path: root/silx/gui/plot/
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Diffstat (limited to 'silx/gui/plot/')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 994 deletions
diff --git a/silx/gui/plot/ b/silx/gui/plot/
deleted file mode 100644
index 3cd605f..0000000
--- a/silx/gui/plot/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,994 +0,0 @@
-# coding: utf-8
-# /*##########################################################################
-# Copyright (c) 2004-2020 European Synchrotron Radiation Facility
-# Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
-# of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
-# in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
-# to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
-# copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
-# furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
-# The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
-# all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
-# ###########################################################################*/
-"""A :class:`.PlotWidget` with additional toolbars.
-The :class:`PlotWindow` is a subclass of :class:`.PlotWidget`.
-__authors__ = ["V.A. Sole", "T. Vincent"]
-__license__ = "MIT"
-__date__ = "12/04/2019"
- from collections import abc
-except ImportError: # Python2 support
- import collections as abc
-import logging
-import weakref
-import silx
-from silx.utils.weakref import WeakMethodProxy
-from silx.utils.deprecation import deprecated
-from silx.utils.proxy import docstring
-from . import PlotWidget
-from . import actions
-from . import items
-from .actions import medfilt as actions_medfilt
-from .actions import fit as actions_fit
-from .actions import control as actions_control
-from .actions import histogram as actions_histogram
-from . import PlotToolButtons
-from . import tools
-from .Profile import ProfileToolBar
-from .LegendSelector import LegendsDockWidget
-from .CurvesROIWidget import CurvesROIDockWidget
-from .MaskToolsWidget import MaskToolsDockWidget
-from .StatsWidget import BasicStatsWidget
-from .ColorBar import ColorBarWidget
- from ..console import IPythonDockWidget
-except ImportError:
- IPythonDockWidget = None
-from .. import qt
-_logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
-class PlotWindow(PlotWidget):
- """Qt Widget providing a 1D/2D plot area and additional tools.
- This widgets inherits from :class:`.PlotWidget` and provides its plot API.
- Initialiser parameters:
- :param parent: The parent of this widget or None.
- :param backend: The backend to use for the plot (default: matplotlib).
- See :class:`.PlotWidget` for the list of supported backend.
- :type backend: str or :class:`BackendBase.BackendBase`
- :param bool resetzoom: Toggle visibility of reset zoom action.
- :param bool autoScale: Toggle visibility of axes autoscale actions.
- :param bool logScale: Toggle visibility of axes log scale actions.
- :param bool grid: Toggle visibility of grid mode action.
- :param bool curveStyle: Toggle visibility of curve style action.
- :param bool colormap: Toggle visibility of colormap action.
- :param bool aspectRatio: Toggle visibility of aspect ratio button.
- :param bool yInverted: Toggle visibility of Y axis direction button.
- :param bool copy: Toggle visibility of copy action.
- :param bool save: Toggle visibility of save action.
- :param bool print_: Toggle visibility of print action.
- :param bool control: True to display an Options button with a sub-menu
- to show legends, toggle crosshair and pan with arrows.
- (Default: False)
- :param position: True to display widget with (x, y) mouse position
- (Default: False).
- It also supports a list of (name, funct(x, y)->value)
- to customize the displayed values.
- See :class:``.
- :param bool roi: Toggle visibilty of ROI action.
- :param bool mask: Toggle visibilty of mask action.
- :param bool fit: Toggle visibilty of fit action.
- """
- def __init__(self, parent=None, backend=None,
- resetzoom=True, autoScale=True, logScale=True, grid=True,
- curveStyle=True, colormap=True,
- aspectRatio=True, yInverted=True,
- copy=True, save=True, print_=True,
- control=False, position=False,
- roi=True, mask=True, fit=False):
- super(PlotWindow, self).__init__(parent=parent, backend=backend)
- if parent is None:
- self.setWindowTitle('PlotWindow')
- self._dockWidgets = []
- # lazy loaded dock widgets
- self._legendsDockWidget = None
- self._curvesROIDockWidget = None
- self._maskToolsDockWidget = None
- self._consoleDockWidget = None
- self._statsDockWidget = None
- # Create color bar, hidden by default for backward compatibility
- self._colorbar = ColorBarWidget(parent=self, plot=self)
- # Init actions
- = qt.QActionGroup(self)
- self.resetZoomAction =
- actions.control.ResetZoomAction(self, parent=self))
- self.resetZoomAction.setVisible(resetzoom)
- self.addAction(self.resetZoomAction)
- self.zoomInAction = actions.control.ZoomInAction(self, parent=self)
- self.addAction(self.zoomInAction)
- self.zoomOutAction = actions.control.ZoomOutAction(self, parent=self)
- self.addAction(self.zoomOutAction)
- self.xAxisAutoScaleAction =
- actions.control.XAxisAutoScaleAction(self, parent=self))
- self.xAxisAutoScaleAction.setVisible(autoScale)
- self.addAction(self.xAxisAutoScaleAction)
- self.yAxisAutoScaleAction =
- actions.control.YAxisAutoScaleAction(self, parent=self))
- self.yAxisAutoScaleAction.setVisible(autoScale)
- self.addAction(self.yAxisAutoScaleAction)
- self.xAxisLogarithmicAction =
- actions.control.XAxisLogarithmicAction(self, parent=self))
- self.xAxisLogarithmicAction.setVisible(logScale)
- self.addAction(self.xAxisLogarithmicAction)
- self.yAxisLogarithmicAction =
- actions.control.YAxisLogarithmicAction(self, parent=self))
- self.yAxisLogarithmicAction.setVisible(logScale)
- self.addAction(self.yAxisLogarithmicAction)
- self.gridAction =
- actions.control.GridAction(self, gridMode='both', parent=self))
- self.gridAction.setVisible(grid)
- self.addAction(self.gridAction)
- self.curveStyleAction =
- actions.control.CurveStyleAction(self, parent=self))
- self.curveStyleAction.setVisible(curveStyle)
- self.addAction(self.curveStyleAction)
- self.colormapAction =
- actions.control.ColormapAction(self, parent=self))
- self.colormapAction.setVisible(colormap)
- self.addAction(self.colormapAction)
- self.colorbarAction =
- actions_control.ColorBarAction(self, parent=self))
- self.colorbarAction.setVisible(False)
- self.addAction(self.colorbarAction)
- self._colorbar.setVisible(False)
- self.keepDataAspectRatioButton = PlotToolButtons.AspectToolButton(
- parent=self, plot=self)
- self.keepDataAspectRatioButton.setVisible(aspectRatio)
- self.yAxisInvertedButton = PlotToolButtons.YAxisOriginToolButton(
- parent=self, plot=self)
- self.yAxisInvertedButton.setVisible(yInverted)
- self.getRoiAction().setVisible(roi)
- self.getMaskAction().setVisible(mask)
- self._intensityHistoAction =
- actions_histogram.PixelIntensitiesHistoAction(self, parent=self))
- self._intensityHistoAction.setVisible(False)
- self._medianFilter2DAction =
- actions_medfilt.MedianFilter2DAction(self, parent=self))
- self._medianFilter2DAction.setVisible(False)
- self._medianFilter1DAction =
- actions_medfilt.MedianFilter1DAction(self, parent=self))
- self._medianFilter1DAction.setVisible(False)
- self.fitAction =, parent=self))
- self.fitAction.setVisible(fit)
- self.addAction(self.fitAction)
- # lazy loaded actions needed by the controlButton menu
- self._consoleAction = None
- self._statsAction = None
- self._panWithArrowKeysAction = None
- self._crosshairAction = None
- # Make colorbar background white
- self._colorbar.setAutoFillBackground(True)
- self._sigAxesVisibilityChanged.connect(self._updateColorBarBackground)
- self._updateColorBarBackground()
- if control: # Create control button only if requested
- self.controlButton = qt.QToolButton()
- self.controlButton.setText("Options")
- self.controlButton.setToolButtonStyle(qt.Qt.ToolButtonTextBesideIcon)
- self.controlButton.setAutoRaise(True)
- self.controlButton.setPopupMode(qt.QToolButton.InstantPopup)
- menu = qt.QMenu(self)
- menu.aboutToShow.connect(self._customControlButtonMenu)
- self.controlButton.setMenu(menu)
- self._positionWidget = None
- if position: # Add PositionInfo widget to the bottom of the plot
- if isinstance(position, abc.Iterable):
- # Use position as a set of converters
- converters = position
- else:
- converters = None
- self._positionWidget = tools.PositionInfo(
- plot=self, converters=converters)
- # Set a snapping mode that is consistent with legacy one
- self._positionWidget.setSnappingMode(
- tools.PositionInfo.SNAPPING_CROSSHAIR |
- tools.PositionInfo.SNAPPING_ACTIVE_ONLY |
- tools.PositionInfo.SNAPPING_SYMBOLS_ONLY |
- tools.PositionInfo.SNAPPING_CURVE |
- tools.PositionInfo.SNAPPING_SCATTER)
- self.__setCentralWidget()
- # Creating the toolbar also create actions for toolbuttons
- self._interactiveModeToolBar = tools.InteractiveModeToolBar(
- parent=self, plot=self)
- self.addToolBar(self._interactiveModeToolBar)
- self._toolbar = self._createToolBar(title='Plot', parent=self)
- self.addToolBar(self._toolbar)
- self._outputToolBar = tools.OutputToolBar(parent=self, plot=self)
- self._outputToolBar.getCopyAction().setVisible(copy)
- self._outputToolBar.getSaveAction().setVisible(save)
- self._outputToolBar.getPrintAction().setVisible(print_)
- self.addToolBar(self._outputToolBar)
- # Activate shortcuts in PlotWindow widget:
- for toolbar in (self._interactiveModeToolBar, self._outputToolBar):
- for action in toolbar.actions():
- self.addAction(action)
- def __setCentralWidget(self):
- """Set central widget to host plot backend, colorbar, and bottom bar"""
- gridLayout = qt.QGridLayout()
- gridLayout.setSpacing(0)
- gridLayout.setContentsMargins(0, 0, 0, 0)
- gridLayout.addWidget(self.getWidgetHandle(), 0, 0)
- gridLayout.addWidget(self._colorbar, 0, 1)
- gridLayout.setRowStretch(0, 1)
- gridLayout.setColumnStretch(0, 1)
- centralWidget = qt.QWidget(self)
- centralWidget.setLayout(gridLayout)
- if hasattr(self, "controlButton") or self._positionWidget is not None:
- hbox = qt.QHBoxLayout()
- hbox.setContentsMargins(0, 0, 0, 0)
- if hasattr(self, "controlButton"):
- hbox.addWidget(self.controlButton)
- if self._positionWidget is not None:
- hbox.addWidget(self._positionWidget)
- hbox.addStretch(1)
- bottomBar = qt.QWidget(centralWidget)
- bottomBar.setLayout(hbox)
- gridLayout.addWidget(bottomBar, 1, 0, 1, -1)
- self.setCentralWidget(centralWidget)
- @docstring(PlotWidget)
- def setBackend(self, backend):
- super(PlotWindow, self).setBackend(backend)
- self.__setCentralWidget() # Recreate PlotWindow's central widget
- @docstring(PlotWidget)
- def setBackgroundColor(self, color):
- super(PlotWindow, self).setBackgroundColor(color)
- self._updateColorBarBackground()
- @docstring(PlotWidget)
- def setDataBackgroundColor(self, color):
- super(PlotWindow, self).setDataBackgroundColor(color)
- self._updateColorBarBackground()
- @docstring(PlotWidget)
- def setForegroundColor(self, color):
- super(PlotWindow, self).setForegroundColor(color)
- self._updateColorBarBackground()
- def _updateColorBarBackground(self):
- """Update the colorbar background according to the state of the plot"""
- if self.isAxesDisplayed():
- color = self.getBackgroundColor()
- else:
- color = self.getDataBackgroundColor()
- if not color.isValid():
- # If no color defined, use the background one
- color = self.getBackgroundColor()
- foreground = self.getForegroundColor()
- palette = self._colorbar.palette()
- palette.setColor(qt.QPalette.Background, color)
- palette.setColor(qt.QPalette.Window, color)
- palette.setColor(qt.QPalette.WindowText, foreground)
- palette.setColor(qt.QPalette.Text, foreground)
- self._colorbar.setPalette(palette)
- def getInteractiveModeToolBar(self):
- """Returns QToolBar controlling interactive mode.
- :rtype: QToolBar
- """
- return self._interactiveModeToolBar
- def getOutputToolBar(self):
- """Returns QToolBar containing save, copy and print actions
- :rtype: QToolBar
- """
- return self._outputToolBar
- @property
- @deprecated(replacement="getPositionInfoWidget()", since_version="0.8.0")
- def positionWidget(self):
- return self.getPositionInfoWidget()
- def getPositionInfoWidget(self):
- """Returns the widget displaying current cursor position information
- :rtype:
- """
- return self._positionWidget
- def getSelectionMask(self):
- """Return the current mask handled by :attr:`maskToolsDockWidget`.
- :return: The array of the mask with dimension of the 'active' image.
- If there is no active image, an empty array is returned.
- :rtype: 2D numpy.ndarray of uint8
- """
- return self.getMaskToolsDockWidget().getSelectionMask()
- def setSelectionMask(self, mask):
- """Set the mask handled by :attr:`maskToolsDockWidget`.
- If the provided mask has not the same dimension as the 'active'
- image, it will by cropped or padded.
- :param mask: The array to use for the mask.
- :type mask: numpy.ndarray of uint8 of dimension 2, C-contiguous.
- Array of other types are converted.
- :return: True if success, False if failed
- """
- return bool(self.getMaskToolsDockWidget().setSelectionMask(mask))
- def _toggleConsoleVisibility(self, isChecked=False):
- """Create IPythonDockWidget if needed,
- show it or hide it."""
- # create widget if needed (first call)
- if self._consoleDockWidget is None:
- available_vars = {"plt": weakref.proxy(self)}
- banner = "The variable 'plt' is available. Use the 'whos' "
- banner += "and 'help(plt)' commands for more information.\n\n"
- self._consoleDockWidget = IPythonDockWidget(
- available_vars=available_vars,
- custom_banner=banner,
- parent=self)
- self.addTabbedDockWidget(self._consoleDockWidget)
- # self._consoleDockWidget.setVisible(True)
- self._consoleDockWidget.toggleViewAction().toggled.connect(
- self.getConsoleAction().setChecked)
- self._consoleDockWidget.setVisible(isChecked)
- def _toggleStatsVisibility(self, isChecked=False):
- self.getStatsWidget().parent().setVisible(isChecked)
- def _createToolBar(self, title, parent):
- """Create a QToolBar from the QAction of the PlotWindow.
- :param str title: The title of the QMenu
- :param qt.QWidget parent: See :class:`QToolBar`
- """
- toolbar = qt.QToolBar(title, parent)
- # Order widgets with actions
- objects =
- # Add push buttons to list
- index = objects.index(self.colormapAction)
- objects.insert(index + 1, self.keepDataAspectRatioButton)
- objects.insert(index + 2, self.yAxisInvertedButton)
- for obj in objects:
- if isinstance(obj, qt.QAction):
- toolbar.addAction(obj)
- else:
- # Add action for toolbutton in order to allow changing
- # visibility (see doc QToolBar.addWidget doc)
- if obj is self.keepDataAspectRatioButton:
- self.keepDataAspectRatioAction = toolbar.addWidget(obj)
- elif obj is self.yAxisInvertedButton:
- self.yAxisInvertedAction = toolbar.addWidget(obj)
- else:
- raise RuntimeError()
- return toolbar
- def toolBar(self):
- """Return a QToolBar from the QAction of the PlotWindow.
- """
- return self._toolbar
- def menu(self, title='Plot', parent=None):
- """Return a QMenu from the QAction of the PlotWindow.
- :param str title: The title of the QMenu
- :param parent: See :class:`QMenu`
- """
- menu = qt.QMenu(title, parent)
- for action in
- menu.addAction(action)
- return menu
- def _customControlButtonMenu(self):
- """Display Options button sub-menu."""
- controlMenu =
- controlMenu.clear()
- controlMenu.addAction(self.getLegendsDockWidget().toggleViewAction())
- controlMenu.addAction(self.getRoiAction())
- controlMenu.addAction(self.getStatsAction())
- controlMenu.addAction(self.getMaskAction())
- controlMenu.addAction(self.getConsoleAction())
- controlMenu.addSeparator()
- controlMenu.addAction(self.getCrosshairAction())
- controlMenu.addAction(self.getPanWithArrowKeysAction())
- def addTabbedDockWidget(self, dock_widget):
- """Add a dock widget as a new tab if there are already dock widgets
- in the plot. When the first tab is added, the area is chosen
- depending on the plot geometry:
- if the window is much wider than it is high, the right dock area
- is used, else the bottom dock area is used.
- :param dock_widget: Instance of :class:`QDockWidget` to be added.
- """
- if dock_widget not in self._dockWidgets:
- self._dockWidgets.append(dock_widget)
- if len(self._dockWidgets) == 1:
- # The first created dock widget must be added to a Widget area
- width = self.centralWidget().width()
- height = self.centralWidget().height()
- if width > (1.25 * height):
- area = qt.Qt.RightDockWidgetArea
- else:
- area = qt.Qt.BottomDockWidgetArea
- self.addDockWidget(area, dock_widget)
- else:
- # Other dock widgets are added as tabs to the same widget area
- self.tabifyDockWidget(self._dockWidgets[0],
- dock_widget)
- def removeDockWidget(self, dockwidget):
- """Removes the *dockwidget* from the main window layout and hides it.
- Note that the *dockwidget* is *not* deleted.
- :param QDockWidget dockwidget:
- """
- if dockwidget in self._dockWidgets:
- self._dockWidgets.remove(dockwidget)
- super(PlotWindow, self).removeDockWidget(dockwidget)
- def __handleFirstDockWidgetShow(self, visible):
- """Handle QDockWidget.visibilityChanged
- It calls :meth:`addTabbedDockWidget` for the `sender` widget.
- This allows to call `addTabbedDockWidget` lazily.
- It disconnect itself from the signal once done.
- :param bool visible:
- """
- if visible:
- dockWidget = self.sender()
- dockWidget.visibilityChanged.disconnect(
- self.__handleFirstDockWidgetShow)
- self.addTabbedDockWidget(dockWidget)
- def getColorBarWidget(self):
- """Returns the embedded :class:`ColorBarWidget` widget.
- :rtype: ColorBarWidget
- """
- return self._colorbar
- # getters for dock widgets
- def getLegendsDockWidget(self):
- """DockWidget with Legend panel"""
- if self._legendsDockWidget is None:
- self._legendsDockWidget = LegendsDockWidget(plot=self)
- self._legendsDockWidget.hide()
- self._legendsDockWidget.visibilityChanged.connect(
- self.__handleFirstDockWidgetShow)
- return self._legendsDockWidget
- def getCurvesRoiDockWidget(self):
- # Undocumented for a "soft deprecation" in version 0.7.0
- # (still used internally for lazy loading)
- if self._curvesROIDockWidget is None:
- self._curvesROIDockWidget = CurvesROIDockWidget(
- plot=self, name='Regions Of Interest')
- self._curvesROIDockWidget.hide()
- self._curvesROIDockWidget.visibilityChanged.connect(
- self.__handleFirstDockWidgetShow)
- return self._curvesROIDockWidget
- def getCurvesRoiWidget(self):
- """Return the :class:`CurvesROIWidget`.
- :class:`silx.gui.plot.CurvesROIWidget.CurvesROIWidget` offers a getter
- and a setter for the ROI data:
- - :meth:`CurvesROIWidget.getRois`
- - :meth:`CurvesROIWidget.setRois`
- """
- return self.getCurvesRoiDockWidget().roiWidget
- def getMaskToolsDockWidget(self):
- """DockWidget with image mask panel (lazy-loaded)."""
- if self._maskToolsDockWidget is None:
- self._maskToolsDockWidget = MaskToolsDockWidget(
- plot=self, name='Mask')
- self._maskToolsDockWidget.hide()
- self._maskToolsDockWidget.visibilityChanged.connect(
- self.__handleFirstDockWidgetShow)
- return self._maskToolsDockWidget
- def getStatsWidget(self):
- """Returns a BasicStatsWidget connected to this plot
- :rtype: BasicStatsWidget
- """
- if self._statsDockWidget is None:
- self._statsDockWidget = qt.QDockWidget()
- self._statsDockWidget.setWindowTitle("Curves stats")
- self._statsDockWidget.layout().setContentsMargins(0, 0, 0, 0)
- statsWidget = BasicStatsWidget(parent=self, plot=self)
- self._statsDockWidget.setWidget(statsWidget)
- statsWidget.sigVisibilityChanged.connect(
- self.getStatsAction().setChecked)
- self._statsDockWidget.hide()
- self._statsDockWidget.visibilityChanged.connect(
- self.__handleFirstDockWidgetShow)
- return self._statsDockWidget.widget()
- # getters for actions
- @property
- @deprecated(replacement="getInteractiveModeToolBar().getZoomModeAction()",
- since_version="0.8.0")
- def zoomModeAction(self):
- return self.getInteractiveModeToolBar().getZoomModeAction()
- @property
- @deprecated(replacement="getInteractiveModeToolBar().getPanModeAction()",
- since_version="0.8.0")
- def panModeAction(self):
- return self.getInteractiveModeToolBar().getPanModeAction()
- def getConsoleAction(self):
- """QAction handling the IPython console activation.
- By default, it is connected to a method that initializes the
- console widget the first time the user clicks the "Console" menu
- button. The following clicks, after initialization is done,
- will toggle the visibility of the console widget.
- :rtype: QAction
- """
- if self._consoleAction is None:
- self._consoleAction = qt.QAction('Console', self)
- self._consoleAction.setCheckable(True)
- if IPythonDockWidget is not None:
- self._consoleAction.toggled.connect(self._toggleConsoleVisibility)
- else:
- self._consoleAction.setEnabled(False)
- return self._consoleAction
- def getCrosshairAction(self):
- """Action toggling crosshair cursor mode.
- :rtype: actions.PlotAction
- """
- if self._crosshairAction is None:
- self._crosshairAction = actions.control.CrosshairAction(self, color='red')
- return self._crosshairAction
- def getMaskAction(self):
- """QAction toggling image mask dock widget
- :rtype: QAction
- """
- return self.getMaskToolsDockWidget().toggleViewAction()
- def getPanWithArrowKeysAction(self):
- """Action toggling pan with arrow keys.
- :rtype: actions.PlotAction
- """
- if self._panWithArrowKeysAction is None:
- self._panWithArrowKeysAction = actions.control.PanWithArrowKeysAction(self)
- return self._panWithArrowKeysAction
- def getStatsAction(self):
- if self._statsAction is None:
- self._statsAction = qt.QAction('Curves stats', self)
- self._statsAction.setCheckable(True)
- self._statsAction.setChecked(self.getStatsWidget().parent().isVisible())
- self._statsAction.toggled.connect(self._toggleStatsVisibility)
- return self._statsAction
- def getRoiAction(self):
- """QAction toggling curve ROI dock widget
- :rtype: QAction
- """
- return self.getCurvesRoiDockWidget().toggleViewAction()
- def getResetZoomAction(self):
- """Action resetting the zoom
- :rtype: actions.PlotAction
- """
- return self.resetZoomAction
- def getZoomInAction(self):
- """Action to zoom in
- :rtype: actions.PlotAction
- """
- return self.zoomInAction
- def getZoomOutAction(self):
- """Action to zoom out
- :rtype: actions.PlotAction
- """
- return self.zoomOutAction
- def getXAxisAutoScaleAction(self):
- """Action to toggle the X axis autoscale on zoom reset
- :rtype: actions.PlotAction
- """
- return self.xAxisAutoScaleAction
- def getYAxisAutoScaleAction(self):
- """Action to toggle the Y axis autoscale on zoom reset
- :rtype: actions.PlotAction
- """
- return self.yAxisAutoScaleAction
- def getXAxisLogarithmicAction(self):
- """Action to toggle logarithmic X axis
- :rtype: actions.PlotAction
- """
- return self.xAxisLogarithmicAction
- def getYAxisLogarithmicAction(self):
- """Action to toggle logarithmic Y axis
- :rtype: actions.PlotAction
- """
- return self.yAxisLogarithmicAction
- def getGridAction(self):
- """Action to toggle the grid visibility in the plot
- :rtype: actions.PlotAction
- """
- return self.gridAction
- def getCurveStyleAction(self):
- """Action to change curve line and markers styles
- :rtype: actions.PlotAction
- """
- return self.curveStyleAction
- def getColormapAction(self):
- """Action open a colormap dialog to change active image
- and default colormap.
- :rtype: actions.PlotAction
- """
- return self.colormapAction
- def getKeepDataAspectRatioButton(self):
- """Button to toggle aspect ratio preservation
- :rtype: PlotToolButtons.AspectToolButton
- """
- return self.keepDataAspectRatioButton
- def getKeepDataAspectRatioAction(self):
- """Action associated to keepDataAspectRatioButton.
- Use this to change the visibility of keepDataAspectRatioButton in the
- toolbar (See :meth:`QToolBar.addWidget` documentation).
- :rtype: actions.PlotAction
- """
- return self.keepDataAspectRatioButton
- def getYAxisInvertedButton(self):
- """Button to switch the Y axis orientation
- :rtype: PlotToolButtons.YAxisOriginToolButton
- """
- return self.yAxisInvertedButton
- def getYAxisInvertedAction(self):
- """Action associated to yAxisInvertedButton.
- Use this to change the visibility yAxisInvertedButton in the toolbar.
- (See :meth:`QToolBar.addWidget` documentation).
- :rtype: actions.PlotAction
- """
- return self.yAxisInvertedAction
- def getIntensityHistogramAction(self):
- """Action toggling the histogram intensity Plot widget
- :rtype: actions.PlotAction
- """
- return self._intensityHistoAction
- def getCopyAction(self):
- """Action to copy plot snapshot to clipboard
- :rtype: actions.PlotAction
- """
- return self.getOutputToolBar().getCopyAction()
- def getSaveAction(self):
- """Action to save plot
- :rtype: actions.PlotAction
- """
- return self.getOutputToolBar().getSaveAction()
- def getPrintAction(self):
- """Action to print plot
- :rtype: actions.PlotAction
- """
- return self.getOutputToolBar().getPrintAction()
- def getFitAction(self):
- """Action to fit selected curve
- :rtype: actions.PlotAction
- """
- return self.fitAction
- def getMedianFilter1DAction(self):
- """Action toggling the 1D median filter
- :rtype: actions.PlotAction
- """
- return self._medianFilter1DAction
- def getMedianFilter2DAction(self):
- """Action toggling the 2D median filter
- :rtype: actions.PlotAction
- """
- return self._medianFilter2DAction
- def getColorBarAction(self):
- """Action toggling the colorbar show/hide action
- .. warning:: to show/hide the plot colorbar call directly the ColorBar
- widget using getColorBarWidget()
- :rtype: actions.PlotAction
- """
- return self.colorbarAction
-class Plot1D(PlotWindow):
- """PlotWindow with tools specific for curves.
- This widgets provides the plot API of :class:`.PlotWidget`.
- :param parent: The parent of this widget
- :param backend: The backend to use for the plot (default: matplotlib).
- See :class:`.PlotWidget` for the list of supported backend.
- :type backend: str or :class:`BackendBase.BackendBase`
- """
- def __init__(self, parent=None, backend=None):
- super(Plot1D, self).__init__(parent=parent, backend=backend,
- resetzoom=True, autoScale=True,
- logScale=True, grid=True,
- curveStyle=True, colormap=False,
- aspectRatio=False, yInverted=False,
- copy=True, save=True, print_=True,
- control=True, position=True,
- roi=True, mask=False, fit=True)
- if parent is None:
- self.setWindowTitle('Plot1D')
- self.getXAxis().setLabel('X')
- self.getYAxis().setLabel('Y')
- action = self.getFitAction()
- action.setXRangeUpdatedOnZoom(True)
- action.setFittedItemUpdatedFromActiveCurve(True)
-class Plot2D(PlotWindow):
- """PlotWindow with a toolbar specific for images.
- This widgets provides the plot API of :~:`.PlotWidget`.
- :param parent: The parent of this widget
- :param backend: The backend to use for the plot (default: matplotlib).
- See :class:`.PlotWidget` for the list of supported backend.
- :type backend: str or :class:`BackendBase.BackendBase`
- """
- def __init__(self, parent=None, backend=None):
- # List of information to display at the bottom of the plot
- posInfo = [
- ('X', lambda x, y: x),
- ('Y', lambda x, y: y),
- ('Data', WeakMethodProxy(self._getImageValue)),
- ('Dims', WeakMethodProxy(self._getImageDims)),
- ]
- super(Plot2D, self).__init__(parent=parent, backend=backend,
- resetzoom=True, autoScale=False,
- logScale=False, grid=False,
- curveStyle=False, colormap=True,
- aspectRatio=True, yInverted=True,
- copy=True, save=True, print_=True,
- control=False, position=posInfo,
- roi=False, mask=True)
- if parent is None:
- self.setWindowTitle('Plot2D')
- self.getXAxis().setLabel('Columns')
- self.getYAxis().setLabel('Rows')
- if silx.config.DEFAULT_PLOT_IMAGE_Y_AXIS_ORIENTATION == 'downward':
- self.getYAxis().setInverted(True)
- self.profile = ProfileToolBar(plot=self)
- self.addToolBar(self.profile)
- self.colorbarAction.setVisible(True)
- self.getColorBarWidget().setVisible(True)
- # Put colorbar action after colormap action
- actions = self.toolBar().actions()
- for action in actions:
- if action is self.getColormapAction():
- break
- self.sigActiveImageChanged.connect(self.__activeImageChanged)
- def __activeImageChanged(self, previous, legend):
- """Handle change of active image
- :param Union[str,None] previous: Legend of previous active image
- :param Union[str,None] legend: Legend of current active image
- """
- if previous is not None:
- item = self.getImage(previous)
- if item is not None:
- item.sigItemChanged.disconnect(self.__imageChanged)
- if legend is not None:
- item = self.getImage(legend)
- item.sigItemChanged.connect(self.__imageChanged)
- positionInfo = self.getPositionInfoWidget()
- if positionInfo is not None:
- positionInfo.updateInfo()
- def __imageChanged(self, event):
- """Handle update of active image item
- :param event: Type of changed event
- """
- if event == items.ItemChangedType.DATA:
- positionInfo = self.getPositionInfoWidget()
- if positionInfo is not None:
- positionInfo.updateInfo()
- def _getImageValue(self, x, y):
- """Get status bar value of top most image at position (x, y)
- :param float x: X position in plot coordinates
- :param float y: Y position in plot coordinates
- :return: The value at that point or '-'
- """
- pickedMask = None
- for picked in self.pickItems(
- *self.dataToPixel(x, y, check=False),
- lambda item: isinstance(item, items.ImageBase)):
- if isinstance(picked.getItem(), items.MaskImageData):
- if pickedMask is None: # Use top-most if many masks
- pickedMask = picked
- else:
- image = picked.getItem()
- indices = picked.getIndices(copy=False)
- if indices is not None:
- row, col = indices[0][0], indices[1][0]
- value = image.getData(copy=False)[row, col]
- if pickedMask is not None: # Check if masked
- maskItem = pickedMask.getItem()
- indices = pickedMask.getIndices()
- row, col = indices[0][0], indices[1][0]
- if maskItem.getData(copy=False)[row, col] != 0:
- return value, "Masked"
- return value
- return '-' # No image picked
- def _getImageDims(self, *args):
- activeImage = self.getActiveImage()
- if (activeImage is not None and
- activeImage.getData(copy=False) is not None):
- dims = activeImage.getData(copy=False).shape[1::-1]
- return 'x'.join(str(dim) for dim in dims)
- else:
- return '-'
- def getProfileToolbar(self):
- """Profile tools attached to this plot
- See :class:`silx.gui.plot.Profile.ProfileToolBar`
- """
- return self.profile
- @deprecated(replacement="getProfilePlot", since_version="0.5.0")
- def getProfileWindow(self):
- return self.getProfilePlot()
- def getProfilePlot(self):
- """Return plot window used to display profile curve.
- :return: :class:`Plot1D`
- """
- return self.profile.getProfilePlot()