path: root/silx/io/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'silx/io/')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 1142 deletions
diff --git a/silx/io/ b/silx/io/
deleted file mode 100644
index 12e9a7e..0000000
--- a/silx/io/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1142 +0,0 @@
-# coding: utf-8
-# /*##########################################################################
-# Copyright (C) 2016-2020 European Synchrotron Radiation Facility
-# Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
-# of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
-# in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
-# to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
-# copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
-# furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
-# The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
-# all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
-# ############################################################################*/
-""" I/O utility functions"""
-__authors__ = ["P. Knobel", "V. Valls"]
-__license__ = "MIT"
-__date__ = "03/12/2020"
-import enum
-import os.path
-import sys
-import time
-import logging
-import collections
-import numpy
-import six
-from silx.utils.proxy import Proxy
-from .._version import calc_hexversion
-import h5py
-import h5py.h5t
-import h5py.h5a
- import h5pyd
-except ImportError as e:
- h5pyd = None
-logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
-NEXUS_HDF5_EXT = [".h5", ".nx5", ".nxs", ".hdf", ".hdf5", ".cxi"]
-"""List of possible extensions for HDF5 file formats."""
-class H5Type(enum.Enum):
- """Identify a set of HDF5 concepts"""
- GROUP = 2
- FILE = 3
-"""Store mapping between classes and types"""
-string_types = (basestring,) if sys.version_info[0] == 2 else (str,) # noqa
-builtin_open = open
-def supported_extensions(flat_formats=True):
- """Returns the list file extensions supported by ``.
- The result filter out formats when the expected module is not available.
- :param bool flat_formats: If true, also include flat formats like npy or
- edf (while the expected module is available)
- :returns: A dictionary indexed by file description and containing a set of
- extensions (an extension is a string like "\\*.ext").
- :rtype: Dict[str, Set[str]]
- """
- formats = collections.OrderedDict()
- formats["HDF5 files"] = set(["*.h5", "*.hdf", "*.hdf5"])
- formats["NeXus files"] = set(["*.nx", "*.nxs", "*.h5", "*.hdf", "*.hdf5"])
- formats["NeXus layout from spec files"] = set(["*.dat", "*.spec", "*.mca"])
- if flat_formats:
- try:
- from import fabioh5
- except ImportError:
- fabioh5 = None
- if fabioh5 is not None:
- formats["NeXus layout from fabio files"] = set(fabioh5.supported_extensions())
- extensions = ["*.npz"]
- if flat_formats:
- extensions.append("*.npy")
- formats["Numpy binary files"] = set(extensions)
- formats["Coherent X-Ray Imaging files"] = set(["*.cxi"])
- return formats
-def save1D(fname, x, y, xlabel=None, ylabels=None, filetype=None,
- fmt="%.7g", csvdelim=";", newline="\n", header="",
- footer="", comments="#", autoheader=False):
- """Saves any number of curves to various formats: `Specfile`, `CSV`,
- `txt` or `npy`. All curves must have the same number of points and share
- the same ``x`` values.
- :param fname: Output file path, or file handle open in write mode.
- If ``fname`` is a path, file is opened in ``w`` mode. Existing file
- with a same name will be overwritten.
- :param x: 1D-Array (or list) of abscissa values.
- :param y: 2D-array (or list of lists) of ordinates values. First index
- is the curve index, second index is the sample index. The length
- of the second dimension (number of samples) must be equal to
- ``len(x)``. ``y`` can be a 1D-array in case there is only one curve
- to be saved.
- :param filetype: Filetype: ``"spec", "csv", "txt", "ndarray"``.
- If ``None``, filetype is detected from file name extension
- (``.dat, .csv, .txt, .npy``).
- :param xlabel: Abscissa label
- :param ylabels: List of `y` labels
- :param fmt: Format string for data. You can specify a short format
- string that defines a single format for both ``x`` and ``y`` values,
- or a list of two different format strings (e.g. ``["%d", "%.7g"]``).
- Default is ``"%.7g"``.
- This parameter does not apply to the `npy` format.
- :param csvdelim: String or character separating columns in `txt` and
- `CSV` formats. The user is responsible for ensuring that this
- delimiter is not used in data labels when writing a `CSV` file.
- :param newline: String or character separating lines/records in `txt`
- format (default is line break character ``\\n``).
- :param header: String that will be written at the beginning of the file in
- `txt` format.
- :param footer: String that will be written at the end of the file in `txt`
- format.
- :param comments: String that will be prepended to the ``header`` and
- ``footer`` strings, to mark them as comments. Default: ``#``.
- :param autoheader: In `CSV` or `txt`, ``True`` causes the first header
- line to be written as a standard CSV header line with column labels
- separated by the specified CSV delimiter.
- When saving to Specfile format, each curve is saved as a separate scan
- with two data columns (``x`` and ``y``).
- `CSV` and `txt` formats are similar, except that the `txt` format allows
- user defined header and footer text blocks, whereas the `CSV` format has
- only a single header line with columns labels separated by field
- delimiters and no footer. The `txt` format also allows defining a record
- separator different from a line break.
- The `npy` format is written with ```` and can be read back with
- ``numpy.load``. If ``xlabel`` and ``ylabels`` are undefined, data is saved
- as a regular 2D ``numpy.ndarray`` (contatenation of ``x`` and ``y``). If
- both ``xlabel`` and ``ylabels`` are defined, the data is saved as a
- ``numpy.recarray`` after being transposed and having labels assigned to
- columns.
- """
- available_formats = ["spec", "csv", "txt", "ndarray"]
- if filetype is None:
- exttypes = {".dat": "spec",
- ".csv": "csv",
- ".txt": "txt",
- ".npy": "ndarray"}
- outfname = (fname if not hasattr(fname, "name") else
- fileext = os.path.splitext(outfname)[1]
- if fileext in exttypes:
- filetype = exttypes[fileext]
- else:
- raise IOError("File type unspecified and could not be " +
- "inferred from file extension (not in " +
- "txt, dat, csv, npy)")
- else:
- filetype = filetype.lower()
- if filetype not in available_formats:
- raise IOError("File type %s is not supported" % (filetype))
- # default column headers
- if xlabel is None:
- xlabel = "x"
- if ylabels is None:
- if numpy.array(y).ndim > 1:
- ylabels = ["y%d" % i for i in range(len(y))]
- else:
- ylabels = ["y"]
- elif isinstance(ylabels, (list, tuple)):
- # if ylabels is provided as a list, every element must
- # be a string
- ylabels = [ylabel if isinstance(ylabel, string_types) else "y%d" % i
- for ylabel in ylabels]
- if filetype.lower() == "spec":
- # Check if we have regular data:
- ref = len(x)
- regular = True
- for one_y in y:
- regular &= len(one_y) == ref
- if regular:
- if isinstance(fmt, (list, tuple)) and len(fmt) < (len(ylabels) + 1):
- fmt = fmt + [fmt[-1] * (1 + len(ylabels) - len(fmt))]
- specf = savespec(fname, x, y, xlabel, ylabels, fmt=fmt,
- scan_number=1, mode="w", write_file_header=True,
- close_file=False)
- else:
- y_array = numpy.asarray(y)
- # make sure y_array is a 2D array even for a single curve
- if y_array.ndim == 1:
- y_array.shape = 1, -1
- elif y_array.ndim not in [1, 2]:
- raise IndexError("y must be a 1D or 2D array")
- # First curve
- specf = savespec(fname, x, y_array[0], xlabel, ylabels[0], fmt=fmt,
- scan_number=1, mode="w", write_file_header=True,
- close_file=False)
- # Other curves
- for i in range(1, y_array.shape[0]):
- specf = savespec(specf, x, y_array[i], xlabel, ylabels[i],
- fmt=fmt, scan_number=i + 1, mode="w",
- write_file_header=False, close_file=False)
- # close file if we created it
- if not hasattr(fname, "write"):
- specf.close()
- else:
- autoheader_line = xlabel + csvdelim + csvdelim.join(ylabels)
- if xlabel is not None and ylabels is not None and filetype == "csv":
- # csv format: optional single header line with labels, no footer
- if autoheader:
- header = autoheader_line + newline
- else:
- header = ""
- comments = ""
- footer = ""
- newline = "\n"
- elif filetype == "txt" and autoheader:
- # Comments string is added at the beginning of header string in
- # savetxt(). We add another one after the first header line and
- # before the rest of the header.
- if header:
- header = autoheader_line + newline + comments + header
- else:
- header = autoheader_line + newline
- # Concatenate x and y in a single 2D array
- X = numpy.vstack((x, y))
- if filetype.lower() in ["csv", "txt"]:
- X = X.transpose()
- savetxt(fname, X, fmt=fmt, delimiter=csvdelim,
- newline=newline, header=header, footer=footer,
- comments=comments)
- elif filetype.lower() == "ndarray":
- if xlabel is not None and ylabels is not None:
- labels = [xlabel] + ylabels
- # .transpose is needed here because recarray labels
- # apply to columns
- X = numpy.core.records.fromrecords(X.transpose(),
- names=labels)
-, X)
-# Replace with numpy.savetxt when dropping support of numpy < 1.7.0
-def savetxt(fname, X, fmt="%.7g", delimiter=";", newline="\n",
- header="", footer="", comments="#"):
- """``numpy.savetxt`` backport of header and footer arguments from
- numpy=1.7.0.
- See ``numpy.savetxt`` help:
- """
- if not hasattr(fname, "name"):
- ffile = builtin_open(fname, 'wb')
- else:
- ffile = fname
- if header:
- if sys.version_info[0] >= 3:
- header = header.encode("utf-8")
- ffile.write(header)
- numpy.savetxt(ffile, X, fmt, delimiter, newline)
- if footer:
- footer = (comments + footer.replace(newline, newline + comments) +
- newline)
- if sys.version_info[0] >= 3:
- footer = footer.encode("utf-8")
- ffile.write(footer)
- if not hasattr(fname, "name"):
- ffile.close()
-def savespec(specfile, x, y, xlabel="X", ylabel="Y", fmt="%.7g",
- scan_number=1, mode="w", write_file_header=True,
- close_file=False):
- """Saves one curve to a SpecFile.
- The curve is saved as a scan with two data columns. To save multiple
- curves to a single SpecFile, call this function for each curve by
- providing the same file handle each time.
- :param specfile: Output SpecFile name, or file handle open in write
- or append mode. If a file name is provided, a new file is open in
- write mode (existing file with the same name will be lost)
- :param x: 1D-Array (or list) of abscissa values
- :param y: 1D-array (or list), or list of them of ordinates values.
- All dataset must have the same length as x
- :param xlabel: Abscissa label (default ``"X"``)
- :param ylabel: Ordinate label, may be a list of labels when multiple curves
- are to be saved together.
- :param fmt: Format string for data. You can specify a short format
- string that defines a single format for both ``x`` and ``y`` values,
- or a list of two different format strings (e.g. ``["%d", "%.7g"]``).
- Default is ``"%.7g"``.
- :param scan_number: Scan number (default 1).
- :param mode: Mode for opening file: ``w`` (default), ``a``, ``r+``,
- ``w+``, ``a+``. This parameter is only relevant if ``specfile`` is a
- path.
- :param write_file_header: If ``True``, write a file header before writing
- the scan (``#F`` and ``#D`` line).
- :param close_file: If ``True``, close the file after saving curve.
- :return: ``None`` if ``close_file`` is ``True``, else return the file
- handle.
- """
- # Make sure we use binary mode for write
- # (issue with windows: write() replaces \n with os.linesep in text mode)
- if "b" not in mode:
- first_letter = mode[0]
- assert first_letter in "rwa"
- mode = mode.replace(first_letter, first_letter + "b")
- x_array = numpy.asarray(x)
- y_array = numpy.asarray(y)
- if y_array.ndim > 2:
- raise IndexError("Y columns must have be packed as 1D")
- if y_array.shape[-1] != x_array.shape[0]:
- raise IndexError("X and Y columns must have the same length")
- if y_array.ndim == 2:
- assert isinstance(ylabel, (list, tuple))
- assert y_array.shape[0] == len(ylabel)
- labels = (xlabel, *ylabel)
- else:
- labels = (xlabel, ylabel)
- data = numpy.vstack((x_array, y_array))
- ncol = data.shape[0]
- assert len(labels) == ncol
- print(xlabel, ylabel, fmt, ncol, x_array, y_array)
- if isinstance(fmt, string_types) and fmt.count("%") == 1:
- full_fmt_string = " ".join([fmt] * ncol)
- elif isinstance(fmt, (list, tuple)) and len(fmt) == ncol:
- full_fmt_string = " ".join(fmt)
- else:
- raise ValueError("`fmt` must be a single format string or a list of " +
- "format strings with as many format as ncolumns")
- if not hasattr(specfile, "write"):
- f = builtin_open(specfile, mode)
- else:
- f = specfile
- current_date = "#D %s" % (time.ctime(time.time()))
- if write_file_header:
- lines = [ "#F %s" %, current_date, ""]
- else:
- lines = [""]
- lines += [ "#S %d %s" % (scan_number, labels[1]),
- current_date,
- "#N %d" % ncol,
- "#L " + " ".join(labels)]
- for i in data.T:
- lines.append(full_fmt_string % tuple(i))
- lines.append("")
- output = "\n".join(lines)
- f.write(output.encode())
- if close_file:
- f.close()
- return None
- return f
-def h5ls(h5group, lvl=0):
- """Return a simple string representation of a HDF5 tree structure.
- :param h5group: Any :class:`h5py.Group` or :class:`h5py.File` instance,
- or a HDF5 file name
- :param lvl: Number of tabulations added to the group. ``lvl`` is
- incremented as we recursively process sub-groups.
- :return: String representation of an HDF5 tree structure
- Group names and dataset representation are printed preceded by a number of
- tabulations corresponding to their depth in the tree structure.
- Datasets are represented as :class:`h5py.Dataset` objects.
- Example::
- >>> print(h5ls("Downloads/sample.h5"))
- +fields
- +fieldB
- <HDF5 dataset "z": shape (256, 256), type "<f4">
- +fieldE
- <HDF5 dataset "x": shape (256, 256), type "<f4">
- <HDF5 dataset "y": shape (256, 256), type "<f4">
- .. note:: This function requires `h5py <>`_ to be
- installed.
- """
- h5repr = ''
- if is_group(h5group):
- h5f = h5group
- elif isinstance(h5group, string_types):
- h5f = open(h5group) #
- else:
- raise TypeError("h5group must be a hdf5-like group object or a file name.")
- for key in h5f.keys():
- # group
- if hasattr(h5f[key], 'keys'):
- h5repr += '\t' * lvl + '+' + key
- h5repr += '\n'
- h5repr += h5ls(h5f[key], lvl + 1)
- # dataset
- else:
- h5repr += '\t' * lvl
- h5repr += str(h5f[key])
- h5repr += '\n'
- if isinstance(h5group, string_types):
- h5f.close()
- return h5repr
-def _open_local_file(filename):
- """
- Load a file as an `h5py.File`-like object.
- Format supported:
- - h5 files, if `h5py` module is installed
- - SPEC files exposed as a NeXus layout
- - raster files exposed as a NeXus layout (if `fabio` is installed)
- - Numpy files ('npy' and 'npz' files)
- The file is opened in read-only mode.
- :param str filename: A filename
- :raises: IOError if the file can't be loaded as an h5py.File like object
- :rtype: h5py.File
- """
- if not os.path.isfile(filename):
- raise IOError("Filename '%s' must be a file path" % filename)
- debugging_info = []
- try:
- _, extension = os.path.splitext(filename)
- if extension in [".npz", ".npy"]:
- try:
- from . import rawh5
- return rawh5.NumpyFile(filename)
- except (IOError, ValueError) as e:
- debugging_info.append((sys.exc_info(),
- "File '%s' can't be read as a numpy file." % filename))
- if h5py.is_hdf5(filename):
- try:
- return h5py.File(filename, "r")
- except OSError:
- return h5py.File(filename, "r", libver='latest', swmr=True)
- try:
- from . import fabioh5
- return fabioh5.File(filename)
- except ImportError:
- debugging_info.append((sys.exc_info(), "fabioh5 can't be loaded."))
- except Exception:
- debugging_info.append((sys.exc_info(),
- "File '%s' can't be read as fabio file." % filename))
- try:
- from . import spech5
- return spech5.SpecH5(filename)
- except ImportError:
- debugging_info.append((sys.exc_info(),
- "spech5 can't be loaded."))
- except IOError:
- debugging_info.append((sys.exc_info(),
- "File '%s' can't be read as spec file." % filename))
- finally:
- for exc_info, message in debugging_info:
- logger.debug(message, exc_info=exc_info)
- raise IOError("File '%s' can't be read as HDF5" % filename)
-class _MainNode(Proxy):
- """A main node is a sub node of the HDF5 tree which is responsible of the
- closure of the file.
- It is a proxy to the sub node, plus support context manager and `close`
- method usually provided by `h5py.File`.
- :param h5_node: Target to the proxy.
- :param h5_file: Main file. This object became the owner of this file.
- """
- def __init__(self, h5_node, h5_file):
- super(_MainNode, self).__init__(h5_node)
- self.__file = h5_file
- self.__class = get_h5_class(h5_node)
- @property
- def h5_class(self):
- """Returns the HDF5 class which is mimicked by this class.
- :rtype: H5Type
- """
- return self.__class
- @property
- def h5py_class(self):
- """Returns the h5py classes which is mimicked by this class. It can be
- one of `h5py.File, h5py.Group` or `h5py.Dataset`.
- :rtype: h5py class
- """
- return h5type_to_h5py_class(self.__class)
- def __enter__(self):
- return self
- def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb):
- self.close()
- def close(self):
- """Close the file"""
- self.__file.close()
- self.__file = None
-def open(filename): # pylint:disable=redefined-builtin
- """
- Open a file as an `h5py`-like object.
- Format supported:
- - h5 files, if `h5py` module is installed
- - SPEC files exposed as a NeXus layout
- - raster files exposed as a NeXus layout (if `fabio` is installed)
- - Numpy files ('npy' and 'npz' files)
- The filename can be trailled an HDF5 path using the separator `::`. In this
- case the object returned is a proxy to the target node, implementing the
- `close` function and supporting `with` context.
- The file is opened in read-only mode.
- :param str filename: A filename which can containt an HDF5 path by using
- `::` separator.
- :raises: IOError if the file can't be loaded or path can't be found
- :rtype: h5py-like node
- """
- url =
- if url.scheme() in [None, "file", "silx"]:
- # That's a local file
- if not url.is_valid():
- raise IOError("URL '%s' is not valid" % filename)
- h5_file = _open_local_file(url.file_path())
- elif url.scheme() in ["fabio"]:
- raise IOError("URL '%s' containing fabio scheme is not supported" % filename)
- else:
- # That's maybe an URL supported by h5pyd
- uri = six.moves.urllib.parse.urlparse(filename)
- if h5pyd is None:
- raise IOError("URL '%s' unsupported. Try to install h5pyd." % filename)
- path = uri.path
- endpoint = "%s://%s" % (uri.scheme, uri.netloc)
- if path.startswith("/"):
- path = path[1:]
- return h5pyd.File(path, 'r', endpoint=endpoint)
- if url.data_slice():
- raise IOError("URL '%s' containing slicing is not supported" % filename)
- if url.data_path() in [None, "/", ""]:
- # The full file is requested
- return h5_file
- else:
- # Only a children is requested
- if url.data_path() not in h5_file:
- msg = "File '%s' does not contain path '%s'." % (filename, url.data_path())
- raise IOError(msg)
- node = h5_file[url.data_path()]
- proxy = _MainNode(node, h5_file)
- return proxy
-def _get_classes_type():
- """Returns a mapping between Python classes and HDF5 concepts.
- This function allow an lazy initialization to avoid recurssive import
- of modules.
- """
- global _CLASSES_TYPE
- from . import commonh5
- if _CLASSES_TYPE is not None:
- return _CLASSES_TYPE
- _CLASSES_TYPE = collections.OrderedDict()
- _CLASSES_TYPE[commonh5.Dataset] = H5Type.DATASET
- _CLASSES_TYPE[commonh5.File] = H5Type.FILE
- _CLASSES_TYPE[commonh5.Group] = H5Type.GROUP
- _CLASSES_TYPE[commonh5.SoftLink] = H5Type.SOFT_LINK
- _CLASSES_TYPE[h5py.Dataset] = H5Type.DATASET
- _CLASSES_TYPE[h5py.File] = H5Type.FILE
- _CLASSES_TYPE[h5py.Group] = H5Type.GROUP
- _CLASSES_TYPE[h5py.SoftLink] = H5Type.SOFT_LINK
- _CLASSES_TYPE[h5py.HardLink] = H5Type.HARD_LINK
- _CLASSES_TYPE[h5py.ExternalLink] = H5Type.EXTERNAL_LINK
- if h5pyd is not None:
- _CLASSES_TYPE[h5pyd.Dataset] = H5Type.DATASET
- _CLASSES_TYPE[h5pyd.File] = H5Type.FILE
- _CLASSES_TYPE[h5pyd.Group] = H5Type.GROUP
- _CLASSES_TYPE[h5pyd.SoftLink] = H5Type.SOFT_LINK
- _CLASSES_TYPE[h5pyd.HardLink] = H5Type.HARD_LINK
- _CLASSES_TYPE[h5pyd.ExternalLink] = H5Type.EXTERNAL_LINK
- return _CLASSES_TYPE
-def get_h5_class(obj=None, class_=None):
- """
- Returns the HDF5 type relative to the object or to the class.
- :param obj: Instance of an object
- :param class_: A class
- :rtype: H5Type
- """
- if class_ is None:
- class_ = obj.__class__
- classes = _get_classes_type()
- t = classes.get(class_, None)
- if t is not None:
- return t
- if obj is not None:
- if hasattr(obj, "h5_class"):
- return obj.h5_class
- for referencedClass_, type_ in classes.items():
- if issubclass(class_, referencedClass_):
- classes[class_] = type_
- return type_
- classes[class_] = None
- return None
-def h5type_to_h5py_class(type_):
- """
- Returns an h5py class from an H5Type. None if nothing found.
- :param H5Type type_:
- :rtype: H5py class
- """
- if type_ == H5Type.FILE:
- return h5py.File
- if type_ == H5Type.GROUP:
- return h5py.Group
- if type_ == H5Type.DATASET:
- return h5py.Dataset
- if type_ == H5Type.SOFT_LINK:
- return h5py.SoftLink
- if type_ == H5Type.HARD_LINK:
- return h5py.HardLink
- if type_ == H5Type.EXTERNAL_LINK:
- return h5py.ExternalLink
- return None
-def get_h5py_class(obj):
- """Returns the h5py class from an object.
- If it is an h5py object or an h5py-like object, an h5py class is returned.
- If the object is not an h5py-like object, None is returned.
- :param obj: An object
- :return: An h5py object
- """
- if hasattr(obj, "h5py_class"):
- return obj.h5py_class
- type_ = get_h5_class(obj)
- return h5type_to_h5py_class(type_)
-def is_file(obj):
- """
- True is the object is an h5py.File-like object.
- :param obj: An object
- """
- t = get_h5_class(obj)
- return t == H5Type.FILE
-def is_group(obj):
- """
- True if the object is a h5py.Group-like object. A file is a group.
- :param obj: An object
- """
- t = get_h5_class(obj)
- return t in [H5Type.GROUP, H5Type.FILE]
-def is_dataset(obj):
- """
- True if the object is a h5py.Dataset-like object.
- :param obj: An object
- """
- t = get_h5_class(obj)
- return t == H5Type.DATASET
-def is_softlink(obj):
- """
- True if the object is a h5py.SoftLink-like object.
- :param obj: An object
- """
- t = get_h5_class(obj)
- return t == H5Type.SOFT_LINK
-def is_externallink(obj):
- """
- True if the object is a h5py.ExternalLink-like object.
- :param obj: An object
- """
- t = get_h5_class(obj)
- return t == H5Type.EXTERNAL_LINK
-def is_link(obj):
- """
- True if the object is a h5py link-like object.
- :param obj: An object
- """
- t = get_h5_class(obj)
- return t in {H5Type.SOFT_LINK, H5Type.EXTERNAL_LINK}
-def get_data(url):
- """Returns a numpy data from an URL.
- Examples:
- >>> # 1st frame from an EDF using
- >>> data ="silx:/users/foo/image.edf::/scan_0/instrument/detector_0/data[0]")
- >>> # 1st frame from an EDF using fabio
- >>> data ="fabio:/users/foo/image.edf::[0]")
- Yet 2 schemes are supported by the function.
- - If `silx` scheme is used, the file is opened using
- :meth:``
- and the data is reach using usually NeXus paths.
- - If `fabio` scheme is used, the file is opened using :meth:``
- from the FabIO library.
- No data path have to be specified, but each frames can be accessed
- using the data slicing.
- This shortcut of :meth:`` allow to have a faster access to
- the data.
- .. seealso:: :class:``
- :param Union[str,]: A data URL
- :rtype: Union[numpy.ndarray, numpy.generic]
- :raises ImportError: If the mandatory library to read the file is not
- available.
- :raises ValueError: If the URL is not valid or do not match the data
- :raises IOError: If the file is not found or in case of internal error of
- :meth:`` or :meth:``. In this last case more
- informations are displayed in debug mode.
- """
- if not isinstance(url,
- url =
- if not url.is_valid():
- raise ValueError("URL '%s' is not valid" % url.path())
- if not os.path.exists(url.file_path()):
- raise IOError("File '%s' not found" % url.file_path())
- if url.scheme() == "silx":
- data_path = url.data_path()
- data_slice = url.data_slice()
- with open(url.file_path()) as h5:
- if data_path not in h5:
- raise ValueError("Data path from URL '%s' not found" % url.path())
- data = h5[data_path]
- if not
- raise ValueError("Data path from URL '%s' is not a dataset" % url.path())
- if data_slice is not None:
- data = h5py_read_dataset(data, index=data_slice)
- else:
- # works for scalar and array
- data = h5py_read_dataset(data)
- elif url.scheme() == "fabio":
- import fabio
- data_slice = url.data_slice()
- if data_slice is None:
- data_slice = (0,)
- if data_slice is None or len(data_slice) != 1:
- raise ValueError("Fabio slice expect a single frame, but %s found" % data_slice)
- index = data_slice[0]
- if not isinstance(index, int):
- raise ValueError("Fabio slice expect a single integer, but %s found" % data_slice)
- try:
- fabio_file =
- except Exception:
- logger.debug("Error while opening %s with fabio", url.file_path(), exc_info=True)
- raise IOError("Error while opening %s with fabio (use debug for more information)" % url.path())
- if fabio_file.nframes == 1:
- if index != 0:
- raise ValueError("Only a single frame available. Slice %s out of range" % index)
- data =
- else:
- data = fabio_file.getframe(index).data
- # There is no explicit close
- fabio_file = None
- else:
- raise ValueError("Scheme '%s' not supported" % url.scheme())
- return data
-def rawfile_to_h5_external_dataset(bin_file, output_url, shape, dtype,
- overwrite=False):
- """
- Create a HDF5 dataset at `output_url` pointing to the given vol_file.
- Either `shape` or `info_file` must be provided.
- :param str bin_file: Path to the .vol file
- :param DataUrl output_url: HDF5 URL where to save the external dataset
- :param tuple shape: Shape of the volume
- :param numpy.dtype dtype: Data type of the volume elements (default: float32)
- :param bool overwrite: True to allow overwriting (default: False).
- """
- assert isinstance(output_url,
- assert isinstance(shape, (tuple, list))
- v_majeur, v_mineur, v_micro = [int(i) for i in h5py.version.version.split('.')[:3]]
- if calc_hexversion(v_majeur, v_mineur, v_micro)< calc_hexversion(2,9,0):
- raise Exception('h5py >= 2.9 should be installed to access the '
- 'external feature.')
- with h5py.File(output_url.file_path(), mode="a") as _h5_file:
- if output_url.data_path() in _h5_file:
- if overwrite is False:
- raise ValueError('data_path already exists')
- else:
- logger.warning('will overwrite path %s' % output_url.data_path())
- del _h5_file[output_url.data_path()]
- external = [(bin_file, 0, h5py.h5f.UNLIMITED)]
- _h5_file.create_dataset(output_url.data_path(),
- shape,
- dtype=dtype,
- external=external)
-def vol_to_h5_external_dataset(vol_file, output_url, info_file=None,
- vol_dtype=numpy.float32, overwrite=False):
- """
- Create a HDF5 dataset at `output_url` pointing to the given vol_file.
- If the containing the shape is not on the same folder as the
- vol-file then you should specify her location.
- :param str vol_file: Path to the .vol file
- :param DataUrl output_url: HDF5 URL where to save the external dataset
- :param Union[str,None] info_file:
- file name written by pyhst and containing the shape information
- :param numpy.dtype vol_dtype: Data type of the volume elements (default: float32)
- :param bool overwrite: True to allow overwriting (default: False).
- :raises ValueError: If fails to read shape from the file
- """
- _info_file = info_file
- if _info_file is None:
- _info_file = vol_file + '.info'
- if not os.path.exists(_info_file):
- logger.error('info_file not given and %s does not exists, please'
- 'specify file' % _info_file)
- return
- def info_file_to_dict():
- ddict = {}
- with builtin_open(info_file, "r") as _file:
- lines = _file.readlines()
- for line in lines:
- if not '=' in line:
- continue
- l = line.rstrip().replace(' ', '')
- l = l.split('#')[0]
- key, value = l.split('=')
- ddict[key.lower()] = value
- return ddict
- ddict = info_file_to_dict()
- if 'num_x' not in ddict or 'num_y' not in ddict or 'num_z' not in ddict:
- raise ValueError(
- 'Unable to retrieve volume shape from %s' % info_file)
- dimX = int(ddict['num_x'])
- dimY = int(ddict['num_y'])
- dimZ = int(ddict['num_z'])
- shape = (dimZ, dimY, dimX)
- return rawfile_to_h5_external_dataset(bin_file=vol_file,
- output_url=output_url,
- shape=shape,
- dtype=vol_dtype,
- overwrite=overwrite)
-def h5py_decode_value(value, encoding="utf-8", errors="surrogateescape"):
- """Keep bytes when value cannot be decoded
- :param value: bytes or array of bytes
- :param encoding str:
- :param errors str:
- """
- try:
- if numpy.isscalar(value):
- return value.decode(encoding, errors=errors)
- str_item = [b.decode(encoding, errors=errors) for b in value.flat]
- return numpy.array(str_item, dtype=object).reshape(value.shape)
- except UnicodeDecodeError:
- return value
-def h5py_encode_value(value, encoding="utf-8", errors="surrogateescape"):
- """Keep string when value cannot be encoding
- :param value: string or array of strings
- :param encoding str:
- :param errors str:
- """
- try:
- if numpy.isscalar(value):
- return value.encode(encoding, errors=errors)
- bytes_item = [s.encode(encoding, errors=errors) for s in value.flat]
- return numpy.array(bytes_item, dtype=object).reshape(value.shape)
- except UnicodeEncodeError:
- return value
-class H5pyDatasetReadWrapper:
- """Wrapper to handle H5T_STRING decoding on-the-fly when reading
- a dataset. Uniform behaviour for h5py 2.x and h5py 3.x
- h5py abuses H5T_STRING with ASCII character set
- to store `bytes`: dset[()] = b"..."
- Therefore an H5T_STRING with ASCII encoding is not decoded by default.
- """
- H5PY_AUTODECODE_NONASCII = int(h5py.version.version.split(".")[0]) < 3
- def __init__(self, dset, decode_ascii=False):
- """
- :param h5py.Dataset dset:
- :param bool decode_ascii:
- """
- try:
- string_info = h5py.h5t.check_string_dtype(dset.dtype)
- except AttributeError:
- # h5py < 2.10
- try:
- idx =
- except AttributeError:
- # Not an H5T_STRING
- encoding = None
- else:
- encoding = ["ascii", "utf-8"][idx]
- else:
- # h5py >= 2.10
- try:
- encoding = string_info.encoding
- except AttributeError:
- # Not an H5T_STRING
- encoding = None
- if encoding == "ascii" and not decode_ascii:
- encoding = None
- if encoding != "ascii" and self.H5PY_AUTODECODE_NONASCII:
- # Decoding is already done by the h5py library
- encoding = None
- if encoding == "ascii":
- # ASCII can be decoded as UTF-8
- encoding = "utf-8"
- self._encoding = encoding
- self._dset = dset
- def __getitem__(self, args):
- value = self._dset[args]
- if self._encoding:
- return h5py_decode_value(value, encoding=self._encoding)
- else:
- return value
-class H5pyAttributesReadWrapper:
- """Wrapper to handle H5T_STRING decoding on-the-fly when reading
- an attribute. Uniform behaviour for h5py 2.x and h5py 3.x
- h5py abuses H5T_STRING with ASCII character set
- to store `bytes`: dset[()] = b"..."
- Therefore an H5T_STRING with ASCII encoding is not decoded by default.
- """
- H5PY_AUTODECODE = int(h5py.version.version.split(".")[0]) >= 3
- def __init__(self, attrs, decode_ascii=False):
- """
- :param h5py.Dataset dset:
- :param bool decode_ascii:
- """
- self._attrs = attrs
- self._decode_ascii = decode_ascii
- def __getitem__(self, args):
- value = self._attrs[args]
- # Get the string encoding (if a string)
- try:
- dtype = self._attrs.get_id(args).dtype
- except AttributeError:
- # h5py < 2.10
- attr_id =, self._attrs._e(args))
- try:
- idx = attr_id.get_type().get_cset()
- except AttributeError:
- # Not an H5T_STRING
- return value
- else:
- encoding = ["ascii", "utf-8"][idx]
- else:
- # h5py >= 2.10
- try:
- encoding = h5py.h5t.check_string_dtype(dtype).encoding
- except AttributeError:
- # Not an H5T_STRING
- return value
- if self.H5PY_AUTODECODE:
- if encoding == "ascii" and not self._decode_ascii:
- # Undo decoding by the h5py library
- return h5py_encode_value(value, encoding="utf-8")
- else:
- if encoding == "ascii" and self._decode_ascii:
- # Decode ASCII as UTF-8 for consistency
- return h5py_decode_value(value, encoding="utf-8")
- # Decoding is already done by the h5py library
- return value
- def items(self):
- for k in self._attrs.keys():
- yield k, self[k]
-def h5py_read_dataset(dset, index=tuple(), decode_ascii=False):
- """Read data from dataset object. UTF-8 strings will be
- decoded while ASCII strings will only be decoded when
- `decode_ascii=True`.
- :param h5py.Dataset dset:
- :param index: slicing (all by default)
- :param bool decode_ascii:
- """
- return H5pyDatasetReadWrapper(dset, decode_ascii=decode_ascii)[index]
-def h5py_read_attribute(attrs, name, decode_ascii=False):
- """Read data from attributes. UTF-8 strings will be
- decoded while ASCII strings will only be decoded when
- `decode_ascii=True`.
- :param h5py.AttributeManager attrs:
- :param str name: attribute name
- :param bool decode_ascii:
- """
- return H5pyAttributesReadWrapper(attrs, decode_ascii=decode_ascii)[name]
-def h5py_read_attributes(attrs, decode_ascii=False):
- """Read data from attributes. UTF-8 strings will be
- decoded while ASCII strings will only be decoded when
- `decode_ascii=True`.
- :param h5py.AttributeManager attrs:
- :param bool decode_ascii:
- """
- return dict(H5pyAttributesReadWrapper(attrs, decode_ascii=decode_ascii).items())