path: root/silx/gui/plot/tools/profile/
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1 files changed, 522 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/silx/gui/plot/tools/profile/ b/silx/gui/plot/tools/profile/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1f883dc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/silx/gui/plot/tools/profile/
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+# coding: utf-8
+# /*##########################################################################
+# Copyright (c) 2018-2020 European Synchrotron Radiation Facility
+# Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
+# of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
+# in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
+# to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
+# copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
+# furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
+# The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
+# all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
+# ###########################################################################*/
+"""This module define core objects for profile tools.
+__authors__ = ["V.A. Sole", "T. Vincent", "P. Knobel", "H. Payno", "V. Valls"]
+__license__ = "MIT"
+__date__ = "17/04/2020"
+import collections
+import numpy
+import weakref
+from silx.image.bilinear import BilinearImage
+from silx.gui import qt
+CurveProfileData = collections.namedtuple(
+ 'CurveProfileData', [
+ "coords",
+ "profile",
+ "title",
+ "xLabel",
+ "yLabel",
+ ])
+RgbaProfileData = collections.namedtuple(
+ 'RgbaProfileData', [
+ "coords",
+ "profile",
+ "profile_r",
+ "profile_g",
+ "profile_b",
+ "profile_a",
+ "title",
+ "xLabel",
+ "yLabel",
+ ])
+ImageProfileData = collections.namedtuple(
+ 'ImageProfileData', [
+ 'coords',
+ 'profile',
+ 'title',
+ 'xLabel',
+ 'yLabel',
+ 'colormap',
+ ])
+class ProfileRoiMixIn:
+ """Base mix-in for ROI which can be used to select a profile.
+ This mix-in have to be applied to a :class:`~silx.gui.plot.items.roi.RegionOfInterest`
+ in order to be usable by a :class:``.
+ """
+ ITEM_KIND = None
+ """Define the plot item which can be used with this profile ROI"""
+ sigProfilePropertyChanged = qt.Signal()
+ """Emitted when a property of this profile have changed"""
+ sigPlotItemChanged = qt.Signal()
+ """Emitted when the plot item linked to this profile have changed"""
+ def __init__(self, parent=None):
+ self.__profileWindow = None
+ self.__profileManager = None
+ self.__plotItem = None
+ self.setName("Profile")
+ self.setEditable(True)
+ self.setSelectable(True)
+ def invalidateProfile(self):
+ """Must be called by the implementation when the profile have to be
+ recomputed."""
+ profileManager = self.getProfileManager()
+ if profileManager is not None:
+ profileManager.requestUpdateProfile(self)
+ def invalidateProperties(self):
+ """Must be called when a property of the profile have changed."""
+ self.sigProfilePropertyChanged.emit()
+ def _setPlotItem(self, plotItem):
+ """Specify the plot item to use with this profile
+ :param `~silx.gui.plot.items.item.Item` plotItem: A plot item
+ """
+ previousPlotItem = self.getPlotItem()
+ if previousPlotItem is plotItem:
+ return
+ self.__plotItem = weakref.ref(plotItem)
+ self.sigPlotItemChanged.emit()
+ def getPlotItem(self):
+ """Returns the plot item used by this profile
+ :rtype: `~silx.gui.plot.items.item.Item`
+ """
+ if self.__plotItem is None:
+ return None
+ plotItem = self.__plotItem()
+ if plotItem is None:
+ self.__plotItem = None
+ return plotItem
+ def _setProfileManager(self, profileManager):
+ self.__profileManager = profileManager
+ def getProfileManager(self):
+ """
+ Returns the profile manager connected to this ROI.
+ :rtype:
+ """
+ return self.__profileManager
+ def getProfileWindow(self):
+ """
+ Returns the windows associated to this ROI, else None.
+ :rtype: ProfileWindow
+ """
+ return self.__profileWindow
+ def setProfileWindow(self, profileWindow):
+ """
+ Associate a window to this ROI. Can be None.
+ :param ProfileWindow profileWindow: A main window
+ to display the profile.
+ """
+ if profileWindow is self.__profileWindow:
+ return
+ if self.__profileWindow is not None:
+ self.__profileWindow.sigClose.disconnect(self.__profileWindowAboutToClose)
+ self.__profileWindow.setRoiProfile(None)
+ self.__profileWindow = profileWindow
+ if self.__profileWindow is not None:
+ self.__profileWindow.sigClose.connect(self.__profileWindowAboutToClose)
+ self.__profileWindow.setRoiProfile(self)
+ def __profileWindowAboutToClose(self):
+ profileManager = self.getProfileManager()
+ roiManager = profileManager.getRoiManager()
+ roiManager.removeRoi(self)
+ def computeProfile(self, item):
+ """
+ Compute the profile which will be displayed.
+ This method is not called from the main Qt thread, but from a thread
+ pool.
+ :param ~silx.gui.plot.items.Item item: A plot item
+ :rtype: Union[CurveProfileData,ImageProfileData]
+ """
+ raise NotImplementedError()
+def _alignedFullProfile(data, origin, scale, position, roiWidth, axis, method):
+ """Get a profile along one axis on a stack of images
+ :param numpy.ndarray data: 3D volume (stack of 2D images)
+ The first dimension is the image index.
+ :param origin: Origin of image in plot (ox, oy)
+ :param scale: Scale of image in plot (sx, sy)
+ :param float position: Position of profile line in plot coords
+ on the axis orthogonal to the profile direction.
+ :param int roiWidth: Width of the profile in image pixels.
+ :param int axis: 0 for horizontal profile, 1 for vertical.
+ :param str method: method to compute the profile. Can be 'mean' or 'sum' or
+ 'none'
+ :return: profile image + effective ROI area corners in plot coords
+ """
+ assert axis in (0, 1)
+ assert len(data.shape) == 3
+ assert method in ('mean', 'sum', 'none')
+ # Convert from plot to image coords
+ imgPos = int((position - origin[1 - axis]) / scale[1 - axis])
+ if axis == 1: # Vertical profile
+ # Transpose image to always do a horizontal profile
+ data = numpy.transpose(data, (0, 2, 1))
+ nimages, height, width = data.shape
+ roiWidth = min(height, roiWidth) # Clip roi width to image size
+ # Get [start, end[ coords of the roi in the data
+ start = int(int(imgPos) + 0.5 - roiWidth / 2.)
+ start = min(max(0, start), height - roiWidth)
+ end = start + roiWidth
+ if method == 'none':
+ profile = None
+ else:
+ if start < height and end > 0:
+ if method == 'mean':
+ fct = numpy.mean
+ elif method == 'sum':
+ fct = numpy.sum
+ else:
+ raise ValueError('method not managed')
+ profile = fct(data[:, max(0, start):min(end, height), :], axis=1).astype(numpy.float32)
+ else:
+ profile = numpy.zeros((nimages, width), dtype=numpy.float32)
+ # Compute effective ROI in plot coords
+ profileBounds = numpy.array(
+ (0, width, width, 0),
+ dtype=numpy.float32) * scale[axis] + origin[axis]
+ roiBounds = numpy.array(
+ (start, start, end, end),
+ dtype=numpy.float32) * scale[1 - axis] + origin[1 - axis]
+ if axis == 0: # Horizontal profile
+ area = profileBounds, roiBounds
+ else: # vertical profile
+ area = roiBounds, profileBounds
+ return profile, area
+def _alignedPartialProfile(data, rowRange, colRange, axis, method):
+ """Mean of a rectangular region (ROI) of a stack of images
+ along a given axis.
+ Returned values and all parameters are in image coordinates.
+ :param numpy.ndarray data: 3D volume (stack of 2D images)
+ The first dimension is the image index.
+ :param rowRange: [min, max[ of ROI rows (upper bound excluded).
+ :type rowRange: 2-tuple of int (min, max) with min < max
+ :param colRange: [min, max[ of ROI columns (upper bound excluded).
+ :type colRange: 2-tuple of int (min, max) with min < max
+ :param int axis: The axis along which to take the profile of the ROI.
+ 0: Sum rows along columns.
+ 1: Sum columns along rows.
+ :param str method: method to compute the profile. Can be 'mean' or 'sum'
+ :return: Profile image along the ROI as the mean of the intersection
+ of the ROI and the image.
+ """
+ assert axis in (0, 1)
+ assert len(data.shape) == 3
+ assert rowRange[0] < rowRange[1]
+ assert colRange[0] < colRange[1]
+ assert method in ('mean', 'sum')
+ nimages, height, width = data.shape
+ # Range aligned with the integration direction
+ profileRange = colRange if axis == 0 else rowRange
+ profileLength = abs(profileRange[1] - profileRange[0])
+ # Subset of the image to use as intersection of ROI and image
+ rowStart = min(max(0, rowRange[0]), height)
+ rowEnd = min(max(0, rowRange[1]), height)
+ colStart = min(max(0, colRange[0]), width)
+ colEnd = min(max(0, colRange[1]), width)
+ if method == 'mean':
+ _fct = numpy.mean
+ elif method == 'sum':
+ _fct = numpy.sum
+ else:
+ raise ValueError('method not managed')
+ imgProfile = _fct(data[:, rowStart:rowEnd, colStart:colEnd], axis=axis + 1,
+ dtype=numpy.float32)
+ # Profile including out of bound area
+ profile = numpy.zeros((nimages, profileLength), dtype=numpy.float32)
+ # Place imgProfile in full profile
+ offset = - min(0, profileRange[0])
+ profile[:, offset:offset + imgProfile.shape[1]] = imgProfile
+ return profile
+def createProfile(roiInfo, currentData, origin, scale, lineWidth, method):
+ """Create the profile line for the the given image.
+ :param roiInfo: information about the ROI: start point, end point and
+ type ("X", "Y", "D")
+ :param numpy.ndarray currentData: the 2D image or the 3D stack of images
+ on which we compute the profile.
+ :param origin: (ox, oy) the offset from origin
+ :type origin: 2-tuple of float
+ :param scale: (sx, sy) the scale to use
+ :type scale: 2-tuple of float
+ :param int lineWidth: width of the profile line
+ :param str method: method to compute the profile. Can be 'mean' or 'sum'
+ or 'none': to compute everything except the profile
+ :return: `coords, profile, area, profileName, xLabel`, where:
+ - coords is the X coordinate to use to display the profile
+ - profile is a 2D array of the profiles of the stack of images.
+ For a single image, the profile is a curve, so this parameter
+ has a shape *(1, len(curve))*
+ - area is a tuple of two 1D arrays with 4 values each. They represent
+ the effective ROI area corners in plot coords.
+ - profileName is a string describing the ROI, meant to be used as
+ title of the profile plot
+ - xLabel the label for X in the profile window
+ :rtype: tuple(ndarray,ndarray,(ndarray,ndarray),str)
+ """
+ if currentData is None or roiInfo is None or lineWidth is None:
+ raise ValueError("createProfile called with invalide arguments")
+ # force 3D data (stack of images)
+ if len(currentData.shape) == 2:
+ currentData3D = currentData.reshape((1,) + currentData.shape)
+ elif len(currentData.shape) == 3:
+ currentData3D = currentData
+ roiWidth = max(1, lineWidth)
+ roiStart, roiEnd, lineProjectionMode = roiInfo
+ if lineProjectionMode == 'X': # Horizontal profile on the whole image
+ profile, area = _alignedFullProfile(currentData3D,
+ origin, scale,
+ roiStart[1], roiWidth,
+ axis=0,
+ method=method)
+ if method == 'none':
+ coords = None
+ else:
+ coords = numpy.arange(len(profile[0]), dtype=numpy.float32)
+ coords = coords * scale[0] + origin[0]
+ yMin, yMax = min(area[1]), max(area[1]) - 1
+ if roiWidth <= 1:
+ profileName = '{ylabel} = %g' % yMin
+ else:
+ profileName = '{ylabel} = [%g, %g]' % (yMin, yMax)
+ xLabel = '{xlabel}'
+ elif lineProjectionMode == 'Y': # Vertical profile on the whole image
+ profile, area = _alignedFullProfile(currentData3D,
+ origin, scale,
+ roiStart[0], roiWidth,
+ axis=1,
+ method=method)
+ if method == 'none':
+ coords = None
+ else:
+ coords = numpy.arange(len(profile[0]), dtype=numpy.float32)
+ coords = coords * scale[1] + origin[1]
+ xMin, xMax = min(area[0]), max(area[0]) - 1
+ if roiWidth <= 1:
+ profileName = '{xlabel} = %g' % xMin
+ else:
+ profileName = '{xlabel} = [%g, %g]' % (xMin, xMax)
+ xLabel = '{ylabel}'
+ else: # Free line profile
+ # Convert start and end points in image coords as (row, col)
+ startPt = ((roiStart[1] - origin[1]) / scale[1],
+ (roiStart[0] - origin[0]) / scale[0])
+ endPt = ((roiEnd[1] - origin[1]) / scale[1],
+ (roiEnd[0] - origin[0]) / scale[0])
+ if (int(startPt[0]) == int(endPt[0]) or
+ int(startPt[1]) == int(endPt[1])):
+ # Profile is aligned with one of the axes
+ # Convert to int
+ startPt = int(startPt[0]), int(startPt[1])
+ endPt = int(endPt[0]), int(endPt[1])
+ # Ensure startPt <= endPt
+ if startPt[0] > endPt[0] or startPt[1] > endPt[1]:
+ startPt, endPt = endPt, startPt
+ if startPt[0] == endPt[0]: # Row aligned
+ rowRange = (int(startPt[0] + 0.5 - 0.5 * roiWidth),
+ int(startPt[0] + 0.5 + 0.5 * roiWidth))
+ colRange = startPt[1], endPt[1] + 1
+ if method == 'none':
+ profile = None
+ else:
+ profile = _alignedPartialProfile(currentData3D,
+ rowRange, colRange,
+ axis=0,
+ method=method)
+ else: # Column aligned
+ rowRange = startPt[0], endPt[0] + 1
+ colRange = (int(startPt[1] + 0.5 - 0.5 * roiWidth),
+ int(startPt[1] + 0.5 + 0.5 * roiWidth))
+ if method == 'none':
+ profile = None
+ else:
+ profile = _alignedPartialProfile(currentData3D,
+ rowRange, colRange,
+ axis=1,
+ method=method)
+ # Convert ranges to plot coords to draw ROI area
+ area = (
+ numpy.array(
+ (colRange[0], colRange[1], colRange[1], colRange[0]),
+ dtype=numpy.float32) * scale[0] + origin[0],
+ numpy.array(
+ (rowRange[0], rowRange[0], rowRange[1], rowRange[1]),
+ dtype=numpy.float32) * scale[1] + origin[1])
+ else: # General case: use bilinear interpolation
+ # Ensure startPt <= endPt
+ if (startPt[1] > endPt[1] or (
+ startPt[1] == endPt[1] and startPt[0] > endPt[0])):
+ startPt, endPt = endPt, startPt
+ if method == 'none':
+ profile = None
+ else:
+ profile = []
+ for slice_idx in range(currentData3D.shape[0]):
+ bilinear = BilinearImage(currentData3D[slice_idx, :, :])
+ profile.append(bilinear.profile_line(
+ (startPt[0] - 0.5, startPt[1] - 0.5),
+ (endPt[0] - 0.5, endPt[1] - 0.5),
+ roiWidth,
+ method=method))
+ profile = numpy.array(profile)
+ # Extend ROI with half a pixel on each end, and
+ # Convert back to plot coords (x, y)
+ length = numpy.sqrt((endPt[0] - startPt[0]) ** 2 +
+ (endPt[1] - startPt[1]) ** 2)
+ dRow = (endPt[0] - startPt[0]) / length
+ dCol = (endPt[1] - startPt[1]) / length
+ # Extend ROI with half a pixel on each end
+ roiStartPt = startPt[0] - 0.5 * dRow, startPt[1] - 0.5 * dCol
+ roiEndPt = endPt[0] + 0.5 * dRow, endPt[1] + 0.5 * dCol
+ # Rotate deltas by 90 degrees to apply line width
+ dRow, dCol = dCol, -dRow
+ area = (
+ numpy.array((roiStartPt[1] - 0.5 * roiWidth * dCol,
+ roiStartPt[1] + 0.5 * roiWidth * dCol,
+ roiEndPt[1] + 0.5 * roiWidth * dCol,
+ roiEndPt[1] - 0.5 * roiWidth * dCol),
+ dtype=numpy.float32) * scale[0] + origin[0],
+ numpy.array((roiStartPt[0] - 0.5 * roiWidth * dRow,
+ roiStartPt[0] + 0.5 * roiWidth * dRow,
+ roiEndPt[0] + 0.5 * roiWidth * dRow,
+ roiEndPt[0] - 0.5 * roiWidth * dRow),
+ dtype=numpy.float32) * scale[1] + origin[1])
+ # Convert start and end points back to plot coords
+ y0 = startPt[0] * scale[1] + origin[1]
+ x0 = startPt[1] * scale[0] + origin[0]
+ y1 = endPt[0] * scale[1] + origin[1]
+ x1 = endPt[1] * scale[0] + origin[0]
+ if startPt[1] == endPt[1]:
+ profileName = '{xlabel} = %g; {ylabel} = [%g, %g]' % (x0, y0, y1)
+ if method == 'none':
+ coords = None
+ else:
+ coords = numpy.arange(len(profile[0]), dtype=numpy.float32)
+ coords = coords * scale[1] + y0
+ xLabel = '{ylabel}'
+ elif startPt[0] == endPt[0]:
+ profileName = '{ylabel} = %g; {xlabel} = [%g, %g]' % (y0, x0, x1)
+ if method == 'none':
+ coords = None
+ else:
+ coords = numpy.arange(len(profile[0]), dtype=numpy.float32)
+ coords = coords * scale[0] + x0
+ xLabel = '{xlabel}'
+ else:
+ m = (y1 - y0) / (x1 - x0)
+ b = y0 - m * x0
+ profileName = '{ylabel} = %g * {xlabel} %+g' % (m, b)
+ if method == 'none':
+ coords = None
+ else:
+ coords = numpy.linspace(x0, x1, len(profile[0]),
+ endpoint=True,
+ dtype=numpy.float32)
+ xLabel = '{xlabel}'
+ return coords, profile, area, profileName, xLabel