path: root/silx/gui/plot3d/items/
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Diffstat (limited to 'silx/gui/plot3d/items/')
1 files changed, 395 insertions, 1 deletions
diff --git a/silx/gui/plot3d/items/ b/silx/gui/plot3d/items/
index 8535728..12a3941 100644
--- a/silx/gui/plot3d/items/
+++ b/silx/gui/plot3d/items/
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
# coding: utf-8
# /*##########################################################################
-# Copyright (c) 2017 European Synchrotron Radiation Facility
+# Copyright (c) 2017-2018 European Synchrotron Radiation Facility
# Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
# of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
@@ -35,6 +35,7 @@ import numpy
from ..scene import primitives
from .core import DataItem3D, ItemChangedType
+from ..scene.transform import Rotate
class Mesh(DataItem3D):
@@ -143,3 +144,396 @@ class Mesh(DataItem3D):
:rtype: str
return self._mesh.drawMode
+class _CylindricalVolume(DataItem3D):
+ """Class that represents a volume with a rotational symmetry along z
+ :param parent: The View widget this item belongs to.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, parent=None):
+ DataItem3D.__init__(self, parent=parent)
+ self._mesh = None
+ def _setData(self, position, radius, height, angles, color, flatFaces,
+ rotation):
+ """Set volume geometry data.
+ :param numpy.ndarray position:
+ Center position (x, y, z) of each volume as (N, 3) array.
+ :param float radius: External radius ot the volume.
+ :param float height: Height of the volume(s).
+ :param numpy.ndarray angles: Angles of the edges.
+ :param numpy.array color: RGB color of the volume(s).
+ :param bool flatFaces:
+ If the volume as flat faces or not. Used for normals calculation.
+ """
+ self._getScenePrimitive().children = [] # Remove any previous mesh
+ if position is None or len(position) == 0:
+ self._mesh = 0
+ else:
+ volume = numpy.empty(shape=(len(angles) - 1, 12, 3),
+ dtype=numpy.float32)
+ normal = numpy.empty(shape=(len(angles) - 1, 12, 3),
+ dtype=numpy.float32)
+ for i in range(0, len(angles) - 1):
+ """
+ c6
+ /\
+ / \
+ / \
+ c4|------|c5
+ | \ |
+ | \ |
+ | \ |
+ | \ |
+ c2|------|c3
+ \ /
+ \ /
+ \/
+ c1
+ """
+ c1 = numpy.array([0, 0, -height/2])
+ c1 = rotation.transformPoint(c1)
+ c2 = numpy.array([radius * numpy.cos(angles[i]),
+ radius * numpy.sin(angles[i]),
+ -height/2])
+ c2 = rotation.transformPoint(c2)
+ c3 = numpy.array([radius * numpy.cos(angles[i+1]),
+ radius * numpy.sin(angles[i+1]),
+ -height/2])
+ c3 = rotation.transformPoint(c3)
+ c4 = numpy.array([radius * numpy.cos(angles[i]),
+ radius * numpy.sin(angles[i]),
+ height/2])
+ c4 = rotation.transformPoint(c4)
+ c5 = numpy.array([radius * numpy.cos(angles[i+1]),
+ radius * numpy.sin(angles[i+1]),
+ height/2])
+ c5 = rotation.transformPoint(c5)
+ c6 = numpy.array([0, 0, height/2])
+ c6 = rotation.transformPoint(c6)
+ volume[i] = numpy.array([c1, c3, c2,
+ c2, c3, c4,
+ c3, c5, c4,
+ c4, c5, c6])
+ if flatFaces:
+ normal[i] = numpy.array([numpy.cross(c3-c1, c2-c1), # c1
+ numpy.cross(c2-c3, c1-c3), # c3
+ numpy.cross(c1-c2, c3-c2), # c2
+ numpy.cross(c3-c2, c4-c2), # c2
+ numpy.cross(c4-c3, c2-c3), # c3
+ numpy.cross(c2-c4, c3-c4), # c4
+ numpy.cross(c5-c3, c4-c3), # c3
+ numpy.cross(c4-c5, c3-c5), # c5
+ numpy.cross(c3-c4, c5-c4), # c4
+ numpy.cross(c5-c4, c6-c4), # c4
+ numpy.cross(c6-c5, c5-c5), # c5
+ numpy.cross(c4-c6, c5-c6)]) # c6
+ else:
+ normal[i] = numpy.array([numpy.cross(c3-c1, c2-c1),
+ numpy.cross(c2-c3, c1-c3),
+ numpy.cross(c1-c2, c3-c2),
+ c2-c1, c3-c1, c4-c6, # c2 c2 c4
+ c3-c1, c5-c6, c4-c6, # c3 c5 c4
+ numpy.cross(c5-c4, c6-c4),
+ numpy.cross(c6-c5, c5-c5),
+ numpy.cross(c4-c6, c5-c6)])
+ # Multiplication according to the number of positions
+ vertices = numpy.tile(volume.reshape(-1, 3), (len(position), 1))\
+ .reshape((-1, 3))
+ normals = numpy.tile(normal.reshape(-1, 3), (len(position), 1))\
+ .reshape((-1, 3))
+ # Translations
+ numpy.add(vertices, numpy.tile(position, (1, (len(angles)-1) * 12))
+ .reshape((-1, 3)), out=vertices)
+ # Colors
+ if numpy.ndim(color) == 2:
+ color = numpy.tile(color, (1, 12 * (len(angles) - 1)))\
+ .reshape(-1, 3)
+ self._mesh = primitives.Mesh3D(
+ vertices, color, normals, mode='triangles', copy=False)
+ self._getScenePrimitive().children.append(self._mesh)
+ self.sigItemChanged.emit(ItemChangedType.DATA)
+class Box(_CylindricalVolume):
+ """Description of a box.
+ Can be used to draw one box or many similar boxes.
+ :param parent: The View widget this item belongs to.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, parent=None):
+ super(Box, self).__init__(parent)
+ self.position = None
+ self.size = None
+ self.color = None
+ self.rotation = None
+ self.setData()
+ def setData(self, size=(1, 1, 1), color=(1, 1, 1),
+ position=(0, 0, 0), rotation=(0, (0, 0, 0))):
+ """
+ Set Box geometry data.
+ :param numpy.array size: Size (dx, dy, dz) of the box(es).
+ :param numpy.array color: RGB color of the box(es).
+ :param numpy.ndarray position:
+ Center position (x, y, z) of each box as a (N, 3) array.
+ :param tuple(float, array) rotation:
+ Angle (in degrees) and axis of rotation.
+ If (0, (0, 0, 0)) (default), the hexagonal faces are on
+ xy plane and a side face is aligned with x axis.
+ """
+ self.position = numpy.atleast_2d(numpy.array(position, copy=True))
+ self.size = numpy.array(size, copy=True)
+ self.color = numpy.array(color, copy=True)
+ self.rotation = Rotate(rotation[0],
+ rotation[1][0], rotation[1][1], rotation[1][2])
+ assert (numpy.ndim(self.color) == 1 or
+ len(self.color) == len(self.position))
+ diagonal = numpy.sqrt(self.size[0]**2 + self.size[1]**2)
+ alpha = 2 * numpy.arcsin(self.size[1] / diagonal)
+ beta = 2 * numpy.arcsin(self.size[0] / diagonal)
+ angles = numpy.array([0,
+ alpha,
+ alpha + beta,
+ alpha + beta + alpha,
+ 2 * numpy.pi])
+ numpy.subtract(angles, 0.5 * alpha, out=angles)
+ self._setData(self.position,
+ numpy.sqrt(self.size[0]**2 + self.size[1]**2)/2,
+ self.size[2],
+ angles,
+ self.color,
+ True,
+ self.rotation)
+ def getPosition(self, copy=True):
+ """Get box(es) position(s).
+ :param bool copy:
+ True (default) to get a copy,
+ False to get internal representation (do not modify!).
+ :return: Position of the box(es) as a (N, 3) array.
+ :rtype: numpy.ndarray
+ """
+ return numpy.array(self.position, copy=copy)
+ def getSize(self):
+ """Get box(es) size.
+ :return: Size (dx, dy, dz) of the box(es).
+ :rtype: numpy.ndarray
+ """
+ return numpy.array(self.size, copy=True)
+ def getColor(self, copy=True):
+ """Get box(es) color.
+ :param bool copy:
+ True (default) to get a copy,
+ False to get internal representation (do not modify!).
+ :return: RGB color of the box(es).
+ :rtype: numpy.ndarray
+ """
+ return numpy.array(self.color, copy=copy)
+class Cylinder(_CylindricalVolume):
+ """Description of a cylinder.
+ Can be used to draw one cylinder or many similar cylinders.
+ :param parent: The View widget this item belongs to.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, parent=None):
+ super(Cylinder, self).__init__(parent)
+ self.position = None
+ self.radius = None
+ self.height = None
+ self.color = None
+ self.nbFaces = 0
+ self.rotation = None
+ self.setData()
+ def setData(self, radius=1, height=1, color=(1, 1, 1), nbFaces=20,
+ position=(0, 0, 0), rotation=(0, (0, 0, 0))):
+ """
+ Set the cylinder geometry data
+ :param float radius: Radius of the cylinder(s).
+ :param float height: Height of the cylinder(s).
+ :param numpy.array color: RGB color of the cylinder(s).
+ :param int nbFaces:
+ Number of faces for cylinder approximation (default 20).
+ :param numpy.ndarray position:
+ Center position (x, y, z) of each cylinder as a (N, 3) array.
+ :param tuple(float, array) rotation:
+ Angle (in degrees) and axis of rotation.
+ If (0, (0, 0, 0)) (default), the hexagonal faces are on
+ xy plane and a side face is aligned with x axis.
+ """
+ self.position = numpy.atleast_2d(numpy.array(position, copy=True))
+ self.radius = float(radius)
+ self.height = float(height)
+ self.color = numpy.array(color, copy=True)
+ self.nbFaces = int(nbFaces)
+ self.rotation = Rotate(rotation[0],
+ rotation[1][0], rotation[1][1], rotation[1][2])
+ assert (numpy.ndim(self.color) == 1 or
+ len(self.color) == len(self.position))
+ angles = numpy.linspace(0, 2*numpy.pi, self.nbFaces + 1)
+ self._setData(self.position,
+ self.radius,
+ self.height,
+ angles,
+ self.color,
+ False,
+ self.rotation)
+ def getPosition(self, copy=True):
+ """Get cylinder(s) position(s).
+ :param bool copy:
+ True (default) to get a copy,
+ False to get internal representation (do not modify!).
+ :return: Position(s) of the cylinder(s) as a (N, 3) array.
+ :rtype: numpy.ndarray
+ """
+ return numpy.array(self.position, copy=copy)
+ def getRadius(self):
+ """Get cylinder(s) radius.
+ :return: Radius of the cylinder(s).
+ :rtype: float
+ """
+ return self.radius
+ def getHeight(self):
+ """Get cylinder(s) height.
+ :return: Height of the cylinder(s).
+ :rtype: float
+ """
+ return self.height
+ def getColor(self, copy=True):
+ """Get cylinder(s) color.
+ :param bool copy:
+ True (default) to get a copy,
+ False to get internal representation (do not modify!).
+ :return: RGB color of the cylinder(s).
+ :rtype: numpy.ndarray
+ """
+ return numpy.array(self.color, copy=copy)
+class Hexagon(_CylindricalVolume):
+ """Description of a uniform hexagonal prism.
+ Can be used to draw one hexagonal prim or many similar hexagonal
+ prisms.
+ :param parent: The View widget this item belongs to.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, parent=None):
+ super(Hexagon, self).__init__(parent)
+ self.position = None
+ self.radius = 0
+ self.height = 0
+ self.color = None
+ self.rotation = None
+ self.setData()
+ def setData(self, radius=1, height=1, color=(1, 1, 1),
+ position=(0, 0, 0), rotation=(0, (0, 0, 0))):
+ """
+ Set the uniform hexagonal prism geometry data
+ :param float radius: External radius of the hexagonal prism
+ :param float height: Height of the hexagonal prism
+ :param numpy.array color: RGB color of the prism(s)
+ :param numpy.ndarray position:
+ Center position (x, y, z) of each prism as a (N, 3) array
+ :param tuple(float, array) rotation:
+ Angle (in degrees) and axis of rotation.
+ If (0, (0, 0, 0)) (default), the hexagonal faces are on
+ xy plane and a side face is aligned with x axis.
+ """
+ self.position = numpy.atleast_2d(numpy.array(position, copy=True))
+ self.radius = float(radius)
+ self.height = float(height)
+ self.color = numpy.array(color, copy=True)
+ self.rotation = Rotate(rotation[0], rotation[1][0], rotation[1][1],
+ rotation[1][2])
+ assert (numpy.ndim(self.color) == 1 or
+ len(self.color) == len(self.position))
+ angles = numpy.linspace(0, 2*numpy.pi, 7)
+ self._setData(self.position,
+ self.radius,
+ self.height,
+ angles,
+ self.color,
+ True,
+ self.rotation)
+ def getPosition(self, copy=True):
+ """Get hexagonal prim(s) position(s).
+ :param bool copy:
+ True (default) to get a copy,
+ False to get internal representation (do not modify!).
+ :return: Position(s) of hexagonal prism(s) as a (N, 3) array.
+ :rtype: numpy.ndarray
+ """
+ return numpy.array(self.position, copy=copy)
+ def getRadius(self):
+ """Get hexagonal prism(s) radius.
+ :return: Radius of hexagon(s).
+ :rtype: float
+ """
+ return self.radius
+ def getHeight(self):
+ """Get hexagonal prism(s) height.
+ :return: Height of hexagonal prism(s).
+ :rtype: float
+ """
+ return self.height
+ def getColor(self, copy=True):
+ """Get hexagonal prism(s) color.
+ :param bool copy:
+ True (default) to get a copy,
+ False to get internal representation (do not modify!).
+ :return: RGB color of the hexagonal prism(s).
+ :rtype: numpy.ndarray
+ """
+ return numpy.array(self.color, copy=copy)