path: root/silx/gui/plot/items/
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Diffstat (limited to 'silx/gui/plot/items/')
1 files changed, 835 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/silx/gui/plot/items/ b/silx/gui/plot/items/
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--- /dev/null
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+# coding: utf-8
+# /*##########################################################################
+# Copyright (c) 2018-2020 European Synchrotron Radiation Facility
+# Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
+# of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
+# in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
+# to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
+# copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
+# furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
+# The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
+# all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
+# ###########################################################################*/
+"""This module provides base components to create ROI item for
+the :class:`~silx.gui.plot.PlotWidget`.
+.. inheritance-diagram::
+ silx.gui.plot.items.roi
+ :parts: 1
+__authors__ = ["T. Vincent"]
+__license__ = "MIT"
+__date__ = "28/06/2018"
+import logging
+import numpy
+import weakref
+from ....utils.weakref import WeakList
+from ... import qt
+from .. import items
+from ..items import core
+from ...colors import rgba
+import silx.utils.deprecation
+from ....utils.proxy import docstring
+logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
+class _RegionOfInterestBase(qt.QObject):
+ """Base class of 1D and 2D region of interest
+ :param QObject parent: See QObject
+ :param str name: The name of the ROI
+ """
+ sigAboutToBeRemoved = qt.Signal()
+ """Signal emitted just before this ROI is removed from its manager."""
+ sigItemChanged = qt.Signal(object)
+ """Signal emitted when item has changed.
+ It provides a flag describing which property of the item has changed.
+ See :class:`ItemChangedType` for flags description.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, parent=None):
+ qt.QObject.__init__(self, parent=parent)
+ self.__name = ''
+ def getName(self):
+ """Returns the name of the ROI
+ :return: name of the region of interest
+ :rtype: str
+ """
+ return self.__name
+ def setName(self, name):
+ """Set the name of the ROI
+ :param str name: name of the region of interest
+ """
+ name = str(name)
+ if self.__name != name:
+ self.__name = name
+ self._updated(items.ItemChangedType.NAME)
+ def _updated(self, event=None, checkVisibility=True):
+ """Implement Item mix-in update method by updating the plot items
+ See :class:`~silx.gui.plot.items.Item._updated`
+ """
+ self.sigItemChanged.emit(event)
+ def contains(self, position):
+ """Returns True if the `position` is in this ROI.
+ :param tuple[float,float] position: position to check
+ :return: True if the value / point is consider to be in the region of
+ interest.
+ :rtype: bool
+ """
+ return False # Override in subclass to perform actual test
+class RoiInteractionMode(object):
+ """Description of an interaction mode.
+ An interaction mode provide a specific kind of interaction for a ROI.
+ A ROI can implement many interaction.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, label, description=None):
+ self._label = label
+ self._description = description
+ @property
+ def label(self):
+ return self._label
+ @property
+ def description(self):
+ return self._description
+class InteractionModeMixIn(object):
+ """Mix in feature which can be implemented by a ROI object.
+ This provides user interaction to switch between different
+ interaction mode to edit the ROI.
+ This ROI modes have to be described using `RoiInteractionMode`,
+ and taken into account during interation with handles.
+ """
+ sigInteractionModeChanged = qt.Signal(object)
+ def __init__(self):
+ self.__modeId = None
+ def _initInteractionMode(self, modeId):
+ """Set the mode without updating anything.
+ Must be one of the returned :meth:`availableInteractionModes`.
+ :param RoiInteractionMode modeId: Mode to use
+ """
+ self.__modeId = modeId
+ def availableInteractionModes(self):
+ """Returns the list of available interaction modes
+ Must be implemented when inherited to provide all available modes.
+ :rtype: List[RoiInteractionMode]
+ """
+ raise NotImplementedError()
+ def setInteractionMode(self, modeId):
+ """Set the interaction mode.
+ :param RoiInteractionMode modeId: Mode to use
+ """
+ self.__modeId = modeId
+ self._interactiveModeUpdated(modeId)
+ self.sigInteractionModeChanged.emit(modeId)
+ def _interactiveModeUpdated(self, modeId):
+ """Called directly after an update of the mode.
+ The signal `sigInteractionModeChanged` is triggered after this
+ call.
+ Must be implemented when inherited to take care of the change.
+ """
+ raise NotImplementedError()
+ def getInteractionMode(self):
+ """Returns the interaction mode.
+ Must be one of the returned :meth:`availableInteractionModes`.
+ :rtype: RoiInteractionMode
+ """
+ return self.__modeId
+class RegionOfInterest(_RegionOfInterestBase, core.HighlightedMixIn):
+ """Object describing a region of interest in a plot.
+ :param QObject parent:
+ The RegionOfInterestManager that created this object
+ """
+ """Default line width of the curve"""
+ """Default line style of the curve"""
+ _DEFAULT_HIGHLIGHT_STYLE = items.CurveStyle(linewidth=2)
+ """Default highlight style of the item"""
+ ICON, NAME, SHORT_NAME = None, None, None
+ """Metadata to describe the ROI in labels, tooltips and widgets
+ Should be set by inherited classes to custom the ROI manager widget.
+ """
+ sigRegionChanged = qt.Signal()
+ """Signal emitted everytime the shape or position of the ROI changes"""
+ sigEditingStarted = qt.Signal()
+ """Signal emitted when the user start editing the roi"""
+ sigEditingFinished = qt.Signal()
+ """Signal emitted when the region edition is finished. During edition
+ sigEditionChanged will be emitted several times and
+ sigRegionEditionFinished only at end"""
+ def __init__(self, parent=None):
+ # Avoid circular dependency
+ from import roi as roi_tools
+ assert parent is None or isinstance(parent, roi_tools.RegionOfInterestManager)
+ _RegionOfInterestBase.__init__(self, parent)
+ core.HighlightedMixIn.__init__(self)
+ self._color = rgba('red')
+ self._editable = False
+ self._selectable = False
+ self._focusProxy = None
+ self._visible = True
+ self._child = WeakList()
+ def _connectToPlot(self, plot):
+ """Called after connection to a plot"""
+ for item in self.getItems():
+ # This hack is needed to avoid reentrant call from _disconnectFromPlot
+ # to the ROI manager. It also speed up the item tests in _itemRemoved
+ item._roiGroup = True
+ plot.addItem(item)
+ def _disconnectFromPlot(self, plot):
+ """Called before disconnection from a plot"""
+ for item in self.getItems():
+ # The item could be already be removed by the plot
+ if item.getPlot() is not None:
+ del item._roiGroup
+ plot.removeItem(item)
+ def _setItemName(self, item):
+ """Helper to generate a unique id to a plot item"""
+ legend = "__ROI-%d__%d" % (id(self), id(item))
+ item.setName(legend)
+ def setParent(self, parent):
+ """Set the parent of the RegionOfInterest
+ :param Union[None,RegionOfInterestManager] parent: The new parent
+ """
+ # Avoid circular dependency
+ from import roi as roi_tools
+ if (parent is not None and not isinstance(parent, roi_tools.RegionOfInterestManager)):
+ raise ValueError('Unsupported parent')
+ previousParent = self.parent()
+ if previousParent is not None:
+ previousPlot = previousParent.parent()
+ if previousPlot is not None:
+ self._disconnectFromPlot(previousPlot)
+ super(RegionOfInterest, self).setParent(parent)
+ if parent is not None:
+ plot = parent.parent()
+ if plot is not None:
+ self._connectToPlot(plot)
+ def addItem(self, item):
+ """Add an item to the set of this ROI children.
+ This item will be added and removed to the plot used by the ROI.
+ If the ROI is already part of a plot, the item will also be added to
+ the plot.
+ It the item do not have a name already, a unique one is generated to
+ avoid item collision in the plot.
+ :param silx.gui.plot.items.Item item: A plot item
+ """
+ assert item is not None
+ self._child.append(item)
+ if item.getName() == '':
+ self._setItemName(item)
+ manager = self.parent()
+ if manager is not None:
+ plot = manager.parent()
+ if plot is not None:
+ item._roiGroup = True
+ plot.addItem(item)
+ def removeItem(self, item):
+ """Remove an item from this ROI children.
+ If the item is part of a plot it will be removed too.
+ :param silx.gui.plot.items.Item item: A plot item
+ """
+ assert item is not None
+ self._child.remove(item)
+ plot = item.getPlot()
+ if plot is not None:
+ del item._roiGroup
+ plot.removeItem(item)
+ def getItems(self):
+ """Returns the list of PlotWidget items of this RegionOfInterest.
+ :rtype: List[~silx.gui.plot.items.Item]
+ """
+ return tuple(self._child)
+ @classmethod
+ def _getShortName(cls):
+ """Return an human readable kind of ROI
+ :rtype: str
+ """
+ if hasattr(cls, "SHORT_NAME"):
+ name = cls.SHORT_NAME
+ if name is None:
+ name = cls.__name__
+ return name
+ def getColor(self):
+ """Returns the color of this ROI
+ :rtype: QColor
+ """
+ return qt.QColor.fromRgbF(*self._color)
+ def setColor(self, color):
+ """Set the color used for this ROI.
+ :param color: The color to use for ROI shape as
+ either a color name, a QColor, a list of uint8 or float in [0, 1].
+ """
+ color = rgba(color)
+ if color != self._color:
+ self._color = color
+ self._updated(items.ItemChangedType.COLOR)
+ @silx.utils.deprecation.deprecated(reason='API modification',
+ replacement='getName()',
+ since_version=0.12)
+ def getLabel(self):
+ """Returns the label displayed for this ROI.
+ :rtype: str
+ """
+ return self.getName()
+ @silx.utils.deprecation.deprecated(reason='API modification',
+ replacement='setName(name)',
+ since_version=0.12)
+ def setLabel(self, label):
+ """Set the label displayed with this ROI.
+ :param str label: The text label to display
+ """
+ self.setName(name=label)
+ def isEditable(self):
+ """Returns whether the ROI is editable by the user or not.
+ :rtype: bool
+ """
+ return self._editable
+ def setEditable(self, editable):
+ """Set whether the ROI can be changed interactively.
+ :param bool editable: True to allow edition by the user,
+ False to disable.
+ """
+ editable = bool(editable)
+ if self._editable != editable:
+ self._editable = editable
+ self._updated(items.ItemChangedType.EDITABLE)
+ def isSelectable(self):
+ """Returns whether the ROI is selectable by the user or not.
+ :rtype: bool
+ """
+ return self._selectable
+ def setSelectable(self, selectable):
+ """Set whether the ROI can be selected interactively.
+ :param bool selectable: True to allow selection by the user,
+ False to disable.
+ """
+ selectable = bool(selectable)
+ if self._selectable != selectable:
+ self._selectable = selectable
+ self._updated(items.ItemChangedType.SELECTABLE)
+ def getFocusProxy(self):
+ """Returns the ROI which have to be selected when this ROI is selected,
+ else None if no proxy specified.
+ :rtype: RegionOfInterest
+ """
+ proxy = self._focusProxy
+ if proxy is None:
+ return None
+ proxy = proxy()
+ if proxy is None:
+ self._focusProxy = None
+ return proxy
+ def setFocusProxy(self, roi):
+ """Set the real ROI which will be selected when this ROI is selected,
+ else None to remove the proxy already specified.
+ :param RegionOfInterest roi: A ROI
+ """
+ if roi is not None:
+ self._focusProxy = weakref.ref(roi)
+ else:
+ self._focusProxy = None
+ def isVisible(self):
+ """Returns whether the ROI is visible in the plot.
+ .. note::
+ This does not take into account whether or not the plot
+ widget itself is visible (unlike :meth:`QWidget.isVisible` which
+ checks the visibility of all its parent widgets up to the window)
+ :rtype: bool
+ """
+ return self._visible
+ def setVisible(self, visible):
+ """Set whether the plot items associated with this ROI are
+ visible in the plot.
+ :param bool visible: True to show the ROI in the plot, False to
+ hide it.
+ """
+ visible = bool(visible)
+ if self._visible != visible:
+ self._visible = visible
+ self._updated(items.ItemChangedType.VISIBLE)
+ @classmethod
+ def showFirstInteractionShape(cls):
+ """Returns True if the shape created by the first interaction and
+ managed by the plot have to be visible.
+ :rtype: bool
+ """
+ return False
+ @classmethod
+ def getFirstInteractionShape(cls):
+ """Returns the shape kind which will be used by the very first
+ interaction with the plot.
+ This interactions are hardcoded inside the plot
+ :rtype: str
+ """
+ return cls._plotShape
+ def setFirstShapePoints(self, points):
+ """"Initialize the ROI using the points from the first interaction.
+ This interaction is constrained by the plot API and only supports few
+ shapes.
+ """
+ raise NotImplementedError()
+ def creationStarted(self):
+ """"Called when the ROI creation interaction was started.
+ """
+ pass
+ def creationFinalized(self):
+ """"Called when the ROI creation interaction was finalized.
+ """
+ pass
+ def _updateItemProperty(self, event, source, destination):
+ """Update the item property of a destination from an item source.
+ :param items.ItemChangedType event: Property type to update
+ :param silx.gui.plot.items.Item source: The reference for the data
+ :param event Union[Item,List[Item]] destination: The item(s) to update
+ """
+ if not isinstance(destination, (list, tuple)):
+ destination = [destination]
+ if event == items.ItemChangedType.NAME:
+ value = source.getName()
+ for d in destination:
+ d.setName(value)
+ elif event == items.ItemChangedType.EDITABLE:
+ value = source.isEditable()
+ for d in destination:
+ d.setEditable(value)
+ elif event == items.ItemChangedType.SELECTABLE:
+ value = source.isSelectable()
+ for d in destination:
+ d._setSelectable(value)
+ elif event == items.ItemChangedType.COLOR:
+ value = rgba(source.getColor())
+ for d in destination:
+ d.setColor(value)
+ elif event == items.ItemChangedType.LINE_STYLE:
+ value = self.getLineStyle()
+ for d in destination:
+ d.setLineStyle(value)
+ elif event == items.ItemChangedType.LINE_WIDTH:
+ value = self.getLineWidth()
+ for d in destination:
+ d.setLineWidth(value)
+ elif event == items.ItemChangedType.SYMBOL:
+ value = self.getSymbol()
+ for d in destination:
+ d.setSymbol(value)
+ elif event == items.ItemChangedType.SYMBOL_SIZE:
+ value = self.getSymbolSize()
+ for d in destination:
+ d.setSymbolSize(value)
+ elif event == items.ItemChangedType.VISIBLE:
+ value = self.isVisible()
+ for d in destination:
+ d.setVisible(value)
+ else:
+ assert False
+ def _updated(self, event=None, checkVisibility=True):
+ if event == items.ItemChangedType.HIGHLIGHTED:
+ style = self.getCurrentStyle()
+ self._updatedStyle(event, style)
+ else:
+ styleEvents = [items.ItemChangedType.COLOR,
+ items.ItemChangedType.LINE_STYLE,
+ items.ItemChangedType.LINE_WIDTH,
+ items.ItemChangedType.SYMBOL,
+ items.ItemChangedType.SYMBOL_SIZE]
+ if self.isHighlighted():
+ styleEvents.append(items.ItemChangedType.HIGHLIGHTED_STYLE)
+ if event in styleEvents:
+ style = self.getCurrentStyle()
+ self._updatedStyle(event, style)
+ super(RegionOfInterest, self)._updated(event, checkVisibility)
+ def _updatedStyle(self, event, style):
+ """Called when the current displayed style of the ROI was changed.
+ :param event: The event responsible of the change of the style
+ :param items.CurveStyle style: The current style
+ """
+ pass
+ def getCurrentStyle(self):
+ """Returns the current curve style.
+ Curve style depends on curve highlighting
+ :rtype: CurveStyle
+ """
+ baseColor = rgba(self.getColor())
+ if isinstance(self, core.LineMixIn):
+ baseLinestyle = self.getLineStyle()
+ baseLinewidth = self.getLineWidth()
+ else:
+ baseLinestyle = self._DEFAULT_LINESTYLE
+ baseLinewidth = self._DEFAULT_LINEWIDTH
+ if isinstance(self, core.SymbolMixIn):
+ baseSymbol = self.getSymbol()
+ baseSymbolsize = self.getSymbolSize()
+ else:
+ baseSymbol = 'o'
+ baseSymbolsize = 1
+ if self.isHighlighted():
+ style = self.getHighlightedStyle()
+ color = style.getColor()
+ linestyle = style.getLineStyle()
+ linewidth = style.getLineWidth()
+ symbol = style.getSymbol()
+ symbolsize = style.getSymbolSize()
+ return items.CurveStyle(
+ color=baseColor if color is None else color,
+ linestyle=baseLinestyle if linestyle is None else linestyle,
+ linewidth=baseLinewidth if linewidth is None else linewidth,
+ symbol=baseSymbol if symbol is None else symbol,
+ symbolsize=baseSymbolsize if symbolsize is None else symbolsize)
+ else:
+ return items.CurveStyle(color=baseColor,
+ linestyle=baseLinestyle,
+ linewidth=baseLinewidth,
+ symbol=baseSymbol,
+ symbolsize=baseSymbolsize)
+ def _editingStarted(self):
+ assert self._editable is True
+ self.sigEditingStarted.emit()
+ def _editingFinished(self):
+ self.sigEditingFinished.emit()
+class HandleBasedROI(RegionOfInterest):
+ """Manage a ROI based on a set of handles"""
+ def __init__(self, parent=None):
+ RegionOfInterest.__init__(self, parent=parent)
+ self._handles = []
+ self._posOrigin = None
+ self._posPrevious = None
+ def addUserHandle(self, item=None):
+ """
+ Add a new free handle to the ROI.
+ This handle do nothing. It have to be managed by the ROI
+ implementing this class.
+ :param Union[None,silx.gui.plot.items.Marker] item: The new marker to
+ add, else None to create a default marker.
+ :rtype: silx.gui.plot.items.Marker
+ """
+ return self.addHandle(item, role="user")
+ def addLabelHandle(self, item=None):
+ """
+ Add a new label handle to the ROI.
+ This handle is not draggable nor selectable.
+ It is displayed without symbol, but it is always visible anyway
+ the ROI is editable, in order to display text.
+ :param Union[None,silx.gui.plot.items.Marker] item: The new marker to
+ add, else None to create a default marker.
+ :rtype: silx.gui.plot.items.Marker
+ """
+ return self.addHandle(item, role="label")
+ def addTranslateHandle(self, item=None):
+ """
+ Add a new translate handle to the ROI.
+ Dragging translate handles affect the position position of the ROI
+ but not the shape itself.
+ :param Union[None,silx.gui.plot.items.Marker] item: The new marker to
+ add, else None to create a default marker.
+ :rtype: silx.gui.plot.items.Marker
+ """
+ return self.addHandle(item, role="translate")
+ def addHandle(self, item=None, role="default"):
+ """
+ Add a new handle to the ROI.
+ Dragging handles while affect the position or the shape of the
+ ROI.
+ :param Union[None,silx.gui.plot.items.Marker] item: The new marker to
+ add, else None to create a default marker.
+ :rtype: silx.gui.plot.items.Marker
+ """
+ if item is None:
+ item = items.Marker()
+ color = rgba(self.getColor())
+ color = self._computeHandleColor(color)
+ item.setColor(color)
+ if role == "default":
+ item.setSymbol("s")
+ elif role == "user":
+ pass
+ elif role == "translate":
+ item.setSymbol("+")
+ elif role == "label":
+ item.setSymbol("")
+ if role == "user":
+ pass
+ elif role == "label":
+ item._setSelectable(False)
+ item._setDraggable(False)
+ item.setVisible(True)
+ else:
+ self.__updateEditable(item, self.isEditable(), remove=False)
+ item._setSelectable(False)
+ self._handles.append((item, role))
+ self.addItem(item)
+ return item
+ def removeHandle(self, handle):
+ data = [d for d in self._handles if d[0] is handle][0]
+ self._handles.remove(data)
+ role = data[1]
+ if role not in ["user", "label"]:
+ if self.isEditable():
+ self.__updateEditable(handle, False)
+ self.removeItem(handle)
+ def getHandles(self):
+ """Returns the list of handles of this HandleBasedROI.
+ :rtype: List[~silx.gui.plot.items.Marker]
+ """
+ return tuple(data[0] for data in self._handles)
+ def _updated(self, event=None, checkVisibility=True):
+ """Implement Item mix-in update method by updating the plot items
+ See :class:`~silx.gui.plot.items.Item._updated`
+ """
+ if event == items.ItemChangedType.NAME:
+ self._updateText(self.getName())
+ elif event == items.ItemChangedType.VISIBLE:
+ for item, role in self._handles:
+ visible = self.isVisible()
+ editionVisible = visible and self.isEditable()
+ if role not in ["user", "label"]:
+ item.setVisible(editionVisible)
+ else:
+ item.setVisible(visible)
+ elif event == items.ItemChangedType.EDITABLE:
+ for item, role in self._handles:
+ editable = self.isEditable()
+ if role not in ["user", "label"]:
+ self.__updateEditable(item, editable)
+ super(HandleBasedROI, self)._updated(event, checkVisibility)
+ def _updatedStyle(self, event, style):
+ super(HandleBasedROI, self)._updatedStyle(event, style)
+ # Update color of shape items in the plot
+ color = rgba(self.getColor())
+ handleColor = self._computeHandleColor(color)
+ for item, role in self._handles:
+ if role == 'user':
+ pass
+ elif role == 'label':
+ item.setColor(color)
+ else:
+ item.setColor(handleColor)
+ def __updateEditable(self, handle, editable, remove=True):
+ # NOTE: visibility change emit a position update event
+ handle.setVisible(editable and self.isVisible())
+ handle._setDraggable(editable)
+ if editable:
+ handle.sigDragStarted.connect(self._handleEditingStarted)
+ handle.sigItemChanged.connect(self._handleEditingUpdated)
+ handle.sigDragFinished.connect(self._handleEditingFinished)
+ else:
+ if remove:
+ handle.sigDragStarted.disconnect(self._handleEditingStarted)
+ handle.sigItemChanged.disconnect(self._handleEditingUpdated)
+ handle.sigDragFinished.disconnect(self._handleEditingFinished)
+ def _handleEditingStarted(self):
+ super(HandleBasedROI, self)._editingStarted()
+ handle = self.sender()
+ self._posOrigin = numpy.array(handle.getPosition())
+ self._posPrevious = numpy.array(self._posOrigin)
+ self.handleDragStarted(handle, self._posOrigin)
+ def _handleEditingUpdated(self):
+ if self._posOrigin is None:
+ # Avoid to handle events when visibility change
+ return
+ handle = self.sender()
+ current = numpy.array(handle.getPosition())
+ self.handleDragUpdated(handle, self._posOrigin, self._posPrevious, current)
+ self._posPrevious = current
+ def _handleEditingFinished(self):
+ handle = self.sender()
+ current = numpy.array(handle.getPosition())
+ self.handleDragFinished(handle, self._posOrigin, current)
+ self._posPrevious = None
+ self._posOrigin = None
+ super(HandleBasedROI, self)._editingFinished()
+ def isHandleBeingDragged(self):
+ """Returns True if one of the handles is currently being dragged.
+ :rtype: bool
+ """
+ return self._posOrigin is not None
+ def handleDragStarted(self, handle, origin):
+ """Called when an handler drag started"""
+ pass
+ def handleDragUpdated(self, handle, origin, previous, current):
+ """Called when an handle drag position changed"""
+ pass
+ def handleDragFinished(self, handle, origin, current):
+ """Called when an handle drag finished"""
+ pass
+ def _computeHandleColor(self, color):
+ """Returns the anchor color from the base ROI color
+ :param Union[numpy.array,Tuple,List]: color
+ :rtype: Union[numpy.array,Tuple,List]
+ """
+ return color[:3] + (0.5,)
+ def _updateText(self, text):
+ """Update the text displayed by this ROI
+ :param str text: A text
+ """
+ pass