path: root/silx/gui/plot/items/
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Diffstat (limited to 'silx/gui/plot/items/')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 973 deletions
diff --git a/silx/gui/plot/items/ b/silx/gui/plot/items/
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-# coding: utf-8
-# /*##########################################################################
-# Copyright (c) 2017-2021 European Synchrotron Radiation Facility
-# Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
-# of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
-# in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
-# to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
-# copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
-# furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
-# The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
-# all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
-# ###########################################################################*/
-"""This module provides the :class:`Scatter` item of the :class:`Plot`.
-from __future__ import division
-__authors__ = ["T. Vincent", "P. Knobel"]
-__license__ = "MIT"
-__date__ = "29/03/2017"
-from collections import namedtuple
-import logging
-import threading
-import numpy
-from collections import defaultdict
-from concurrent.futures import ThreadPoolExecutor, CancelledError
-from ....utils.proxy import docstring
-from ....math.combo import min_max
-from ....math.histogram import Histogramnd
-from ....utils.weakref import WeakList
-from .._utils.delaunay import delaunay
-from .core import PointsBase, ColormapMixIn, ScatterVisualizationMixIn
-from .axis import Axis
-from ._pick import PickingResult
-_logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
-class _GreedyThreadPoolExecutor(ThreadPoolExecutor):
- """:class:`ThreadPoolExecutor` with an extra :meth:`submit_greedy` method.
- """
- def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
- super(_GreedyThreadPoolExecutor, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
- self.__futures = defaultdict(WeakList)
- self.__lock = threading.RLock()
- def submit_greedy(self, queue, fn, *args, **kwargs):
- """Same as :meth:`submit` but cancel previous tasks in given queue.
- This means that when a new task is submitted for a given queue,
- all other pending tasks of that queue are cancelled.
- :param queue: Identifier of the queue. This must be hashable.
- :param callable fn: The callable to call with provided extra arguments
- :return: Future corresponding to this task
- :rtype: concurrent.futures.Future
- """
- with self.__lock:
- # Cancel previous tasks in given queue
- for future in self.__futures.pop(queue, []):
- if not future.done():
- future.cancel()
- future = super(_GreedyThreadPoolExecutor, self).submit(
- fn, *args, **kwargs)
- self.__futures[queue].append(future)
- return future
-# Functions to guess grid shape from coordinates
-def _get_z_line_length(array):
- """Return length of line if array is a Z-like 2D regular grid.
- :param numpy.ndarray array: The 1D array of coordinates to check
- :return: 0 if no line length could be found,
- else the number of element per line.
- :rtype: int
- """
- sign = numpy.sign(numpy.diff(array))
- if len(sign) == 0 or sign[0] == 0: # We don't handle that
- return 0
- # Check this way to account for 0 sign (i.e., diff == 0)
- beginnings = numpy.where(sign == - sign[0])[0] + 1
- if len(beginnings) == 0:
- return 0
- length = beginnings[0]
- if numpy.all(numpy.equal(numpy.diff(beginnings), length)):
- return length
- return 0
-def _guess_z_grid_shape(x, y):
- """Guess the shape of a grid from (x, y) coordinates.
- The grid might contain more elements than x and y,
- as the last line might be partly filled.
- :param numpy.ndarray x:
- :paran numpy.ndarray y:
- :returns: (order, (height, width)) of the regular grid,
- or None if could not guess one.
- 'order' is 'row' if X (i.e., column) is the fast dimension, else 'column'.
- :rtype: Union[List(str,int),None]
- """
- width = _get_z_line_length(x)
- if width != 0:
- return 'row', (int(numpy.ceil(len(x) / width)), width)
- else:
- height = _get_z_line_length(y)
- if height != 0:
- return 'column', (height, int(numpy.ceil(len(y) / height)))
- return None
-def is_monotonic(array):
- """Returns whether array is monotonic (increasing or decreasing).
- :param numpy.ndarray array: 1D array-like container.
- :returns: 1 if array is monotonically increasing,
- -1 if array is monotonically decreasing,
- 0 if array is not monotonic
- :rtype: int
- """
- diff = numpy.diff(numpy.ravel(array))
- with numpy.errstate(invalid='ignore'):
- if numpy.all(diff >= 0):
- return 1
- elif numpy.all(diff <= 0):
- return -1
- else:
- return 0
-def _guess_grid(x, y):
- """Guess a regular grid from the points.
- Result convention is (x, y)
- :param numpy.ndarray x: X coordinates of the points
- :param numpy.ndarray y: Y coordinates of the points
- :returns: (order, (height, width)
- order is 'row' or 'column'
- :rtype: Union[List[str,List[int]],None]
- """
- x, y = numpy.ravel(x), numpy.ravel(y)
- guess = _guess_z_grid_shape(x, y)
- if guess is not None:
- return guess
- else:
- # Cannot guess a regular grid
- # Let's assume it's a single line
- order = 'row' # or 'column' doesn't matter for a single line
- y_monotonic = is_monotonic(y)
- if is_monotonic(x) or y_monotonic: # we can guess a line
- x_min, x_max = min_max(x)
- y_min, y_max = min_max(y)
- if not y_monotonic or x_max - x_min >= y_max - y_min:
- # x only is monotonic or both are and X varies more
- # line along X
- shape = 1, len(x)
- else:
- # y only is monotonic or both are and Y varies more
- # line along Y
- shape = len(y), 1
- else: # Cannot guess a line from the points
- return None
- return order, shape
-def _quadrilateral_grid_coords(points):
- """Compute an irregular grid of quadrilaterals from a set of points
- The input points are expected to lie on a grid.
- :param numpy.ndarray points:
- 3D data set of 2D input coordinates (height, width, 2)
- height and width must be at least 2.
- :return: 3D dataset of 2D coordinates of the grid (height+1, width+1, 2)
- """
- assert points.ndim == 3
- assert points.shape[0] >= 2
- assert points.shape[1] >= 2
- assert points.shape[2] == 2
- dim0, dim1 = points.shape[:2]
- grid_points = numpy.zeros((dim0 + 1, dim1 + 1, 2), dtype=numpy.float64)
- # Compute inner points as mean of 4 neighbours
- neighbour_view = numpy.lib.stride_tricks.as_strided(
- points,
- shape=(dim0 - 1, dim1 - 1, 2, 2, points.shape[2]),
- strides=points.strides[:2] + points.strides[:2] + points.strides[-1:], writeable=False)
- inner_points = numpy.mean(neighbour_view, axis=(2, 3))
- grid_points[1:-1, 1:-1] = inner_points
- # Compute 'vertical' sides
- # Alternative: grid_points[1:-1, [0, -1]] = points[:-1, [0, -1]] + points[1:, [0, -1]] - inner_points[:, [0, -1]]
- grid_points[1:-1, [0, -1], 0] = points[:-1, [0, -1], 0] + points[1:, [0, -1], 0] - inner_points[:, [0, -1], 0]
- grid_points[1:-1, [0, -1], 1] = inner_points[:, [0, -1], 1]
- # Compute 'horizontal' sides
- grid_points[[0, -1], 1:-1, 0] = inner_points[[0, -1], :, 0]
- grid_points[[0, -1], 1:-1, 1] = points[[0, -1], :-1, 1] + points[[0, -1], 1:, 1] - inner_points[[0, -1], :, 1]
- # Compute corners
- d0, d1 = [0, 0, -1, -1], [0, -1, -1, 0]
- grid_points[d0, d1] = 2 * points[d0, d1] - inner_points[d0, d1]
- return grid_points
-def _quadrilateral_grid_as_triangles(points):
- """Returns the points and indices to make a grid of quadirlaterals
- :param numpy.ndarray points:
- 3D array of points (height, width, 2)
- :return: triangle corners (4 * N, 2), triangle indices (2 * N, 3)
- With N = height * width, the number of input points
- """
- nbpoints =[:2])
- grid = _quadrilateral_grid_coords(points)
- coords = numpy.empty((4 * nbpoints, 2), dtype=grid.dtype)
- coords[::4] = grid[:-1, :-1].reshape(-1, 2)
- coords[1::4] = grid[1:, :-1].reshape(-1, 2)
- coords[2::4] = grid[:-1, 1:].reshape(-1, 2)
- coords[3::4] = grid[1:, 1:].reshape(-1, 2)
- indices = numpy.empty((2 * nbpoints, 3), dtype=numpy.uint32)
- indices[::2, 0] = numpy.arange(0, 4 * nbpoints, 4)
- indices[::2, 1] = numpy.arange(1, 4 * nbpoints, 4)
- indices[::2, 2] = numpy.arange(2, 4 * nbpoints, 4)
- indices[1::2, 0] = indices[::2, 1]
- indices[1::2, 1] = indices[::2, 2]
- indices[1::2, 2] = numpy.arange(3, 4 * nbpoints, 4)
- return coords, indices
-_RegularGridInfo = namedtuple(
- '_RegularGridInfo', ['bounds', 'origin', 'scale', 'shape', 'order'])
-_HistogramInfo = namedtuple(
- '_HistogramInfo', ['mean', 'count', 'sum', 'origin', 'scale', 'shape'])
-class Scatter(PointsBase, ColormapMixIn, ScatterVisualizationMixIn):
- """Description of a scatter"""
- """Default selectable state for scatter plots"""
- ScatterVisualizationMixIn.Visualization.POINTS,
- ScatterVisualizationMixIn.Visualization.SOLID,
- ScatterVisualizationMixIn.Visualization.REGULAR_GRID,
- ScatterVisualizationMixIn.Visualization.IRREGULAR_GRID,
- ScatterVisualizationMixIn.Visualization.BINNED_STATISTIC,
- )
- """Overrides supported Visualizations"""
- def __init__(self):
- PointsBase.__init__(self)
- ColormapMixIn.__init__(self)
- ScatterVisualizationMixIn.__init__(self)
- self._value = ()
- self.__alpha = None
- # Cache Delaunay triangulation future object
- self.__delaunayFuture = None
- # Cache interpolator future object
- self.__interpolatorFuture = None
- self.__executor = None
- # Cache triangles: x, y, indices
- self.__cacheTriangles = None, None, None
- # Cache regular grid and histogram info
- self.__cacheRegularGridInfo = None
- self.__cacheHistogramInfo = None
- def _updateColormappedData(self):
- """Update the colormapped data, to be called when changed"""
- if self.getVisualization() is self.Visualization.BINNED_STATISTIC:
- histoInfo = self.__getHistogramInfo()
- if histoInfo is None:
- data = None
- else:
- data = getattr(
- histoInfo,
- self.getVisualizationParameter(
- self.VisualizationParameter.BINNED_STATISTIC_FUNCTION))
- else:
- data = self.getValueData(copy=False)
- self._setColormappedData(data, copy=False)
- @docstring(ScatterVisualizationMixIn)
- def setVisualization(self, mode):
- previous = self.getVisualization()
- if super().setVisualization(mode):
- if (bool(mode is self.Visualization.BINNED_STATISTIC) ^
- bool(previous is self.Visualization.BINNED_STATISTIC)):
- self._updateColormappedData()
- return True
- else:
- return False
- @docstring(ScatterVisualizationMixIn)
- def setVisualizationParameter(self, parameter, value):
- parameter = self.VisualizationParameter.from_value(parameter)
- if super(Scatter, self).setVisualizationParameter(parameter, value):
- if parameter in (self.VisualizationParameter.GRID_BOUNDS,
- self.VisualizationParameter.GRID_MAJOR_ORDER,
- self.VisualizationParameter.GRID_SHAPE):
- self.__cacheRegularGridInfo = None
- if parameter in (self.VisualizationParameter.BINNED_STATISTIC_SHAPE,
- self.VisualizationParameter.BINNED_STATISTIC_FUNCTION,
- self.VisualizationParameter.DATA_BOUNDS_HINT):
- if parameter in (self.VisualizationParameter.BINNED_STATISTIC_SHAPE,
- self.VisualizationParameter.DATA_BOUNDS_HINT):
- self.__cacheHistogramInfo = None # Clean-up cache
- if self.getVisualization() is self.Visualization.BINNED_STATISTIC:
- self._updateColormappedData()
- return True
- else:
- return False
- @docstring(ScatterVisualizationMixIn)
- def getCurrentVisualizationParameter(self, parameter):
- value = self.getVisualizationParameter(parameter)
- if (parameter is self.VisualizationParameter.DATA_BOUNDS_HINT or
- value is not None):
- return value # Value has been set, return it
- elif parameter is self.VisualizationParameter.GRID_BOUNDS:
- grid = self.__getRegularGridInfo()
- return None if grid is None else grid.bounds
- elif parameter is self.VisualizationParameter.GRID_MAJOR_ORDER:
- grid = self.__getRegularGridInfo()
- return None if grid is None else grid.order
- elif parameter is self.VisualizationParameter.GRID_SHAPE:
- grid = self.__getRegularGridInfo()
- return None if grid is None else grid.shape
- elif parameter is self.VisualizationParameter.BINNED_STATISTIC_SHAPE:
- info = self.__getHistogramInfo()
- return None if info is None else info.shape
- else:
- raise NotImplementedError()
- def __getRegularGridInfo(self):
- """Get grid info"""
- if self.__cacheRegularGridInfo is None:
- shape = self.getVisualizationParameter(
- self.VisualizationParameter.GRID_SHAPE)
- order = self.getVisualizationParameter(
- self.VisualizationParameter.GRID_MAJOR_ORDER)
- if shape is None or order is None:
- guess = _guess_grid(self.getXData(copy=False),
- self.getYData(copy=False))
- if guess is None:
- _logger.warning(
- 'Cannot guess a grid: Cannot display as regular grid image')
- return None
- if shape is None:
- shape = guess[1]
- if order is None:
- order = guess[0]
- nbpoints = len(self.getXData(copy=False))
- if nbpoints > shape[0] * shape[1]:
- # More data points that provided grid shape: enlarge grid
- _logger.warning(
- "More data points than provided grid shape size: extends grid")
- dim0, dim1 = shape
- if order == 'row': # keep dim1, enlarge dim0
- dim0 = nbpoints // dim1 + (1 if nbpoints % dim1 else 0)
- else: # keep dim0, enlarge dim1
- dim1 = nbpoints // dim0 + (1 if nbpoints % dim0 else 0)
- shape = dim0, dim1
- bounds = self.getVisualizationParameter(
- self.VisualizationParameter.GRID_BOUNDS)
- if bounds is None:
- x, y = self.getXData(copy=False), self.getYData(copy=False)
- min_, max_ = min_max(x)
- xRange = (min_, max_) if (x[0] - min_) < (max_ - x[0]) else (max_, min_)
- min_, max_ = min_max(y)
- yRange = (min_, max_) if (y[0] - min_) < (max_ - y[0]) else (max_, min_)
- bounds = (xRange[0], yRange[0]), (xRange[1], yRange[1])
- begin, end = bounds
- scale = ((end[0] - begin[0]) / max(1, shape[1] - 1),
- (end[1] - begin[1]) / max(1, shape[0] - 1))
- if scale[0] == 0 and scale[1] == 0:
- scale = 1., 1.
- elif scale[0] == 0:
- scale = scale[1], scale[1]
- elif scale[1] == 0:
- scale = scale[0], scale[0]
- origin = begin[0] - 0.5 * scale[0], begin[1] - 0.5 * scale[1]
- self.__cacheRegularGridInfo = _RegularGridInfo(
- bounds=bounds, origin=origin, scale=scale, shape=shape, order=order)
- return self.__cacheRegularGridInfo
- def __getHistogramInfo(self):
- """Get histogram info"""
- if self.__cacheHistogramInfo is None:
- shape = self.getVisualizationParameter(
- self.VisualizationParameter.BINNED_STATISTIC_SHAPE)
- if shape is None:
- shape = 100, 100 # TODO compute auto shape
- x, y, values = self.getData(copy=False)[:3]
- if len(x) == 0: # No histogram
- return None
- if not numpy.issubdtype(x.dtype, numpy.floating):
- x = x.astype(numpy.float64)
- if not numpy.issubdtype(y.dtype, numpy.floating):
- y = y.astype(numpy.float64)
- if not numpy.issubdtype(values.dtype, numpy.floating):
- values = values.astype(numpy.float64)
- ranges = (tuple(min_max(y, finite=True)),
- tuple(min_max(x, finite=True)))
- rangesHint = self.getVisualizationParameter(
- self.VisualizationParameter.DATA_BOUNDS_HINT)
- if rangesHint is not None:
- ranges = tuple((min(dataMin, hintMin), max(dataMax, hintMax))
- for (dataMin, dataMax), (hintMin, hintMax) in zip(ranges, rangesHint))
- points = numpy.transpose(numpy.array((y, x)))
- counts, sums, bin_edges = Histogramnd(
- points,
- histo_range=ranges,
- n_bins=shape,
- weights=values)
- yEdges, xEdges = bin_edges
- origin = xEdges[0], yEdges[0]
- scale = ((xEdges[-1] - xEdges[0]) / (len(xEdges) - 1),
- (yEdges[-1] - yEdges[0]) / (len(yEdges) - 1))
- with numpy.errstate(divide='ignore', invalid='ignore'):
- histo = sums / counts
- self.__cacheHistogramInfo = _HistogramInfo(
- mean=histo, count=counts, sum=sums,
- origin=origin, scale=scale, shape=shape)
- return self.__cacheHistogramInfo
- def _addBackendRenderer(self, backend):
- """Update backend renderer"""
- # Filter-out values <= 0
- xFiltered, yFiltered, valueFiltered, xerror, yerror = self.getData(
- copy=False, displayed=True)
- # Remove not finite numbers (this includes filtered out x, y <= 0)
- mask = numpy.logical_and(numpy.isfinite(xFiltered), numpy.isfinite(yFiltered))
- xFiltered = xFiltered[mask]
- yFiltered = yFiltered[mask]
- if len(xFiltered) == 0:
- return None # No data to display, do not add renderer to backend
- visualization = self.getVisualization()
- if visualization is self.Visualization.BINNED_STATISTIC:
- plot = self.getPlot()
- if (plot is None or
- plot.getXAxis().getScale() != Axis.LINEAR or
- plot.getYAxis().getScale() != Axis.LINEAR):
- # Those visualizations are not available with log scaled axes
- return None
- histoInfo = self.__getHistogramInfo()
- if histoInfo is None:
- return None
- data = getattr(histoInfo, self.getVisualizationParameter(
- self.VisualizationParameter.BINNED_STATISTIC_FUNCTION))
- return backend.addImage(
- data=data,
- origin=histoInfo.origin,
- scale=histoInfo.scale,
- colormap=self.getColormap(),
- alpha=self.getAlpha())
- # Compute colors
- cmap = self.getColormap()
- rgbacolors = cmap.applyToData(self)
- if self.__alpha is not None:
- rgbacolors[:, -1] = (rgbacolors[:, -1] * self.__alpha).astype(numpy.uint8)
- visualization = self.getVisualization()
- if visualization is self.Visualization.POINTS:
- return backend.addCurve(xFiltered, yFiltered,
- color=rgbacolors[mask],
- symbol=self.getSymbol(),
- linewidth=0,
- linestyle="",
- yaxis='left',
- xerror=xerror,
- yerror=yerror,
- fill=False,
- alpha=self.getAlpha(),
- symbolsize=self.getSymbolSize(),
- baseline=None)
- else:
- plot = self.getPlot()
- if (plot is None or
- plot.getXAxis().getScale() != Axis.LINEAR or
- plot.getYAxis().getScale() != Axis.LINEAR):
- # Those visualizations are not available with log scaled axes
- return None
- if visualization is self.Visualization.SOLID:
- triangulation = self._getDelaunay().result()
- if triangulation is None:
- _logger.warning(
- 'Cannot get a triangulation: Cannot display as solid surface')
- return None
- else:
- triangles = triangulation.simplices.astype(numpy.int32)
- return backend.addTriangles(xFiltered,
- yFiltered,
- triangles,
- color=rgbacolors[mask],
- alpha=self.getAlpha())
- elif visualization is self.Visualization.REGULAR_GRID:
- gridInfo = self.__getRegularGridInfo()
- if gridInfo is None:
- return None
- dim0, dim1 = gridInfo.shape
- if gridInfo.order == 'column': # transposition needed
- dim0, dim1 = dim1, dim0
- if len(rgbacolors) == dim0 * dim1:
- image = rgbacolors.reshape(dim0, dim1, -1)
- else:
- # The points do not fill the whole image
- image = numpy.empty((dim0 * dim1, 4), dtype=rgbacolors.dtype)
- image[:len(rgbacolors)] = rgbacolors
- image[len(rgbacolors):] = 0, 0, 0, 0 # Transparent pixels
- image.shape = dim0, dim1, -1
- if gridInfo.order == 'column':
- image = numpy.transpose(image, axes=(1, 0, 2))
- return backend.addImage(
- data=image,
- origin=gridInfo.origin,
- scale=gridInfo.scale,
- colormap=None,
- alpha=self.getAlpha())
- elif visualization is self.Visualization.IRREGULAR_GRID:
- gridInfo = self.__getRegularGridInfo()
- if gridInfo is None:
- return None
- shape = gridInfo.shape
- if shape is None: # No shape, no display
- return None
- nbpoints = len(xFiltered)
- if nbpoints == 1:
- # single point, render as a square points
- return backend.addCurve(xFiltered, yFiltered,
- color=rgbacolors[mask],
- symbol='s',
- linewidth=0,
- linestyle="",
- yaxis='left',
- xerror=None,
- yerror=None,
- fill=False,
- alpha=self.getAlpha(),
- symbolsize=7,
- baseline=None)
- # Make shape include all points
- gridOrder = gridInfo.order
- if nbpoints !=
- if gridOrder == 'row':
- shape = int(numpy.ceil(nbpoints / shape[1])), shape[1]
- else: # column-major order
- shape = shape[0], int(numpy.ceil(nbpoints / shape[0]))
- if shape[0] < 2 or shape[1] < 2: # Single line, at least 2 points
- points = numpy.ones((2, nbpoints, 2), dtype=numpy.float64)
- # Use row/column major depending on shape, not on info value
- gridOrder = 'row' if shape[0] == 1 else 'column'
- if gridOrder == 'row':
- points[0, :, 0] = xFiltered
- points[0, :, 1] = yFiltered
- else: # column-major order
- points[0, :, 0] = yFiltered
- points[0, :, 1] = xFiltered
- # Add a second line that will be clipped in the end
- points[1, :-1] = points[0, :-1] + numpy.cross(
- points[0, 1:] - points[0, :-1], (0., 0., 1.))[:, :2]
- points[1, -1] = points[0, -1] + numpy.cross(
- points[0, -1] - points[0, -2], (0., 0., 1.))[:2]
- points.shape = 2, nbpoints, 2 # Use same shape for both orders
- coords, indices = _quadrilateral_grid_as_triangles(points)
- elif gridOrder == 'row': # row-major order
- if nbpoints !=
- points = numpy.empty((, 2), dtype=numpy.float64)
- points[:nbpoints, 0] = xFiltered
- points[:nbpoints, 1] = yFiltered
- # Index of last element of last fully filled row
- index = (nbpoints // shape[1]) * shape[1]
- points[nbpoints:, 0] = xFiltered[index - ( - nbpoints):index]
- points[nbpoints:, 1] = yFiltered[-1]
- else:
- points = numpy.transpose((xFiltered, yFiltered))
- points.shape = shape[0], shape[1], 2
- else: # column-major order
- if nbpoints !=
- points = numpy.empty((, 2), dtype=numpy.float64)
- points[:nbpoints, 0] = yFiltered
- points[:nbpoints, 1] = xFiltered
- # Index of last element of last fully filled column
- index = (nbpoints // shape[0]) * shape[0]
- points[nbpoints:, 0] = yFiltered[index - ( - nbpoints):index]
- points[nbpoints:, 1] = xFiltered[-1]
- else:
- points = numpy.transpose((yFiltered, xFiltered))
- points.shape = shape[1], shape[0], 2
- coords, indices = _quadrilateral_grid_as_triangles(points)
- # Remove unused extra triangles
- coords = coords[:4*nbpoints]
- indices = indices[:2*nbpoints]
- if gridOrder == 'row':
- x, y = coords[:, 0], coords[:, 1]
- else: # column-major order
- y, x = coords[:, 0], coords[:, 1]
- rgbacolors = rgbacolors[mask] # Filter-out not finite points
- gridcolors = numpy.empty(
- (4 * nbpoints, rgbacolors.shape[-1]), dtype=rgbacolors.dtype)
- for first in range(4):
- gridcolors[first::4] = rgbacolors[:nbpoints]
- return backend.addTriangles(x,
- y,
- indices,
- color=gridcolors,
- alpha=self.getAlpha())
- else:
- _logger.error("Unhandled visualization %s", visualization)
- return None
- @docstring(PointsBase)
- def pick(self, x, y):
- result = super(Scatter, self).pick(x, y)
- if result is not None:
- visualization = self.getVisualization()
- if visualization is self.Visualization.IRREGULAR_GRID:
- # Specific handling of picking for the irregular grid mode
- index = result.getIndices(copy=False)[0] // 4
- result = PickingResult(self, (index,))
- elif visualization is self.Visualization.REGULAR_GRID:
- # Specific handling of picking for the regular grid mode
- picked = result.getIndices(copy=False)
- if picked is None:
- return None
- row, column = picked[0][0], picked[1][0]
- gridInfo = self.__getRegularGridInfo()
- if gridInfo is None:
- return None
- if gridInfo.order == 'row':
- index = row * gridInfo.shape[1] + column
- else:
- index = row + column * gridInfo.shape[0]
- if index >= len(self.getXData(copy=False)): # OK as long as not log scale
- return None # Image can be larger than scatter
- result = PickingResult(self, (index,))
- elif visualization is self.Visualization.BINNED_STATISTIC:
- picked = result.getIndices(copy=False)
- if picked is None or len(picked) == 0 or len(picked[0]) == 0:
- return None
- row, col = picked[0][0], picked[1][0]
- histoInfo = self.__getHistogramInfo()
- if histoInfo is None:
- return None
- sx, sy = histoInfo.scale
- ox, oy = histoInfo.origin
- xdata = self.getXData(copy=False)
- ydata = self.getYData(copy=False)
- indices = numpy.nonzero(numpy.logical_and(
- numpy.logical_and(xdata >= ox + sx * col, xdata < ox + sx * (col + 1)),
- numpy.logical_and(ydata >= oy + sy * row, ydata < oy + sy * (row + 1))))[0]
- result = None if len(indices) == 0 else PickingResult(self, indices)
- return result
- def __getExecutor(self):
- """Returns async greedy executor
- :rtype: _GreedyThreadPoolExecutor
- """
- if self.__executor is None:
- self.__executor = _GreedyThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=2)
- return self.__executor
- def _getDelaunay(self):
- """Returns a :class:`Future` which result is the Delaunay object.
- :rtype: concurrent.futures.Future
- """
- if self.__delaunayFuture is None or self.__delaunayFuture.cancelled():
- # Need to init a new delaunay
- x, y = self.getData(copy=False)[:2]
- # Remove not finite points
- mask = numpy.logical_and(numpy.isfinite(x), numpy.isfinite(y))
- self.__delaunayFuture = self.__getExecutor().submit_greedy(
- 'delaunay', delaunay, x[mask], y[mask])
- return self.__delaunayFuture
- @staticmethod
- def __initInterpolator(delaunayFuture, values):
- """Returns an interpolator for the given data points
- :param concurrent.futures.Future delaunayFuture:
- Future object which result is a Delaunay object
- :param numpy.ndarray values: The data value of valid points.
- :rtype: Union[callable,None]
- """
- # Wait for Delaunay to complete
- try:
- triangulation = delaunayFuture.result()
- except CancelledError:
- triangulation = None
- if triangulation is None:
- interpolator = None # Error case
- else:
- # Lazy-loading of interpolator
- try:
- from scipy.interpolate import LinearNDInterpolator
- except ImportError:
- LinearNDInterpolator = None
- if LinearNDInterpolator is not None:
- interpolator = LinearNDInterpolator(triangulation, values)
- # First call takes a while, do it here
- interpolator([(0., 0.)])
- else:
- # Fallback using matplotlib interpolator
- import matplotlib.tri
- x, y = triangulation.points.T
- tri = matplotlib.tri.Triangulation(
- x, y, triangles=triangulation.simplices)
- mplInterpolator = matplotlib.tri.LinearTriInterpolator(
- tri, values)
- # Wrap interpolator to have same API as scipy's one
- def interpolator(points):
- return mplInterpolator(*points.T)
- return interpolator
- def _getInterpolator(self):
- """Returns a :class:`Future` which result is the interpolator.
- The interpolator is a callable taking an array Nx2 of points
- as a single argument.
- The :class:`Future` result is None in case the interpolator cannot
- be initialized.
- :rtype: concurrent.futures.Future
- """
- if (self.__interpolatorFuture is None or
- self.__interpolatorFuture.cancelled()):
- # Need to init a new interpolator
- x, y, values = self.getData(copy=False)[:3]
- # Remove not finite points
- mask = numpy.logical_and(numpy.isfinite(x), numpy.isfinite(y))
- x, y, values = x[mask], y[mask], values[mask]
- self.__interpolatorFuture = self.__getExecutor().submit_greedy(
- 'interpolator',
- self.__initInterpolator, self._getDelaunay(), values)
- return self.__interpolatorFuture
- def _logFilterData(self, xPositive, yPositive):
- """Filter out values with x or y <= 0 on log axes
- :param bool xPositive: True to filter arrays according to X coords.
- :param bool yPositive: True to filter arrays according to Y coords.
- :return: The filtered arrays or unchanged object if not filtering needed
- :rtype: (x, y, value, xerror, yerror)
- """
- # overloaded from PointsBase to filter also value.
- value = self.getValueData(copy=False)
- if xPositive or yPositive:
- clipped = self._getClippingBoolArray(xPositive, yPositive)
- if numpy.any(clipped):
- # copy to keep original array and convert to float
- value = numpy.array(value, copy=True, dtype=numpy.float64)
- value[clipped] = numpy.nan
- x, y, xerror, yerror = PointsBase._logFilterData(self, xPositive, yPositive)
- return x, y, value, xerror, yerror
- def getValueData(self, copy=True):
- """Returns the value assigned to the scatter data points.
- :param copy: True (Default) to get a copy,
- False to use internal representation (do not modify!)
- :rtype: numpy.ndarray
- """
- return numpy.array(self._value, copy=copy)
- def getAlphaData(self, copy=True):
- """Returns the alpha (transparency) assigned to the scatter data points.
- :param copy: True (Default) to get a copy,
- False to use internal representation (do not modify!)
- :rtype: numpy.ndarray
- """
- return numpy.array(self.__alpha, copy=copy)
- def getData(self, copy=True, displayed=False):
- """Returns the x, y coordinates and the value of the data points
- :param copy: True (Default) to get a copy,
- False to use internal representation (do not modify!)
- :param bool displayed: True to only get curve points that are displayed
- in the plot. Default: False.
- Note: If plot has log scale, negative points
- are not displayed.
- :returns: (x, y, value, xerror, yerror)
- :rtype: 5-tuple of numpy.ndarray
- """
- if displayed:
- data = self._getCachedData()
- if data is not None:
- assert len(data) == 5
- return data
- return (self.getXData(copy),
- self.getYData(copy),
- self.getValueData(copy),
- self.getXErrorData(copy),
- self.getYErrorData(copy))
- # reimplemented from PointsBase to handle `value`
- def setData(self, x, y, value, xerror=None, yerror=None, alpha=None, copy=True):
- """Set the data of the scatter.
- :param numpy.ndarray x: The data corresponding to the x coordinates.
- :param numpy.ndarray y: The data corresponding to the y coordinates.
- :param numpy.ndarray value: The data corresponding to the value of
- the data points.
- :param xerror: Values with the uncertainties on the x values
- :type xerror: A float, or a numpy.ndarray of float32.
- If it is an array, it can either be a 1D array of
- same length as the data or a 2D array with 2 rows
- of same length as the data: row 0 for positive errors,
- row 1 for negative errors.
- :param yerror: Values with the uncertainties on the y values
- :type yerror: A float, or a numpy.ndarray of float32. See xerror.
- :param alpha: Values with the transparency (between 0 and 1)
- :type alpha: A float, or a numpy.ndarray of float32
- :param bool copy: True make a copy of the data (default),
- False to use provided arrays.
- """
- value = numpy.array(value, copy=copy)
- assert value.ndim == 1
- assert len(x) == len(value)
- # Convert complex data
- if numpy.iscomplexobj(value):
- _logger.warning(
- 'Converting value data to absolute value to plot it.')
- value = numpy.absolute(value)
- # Reset triangulation and interpolator
- if self.__delaunayFuture is not None:
- self.__delaunayFuture.cancel()
- self.__delaunayFuture = None
- if self.__interpolatorFuture is not None:
- self.__interpolatorFuture.cancel()
- self.__interpolatorFuture = None
- # Data changed, this needs update
- self.__cacheRegularGridInfo = None
- self.__cacheHistogramInfo = None
- self._value = value
- self._updateColormappedData()
- if alpha is not None:
- # Make sure alpha is an array of float in [0, 1]
- alpha = numpy.array(alpha, copy=copy)
- assert alpha.ndim == 1
- assert len(x) == len(alpha)
- if alpha.dtype.kind != 'f':
- alpha = alpha.astype(numpy.float32)
- if numpy.any(numpy.logical_or(alpha < 0., alpha > 1.)):
- alpha = numpy.clip(alpha, 0., 1.)
- self.__alpha = alpha
- # set x, y, xerror, yerror
- # call self._updated + plot._invalidateDataRange()
- PointsBase.setData(self, x, y, xerror, yerror, copy)