path: root/silx/gui/plot3d/scene/
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Diffstat (limited to 'silx/gui/plot3d/scene/')
1 files changed, 180 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/silx/gui/plot3d/scene/ b/silx/gui/plot3d/scene/
index 3752289..1224f5e 100644
--- a/silx/gui/plot3d/scene/
+++ b/silx/gui/plot3d/scene/
@@ -435,6 +435,186 @@ def boxPlaneIntersect(boxVertices, boxLineIndices, planeNorm, planePt):
return points
+def clipSegmentToBounds(segment, bounds):
+ """Clip segment to volume aligned with axes.
+ :param numpy.ndarray segment: (p0, p1)
+ :param numpy.ndarray bounds: (lower corner, upper corner)
+ :return: Either clipped (p0, p1) or None if outside volume
+ :rtype: Union[None,List[numpy.ndarray]]
+ """
+ segment = numpy.array(segment, copy=False)
+ bounds = numpy.array(bounds, copy=False)
+ p0, p1 = segment
+ # Get intersection points of ray with volume boundary planes
+ # Line equation: P = offset * delta + p0
+ delta = p1 - p0
+ deltaNotZero = numpy.array(delta, copy=True)
+ deltaNotZero[deltaNotZero == 0] = numpy.nan # Invalidated to avoid division by zero
+ offsets = ((bounds - p0) / deltaNotZero).reshape(-1)
+ points = offsets.reshape(-1, 1) * delta + p0
+ # Avoid precision errors by using bounds value
+ points.shape = 2, 3, 3 # Reshape 1 point per bound value
+ for dim in range(3):
+ points[:, dim, dim] = bounds[:, dim]
+ points.shape = -1, 3 # Set back to 2D array
+ # Find intersection points that are included in the volume
+ mask = numpy.logical_and(numpy.all(bounds[0] <= points, axis=1),
+ numpy.all(points <= bounds[1], axis=1))
+ intersections = numpy.unique(offsets[mask])
+ if len(intersections) != 2:
+ return None
+ intersections.sort()
+ # Do p1 first as p0 is need to compute it
+ if intersections[1] < 1: # clip p1
+ segment[1] = intersections[1] * delta + p0
+ if intersections[0] > 0: # clip p0
+ segment[0] = intersections[0] * delta + p0
+ return segment
+def segmentVolumeIntersect(segment, nbins):
+ """Get bin indices intersecting with segment
+ It should work with N dimensions.
+ Coordinate convention (z, y, x) or (x, y, z) should not matter
+ as long as segment and nbins are consistent.
+ :param numpy.ndarray segment:
+ Segment end points as a 2xN array of coordinates
+ :param numpy.ndarray nbins:
+ Shape of the volume with same coordinates order as segment
+ :return: List of bins indices as a 2D array or None if no bins
+ :rtype: Union[None,numpy.ndarray]
+ """
+ segment = numpy.asarray(segment)
+ nbins = numpy.asarray(nbins)
+ assert segment.ndim == 2
+ assert segment.shape[0] == 2
+ assert nbins.ndim == 1
+ assert segment.shape[1] == nbins.size
+ dim = len(nbins)
+ bounds = numpy.array((numpy.zeros_like(nbins), nbins))
+ segment = clipSegmentToBounds(segment, bounds)
+ if segment is None:
+ return None # Segment outside volume
+ p0, p1 = segment
+ # Get intersections
+ # Get coordinates of bin edges crossing the segment
+ clipped = numpy.ceil(numpy.clip(segment, 0, nbins))
+ start = numpy.min(clipped, axis=0)
+ stop = numpy.max(clipped, axis=0) # stop is NOT included
+ edgesByDim = [numpy.arange(start[i], stop[i]) for i in range(dim)]
+ # Line equation: P = t * delta + p0
+ delta = p1 - p0
+ # Get bin edge/line intersections as sorted points along the line
+ # Get corresponding line parameters
+ t = []
+ if numpy.all(0 <= p0) and numpy.all(p0 <= nbins):
+ t.append([0.]) # p0 within volume, add it
+ t += [(edgesByDim[i] - p0[i]) / delta[i] for i in range(dim) if delta[i] != 0]
+ if numpy.all(0 <= p1) and numpy.all(p1 <= nbins):
+ t.append([1.]) # p1 within volume, add it
+ t = numpy.concatenate(t)
+ t.sort(kind='mergesort')
+ # Remove duplicates
+ unique = numpy.ones((len(t),), dtype=bool)
+ numpy.not_equal(t[1:], t[:-1], out=unique[1:])
+ t = t[unique]
+ if len(t) < 2:
+ return None # Not enough intersection points
+ # bin edges/line intersection points
+ points = t.reshape(-1, 1) * delta + p0
+ centers = (points[:-1] + points[1:]) / 2.
+ bins = numpy.floor(centers).astype(
+ return bins
+def segmentTrianglesIntersection(segment, triangles):
+ """Check for segment/triangles intersection.
+ This is based on signed tetrahedron volume comparison.
+ See A. Kensler, A., Shirley, P.
+ Optimizing Ray-Triangle Intersection via Automated Search.
+ Symposium on Interactive Ray Tracing, vol. 0, p33-38 (2006)
+ :param numpy.ndarray segment:
+ Segment end points as a 2x3 array of coordinates
+ :param numpy.ndarray triangles:
+ Nx3x3 array of triangles
+ :return: (triangle indices, segment parameter, barycentric coord)
+ Indices of intersected triangles, "depth" along the segment
+ of the intersection point and barycentric coordinates of intersection
+ point in the triangle.
+ :rtype: List[numpy.ndarray]
+ """
+ # TODO triangles from vertices + indices
+ # TODO early rejection? e.g., check segment bbox vs triangle bbox
+ segment = numpy.asarray(segment)
+ assert segment.ndim == 2
+ assert segment.shape == (2, 3)
+ triangles = numpy.asarray(triangles)
+ assert triangles.ndim == 3
+ assert triangles.shape[1] == 3
+ # Test line/triangles intersection
+ d = segment[1] - segment[0]
+ t0s0 = segment[0] - triangles[:, 0, :]
+ edge01 = triangles[:, 1, :] - triangles[:, 0, :]
+ edge02 = triangles[:, 2, :] - triangles[:, 0, :]
+ dCrossEdge02 = numpy.cross(d, edge02)
+ t0s0CrossEdge01 = numpy.cross(t0s0, edge01)
+ volume = numpy.sum(dCrossEdge02 * edge01, axis=1)
+ del edge01
+ subVolumes = numpy.empty((len(triangles), 3), dtype=triangles.dtype)
+ subVolumes[:, 1] = numpy.sum(dCrossEdge02 * t0s0, axis=1)
+ del dCrossEdge02
+ subVolumes[:, 2] = numpy.sum(t0s0CrossEdge01 * d, axis=1)
+ subVolumes[:, 0] = volume - subVolumes[:, 1] - subVolumes[:, 2]
+ intersect = numpy.logical_or(
+ numpy.all(subVolumes >= 0., axis=1), # All positive
+ numpy.all(subVolumes <= 0., axis=1)) # All negative
+ intersect = numpy.where(intersect)[0] # Indices of intersected triangles
+ # Get barycentric coordinates
+ barycentric = subVolumes[intersect] / volume[intersect].reshape(-1, 1)
+ del subVolumes
+ # Test segment/triangles intersection
+ volAlpha = numpy.sum(t0s0CrossEdge01[intersect] * edge02[intersect], axis=1)
+ t = volAlpha / volume[intersect] # segment parameter of intersected triangles
+ del t0s0CrossEdge01
+ del edge02
+ del volAlpha
+ del volume
+ inSegmentMask = numpy.logical_and(t >= 0., t <= 1.)
+ intersect = intersect[inSegmentMask]
+ t = t[inSegmentMask]
+ barycentric = barycentric[inSegmentMask]
+ # Sort intersecting triangles by t
+ indices = numpy.argsort(t)
+ return intersect[indices], t[indices], barycentric[indices]
# Plane #######################################################################
class Plane(event.Notifier):