path: root/silx/io/
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Diffstat (limited to 'silx/io/')
1 files changed, 39 insertions, 262 deletions
diff --git a/silx/io/ b/silx/io/
index 53988f2..fb3b739 100644
--- a/silx/io/
+++ b/silx/io/
@@ -21,284 +21,61 @@
# ############################################################################*/
-"""This module provides functions to convert a SpecFile into a HDF5 file.
+"""Deprecated module. Use :mod:`convert` instead."""
-Read the documentation of :mod:`` for information on the
-structure of the output HDF5 files.
+from .convert import Hdf5Writer
+from .convert import write_to_h5
+from .convert import convert as other_convert
-Strings are written to the HDF5 datasets as fixed-length ASCII (NumPy *S* type).
-This is done in order to produce files that have maximum compatibility with
-other HDF5 libraries, as recommended in the
-`h5py documentation <>`_.
+from silx.utils import deprecation
-If you read the files back with *h5py* in Python 3, you will recover strings
-as bytes, which you should decode to transform them into python strings::
+ name="",
+ since_version="0.6",
+ replacement="")
- >>> import h5py
- >>> f = h5py.File("myfile.h5")
- >>> f["/1.1/instrument/specfile/scan_header"][0]
- b'#S 94 ascan del -0.5 0.5 20 1'
- >>> f["/1.1/instrument/specfile/scan_header"][0].decode()
- '#S 94 ascan del -0.5 0.5 20 1'
-Arrays of strings, such as file and scan headers, are stored as fixed-length
-strings. The length of all strings in an array is equal to the length of the
-longest string. Shorter strings are right-padded with blank spaces.
-.. note:: This module has a dependency on the `h5py <>`_
- library, which is not a mandatory dependency for `silx`. You might need
- to install it if you don't already have it.
-import numpy
-import logging
-_logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
- import h5py
-except ImportError as e:
- _logger.error("Module " + __name__ + " requires h5py")
- raise e
-from .spech5 import SpecH5, SpecH5Group, SpecH5Dataset, \
- SpecH5LinkToGroup, SpecH5LinkToDataset
-__authors__ = ["P. Knobel"]
-__license__ = "MIT"
-__date__ = "07/02/2017"
-def _create_link(h5f, link_name, target_name,
- link_type="hard", overwrite_data=False):
- """Create a link in a HDF5 file
- If member with name ``link_name`` already exists, delete it first or
- ignore link depending on global param ``overwrite_data``.
- :param h5f: :class:`h5py.File` object
- :param link_name: Link path
- :param target_name: Handle for target group or dataset
- :param str link_type: "hard" (default) or "soft"
- :param bool overwrite_data: If True, delete existing member (group,
- dataset or link) with the same name. Default is False.
- """
- if link_name not in h5f:
- _logger.debug("Creating link " + link_name + " -> " + target_name)
- elif overwrite_data:
- _logger.warn("Overwriting " + link_name + " with link to" +
- target_name)
- del h5f[link_name]
- else:
- _logger.warn(link_name + " already exist. Can't create link to " +
- target_name)
- return None
- if link_type == "hard":
- h5f[link_name] = h5f[target_name]
- elif link_type == "soft":
- h5f[link_name] = h5py.SoftLink(target_name)
- else:
- raise ValueError("link_type must be 'hard' or 'soft'")
-class SpecToHdf5Writer(object):
- """Converter class to write a Spec file to a HDF5 file."""
- def __init__(self,
- h5path='/',
- overwrite_data=False,
- link_type="hard",
- create_dataset_args=None):
- """
- :param h5path: Target path where the scan groups will be written
- in the output HDF5 file.
- :param bool overwrite_data:
- See documentation of :func:`write_spec_to_h5`
- :param str link_type: ``"hard"`` (default) or ``"soft"``
- :param dict create_dataset_args: Dictionary of args you want to pass to
- ``h5py.File.create_dataset``.
- See documentation of :func:`write_spec_to_h5`
- """
- self.h5path = h5path
- self._h5f = None
- """SpecH5 object, assigned in :meth:`write`"""
- if create_dataset_args is None:
- create_dataset_args = {}
- self.create_dataset_args = create_dataset_args
- self.overwrite_data = overwrite_data # boolean
- self.link_type = link_type
- """'soft' or 'hard' """
- self._links = []
- """List of *(link_path, target_path)* tuples."""
- def _filter_links(self):
- """Remove all links that are part of the subtree whose
- root is a link to a group."""
- filtered_links = []
- for i, link in enumerate(self._links):
- link_is_valid = True
- link_path, target_path = link
- other_links = self._links[:i] + self._links[i+1:]
- for link_path2, target_path2 in other_links:
- if link_path.startswith(link_path2):
- # parent group is a link to a group
- link_is_valid = False
- break
- if link_is_valid:
- filtered_links.append(link)
- self._links = filtered_links
+class SpecToHdf5Writer(Hdf5Writer):
+ def __init__(self, h5path='/', overwrite_data=False,
+ link_type="hard", create_dataset_args=None):
+ deprecation.deprecated_warning(
+ type_="Class",
+ name="SpecToHdf5Writer",
+ since_version="0.6",
+ replacement="")
+ Hdf5Writer.__init__(self, h5path, overwrite_data,
+ link_type, create_dataset_args)
+ # methods whose signatures changed
def write(self, sfh5, h5f):
- """Do the conversion from :attr:`sfh5` (Spec file) to *h5f* (HDF5)
- All the parameters needed for the conversion have been initialized
- in the constructor.
- :param sfh5: :class:`SpecH5` object
- :param h5f: :class:`h5py.File` instance
- """
- # Recurse through all groups and datasets to add them to the HDF5
- sfh5 = sfh5
- self._h5f = h5f
- sfh5.visititems(self.append_spec_member_to_h5, follow_links=True)
- # Handle the attributes of the root group
- root_grp = h5f[self.h5path]
- for key in sfh5.attrs:
- if self.overwrite_data or key not in root_grp.attrs:
- root_grp.attrs.create(key,
- numpy.string_(sfh5.attrs[key]))
- # Handle links at the end, when their targets are created
- self._filter_links()
- for link_name, target_name in self._links:
- _create_link(self._h5f, link_name, target_name,
- link_type=self.link_type,
- overwrite_data=self.overwrite_data)
+ Hdf5Writer.write(self, infile=sfh5, h5f=h5f)
def append_spec_member_to_h5(self, spec_h5_name, obj):
- """Add one group or one dataset to :attr:`h5f`"""
- h5_name = self.h5path + spec_h5_name.lstrip("/")
- if isinstance(obj, SpecH5LinkToGroup) or\
- isinstance(obj, SpecH5LinkToDataset):
- # links to be created after all groups and datasets
- h5_target = self.h5path +"/")
- self._links.append((h5_name, h5_target))
- elif isinstance(obj, SpecH5Dataset):
- _logger.debug("Saving dataset: " + h5_name)
- member_initially_exists = h5_name in self._h5f
- if self.overwrite_data and member_initially_exists:
- _logger.warn("Overwriting dataset: " + h5_name)
- del self._h5f[h5_name]
- if self.overwrite_data or not member_initially_exists:
- # fancy arguments don't apply to scalars (shape==())
- if obj.shape == ():
- ds = self._h5f.create_dataset(h5_name, data=obj.value)
- else:
- ds = self._h5f.create_dataset(h5_name, data=obj.value,
- **self.create_dataset_args)
- # add HDF5 attributes
- for key in obj.attrs:
- if self.overwrite_data or key not in ds.attrs:
- ds.attrs.create(key, numpy.string_(obj.attrs[key]))
- if not self.overwrite_data and member_initially_exists:
- _logger.warn("Ignoring existing dataset: " + h5_name)
- elif isinstance(obj, SpecH5Group):
- if h5_name not in self._h5f:
- _logger.debug("Creating group: " + h5_name)
- grp = self._h5f.create_group(h5_name)
- else:
- grp = self._h5f[h5_name]
- # add HDF5 attributes
- for key in obj.attrs:
- if self.overwrite_data or key not in grp.attrs:
- grp.attrs.create(key, numpy.string_(obj.attrs[key]))
+ Hdf5Writer.append_member_to_h5(self,
+ h5like_name=spec_h5_name,
+ obj=obj)
+ since_version="0.6")
def write_spec_to_h5(specfile, h5file, h5path='/',
mode="a", overwrite_data=False,
link_type="hard", create_dataset_args=None):
- """Write content of a SpecFile in a HDF5 file.
- :param specfile: Path of input SpecFile or :class:`SpecH5` object
- :param h5file: Path of output HDF5 file or HDF5 file handle
- (`h5py.File` object)
- :param h5path: Target path in HDF5 file in which scan groups are created.
- Default is root (``"/"``)
- :param mode: Can be ``"r+"`` (read/write, file must exist),
- ``"w"`` (write, existing file is lost), ``"w-"`` (write, fail
- if exists) or ``"a"`` (read/write if exists, create otherwise).
- This parameter is ignored if ``h5file`` is a file handle.
- :param overwrite_data: If ``True``, existing groups and datasets can be
- overwritten, if ``False`` they are skipped. This parameter is only
- relevant if ``file_mode`` is ``"r+"`` or ``"a"``.
- :param link_type: ``"hard"`` (default) or ``"soft"``
- :param create_dataset_args: Dictionary of args you want to pass to
- ``h5py.File.create_dataset``. This allows you to specify filters and
- compression parameters. Don't specify ``name`` and ``data``.
- These arguments don't apply to scalar datasets.
- The structure of the spec data in an HDF5 file is described in the
- documentation of :mod:``.
- """
- if not isinstance(specfile, SpecH5):
- sfh5 = SpecH5(specfile)
- else:
- sfh5 = specfile
- if not h5path.endswith("/"):
- h5path += "/"
- writer = SpecToHdf5Writer(h5path=h5path,
- overwrite_data=overwrite_data,
- link_type=link_type,
- create_dataset_args=create_dataset_args)
- if not isinstance(h5file, h5py.File):
- # If h5file is a file path, open and close it
- with h5py.File(h5file, mode) as h5f:
- writer.write(sfh5, h5f)
- else:
- writer.write(sfh5, h5file)
+ write_to_h5(infile=specfile,
+ h5file=h5file,
+ h5path=h5path,
+ mode=mode,
+ overwrite_data=overwrite_data,
+ link_type=link_type,
+ create_dataset_args=create_dataset_args)
+ since_version="0.6")
def convert(specfile, h5file, mode="w-",
- """Convert a SpecFile into an HDF5 file, write scans into the root (``/``)
- group.
- :param specfile: Path of input SpecFile or :class:`SpecH5` object
- :param h5file: Path of output HDF5 file, or h5py.File object
- :param mode: Can be ``"w"`` (write, existing file is
- lost), ``"w-"`` (write, fail if exists). This is ignored
- if ``h5file`` is a file handle.
- :param create_dataset_args: Dictionary of args you want to pass to
- ``h5py.File.create_dataset``. This allows you to specify filters and
- compression parameters. Don't specify ``name`` and ``data``.
- This is a convenience shortcut to call::
- write_spec_to_h5(specfile, h5file, h5path='/',
- mode="w-", link_type="hard")
- """
- if mode not in ["w", "w-"]:
- raise IOError("File mode must be 'w' or 'w-'. Use write_spec_to_h5" +
- " to append Spec data to an existing HDF5 file.")
- write_spec_to_h5(specfile, h5file, h5path='/', mode=mode,
- create_dataset_args=create_dataset_args)
+ other_convert(infile=specfile,
+ h5file=h5file,
+ mode=mode,
+ create_dataset_args=create_dataset_args)