path: root/silx/gui/plot/tools/
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Diffstat (limited to 'silx/gui/plot/tools/')
1 files changed, 934 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/silx/gui/plot/tools/ b/silx/gui/plot/tools/
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+++ b/silx/gui/plot/tools/
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+# coding: utf-8
+# /*##########################################################################
+# Copyright (c) 2018 European Synchrotron Radiation Facility
+# Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
+# of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
+# in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
+# to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
+# copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
+# furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
+# The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
+# all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
+# ###########################################################################*/
+"""This module provides ROI interaction for :class:`~silx.gui.plot.PlotWidget`.
+__authors__ = ["T. Vincent"]
+__license__ = "MIT"
+__date__ = "28/06/2018"
+import collections
+import functools
+import logging
+import time
+import weakref
+import numpy
+from ....third_party import enum
+from ....utils.weakref import WeakMethodProxy
+from ... import qt, icons
+from .. import PlotWidget
+from ..items import roi as roi_items
+from ...colors import rgba
+logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
+class RegionOfInterestManager(qt.QObject):
+ """Class handling ROI interaction on a PlotWidget.
+ It supports the multiple ROIs: points, rectangles, polygons,
+ lines, horizontal and vertical lines.
+ See ```` sample code (:ref:`sample-code`).
+ :param silx.gui.plot.PlotWidget parent:
+ The plot widget in which to control the ROIs.
+ """
+ sigRoiAdded = qt.Signal(roi_items.RegionOfInterest)
+ """Signal emitted when a new ROI has been added.
+ It provides the newly add :class:`RegionOfInterest` object.
+ """
+ sigRoiAboutToBeRemoved = qt.Signal(roi_items.RegionOfInterest)
+ """Signal emitted just before a ROI is removed.
+ It provides the :class:`RegionOfInterest` object that is about to be removed.
+ """
+ sigRoiChanged = qt.Signal()
+ """Signal emitted whenever the ROIs have changed."""
+ sigInteractiveModeStarted = qt.Signal(object)
+ """Signal emitted when switching to ROI drawing interactive mode.
+ It provides the class of the ROI which will be created by the interactive
+ mode.
+ """
+ sigInteractiveModeFinished = qt.Signal()
+ """Signal emitted when leaving and interactive ROI drawing.
+ It provides the list of ROIs.
+ """
+ _MODE_ACTIONS_PARAMS = collections.OrderedDict()
+ # Interactive mode: (icon name, text)
+ _MODE_ACTIONS_PARAMS[roi_items.PointROI] = 'add-shape-point', 'Add point markers'
+ _MODE_ACTIONS_PARAMS[roi_items.RectangleROI] = 'add-shape-rectangle', 'Add rectangle ROI'
+ _MODE_ACTIONS_PARAMS[roi_items.PolygonROI] = 'add-shape-polygon', 'Add polygon ROI'
+ _MODE_ACTIONS_PARAMS[roi_items.LineROI] = 'add-shape-diagonal', 'Add line ROI'
+ _MODE_ACTIONS_PARAMS[roi_items.HorizontalLineROI] = 'add-shape-horizontal', 'Add horizontal line ROI'
+ _MODE_ACTIONS_PARAMS[roi_items.VerticalLineROI] = 'add-shape-vertical', 'Add vertical line ROI'
+ _MODE_ACTIONS_PARAMS[roi_items.ArcROI] = 'add-shape-arc', 'Add arc ROI'
+ def __init__(self, parent):
+ assert isinstance(parent, PlotWidget)
+ super(RegionOfInterestManager, self).__init__(parent)
+ self._rois = [] # List of ROIs
+ self._drawnROI = None # New ROI being currently drawn
+ self._roiClass = None
+ self._color = rgba('red')
+ self._label = "__RegionOfInterestManager__%d" % id(self)
+ self._eventLoop = None
+ self._modeActions = {}
+ parent.sigInteractiveModeChanged.connect(
+ self._plotInteractiveModeChanged)
+ @classmethod
+ def getSupportedRoiClasses(cls):
+ """Returns the default available ROI classes
+ :rtype: List[class]
+ """
+ return tuple(cls._MODE_ACTIONS_PARAMS.keys())
+ # Associated QActions
+ def getInteractionModeAction(self, roiClass):
+ """Returns the QAction corresponding to a kind of ROI
+ The QAction allows to enable the corresponding drawing
+ interactive mode.
+ :param str roiClass: The ROI class which will be crated by this action.
+ :rtype: QAction
+ :raise ValueError: If kind is not supported
+ """
+ if not issubclass(roiClass, roi_items.RegionOfInterest):
+ raise ValueError('Unsupported ROI class %s' % roiClass)
+ action = self._modeActions.get(roiClass, None)
+ if action is None: # Lazy-loading
+ if roiClass in self._MODE_ACTIONS_PARAMS:
+ iconName, text = self._MODE_ACTIONS_PARAMS[roiClass]
+ else:
+ iconName = "add-shape-unknown"
+ name = roiClass._getKind()
+ if name is None:
+ name = roiClass.__name__
+ text = 'Add %s' % name
+ action = qt.QAction(self)
+ action.setIcon(icons.getQIcon(iconName))
+ action.setText(text)
+ action.setCheckable(True)
+ action.setChecked(self.getCurrentInteractionModeRoiClass() is roiClass)
+ action.setToolTip(text)
+ action.triggered[bool].connect(functools.partial(
+ WeakMethodProxy(self._modeActionTriggered), roiClass=roiClass))
+ self._modeActions[roiClass] = action
+ return action
+ def _modeActionTriggered(self, checked, roiClass):
+ """Handle mode actions being checked by the user
+ :param bool checked:
+ :param str kind: Corresponding shape kind
+ """
+ if checked:
+ self.start(roiClass)
+ else: # Keep action checked
+ action = self.sender()
+ action.setChecked(True)
+ def _updateModeActions(self):
+ """Check/Uncheck action corresponding to current mode"""
+ for roiClass, action in self._modeActions.items():
+ action.setChecked(roiClass == self.getCurrentInteractionModeRoiClass())
+ # PlotWidget eventFilter and listeners
+ def _plotInteractiveModeChanged(self, source):
+ """Handle change of interactive mode in the plot"""
+ if source is not self:
+ self.__roiInteractiveModeEnded()
+ else: # Check the corresponding action
+ self._updateModeActions()
+ # Handle ROI interaction
+ def _handleInteraction(self, event):
+ """Handle mouse interaction for ROI addition"""
+ roiClass = self.getCurrentInteractionModeRoiClass()
+ if roiClass is None:
+ return # Should not happen
+ kind = roiClass.getFirstInteractionShape()
+ if kind == 'point':
+ if event['event'] == 'mouseClicked' and event['button'] == 'left':
+ points = numpy.array([(event['x'], event['y'])],
+ dtype=numpy.float64)
+ self.createRoi(roiClass, points=points)
+ else: # other shapes
+ if (event['event'] in ('drawingProgress', 'drawingFinished') and
+ event['parameters']['label'] == self._label):
+ points = numpy.array((event['xdata'], event['ydata']),
+ dtype=numpy.float64).T
+ if self._drawnROI is None: # Create new ROI
+ self._drawnROI = self.createRoi(roiClass, points=points)
+ else:
+ self._drawnROI.setFirstShapePoints(points)
+ if event['event'] == 'drawingFinished':
+ if kind == 'polygon' and len(points) > 1:
+ self._drawnROI.setFirstShapePoints(points[:-1])
+ self._drawnROI = None # Stop drawing
+ # RegionOfInterest API
+ def getRois(self):
+ """Returns the list of ROIs.
+ It returns an empty tuple if there is currently no ROI.
+ :return: Tuple of arrays of objects describing the ROIs
+ :rtype: List[RegionOfInterest]
+ """
+ return tuple(self._rois)
+ def clear(self):
+ """Reset current ROIs
+ :return: True if ROIs were reset.
+ :rtype: bool
+ """
+ if self.getRois(): # Something to reset
+ for roi in self._rois:
+ roi.sigRegionChanged.disconnect(
+ self._regionOfInterestChanged)
+ roi.setParent(None)
+ self._rois = []
+ self._roisUpdated()
+ return True
+ else:
+ return False
+ def _regionOfInterestChanged(self):
+ """Handle ROI object changed"""
+ self.sigRoiChanged.emit()
+ def createRoi(self, roiClass, points, label='', index=None):
+ """Create a new ROI and add it to list of ROIs.
+ :param class roiClass: The class of the ROI to create
+ :param numpy.ndarray points: The first shape used to create the ROI
+ :param str label: The label to display along with the ROI.
+ :param int index: The position where to insert the ROI.
+ By default it is appended to the end of the list.
+ :return: The created ROI object
+ :rtype: roi_items.RegionOfInterest
+ :raise RuntimeError: When ROI cannot be added because the maximum
+ number of ROIs has been reached.
+ """
+ roi = roiClass(parent=None)
+ roi.setLabel(str(label))
+ roi.setFirstShapePoints(points)
+ self.addRoi(roi, index)
+ return roi
+ def addRoi(self, roi, index=None, useManagerColor=True):
+ """Add the ROI to the list of ROIs.
+ :param roi_items.RegionOfInterest roi: The ROI to add
+ :param int index: The position where to insert the ROI,
+ By default it is appended to the end of the list of ROIs
+ :raise RuntimeError: When ROI cannot be added because the maximum
+ number of ROIs has been reached.
+ """
+ plot = self.parent()
+ if plot is None:
+ raise RuntimeError(
+ 'Cannot add ROI: PlotWidget no more available')
+ roi.setParent(self)
+ if useManagerColor:
+ roi.setColor(self.getColor())
+ roi.sigRegionChanged.connect(self._regionOfInterestChanged)
+ if index is None:
+ self._rois.append(roi)
+ else:
+ self._rois.insert(index, roi)
+ self.sigRoiAdded.emit(roi)
+ self._roisUpdated()
+ def removeRoi(self, roi):
+ """Remove a ROI from the list of ROIs.
+ :param roi_items.RegionOfInterest roi: The ROI to remove
+ :raise ValueError: When ROI does not belong to this object
+ """
+ if not (isinstance(roi, roi_items.RegionOfInterest) and
+ roi.parent() is self and
+ roi in self._rois):
+ raise ValueError(
+ 'RegionOfInterest does not belong to this instance')
+ self.sigRoiAboutToBeRemoved.emit(roi)
+ self._rois.remove(roi)
+ roi.sigRegionChanged.disconnect(self._regionOfInterestChanged)
+ roi.setParent(None)
+ self._roisUpdated()
+ def _roisUpdated(self):
+ """Handle update of the ROI list"""
+ self.sigRoiChanged.emit()
+ # RegionOfInterest parameters
+ def getColor(self):
+ """Return the default color of created ROIs
+ :rtype: QColor
+ """
+ return qt.QColor.fromRgbF(*self._color)
+ def setColor(self, color):
+ """Set the default color to use when creating ROIs.
+ Existing ROIs are not affected.
+ :param color: The color to use for displaying ROIs as
+ either a color name, a QColor, a list of uint8 or float in [0, 1].
+ """
+ self._color = rgba(color)
+ # Control ROI
+ def getCurrentInteractionModeRoiClass(self):
+ """Returns the current ROI class used by the interactive drawing mode.
+ Returns None if the ROI manager is not in an interactive mode.
+ :rtype: Union[class,None]
+ """
+ return self._roiClass
+ def isStarted(self):
+ """Returns True if an interactive ROI drawing mode is active.
+ :rtype: bool
+ """
+ return self._roiClass is not None
+ def start(self, roiClass):
+ """Start an interactive ROI drawing mode.
+ :param class roiClass: The ROI class to create. It have to inherite from
+ `roi_items.RegionOfInterest`.
+ :return: True if interactive ROI drawing was started, False otherwise
+ :rtype: bool
+ :raise ValueError: If roiClass is not supported
+ """
+ self.stop()
+ if not issubclass(roiClass, roi_items.RegionOfInterest):
+ raise ValueError('Unsupported ROI class %s' % roiClass)
+ plot = self.parent()
+ if plot is None:
+ return False
+ self._roiClass = roiClass
+ firstInteractionShapeKind = roiClass.getFirstInteractionShape()
+ if firstInteractionShapeKind == 'point':
+ plot.setInteractiveMode(mode='select', source=self)
+ else:
+ if roiClass.showFirstInteractionShape():
+ color = rgba(self.getColor())
+ else:
+ color = None
+ plot.setInteractiveMode(mode='select-draw',
+ source=self,
+ shape=firstInteractionShapeKind,
+ color=color,
+ label=self._label)
+ plot.sigPlotSignal.connect(self._handleInteraction)
+ self.sigInteractiveModeStarted.emit(roiClass)
+ return True
+ def __roiInteractiveModeEnded(self):
+ """Handle end of ROI draw interactive mode"""
+ if self.isStarted():
+ self._roiClass = None
+ if self._drawnROI is not None:
+ # Cancel ROI create
+ self.removeRoi(self._drawnROI)
+ self._drawnROI = None
+ plot = self.parent()
+ if plot is not None:
+ plot.sigPlotSignal.disconnect(self._handleInteraction)
+ self._updateModeActions()
+ self.sigInteractiveModeFinished.emit()
+ def stop(self):
+ """Stop interactive ROI drawing mode.
+ :return: True if an interactive ROI drawing mode was actually stopped
+ :rtype: bool
+ """
+ if not self.isStarted():
+ return False
+ plot = self.parent()
+ if plot is not None:
+ # This leads to call __roiInteractiveModeEnded through
+ # interactive mode changed signal
+ plot.setInteractiveMode(mode='zoom', source=None)
+ else: # Fallback
+ self.__roiInteractiveModeEnded()
+ return True
+ def exec_(self, roiClass):
+ """Block until :meth:`quit` is called.
+ :param class kind: The class of the ROI which have to be created.
+ See `silx.gui.plot.items.roi`.
+ :return: The list of ROIs
+ :rtype: tuple
+ """
+ self.start(roiClass)
+ plot = self.parent()
+ plot.raise_()
+ self._eventLoop = qt.QEventLoop()
+ self._eventLoop.exec_()
+ self._eventLoop = None
+ self.stop()
+ rois = self.getRois()
+ self.clear()
+ return rois
+ def quit(self):
+ """Stop a blocking :meth:`exec_` and call :meth:`stop`"""
+ if self._eventLoop is not None:
+ self._eventLoop.quit()
+ self._eventLoop = None
+ self.stop()
+class InteractiveRegionOfInterestManager(RegionOfInterestManager):
+ """RegionOfInterestManager with features for use from interpreter.
+ It is meant to be used through the :meth:`exec_`.
+ It provides some messages to display in a status bar and
+ different modes to end blocking calls to :meth:`exec_`.
+ :param parent: See QObject
+ """
+ sigMessageChanged = qt.Signal(str)
+ """Signal emitted when a new message should be displayed to the user
+ It provides the message as a str.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, parent):
+ super(InteractiveRegionOfInterestManager, self).__init__(parent)
+ self._maxROI = None
+ self.__timeoutEndTime = None
+ self.__message = ''
+ self.__validationMode = self.ValidationMode.ENTER
+ self.__execClass = None
+ self.sigRoiAdded.connect(self.__added)
+ self.sigRoiAboutToBeRemoved.connect(self.__aboutToBeRemoved)
+ self.sigInteractiveModeStarted.connect(self.__started)
+ self.sigInteractiveModeFinished.connect(self.__finished)
+ # Max ROI
+ def getMaxRois(self):
+ """Returns the maximum number of ROIs or None if no limit.
+ :rtype: Union[int,None]
+ """
+ return self._maxROI
+ def setMaxRois(self, max_):
+ """Set the maximum number of ROIs.
+ :param Union[int,None] max_: The max limit or None for no limit.
+ :raise ValueError: If there is more ROIs than max value
+ """
+ if max_ is not None:
+ max_ = int(max_)
+ if max_ <= 0:
+ raise ValueError('Max limit must be strictly positive')
+ if len(self.getRois()) > max_:
+ raise ValueError(
+ 'Cannot set max limit: Already too many ROIs')
+ self._maxROI = max_
+ def isMaxRois(self):
+ """Returns True if the maximum number of ROIs is reached.
+ :rtype: bool
+ """
+ max_ = self.getMaxRois()
+ return max_ is not None and len(self.getRois()) >= max_
+ # Validation mode
+ @enum.unique
+ class ValidationMode(enum.Enum):
+ """Mode of validation to leave blocking :meth:`exec_`"""
+ AUTO = 'auto'
+ """Automatically ends the interactive mode once
+ the user terminates the last ROI shape."""
+ ENTER = 'enter'
+ """Ends the interactive mode when the *Enter* key is pressed."""
+ AUTO_ENTER = 'auto_enter'
+ """Ends the interactive mode when reaching max ROIs or
+ when the *Enter* key is pressed.
+ """
+ NONE = 'none'
+ """Do not provide the user a way to end the interactive mode.
+ The end of :meth:`exec_` is done through :meth:`quit` or timeout.
+ """
+ def getValidationMode(self):
+ """Returns the interactive mode validation in use.
+ :rtype: ValidationMode
+ """
+ return self.__validationMode
+ def setValidationMode(self, mode):
+ """Set the way to perform interactive mode validation.
+ See :class:`ValidationMode` enumeration for the supported
+ validation modes.
+ :param ValidationMode mode: The interactive mode validation to use.
+ """
+ assert isinstance(mode, self.ValidationMode)
+ if mode != self.__validationMode:
+ self.__validationMode = mode
+ if self.isExec():
+ if (self.isMaxRois() and self.getValidationMode() in
+ (self.ValidationMode.AUTO,
+ self.ValidationMode.AUTO_ENTER)):
+ self.quit()
+ self.__updateMessage()
+ def eventFilter(self, obj, event):
+ if event.type() == qt.QEvent.Hide:
+ self.quit()
+ if event.type() == qt.QEvent.KeyPress:
+ key = event.key()
+ if (key in (qt.Qt.Key_Return, qt.Qt.Key_Enter) and
+ self.getValidationMode() in (
+ self.ValidationMode.ENTER,
+ self.ValidationMode.AUTO_ENTER)):
+ # Stop on return key pressed
+ self.quit()
+ return True # Stop further handling of this keys
+ if (key in (qt.Qt.Key_Delete, qt.Qt.Key_Backspace) or (
+ key == qt.Qt.Key_Z and
+ event.modifiers() & qt.Qt.ControlModifier)):
+ rois = self.getRois()
+ if rois: # Something to undo
+ self.removeRoi(rois[-1])
+ # Stop further handling of keys if something was undone
+ return True
+ return super(InteractiveRegionOfInterestManager, self).eventFilter(obj, event)
+ # Message API
+ def getMessage(self):
+ """Returns the current status message.
+ This message is meant to be displayed in a status bar.
+ :rtype: str
+ """
+ if self.__timeoutEndTime is None:
+ return self.__message
+ else:
+ remaining = self.__timeoutEndTime - time.time()
+ return self.__message + (' - %d seconds remaining' %
+ max(1, int(remaining)))
+ # Listen to ROI updates
+ def __added(self, *args, **kwargs):
+ """Handle new ROI added"""
+ max_ = self.getMaxRois()
+ if max_ is not None:
+ # When reaching max number of ROIs, redo last one
+ while len(self.getRois()) > max_:
+ self.removeRoi(self.getRois()[-2])
+ self.__updateMessage()
+ if (self.isMaxRois() and
+ self.getValidationMode() in (self.ValidationMode.AUTO,
+ self.ValidationMode.AUTO_ENTER)):
+ self.quit()
+ def __aboutToBeRemoved(self, *args, **kwargs):
+ """Handle removal of a ROI"""
+ # RegionOfInterest not removed yet
+ self.__updateMessage(nbrois=len(self.getRois()) - 1)
+ def __started(self, roiKind):
+ """Handle interactive mode started"""
+ self.__updateMessage()
+ def __finished(self):
+ """Handle interactive mode finished"""
+ self.__updateMessage()
+ def __updateMessage(self, nbrois=None):
+ """Update message"""
+ if not self.isExec():
+ message = 'Done'
+ elif not self.isStarted():
+ message = 'Use %s ROI edition mode' % self.__execClass
+ else:
+ if nbrois is None:
+ nbrois = len(self.getRois())
+ kind = self.__execClass._getKind()
+ max_ = self.getMaxRois()
+ if max_ is None:
+ message = 'Select %ss (%d selected)' % (kind, nbrois)
+ elif max_ <= 1:
+ message = 'Select a %s' % kind
+ else:
+ message = 'Select %d/%d %ss' % (nbrois, max_, kind)
+ if (self.getValidationMode() == self.ValidationMode.ENTER and
+ self.isMaxRois()):
+ message += ' - Press Enter to confirm'
+ if message != self.__message:
+ self.__message = message
+ # Use getMessage to add timeout message
+ self.sigMessageChanged.emit(self.getMessage())
+ # Handle blocking call
+ def __timeoutUpdate(self):
+ """Handle update of timeout"""
+ if (self.__timeoutEndTime is not None and
+ (self.__timeoutEndTime - time.time()) > 0):
+ self.sigMessageChanged.emit(self.getMessage())
+ else: # Stop interactive mode and message timer
+ timer = self.sender()
+ if timer is not None:
+ timer.stop()
+ self.__timeoutEndTime = None
+ self.quit()
+ def isExec(self):
+ """Returns True if :meth:`exec_` is currently running.
+ :rtype: bool"""
+ return self.__execClass is not None
+ def exec_(self, roiClass, timeout=0):
+ """Block until ROI selection is done or timeout is elapsed.
+ :meth:`quit` also ends this blocking call.
+ :param class roiClass: The class of the ROI which have to be created.
+ See `silx.gui.plot.items.roi`.
+ :param int timeout: Maximum duration in seconds to block.
+ Default: No timeout
+ :return: The list of ROIs
+ :rtype: List[RegionOfInterest]
+ """
+ plot = self.parent()
+ if plot is None:
+ return
+ self.__execClass = roiClass
+ plot.installEventFilter(self)
+ if timeout > 0:
+ self.__timeoutEndTime = time.time() + timeout
+ timer = qt.QTimer(self)
+ timer.timeout.connect(self.__timeoutUpdate)
+ timer.start(1000)
+ rois = super(InteractiveRegionOfInterestManager, self).exec_(roiClass)
+ timer.stop()
+ self.__timeoutEndTime = None
+ else:
+ rois = super(InteractiveRegionOfInterestManager, self).exec_(roiClass)
+ plot.removeEventFilter(self)
+ self.__execClass = None
+ self.__updateMessage()
+ return rois
+class _DeleteRegionOfInterestToolButton(qt.QToolButton):
+ """Tool button deleting a ROI object
+ :param parent: See QWidget
+ :param RegionOfInterest roi: The ROI to delete
+ """
+ def __init__(self, parent, roi):
+ super(_DeleteRegionOfInterestToolButton, self).__init__(parent)
+ self.setIcon(icons.getQIcon('remove'))
+ self.setToolTip("Remove this ROI")
+ self.__roiRef = roi if roi is None else weakref.ref(roi)
+ self.clicked.connect(self.__clicked)
+ def __clicked(self, checked):
+ """Handle button clicked"""
+ roi = None if self.__roiRef is None else self.__roiRef()
+ if roi is not None:
+ manager = roi.parent()
+ if manager is not None:
+ manager.removeRoi(roi)
+ self.__roiRef = None
+class RegionOfInterestTableWidget(qt.QTableWidget):
+ """Widget displaying the ROIs of a :class:`RegionOfInterestManager`"""
+ def __init__(self, parent=None):
+ super(RegionOfInterestTableWidget, self).__init__(parent)
+ self._roiManagerRef = None
+ self.setColumnCount(5)
+ self.setHorizontalHeaderLabels(
+ ['Label', 'Edit', 'Kind', 'Coordinates', ''])
+ horizontalHeader = self.horizontalHeader()
+ horizontalHeader.setDefaultAlignment(qt.Qt.AlignLeft)
+ if hasattr(horizontalHeader, 'setResizeMode'): # Qt 4
+ setSectionResizeMode = horizontalHeader.setResizeMode
+ else: # Qt5
+ setSectionResizeMode = horizontalHeader.setSectionResizeMode
+ setSectionResizeMode(0, qt.QHeaderView.Interactive)
+ setSectionResizeMode(1, qt.QHeaderView.ResizeToContents)
+ setSectionResizeMode(2, qt.QHeaderView.ResizeToContents)
+ setSectionResizeMode(3, qt.QHeaderView.Stretch)
+ setSectionResizeMode(4, qt.QHeaderView.ResizeToContents)
+ verticalHeader = self.verticalHeader()
+ verticalHeader.setVisible(False)
+ self.setSelectionMode(qt.QAbstractItemView.NoSelection)
+ self.setFocusPolicy(qt.Qt.NoFocus)
+ self.itemChanged.connect(self.__itemChanged)
+ @staticmethod
+ def __itemChanged(item):
+ """Handle item updates"""
+ column = item.column()
+ roi =
+ if column == 0:
+ roi.setLabel(item.text())
+ elif column == 1:
+ roi.setEditable(
+ item.checkState() == qt.Qt.Checked)
+ elif column in (2, 3, 4):
+ pass # TODO
+ else:
+ logger.error('Unhandled column %d', column)
+ def setRegionOfInterestManager(self, manager):
+ """Set the :class:`RegionOfInterestManager` object to sync with
+ :param RegionOfInterestManager manager:
+ """
+ assert manager is None or isinstance(manager, RegionOfInterestManager)
+ previousManager = self.getRegionOfInterestManager()
+ if previousManager is not None:
+ previousManager.sigRoiChanged.disconnect(self._sync)
+ self.setRowCount(0)
+ self._roiManagerRef = weakref.ref(manager)
+ self._sync()
+ if manager is not None:
+ manager.sigRoiChanged.connect(self._sync)
+ def _getReadableRoiDescription(self, roi):
+ """Returns modelisation of a ROI as a readable sequence of values.
+ :rtype: str
+ """
+ text = str(roi)
+ try:
+ # Extract the params from syntax "CLASSNAME(PARAMS)"
+ elements = text.split("(", 1)
+ if len(elements) != 2:
+ return text
+ result = elements[1]
+ result = result.strip()
+ if not result.endswith(")"):
+ return text
+ result = result[0:-1]
+ # Capitalize each words
+ result = result.title()
+ return result
+ except Exception:
+ logger.debug("Backtrace", exc_info=True)
+ return text
+ def _sync(self):
+ """Update widget content according to ROI manger"""
+ manager = self.getRegionOfInterestManager()
+ if manager is None:
+ self.setRowCount(0)
+ return
+ rois = manager.getRois()
+ self.setRowCount(len(rois))
+ for index, roi in enumerate(rois):
+ baseFlags = qt.Qt.ItemIsSelectable | qt.Qt.ItemIsEnabled
+ # Label
+ label = roi.getLabel()
+ item = qt.QTableWidgetItem(label)
+ item.setFlags(baseFlags | qt.Qt.ItemIsEditable)
+ item.setData(qt.Qt.UserRole, roi)
+ self.setItem(index, 0, item)
+ # Editable
+ item = qt.QTableWidgetItem()
+ item.setFlags(baseFlags | qt.Qt.ItemIsUserCheckable)
+ item.setData(qt.Qt.UserRole, roi)
+ item.setCheckState(
+ qt.Qt.Checked if roi.isEditable() else qt.Qt.Unchecked)
+ self.setItem(index, 1, item)
+ item.setTextAlignment(qt.Qt.AlignCenter)
+ item.setText(None)
+ # Kind
+ label = roi._getKind()
+ if label is None:
+ # Default value if kind is not overrided
+ label = roi.__class__.__name__
+ item = qt.QTableWidgetItem(label.capitalize())
+ item.setFlags(baseFlags)
+ self.setItem(index, 2, item)
+ item = qt.QTableWidgetItem()
+ item.setFlags(baseFlags)
+ # Coordinates
+ text = self._getReadableRoiDescription(roi)
+ item.setText(text)
+ self.setItem(index, 3, item)
+ # Delete
+ delBtn = _DeleteRegionOfInterestToolButton(None, roi)
+ widget = qt.QWidget(self)
+ layout = qt.QHBoxLayout()
+ layout.setContentsMargins(2, 2, 2, 2)
+ layout.setSpacing(0)
+ widget.setLayout(layout)
+ layout.addStretch(1)
+ layout.addWidget(delBtn)
+ layout.addStretch(1)
+ self.setCellWidget(index, 4, widget)
+ def getRegionOfInterestManager(self):
+ """Returns the :class:`RegionOfInterestManager` this widget supervise.
+ It returns None if not sync with an :class:`RegionOfInterestManager`.
+ :rtype: RegionOfInterestManager
+ """
+ return None if self._roiManagerRef is None else self._roiManagerRef()