path: root/silx/gui/plot/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'silx/gui/plot/')
1 files changed, 648 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/silx/gui/plot/ b/silx/gui/plot/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..09c5ca5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/silx/gui/plot/
@@ -0,0 +1,648 @@
+# coding: utf-8
+# /*##########################################################################
+# Copyright (c) 2017 European Synchrotron Radiation Facility
+# Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
+# of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
+# in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
+# to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
+# copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
+# furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
+# The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
+# all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
+# ###########################################################################*/
+"""Widget providing a set of tools to draw masks on a PlotWidget.
+This widget is meant to work with :class:`silx.gui.plot.PlotWidget`.
+- :class:`ImageMask`: Handle mask bitmap update and history
+- :class:`MaskToolsWidget`: GUI for :class:`Mask`
+- :class:`MaskToolsDockWidget`: DockWidget to integrate in :class:`PlotWindow`
+from __future__ import division
+__authors__ = ["T. Vincent", "P. Knobel"]
+__license__ = "MIT"
+__date__ = "20/06/2017"
+import os
+import sys
+import numpy
+import logging
+import collections
+from silx.image import shapes
+from ._BaseMaskToolsWidget import BaseMask, BaseMaskToolsWidget, BaseMaskToolsDockWidget
+from . import items
+from .Colors import cursorColorForColormap, rgba
+from .. import qt
+from silx.third_party.EdfFile import EdfFile
+from silx.third_party.TiffIO import TiffIO
+ import fabio
+except ImportError:
+ fabio = None
+_logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
+class ImageMask(BaseMask):
+ """A 2D mask field with update operations.
+ Coords follows (row, column) convention and are in mask array coords.
+ This is meant for internal use by :class:`MaskToolsWidget`.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, image=None):
+ """
+ :param image: :class:`silx.gui.plot.items.ImageBase` instance
+ """
+ BaseMask.__init__(self, image)
+ def getDataValues(self):
+ """Return image data as a 2D or 3D array (if it is a RGBA image).
+ :rtype: 2D or 3D numpy.ndarray
+ """
+ return self._dataItem.getData(copy=False)
+ def save(self, filename, kind):
+ """Save current mask in a file
+ :param str filename: The file where to save to mask
+ :param str kind: The kind of file to save in 'edf', 'tif', 'npy',
+ or 'msk' (if FabIO is installed)
+ :raise Exception: Raised if the file writing fail
+ """
+ if kind == 'edf':
+ edfFile = EdfFile(filename, access="w+")
+ edfFile.WriteImage({}, self.getMask(copy=False), Append=0)
+ elif kind == 'tif':
+ tiffFile = TiffIO(filename, mode='w')
+ tiffFile.writeImage(self.getMask(copy=False), software='silx')
+ elif kind == 'npy':
+ try:
+, self.getMask(copy=False))
+ except IOError:
+ raise RuntimeError("Mask file can't be written")
+ elif kind == 'msk':
+ if fabio is None:
+ raise ImportError("Fit2d mask files can't be written: Fabio module is not available")
+ try:
+ data = self.getMask(copy=False)
+ image = fabio.fabioimage.FabioImage(data=data)
+ image = image.convert(fabio.fit2dmaskimage.Fit2dMaskImage)
+ except Exception:
+ _logger.debug("Backtrace", exc_info=True)
+ raise RuntimeError("Mask file can't be written")
+ else:
+ raise ValueError("Format '%s' is not supported" % kind)
+ # Drawing operations
+ def updateRectangle(self, level, row, col, height, width, mask=True):
+ """Mask/Unmask a rectangle of the given mask level.
+ :param int level: Mask level to update.
+ :param int row: Starting row of the rectangle
+ :param int col: Starting column of the rectangle
+ :param int height:
+ :param int width:
+ :param bool mask: True to mask (default), False to unmask.
+ """
+ assert 0 < level < 256
+ selection = self._mask[max(0, row):row + height + 1,
+ max(0, col):col + width + 1]
+ if mask:
+ selection[:, :] = level
+ else:
+ selection[selection == level] = 0
+ self._notify()
+ def updatePolygon(self, level, vertices, mask=True):
+ """Mask/Unmask a polygon of the given mask level.
+ :param int level: Mask level to update.
+ :param vertices: Nx2 array of polygon corners as (row, col)
+ :param bool mask: True to mask (default), False to unmask.
+ """
+ fill = shapes.polygon_fill_mask(vertices, self._mask.shape)
+ if mask:
+ self._mask[fill != 0] = level
+ else:
+ self._mask[numpy.logical_and(fill != 0,
+ self._mask == level)] = 0
+ self._notify()
+ def updatePoints(self, level, rows, cols, mask=True):
+ """Mask/Unmask points with given coordinates.
+ :param int level: Mask level to update.
+ :param rows: Rows of selected points
+ :type rows: 1D numpy.ndarray
+ :param cols: Columns of selected points
+ :type cols: 1D numpy.ndarray
+ :param bool mask: True to mask (default), False to unmask.
+ """
+ valid = numpy.logical_and(
+ numpy.logical_and(rows >= 0, cols >= 0),
+ numpy.logical_and(rows < self._mask.shape[0],
+ cols < self._mask.shape[1]))
+ rows, cols = rows[valid], cols[valid]
+ if mask:
+ self._mask[rows, cols] = level
+ else:
+ inMask = self._mask[rows, cols] == level
+ self._mask[rows[inMask], cols[inMask]] = 0
+ self._notify()
+ def updateDisk(self, level, crow, ccol, radius, mask=True):
+ """Mask/Unmask a disk of the given mask level.
+ :param int level: Mask level to update.
+ :param int crow: Disk center row.
+ :param int ccol: Disk center column.
+ :param float radius: Radius of the disk in mask array unit
+ :param bool mask: True to mask (default), False to unmask.
+ """
+ rows, cols = shapes.circle_fill(crow, ccol, radius)
+ self.updatePoints(level, rows, cols, mask)
+ def updateLine(self, level, row0, col0, row1, col1, width, mask=True):
+ """Mask/Unmask a line of the given mask level.
+ :param int level: Mask level to update.
+ :param int row0: Row of the starting point.
+ :param int col0: Column of the starting point.
+ :param int row1: Row of the end point.
+ :param int col1: Column of the end point.
+ :param int width: Width of the line in mask array unit.
+ :param bool mask: True to mask (default), False to unmask.
+ """
+ rows, cols = shapes.draw_line(row0, col0, row1, col1, width)
+ self.updatePoints(level, rows, cols, mask)
+class MaskToolsWidget(BaseMaskToolsWidget):
+ """Widget with tools for drawing mask on an image in a PlotWidget."""
+ _maxLevelNumber = 255
+ def __init__(self, parent=None, plot=None):
+ super(MaskToolsWidget, self).__init__(parent, plot,
+ mask=ImageMask())
+ self._origin = (0., 0.) # Mask origin in plot
+ self._scale = (1., 1.) # Mask scale in plot
+ self._z = 1 # Mask layer in plot
+ self._data = numpy.zeros((0, 0), dtype=numpy.uint8) # Store image
+ def setSelectionMask(self, mask, copy=True):
+ """Set the mask to a new array.
+ :param numpy.ndarray mask: The array to use for the mask.
+ :type mask: numpy.ndarray of uint8 of dimension 2, C-contiguous.
+ Array of other types are converted.
+ :param bool copy: True (the default) to copy the array,
+ False to use it as is if possible.
+ :return: None if failed, shape of mask as 2-tuple if successful.
+ The mask can be cropped or padded to fit active image,
+ the returned shape is that of the active image.
+ """
+ mask = numpy.array(mask, copy=False, dtype=numpy.uint8)
+ if len(mask.shape) != 2:
+ _logger.error('Not an image, shape: %d', len(mask.shape))
+ return None
+ # ensure all mask attributes are synchronized with the active image
+ # and connect listener
+ activeImage = self.plot.getActiveImage()
+ if activeImage is not None and activeImage.getLegend() != self._maskName:
+ self._activeImageChanged()
+ self.plot.sigActiveImageChanged.connect(self._activeImageChanged)
+ if self._data.shape[0:2] == (0, 0) or mask.shape == self._data.shape[0:2]:
+ self._mask.setMask(mask, copy=copy)
+ self._mask.commit()
+ return mask.shape
+ else:
+ _logger.warning('Mask has not the same size as current image.'
+ ' Mask will be cropped or padded to fit image'
+ ' dimensions. %s != %s',
+ str(mask.shape), str(self._data.shape))
+ resizedMask = numpy.zeros(self._data.shape[0:2],
+ dtype=numpy.uint8)
+ height = min(self._data.shape[0], mask.shape[0])
+ width = min(self._data.shape[1], mask.shape[1])
+ resizedMask[:height, :width] = mask[:height, :width]
+ self._mask.setMask(resizedMask, copy=False)
+ self._mask.commit()
+ return resizedMask.shape
+ # Handle mask refresh on the plot
+ def _updatePlotMask(self):
+ """Update mask image in plot"""
+ mask = self.getSelectionMask(copy=False)
+ if len(mask):
+ # get the mask from the plot
+ maskItem = self.plot.getImage(self._maskName)
+ mustBeAdded = maskItem is None
+ if mustBeAdded:
+ maskItem = items.MaskImageData()
+ maskItem._setLegend(self._maskName)
+ # update the items
+ maskItem.setData(mask, copy=False)
+ maskItem.setColormap(self._colormap)
+ maskItem.setOrigin(self._origin)
+ maskItem.setScale(self._scale)
+ maskItem.setZValue(self._z)
+ if mustBeAdded:
+ self.plot._add(maskItem)
+ elif self.plot.getImage(self._maskName):
+ self.plot.remove(self._maskName, kind='image')
+ def showEvent(self, event):
+ try:
+ self.plot.sigActiveImageChanged.disconnect(
+ self._activeImageChangedAfterCare)
+ except (RuntimeError, TypeError):
+ pass
+ self._activeImageChanged() # Init mask + enable/disable widget
+ self.plot.sigActiveImageChanged.connect(self._activeImageChanged)
+ def hideEvent(self, event):
+ try:
+ self.plot.sigActiveImageChanged.disconnect(
+ self._activeImageChanged)
+ except (RuntimeError, TypeError):
+ pass
+ if not self.browseAction.isChecked():
+ self.browseAction.trigger() # Disable drawing tool
+ if len(self.getSelectionMask(copy=False)):
+ self.plot.sigActiveImageChanged.connect(
+ self._activeImageChangedAfterCare)
+ def _setOverlayColorForImage(self, image):
+ """Set the color of overlay adapted to image
+ :param image: :class:`.items.ImageBase` object to set color for.
+ """
+ if isinstance(image, items.ColormapMixIn):
+ colormap = image.getColormap()
+ self._defaultOverlayColor = rgba(
+ cursorColorForColormap(colormap['name']))
+ else:
+ self._defaultOverlayColor = rgba('black')
+ def _activeImageChangedAfterCare(self, *args):
+ """Check synchro of active image and mask when mask widget is hidden.
+ If active image has no more the same size as the mask, the mask is
+ removed, otherwise it is adjusted to origin, scale and z.
+ """
+ activeImage = self.plot.getActiveImage()
+ if activeImage is None or activeImage.getLegend() == self._maskName:
+ # No active image or active image is the mask...
+ self.plot.sigActiveImageChanged.disconnect(
+ self._activeImageChangedAfterCare)
+ else:
+ self._setOverlayColorForImage(activeImage)
+ self._setMaskColors(self.levelSpinBox.value(),
+ self.transparencySlider.value() /
+ self.transparencySlider.maximum())
+ self._origin = activeImage.getOrigin()
+ self._scale = activeImage.getScale()
+ self._z = activeImage.getZValue() + 1
+ self._data = activeImage.getData(copy=False)
+ if self._data.shape[:2] != self.getSelectionMask(copy=False).shape:
+ # Image has not the same size, remove mask and stop listening
+ if self.plot.getImage(self._maskName):
+ self.plot.remove(self._maskName, kind='image')
+ self.plot.sigActiveImageChanged.disconnect(
+ self._activeImageChangedAfterCare)
+ else:
+ # Refresh in case origin, scale, z changed
+ self._mask.setDataItem(activeImage)
+ self._updatePlotMask()
+ def _activeImageChanged(self, *args):
+ """Update widget and mask according to active image changes"""
+ activeImage = self.plot.getActiveImage()
+ if (activeImage is None or activeImage.getLegend() == self._maskName or
+ activeImage.getData(copy=False).size == 0):
+ # No active image or active image is the mask or image has no data...
+ self.setEnabled(False)
+ self._data = numpy.zeros((0, 0), dtype=numpy.uint8)
+ self._mask.reset()
+ self._mask.commit()
+ else: # There is an active image
+ self.setEnabled(True)
+ self._setOverlayColorForImage(activeImage)
+ self._setMaskColors(self.levelSpinBox.value(),
+ self.transparencySlider.value() /
+ self.transparencySlider.maximum())
+ self._origin = activeImage.getOrigin()
+ self._scale = activeImage.getScale()
+ self._z = activeImage.getZValue() + 1
+ self._data = activeImage.getData(copy=False)
+ self._mask.setDataItem(activeImage)
+ if self._data.shape[:2] != self.getSelectionMask(copy=False).shape:
+ self._mask.reset(self._data.shape[:2])
+ self._mask.commit()
+ else:
+ # Refresh in case origin, scale, z changed
+ self._updatePlotMask()
+ # Threshold tools only available for data with colormap
+ self.thresholdGroup.setEnabled(self._data.ndim == 2)
+ self._updateInteractiveMode()
+ # Handle whole mask operations
+ def load(self, filename):
+ """Load a mask from an image file.
+ :param str filename: File name from which to load the mask
+ :raise Exception: An exception in case of failure
+ :raise RuntimeWarning: In case the mask was applied but with some
+ import changes to notice
+ """
+ _, extension = os.path.splitext(filename)
+ extension = extension.lower()[1:]
+ if extension == "npy":
+ try:
+ mask = numpy.load(filename)
+ except IOError:
+ _logger.error("Can't load filename '%s'", filename)
+ _logger.debug("Backtrace", exc_info=True)
+ raise RuntimeError('File "%s" is not a numpy file.', filename)
+ elif extension in ["tif", "tiff"]:
+ try:
+ image = TiffIO(filename, mode="r")
+ mask = image.getImage(0)
+ except Exception as e:
+ _logger.error("Can't load filename %s", filename)
+ _logger.debug("Backtrace", exc_info=True)
+ raise e
+ elif extension == "edf":
+ try:
+ mask = EdfFile(filename, access='r').GetData(0)
+ except Exception as e:
+ _logger.error("Can't load filename %s", filename)
+ _logger.debug("Backtrace", exc_info=True)
+ raise e
+ elif extension == "msk":
+ if fabio is None:
+ raise ImportError("Fit2d mask files can't be read: Fabio module is not available")
+ try:
+ mask =
+ except Exception as e:
+ _logger.error("Can't load fit2d mask file")
+ _logger.debug("Backtrace", exc_info=True)
+ raise e
+ else:
+ msg = "Extension '%s' is not supported."
+ raise RuntimeError(msg % extension)
+ effectiveMaskShape = self.setSelectionMask(mask, copy=False)
+ if effectiveMaskShape is None:
+ return
+ if mask.shape != effectiveMaskShape:
+ msg = 'Mask was resized from %s to %s'
+ msg = msg % (str(mask.shape), str(effectiveMaskShape))
+ raise RuntimeWarning(msg)
+ def _loadMask(self):
+ """Open load mask dialog"""
+ dialog = qt.QFileDialog(self)
+ dialog.setWindowTitle("Load Mask")
+ dialog.setModal(1)
+ extensions = collections.OrderedDict()
+ extensions["EDF files"] = "*.edf"
+ extensions["TIFF files"] = "*.tif *.tiff"
+ extensions["NumPy binary files"] = "*.npy"
+ # Fit2D mask is displayed anyway fabio is here or not
+ # to show to the user that the option exists
+ extensions["Fit2D mask files"] = "*.msk"
+ filters = []
+ filters.append("All supported files (%s)" % " ".join(extensions.values()))
+ for name, extension in extensions.items():
+ filters.append("%s (%s)" % (name, extension))
+ filters.append("All files (*)")
+ dialog.setNameFilters(filters)
+ dialog.setFileMode(qt.QFileDialog.ExistingFile)
+ dialog.setDirectory(self.maskFileDir)
+ if not dialog.exec_():
+ dialog.close()
+ return
+ filename = dialog.selectedFiles()[0]
+ dialog.close()
+ self.maskFileDir = os.path.dirname(filename)
+ try:
+ self.load(filename)
+ except RuntimeWarning as e:
+ message = e.args[0]
+ msg = qt.QMessageBox(self)
+ msg.setIcon(qt.QMessageBox.Warning)
+ msg.setText("Mask loaded but an operation was applied.\n" + message)
+ msg.exec_()
+ except Exception as e:
+ message = e.args[0]
+ msg = qt.QMessageBox(self)
+ msg.setIcon(qt.QMessageBox.Critical)
+ msg.setText("Cannot load mask from file. " + message)
+ msg.exec_()
+ def _saveMask(self):
+ """Open Save mask dialog"""
+ dialog = qt.QFileDialog(self)
+ dialog.setWindowTitle("Save Mask")
+ dialog.setModal(1)
+ filters = [
+ 'EDF (*.edf)',
+ 'TIFF (*.tif)',
+ 'NumPy binary file (*.npy)',
+ # Fit2D mask is displayed anyway fabio is here or not
+ # to show to the user that the option exists
+ 'Fit2D mask (*.msk)',
+ ]
+ dialog.setNameFilters(filters)
+ dialog.setFileMode(qt.QFileDialog.AnyFile)
+ dialog.setAcceptMode(qt.QFileDialog.AcceptSave)
+ dialog.setDirectory(self.maskFileDir)
+ if not dialog.exec_():
+ dialog.close()
+ return
+ # convert filter name to extension name with the .
+ extension = dialog.selectedNameFilter().split()[-1][2:-1]
+ filename = dialog.selectedFiles()[0]
+ dialog.close()
+ if not filename.lower().endswith(extension):
+ filename += extension
+ if os.path.exists(filename):
+ try:
+ os.remove(filename)
+ except IOError:
+ msg = qt.QMessageBox(self)
+ msg.setIcon(qt.QMessageBox.Critical)
+ msg.setText("Cannot save.\n"
+ "Input Output Error: %s" % (sys.exc_info()[1]))
+ msg.exec_()
+ return
+ self.maskFileDir = os.path.dirname(filename)
+ try:
+, extension[1:])
+ except Exception as e:
+ msg = qt.QMessageBox(self)
+ msg.setIcon(qt.QMessageBox.Critical)
+ msg.setText("Cannot save file %s\n%s" % (filename, e.args[0]))
+ msg.exec_()
+ def resetSelectionMask(self):
+ """Reset the mask"""
+ self._mask.reset(shape=self._data.shape[:2])
+ self._mask.commit()
+ def _plotDrawEvent(self, event):
+ """Handle draw events from the plot"""
+ if (self._drawingMode is None or
+ event['event'] not in ('drawingProgress', 'drawingFinished')):
+ return
+ if not len(self._data):
+ return
+ level = self.levelSpinBox.value()
+ if (self._drawingMode == 'rectangle' and
+ event['event'] == 'drawingFinished'):
+ # Convert from plot to array coords
+ doMask = self._isMasking()
+ ox, oy = self._origin
+ sx, sy = self._scale
+ height = int(abs(event['height'] / sy))
+ width = int(abs(event['width'] / sx))
+ row = int((event['y'] - oy) / sy)
+ if sy < 0:
+ row -= height
+ col = int((event['x'] - ox) / sx)
+ if sx < 0:
+ col -= width
+ self._mask.updateRectangle(
+ level,
+ row=row,
+ col=col,
+ height=height,
+ width=width,
+ mask=doMask)
+ self._mask.commit()
+ elif (self._drawingMode == 'polygon' and
+ event['event'] == 'drawingFinished'):
+ doMask = self._isMasking()
+ # Convert from plot to array coords
+ vertices = (event['points'] - self._origin) / self._scale
+ vertices = vertices.astype([:, (1, 0)] # (row, col)
+ self._mask.updatePolygon(level, vertices, doMask)
+ self._mask.commit()
+ elif self._drawingMode == 'pencil':
+ doMask = self._isMasking()
+ # convert from plot to array coords
+ col, row = (event['points'][-1] - self._origin) / self._scale
+ col, row = int(col), int(row)
+ brushSize = self.pencilSpinBox.value()
+ if self._lastPencilPos != (row, col):
+ if self._lastPencilPos is not None:
+ # Draw the line
+ self._mask.updateLine(
+ level,
+ self._lastPencilPos[0], self._lastPencilPos[1],
+ row, col,
+ brushSize,
+ doMask)
+ # Draw the very first, or last point
+ self._mask.updateDisk(level, row, col, brushSize / 2., doMask)
+ if event['event'] == 'drawingFinished':
+ self._mask.commit()
+ self._lastPencilPos = None
+ else:
+ self._lastPencilPos = row, col
+ def _loadRangeFromColormapTriggered(self):
+ """Set range from active image colormap range"""
+ activeImage = self.plot.getActiveImage()
+ if (isinstance(activeImage, items.ColormapMixIn) and
+ activeImage.getLegend() != self._maskName):
+ # Update thresholds according to colormap
+ colormap = activeImage.getColormap()
+ if colormap['autoscale']:
+ min_ = numpy.nanmin(activeImage.getData(copy=False))
+ max_ = numpy.nanmax(activeImage.getData(copy=False))
+ else:
+ min_, max_ = colormap['vmin'], colormap['vmax']
+ self.minLineEdit.setText(str(min_))
+ self.maxLineEdit.setText(str(max_))
+class MaskToolsDockWidget(BaseMaskToolsDockWidget):
+ """:class:`MaskToolsWidget` embedded in a QDockWidget.
+ For integration in a :class:`PlotWindow`.
+ :param parent: See :class:`QDockWidget`
+ :param plot: The PlotWidget this widget is operating on
+ :paran str name: The title of this widget
+ """
+ def __init__(self, parent=None, plot=None, name='Mask'):
+ widget = MaskToolsWidget(plot=plot)
+ super(MaskToolsDockWidget, self).__init__(parent, name, widget)