path: root/silx/gui/plot/
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1 files changed, 0 insertions, 884 deletions
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-# coding: utf-8
-# /*##########################################################################
-# Copyright (c) 2016-2019 European Synchrotron Radiation Facility
-# Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
-# of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
-# in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
-# to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
-# copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
-# furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
-# The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
-# all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
-# ###########################################################################*/
-"""Module containing several widgets associated to a colormap.
-__authors__ = ["H. Payno", "T. Vincent"]
-__license__ = "MIT"
-__date__ = "24/04/2018"
-import logging
-import weakref
-import numpy
-from ._utils import ticklayout
-from .. import qt
-from silx.gui import colors
-_logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
-class ColorBarWidget(qt.QWidget):
- """Colorbar widget displaying a colormap
- It uses a description of colormap as dict compatible with :class:`Plot`.
- .. image:: img/linearColorbar.png
- :width: 80px
- :align: center
- To run the following sample code, a QApplication must be initialized.
- >>> from silx.gui.plot import Plot2D
- >>> from silx.gui.plot.ColorBar import ColorBarWidget
- >>> plot = Plot2D() # Create a plot widget
- >>>
- >>> colorbar = ColorBarWidget(plot=plot, legend='Colormap') # Associate the colorbar with it
- >>>
- Initializer parameters:
- :param parent: See :class:`QWidget`
- :param plot: PlotWidget the colorbar is attached to (optional)
- :param str legend: the label to set to the colorbar
- """
- sigVisibleChanged = qt.Signal(bool)
- """Emitted when the property `visible` have changed."""
- def __init__(self, parent=None, plot=None, legend=None):
- self._isConnected = False
- self._plotRef = None
- self._colormap = None
- self._data = None
- super(ColorBarWidget, self).__init__(parent)
- self.__buildGUI()
- self.setLegend(legend)
- self.setPlot(plot)
- def __buildGUI(self):
- self.setLayout(qt.QHBoxLayout())
- # create color scale widget
- self._colorScale = ColorScaleBar(parent=self,
- colormap=None)
- self.layout().addWidget(self._colorScale)
- # legend (is the right group)
- self.legend = _VerticalLegend('', self)
- self.layout().addWidget(self.legend)
- self.layout().setSizeConstraint(qt.QLayout.SetMinAndMaxSize)
- def getPlot(self):
- """Returns the :class:`Plot` associated to this widget or None"""
- return None if self._plotRef is None else self._plotRef()
- def setPlot(self, plot):
- """Associate a plot to the ColorBar
- :param plot: the plot to associate with the colorbar.
- If None will remove any connection with a previous plot.
- """
- self._disconnectPlot()
- self._plotRef = None if plot is None else weakref.ref(plot)
- self._connectPlot()
- def _disconnectPlot(self):
- """Disconnect from Plot signals"""
- plot = self.getPlot()
- if plot is not None and self._isConnected:
- self._isConnected = False
- plot.sigActiveImageChanged.disconnect(
- self._activeImageChanged)
- plot.sigActiveScatterChanged.disconnect(
- self._activeScatterChanged)
- plot.sigPlotSignal.disconnect(self._defaultColormapChanged)
- def _connectPlot(self):
- """Connect to Plot signals"""
- plot = self.getPlot()
- if plot is not None and not self._isConnected:
- activeImageLegend = plot.getActiveImage(just_legend=True)
- activeScatterLegend = plot._getActiveItem(
- kind='scatter', just_legend=True)
- if activeImageLegend is None and activeScatterLegend is None:
- # Show plot default colormap
- self._syncWithDefaultColormap()
- elif activeImageLegend is not None: # Show active image colormap
- self._activeImageChanged(None, activeImageLegend)
- elif activeScatterLegend is not None: # Show active scatter colormap
- self._activeScatterChanged(None, activeScatterLegend)
- plot.sigActiveImageChanged.connect(self._activeImageChanged)
- plot.sigActiveScatterChanged.connect(self._activeScatterChanged)
- plot.sigPlotSignal.connect(self._defaultColormapChanged)
- self._isConnected = True
- def setVisible(self, isVisible):
- # isHidden looks to be always synchronized, while isVisible is not
- wasHidden = self.isHidden()
- qt.QWidget.setVisible(self, isVisible)
- if wasHidden != self.isHidden():
- self.sigVisibleChanged.emit(not self.isHidden())
- def showEvent(self, event):
- self._connectPlot()
- def hideEvent(self, event):
- self._disconnectPlot()
- def getColormap(self):
- """Returns the colormap displayed in the colorbar.
- :rtype: ~silx.gui.colors.Colormap
- """
- return self.getColorScaleBar().getColormap()
- def setColormap(self, colormap, data=None):
- """Set the colormap to be displayed.
- :param ~silx.gui.colors.Colormap colormap:
- The colormap to apply on the ColorBarWidget
- :param numpy.ndarray data: the data to display, needed if the colormap
- require an autoscale
- """
- self._data = data
- self.getColorScaleBar().setColormap(colormap=colormap,
- data=data)
- if self._colormap is not None:
- self._colormap.sigChanged.disconnect(self._colormapHasChanged)
- self._colormap = colormap
- if self._colormap is not None:
- self._colormap.sigChanged.connect(self._colormapHasChanged)
- def _colormapHasChanged(self):
- """handler of the Colormap.sigChanged signal
- """
- assert self._colormap is not None
- self.setColormap(colormap=self._colormap,
- data=self._data)
- def setLegend(self, legend):
- """Set the legend displayed along the colorbar
- :param str legend: The label
- """
- if legend is None or legend == "":
- self.legend.hide()
- self.legend.setText("")
- else:
- assert type(legend) is str
- self.legend.setText(legend)
- def getLegend(self):
- """
- Returns the legend displayed along the colorbar
- :return: return the legend displayed along the colorbar
- :rtype: str
- """
- return self.legend.text()
- def _activeScatterChanged(self, previous, legend):
- """Handle plot active scatter changed"""
- plot = self.getPlot()
- # Do not handle active scatter while there is an image
- if plot.getActiveImage() is not None:
- return
- if legend is None: # No active scatter, display no colormap
- self.setColormap(colormap=None)
- return
- # Sync with active scatter
- activeScatter = plot._getActiveItem(kind='scatter')
- self.setColormap(colormap=activeScatter.getColormap(),
- data=activeScatter.getValueData(copy=False))
- def _activeImageChanged(self, previous, legend):
- """Handle plot active image changed"""
- plot = self.getPlot()
- if legend is None: # No active image, try with active scatter
- activeScatterLegend = plot._getActiveItem(
- kind='scatter', just_legend=True)
- # No more active image, use active scatter if any
- self._activeScatterChanged(None, activeScatterLegend)
- else:
- # Sync with active image
- image = plot.getActiveImage().getData(copy=False)
- # RGB(A) image, display default colormap
- if image.ndim != 2:
- self.setColormap(colormap=None)
- return
- # data image, sync with image colormap
- # do we need the copy here : used in the case we are changing
- # vmin and vmax but should have already be done by the plot
- self.setColormap(colormap=plot.getActiveImage().getColormap(),
- data=image)
- def _defaultColormapChanged(self, event):
- """Handle plot default colormap changed"""
- if event['event'] == 'defaultColormapChanged':
- plot = self.getPlot()
- if (plot is not None and
- plot.getActiveImage() is None and
- plot._getActiveItem(kind='scatter') is None):
- # No active item, take default colormap update into account
- self._syncWithDefaultColormap()
- def _syncWithDefaultColormap(self, data=None):
- """Update colorbar according to plot default colormap"""
- self.setColormap(self.getPlot().getDefaultColormap(), data)
- def getColorScaleBar(self):
- """
- :return: return the :class:`ColorScaleBar` used to display ColorScale
- and ticks"""
- return self._colorScale
-class _VerticalLegend(qt.QLabel):
- """Display vertically the given text
- """
- def __init__(self, text, parent=None):
- """
- :param text: the legend
- :param parent: the Qt parent if any
- """
- qt.QLabel.__init__(self, text, parent)
- self.setLayout(qt.QVBoxLayout())
- self.layout().setContentsMargins(0, 0, 0, 0)
- def paintEvent(self, event):
- painter = qt.QPainter(self)
- painter.setFont(self.font())
- painter.translate(0, self.rect().height())
- painter.rotate(270)
- newRect = qt.QRect(0, 0, self.rect().height(), self.rect().width())
- painter.drawText(newRect, qt.Qt.AlignHCenter, self.text())
- fm = qt.QFontMetrics(self.font())
- preferedHeight = fm.width(self.text())
- preferedWidth = fm.height()
- self.setFixedWidth(preferedWidth)
- self.setMinimumHeight(preferedHeight)
-class ColorScaleBar(qt.QWidget):
- """This class is making the composition of a :class:`_ColorScale` and a
- :class:`_TickBar`.
- It is the simplest widget displaying ticks and colormap gradient.
- .. image:: img/colorScaleBar.png
- :width: 150px
- :align: center
- To run the following sample code, a QApplication must be initialized.
- >>> colormap = Colormap(name='gray',
- ... norm='log',
- ... vmin=1,
- ... vmax=100000,
- ... )
- >>> colorscale = ColorScaleBar(parent=None,
- ... colormap=colormap )
- >>>
- Initializer parameters :
- :param colormap: the colormap to be displayed
- :param parent: the Qt parent if any
- :param displayTicksValues: display the ticks value or only the '-'
- """
- """The tick bar need a margin to display all labels at the correct place.
- So the ColorScale should have the same margin in order for both to fit"""
- def __init__(self, parent=None, colormap=None, data=None,
- displayTicksValues=True):
- super(ColorScaleBar, self).__init__(parent)
- self.minVal = None
- """Value set to the _minLabel"""
- self.maxVal = None
- """Value set to the _maxLabel"""
- self.setLayout(qt.QGridLayout())
- # create the left side group (ColorScale)
- self.colorScale = _ColorScale(colormap=colormap,
- data=data,
- parent=self,
- margin=ColorScaleBar._TEXT_MARGIN)
- if colormap:
- vmin, vmax = colormap.getColormapRange(data)
- else:
- vmin, vmax = colors.DEFAULT_MIN_LIN, colors.DEFAULT_MAX_LIN
- norm = colormap.getNormalization() if colormap else colors.Colormap.LINEAR
- self.tickbar = _TickBar(vmin=vmin,
- vmax=vmax,
- norm=norm,
- parent=self,
- displayValues=displayTicksValues,
- margin=ColorScaleBar._TEXT_MARGIN)
- self.layout().addWidget(self.tickbar, 1, 0, 1, 1, qt.Qt.AlignRight)
- self.layout().addWidget(self.colorScale, 1, 1, qt.Qt.AlignLeft)
- self.layout().setContentsMargins(0, 0, 0, 0)
- self.layout().setSpacing(0)
- # max label
- self._maxLabel = qt.QLabel(str(1.0), parent=self)
- self._maxLabel.setToolTip(str(0.0))
- self.layout().addWidget(self._maxLabel, 0, 0, 1, 2, qt.Qt.AlignRight)
- # min label
- self._minLabel = qt.QLabel(str(0.0), parent=self)
- self._minLabel.setToolTip(str(0.0))
- self.layout().addWidget(self._minLabel, 2, 0, 1, 2, qt.Qt.AlignRight)
- self.layout().setSizeConstraint(qt.QLayout.SetMinAndMaxSize)
- self.layout().setColumnStretch(0, 1)
- self.layout().setRowStretch(1, 1)
- def getTickBar(self):
- """
- :return: the instanciation of the :class:`_TickBar`
- """
- return self.tickbar
- def getColorScale(self):
- """
- :return: the instanciation of the :class:`_ColorScale`
- """
- return self.colorScale
- def getColormap(self):
- """
- :returns: the colormap.
- :rtype: :class:`.Colormap`
- """
- return self.colorScale.getColormap()
- def setColormap(self, colormap, data=None):
- """Set the new colormap to be displayed
- :param Colormap colormap: the colormap to set
- :param numpy.ndarray data: the data to display, needed if the colormap
- require an autoscale
- """
- self.colorScale.setColormap(colormap, data)
- if colormap is not None:
- vmin, vmax = colormap.getColormapRange(data)
- norm = colormap.getNormalization()
- else:
- vmin, vmax = None, None
- norm = None
- self.tickbar.update(vmin=vmin,
- vmax=vmax,
- norm=norm)
- self._setMinMaxLabels(vmin, vmax)
- def setMinMaxVisible(self, val=True):
- """Change visibility of the min label and the max label
- :param val: if True, set the labels visible, otherwise set it not visible
- """
- self._minLabel.setVisible(val)
- self._maxLabel.setVisible(val)
- def _updateMinMax(self):
- """Update the min and max label if we are in the case of the
- configuration 'minMaxValueOnly'"""
- if self.minVal is None:
- text, tooltip = '', ''
- else:
- if self.minVal == 0 or 0 <= numpy.log10(abs(self.minVal)) < 7:
- text = '%.7g' % self.minVal
- else:
- text = '%.2e' % self.minVal
- tooltip = repr(self.minVal)
- self._minLabel.setText(text)
- self._minLabel.setToolTip(tooltip)
- if self.maxVal is None:
- text, tooltip = '', ''
- else:
- if self.maxVal == 0 or 0 <= numpy.log10(abs(self.maxVal)) < 7:
- text = '%.7g' % self.maxVal
- else:
- text = '%.2e' % self.maxVal
- tooltip = repr(self.maxVal)
- self._maxLabel.setText(text)
- self._maxLabel.setToolTip(tooltip)
- def _setMinMaxLabels(self, minVal, maxVal):
- """Change the value of the min and max labels to be displayed.
- :param minVal: the minimal value of the TickBar (not str)
- :param maxVal: the maximal value of the TickBar (not str)
- """
- # bad hack to try to display has much information as possible
- self.minVal = minVal
- self.maxVal = maxVal
- self._updateMinMax()
- def resizeEvent(self, event):
- qt.QWidget.resizeEvent(self, event)
- self._updateMinMax()
-class _ColorScale(qt.QWidget):
- """Widget displaying the colormap colorScale.
- Show matching value between the gradient color (from the colormap) at mouse
- position and value.
- .. image:: img/colorScale.png
- :width: 20px
- :align: center
- To run the following sample code, a QApplication must be initialized.
- >>> colormap = Colormap(name='viridis',
- ... norm='log',
- ... vmin=1,
- ... vmax=100000,
- ... )
- >>> colorscale = ColorScale(parent=None,
- ... colormap=colormap)
- >>>
- Initializer parameters :
- :param colormap: the colormap to be displayed
- :param parent: the Qt parent if any
- :param int margin: the top and left margin to apply.
- .. warning:: Value drawing will be
- done at the center of ticks. So if no margin is done your values
- drawing might not be fully done for extrems values.
- """
- def __init__(self, colormap, parent=None, margin=5, data=None):
- qt.QWidget.__init__(self, parent)
- self._colormap = None
- self.margin = margin
- self.setColormap(colormap, data)
- self.setLayout(qt.QVBoxLayout())
- self.setSizePolicy(qt.QSizePolicy.Fixed, qt.QSizePolicy.Expanding)
- # needed to get the mouse event without waiting for button click
- self.setMouseTracking(True)
- self.setMargin(margin)
- self.setContentsMargins(0, 0, 0, 0)
- self.setMinimumHeight(self._NB_CONTROL_POINTS // 2 + 2 * self.margin)
- self.setFixedWidth(25)
- def setColormap(self, colormap, data=None):
- """Set the new colormap to be displayed
- :param dict colormap: the colormap to set
- :param data: Optional data for which to compute colormap range.
- """
- self._colormap = colormap
- self.setEnabled(colormap is not None)
- if colormap is None:
- self.vmin, self.vmax = None, None
- else:
- assert colormap.getNormalization() in colors.Colormap.NORMALIZATIONS
- self.vmin, self.vmax = self._colormap.getColormapRange(data=data)
- self._updateColorGradient()
- self.update()
- def getColormap(self):
- """Returns the colormap
- :rtype: :class:`.Colormap`
- """
- return None if self._colormap is None else self._colormap
- def _updateColorGradient(self):
- """Compute the color gradient"""
- colormap = self.getColormap()
- if colormap is None:
- return
- indices = numpy.linspace(0., 1., self._NB_CONTROL_POINTS)
- colors = colormap.getNColors(nbColors=self._NB_CONTROL_POINTS)
- self._gradient = qt.QLinearGradient(0, 1, 0, 0)
- self._gradient.setCoordinateMode(qt.QGradient.StretchToDeviceMode)
- self._gradient.setStops(
- [(i, qt.QColor(*color)) for i, color in zip(indices, colors)]
- )
- def paintEvent(self, event):
- """"""
- painter = qt.QPainter(self)
- if self.getColormap() is not None:
- painter.setBrush(self._gradient)
- penColor = self.palette().color(qt.QPalette.Active,
- qt.QPalette.Foreground)
- else:
- penColor = self.palette().color(qt.QPalette.Disabled,
- qt.QPalette.Foreground)
- painter.setPen(penColor)
- painter.drawRect(qt.QRect(
- 0,
- self.margin,
- self.width() - 1.,
- self.height() - 2. * self.margin - 1.))
- def mouseMoveEvent(self, event):
- tooltip = str(self.getValueFromRelativePosition(
- self._getRelativePosition(event.y())))
- qt.QToolTip.showText(event.globalPos(), tooltip, self)
- super(_ColorScale, self).mouseMoveEvent(event)
- def _getRelativePosition(self, yPixel):
- """yPixel : pixel position into _ColorScale widget reference
- """
- # widgets are bottom-top referencial but we display in top-bottom referential
- return 1. - (yPixel - self.margin) / float(self.height() - 2 * self.margin)
- def getValueFromRelativePosition(self, value):
- """Return the value in the colorMap from a relative position in the
- ColorScaleBar (y)
- :param value: float value in [0, 1]
- :return: the value in [colormap['vmin'], colormap['vmax']]
- """
- colormap = self.getColormap()
- if colormap is None:
- return
- value = max(0.0, value)
- value = min(value, 1.0)
- vmin = self.vmin
- vmax = self.vmax
- if colormap.getNormalization() == colors.Colormap.LINEAR:
- return vmin + (vmax - vmin) * value
- elif colormap.getNormalization() == colors.Colormap.LOGARITHM:
- rpos = (numpy.log10(vmax) - numpy.log10(vmin)) * value + numpy.log10(vmin)
- return numpy.power(10., rpos)
- else:
- err = "normalization type (%s) is not managed by the _ColorScale Widget" % colormap['normalization']
- raise ValueError(err)
- def setMargin(self, margin):
- """Define the margin to fit with a TickBar object.
- This is needed since we can only paint on the viewport of the widget.
- Didn't work with a simple setContentsMargins
- :param int margin: the margin to apply on the top and bottom.
- """
- self.margin = margin
- self.update()
-class _TickBar(qt.QWidget):
- """Bar grouping the ticks displayed
- To run the following sample code, a QApplication must be initialized.
- >>> bar = _TickBar(1, 1000, norm='log', parent=None, displayValues=True)
- >>>
- .. image:: img/tickbar.png
- :width: 40px
- :align: center
- :param int vmin: smaller value of the range of values
- :param int vmax: higher value of the range of values
- :param str norm: normalization type to be displayed. Valid values are
- 'linear' and 'log'
- :param parent: the Qt parent if any
- :param bool displayValues: if True display the values close to the tick,
- Otherwise only signal it by '-'
- :param int nticks: the number of tick we want to display. Should be an
- unsigned int ot None. If None, let the Tick bar find the optimal
- number of ticks from the tick density.
- :param int margin: margin to set on the top and bottom
- """
- """widget width when displayed with ticks labels"""
- """widget width when displayed without ticks labels"""
- _FONT_SIZE = 10
- """font size for ticks labels"""
- _LINE_WIDTH = 10
- """width of the line to mark a tick"""
- def __init__(self, vmin, vmax, norm, parent=None, displayValues=True,
- nticks=None, margin=5):
- super(_TickBar, self).__init__(parent)
- self.margin = margin
- self._nticks = None
- self.ticks = ()
- self.subTicks = ()
- self._forcedDisplayType = None
- self.ticksDensity = _TickBar.DEFAULT_TICK_DENSITY
- self._vmin = vmin
- self._vmax = vmax
- self._norm = norm
- self.displayValues = displayValues
- self.setTicksNumber(nticks)
- self.setMargin(margin)
- self.setContentsMargins(0, 0, 0, 0)
- self._resetWidth()
- def setTicksValuesVisible(self, val):
- self.displayValues = val
- self._resetWidth()
- def _resetWidth(self):
- width = self._WIDTH_DISP_VAL if self.displayValues else self._WIDTH_NO_DISP_VAL
- self.setFixedWidth(width)
- def update(self, vmin, vmax, norm):
- self._vmin = vmin
- self._vmax = vmax
- self._norm = norm
- self.computeTicks()
- qt.QWidget.update(self)
- def setMargin(self, margin):
- """Define the margin to fit with a _ColorScale object.
- This is needed since we can only paint on the viewport of the widget
- :param int margin: the margin to apply on the top and bottom.
- """
- self.margin = margin
- def setTicksNumber(self, nticks):
- """Set the number of ticks to display.
- :param nticks: the number of tick to be display. Should be an
- unsigned int ot None. If None, let the :class:`_TickBar` find the
- optimal number of ticks from the tick density.
- """
- self._nticks = nticks
- self.computeTicks()
- qt.QWidget.update(self)
- def setTicksDensity(self, density):
- """If you let :class:`_TickBar` deal with the number of ticks
- (nticks=None) then you can specify a ticks density to be displayed.
- """
- if density < 0.0:
- raise ValueError('Density should be a positive value')
- self.ticksDensity = density
- def computeTicks(self):
- """This function compute ticks values labels. It is called at each
- update and each resize event.
- Deal only with linear and log scale.
- """
- nticks = self._nticks
- if nticks is None:
- nticks = self._getOptimalNbTicks()
- if self._vmin == self._vmax:
- # No range: no ticks
- self.ticks = ()
- self.subTicks = ()
- elif self._norm == colors.Colormap.LOGARITHM:
- self._computeTicksLog(nticks)
- elif self._norm == colors.Colormap.LINEAR:
- self._computeTicksLin(nticks)
- else:
- err = 'TickBar - Wrong normalization %s' % self._norm
- raise ValueError(err)
- # update the form
- font = qt.QFont()
- font.setPixelSize(_TickBar._FONT_SIZE)
- self.form = self._getFormat(font)
- def _computeTicksLog(self, nticks):
- logMin = numpy.log10(self._vmin)
- logMax = numpy.log10(self._vmax)
- lowBound, highBound, spacing, self._nfrac = ticklayout.niceNumbersForLog10(logMin,
- logMax,
- nticks)
- self.ticks = numpy.power(10., numpy.arange(lowBound, highBound, spacing))
- if spacing == 1:
- self.subTicks = ticklayout.computeLogSubTicks(ticks=self.ticks,
- lowBound=numpy.power(10., lowBound),
- highBound=numpy.power(10., highBound))
- else:
- self.subTicks = []
- def resizeEvent(self, event):
- qt.QWidget.resizeEvent(self, event)
- self.computeTicks()
- def _computeTicksLin(self, nticks):
- _min, _max, _spacing, self._nfrac = ticklayout.niceNumbers(self._vmin,
- self._vmax,
- nticks)
- self.ticks = numpy.arange(_min, _max, _spacing)
- self.subTicks = []
- def _getOptimalNbTicks(self):
- return max(2, int(round(self.ticksDensity * self.rect().height())))
- def paintEvent(self, event):
- painter = qt.QPainter(self)
- font = painter.font()
- font.setPixelSize(_TickBar._FONT_SIZE)
- painter.setFont(font)
- # paint ticks
- for val in self.ticks:
- self._paintTick(val, painter, majorTick=True)
- # paint subticks
- for val in self.subTicks:
- self._paintTick(val, painter, majorTick=False)
- def _getRelativePosition(self, val):
- """Return the relative position of val according to min and max value
- """
- if self._norm == colors.Colormap.LINEAR:
- return 1 - (val - self._vmin) / (self._vmax - self._vmin)
- elif self._norm == colors.Colormap.LOGARITHM:
- return 1 - (numpy.log10(val) - numpy.log10(self._vmin)) / (numpy.log10(self._vmax) - numpy.log10(self._vmin))
- else:
- raise ValueError('Norm is not recognized')
- def _paintTick(self, val, painter, majorTick=True):
- """
- :param bool majorTick: if False will never draw text and will set a line
- with a smaller width
- """
- fm = qt.QFontMetrics(painter.font())
- viewportHeight = self.rect().height() - self.margin * 2 - 1
- relativePos = self._getRelativePosition(val)
- height = viewportHeight * relativePos
- height += self.margin
- lineWidth = _TickBar._LINE_WIDTH
- if majorTick is False:
- lineWidth /= 2
- painter.drawLine(qt.QLine(self.width() - lineWidth,
- height,
- self.width(),
- height))
- if self.displayValues and majorTick is True:
- painter.drawText(qt.QPoint(0.0, height + (fm.height() / 2)),
- self.form.format(val))
- def setDisplayType(self, disType):
- """Set the type of display we want to set for ticks labels
- :param str disType: The type of display we want to set. disType values
- can be :
- - 'std' for standard, meaning only a formatting on the number of
- digits is done
- - 'e' for scientific display
- - None to let the _TickBar guess the best display for this kind of data.
- """
- if disType not in (None, 'std', 'e'):
- raise ValueError("display type not recognized, value should be in (None, 'std', 'e'")
- self._forcedDisplayType = disType
- def _getStandardFormat(self):
- return "{0:.%sf}" % self._nfrac
- def _getFormat(self, font):
- if self._forcedDisplayType is None:
- return self._guessType(font)
- elif self._forcedDisplayType is 'std':
- return self._getStandardFormat()
- elif self._forcedDisplayType is 'e':
- return self._getScientificForm()
- else:
- err = 'Forced type for display %s is not recognized' % self._forcedDisplayType
- raise ValueError(err)
- def _getScientificForm(self):
- return "{0:.0e}"
- def _guessType(self, font):
- """Try fo find the better format to display the tick's labels
- :param QFont font: the font we want to use during the painting
- """
- form = self._getStandardFormat()
- fm = qt.QFontMetrics(font)
- width = 0
- for tick in self.ticks:
- width = max(fm.width(form.format(tick)), width)
- # if the length of the string are too long we are moving to scientific
- # display
- if width > _TickBar._WIDTH_DISP_VAL - _TickBar._LINE_WIDTH:
- return self._getScientificForm()
- else:
- return form