalib.is_affine() and ycalib.is_affine():
- # regular image
- xorigin, xscale = xcalib(0), xcalib.get_slope()
- yorigin, yscale = ycalib(0), ycalib.get_slope()
- origin = (xorigin, yorigin)
- scale = (xscale, yscale)
- self._plot.addImage(image, legend=legend,
- origin=origin, scale=scale,
- replace=True)
- else:
- scatterx, scattery = numpy.meshgrid(x_axis, y_axis)
- # fixme: i don't think this can handle "irregular" RGBA images
- self._plot.addScatter(numpy.ravel(scatterx),
- numpy.ravel(scattery),
- numpy.ravel(image),
- legend=legend)
- title = ""
- if self.__title:
- title += self.__title
- if not title.strip().endswith(self.__signals_names[auxSigIdx]):
- title += "\n" + self.__signals_names[auxSigIdx]
- self._plot.setGraphTitle(title)
- self._plot.getXAxis().setLabel(self.__x_axis_name)
- self._plot.getYAxis().setLabel(self.__y_axis_name)
- self._plot.resetZoom()
- def clear(self):
- self._plot.clear()
-class ArrayStackPlot(qt.QWidget):
- """
- Widget for plotting a n-D array (n >= 3) as a stack of images.
- Three axis arrays can be provided to calibrate the axes.
- The signal array can have an arbitrary number of dimensions, the only
- limitation being that the last 3 dimensions must have the same length as
- the axes arrays.
- Sliders are provided to select indices on the first (n - 3) dimensions of
- the signal array, and the plot is updated to load the stack corresponding
- to the selection.
- """
- def __init__(self, parent=None):
- """
- :param parent: Parent QWidget
- """
- super(ArrayStackPlot, self).__init__(parent)
- self.__signal = None
- self.__signal_name = None
- # the Z, Y, X axes apply to the last three dimensions of the signal
- # (in that order)
- self.__z_axis = None
- self.__z_axis_name = None
- self.__y_axis = None
- self.__y_axis_name = None
- self.__x_axis = None
- self.__x_axis_name = None
- self._stack_view = StackView(self)
- self._hline = qt.QFrame(self)
- self._hline.setFrameStyle(qt.QFrame.HLine)
- self._hline.setFrameShadow(qt.QFrame.Sunken)
- self._legend = qt.QLabel(self)
- self._selector = NumpyAxesSelector(self)
- self._selector.setNamedAxesSelectorVisibility(False)
- self.__selector_is_connected = False
- layout = qt.QVBoxLayout()
- layout.addWidget(self._stack_view)
- layout.addWidget(self._hline)
- layout.addWidget(self._legend)
- layout.addWidget(self._selector)
- self.setLayout(layout)
- def getStackView(self):
- """Returns the plot used for the display
- :rtype: StackView
- """
- return self._stack_view
- def setStackData(self, signal,
- x_axis=None, y_axis=None, z_axis=None,
- signal_name=None,
- xlabel=None, ylabel=None, zlabel=None,
- title=None):
- """
- :param signal: n-D dataset, whose last 3 dimensions are used as the
- 3D stack values.
- :param x_axis: 1-D dataset used as the image's x coordinates. If
- provided, its lengths must be equal to the length of the last
- dimension of ``signal``.
- :param y_axis: 1-D dataset used as the image's y. If provided,
- its lengths must be equal to the length of the 2nd to last
- dimension of ``signal``.
- :param z_axis: 1-D dataset used as the image's z. If provided,
- its lengths must be equal to the length of the 3rd to last
- dimension of ``signal``.
- :param signal_name: Label used in the legend
- :param xlabel: Label for X axis
- :param ylabel: Label for Y axis
- :param zlabel: Label for Z axis
- :param title: Graph title
- """
- if self.__selector_is_connected:
- self._selector.selectionChanged.disconnect(self._updateStack)
- self.__selector_is_connected = False
- self.__signal = signal
- self.__signal_name = signal_name or ""
- self.__x_axis = x_axis
- self.__x_axis_name = xlabel
- self.__y_axis = y_axis
- self.__y_axis_name = ylabel
- self.__z_axis = z_axis
- self.__z_axis_name = zlabel
- self._selector.setData(signal)
- self._selector.setAxisNames(["Y", "X", "Z"])
- self._stack_view.setGraphTitle(title or "")
- # by default, the z axis is the image position (dimension not plotted)
- self._stack_view.getPlot().getXAxis().setLabel(self.__x_axis_name or "X")
- self._stack_view.getPlot().getYAxis().setLabel(self.__y_axis_name or "Y")
- self._updateStack()
- ndims = len(signal.shape)
- self._stack_view.setFirstStackDimension(ndims - 3)
- # the legend label shows the selection slice producing the volume
- # (only interesting for ndim > 3)
- if ndims > 3:
- self._selector.setVisible(True)
- self._legend.setVisible(True)
- self._hline.setVisible(True)
- else:
- self._selector.setVisible(False)
- self._legend.setVisible(False)
- self._hline.setVisible(False)
- if not self.__selector_is_connected:
- self._selector.selectionChanged.connect(self._updateStack)
- self.__selector_is_connected = True
- @staticmethod
- def _get_origin_scale(axis):
- """Assuming axis is a regularly spaced 1D array,
- return a tuple (origin, scale) where:
- - origin = axis[0]
- - scale = (axis[n-1] - axis[0]) / (n -1)
- :param axis: 1D numpy array
- :return: Tuple (axis[0], (axis[-1] - axis[0]) / (len(axis) - 1))
- """
- return axis[0], (axis[-1] - axis[0]) / (len(axis) - 1)
- def _updateStack(self):
- """Update displayed stack according to the current axes selector
- data."""
- stk = self._selector.selectedData()
- x_axis = self.__x_axis
- y_axis = self.__y_axis
- z_axis = self.__z_axis
- calibrations = []
- for axis in [z_axis, y_axis, x_axis]:
- if axis is None:
- calibrations.append(NoCalibration())
- elif len(axis) == 2:
- calibrations.append(
- LinearCalibration(y_intercept=axis[0],
- slope=axis[1]))
- else:
- calibrations.append(ArrayCalibration(axis))
- legend = self.__signal_name + "["
- for sl in self._selector.selection():
- if sl == slice(None):
- legend += ":, "
- else:
- legend += str(sl) + ", "
- legend = legend[:-2] + "]"
- self._legend.setText("Displayed data: " + legend)
- self._stack_view.setStack(stk, calibrations=calibrations)
- self._stack_view.setLabels(
- labels=[self.__z_axis_name,
- self.__y_axis_name,
- self.__x_axis_name])
- def clear(self):
- self._stack_view.clear()