path: root/silx/gui/plot3d/scene/
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1 files changed, 0 insertions, 1027 deletions
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-# coding: utf-8
-# /*##########################################################################
-# Copyright (c) 2015-2020 European Synchrotron Radiation Facility
-# Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
-# of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
-# in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
-# to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
-# copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
-# furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
-# The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
-# all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
-# ###########################################################################*/
-"""This module provides 4x4 matrix operation and classes to handle them."""
-from __future__ import absolute_import, division, unicode_literals
-__authors__ = ["T. Vincent"]
-__license__ = "MIT"
-__date__ = "25/07/2016"
-import itertools
-import numpy
-from . import event
-# Functions ###################################################################
-# Projections
-def mat4LookAtDir(position, direction, up):
- """Creates matrix to look in direction from position.
- :param position: Array-like 3 coordinates of the point of view position.
- :param direction: Array-like 3 coordinates of the sight direction vector.
- :param up: Array-like 3 coordinates of the upward direction
- in the image plane.
- :returns: Corresponding matrix.
- :rtype: numpy.ndarray of shape (4, 4)
- """
- assert len(position) == 3
- assert len(direction) == 3
- assert len(up) == 3
- direction = numpy.array(direction, copy=True, dtype=numpy.float32)
- dirnorm = numpy.linalg.norm(direction)
- assert dirnorm != 0.
- direction /= dirnorm
- side = numpy.cross(direction,
- numpy.array(up, copy=False, dtype=numpy.float32))
- sidenorm = numpy.linalg.norm(side)
- assert sidenorm != 0.
- up = numpy.cross(side / sidenorm, direction)
- upnorm = numpy.linalg.norm(up)
- assert upnorm != 0.
- up /= upnorm
- matrix = numpy.identity(4, dtype=numpy.float32)
- matrix[0, :3] = side
- matrix[1, :3] = up
- matrix[2, :3] = -direction
- return,
- mat4Translate(-position[0], -position[1], -position[2]))
-def mat4LookAt(position, center, up):
- """Creates matrix to look at center from position.
- See gluLookAt.
- :param position: Array-like 3 coordinates of the point of view position.
- :param center: Array-like 3 coordinates of the center of the scene.
- :param up: Array-like 3 coordinates of the upward direction
- in the image plane.
- :returns: Corresponding matrix.
- :rtype: numpy.ndarray of shape (4, 4)
- """
- position = numpy.array(position, copy=False, dtype=numpy.float32)
- center = numpy.array(center, copy=False, dtype=numpy.float32)
- direction = center - position
- return mat4LookAtDir(position, direction, up)
-def mat4Frustum(left, right, bottom, top, near, far):
- """Creates a frustum projection matrix.
- See glFrustum.
- """
- return numpy.array((
- (2.*near / (right-left), 0., (right+left) / (right-left), 0.),
- (0., 2.*near / (top-bottom), (top+bottom) / (top-bottom), 0.),
- (0., 0., -(far+near) / (far-near), -2.*far*near / (far-near)),
- (0., 0., -1., 0.)), dtype=numpy.float32)
-def mat4Perspective(fovy, width, height, near, far):
- """Creates a perspective projection matrix.
- Similar to gluPerspective.
- :param float fovy: Field of view angle in degrees in the y direction.
- :param float width: Width of the viewport.
- :param float height: Height of the viewport.
- :param float near: Distance to the near plane (strictly positive).
- :param float far: Distance to the far plane (strictly positive).
- :return: Corresponding matrix.
- :rtype: numpy.ndarray of shape (4, 4)
- """
- assert fovy != 0
- assert height != 0
- assert width != 0
- assert near > 0.
- assert far > near
- aspectratio = width / height
- f = 1. / numpy.tan(numpy.radians(fovy) / 2.)
- return numpy.array((
- (f / aspectratio, 0., 0., 0.),
- (0., f, 0., 0.),
- (0., 0., (far + near) / (near - far), 2. * far * near / (near - far)),
- (0., 0., -1., 0.)), dtype=numpy.float32)
-def mat4Orthographic(left, right, bottom, top, near, far):
- """Creates an orthographic (i.e., parallel) projection matrix.
- See glOrtho.
- """
- return numpy.array((
- (2. / (right - left), 0., 0., - (right + left) / (right - left)),
- (0., 2. / (top - bottom), 0., - (top + bottom) / (top - bottom)),
- (0., 0., -2. / (far - near), - (far + near) / (far - near)),
- (0., 0., 0., 1.)), dtype=numpy.float32)
-# Affine
-def mat4Translate(tx, ty, tz):
- """4x4 translation matrix."""
- return numpy.array((
- (1., 0., 0., tx),
- (0., 1., 0., ty),
- (0., 0., 1., tz),
- (0., 0., 0., 1.)), dtype=numpy.float32)
-def mat4Scale(sx, sy, sz):
- """4x4 scale matrix."""
- return numpy.array((
- (sx, 0., 0., 0.),
- (0., sy, 0., 0.),
- (0., 0., sz, 0.),
- (0., 0., 0., 1.)), dtype=numpy.float32)
-def mat4RotateFromAngleAxis(angle, x=0., y=0., z=1.):
- """4x4 rotation matrix from angle and axis.
- :param float angle: The rotation angle in radians.
- :param float x: The rotation vector x coordinate.
- :param float y: The rotation vector y coordinate.
- :param float z: The rotation vector z coordinate.
- """
- ca = numpy.cos(angle)
- sa = numpy.sin(angle)
- return numpy.array((
- ((1.-ca) * x*x + ca, (1.-ca) * x*y - sa*z, (1.-ca) * x*z + sa*y, 0.),
- ((1.-ca) * x*y + sa*z, (1.-ca) * y*y + ca, (1.-ca) * y*z - sa*x, 0.),
- ((1.-ca) * x*z - sa*y, (1.-ca) * y*z + sa*x, (1.-ca) * z*z + ca, 0.),
- (0., 0., 0., 1.)), dtype=numpy.float32)
-def mat4RotateFromQuaternion(quaternion):
- """4x4 rotation matrix from quaternion.
- :param quaternion: Array-like unit quaternion stored as (x, y, z, w)
- """
- quaternion = numpy.array(quaternion, copy=True)
- quaternion /= numpy.linalg.norm(quaternion)
- qx, qy, qz, qw = quaternion
- return numpy.array((
- (1. - 2.*(qy**2 + qz**2), 2.*(qx*qy - qw*qz), 2.*(qx*qz + qw*qy), 0.),
- (2.*(qx*qy + qw*qz), 1. - 2.*(qx**2 + qz**2), 2.*(qy*qz - qw*qx), 0.),
- (2.*(qx*qz - qw*qy), 2.*(qy*qz + qw*qx), 1. - 2.*(qx**2 + qy**2), 0.),
- (0., 0., 0., 1.)), dtype=numpy.float32)
-def mat4Shear(axis, sx=0., sy=0., sz=0.):
- """4x4 shear matrix: Skew two axes relative to a third fixed one.
- shearFactor = tan(shearAngle)
- :param str axis: The axis to keep constant and shear against.
- In 'x', 'y', 'z'.
- :param float sx: The shear factor for the X axis relative to axis.
- :param float sy: The shear factor for the Y axis relative to axis.
- :param float sz: The shear factor for the Z axis relative to axis.
- """
- assert axis in ('x', 'y', 'z')
- matrix = numpy.identity(4, dtype=numpy.float32)
- # Make the shear column
- index = 'xyz'.find(axis)
- shearcolumn = numpy.array((sx, sy, sz, 0.), dtype=numpy.float32)
- shearcolumn[index] = 1.
- matrix[:, index] = shearcolumn
- return matrix
-# Transforms ##################################################################
-class Transform(event.Notifier):
- def __init__(self, static=False):
- """Base class for (row-major) 4x4 matrix transforms.
- :param bool static: False (default) to reset cache when changed,
- True for static matrices.
- """
- super(Transform, self).__init__()
- self._matrix = None
- self._inverse = None
- if not static:
- self.addListener(self._changed) # Listening self for changes
- def __repr__(self):
- return '%s(%s)' % (self.__class__.__init__,
- repr(self.getMatrix(copy=False)))
- def inverse(self):
- """Return the Transform of the inverse.
- The returned Transform is static, it is not updated when this
- Transform is modified.
- :return: A Transform which is the inverse of this Transform.
- """
- return Inverse(self)
- # Matrix
- def _makeMatrix(self):
- """Override to build matrix"""
- return numpy.identity(4, dtype=numpy.float32)
- def _makeInverse(self):
- """Override to build inverse matrix."""
- return numpy.linalg.inv(self.getMatrix(copy=False))
- def getMatrix(self, copy=True):
- """The 4x4 matrix of this transform.
- :param bool copy: True (the default) to get a copy of the matrix,
- False to get the internal matrix, do not modify!
- :return: 4x4 matrix of this transform.
- """
- if self._matrix is None:
- self._matrix = self._makeMatrix()
- if copy:
- return self._matrix.copy()
- else:
- return self._matrix
- matrix = property(getMatrix, doc="The 4x4 matrix of this transform.")
- def getInverseMatrix(self, copy=False):
- """The 4x4 matrix of the inverse of this transform.
- :param bool copy: True (the default) to get a copy of the matrix,
- False to get the internal matrix, do not modify!
- :return: 4x4 matrix of the inverse of this transform.
- """
- if self._inverse is None:
- self._inverse = self._makeInverse()
- if copy:
- return self._inverse.copy()
- else:
- return self._inverse
- inverseMatrix = property(
- getInverseMatrix,
- doc="The 4x4 matrix of the inverse of this transform.")
- # Listener
- def _changed(self, source):
- """Default self listener reseting matrix cache."""
- self._matrix = None
- self._inverse = None
- # Multiplication with vectors
- def transformPoints(self, points, direct=True, perspectiveDivide=False):
- """Apply the transform to an array of points.
- :param points: 2D array of N vectors of 3 or 4 coordinates
- :param bool direct: Whether to apply the direct (True, the default)
- or inverse (False) transform.
- :param bool perspectiveDivide: Whether to apply the perspective divide
- (True) or not (False, the default).
- :return: The transformed points.
- :rtype: numpy.ndarray of same shape as points.
- """
- if direct:
- matrix = self.getMatrix(copy=False)
- else:
- matrix = self.getInverseMatrix(copy=False)
- points = numpy.array(points, copy=False)
- assert points.ndim == 2
- points = numpy.transpose(points)
- dimension = points.shape[0]
- assert dimension in (3, 4)
- if dimension == 3: # Add 4th coordinate
- points = numpy.append(
- points,
- numpy.ones((1, points.shape[1]), dtype=points.dtype),
- axis=0)
- result = numpy.transpose(, points))
- if perspectiveDivide:
- mask = result[:, 3] != 0.
- result[mask] /= result[mask, 3][:, numpy.newaxis]
- return result[:, :3] if dimension == 3 else result
- @staticmethod
- def _prepareVector(vector, w):
- """Add 4th coordinate (w) to vector if missing."""
- assert len(vector) in (3, 4)
- vector = numpy.array(vector, copy=False, dtype=numpy.float32)
- if len(vector) == 3:
- vector = numpy.append(vector, w)
- return vector
- def transformPoint(self, point, direct=True, perspectiveDivide=False):
- """Apply the transform to a point.
- :param point: Array-like vector of 3 or 4 coordinates.
- :param bool direct: Whether to apply the direct (True, the default)
- or inverse (False) transform.
- :param bool perspectiveDivide: Whether to apply the perspective divide
- (True) or not (False, the default).
- :return: The transformed point.
- :rtype: numpy.ndarray of same length as point.
- """
- if direct:
- matrix = self.getMatrix(copy=False)
- else:
- matrix = self.getInverseMatrix(copy=False)
- result =, self._prepareVector(point, 1.))
- if perspectiveDivide and result[3] != 0.:
- result /= result[3]
- if len(point) == 3:
- return result[:3]
- else:
- return result
- def transformDir(self, direction, direct=True):
- """Apply the transform to a direction.
- :param direction: Array-like vector of 3 coordinates.
- :param bool direct: Whether to apply the direct (True, the default)
- or inverse (False) transform.
- :return: The transformed direction.
- :rtype: numpy.ndarray of length 3.
- """
- if direct:
- matrix = self.getMatrix(copy=False)
- else:
- matrix = self.getInverseMatrix(copy=False)
- return[:3, :3], direction[:3])
- def transformNormal(self, normal, direct=True):
- """Apply the transform to a normal: R = (M-1)t * V.
- :param normal: Array-like vector of 3 coordinates.
- :param bool direct: Whether to apply the direct (True, the default)
- or inverse (False) transform.
- :return: The transformed normal.
- :rtype: numpy.ndarray of length 3.
- """
- if direct:
- matrix = self.getInverseMatrix(copy=False).T
- else:
- matrix = self.getMatrix(copy=False).T
- return[:3, :3], normal[:3])
- _CUBE_CORNERS = numpy.array(list(itertools.product((0., 1.), repeat=3)),
- dtype=numpy.float32)
- """Unit cube corners used by :meth:`transformBounds`"""
- def transformBounds(self, bounds, direct=True):
- """Apply the transform to an axes-aligned rectangular box.
- :param bounds: Min and max coords of the box for each axes.
- :type bounds: 2x3 numpy.ndarray
- :param bool direct: Whether to apply the direct (True, the default)
- or inverse (False) transform.
- :return: Axes-aligned rectangular box including the transformed box.
- :rtype: 2x3 numpy.ndarray of float32
- """
- corners = numpy.ones((8, 4), dtype=numpy.float32)
- corners[:, :3] = bounds[0] + \
- self._CUBE_CORNERS * (bounds[1] - bounds[0])
- if direct:
- matrix = self.getMatrix(copy=False)
- else:
- matrix = self.getInverseMatrix(copy=False)
- # Transform corners
- cornerstransposed =, corners.T)
- cornerstransposed = cornerstransposed / cornerstransposed[3]
- # Get min/max for each axis
- transformedbounds = numpy.empty((2, 3), dtype=numpy.float32)
- transformedbounds[0] = cornerstransposed.T[:, :3].min(axis=0)
- transformedbounds[1] = cornerstransposed.T[:, :3].max(axis=0)
- return transformedbounds
-class Inverse(Transform):
- """Transform which is the inverse of another one.
- Static: It never gets updated.
- """
- def __init__(self, transform):
- """Initializer.
- :param Transform transform: The transform to invert.
- """
- super(Inverse, self).__init__(static=True)
- self._matrix = transform.getInverseMatrix(copy=True)
- self._inverse = transform.getMatrix(copy=True)
-class TransformList(Transform, event.HookList):
- """List of transforms."""
- def __init__(self, iterable=()):
- Transform.__init__(self)
- event.HookList.__init__(self, iterable)
- def _listWillChangeHook(self, methodName, *args, **kwargs):
- for item in self:
- item.removeListener(self._transformChanged)
- def _listWasChangedHook(self, methodName, *args, **kwargs):
- for item in self:
- item.addListener(self._transformChanged)
- self.notify()
- def _transformChanged(self, source):
- """Listen to transform changes of the list and its items."""
- if source is not self: # Avoid infinite recursion
- self.notify()
- def _makeMatrix(self):
- matrix = numpy.identity(4, dtype=numpy.float32)
- for transform in self:
- matrix =, transform.getMatrix(copy=False))
- return matrix
-class StaticTransformList(Transform):
- """Transform that is a snapshot of a list of Transforms
- It does not keep reference to the list of Transforms.
- :param iterable: Iterable of Transform used for initialization
- """
- def __init__(self, iterable=()):
- super(StaticTransformList, self).__init__(static=True)
- matrix = numpy.identity(4, dtype=numpy.float32)
- for transform in iterable:
- matrix =, transform.getMatrix(copy=False))
- self._matrix = matrix # Init matrix once
-# Affine ######################################################################
-class Matrix(Transform):
- def __init__(self, matrix=None):
- """4x4 Matrix.
- :param matrix: 4x4 array-like matrix or None for identity matrix.
- """
- super(Matrix, self).__init__(static=True)
- self.setMatrix(matrix)
- def setMatrix(self, matrix=None):
- """Update the 4x4 Matrix.
- :param matrix: 4x4 array-like matrix or None for identity matrix.
- """
- if matrix is None:
- self._matrix = numpy.identity(4, dtype=numpy.float32)
- else:
- matrix = numpy.array(matrix, copy=True, dtype=numpy.float32)
- assert matrix.shape == (4, 4)
- self._matrix = matrix
- # Reset cached inverse as Transform is declared static
- self._inverse = None
- self.notify()
- # Redefined here to add a setter
- matrix = property(Transform.getMatrix, setMatrix,
- doc="The 4x4 matrix of this transform.")
-class Translate(Transform):
- """4x4 translation matrix."""
- def __init__(self, tx=0., ty=0., tz=0.):
- super(Translate, self).__init__()
- self._tx, self._ty, self._tz = 0., 0., 0.
- self.setTranslate(tx, ty, tz)
- def _makeMatrix(self):
- return mat4Translate(self.tx, self.ty,
- def _makeInverse(self):
- return mat4Translate(-self.tx, -self.ty,
- @property
- def tx(self):
- return self._tx
- @tx.setter
- def tx(self, tx):
- self.setTranslate(tx=tx)
- @property
- def ty(self):
- return self._ty
- @ty.setter
- def ty(self, ty):
- self.setTranslate(ty=ty)
- @property
- def tz(self):
- return self._tz
- @tz.setter
- def tz(self, tz):
- self.setTranslate(tz=tz)
- @property
- def translation(self):
- return numpy.array((self.tx, self.ty,, dtype=numpy.float32)
- @translation.setter
- def translation(self, translations):
- tx, ty, tz = translations
- self.setTranslate(tx, ty, tz)
- def setTranslate(self, tx=None, ty=None, tz=None):
- if tx is not None:
- self._tx = tx
- if ty is not None:
- self._ty = ty
- if tz is not None:
- self._tz = tz
- self.notify()
-class Scale(Transform):
- """4x4 scale matrix."""
- def __init__(self, sx=1., sy=1., sz=1.):
- super(Scale, self).__init__()
- self._sx, self._sy, self._sz = 0., 0., 0.
- self.setScale(sx, sy, sz)
- def _makeMatrix(self):
- return mat4Scale(,,
- def _makeInverse(self):
- return mat4Scale(1. /, 1. /, 1. /
- @property
- def sx(self):
- return self._sx
- @sx.setter
- def sx(self, sx):
- self.setScale(sx=sx)
- @property
- def sy(self):
- return self._sy
- @sy.setter
- def sy(self, sy):
- self.setScale(sy=sy)
- @property
- def sz(self):
- return self._sz
- @sz.setter
- def sz(self, sz):
- self.setScale(sz=sz)
- @property
- def scale(self):
- return numpy.array((self._sx, self._sy, self._sz), dtype=numpy.float32)
- @scale.setter
- def scale(self, scales):
- sx, sy, sz = scales
- self.setScale(sx, sy, sz)
- def setScale(self, sx=None, sy=None, sz=None):
- if sx is not None:
- assert sx != 0.
- self._sx = sx
- if sy is not None:
- assert sy != 0.
- self._sy = sy
- if sz is not None:
- assert sz != 0.
- self._sz = sz
- self.notify()
-class Rotate(Transform):
- def __init__(self, angle=0., ax=0., ay=0., az=1.):
- """4x4 rotation matrix.
- :param float angle: The rotation angle in degrees.
- :param float ax: The x coordinate of the rotation axis.
- :param float ay: The y coordinate of the rotation axis.
- :param float az: The z coordinate of the rotation axis.
- """
- super(Rotate, self).__init__()
- self._angle = 0.
- self._axis = None
- self.setAngleAxis(angle, (ax, ay, az))
- @property
- def angle(self):
- """The rotation angle in degrees."""
- return self._angle
- @angle.setter
- def angle(self, angle):
- self.setAngleAxis(angle=angle)
- @property
- def axis(self):
- """The normalized rotation axis as a numpy.ndarray."""
- return self._axis.copy()
- @axis.setter
- def axis(self, axis):
- self.setAngleAxis(axis=axis)
- def setAngleAxis(self, angle=None, axis=None):
- """Update the angle and/or axis of the rotation.
- :param float angle: The rotation angle in degrees.
- :param axis: Array-like axis vector (3 coordinates).
- """
- if angle is not None:
- self._angle = angle
- if axis is not None:
- assert len(axis) == 3
- axis = numpy.array(axis, copy=True, dtype=numpy.float32)
- assert axis.size == 3
- norm = numpy.linalg.norm(axis)
- if norm == 0.: # No axis, set rotation angle to 0.
- self._angle = 0.
- self._axis = numpy.array((0., 0., 1.), dtype=numpy.float32)
- else:
- self._axis = axis / norm
- if angle is not None or axis is not None:
- self.notify()
- @property
- def quaternion(self):
- """Rotation unit quaternion as (x, y, z, w).
- Where: ||(x, y, z)|| = sin(angle/2), w = cos(angle/2).
- """
- if numpy.linalg.norm(self._axis) == 0.:
- return numpy.array((0., 0., 0., 1.), dtype=numpy.float32)
- else:
- quaternion = numpy.empty((4,), dtype=numpy.float32)
- halfangle = 0.5 * numpy.radians(self.angle)
- quaternion[0:3] = numpy.sin(halfangle) * self._axis
- quaternion[3] = numpy.cos(halfangle)
- return quaternion
- @quaternion.setter
- def quaternion(self, quaternion):
- assert len(quaternion) == 4
- # Normalize quaternion
- quaternion = numpy.array(quaternion, copy=True)
- quaternion /= numpy.linalg.norm(quaternion)
- # Get angle
- sinhalfangle = numpy.linalg.norm(quaternion[0:3])
- coshalfangle = quaternion[3]
- angle = 2. * numpy.arctan2(sinhalfangle, coshalfangle)
- # Axis will be normalized in setAngleAxis
- self.setAngleAxis(numpy.degrees(angle), quaternion[0:3])
- def _makeMatrix(self):
- angle = numpy.radians(self.angle, dtype=numpy.float32)
- return mat4RotateFromAngleAxis(angle, *self.axis)
- def _makeInverse(self):
- return numpy.array(self.getMatrix(copy=False).transpose(),
- copy=True, order='C',
- dtype=numpy.float32)
-class Shear(Transform):
- def __init__(self, axis, sx=0., sy=0., sz=0.):
- """4x4 shear/skew matrix of 2 axes relative to the third one.
- :param str axis: The axis to keep fixed, in 'x', 'y', 'z'
- :param float sx: The shear factor for the x axis.
- :param float sy: The shear factor for the y axis.
- :param float sz: The shear factor for the z axis.
- """
- assert axis in ('x', 'y', 'z')
- super(Shear, self).__init__()
- self._axis = axis
- self._factors = sx, sy, sz
- @property
- def axis(self):
- """The axis against which other axes are skewed."""
- return self._axis
- @property
- def factors(self):
- """The shear factors: shearFactor = tan(shearAngle)"""
- return self._factors
- def _makeMatrix(self):
- return mat4Shear(self.axis, *self.factors)
- def _makeInverse(self):
- sx, sy, sz = self.factors
- return mat4Shear(self.axis, -sx, -sy, -sz)
-# Projection ##################################################################
-class _Projection(Transform):
- """Base class for projection matrix.
- Handles near and far clipping plane values.
- Subclasses must implement :meth:`_makeMatrix`.
- :param float near: Distance to the near plane.
- :param float far: Distance to the far plane.
- :param bool checkDepthExtent: Toggle checks near > 0 and far > near.
- :param size:
- Viewport's size used to compute the aspect ratio (width, height).
- :type size: 2-tuple of float
- """
- def __init__(self, near, far, checkDepthExtent=False, size=(1., 1.)):
- super(_Projection, self).__init__()
- self._checkDepthExtent = checkDepthExtent
- self._depthExtent = 1, 10
- self.setDepthExtent(near, far) # set _depthExtent
- self._size = 1., 1.
- self.size = size # set _size
- def setDepthExtent(self, near=None, far=None):
- """Set the extent of the visible area along the viewing direction.
- :param float near: The near clipping plane Z coord.
- :param float far: The far clipping plane Z coord.
- """
- near = float(near) if near is not None else self._depthExtent[0]
- far = float(far) if far is not None else self._depthExtent[1]
- if self._checkDepthExtent:
- assert near > 0.
- assert far > near
- self._depthExtent = near, far
- self.notify()
- @property
- def near(self):
- """Distance to the near plane."""
- return self._depthExtent[0]
- @near.setter
- def near(self, near):
- if near != self.near:
- self.setDepthExtent(near=near)
- @property
- def far(self):
- """Distance to the far plane."""
- return self._depthExtent[1]
- @far.setter
- def far(self, far):
- if far != self.far:
- self.setDepthExtent(far=far)
- @property
- def size(self):
- """Viewport size as a 2-tuple of float (width, height)."""
- return self._size
- @size.setter
- def size(self, size):
- assert len(size) == 2
- self._size = tuple(size)
- self.notify()
-class Orthographic(_Projection):
- """Orthographic (i.e., parallel) projection which can keep aspect ratio.
- Clipping planes are adjusted to match the aspect ratio of
- the :attr:`size` attribute if :attr:`keepaspect` is True.
- In this case, the left, right, bottom and top parameters defines the area
- which must always remain visible.
- Effective clipping planes are adjusted to keep the aspect ratio.
- :param float left: Coord of the left clipping plane.
- :param float right: Coord of the right clipping plane.
- :param float bottom: Coord of the bottom clipping plane.
- :param float top: Coord of the top clipping plane.
- :param float near: Distance to the near plane.
- :param float far: Distance to the far plane.
- :param size:
- Viewport's size used to compute the aspect ratio (width, height).
- :type size: 2-tuple of float
- :param bool keepaspect:
- True (default) to keep aspect ratio, False otherwise.
- """
- def __init__(self, left=0., right=1., bottom=1., top=0., near=-1., far=1.,
- size=(1., 1.), keepaspect=True):
- self._left, self._right = left, right
- self._bottom, self._top = bottom, top
- self._keepaspect = bool(keepaspect)
- super(Orthographic, self).__init__(near, far, checkDepthExtent=False,
- size=size)
- # _update called when setting size
- def _makeMatrix(self):
- return mat4Orthographic(
- self.left, self.right, self.bottom,, self.near, self.far)
- def _update(self, left, right, bottom, top):
- if self.keepaspect:
- width, height = self.size
- aspect = width / height
- orthoaspect = abs(left - right) / abs(bottom - top)
- if orthoaspect >= aspect: # Keep width, enlarge height
- newheight = \
- numpy.sign(top - bottom) * abs(left - right) / aspect
- bottom = 0.5 * (bottom + top) - 0.5 * newheight
- top = bottom + newheight
- else: # Keep height, enlarge width
- newwidth = \
- numpy.sign(right - left) * abs(bottom - top) * aspect
- left = 0.5 * (left + right) - 0.5 * newwidth
- right = left + newwidth
- # Store values
- self._left, self._right = left, right
- self._bottom, self._top = bottom, top
- def setClipping(self, left=None, right=None, bottom=None, top=None):
- """Set the clipping planes of the projection.
- Parameters are adjusted to keep aspect ratio.
- If a clipping plane coord is not provided, it uses its current value
- :param float left: Coord of the left clipping plane.
- :param float right: Coord of the right clipping plane.
- :param float bottom: Coord of the bottom clipping plane.
- :param float top: Coord of the top clipping plane.
- """
- left = float(left) if left is not None else self.left
- right = float(right) if right is not None else self.right
- bottom = float(bottom) if bottom is not None else self.bottom
- top = float(top) if top is not None else
- self._update(left, right, bottom, top)
- self.notify()
- left = property(lambda self: self._left,
- doc="Coord of the left clipping plane.")
- right = property(lambda self: self._right,
- doc="Coord of the right clipping plane.")
- bottom = property(lambda self: self._bottom,
- doc="Coord of the bottom clipping plane.")
- top = property(lambda self: self._top,
- doc="Coord of the top clipping plane.")
- @property
- def size(self):
- """Viewport size as a 2-tuple of float (width, height)"""
- return self._size
- @size.setter
- def size(self, size):
- assert len(size) == 2
- size = float(size[0]), float(size[1])
- if size != self._size:
- self._size = size
- self._update(self.left, self.right, self.bottom,
- self.notify()
- @property
- def keepaspect(self):
- """True to keep aspect ratio, False otherwise."""
- return self._keepaspect
- @keepaspect.setter
- def keepaspect(self, aspect):
- aspect = bool(aspect)
- if aspect != self._keepaspect:
- self._keepaspect = aspect
- self._update(self.left, self.right, self.bottom,
- self.notify()
-class Ortho2DWidget(_Projection):
- """Orthographic projection with pixel as unit.
- Provides same coordinates as widgets:
- origin: top left, X axis goes left, Y axis goes down.
- :param float near: Z coordinate of the near clipping plane.
- :param float far: Z coordinante of the far clipping plane.
- :param size:
- Viewport's size used to compute the aspect ratio (width, height).
- :type size: 2-tuple of float
- """
- def __init__(self, near=-1., far=1., size=(1., 1.)):
- super(Ortho2DWidget, self).__init__(near, far, size)
- def _makeMatrix(self):
- width, height = self.size
- return mat4Orthographic(0., width, height, 0., self.near, self.far)
-class Perspective(_Projection):
- """Perspective projection matrix defined by FOV and aspect ratio.
- :param float fovy: Vertical field-of-view in degrees.
- :param float near: The near clipping plane Z coord (stricly positive).
- :param float far: The far clipping plane Z coord (> near).
- :param size:
- Viewport's size used to compute the aspect ratio (width, height).
- :type size: 2-tuple of float
- """
- def __init__(self, fovy=90., near=0.1, far=1., size=(1., 1.)):
- super(Perspective, self).__init__(near, far, checkDepthExtent=True)
- self._fovy = 90.
- self.fovy = fovy # Set _fovy
- self.size = size # Set _ size
- def _makeMatrix(self):
- width, height = self.size
- return mat4Perspective(self.fovy, width, height, self.near, self.far)
- @property
- def fovy(self):
- """Vertical field-of-view in degrees."""
- return self._fovy
- @fovy.setter
- def fovy(self, fovy):
- self._fovy = float(fovy)
- self.notify()