path: root/silx/sx/
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Diffstat (limited to 'silx/sx/')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 626 deletions
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index 1da44ab..0000000
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-# coding: utf-8
-# /*##########################################################################
-# Copyright (c) 2016-2019 European Synchrotron Radiation Facility
-# Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
-# of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
-# in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
-# to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
-# copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
-# furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
-# The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
-# all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
-# ###########################################################################*/
-"""This module adds convenient functions to use plot widgets from the console.
-__authors__ = ["T. Vincent"]
-__license__ = "MIT"
-__date__ = "06/11/2018"
-import collections
- from collections import abc
-except ImportError: # Python2 support
- import collections as abc
-import logging
-import weakref
-import numpy
-import six
-from ..utils.weakref import WeakList
-from ..gui import qt
-from ..gui.plot import Plot1D, Plot2D, ScatterView
-from ..gui import colors
-from import roi
-from ..gui.plot.items import roi as roi_items
-from import InteractiveModeToolBar
-_logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
-_plots = WeakList()
-"""List of widgets created through plot and imshow"""
-def plot(*args, **kwargs):
- """
- Plot curves in a :class:`~silx.gui.plot.PlotWindow.Plot1D` widget.
- How to use:
- >>> from silx import sx
- >>> import numpy
- Plot a single curve given some values:
- >>> values = numpy.random.random(100)
- >>> plot_1curve = sx.plot(values, title='Random data')
- Plot a single curve given the x and y values:
- >>> angles = numpy.linspace(0, numpy.pi, 100)
- >>> sin_a = numpy.sin(angles)
- >>> plot_sinus = sx.plot(angles, sin_a, xlabel='angle (radian)', ylabel='sin(a)')
- Plot many curves by giving a 2D array, provided xn, yn arrays:
- >>> plot_curves = sx.plot(x0, y0, x1, y1, x2, y2, ...)
- Plot curve with style giving a style string:
- >>> plot_styled = sx.plot(x0, y0, 'ro-', x1, y1, 'b.')
- Supported symbols:
- - 'o' circle
- - '.' point
- - ',' pixel
- - '+' cross
- - 'x' x-cross
- - 'd' diamond
- - 's' square
- Supported types of line:
- - ' ' no line
- - '-' solid line
- - '--' dashed line
- - '-.' dash-dot line
- - ':' dotted line
- If provided, the names arguments color, linestyle, linewidth and marker
- override any style provided to a curve.
- This function supports a subset of `matplotlib.pyplot.plot
- <>`_
- arguments.
- :param str color: Color to use for all curves (default: None)
- :param str linestyle: Type of line to use for all curves (default: None)
- :param float linewidth: With of all the curves (default: 1)
- :param str marker: Symbol to use for all the curves (default: None)
- :param str title: The title of the Plot widget (default: None)
- :param str xlabel: The label of the X axis (default: None)
- :param str ylabel: The label of the Y axis (default: None)
- :return: The widget plotting the curve(s)
- :rtype: silx.gui.plot.Plot1D
- """
- plt = Plot1D()
- if 'title' in kwargs:
- plt.setGraphTitle(kwargs['title'])
- if 'xlabel' in kwargs:
- plt.getXAxis().setLabel(kwargs['xlabel'])
- if 'ylabel' in kwargs:
- plt.getYAxis().setLabel(kwargs['ylabel'])
- color = kwargs.get('color')
- linestyle = kwargs.get('linestyle')
- linewidth = kwargs.get('linewidth')
- marker = kwargs.get('marker')
- # Parse args and store curves as (x, y, style string)
- args = list(args)
- curves = []
- while args:
- first_arg = args.pop(0) # Process an arg
- if len(args) == 0:
- # Last curve defined as (y,)
- curves.append((numpy.arange(len(first_arg)), first_arg, None))
- else:
- second_arg = args.pop(0)
- if isinstance(second_arg, six.string_types):
- # curve defined as (y, style)
- y = first_arg
- style = second_arg
- curves.append((numpy.arange(len(y)), y, style))
- else: # second_arg must be an array-like
- x = first_arg
- y = second_arg
- if len(args) >= 1 and isinstance(args[0], six.string_types):
- # Curve defined as (x, y, style)
- style = args.pop(0)
- curves.append((x, y, style))
- else:
- # Curve defined as (x, y)
- curves.append((x, y, None))
- for index, curve in enumerate(curves):
- x, y, style = curve
- # Default style
- curve_symbol, curve_linestyle, curve_color = None, None, None
- # Parse style
- if style:
- # Handle color first
- possible_colors = [c for c in colors.COLORDICT if style.startswith(c)]
- if possible_colors: # Take the longest string matching a color name
- curve_color = possible_colors[0]
- for c in possible_colors[1:]:
- if len(c) > len(curve_color):
- curve_color = c
- style = style[len(curve_color):]
- if style:
- # Run twice to handle inversion symbol/linestyle
- for _i in range(2):
- # Handle linestyle
- for line in (' ', '--', '-', '-.', ':'):
- if style.endswith(line):
- curve_linestyle = line
- style = style[:-len(line)]
- break
- # Handle symbol
- for curve_marker in ('o', '.', ',', '+', 'x', 'd', 's'):
- if style.endswith(curve_marker):
- curve_symbol = style[-1]
- style = style[:-1]
- break
- # As in matplotlib, marker, linestyle and color override other style
- plt.addCurve(x, y,
- legend=('curve_%d' % index),
- symbol=marker or curve_symbol,
- linestyle=linestyle or curve_linestyle,
- linewidth=linewidth,
- color=color or curve_color)
- _plots.insert(0, plt)
- return plt
-def imshow(data=None, cmap=None, norm=colors.Colormap.LINEAR,
- vmin=None, vmax=None,
- aspect=False,
- origin='upper', scale=(1., 1.),
- title='', xlabel='X', ylabel='Y'):
- """
- Plot an image in a :class:`~silx.gui.plot.PlotWindow.Plot2D` widget.
- How to use:
- >>> from silx import sx
- >>> import numpy
- >>> data = numpy.random.random(1024 * 1024).reshape(1024, 1024)
- >>> plt = sx.imshow(data, title='Random data')
- By default, the image origin is displayed in the upper left
- corner of the plot. To invert the Y axis, and place the image origin
- in the lower left corner of the plot, use the *origin* parameter:
- >>> plt = sx.imshow(data, origin='lower')
- This function supports a subset of `matplotlib.pyplot.imshow
- <>`_
- arguments.
- :param data: data to plot as an image
- :type data: numpy.ndarray-like with 2 dimensions
- :param str cmap: The name of the colormap to use for the plot. It also
- supports a numpy array containing a RGB LUT, or a `colors.Colormap`
- instance.
- :param str norm: The normalization of the colormap:
- 'linear' (default) or 'log'
- :param float vmin: The value to use for the min of the colormap
- :param float vmax: The value to use for the max of the colormap
- :param bool aspect: True to keep aspect ratio (Default: False)
- :param origin: Either image origin as the Y axis orientation:
- 'upper' (default) or 'lower'
- or the coordinates (ox, oy) of the image origin in the plot.
- :type origin: str or 2-tuple of floats
- :param scale: (sx, sy) The scale of the image in the plot
- (i.e., the size of the image's pixel in plot coordinates)
- :type scale: 2-tuple of floats
- :param str title: The title of the Plot widget
- :param str xlabel: The label of the X axis
- :param str ylabel: The label of the Y axis
- :return: The widget plotting the image
- :rtype: silx.gui.plot.Plot2D
- """
- plt = Plot2D()
- plt.setGraphTitle(title)
- plt.getXAxis().setLabel(xlabel)
- plt.getYAxis().setLabel(ylabel)
- # Update default colormap with input parameters
- colormap = plt.getDefaultColormap()
- if isinstance(cmap, colors.Colormap):
- colormap = cmap
- plt.setDefaultColormap(colormap)
- elif isinstance(cmap, numpy.ndarray):
- colormap.setColors(cmap)
- elif cmap is not None:
- colormap.setName(cmap)
- assert norm in colors.Colormap.NORMALIZATIONS
- colormap.setNormalization(norm)
- colormap.setVMin(vmin)
- colormap.setVMax(vmax)
- # Handle aspect
- if aspect in (None, False, 'auto', 'normal'):
- plt.setKeepDataAspectRatio(False)
- elif aspect in (True, 'equal') or aspect == 1:
- plt.setKeepDataAspectRatio(True)
- else:
- _logger.warning(
- 'imshow: Unhandled aspect argument: %s', str(aspect))
- # Handle matplotlib-like origin
- if origin in ('upper', 'lower'):
- plt.setYAxisInverted(origin == 'upper')
- origin = 0., 0. # Set origin to the definition of silx
- if data is not None:
- data = numpy.array(data, copy=True)
- assert data.ndim in (2, 3) # data or RGB(A)
- if data.ndim == 3:
- assert data.shape[-1] in (3, 4) # RGB(A) image
- plt.addImage(data, origin=origin, scale=scale)
- _plots.insert(0, plt)
- return plt
-def scatter(x=None, y=None, value=None, size=None,
- marker=None,
- cmap=None, norm=colors.Colormap.LINEAR,
- vmin=None, vmax=None):
- """
- Plot scattered data in a :class:`~silx.gui.plot.ScatterView` widget.
- How to use:
- >>> from silx import sx
- >>> import numpy
- >>> x = numpy.random.random(100)
- >>> y = numpy.random.random(100)
- >>> values = numpy.random.random(100)
- >>> plt = sx.scatter(x, y, values, cmap='viridis')
- Supported symbols:
- - 'o' circle
- - '.' point
- - ',' pixel
- - '+' cross
- - 'x' x-cross
- - 'd' diamond
- - 's' square
- This function supports a subset of `matplotlib.pyplot.scatter
- <>`_
- arguments.
- :param numpy.ndarray x: 1D array-like of x coordinates
- :param numpy.ndarray y: 1D array-like of y coordinates
- :param numpy.ndarray value: 1D array-like of data values
- :param float size: Size^2 of the markers
- :param str marker: Symbol used to represent the points
- :param str cmap: The name of the colormap to use for the plot
- :param str norm: The normalization of the colormap:
- 'linear' (default) or 'log'
- :param float vmin: The value to use for the min of the colormap
- :param float vmax: The value to use for the max of the colormap
- :return: The widget plotting the scatter plot
- :rtype: silx.gui.plot.ScatterView.ScatterView
- """
- plt = ScatterView()
- # Update default colormap with input parameters
- colormap = plt.getPlotWidget().getDefaultColormap()
- if cmap is not None:
- colormap.setName(cmap)
- assert norm in colors.Colormap.NORMALIZATIONS
- colormap.setNormalization(norm)
- colormap.setVMin(vmin)
- colormap.setVMax(vmax)
- plt.getPlotWidget().setDefaultColormap(colormap)
- if x is not None and y is not None: # Add a scatter plot
- x = numpy.array(x, copy=True).reshape(-1)
- y = numpy.array(y, copy=True).reshape(-1)
- assert len(x) == len(y)
- if value is None:
- value = numpy.ones(len(x), dtype=numpy.float32)
- elif isinstance(value, abc.Iterable):
- value = numpy.array(value, copy=True).reshape(-1)
- assert len(x) == len(value)
- else:
- value = numpy.ones(len(x), dtype=numpy.float) * value
- plt.setData(x, y, value)
- item = plt.getScatterItem()
- if marker is not None:
- item.setSymbol(marker)
- if size is not None:
- item.setSymbolSize(numpy.sqrt(size))
- plt.resetZoom()
- _plots.insert(0, plt.getPlotWidget())
- return plt
-class _GInputResult(tuple):
- """Object storing :func:`ginput` result
- :param position: Selected point coordinates in the plot (x, y)
- :param Item item: Plot item under the selected position
- :param indices: Selected indices in the data of the item.
- For a curve it is a list of indices, for an image it is (row, column)
- :param data: Value of data at selected indices.
- For a curve it is an array of values, for an image it is a single value
- """
- def __new__(cls, position, item, indices, data):
- return super(_GInputResult, cls).__new__(cls, position)
- def __init__(self, position, item, indices, data):
- self._itemRef = weakref.ref(item) if item is not None else None
- self._indices = numpy.array(indices, copy=True)
- if isinstance(data, abc.Iterable):
- self._data = numpy.array(data, copy=True)
- else:
- self._data = data
- def getItem(self):
- """Returns the item at the selected position if any.
- :return: plot item under the selected postion.
- It is None if there was no item at that position or if
- it is no more in the plot.
- :rtype: silx.gui.plot.items.Item"""
- return None if self._itemRef is None else self._itemRef()
- def getIndices(self):
- """Returns indices in data array at the select position
- :return: 1D array of indices for curve and (row, column) for images
- :rtype: numpy.ndarray
- """
- return numpy.array(self._indices, copy=True)
- def getData(self):
- """Returns data value at the selected position.
- For curves, an array of (x, y) values close to the point is returned.
- For images, either a single value or a RGB(A) array is returned.
- :return: 2D array of (x, y) data values for curves (Nx2),
- a single value for data images and RGB(A) array for images.
- """
- if isinstance(self._data, numpy.ndarray):
- return numpy.array(self._data, copy=True)
- else:
- return self._data
-class _GInputHandler(roi.InteractiveRegionOfInterestManager):
- """Implements :func:`ginput`
- :param PlotWidget plot:
- :param int n: Max number of points to request
- :param float timeout: Timeout in seconds
- """
- def __init__(self, plot, n, timeout):
- super(_GInputHandler, self).__init__(plot)
- self._timeout = timeout
- self.__selections = collections.OrderedDict()
- window = plot.window() # Retrieve window containing PlotWidget
- statusBar = window.statusBar()
- self.sigMessageChanged.connect(statusBar.showMessage)
- self.setMaxRois(n)
- self.setValidationMode(self.ValidationMode.AUTO_ENTER)
- self.sigRoiAdded.connect(self.__added)
- self.sigRoiAboutToBeRemoved.connect(self.__removed)
- def exec_(self):
- """Request user inputs
- :return: List of selection points information
- """
- plot = self.parent()
- if plot is None:
- return
- window = plot.window() # Retrieve window containing PlotWidget
- # Add ROI point interactive mode action
- for toolbar in window.findChildren(qt.QToolBar):
- if isinstance(toolbar, InteractiveModeToolBar):
- break
- else: # Add a toolbar
- toolbar = qt.QToolBar()
- window.addToolBar(toolbar)
- toolbar.addAction(self.getInteractionModeAction(roi_items.PointROI))
- super(_GInputHandler, self).exec_(roiClass=roi_items.PointROI, timeout=self._timeout)
- if isinstance(toolbar, InteractiveModeToolBar):
- toolbar.removeAction(self.getInteractionModeAction(roi_items.PointROI))
- else:
- toolbar.setParent(None)
- return tuple(self.__selections.values())
- def __updateSelection(self, roi):
- """Perform picking and update selection list
- :param RegionOfInterest roi:
- """
- plot = self.parent()
- if plot is None:
- return # No plot, abort
- if not isinstance(roi, roi_items.PointROI):
- # Only handle points
- raise RuntimeError("Unexpected item")
- x, y = roi.getPosition()
- xPixel, yPixel = plot.dataToPixel(x, y, axis='left', check=False)
- # Pick item at selected position
- picked = plot._pickImageOrCurve(xPixel, yPixel)
- if picked is None:
- result = _GInputResult((x, y),
- item=None,
- indices=numpy.array((), dtype=int),
- data=None)
- elif picked[0] == 'curve':
- curve = picked[1]
- indices = picked[2]
- xData = curve.getXData(copy=False)[indices]
- yData = curve.getYData(copy=False)[indices]
- result = _GInputResult((x, y),
- item=curve,
- indices=indices,
- data=numpy.array((xData, yData)).T)
- elif picked[0] == 'image':
- image = picked[1]
- # Get corresponding coordinate in image
- origin = image.getOrigin()
- scale = image.getScale()
- column = int((x - origin[0]) / float(scale[0]))
- row = int((y - origin[1]) / float(scale[1]))
- data = image.getData(copy=False)[row, column]
- result = _GInputResult((x, y),
- item=image,
- indices=(row, column),
- data=data)
- self.__selections[roi] = result
- def __added(self, roi):
- """Handle new ROI added
- :param RegionOfInterest roi:
- """
- if isinstance(roi, roi_items.PointROI):
- # Only handle points
- roi.setLabel('%d' % len(self.__selections))
- self.__updateSelection(roi)
- roi.sigRegionChanged.connect(self.__regionChanged)
- def __removed(self, roi):
- """Handle ROI removed"""
- if self.__selections.pop(roi, None) is not None:
- roi.sigRegionChanged.disconnect(self.__regionChanged)
- def __regionChanged(self):
- """Handle update of a ROI"""
- roi = self.sender()
- self.__updateSelection(roi)
-def ginput(n=1, timeout=30, plot=None):
- """Get input points on a plot.
- If no plot is provided, it uses a plot widget created with
- either :func:`` or :func:``.
- How to use:
- >>> from silx import sx
- >>> sx.imshow(image) # Plot the image
- >>> sx.ginput(1) # Request selection on the image plot
- ((0.598, 1.234))
- How to get more information about the selected positions:
- >>> positions = sx.ginput(1)
- >>> positions[0].getData() # Returns value(s) at selected position
- >>> positions[0].getIndices() # Returns data indices at selected position
- >>> positions[0].getItem() # Returns plot item at selected position
- :param int n: Number of points the user need to select
- :param float timeout: Timeout in seconds before ginput returns
- event if selection is not completed
- :param silx.gui.plot.PlotWidget.PlotWidget plot: An optional PlotWidget
- from which to get input
- :return: List of clicked points coordinates (x, y) in plot
- :raise ValueError: If provided plot is not a PlotWidget
- """
- if plot is None:
- # Select most recent visible plot widget
- for widget in _plots:
- if widget.isVisible():
- plot = widget
- break
- else: # If no plot widget is visible, take the most recent one
- try:
- plot = _plots[0]
- except IndexError:
- pass
- else:
- if plot is None:
- _logger.warning('No plot available to perform ginput, create one')
- plot = Plot1D()
- _plots.insert(0, plot)
- plot.raise_() # So window becomes the top level one
-'Performing ginput with plot widget %s', str(plot))
- handler = _GInputHandler(plot, n, timeout)
- points = handler.exec_()
- return points