path: root/silx/gui/plot/
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1 files changed, 16 insertions, 156 deletions
diff --git a/silx/gui/plot/ b/silx/gui/plot/
index 5bf2b59..3641b8c 100644
--- a/silx/gui/plot/
+++ b/silx/gui/plot/
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
# coding: utf-8
# /*##########################################################################
-# Copyright (c) 2004-2017 European Synchrotron Radiation Facility
+# Copyright (c) 2004-2018 European Synchrotron Radiation Facility
# Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
# of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
@@ -23,151 +23,7 @@
# ###########################################################################*/
"""Qt widget providing plot API for 1D and 2D data.
-Widget with plot API for 1D and 2D data.
The :class:`PlotWidget` implements the plot API initially provided in PyMca.
-Plot Events
-The :class:`PlotWidget` sends some event to the registered callback
-(See :meth:`PlotWidget.setCallback`).
-Those events are sent as a dictionary with a key 'event' describing the kind
-of event.
-Drawing events
-'drawingProgress' and 'drawingFinished' events are sent during drawing
-interaction (See :meth:`PlotWidget.setInteractiveMode`).
-- 'event': 'drawingProgress' or 'drawingFinished'
-- 'parameters': dict of parameters used by the drawing mode.
- It has the following keys: 'shape', 'label', 'color'.
- See :meth:`PlotWidget.setInteractiveMode`.
-- 'points': Points (x, y) in data coordinates of the drawn shape.
- For 'hline' and 'vline', it is the 2 points defining the line.
- For 'line' and 'rectangle', it is the coordinates of the start
- drawing point and the latest drawing point.
- For 'polygon', it is the coordinates of all points of the shape.
-- 'type': The type of drawing in 'line', 'hline', 'polygon', 'rectangle',
- 'vline'.
-- 'xdata' and 'ydata': X coords and Y coords of shape points in data
- coordinates (as in 'points').
-When the type is 'rectangle', the following additional keys are provided:
-- 'x' and 'y': The origin of the rectangle in data coordinates
-- 'widht' and 'height': The size of the rectangle in data coordinates
-Mouse events
-'mouseMoved', 'mouseClicked' and 'mouseDoubleClicked' events are sent for
-mouse events.
-They provide the following keys:
-- 'event': 'mouseMoved', 'mouseClicked' or 'mouseDoubleClicked'
-- 'button': the mouse button that was pressed in 'left', 'middle', 'right'
-- 'x' and 'y': The mouse position in data coordinates
-- 'xpixel' and 'ypixel': The mouse position in pixels
-Marker events
-'hover', 'markerClicked', 'markerMoving' and 'markerMoved' events are
-sent during interaction with markers.
-'hover' is sent when the mouse cursor is over a marker.
-'markerClicker' is sent when the user click on a selectable marker.
-'markerMoving' and 'markerMoved' are sent when a draggable marker is moved.
-They provide the following keys:
-- 'event': 'hover', 'markerClicked', 'markerMoving' or 'markerMoved'
-- 'button': the mouse button that is pressed in 'left', 'middle', 'right'
-- 'draggable': True if the marker is draggable, False otherwise
-- 'label': The legend associated with the clicked image or curve
-- 'selectable': True if the marker is selectable, False otherwise
-- 'type': 'marker'
-- 'x' and 'y': The mouse position in data coordinates
-- 'xdata' and 'ydata': The marker position in data coordinates
-'markerClicked' and 'markerMoving' events have a 'xpixel' and a 'ypixel'
-additional keys, that provide the mouse position in pixels.
-Image and curve events
-'curveClicked' and 'imageClicked' events are sent when a selectable curve
-or image is clicked.
-Both share the following keys:
-- 'event': 'curveClicked' or 'imageClicked'
-- 'button': the mouse button that was pressed in 'left', 'middle', 'right'
-- 'label': The legend associated with the clicked image or curve
-- 'type': The type of item in 'curve', 'image'
-- 'x' and 'y': The clicked position in data coordinates
-- 'xpixel' and 'ypixel': The clicked position in pixels
-'curveClicked' events have a 'xdata' and a 'ydata' additional keys, that
-provide the coordinates of the picked points of the curve.
-There can be more than one point of the curve being picked, and if a line of
-the curve is picked, only the first point of the line is included in the list.
-'imageClicked' have a 'col' and a 'row' additional keys, that provide
-the column and row index in the image array that was clicked.
-Limits changed events
-'limitsChanged' events are sent when the limits of the plot are changed.
-This can results from user interaction or API calls.
-It provides the following keys:
-- 'event': 'limitsChanged'
-- 'source': id of the widget that emitted this event.
-- 'xdata': Range of X in graph coordinates: (xMin, xMax).
-- 'ydata': Range of Y in graph coordinates: (yMin, yMax).
-- 'y2data': Range of right axis in graph coordinates (y2Min, y2Max) or None.
-Plot state change events
-The following events are emitted when the plot is modified.
-They provide the new state:
-- 'setGraphCursor' event with a 'state' key (bool)
-- 'setGraphGrid' event with a 'which' key (str), see :meth:`setGraphGrid`
-- 'setKeepDataAspectRatio' event with a 'state' key (bool)
-A 'contentChanged' event is triggered when the content of the plot is updated.
-It provides the following keys:
-- 'action': The change of the plot: 'add' or 'remove'
-- 'kind': The kind of primitive changed: 'curve', 'image', 'item' or 'marker'
-- 'legend': The legend of the primitive changed.
-'activeCurveChanged' and 'activeImageChanged' events with the following keys:
-- 'legend': Name (str) of the current active item or None if no active item.
-- 'previous': Name (str) of the previous active item or None if no item was
- active. It is the same as 'legend' if 'updated' == True
-- 'updated': (bool) True if active item name did not changed,
- but active item data or style was updated.
-'interactiveModeChanged' event with a 'source' key identifying the object
-setting the interactive mode.
-'defaultColormapChanged' event is triggered when the default colormap of
-the plot is updated.
from __future__ import division
@@ -264,7 +120,8 @@ class PlotWidget(qt.QMainWindow):
"""Signal for all events of the plot.
The signal information is provided as a dict.
- See :class:`PlotWidget` for documentation of the content of the dict.
+ See the :ref:`plot signal documentation page <plot_signal>` for
+ information about the content of the dict
sigSetKeepDataAspectRatio = qt.Signal(bool)
@@ -574,7 +431,7 @@ class PlotWidget(qt.QMainWindow):
if item.isVisible():
- if isinstance(item, (items.Curve, items.ImageBase)):
+ if isinstance(item, items.DATA_ITEMS):
self._invalidateDataRange() # TODO handle this automatically
@@ -964,7 +821,7 @@ class PlotWidget(qt.QMainWindow):
:param colormap: Description of the :class:`.Colormap` to use
(or None).
This is ignored if data is a RGB(A) image.
- :type colormap: Colormap or dict (old API )
+ :type colormap: Union[silx.gui.plot.Colormap.Colormap, dict]
:param pixmap: Pixmap representation of the data (if any)
:type pixmap: (nrows, ncolumns, RGBA) ubyte array or None (default)
:param str xlabel: X axis label to show when this curve is active,
@@ -1107,8 +964,8 @@ class PlotWidget(qt.QMainWindow):
:param numpy.ndarray y: The data corresponding to the y coordinates
:param numpy.ndarray value: The data value associated with each point
:param str legend: The legend to be associated to the scatter (or None)
- :param Colormap colormap: The :class:`.Colormap`. to be used for the
- scatter (or None)
+ :param silx.gui.plot.Colormap.Colormap colormap:
+ The :class:`.Colormap`. to be used for the scatter (or None)
:param info: User-defined information associated to the curve
:param str symbol: Symbol to be drawn at each (x, y) position::
@@ -2407,9 +2264,10 @@ class PlotWidget(qt.QMainWindow):
It only affects future calls to :meth:`addImage` without the colormap
- :param Colormap colormap: The description of the default colormap, or
- None to set the :class:`.Colormap` to a linear
- autoscale gray colormap.
+ :param silx.gui.plot.Colormap.Colormap colormap:
+ The description of the default colormap, or
+ None to set the :class:`.Colormap` to a linear
+ autoscale gray colormap.
if colormap is None:
colormap = Colormap(name='gray',
@@ -2533,6 +2391,7 @@ class PlotWidget(qt.QMainWindow):
if ddict['event'] in ["legendClicked", "curveClicked"]:
if ddict['button'] == "left":
+ qt.QToolTip.showText(self.cursor().pos(), ddict['label'])
def saveGraph(self, filename, fileFormat=None, dpi=None, **kw):
"""Save a snapshot of the plot.
@@ -2817,7 +2676,7 @@ class PlotWidget(qt.QMainWindow):
def test(mark):
return True
- markers = self._backend.pickItems(x, y)
+ markers = self._backend.pickItems(x, y, kinds=('marker',))
legends = [m['legend'] for m in markers if m['kind'] == 'marker']
for legend in reversed(legends):
@@ -2852,7 +2711,8 @@ class PlotWidget(qt.QMainWindow):
To use for interaction implementation.
- :param float x: X position in pixelsparam float y: Y position in pixels
+ :param float x: X position in pixels
+ :param float y: Y position in pixels
:param test: A callable to call for each picked item to filter
picked items. If None (default), do not filter items.
@@ -2860,7 +2720,7 @@ class PlotWidget(qt.QMainWindow):
def test(i):
return True
- allItems = self._backend.pickItems(x, y)
+ allItems = self._backend.pickItems(x, y, kinds=('curve', 'image'))
allItems = [item for item in allItems
if item['kind'] in ['curve', 'image']]