path: root/silx/io/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'silx/io/')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 1051 deletions
diff --git a/silx/io/ b/silx/io/
deleted file mode 100755
index 2fd719d..0000000
--- a/silx/io/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1051 +0,0 @@
-# coding: utf-8
-# /*##########################################################################
-# Copyright (C) 2016-2020 European Synchrotron Radiation Facility
-# Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
-# of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
-# in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
-# to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
-# copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
-# furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
-# The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
-# all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
-# ############################################################################*/
-"""This module provides functions to read fabio images as an HDF5 file.
- >>> import
- >>> f ="foobar.edf")
-.. note:: This module has a dependency on the `h5py <>`_
- and `fabio <>`_ libraries,
- which are not mandatory dependencies for `silx`.
-import collections
-import datetime
-import logging
-import numbers
-import os
-import fabio.file_series
-import numpy
-import six
-from . import commonh5
-from silx import version as silx_version
-import silx.utils.number
-import h5py
-_logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
-_fabio_extensions = set([])
-def supported_extensions():
- """Returns all extensions supported by fabio.
- :returns: A set containing extensions like "*.edf".
- :rtype: Set[str]
- """
- global _fabio_extensions
- if len(_fabio_extensions) > 0:
- return _fabio_extensions
- formats = fabio.fabioformats.get_classes(reader=True)
- all_extensions = set([])
- for reader in formats:
- if not hasattr(reader, "DEFAULT_EXTENSIONS"):
- continue
- ext = ["*.%s" % e for e in ext]
- all_extensions.update(ext)
- _fabio_extensions = set(all_extensions)
- return _fabio_extensions
-class _FileSeries(fabio.file_series.file_series):
- """
- .. note:: Overwrite a function to fix an issue in fabio.
- """
- def jump(self, num):
- """
- Goto a position in sequence
- """
- assert num < len(self) and num >= 0, "num out of range"
- self._current = num
- return self[self._current]
-class FrameData(commonh5.LazyLoadableDataset):
- """Expose a cube of image from a Fabio file using `FabioReader` as
- cache."""
- def __init__(self, name, fabio_reader, parent=None):
- if fabio_reader.is_spectrum():
- attrs = {"interpretation": "spectrum"}
- else:
- attrs = {"interpretation": "image"}
- commonh5.LazyLoadableDataset.__init__(self, name, parent, attrs=attrs)
- self.__fabio_reader = fabio_reader
- self._shape = None
- self._dtype = None
- def _create_data(self):
- return self.__fabio_reader.get_data()
- def _update_cache(self):
- if isinstance(self.__fabio_reader.fabio_file(),
- fabio.file_series.file_series):
- # Reading all the files is taking too much time
- # Reach the information from the only first frame
- first_image = self.__fabio_reader.fabio_file().first_image()
- self._dtype =
- shape0 = self.__fabio_reader.frame_count()
- shape1, shape2 =
- self._shape = shape0, shape1, shape2
- else:
- self._dtype = super(commonh5.LazyLoadableDataset, self).dtype
- self._shape = super(commonh5.LazyLoadableDataset, self).shape
- @property
- def dtype(self):
- if self._dtype is None:
- self._update_cache()
- return self._dtype
- @property
- def shape(self):
- if self._shape is None:
- self._update_cache()
- return self._shape
- def __iter__(self):
- for frame in self.__fabio_reader.iter_frames():
- yield
- def __getitem__(self, item):
- # optimization for fetching a single frame if data not already loaded
- if not self._is_initialized:
- if isinstance(item, six.integer_types) and \
- isinstance(self.__fabio_reader.fabio_file(),
- fabio.file_series.file_series):
- if item < 0:
- # negative indexing
- item += len(self)
- return self.__fabio_reader.fabio_file().jump_image(item).data
- return super(FrameData, self).__getitem__(item)
-class RawHeaderData(commonh5.LazyLoadableDataset):
- """Lazy loadable raw header"""
- def __init__(self, name, fabio_reader, parent=None):
- commonh5.LazyLoadableDataset.__init__(self, name, parent)
- self.__fabio_reader = fabio_reader
- def _create_data(self):
- """Initialize hold data by merging all headers of each frames.
- """
- headers = []
- types = set([])
- for fabio_frame in self.__fabio_reader.iter_frames():
- header = fabio_frame.header
- data = []
- for key, value in header.items():
- data.append("%s: %s" % (str(key), str(value)))
- data = "\n".join(data)
- try:
- line = data.encode("ascii")
- types.add(numpy.string_)
- except UnicodeEncodeError:
- try:
- line = data.encode("utf-8")
- types.add(numpy.unicode_)
- except UnicodeEncodeError:
- # Fallback in void
- line = numpy.void(data)
- types.add(numpy.void)
- headers.append(line)
- if numpy.void in types:
- dtype = numpy.void
- elif numpy.unicode_ in types:
- dtype = numpy.unicode_
- else:
- dtype = numpy.string_
- if dtype == numpy.unicode_:
- # h5py only support vlen unicode
- dtype = h5py.special_dtype(vlen=six.text_type)
- return numpy.array(headers, dtype=dtype)
-class MetadataGroup(commonh5.LazyLoadableGroup):
- """Abstract class for groups containing a reference to a fabio image.
- """
- def __init__(self, name, metadata_reader, kind, parent=None, attrs=None):
- commonh5.LazyLoadableGroup.__init__(self, name, parent, attrs)
- self.__metadata_reader = metadata_reader
- self.__kind = kind
- def _create_child(self):
- keys = self.__metadata_reader.get_keys(self.__kind)
- for name in keys:
- data = self.__metadata_reader.get_value(self.__kind, name)
- dataset = commonh5.Dataset(name, data)
- self.add_node(dataset)
- @property
- def _metadata_reader(self):
- return self.__metadata_reader
-class DetectorGroup(commonh5.LazyLoadableGroup):
- """Define the detector group (sub group of instrument) using Fabio data.
- """
- def __init__(self, name, fabio_reader, parent=None, attrs=None):
- if attrs is None:
- attrs = {"NX_class": "NXdetector"}
- commonh5.LazyLoadableGroup.__init__(self, name, parent, attrs)
- self.__fabio_reader = fabio_reader
- def _create_child(self):
- data = FrameData("data", self.__fabio_reader)
- self.add_node(data)
- # TODO we should add here Nexus informations we can extract from the
- # metadata
- others = MetadataGroup("others", self.__fabio_reader, kind=FabioReader.DEFAULT)
- self.add_node(others)
-class ImageGroup(commonh5.LazyLoadableGroup):
- """Define the image group (sub group of measurement) using Fabio data.
- """
- def __init__(self, name, fabio_reader, parent=None, attrs=None):
- commonh5.LazyLoadableGroup.__init__(self, name, parent, attrs)
- self.__fabio_reader = fabio_reader
- def _create_child(self):
- basepath =
- data = commonh5.SoftLink("data", path=basepath + "/instrument/detector_0/data")
- self.add_node(data)
- detector = commonh5.SoftLink("info", path=basepath + "/instrument/detector_0")
- self.add_node(detector)
-class NxDataPreviewGroup(commonh5.LazyLoadableGroup):
- """Define the NxData group which is used as the default NXdata to show the
- content of the file.
- """
- def __init__(self, name, fabio_reader, parent=None):
- if fabio_reader.is_spectrum():
- interpretation = "spectrum"
- else:
- interpretation = "image"
- attrs = {
- "NX_class": "NXdata",
- "interpretation": interpretation,
- "signal": "data",
- }
- commonh5.LazyLoadableGroup.__init__(self, name, parent, attrs)
- self.__fabio_reader = fabio_reader
- def _create_child(self):
- basepath =
- data = commonh5.SoftLink("data", path=basepath + "/instrument/detector_0/data")
- self.add_node(data)
-class SampleGroup(commonh5.LazyLoadableGroup):
- """Define the image group (sub group of measurement) using Fabio data.
- """
- def __init__(self, name, fabio_reader, parent=None):
- attrs = {"NXclass": "NXsample"}
- commonh5.LazyLoadableGroup.__init__(self, name, parent, attrs)
- self.__fabio_reader = fabio_reader
- def _create_child(self):
- if self.__fabio_reader.has_ub_matrix():
- scalar = {"interpretation": "scalar"}
- data = self.__fabio_reader.get_unit_cell_abc()
- data = commonh5.Dataset("unit_cell_abc", data, attrs=scalar)
- self.add_node(data)
- unit_cell_data = numpy.zeros((1, 6), numpy.float32)
- unit_cell_data[0, :3] = data
- data = self.__fabio_reader.get_unit_cell_alphabetagamma()
- data = commonh5.Dataset("unit_cell_alphabetagamma", data, attrs=scalar)
- self.add_node(data)
- unit_cell_data[0, 3:] = data
- data = commonh5.Dataset("unit_cell", unit_cell_data, attrs=scalar)
- self.add_node(data)
- data = self.__fabio_reader.get_ub_matrix()
- data = commonh5.Dataset("ub_matrix", data, attrs=scalar)
- self.add_node(data)
-class MeasurementGroup(commonh5.LazyLoadableGroup):
- """Define the measurement group for fabio file.
- """
- def __init__(self, name, fabio_reader, parent=None, attrs=None):
- commonh5.LazyLoadableGroup.__init__(self, name, parent, attrs)
- self.__fabio_reader = fabio_reader
- def _create_child(self):
- keys = self.__fabio_reader.get_keys(FabioReader.COUNTER)
- # create image measurement but take care that no other metadata use
- # this name
- for i in range(1000):
- name = "image_%i" % i
- if name not in keys:
- data = ImageGroup(name, self.__fabio_reader)
- self.add_node(data)
- break
- else:
- raise Exception("image_i for 0..1000 already used")
- # add all counters
- for name in keys:
- data = self.__fabio_reader.get_value(FabioReader.COUNTER, name)
- dataset = commonh5.Dataset(name, data)
- self.add_node(dataset)
-class FabioReader(object):
- """Class which read and cache data and metadata from a fabio image."""
- def __init__(self, file_name=None, fabio_image=None, file_series=None):
- """
- Constructor
- :param str file_name: File name of the image file to read
- :param fabio.fabioimage.FabioImage fabio_image: An already openned
- :class:`fabio.fabioimage.FabioImage` instance.
- :param Union[list[str],fabio.file_series.file_series] file_series: An
- list of file name or a :class:`fabio.file_series.file_series`
- instance
- """
- self.__at_least_32bits = False
- self.__signed_type = False
- self.__load(file_name, fabio_image, file_series)
- self.__counters = {}
- self.__positioners = {}
- self.__measurements = {}
- self.__key_filters = set([])
- self.__data = None
- self.__frame_count = self.frame_count()
- self._read()
- def __load(self, file_name=None, fabio_image=None, file_series=None):
- if file_name is not None and fabio_image:
- raise TypeError("Parameters file_name and fabio_image are mutually exclusive.")
- if file_name is not None and fabio_image:
- raise TypeError("Parameters fabio_image and file_series are mutually exclusive.")
- self.__must_be_closed = False
- if file_name is not None:
- self.__fabio_file =
- self.__must_be_closed = True
- elif fabio_image is not None:
- if isinstance(fabio_image, fabio.fabioimage.FabioImage):
- self.__fabio_file = fabio_image
- else:
- raise TypeError("FabioImage expected but %s found.", fabio_image.__class__)
- elif file_series is not None:
- if isinstance(file_series, list):
- self.__fabio_file = _FileSeries(file_series)
- elif isinstance(file_series, fabio.file_series.file_series):
- self.__fabio_file = file_series
- else:
- raise TypeError("file_series or list expected but %s found.", file_series.__class__)
- def close(self):
- """Close the object, and free up associated resources.
- The associated FabioImage is closed only if the object was created from
- a filename by this class itself.
- After calling this method, attempts to use the object (and children)
- may fail.
- """
- if self.__must_be_closed:
- # Make sure the API of fabio provide it a 'close' method
- # TODO the test can be removed if fabio version >= 0.8
- if hasattr(self.__fabio_file, "close"):
- self.__fabio_file.close()
- self.__fabio_file = None
- def fabio_file(self):
- return self.__fabio_file
- def frame_count(self):
- """Returns the number of frames available."""
- if isinstance(self.__fabio_file, fabio.file_series.file_series):
- return len(self.__fabio_file)
- elif isinstance(self.__fabio_file, fabio.fabioimage.FabioImage):
- return self.__fabio_file.nframes
- else:
- raise TypeError("Unsupported type %s", self.__fabio_file.__class__)
- def iter_frames(self):
- """Iter all the available frames.
- A frame provides at least `data` and `header` attributes.
- """
- if isinstance(self.__fabio_file, fabio.file_series.file_series):
- for file_number in range(len(self.__fabio_file)):
- with self.__fabio_file.jump_image(file_number) as fabio_image:
- # return the first frame only
- assert(fabio_image.nframes == 1)
- yield fabio_image
- elif isinstance(self.__fabio_file, fabio.fabioimage.FabioImage):
- for frame_count in range(self.__fabio_file.nframes):
- if self.__fabio_file.nframes == 1:
- yield self.__fabio_file
- else:
- yield self.__fabio_file.getframe(frame_count)
- else:
- raise TypeError("Unsupported type %s", self.__fabio_file.__class__)
- def _create_data(self):
- """Initialize hold data by merging all frames into a single cube.
- Choose the cube size which fit the best the data. If some images are
- smaller than expected, the empty space is set to 0.
- The computation is cached into the class, and only done ones.
- """
- images = []
- for fabio_frame in self.iter_frames():
- images.append(
- # returns the data without extra dim in case of single frame
- if len(images) == 1:
- return images[0]
- # get the max size
- max_dim = max([i.ndim for i in images])
- max_shape = [0] * max_dim
- for image in images:
- for dim in range(image.ndim):
- if image.shape[dim] > max_shape[dim]:
- max_shape[dim] = image.shape[dim]
- max_shape = tuple(max_shape)
- # fix smallest images
- for index, image in enumerate(images):
- if image.shape == max_shape:
- continue
- location = [slice(0, i) for i in image.shape]
- while len(location) < max_dim:
- location.append(0)
- normalized_image = numpy.zeros(max_shape, dtype=image.dtype)
- normalized_image[tuple(location)] = image
- images[index] = normalized_image
- # create a cube
- return numpy.array(images)
- def __get_dict(self, kind):
- """Returns a dictionary from according to an expected kind"""
- if kind == self.DEFAULT:
- return self.__measurements
- elif kind == self.COUNTER:
- return self.__counters
- elif kind == self.POSITIONER:
- return self.__positioners
- else:
- raise Exception("Unexpected kind %s", kind)
- def get_data(self):
- """Returns a cube from all available data from frames
- :rtype: numpy.ndarray
- """
- if self.__data is None:
- self.__data = self._create_data()
- return self.__data
- def get_keys(self, kind):
- """Get all available keys according to a kind of metadata.
- :rtype: list
- """
- return self.__get_dict(kind).keys()
- def get_value(self, kind, name):
- """Get a metadata value according to the kind and the name.
- :rtype: numpy.ndarray
- """
- value = self.__get_dict(kind)[name]
- if not isinstance(value, numpy.ndarray):
- if kind in [self.COUNTER, self.POSITIONER]:
- # Force normalization for counters and positioners
- old = self._set_vector_normalization(at_least_32bits=True, signed_type=True)
- else:
- old = None
- value = self._convert_metadata_vector(value)
- self.__get_dict(kind)[name] = value
- if old is not None:
- self._set_vector_normalization(*old)
- return value
- def _set_counter_value(self, frame_id, name, value):
- """Set a counter metadata according to the frame id"""
- if name not in self.__counters:
- self.__counters[name] = [None] * self.__frame_count
- self.__counters[name][frame_id] = value
- def _set_positioner_value(self, frame_id, name, value):
- """Set a positioner metadata according to the frame id"""
- if name not in self.__positioners:
- self.__positioners[name] = [None] * self.__frame_count
- self.__positioners[name][frame_id] = value
- def _set_measurement_value(self, frame_id, name, value):
- """Set a measurement metadata according to the frame id"""
- if name not in self.__measurements:
- self.__measurements[name] = [None] * self.__frame_count
- self.__measurements[name][frame_id] = value
- def _enable_key_filters(self, fabio_file):
- self.__key_filters.clear()
- if hasattr(fabio_file, "RESERVED_HEADER_KEYS"):
- # Provided in fabio 0.5
- for key in fabio_file.RESERVED_HEADER_KEYS:
- self.__key_filters.add(key.lower())
- def _read(self):
- """Read all metadata from the fabio file and store it into this
- object."""
- file_series = isinstance(self.__fabio_file, fabio.file_series.file_series)
- if not file_series:
- self._enable_key_filters(self.__fabio_file)
- for frame_id, fabio_frame in enumerate(self.iter_frames()):
- if file_series:
- self._enable_key_filters(fabio_frame)
- self._read_frame(frame_id, fabio_frame.header)
- def _is_filtered_key(self, key):
- """
- If this function returns True, the :meth:`_read_key` while not be
- called with this `key`while reading the metatdata frame.
- :param str key: A key of the metadata
- :rtype: bool
- """
- return key.lower() in self.__key_filters
- def _read_frame(self, frame_id, header):
- """Read all metadata from a frame and store it into this
- object."""
- for key, value in header.items():
- if self._is_filtered_key(key):
- continue
- self._read_key(frame_id, key, value)
- def _read_key(self, frame_id, name, value):
- """Read a key from the metadata and cache it into this object."""
- self._set_measurement_value(frame_id, name, value)
- def _set_vector_normalization(self, at_least_32bits, signed_type):
- previous = self.__at_least_32bits, self.__signed_type
- self.__at_least_32bits = at_least_32bits
- self.__signed_type = signed_type
- return previous
- def _normalize_vector_type(self, dtype):
- """Normalize the """
- if self.__at_least_32bits:
- if numpy.issubdtype(dtype, numpy.signedinteger):
- dtype = numpy.result_type(dtype, numpy.uint32)
- if numpy.issubdtype(dtype, numpy.unsignedinteger):
- dtype = numpy.result_type(dtype, numpy.uint32)
- elif numpy.issubdtype(dtype, numpy.floating):
- dtype = numpy.result_type(dtype, numpy.float32)
- elif numpy.issubdtype(dtype, numpy.complexfloating):
- dtype = numpy.result_type(dtype, numpy.complex64)
- if self.__signed_type:
- if numpy.issubdtype(dtype, numpy.unsignedinteger):
- signed = numpy.dtype("%s%i" % ('i', dtype.itemsize))
- dtype = numpy.result_type(dtype, signed)
- return dtype
- def _convert_metadata_vector(self, values):
- """Convert a list of numpy data into a numpy array with the better
- fitting type."""
- converted = []
- types = set([])
- has_none = False
- is_array = False
- array = []
- for v in values:
- if v is None:
- converted.append(None)
- has_none = True
- array.append(None)
- else:
- c = self._convert_value(v)
- if c.shape != tuple():
- array.append(v.split(" "))
- is_array = True
- else:
- array.append(v)
- converted.append(c)
- types.add(c.dtype)
- if has_none and len(types) == 0:
- # That's a list of none values
- return numpy.array([0] * len(values), numpy.int8)
- result_type = numpy.result_type(*types)
- if issubclass(result_type.type, numpy.string_):
- # use the raw data to create the array
- result = values
- elif issubclass(result_type.type, numpy.unicode_):
- # use the raw data to create the array
- result = values
- else:
- result = converted
- result_type = self._normalize_vector_type(result_type)
- if has_none:
- # Fix missing data according to the array type
- if result_type.kind == "S":
- none_value = b""
- elif result_type.kind == "U":
- none_value = u""
- elif result_type.kind == "f":
- none_value = numpy.float64("NaN")
- elif result_type.kind == "i":
- none_value = numpy.int64(0)
- elif result_type.kind == "u":
- none_value = numpy.int64(0)
- elif result_type.kind == "b":
- none_value = numpy.bool_(False)
- else:
- none_value = None
- for index, r in enumerate(result):
- if r is not None:
- continue
- result[index] = none_value
- values[index] = none_value
- array[index] = none_value
- if result_type.kind in "uifd" and len(types) > 1 and len(values) > 1:
- # Catch numerical precision
- if is_array and len(array) > 1:
- return numpy.array(array, dtype=result_type)
- else:
- return numpy.array(values, dtype=result_type)
- return numpy.array(result, dtype=result_type)
- def _convert_value(self, value):
- """Convert a string into a numpy object (scalar or array).
- The value is most of the time a string, but it can be python object
- in case if TIFF decoder for example.
- """
- if isinstance(value, list):
- # convert to a numpy array
- return numpy.array(value)
- if isinstance(value, dict):
- # convert to a numpy associative array
- key_dtype = numpy.min_scalar_type(list(value.keys()))
- value_dtype = numpy.min_scalar_type(list(value.values()))
- associative_type = [('key', key_dtype), ('value', value_dtype)]
- assert key_dtype.kind != "O" and value_dtype.kind != "O"
- return numpy.array(list(value.items()), dtype=associative_type)
- if isinstance(value, numbers.Number):
- dtype = numpy.min_scalar_type(value)
- assert dtype.kind != "O"
- return dtype.type(value)
- if isinstance(value, six.binary_type):
- try:
- value = value.decode('utf-8')
- except UnicodeDecodeError:
- return numpy.void(value)
- if " " in value:
- result = self._convert_list(value)
- else:
- result = self._convert_scalar_value(value)
- return result
- def _convert_scalar_value(self, value):
- """Convert a string into a numpy int or float.
- If it is not possible it returns a numpy string.
- """
- try:
- numpy_type = silx.utils.number.min_numerical_convertible_type(value)
- converted = numpy_type(value)
- except ValueError:
- converted = numpy.string_(value)
- return converted
- def _convert_list(self, value):
- """Convert a string into a typed numpy array.
- If it is not possible it returns a numpy string.
- """
- try:
- numpy_values = []
- values = value.split(" ")
- types = set([])
- for string_value in values:
- v = self._convert_scalar_value(string_value)
- numpy_values.append(v)
- types.add(v.dtype.type)
- result_type = numpy.result_type(*types)
- if issubclass(result_type.type, (numpy.string_, six.binary_type)):
- # use the raw data to create the result
- return numpy.string_(value)
- elif issubclass(result_type.type, (numpy.unicode_, six.text_type)):
- # use the raw data to create the result
- return numpy.unicode_(value)
- else:
- if len(types) == 1:
- return numpy.array(numpy_values, dtype=result_type)
- else:
- return numpy.array(values, dtype=result_type)
- except ValueError:
- return numpy.string_(value)
- def has_sample_information(self):
- """Returns true if there is information about the sample in the
- file
- :rtype: bool
- """
- return self.has_ub_matrix()
- def has_ub_matrix(self):
- """Returns true if a UB matrix is available.
- :rtype: bool
- """
- return False
- def is_spectrum(self):
- """Returns true if the data should be interpreted as
- MCA data.
- :rtype: bool
- """
- return False
-class EdfFabioReader(FabioReader):
- """Class which read and cache data and metadata from a fabio image.
- It is mostly the same as FabioReader, but counter_mne and
- motor_mne are parsed using a special way.
- """
- def __init__(self, file_name=None, fabio_image=None, file_series=None):
- FabioReader.__init__(self, file_name, fabio_image, file_series)
- self.__unit_cell_abc = None
- self.__unit_cell_alphabetagamma = None
- self.__ub_matrix = None
- def _read_frame(self, frame_id, header):
- """Overwrite the method to check and parse special keys: counter and
- motors keys."""
- self.__catch_keys = set([])
- if "motor_pos" in header and "motor_mne" in header:
- self.__catch_keys.add("motor_pos")
- self.__catch_keys.add("motor_mne")
- self._read_mnemonic_key(frame_id, "motor", header)
- if "counter_pos" in header and "counter_mne" in header:
- self.__catch_keys.add("counter_pos")
- self.__catch_keys.add("counter_mne")
- self._read_mnemonic_key(frame_id, "counter", header)
- FabioReader._read_frame(self, frame_id, header)
- def _is_filtered_key(self, key):
- if key in self.__catch_keys:
- return True
- return FabioReader._is_filtered_key(self, key)
- def _get_mnemonic_key(self, base_key, header):
- mnemonic_values_key = base_key + "_mne"
- mnemonic_values = header.get(mnemonic_values_key, "")
- mnemonic_values = mnemonic_values.split()
- pos_values_key = base_key + "_pos"
- pos_values = header.get(pos_values_key, "")
- pos_values = pos_values.split()
- result = collections.OrderedDict()
- nbitems = max(len(mnemonic_values), len(pos_values))
- for i in range(nbitems):
- if i < len(mnemonic_values):
- mnemonic = mnemonic_values[i]
- else:
- # skip the element
- continue
- if i < len(pos_values):
- pos = pos_values[i]
- else:
- pos = None
- result[mnemonic] = pos
- return result
- def _read_mnemonic_key(self, frame_id, base_key, header):
- """Parse a mnemonic key"""
- is_counter = base_key == "counter"
- is_positioner = base_key == "motor"
- data = self._get_mnemonic_key(base_key, header)
- for mnemonic, pos in data.items():
- if is_counter:
- self._set_counter_value(frame_id, mnemonic, pos)
- elif is_positioner:
- self._set_positioner_value(frame_id, mnemonic, pos)
- else:
- raise Exception("State unexpected (base_key: %s)" % base_key)
- def _get_first_header(self):
- """
- ..note:: This function can be cached
- """
- fabio_file = self.fabio_file()
- if isinstance(fabio_file, fabio.file_series.file_series):
- return fabio_file.jump_image(0).header
- return fabio_file.header
- def has_ub_matrix(self):
- """Returns true if a UB matrix is available.
- :rtype: bool
- """
- header = self._get_first_header()
- expected_keys = set(["UB_mne", "UB_pos", "sample_mne", "sample_pos"])
- return expected_keys.issubset(header)
- def parse_ub_matrix(self):
- header = self._get_first_header()
- ub_data = self._get_mnemonic_key("UB", header)
- s_data = self._get_mnemonic_key("sample", header)
- if len(ub_data) > 9:
- _logger.warning("UB_mne and UB_pos contains more than expected keys.")
- if len(s_data) > 6:
- _logger.warning("sample_mne and sample_pos contains more than expected keys.")
- data = numpy.array([s_data["U0"], s_data["U1"], s_data["U2"]], dtype=float)
- unit_cell_abc = data
- data = numpy.array([s_data["U3"], s_data["U4"], s_data["U5"]], dtype=float)
- unit_cell_alphabetagamma = data
- ub_matrix = numpy.array([[
- [ub_data["UB0"], ub_data["UB1"], ub_data["UB2"]],
- [ub_data["UB3"], ub_data["UB4"], ub_data["UB5"]],
- [ub_data["UB6"], ub_data["UB7"], ub_data["UB8"]]]], dtype=float)
- self.__unit_cell_abc = unit_cell_abc
- self.__unit_cell_alphabetagamma = unit_cell_alphabetagamma
- self.__ub_matrix = ub_matrix
- def get_unit_cell_abc(self):
- """Get a numpy array data as defined for the dataset unit_cell_abc
- from the NXsample dataset.
- :rtype: numpy.ndarray
- """
- if self.__unit_cell_abc is None:
- self.parse_ub_matrix()
- return self.__unit_cell_abc
- def get_unit_cell_alphabetagamma(self):
- """Get a numpy array data as defined for the dataset
- unit_cell_alphabetagamma from the NXsample dataset.
- :rtype: numpy.ndarray
- """
- if self.__unit_cell_alphabetagamma is None:
- self.parse_ub_matrix()
- return self.__unit_cell_alphabetagamma
- def get_ub_matrix(self):
- """Get a numpy array data as defined for the dataset ub_matrix
- from the NXsample dataset.
- :rtype: numpy.ndarray
- """
- if self.__ub_matrix is None:
- self.parse_ub_matrix()
- return self.__ub_matrix
- def is_spectrum(self):
- """Returns true if the data should be interpreted as
- MCA data.
- EDF files or file series, with two or more header names starting with
- "MCA", should be interpreted as MCA data.
- :rtype: bool
- """
- count = 0
- for key in self._get_first_header():
- if key.lower().startswith("mca"):
- count += 1
- if count >= 2:
- return True
- return False
-class File(commonh5.File):
- """Class which handle a fabio image as a mimick of a h5py.File.
- """
- def __init__(self, file_name=None, fabio_image=None, file_series=None):
- """
- Constructor
- :param str file_name: File name of the image file to read
- :param fabio.fabioimage.FabioImage fabio_image: An already openned
- :class:`fabio.fabioimage.FabioImage` instance.
- :param Union[list[str],fabio.file_series.file_series] file_series: An
- list of file name or a :class:`fabio.file_series.file_series`
- instance
- """
- self.__fabio_reader = self.create_fabio_reader(file_name, fabio_image, file_series)
- if fabio_image is not None:
- file_name = fabio_image.filename
- scan = self.create_scan_group(self.__fabio_reader)
- attrs = {"NX_class": "NXroot",
- "file_time":,
- "creator": "silx %s" % silx_version,
- "default": scan.basename}
- if file_name is not None:
- attrs["file_name"] = file_name
- commonh5.File.__init__(self, name=file_name, attrs=attrs)
- self.add_node(scan)
- def create_scan_group(self, fabio_reader):
- """Factory to create the scan group.
- :param FabioImage fabio_image: A Fabio image
- :param FabioReader fabio_reader: A reader for the Fabio image
- :rtype: commonh5.Group
- """
- nxdata = NxDataPreviewGroup("image", fabio_reader)
- scan_attrs = {
- "NX_class": "NXentry",
- "default": nxdata.basename,
- }
- scan = commonh5.Group("scan_0", attrs=scan_attrs)
- instrument = commonh5.Group("instrument", attrs={"NX_class": "NXinstrument"})
- measurement = MeasurementGroup("measurement", fabio_reader, attrs={"NX_class": "NXcollection"})
- file_ = commonh5.Group("file", attrs={"NX_class": "NXcollection"})
- positioners = MetadataGroup("positioners", fabio_reader, FabioReader.POSITIONER, attrs={"NX_class": "NXpositioner"})
- raw_header = RawHeaderData("scan_header", fabio_reader, self)
- detector = DetectorGroup("detector_0", fabio_reader)
- scan.add_node(instrument)
- instrument.add_node(positioners)
- instrument.add_node(file_)
- instrument.add_node(detector)
- file_.add_node(raw_header)
- scan.add_node(measurement)
- scan.add_node(nxdata)
- if fabio_reader.has_sample_information():
- sample = SampleGroup("sample", fabio_reader)
- scan.add_node(sample)
- return scan
- def create_fabio_reader(self, file_name, fabio_image, file_series):
- """Factory to create fabio reader.
- :rtype: FabioReader"""
- use_edf_reader = False
- first_file_name = None
- first_image = None
- if isinstance(file_series, list):
- first_file_name = file_series[0]
- elif isinstance(file_series, fabio.file_series.file_series):
- first_image = file_series.first_image()
- elif fabio_image is not None:
- first_image = fabio_image
- else:
- first_file_name = file_name
- if first_file_name is not None:
- _, ext = os.path.splitext(first_file_name)
- ext = ext[1:]
- edfimage = fabio.edfimage.EdfImage
- if hasattr(edfimage, "DEFAULT_EXTENTIONS"):
- # Typo on fabio 0.5
- edf_extensions = edfimage.DEFAULT_EXTENTIONS
- else:
- edf_extensions = edfimage.DEFAULT_EXTENSIONS
- use_edf_reader = ext in edf_extensions
- elif first_image is not None:
- use_edf_reader = isinstance(first_image, fabio.edfimage.EdfImage)
- else:
- assert(False)
- if use_edf_reader:
- reader = EdfFabioReader(file_name, fabio_image, file_series)
- else:
- reader = FabioReader(file_name, fabio_image, file_series)
- return reader
- def close(self):
- """Close the object, and free up associated resources.
- After calling this method, attempts to use the object (and children)
- may fail.
- """
- self.__fabio_reader.close()
- self.__fabio_reader = None