path: root/silx/gui/plot/tools/profile/
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Diffstat (limited to 'silx/gui/plot/tools/profile/')
1 files changed, 1059 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/silx/gui/plot/tools/profile/ b/silx/gui/plot/tools/profile/
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index 0000000..4d467f0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/silx/gui/plot/tools/profile/
@@ -0,0 +1,1059 @@
+# coding: utf-8
+# /*##########################################################################
+# Copyright (c) 2018-2020 European Synchrotron Radiation Facility
+# Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
+# of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
+# in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
+# to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
+# copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
+# furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
+# The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
+# all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
+# ###########################################################################*/
+"""This module provides a manager to compute and display profiles.
+__authors__ = ["V. Valls"]
+__license__ = "MIT"
+__date__ = "28/06/2018"
+import logging
+import weakref
+from silx.gui import qt
+from silx.gui import colors
+from silx.gui import utils
+from silx.utils.weakref import WeakMethodProxy
+from silx.gui import icons
+from silx.gui.plot import PlotWidget
+from import RegionOfInterestManager
+from import CreateRoiModeAction
+from silx.gui.plot import items
+from silx.gui.qt import silxGlobalThreadPool
+from silx.gui.qt import inspect
+from . import rois
+from . import core
+from . import editors
+_logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
+class _RunnableComputeProfile(qt.QRunnable):
+ """Runner to process profiles
+ :param qt.QThreadPool threadPool: The thread which will be used to
+ execute this runner. It is used to update the used signals
+ :param ~silx.gui.plot.items.Item item: Item in which the profile is
+ computed
+ :param roi: ROI
+ defining the profile shape and other characteristics
+ """
+ class _Signals(qt.QObject):
+ """Signal holder"""
+ resultReady = qt.Signal(object, object)
+ runnerFinished = qt.Signal(object)
+ def __init__(self, threadPool, item, roi):
+ """Constructor
+ """
+ super(_RunnableComputeProfile, self).__init__()
+ self._signals = self._Signals()
+ self._signals.moveToThread(threadPool.thread())
+ self._item = item
+ self._roi = roi
+ def autoDelete(self):
+ return False
+ def getRoi(self):
+ """Returns the ROI in which the runner will compute a profile.
+ :rtype:
+ """
+ return self._roi
+ @property
+ def resultReady(self):
+ """Signal emitted when the result of the computation is available.
+ This signal provides 2 values: The ROI, and the computation result.
+ """
+ return self._signals.resultReady
+ @property
+ def runnerFinished(self):
+ """Signal emitted when runner have finished.
+ This signal provides a single value: the runner itself.
+ """
+ return self._signals.runnerFinished
+ def run(self):
+ """Process the profile computation.
+ """
+ try:
+ profileData = self._roi.computeProfile(self._item)
+ except Exception:
+ _logger.error("Error while computing profile", exc_info=True)
+ else:
+ self.resultReady.emit(self._roi, profileData)
+ self.runnerFinished.emit(self)
+class ProfileWindow(qt.QMainWindow):
+ """
+ Display a computed profile.
+ The content can be described using :meth:`setRoiProfile` if the source of
+ the profile is a profile ROI, and :meth:`setProfile` for the data content.
+ """
+ sigClose = qt.Signal()
+ """Emitted by :meth:`closeEvent` (e.g. when the window is closed
+ through the window manager's close icon)."""
+ def __init__(self, parent=None, backend=None):
+ qt.QMainWindow.__init__(self, parent=parent, flags=qt.Qt.Dialog)
+ self.setWindowTitle('Profile window')
+ self._plot1D = None
+ self._plot2D = None
+ self._backend = backend
+ self._data = None
+ widget = qt.QWidget()
+ self._layout = qt.QStackedLayout(widget)
+ self._layout.setContentsMargins(0, 0, 0, 0)
+ self.setCentralWidget(widget)
+ def prepareWidget(self, roi):
+ """Called before the show to prepare the window to use with
+ a specific ROI."""
+ if isinstance(roi, rois._DefaultImageStackProfileRoiMixIn):
+ profileType = roi.getProfileType()
+ else:
+ profileType = "1D"
+ if profileType == "1D":
+ self.getPlot1D()
+ elif profileType == "2D":
+ self.getPlot2D()
+ def createPlot1D(self, parent, backend):
+ """Inherit this function to create your own plot to render 1D
+ profiles. The default value is a `Plot1D`.
+ :param parent: The parent of this widget or None.
+ :param backend: The backend to use for the plot.
+ See :class:`PlotWidget` for the list of supported backend.
+ :rtype: PlotWidget
+ """
+ # import here to avoid circular import
+ from ...PlotWindow import Plot1D
+ plot = Plot1D(parent=parent, backend=backend)
+ plot.setDataMargins(yMinMargin=0.1, yMaxMargin=0.1)
+ plot.setGraphYLabel('Profile')
+ plot.setGraphXLabel('')
+ return plot
+ def createPlot2D(self, parent, backend):
+ """Inherit this function to create your own plot to render 2D
+ profiles. The default value is a `Plot2D`.
+ :param parent: The parent of this widget or None.
+ :param backend: The backend to use for the plot.
+ See :class:`PlotWidget` for the list of supported backend.
+ :rtype: PlotWidget
+ """
+ # import here to avoid circular import
+ from ...PlotWindow import Plot2D
+ return Plot2D(parent=parent, backend=backend)
+ def getPlot1D(self, init=True):
+ """Return the current plot used to display curves and create it if it
+ does not yet exists and `init` is True. Else returns None."""
+ if not init:
+ return self._plot1D
+ if self._plot1D is None:
+ self._plot1D = self.createPlot1D(self, self._backend)
+ self._layout.addWidget(self._plot1D)
+ return self._plot1D
+ def _showPlot1D(self):
+ plot = self.getPlot1D()
+ self._layout.setCurrentWidget(plot)
+ def getPlot2D(self, init=True):
+ """Return the current plot used to display image and create it if it
+ does not yet exists and `init` is True. Else returns None."""
+ if not init:
+ return self._plot2D
+ if self._plot2D is None:
+ self._plot2D = self.createPlot2D(parent=self, backend=self._backend)
+ self._layout.addWidget(self._plot2D)
+ return self._plot2D
+ def _showPlot2D(self):
+ plot = self.getPlot2D()
+ self._layout.setCurrentWidget(plot)
+ def getCurrentPlotWidget(self):
+ return self._layout.currentWidget()
+ def closeEvent(self, qCloseEvent):
+ self.sigClose.emit()
+ qCloseEvent.accept()
+ def setRoiProfile(self, roi):
+ """Set the profile ROI which it the source of the following data
+ to display.
+ :param ProfileRoiMixIn roi: The profile ROI data source
+ """
+ if roi is None:
+ return
+ self.__color = colors.rgba(roi.getColor())
+ def _setImageProfile(self, data):
+ """
+ Setup the window to display a new profile data which is represented
+ by an image.
+ :param core.ImageProfileData data: Computed data profile
+ """
+ plot = self.getPlot2D()
+ plot.clear()
+ plot.setGraphTitle(data.title)
+ plot.getXAxis().setLabel(data.xLabel)
+ coords = data.coords
+ colormap = data.colormap
+ profileScale = (coords[-1] - coords[0]) / data.profile.shape[1], 1
+ plot.addImage(data.profile,
+ legend="profile",
+ colormap=colormap,
+ origin=(coords[0], 0),
+ scale=profileScale)
+ plot.getYAxis().setLabel("Frame index (depth)")
+ self._showPlot2D()
+ def _setCurveProfile(self, data):
+ """
+ Setup the window to display a new profile data which is represented
+ by a curve.
+ :param core.CurveProfileData data: Computed data profile
+ """
+ plot = self.getPlot1D()
+ plot.clear()
+ plot.setGraphTitle(data.title)
+ plot.getXAxis().setLabel(data.xLabel)
+ plot.getYAxis().setLabel(data.yLabel)
+ plot.addCurve(data.coords,
+ data.profile,
+ legend="level",
+ color=self.__color)
+ self._showPlot1D()
+ def _setRgbaProfile(self, data):
+ """
+ Setup the window to display a new profile data which is represented
+ by a curve.
+ :param core.RgbaProfileData data: Computed data profile
+ """
+ plot = self.getPlot1D()
+ plot.clear()
+ plot.setGraphTitle(data.title)
+ plot.getXAxis().setLabel(data.xLabel)
+ plot.getYAxis().setLabel(data.yLabel)
+ self._showPlot1D()
+ plot.addCurve(data.coords, data.profile,
+ legend="level", color="black")
+ plot.addCurve(data.coords, data.profile_r,
+ legend="red", color="red")
+ plot.addCurve(data.coords, data.profile_g,
+ legend="green", color="green")
+ plot.addCurve(data.coords, data.profile_b,
+ legend="blue", color="blue")
+ if data.profile_a is not None:
+ plot.addCurve(data.coords, data.profile_a, legend="alpha", color="gray")
+ def clear(self):
+ """Clear the window profile"""
+ plot = self.getPlot1D(init=False)
+ if plot is not None:
+ plot.clear()
+ plot = self.getPlot2D(init=False)
+ if plot is not None:
+ plot.clear()
+ def getProfile(self):
+ """Returns the profile data which is displayed"""
+ return self.__data
+ def setProfile(self, data):
+ """
+ Setup the window to display a new profile data.
+ This method dispatch the result to a specific method according to the
+ data type.
+ :param data: Computed data profile
+ """
+ self.__data = data
+ if data is None:
+ self.clear()
+ elif isinstance(data, core.ImageProfileData):
+ self._setImageProfile(data)
+ elif isinstance(data, core.RgbaProfileData):
+ self._setRgbaProfile(data)
+ elif isinstance(data, core.CurveProfileData):
+ self._setCurveProfile(data)
+ else:
+ raise TypeError("Unsupported type %s" % type(data))
+class _ClearAction(qt.QAction):
+ """Action to clear the profile manager
+ The action is only enabled if something can be cleaned up.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, parent, profileManager):
+ super(_ClearAction, self).__init__(parent)
+ self.__profileManager = weakref.ref(profileManager)
+ icon = icons.getQIcon('profile-clear')
+ self.setIcon(icon)
+ self.setText('Clear profile')
+ self.setToolTip('Clear the profiles')
+ self.setCheckable(False)
+ self.setEnabled(False)
+ self.triggered.connect(profileManager.clearProfile)
+ plot = profileManager.getPlotWidget()
+ roiManager = profileManager.getRoiManager()
+ plot.sigInteractiveModeChanged.connect(self.__modeUpdated)
+ roiManager.sigRoiChanged.connect(self.__roiListUpdated)
+ def getProfileManager(self):
+ return self.__profileManager()
+ def __roiListUpdated(self):
+ self.__update()
+ def __modeUpdated(self, source):
+ self.__update()
+ def __update(self):
+ profileManager = self.getProfileManager()
+ if profileManager is None:
+ return
+ roiManager = profileManager.getRoiManager()
+ if roiManager is None:
+ return
+ enabled = roiManager.isStarted() or len(roiManager.getRois()) > 0
+ self.setEnabled(enabled)
+class _StoreLastParamBehavior(qt.QObject):
+ """This object allow to store and restore the properties of the ROI
+ profiles"""
+ def __init__(self, parent):
+ assert isinstance(parent, ProfileManager)
+ super(_StoreLastParamBehavior, self).__init__(parent=parent)
+ self.__properties = {}
+ self.__profileRoi = None
+ self.__filter = utils.LockReentrant()
+ def _roi(self):
+ """Return the spied ROI"""
+ if self.__profileRoi is None:
+ return None
+ roi = self.__profileRoi()
+ if roi is None:
+ self.__profileRoi = None
+ return roi
+ def setProfileRoi(self, roi):
+ """Set a profile ROI to spy.
+ :param ProfileRoiMixIn roi: A profile ROI
+ """
+ previousRoi = self._roi()
+ if previousRoi is roi:
+ return
+ if previousRoi is not None:
+ previousRoi.sigProfilePropertyChanged.disconnect(self._profilePropertyChanged)
+ self.__profileRoi = None if roi is None else weakref.ref(roi)
+ if roi is not None:
+ roi.sigProfilePropertyChanged.connect(self._profilePropertyChanged)
+ def _profilePropertyChanged(self):
+ """Handle changes on the properties defining the profile ROI.
+ """
+ if self.__filter.locked():
+ return
+ roi = self.sender()
+ self.storeProperties(roi)
+ def storeProperties(self, roi):
+ if isinstance(roi, (rois._DefaultImageStackProfileRoiMixIn,
+ rois.ProfileImageStackCrossROI)):
+ self.__properties["method"] = roi.getProfileMethod()
+ self.__properties["line-width"] = roi.getProfileLineWidth()
+ self.__properties["type"] = roi.getProfileType()
+ elif isinstance(roi, (rois._DefaultImageProfileRoiMixIn,
+ rois.ProfileImageCrossROI)):
+ self.__properties["method"] = roi.getProfileMethod()
+ self.__properties["line-width"] = roi.getProfileLineWidth()
+ elif isinstance(roi, (rois._DefaultScatterProfileRoiMixIn,
+ rois.ProfileScatterCrossROI)):
+ self.__properties["npoints"] = roi.getNPoints()
+ def restoreProperties(self, roi):
+ with self.__filter:
+ if isinstance(roi, (rois._DefaultImageStackProfileRoiMixIn,
+ rois.ProfileImageStackCrossROI)):
+ value = self.__properties.get("method", None)
+ if value is not None:
+ roi.setProfileMethod(value)
+ value = self.__properties.get("line-width", None)
+ if value is not None:
+ roi.setProfileLineWidth(value)
+ value = self.__properties.get("type", None)
+ if value is not None:
+ roi.setProfileType(value)
+ elif isinstance(roi, (rois._DefaultImageProfileRoiMixIn,
+ rois.ProfileImageCrossROI)):
+ value = self.__properties.get("method", None)
+ if value is not None:
+ roi.setProfileMethod(value)
+ value = self.__properties.get("line-width", None)
+ if value is not None:
+ roi.setProfileLineWidth(value)
+ elif isinstance(roi, (rois._DefaultScatterProfileRoiMixIn,
+ rois.ProfileScatterCrossROI)):
+ value = self.__properties.get("npoints", None)
+ if value is not None:
+ roi.setNPoints(value)
+class ProfileManager(qt.QObject):
+ """Base class for profile management tools
+ :param plot: :class:`~silx.gui.plot.PlotWidget` on which to operate.
+ :param plot: :class:``
+ on which to operate.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, parent=None, plot=None, roiManager=None):
+ super(ProfileManager, self).__init__(parent)
+ assert isinstance(plot, PlotWidget)
+ self._plotRef = weakref.ref(
+ plot, WeakMethodProxy(self.__plotDestroyed))
+ # Set-up interaction manager
+ if roiManager is None:
+ roiManager = RegionOfInterestManager(plot)
+ self._roiManagerRef = weakref.ref(roiManager)
+ self._rois = []
+ self._pendingRunners = []
+ """List of ROIs which have to be updated"""
+ self.__reentrantResults = {}
+ """Store reentrant result to avoid to skip some of them
+ cause the implementation uses a QEventLoop."""
+ self._profileWindowClass = ProfileWindow
+ """Class used to display the profile results"""
+ self._computedProfiles = 0
+ """Statistics for tests"""
+ self.__itemTypes = []
+ """Kind of items to use"""
+ self.__tracking = False
+ """Is the plot active items are tracked"""
+ self.__useColorFromCursor = True
+ """If true, force the ROI color with the colormap marker color"""
+ self._item = None
+ """The selected item"""
+ self.__singleProfileAtATime = True
+ """When it's true, only a single profile is displayed at a time."""
+ self._previousWindowGeometry = []
+ self._storeProperties = _StoreLastParamBehavior(self)
+ """If defined the profile properties of the last ROI are reused to the
+ new created ones"""
+ # Listen to plot limits changed
+ plot.getXAxis().sigLimitsChanged.connect(self.requestUpdateAllProfile)
+ plot.getYAxis().sigLimitsChanged.connect(self.requestUpdateAllProfile)
+ roiManager.sigInteractiveModeFinished.connect(self.__interactionFinished)
+ roiManager.sigInteractiveRoiCreated.connect(self.__roiCreated)
+ roiManager.sigRoiAdded.connect(self.__roiAdded)
+ roiManager.sigRoiAboutToBeRemoved.connect(self.__roiRemoved)
+ def setSingleProfile(self, enable):
+ """
+ Enable or disable the single profile mode.
+ In single mode, the manager enforce a single ROI at the same
+ time. A new one will remove the previous one.
+ If this mode is not enabled, many ROIs can be created, and many
+ profile windows will be displayed.
+ """
+ self.__singleProfileAtATime = enable
+ def isSingleProfile(self):
+ """
+ Returns true if the manager is in a single profile mode.
+ :rtype: bool
+ """
+ return self.__singleProfileAtATime
+ def __interactionFinished(self):
+ """Handle end of interactive mode"""
+ pass
+ def __roiAdded(self, roi):
+ """Handle new ROI"""
+ # Filter out non profile ROIs
+ if not isinstance(roi, core.ProfileRoiMixIn):
+ return
+ self.__addProfile(roi)
+ def __roiRemoved(self, roi):
+ """Handle removed ROI"""
+ # Filter out non profile ROIs
+ if not isinstance(roi, core.ProfileRoiMixIn):
+ return
+ self.__removeProfile(roi)
+ def createProfileAction(self, profileRoiClass, parent=None):
+ """Create an action from a class of ProfileRoi
+ :param core.ProfileRoiMixIn profileRoiClass: A class of a profile ROI
+ :param qt.QObject parent: The parent of the created action.
+ :rtype: qt.QAction
+ """
+ if not issubclass(profileRoiClass, core.ProfileRoiMixIn):
+ raise TypeError("Type %s not expected" % type(profileRoiClass))
+ roiManager = self.getRoiManager()
+ action = CreateRoiModeAction(parent, roiManager, profileRoiClass)
+ if hasattr(profileRoiClass, "ICON"):
+ action.setIcon(icons.getQIcon(profileRoiClass.ICON))
+ if hasattr(profileRoiClass, "NAME"):
+ def articulify(word):
+ """Add an an/a article in the front of the word"""
+ first = word[1] if word[0] == 'h' else word[0]
+ if first in "aeiou":
+ return "an " + word
+ return "a " + word
+ action.setText('Define %s' % articulify(profileRoiClass.NAME))
+ action.setToolTip('Enables %s selection mode' % profileRoiClass.NAME)
+ action.setSingleShot(True)
+ return action
+ def createClearAction(self, parent):
+ """Create an action to clean up the plot from the profile ROIs.
+ :param qt.QObject parent: The parent of the created action.
+ :rtype: qt.QAction
+ """
+ action = _ClearAction(parent, self)
+ return action
+ def createImageActions(self, parent):
+ """Create actions designed for image items. This actions created
+ new ROIs.
+ :param qt.QObject parent: The parent of the created action.
+ :rtype: List[qt.QAction]
+ """
+ profileClasses = [
+ rois.ProfileImageHorizontalLineROI,
+ rois.ProfileImageVerticalLineROI,
+ rois.ProfileImageLineROI,
+ rois.ProfileImageDirectedLineROI,
+ rois.ProfileImageCrossROI,
+ ]
+ return [self.createProfileAction(pc, parent=parent) for pc in profileClasses]
+ def createScatterActions(self, parent):
+ """Create actions designed for scatter items. This actions created
+ new ROIs.
+ :param qt.QObject parent: The parent of the created action.
+ :rtype: List[qt.QAction]
+ """
+ profileClasses = [
+ rois.ProfileScatterHorizontalLineROI,
+ rois.ProfileScatterVerticalLineROI,
+ rois.ProfileScatterLineROI,
+ rois.ProfileScatterCrossROI,
+ ]
+ return [self.createProfileAction(pc, parent=parent) for pc in profileClasses]
+ def createScatterSliceActions(self, parent):
+ """Create actions designed for regular scatter items. This actions
+ created new ROIs.
+ This ROIs was designed to use the input data without interpolation,
+ like you could do with an image.
+ :param qt.QObject parent: The parent of the created action.
+ :rtype: List[qt.QAction]
+ """
+ profileClasses = [
+ rois.ProfileScatterHorizontalSliceROI,
+ rois.ProfileScatterVerticalSliceROI,
+ rois.ProfileScatterCrossSliceROI,
+ ]
+ return [self.createProfileAction(pc, parent=parent) for pc in profileClasses]
+ def createImageStackActions(self, parent):
+ """Create actions designed for stack image items. This actions
+ created new ROIs.
+ This ROIs was designed to create both profile on the displayed image
+ and profile on the full stack (2D result).
+ :param qt.QObject parent: The parent of the created action.
+ :rtype: List[qt.QAction]
+ """
+ profileClasses = [
+ rois.ProfileImageStackHorizontalLineROI,
+ rois.ProfileImageStackVerticalLineROI,
+ rois.ProfileImageStackLineROI,
+ rois.ProfileImageStackCrossROI,
+ ]
+ return [self.createProfileAction(pc, parent=parent) for pc in profileClasses]
+ def createEditorAction(self, parent):
+ """Create an action containing GUI to edit the selected profile ROI.
+ :param qt.QObject parent: The parent of the created action.
+ :rtype: qt.QAction
+ """
+ action = editors.ProfileRoiEditorAction(parent)
+ action.setRoiManager(self.getRoiManager())
+ return action
+ def setItemType(self, image=False, scatter=False):
+ """Set the item type to use and select the active one.
+ :param bool image: Image item are allowed
+ :param bool scatter: Scatter item are allowed
+ """
+ self.__itemTypes = []
+ plot = self.getPlotWidget()
+ item = None
+ if image:
+ self.__itemTypes.append("image")
+ item = plot.getActiveImage()
+ if scatter:
+ self.__itemTypes.append("scatter")
+ if item is None:
+ item = plot.getActiveScatter()
+ self.setPlotItem(item)
+ def setProfileWindowClass(self, profileWindowClass):
+ """Set the class which will be instantiated to display profile result.
+ """
+ self._profileWindowClass = profileWindowClass
+ def setActiveItemTracking(self, tracking):
+ """Enable/disable the tracking of the active item of the plot.
+ :param bool tracking: Tracking mode
+ """
+ if self.__tracking == tracking:
+ return
+ plot = self.getPlotWidget()
+ if self.__tracking:
+ plot.sigActiveImageChanged.disconnect(self._activeImageChanged)
+ plot.sigActiveScatterChanged.disconnect(self._activeScatterChanged)
+ self.__tracking = tracking
+ if self.__tracking:
+ plot.sigActiveImageChanged.connect(self.__activeImageChanged)
+ plot.sigActiveScatterChanged.connect(self.__activeScatterChanged)
+ def setDefaultColorFromCursorColor(self, enabled):
+ """Enabled/disable the use of the colormap cursor color to display the
+ ROIs.
+ If set, the manager will update the color of the profile ROIs using the
+ current colormap cursor color from the selected item.
+ """
+ self.__useColorFromCursor = enabled
+ def __activeImageChanged(self, previous, legend):
+ """Handle plot item selection"""
+ if "image" in self.__itemTypes:
+ plot = self.getPlotWidget()
+ item = plot.getImage(legend)
+ self.setPlotItem(item)
+ def __activeScatterChanged(self, previous, legend):
+ """Handle plot item selection"""
+ if "scatter" in self.__itemTypes:
+ plot = self.getPlotWidget()
+ item = plot.getScatter(legend)
+ self.setPlotItem(item)
+ def __roiCreated(self, roi):
+ """Handle ROI creation"""
+ # Filter out non profile ROIs
+ if isinstance(roi, core.ProfileRoiMixIn):
+ if self._storeProperties is not None:
+ # Initialize the properties with the previous ones
+ self._storeProperties.restoreProperties(roi)
+ def __addProfile(self, profileRoi):
+ """Add a new ROI to the manager."""
+ if profileRoi.getFocusProxy() is None:
+ if self._storeProperties is not None:
+ # Follow changes on properties
+ self._storeProperties.setProfileRoi(profileRoi)
+ if self.__singleProfileAtATime:
+ # FIXME: It would be good to reuse the windows to avoid blinking
+ self.clearProfile()
+ profileRoi._setProfileManager(self)
+ self._updateRoiColor(profileRoi)
+ self._rois.append(profileRoi)
+ self.requestUpdateProfile(profileRoi)
+ def __removeProfile(self, profileRoi):
+ """Remove a ROI from the manager."""
+ window = self._disconnectProfileWindow(profileRoi)
+ if window is not None:
+ geometry = window.geometry()
+ self._previousWindowGeometry.append(geometry)
+ self.clearProfileWindow(window)
+ if profileRoi in self._rois:
+ self._rois.remove(profileRoi)
+ def _disconnectProfileWindow(self, profileRoi):
+ """Handle profile window close."""
+ window = profileRoi.getProfileWindow()
+ profileRoi.setProfileWindow(None)
+ return window
+ def clearProfile(self):
+ """Clear the associated ROI profile"""
+ roiManager = self.getRoiManager()
+ for roi in list(self._rois):
+ if roi.getFocusProxy() is not None:
+ # Skip sub ROIs, it will be removed by their parents
+ continue
+ roiManager.removeRoi(roi)
+ if not roiManager.isDrawing():
+ # Clean the selected mode
+ roiManager.stop()
+ def hasPendingOperations(self):
+ """Returns true if a thread is still computing or displaying a profile.
+ :rtype: bool
+ """
+ return len(self.__reentrantResults) > 0 or len(self._pendingRunners) > 0
+ def requestUpdateAllProfile(self):
+ """Request to update the profile of all the managed ROIs.
+ """
+ for roi in self._rois:
+ self.requestUpdateProfile(roi)
+ def requestUpdateProfile(self, profileRoi):
+ """Request to update a specific profile ROI.
+ :param ~core.ProfileRoiMixIn profileRoi:
+ """
+ if profileRoi.computeProfile is None:
+ return
+ threadPool = silxGlobalThreadPool()
+ # Clean up deprecated runners
+ for runner in list(self._pendingRunners):
+ if not inspect.isValid(runner):
+ self._pendingRunners.remove(runner)
+ continue
+ if runner.getRoi() is profileRoi:
+ if threadPool.tryTake(runner):
+ self._pendingRunners.remove(runner)
+ item = self.getPlotItem()
+ if item is None or not isinstance(item, profileRoi.ITEM_KIND):
+ # This item is not compatible with this profile
+ profileRoi._setPlotItem(None)
+ profileWindow = profileRoi.getProfileWindow()
+ if profileWindow is not None:
+ profileWindow.setProfile(None)
+ return
+ profileRoi._setPlotItem(item)
+ runner = _RunnableComputeProfile(threadPool, item, profileRoi)
+ runner.runnerFinished.connect(self.__cleanUpRunner)
+ runner.resultReady.connect(self.__displayResult)
+ self._pendingRunners.append(runner)
+ threadPool.start(runner)
+ def __cleanUpRunner(self, runner):
+ """Remove a thread pool runner from the list of hold tasks.
+ Called at the termination of the runner.
+ """
+ if runner in self._pendingRunners:
+ self._pendingRunners.remove(runner)
+ def __displayResult(self, roi, profileData):
+ """Display the result of a ROI.
+ :param ~core.ProfileRoiMixIn profileRoi: A managed ROI
+ :param ~core.CurveProfileData profileData: Computed data profile
+ """
+ if roi in self.__reentrantResults:
+ # Store the data to process it in the main loop
+ # And not a sub loop created by initProfileWindow
+ # This also remove the duplicated requested
+ self.__reentrantResults[roi] = profileData
+ return
+ self.__reentrantResults[roi] = profileData
+ self._computedProfiles = self._computedProfiles + 1
+ window = roi.getProfileWindow()
+ if window is None:
+ plot = self.getPlotWidget()
+ window = self.createProfileWindow(plot, roi)
+ # roi.profileWindow have to be set before initializing the window
+ # Cause the initialization is using QEventLoop
+ roi.setProfileWindow(window)
+ self.initProfileWindow(window, roi)
+ lastData = self.__reentrantResults.pop(roi)
+ window.setProfile(lastData)
+ def __plotDestroyed(self, ref):
+ """Handle finalization of PlotWidget
+ :param ref: weakref to the plot
+ """
+ self._plotRef = None
+ self._roiManagerRef = None
+ self._pendingRunners = []
+ def setPlotItem(self, item):
+ """Set the plot item focused by the profile manager.
+ :param ~silx.gui.plot.items.Item item: A plot item
+ """
+ previous = self.getPlotItem()
+ if previous is item:
+ return
+ if item is None:
+ self._item = None
+ else:
+ item.sigItemChanged.connect(self.__itemChanged)
+ self._item = weakref.ref(item)
+ self._updateRoiColors()
+ self.requestUpdateAllProfile()
+ def getDefaultColor(self, item):
+ """Returns the default ROI color to use according to the given item.
+ :param ~silx.gui.plot.items.item.Item item: AN item
+ :rtype: qt.QColor
+ """
+ color = 'pink'
+ if isinstance(item, items.ColormapMixIn):
+ colormap = item.getColormap()
+ name = colormap.getName()
+ if name is not None:
+ color = colors.cursorColorForColormap(name)
+ color = colors.asQColor(color)
+ return color
+ def _updateRoiColors(self):
+ """Update ROI color according to the item selection"""
+ if not self.__useColorFromCursor:
+ return
+ item = self.getPlotItem()
+ color = self.getDefaultColor(item)
+ for roi in self._rois:
+ roi.setColor(color)
+ def _updateRoiColor(self, roi):
+ """Update a specific ROI according to the current selected item.
+ :param RegionOfInterest roi: The ROI to update
+ """
+ if not self.__useColorFromCursor:
+ return
+ item = self.getPlotItem()
+ color = self.getDefaultColor(item)
+ roi.setColor(color)
+ def __itemChanged(self, changeType):
+ """Handle item changes.
+ """
+ if changeType in (items.ItemChangedType.DATA,
+ items.ItemChangedType.POSITION,
+ items.ItemChangedType.SCALE):
+ self.requestUpdateAllProfile()
+ elif changeType == (items.ItemChangedType.COLORMAP):
+ self._updateRoiColors()
+ def getPlotItem(self):
+ """Returns the item focused by the profile manager.
+ :rtype: ~silx.gui.plot.items.Item
+ """
+ if self._item is None:
+ return None
+ item = self._item()
+ if item is None:
+ self._item = None
+ return item
+ def getPlotWidget(self):
+ """The plot associated to the profile manager.
+ :rtype: ~silx.gui.plot.PlotWidget
+ """
+ if self._plotRef is None:
+ return None
+ plot = self._plotRef()
+ if plot is None:
+ self._plotRef = None
+ return plot
+ def getCurrentRoi(self):
+ """Returns the currently selected ROI, else None.
+ :rtype: core.ProfileRoiMixIn
+ """
+ roiManager = self.getRoiManager()
+ if roiManager is None:
+ return None
+ roi = roiManager.getCurrentRoi()
+ if not isinstance(roi, core.ProfileRoiMixIn):
+ return None
+ return roi
+ def getRoiManager(self):
+ """Returns the used ROI manager
+ :rtype: RegionOfInterestManager
+ """
+ return self._roiManagerRef()
+ def createProfileWindow(self, plot, roi):
+ """Create a new profile window.
+ :param ~core.ProfileRoiMixIn roi: The plot containing the raw data
+ :param ~core.ProfileRoiMixIn roi: A managed ROI
+ :rtype: ~ProfileWindow
+ """
+ return self._profileWindowClass(plot)
+ def initProfileWindow(self, profileWindow, roi):
+ """This function is called just after the profile window creation in
+ order to initialize the window location.
+ :param ~ProfileWindow profileWindow:
+ The profile window to initialize.
+ """
+ # Enforce the use of one of the widgets
+ # To have the correct window size
+ profileWindow.prepareWidget(roi)
+ profileWindow.adjustSize()
+ # Trick to avoid blinking while retrieving the right window size
+ # Display the window, hide it and wait for some event loops
+ profileWindow.hide()
+ eventLoop = qt.QEventLoop(self)
+ for _ in range(10):
+ if not eventLoop.processEvents():
+ break
+ if len(self._previousWindowGeometry) > 0:
+ geometry = self._previousWindowGeometry.pop()
+ profileWindow.setGeometry(geometry)
+ return
+ window = self.getPlotWidget().window()
+ winGeom = window.frameGeometry()
+ qapp = qt.QApplication.instance()
+ desktop = qapp.desktop()
+ screenGeom = desktop.availableGeometry(window)
+ spaceOnLeftSide = winGeom.left()
+ spaceOnRightSide = screenGeom.width() - winGeom.right()
+ profileGeom = profileWindow.frameGeometry()
+ profileWidth = profileGeom.width()
+ # Align vertically to the center of the window
+ top = + (winGeom.height() - profileGeom.height()) // 2
+ margin = 5
+ if profileWidth < spaceOnRightSide:
+ # Place profile on the right
+ left = winGeom.right() + margin
+ elif profileWidth < spaceOnLeftSide:
+ # Place profile on the left
+ left = max(0, winGeom.left() - profileWidth - margin)
+ else:
+ # Move it as much as possible where there is more space
+ if spaceOnLeftSide > spaceOnRightSide:
+ left = 0
+ else:
+ left = screenGeom.width() - profileGeom.width()
+ profileWindow.move(left, top)
+ def clearProfileWindow(self, profileWindow):
+ """Called when a profile window is not anymore needed.
+ By default the window will be closed. But it can be
+ inherited to change this behavior.
+ """
+ profileWindow.deleteLater()