path: root/silx/gui/plot/
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Diffstat (limited to 'silx/gui/plot/')
1 files changed, 6 insertions, 201 deletions
diff --git a/silx/gui/plot/ b/silx/gui/plot/
index b9d0fd3..a9d89db 100644..100755
--- a/silx/gui/plot/
+++ b/silx/gui/plot/
@@ -38,63 +38,14 @@ import weakref
import numpy
from .. import qt, colors
+from ..widgets.LegendIconWidget import LegendIconWidget
from . import items
_logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
-# Build all symbols
-# Courtesy of the pyqtgraph project
-Symbols = dict([(name, qt.QPainterPath())
- for name in ['o', 's', 't', 'd', '+', 'x', '.', ',']])
-Symbols['o'].addEllipse(qt.QRectF(.1, .1, .8, .8))
-Symbols['.'].addEllipse(qt.QRectF(.3, .3, .4, .4))
-Symbols[','].addEllipse(qt.QRectF(.4, .4, .2, .2))
-Symbols['s'].addRect(qt.QRectF(.1, .1, .8, .8))
-coords = {
- 't': [(0.5, 0.), (.1, .8), (.9, .8)],
- 'd': [(0.1, 0.5), (0.5, 0.), (0.9, 0.5), (0.5, 1.)],
- '+': [(0.0, 0.40), (0.40, 0.40), (0.40, 0.), (0.60, 0.),
- (0.60, 0.40), (1., 0.40), (1., 0.60), (0.60, 0.60),
- (0.60, 1.), (0.40, 1.), (0.40, 0.60), (0., 0.60)],
- 'x': [(0.0, 0.40), (0.40, 0.40), (0.40, 0.), (0.60, 0.),
- (0.60, 0.40), (1., 0.40), (1., 0.60), (0.60, 0.60),
- (0.60, 1.), (0.40, 1.), (0.40, 0.60), (0., 0.60)]
-for s, c in coords.items():
- Symbols[s].moveTo(*c[0])
- for x, y in c[1:]:
- Symbols[s].lineTo(x, y)
- Symbols[s].closeSubpath()
-tr = qt.QTransform()
-Symbols['x'].translate(qt.QPointF(-0.5, -0.5))
-Symbols['x'] =['x'])
-Symbols['x'].translate(qt.QPointF(0.5, 0.5))
-NoSymbols = (None, 'None', 'none', '', ' ')
-"""List of values resulting in no symbol being displayed for a curve"""
-LineStyles = {
- None: qt.Qt.NoPen,
- 'None': qt.Qt.NoPen,
- 'none': qt.Qt.NoPen,
- '': qt.Qt.NoPen,
- ' ': qt.Qt.NoPen,
- '-': qt.Qt.SolidLine,
- '--': qt.Qt.DashLine,
- ':': qt.Qt.DotLine,
- '-.': qt.Qt.DashDotLine
-"""Conversion from matplotlib-like linestyle to Qt"""
-NoLineStyle = (None, 'None', 'none', '', ' ')
-"""List of style values resulting in no line being displayed for a curve"""
-class LegendIcon(qt.QWidget):
+class LegendIcon(LegendIconWidget):
"""Object displaying a curve linestyle and symbol.
:param QWidget parent: See :class:`QWidget`
@@ -105,35 +56,8 @@ class LegendIcon(qt.QWidget):
def __init__(self, parent=None, curve=None):
super(LegendIcon, self).__init__(parent)
self._curveRef = None
- # Visibilities
- self.showLine = True
- self.showSymbol = True
- # Line attributes
- self.lineStyle = qt.Qt.NoPen
- self.lineWidth = 1.
- self.lineColor =
- self.symbol = ''
- # Symbol attributes
- self.symbolStyle = qt.Qt.SolidPattern
- self.symbolColor =
- self.symbolOutlineBrush = qt.QBrush(qt.Qt.white)
- # Control widget size: sizeHint "is the only acceptable
- # alternative, so the widget can never grow or shrink"
- # (c.f. Qt Doc, enum QSizePolicy::Policy)
- self.setSizePolicy(qt.QSizePolicy.Fixed,
- qt.QSizePolicy.Fixed)
- def sizeHint(self):
- return qt.QSize(50, 15)
- # Synchronize with a curve
def getCurve(self):
"""Returns curve associated to this widget
@@ -206,125 +130,6 @@ class LegendIcon(qt.QWidget):
- # Modify Symbol
- def setSymbol(self, symbol):
- symbol = str(symbol)
- if symbol not in NoSymbols:
- if symbol not in Symbols:
- raise ValueError("Unknown symbol: <%s>" % symbol)
- self.symbol = symbol
- # self.update() after set...?
- # Does not seem necessary
- def setSymbolColor(self, color):
- """
- :param color: determines the symbol color
- :type style: qt.QColor
- """
- self.symbolColor = qt.QColor(color)
- # Modify Line
- def setLineColor(self, color):
- self.lineColor = qt.QColor(color)
- def setLineWidth(self, width):
- self.lineWidth = float(width)
- def setLineStyle(self, style):
- """Set the linestyle.
- Possible line styles:
- - '', ' ', 'None': No line
- - '-': solid
- - '--': dashed
- - ':': dotted
- - '-.': dash and dot
- :param str style: The linestyle to use
- """
- if style not in LineStyles:
- raise ValueError('Unknown style: %s', style)
- self.lineStyle = LineStyles[style]
- # Paint
- def paintEvent(self, event):
- """
- :param event: event
- :type event: QPaintEvent
- """
- painter = qt.QPainter(self)
- self.paint(painter, event.rect(), self.palette())
- def paint(self, painter, rect, palette):
- painter.setRenderHint(qt.QPainter.Antialiasing)
- # Scale painter to the icon height
- # current -> width = 2.5, height = 1.0
- scale = float(self.height())
- ratio = float(self.width()) / scale
- painter.scale(scale,
- scale)
- symbolOffset = qt.QPointF(.5 * (ratio - 1.), 0.)
- # Determine and scale offset
- offset = qt.QPointF(float(rect.left()) / scale, float( / scale)
- # Override color when disabled
- if self.isEnabled():
- overrideColor = None
- else:
- overrideColor = palette.color(qt.QPalette.Disabled,
- qt.QPalette.WindowText)
- # Draw BG rectangle (for debugging)
- # bottomRight = qt.QPointF(
- # float(rect.right())/scale,
- # float(rect.bottom())/scale)
- # painter.fillRect(qt.QRectF(offset, bottomRight),
- # qt.QBrush(
- llist = []
- if self.showLine:
- linePath = qt.QPainterPath()
- linePath.moveTo(0., 0.5)
- linePath.lineTo(ratio, 0.5)
- # linePath.lineTo(2.5, 0.5)
- lineBrush = qt.QBrush(
- self.lineColor if overrideColor is None else overrideColor)
- linePen = qt.QPen(
- lineBrush,
- (self.lineWidth / self.height()),
- self.lineStyle,
- qt.Qt.FlatCap
- )
- llist.append((linePath, linePen, lineBrush))
- if (self.showSymbol and len(self.symbol) and
- self.symbol not in NoSymbols):
- # PITFALL ahead: Let this be a warning to others
- # symbolPath = Symbols[self.symbol]
- # Copy before translate! Dict is a mutable type
- symbolPath = qt.QPainterPath(Symbols[self.symbol])
- symbolPath.translate(symbolOffset)
- symbolBrush = qt.QBrush(
- self.symbolColor if overrideColor is None else overrideColor,
- self.symbolStyle)
- symbolPen = qt.QPen(
- self.symbolOutlineBrush, # Brush
- 1. / self.height(), # Width
- qt.Qt.SolidLine # Style
- )
- llist.append((symbolPath,
- symbolPen,
- symbolBrush))
- # Draw
- for path, pen, brush in llist:
- path.translate(offset)
- painter.setPen(pen)
- painter.setBrush(brush)
- painter.drawPath(path)
- painter.restore()
class LegendModel(qt.QAbstractListModel):
"""Data model of curve legends.
@@ -476,7 +281,7 @@ class LegendModel(qt.QAbstractListModel):
new = []
for (legend, icon) in llist:
linestyle = icon.get('linestyle', None)
- if linestyle in NoLineStyle:
+ if LegendIconWidget.isEmptyLineStyle(linestyle):
# Curve had no line, give it one and hide it
# So when toggle line, it will display a solid line
showLine = False
@@ -485,7 +290,7 @@ class LegendModel(qt.QAbstractListModel):
showLine = True
symbol = icon.get('symbol', None)
- if symbol in NoSymbols:
+ if LegendIconWidget.isEmptySymbol(symbol):
# Curve had no symbol, give it one and hide it
# So when toggle symbol, it will display 'o'
showSymbol = False
@@ -959,7 +764,7 @@ class LegendListContextMenu(qt.QMenu):
flag =
symbol =
- visible = not flag or symbol in NoSymbols
+ visible = not flag or LegendIconWidget.isEmptySymbol(symbol)
'togglePointsAction -- Symbols visible: %s', str(visible))