path: root/src/silx/gui/plot/
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1 files changed, 1254 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/silx/gui/plot/ b/src/silx/gui/plot/
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+# coding: utf-8
+# /*##########################################################################
+# Copyright (c) 2016-2021 European Synchrotron Radiation Facility
+# Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
+# of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
+# in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
+# to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
+# copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
+# furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
+# The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
+# all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
+# ###########################################################################*/
+"""QWidget displaying a 3D volume as a stack of 2D images.
+The :class:`StackView` class implements this widget.
+Basic usage of :class:`StackView` is through the following methods:
+- :meth:`StackView.getColormap`, :meth:`StackView.setColormap` to update the
+ default colormap to use and update the currently displayed image.
+- :meth:`StackView.setStack` to update the displayed image.
+The :class:`StackView` uses :class:`PlotWindow` and also
+exposes a subset of the :class:`silx.gui.plot.Plot` API for further control
+(plot title, axes labels, ...).
+The :class:`StackViewMainWindow` class implements a widget that adds a status
+bar displaying the 3D index and the value under the mouse cursor.
+ import numpy
+ import sys
+ from silx.gui import qt
+ from silx.gui.plot.StackView import StackViewMainWindow
+ app = qt.QApplication(sys.argv[1:])
+ # synthetic data, stack of 100 images of size 200x300
+ mystack = numpy.fromfunction(
+ lambda i, j, k: numpy.sin(i/15.) + numpy.cos(j/4.) + 2 * numpy.sin(k/6.),
+ (100, 200, 300)
+ )
+ sv = StackViewMainWindow()
+ sv.setColormap("jet", autoscale=True)
+ sv.setStack(mystack)
+ sv.setLabels(["1st dim (0-99)", "2nd dim (0-199)",
+ "3rd dim (0-299)"])
+ app.exec()
+__authors__ = ["P. Knobel", "H. Payno"]
+__license__ = "MIT"
+__date__ = "10/10/2018"
+import numpy
+import logging
+import silx
+from silx.gui import qt
+from .. import icons
+from . import items, PlotWindow, actions
+from .items.image import ImageStack
+from ..colors import Colormap
+from ..colors import cursorColorForColormap
+from .tools import LimitsToolBar
+from .Profile import Profile3DToolBar
+from ..widgets.FrameBrowser import HorizontalSliderWithBrowser
+from silx.gui.plot.actions import control as actions_control
+from silx.gui.plot.actions import io as silx_io
+from import save_NXdata
+from silx.utils.array_like import DatasetView, ListOfImages
+from silx.math import calibration
+from silx.utils.deprecation import deprecated_warning
+from silx.utils.deprecation import deprecated
+import h5py
+from import is_dataset
+_logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
+class StackView(qt.QMainWindow):
+ """Stack view widget, to display and browse through stack of
+ images.
+ The profile tool can be switched to "3D" mode, to compute the profile
+ on each image of the stack (not only the active image currently displayed)
+ and display the result as a slice.
+ :param QWidget parent: the Qt parent, or None
+ :param backend: The backend to use for the plot (default: matplotlib).
+ See :class:`.PlotWidget` for the list of supported backend.
+ :type backend: str or :class:`BackendBase.BackendBase`
+ :param bool resetzoom: Toggle visibility of reset zoom action.
+ :param bool autoScale: Toggle visibility of axes autoscale actions.
+ :param bool logScale: Toggle visibility of axes log scale actions.
+ :param bool grid: Toggle visibility of grid mode action.
+ :param bool colormap: Toggle visibility of colormap action.
+ :param bool aspectRatio: Toggle visibility of aspect ratio button.
+ :param bool yInverted: Toggle visibility of Y axis direction button.
+ :param bool copy: Toggle visibility of copy action.
+ :param bool save: Toggle visibility of save action.
+ :param bool print_: Toggle visibility of print action.
+ :param bool control: True to display an Options button with a sub-menu
+ to show legends, toggle crosshair and pan with arrows.
+ (Default: False)
+ :param position: True to display widget with (x, y) mouse position
+ (Default: False).
+ It also supports a list of (name, funct(x, y)->value)
+ to customize the displayed values.
+ See :class:`silx.gui.plot.PlotTools.PositionInfo`.
+ :param bool mask: Toggle visibilty of mask action.
+ """
+ # Qt signals
+ valueChanged = qt.Signal(object, object, object)
+ """Signals that the data value under the cursor has changed.
+ It provides: row, column, data value.
+ """
+ sigPlaneSelectionChanged = qt.Signal(int)
+ """Signal emitted when there is a change is perspective/displayed axes.
+ It provides the perspective as an integer, with the following meaning:
+ - 0: axis Y is the 2nd dimension, axis X is the 3rd dimension
+ - 1: axis Y is the 1st dimension, axis X is the 3rd dimension
+ - 2: axis Y is the 1st dimension, axis X is the 2nd dimension
+ """
+ sigStackChanged = qt.Signal(int)
+ """Signal emitted when the stack is changed.
+ This happens when a new volume is loaded, or when the current volume
+ is transposed (change in perspective).
+ The signal provides the size (number of pixels) of the stack.
+ This will be 0 if the stack is cleared, else it will be a positive
+ integer.
+ """
+ sigFrameChanged = qt.Signal(int)
+ """Signal emitter when the frame number has changed.
+ This signal provides the current frame number.
+ """
+ IMAGE_STACK_FILTER_NXDATA = 'Stack of images as NXdata (%s)' % silx_io._NEXUS_HDF5_EXT_STR
+ def __init__(self, parent=None, resetzoom=True, backend=None,
+ autoScale=False, logScale=False, grid=False,
+ colormap=True, aspectRatio=True, yinverted=True,
+ copy=True, save=True, print_=True, control=False,
+ position=None, mask=True):
+ qt.QMainWindow.__init__(self, parent)
+ if parent is not None:
+ # behave as a widget
+ self.setWindowFlags(qt.Qt.Widget)
+ else:
+ self.setWindowTitle('StackView')
+ self._stack = None
+ """Loaded stack, as a 3D array, a 3D dataset or a list of 2D arrays."""
+ self.__transposed_view = None
+ """View on :attr:`_stack` with the axes sorted, to have
+ the orthogonal dimension first"""
+ self._perspective = 0
+ """Orthogonal dimension (depth) in :attr:`_stack`"""
+ self._stackItem = ImageStack()
+ """Hold the item displaying the stack"""
+ imageLegend = '__StackView__image' + str(id(self))
+ self._stackItem.setName(imageLegend)
+ self.__autoscaleCmap = False
+ """Flag to disable/enable colormap auto-scaling
+ based on the min/max values of the entire 3D volume"""
+ self.__dimensionsLabels = ["Dimension 0", "Dimension 1",
+ "Dimension 2"]
+ """These labels are displayed on the X and Y axes.
+ :meth:`setLabels` updates this attribute."""
+ self._first_stack_dimension = 0
+ """Used for dimension labels and combobox"""
+ self._titleCallback = self._defaultTitleCallback
+ """Function returning the plot title based on the frame index.
+ It can be set to a custom function using :meth:`setTitleCallback`"""
+ self.calibrations3D = (calibration.NoCalibration(),
+ calibration.NoCalibration(),
+ calibration.NoCalibration())
+ central_widget = qt.QWidget(self)
+ self._plot = PlotWindow(parent=central_widget, backend=backend,
+ resetzoom=resetzoom, autoScale=autoScale,
+ logScale=logScale, grid=grid,
+ curveStyle=False, colormap=colormap,
+ aspectRatio=aspectRatio, yInverted=yinverted,
+ copy=copy, save=save, print_=print_,
+ control=control, position=position,
+ roi=False, mask=mask)
+ self._plot.addItem(self._stackItem)
+ self._plot.getIntensityHistogramAction().setVisible(True)
+ self.sigInteractiveModeChanged = self._plot.sigInteractiveModeChanged
+ self.sigActiveImageChanged = self._plot.sigActiveImageChanged
+ self.sigPlotSignal = self._plot.sigPlotSignal
+ if silx.config.DEFAULT_PLOT_IMAGE_Y_AXIS_ORIENTATION == 'downward':
+ self._plot.getYAxis().setInverted(True)
+ self._addColorBarAction()
+ self._profileToolBar = Profile3DToolBar(parent=self._plot,
+ stackview=self)
+ self._plot.addToolBar(self._profileToolBar)
+ self._plot.getXAxis().setLabel('Columns')
+ self._plot.getYAxis().setLabel('Rows')
+ self._plot.sigPlotSignal.connect(self._plotCallback)
+ self._plot.getSaveAction().setFileFilter('image', self.IMAGE_STACK_FILTER_NXDATA, func=self._saveImageStack, appendToFile=True)
+ self.__planeSelection = PlanesWidget(self._plot)
+ self.__planeSelection.sigPlaneSelectionChanged.connect(self.setPerspective)
+ self._browser_label = qt.QLabel("Image index (Dim0):")
+ self._browser = HorizontalSliderWithBrowser(central_widget)
+ self._browser.setRange(0, 0)
+ self._browser.valueChanged[int].connect(self.__updateFrameNumber)
+ self._browser.setEnabled(False)
+ layout = qt.QGridLayout()
+ layout.setContentsMargins(0, 0, 0, 0)
+ layout.addWidget(self._plot, 0, 0, 1, 3)
+ layout.addWidget(self.__planeSelection, 1, 0)
+ layout.addWidget(self._browser_label, 1, 1)
+ layout.addWidget(self._browser, 1, 2)
+ central_widget.setLayout(layout)
+ self.setCentralWidget(central_widget)
+ # clear profile lines when the perspective changes (plane browsed changed)
+ self.__planeSelection.sigPlaneSelectionChanged.connect(
+ self._profileToolBar.clearProfile)
+ def _saveImageStack(self, plot, filename, nameFilter):
+ """Save all images from the stack into a volume.
+ :param str filename: The name of the file to write
+ :param str nameFilter: The selected name filter
+ :return: False if format is not supported or save failed,
+ True otherwise.
+ :raises: ValueError if nameFilter is invalid
+ """
+ if not nameFilter == self.IMAGE_STACK_FILTER_NXDATA:
+ raise ValueError('Wrong callback')
+ entryPath = silx_io.SaveAction._selectWriteableOutputGroup(filename, parent=self)
+ if entryPath is None:
+ return False
+ return save_NXdata(filename,
+ nxentry_name=entryPath,
+ signal=self.getStack(copy=False, returnNumpyArray=True)[0],
+ signal_name="image_stack")
+ def _addColorBarAction(self):
+ self._plot.getColorBarWidget().setVisible(True)
+ actions = self._plot.toolBar().actions()
+ for index, action in enumerate(actions):
+ if action is self._plot.getColormapAction():
+ break
+ self._colorbarAction = actions_control.ColorBarAction(self._plot, self._plot)
+ self._plot.toolBar().insertAction(actions[index + 1], self._colorbarAction)
+ def _plotCallback(self, eventDict):
+ """Callback for plot events.
+ Emit :attr:`valueChanged` signal, with (x, y, value) tuple of the
+ cursor location in the plot."""
+ if eventDict['event'] == 'mouseMoved':
+ activeImage = self.getActiveImage()
+ if activeImage is not None:
+ data = activeImage.getData()
+ height, width = data.shape
+ # Get corresponding coordinate in image
+ origin = activeImage.getOrigin()
+ scale = activeImage.getScale()
+ x = int((eventDict['x'] - origin[0]) / scale[0])
+ y = int((eventDict['y'] - origin[1]) / scale[1])
+ if 0 <= x < width and 0 <= y < height:
+ self.valueChanged.emit(float(x), float(y),
+ data[y][x])
+ else:
+ self.valueChanged.emit(float(x), float(y),
+ None)
+ def getPerspective(self):
+ """Returns the index of the dimension the stack is browsed with
+ Possible values are: 0, 1, or 2.
+ :rtype: int
+ """
+ return self._perspective
+ def setPerspective(self, perspective):
+ """Set the index of the dimension the stack is browsed with:
+ - slice plane Dim1-Dim2: perspective 0
+ - slice plane Dim0-Dim2: perspective 1
+ - slice plane Dim0-Dim1: perspective 2
+ :param int perspective: Orthogonal dimension number (0, 1, or 2)
+ """
+ if perspective == self._perspective:
+ return
+ else:
+ if perspective > 2 or perspective < 0:
+ raise ValueError(
+ "Perspective must be 0, 1 or 2, not %s" % perspective)
+ self._perspective = int(perspective)
+ self.__createTransposedView()
+ self.__updateFrameNumber(self._browser.value())
+ self._plot.resetZoom()
+ self.__updatePlotLabels()
+ self._updateTitle()
+ self._browser_label.setText("Image index (Dim%d):" %
+ (self._first_stack_dimension + perspective))
+ self.sigPlaneSelectionChanged.emit(perspective)
+ self.sigStackChanged.emit(self._stack.size if
+ self._stack is not None else 0)
+ self.__planeSelection.sigPlaneSelectionChanged.disconnect(self.setPerspective)
+ self.__planeSelection.setPerspective(self._perspective)
+ self.__planeSelection.sigPlaneSelectionChanged.connect(self.setPerspective)
+ def __updatePlotLabels(self):
+ """Update plot axes labels depending on perspective"""
+ y, x = (1, 2) if self._perspective == 0 else \
+ (0, 2) if self._perspective == 1 else (0, 1)
+ self.setGraphXLabel(self.__dimensionsLabels[x])
+ self.setGraphYLabel(self.__dimensionsLabels[y])
+ def __createTransposedView(self):
+ """Create the new view on the stack depending on the perspective
+ (set orthogonal axis browsed on the viewer as first dimension)
+ """
+ assert self._stack is not None
+ assert 0 <= self._perspective < 3
+ # ensure we have the stack encapsulated in an array-like object
+ # having a transpose() method
+ if isinstance(self._stack, numpy.ndarray):
+ self.__transposed_view = self._stack
+ elif is_dataset(self._stack) or isinstance(self._stack, DatasetView):
+ self.__transposed_view = DatasetView(self._stack)
+ elif isinstance(self._stack, ListOfImages):
+ self.__transposed_view = ListOfImages(self._stack)
+ # transpose the array-like object if necessary
+ if self._perspective == 1:
+ self.__transposed_view = self.__transposed_view.transpose((1, 0, 2))
+ elif self._perspective == 2:
+ self.__transposed_view = self.__transposed_view.transpose((2, 0, 1))
+ self._browser.setRange(0, self.__transposed_view.shape[0] - 1)
+ self._browser.setValue(0)
+ # Update the item structure
+ self._stackItem.setStackData(self.__transposed_view, 0, copy=False)
+ self._stackItem.setColormap(self.getColormap())
+ self._stackItem.setOrigin(self._getImageOrigin())
+ self._stackItem.setScale(self._getImageScale())
+ def __updateFrameNumber(self, index):
+ """Update the current image.
+ :param index: index of the frame to be displayed
+ """
+ if self.__transposed_view is None:
+ # no data set
+ return
+ self._stackItem.setStackPosition(index)
+ self._updateTitle()
+ self.sigFrameChanged.emit(index)
+ def _set3DScaleAndOrigin(self, calibrations):
+ """Set scale and origin for all 3 axes, to be used when plotting
+ an image.
+ See setStack for parameter documentation
+ """
+ if calibrations is None:
+ self.calibrations3D = (calibration.NoCalibration(),
+ calibration.NoCalibration(),
+ calibration.NoCalibration())
+ else:
+ self.calibrations3D = []
+ for i, calib in enumerate(calibrations):
+ if hasattr(calib, "__len__") and len(calib) == 2:
+ calib = calibration.LinearCalibration(calib[0], calib[1])
+ elif calib is None:
+ calib = calibration.NoCalibration()
+ elif not isinstance(calib, calibration.AbstractCalibration):
+ raise TypeError("calibration must be a 2-tuple, None or" +
+ " an instance of an AbstractCalibration " +
+ "subclass")
+ elif not calib.is_affine():
+ _logger.warning(
+ "Calibration for dimension %d is not linear, "
+ "it will be ignored for scaling the graph axes.",
+ i)
+ self.calibrations3D.append(calib)
+ def getCalibrations(self, order='array'):
+ """Returns currently used calibrations for each axis
+ Returned calibrations might differ from the ones that were set as
+ non-linear calibrations used for image axes are temporarily ignored.
+ :param str order:
+ 'array' to sort calibrations as data array (dim0, dim1, dim2),
+ 'axes' to sort calibrations as currently selected x, y and z axes.
+ :return: Calibrations ordered depending on order
+ :rtype: List[~silx.math.calibration.AbstractCalibration]
+ """
+ assert order in ('array', 'axes')
+ calibs = []
+ # filter out non-linear calibration for graph axes
+ for index, calib in enumerate(self.calibrations3D):
+ if index != self._perspective and not calib.is_affine():
+ calib = calibration.NoCalibration()
+ calibs.append(calib)
+ if order == 'axes': # Move 'z' axis to the end
+ xy_dims = [d for d in (0, 1, 2) if d != self._perspective]
+ calibs = [calibs[max(xy_dims)],
+ calibs[min(xy_dims)],
+ calibs[self._perspective]]
+ return tuple(calibs)
+ def _getImageScale(self):
+ """
+ :return: 2-tuple (XScale, YScale) for current image view
+ """
+ xcalib, ycalib, _zcalib = self.getCalibrations(order='axes')
+ return xcalib.get_slope(), ycalib.get_slope()
+ def _getImageOrigin(self):
+ """
+ :return: 2-tuple (XOrigin, YOrigin) for current image view
+ """
+ xcalib, ycalib, _zcalib = self.getCalibrations(order='axes')
+ return xcalib(0), ycalib(0)
+ def _getImageZ(self, index):
+ """
+ :param idx: 0-based image index in the stack
+ :return: calibrated Z value corresponding to the image idx
+ """
+ _xcalib, _ycalib, zcalib = self.getCalibrations(order='axes')
+ return zcalib(index)
+ def _updateTitle(self):
+ frame_idx = self._browser.value()
+ self._plot.setGraphTitle(self._titleCallback(frame_idx))
+ def _defaultTitleCallback(self, index):
+ return "Image z=%g" % self._getImageZ(index)
+ # public API, stack specific methods
+ def setStack(self, stack, perspective=None, reset=True, calibrations=None):
+ """Set the 3D stack.
+ The perspective parameter is used to define which dimension of the 3D
+ array is to be used as frame index. The lowest remaining dimension
+ number is the row index of the displayed image (Y axis), and the highest
+ remaining dimension is the column index (X axis).
+ :param stack: 3D stack, or `None` to clear plot.
+ :type stack: 3D numpy.ndarray, or 3D h5py.Dataset, or list/tuple of 2D
+ numpy arrays, or None.
+ :param int perspective: Dimension for the frame index: 0, 1 or 2.
+ Use ``None`` to keep the current perspective (default).
+ :param bool reset: Whether to reset zoom or not.
+ :param calibrations: Sequence of 3 calibration objects for each axis.
+ These objects can be a subclass of :class:`AbstractCalibration`,
+ or 2-tuples *(a, b)* where *a* is the y-intercept and *b* is the
+ slope of a linear calibration (:math:`x \\mapsto a + b x`)
+ """
+ if stack is None:
+ self.clear()
+ self.sigStackChanged.emit(0)
+ return
+ self._set3DScaleAndOrigin(calibrations)
+ # stack as list of 2D arrays: must be converted into an array_like
+ if not isinstance(stack, numpy.ndarray):
+ if not is_dataset(stack):
+ try:
+ assert hasattr(stack, "__len__")
+ for img in stack:
+ assert hasattr(img, "shape")
+ assert len(img.shape) == 2
+ except AssertionError:
+ raise ValueError(
+ "Stack must be a 3D array/dataset or a list of " +
+ "2D arrays.")
+ stack = ListOfImages(stack)
+ assert len(stack.shape) == 3, "data must be 3D"
+ self._stack = stack
+ self.__createTransposedView()
+ perspective_changed = False
+ if perspective not in [None, self._perspective]:
+ perspective_changed = True
+ self.setPerspective(perspective)
+ if self.__autoscaleCmap:
+ self.scaleColormapRangeToStack()
+ # init plot
+ self._stackItem.setStackData(self.__transposed_view, 0, copy=False)
+ self._stackItem.setColormap(self.getColormap())
+ self._stackItem.setOrigin(self._getImageOrigin())
+ self._stackItem.setScale(self._getImageScale())
+ self._stackItem.setVisible(True)
+ # Put back the item in the plot in case it was cleared
+ exists = self._plot.getImage(self._stackItem.getName())
+ if exists is None:
+ self._plot.addItem(self._stackItem)
+ self._plot.setActiveImage(self._stackItem.getName())
+ self.__updatePlotLabels()
+ self._updateTitle()
+ if reset:
+ self._plot.resetZoom()
+ # enable and init browser
+ self._browser.setEnabled(True)
+ if not perspective_changed: # avoid double signal (see self.setPerspective)
+ self.sigStackChanged.emit(stack.size)
+ def getStack(self, copy=True, returnNumpyArray=False):
+ """Get the original stack, as a 3D array or dataset.
+ The output has the form: [data, params]
+ where params is a dictionary containing display parameters.
+ :param bool copy: If True (default), then the object is copied
+ and returned as a numpy array.
+ Else, a reference to original data is returned, if possible.
+ If the original data is not a numpy array and parameter
+ returnNumpyArray is True, a copy will be made anyway.
+ :param bool returnNumpyArray: If True, the returned object is
+ guaranteed to be a numpy array.
+ :return: 3D stack and parameters.
+ :rtype: (numpy.ndarray, dict)
+ """
+ if self._stack is None:
+ return None
+ image = self._stackItem
+ colormap = image.getColormap()
+ params = {
+ 'info': image.getInfo(),
+ 'origin': image.getOrigin(),
+ 'scale': image.getScale(),
+ 'z': image.getZValue(),
+ 'selectable': image.isSelectable(),
+ 'draggable': image.isDraggable(),
+ 'colormap': colormap,
+ 'xlabel': image.getXLabel(),
+ 'ylabel': image.getYLabel(),
+ }
+ if returnNumpyArray or copy:
+ return numpy.array(self._stack, copy=copy), params
+ # if a list of 2D arrays was cast into a ListOfImages,
+ # return the original list
+ if isinstance(self._stack, ListOfImages):
+ return self._stack.images, params
+ return self._stack, params
+ def getCurrentView(self, copy=True, returnNumpyArray=False):
+ """Get the stack, as it is currently displayed.
+ The first index of the returned stack is always the frame
+ index. If the perspective has been changed in the widget since the
+ data was first loaded, this will be reflected in the order of the
+ dimensions of the returned object.
+ The output has the form: [data, params]
+ where params is a dictionary containing display parameters.
+ :param bool copy: If True (default), then the object is copied
+ and returned as a numpy array.
+ Else, a reference to original data is returned, if possible.
+ If the original data is not a numpy array and parameter
+ `returnNumpyArray` is `True`, a copy will be made anyway.
+ :param bool returnNumpyArray: If `True`, the returned object is
+ guaranteed to be a numpy array.
+ :return: 3D stack and parameters.
+ :rtype: (numpy.ndarray, dict)
+ """
+ image = self.getActiveImage()
+ if image is None:
+ return None
+ if isinstance(image, items.ColormapMixIn):
+ colormap = image.getColormap()
+ else:
+ colormap = None
+ params = {
+ 'info': image.getInfo(),
+ 'origin': image.getOrigin(),
+ 'scale': image.getScale(),
+ 'z': image.getZValue(),
+ 'selectable': image.isSelectable(),
+ 'draggable': image.isDraggable(),
+ 'colormap': colormap,
+ 'xlabel': image.getXLabel(),
+ 'ylabel': image.getYLabel(),
+ }
+ if returnNumpyArray or copy:
+ return numpy.array(self.__transposed_view, copy=copy), params
+ return self.__transposed_view, params
+ def setFrameNumber(self, number):
+ """Set the frame selection to a specific value
+ :param int number: Number of the frame
+ """
+ self._browser.setValue(number)
+ def getFrameNumber(self):
+ """Set the frame selection to a specific value
+ :return: Index of currently displayed frame
+ :rtype: int
+ """
+ return self._browser.value()
+ def setFirstStackDimension(self, first_stack_dimension):
+ """When viewing the last 3 dimensions of an n-D array (n>3), you can
+ use this method to change the text in the combobox.
+ For instance, for a 7-D array, first stack dim is 4, so the default
+ "Dim1-Dim2" text should be replaced with "Dim5-Dim6" (dimensions
+ numbers are 0-based).
+ :param int first_stack_dim: First stack dimension (n-3) when viewing the
+ last 3 dimensions of an n-D array.
+ """
+ old_state = self.__planeSelection.blockSignals(True)
+ self.__planeSelection.setFirstStackDimension(first_stack_dimension)
+ self.__planeSelection.blockSignals(old_state)
+ self._first_stack_dimension = first_stack_dimension
+ self._browser_label.setText("Image index (Dim%d):" % first_stack_dimension)
+ def setTitleCallback(self, callback):
+ """Set a user defined function to generate the plot title based on the
+ image/frame index.
+ The callback function must accept an integer as a its first positional
+ parameter and must not require any other mandatory parameter.
+ It must return a string.
+ To switch back the default behavior, you can pass ``None``::
+ mystackview.setTitleCallback(None)
+ To have no title, pass a function that returns an empty string::
+ mystackview.setTitleCallback(lambda idx: "")
+ :param callback: Callback function generating the stack title based
+ on the frame number.
+ """
+ if callback is None:
+ self._titleCallback = self._defaultTitleCallback
+ elif callable(callback):
+ self._titleCallback = callback
+ else:
+ raise TypeError("Provided callback is not callable")
+ self._updateTitle()
+ def clear(self):
+ """Clear the widget:
+ - clear the plot
+ - clear the loaded data volume
+ """
+ self._stack = None
+ self.__transposed_view = None
+ self._perspective = 0
+ self._browser.setEnabled(False)
+ # reset browser range
+ self._browser.setRange(0, 0)
+ self._plot.clear()
+ def setLabels(self, labels=None):
+ """Set the labels to be displayed on the plot axes.
+ You must provide a sequence of 3 strings, corresponding to the 3
+ dimensions of the original data volume.
+ The proper label will automatically be selected for each plot axis
+ when the volume is rotated (when different axes are selected as the
+ X and Y axes).
+ :param List[str] labels: 3 labels corresponding to the 3 dimensions
+ of the data volumes.
+ """
+ default_labels = ["Dimension %d" % self._first_stack_dimension,
+ "Dimension %d" % (self._first_stack_dimension + 1),
+ "Dimension %d" % (self._first_stack_dimension + 2)]
+ if labels is None:
+ new_labels = default_labels
+ else:
+ # filter-out None
+ new_labels = []
+ for i, label in enumerate(labels):
+ new_labels.append(label or default_labels[i])
+ self.__dimensionsLabels = new_labels
+ self.__updatePlotLabels()
+ def getLabels(self):
+ """Return dimension labels displayed on the plot axes
+ :return: List of three strings corresponding to the 3 dimensions
+ of the stack: (name_dim0, name_dim1, name_dim2)
+ """
+ return self.__dimensionsLabels
+ def getColormap(self):
+ """Get the current colormap description.
+ :return: A description of the current colormap.
+ See :meth:`setColormap` for details.
+ :rtype: dict
+ """
+ # "default" colormap used by addImage when image is added without
+ # specifying a special colormap
+ return self._plot.getDefaultColormap()
+ def scaleColormapRangeToStack(self):
+ """Scale colormap range according to current stack data.
+ If no stack has been set through :meth:`setStack`, this has no effect.
+ The range scaling mode is given by current :class:`Colormap`'s
+ :meth:`Colormap.getAutoscaleMode`.
+ """
+ stack = self.getStack(copy=False, returnNumpyArray=True)
+ if stack is None:
+ return # No-op
+ colormap = self.getColormap()
+ vmin, vmax = colormap.getColormapRange(data=stack[0])
+ colormap.setVRange(vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax)
+ def setColormap(self, colormap=None, normalization=None,
+ autoscale=None, vmin=None, vmax=None, colors=None):
+ """Set the colormap and update active image.
+ Parameters that are not provided are taken from the current colormap.
+ The colormap parameter can also be a dict with the following keys:
+ - *name*: string. The colormap to use:
+ 'gray', 'reversed gray', 'temperature', 'red', 'green', 'blue'.
+ - *normalization*: string. The mapping to use for the colormap:
+ either 'linear' or 'log'.
+ - *autoscale*: bool. Whether to use autoscale (True) or range
+ provided by keys
+ 'vmin' and 'vmax' (False).
+ - *vmin*: float. The minimum value of the range to use if 'autoscale'
+ is False.
+ - *vmax*: float. The maximum value of the range to use if 'autoscale'
+ is False.
+ - *colors*: optional. Nx3 or Nx4 array of float in [0, 1] or uint8.
+ List of RGB or RGBA colors to use (only if name is None)
+ :param colormap: Name of the colormap in
+ 'gray', 'reversed gray', 'temperature', 'red', 'green', 'blue'.
+ Or a :class`.Colormap` object.
+ :type colormap: dict or str.
+ :param str normalization: Colormap mapping: 'linear' or 'log'.
+ :param bool autoscale: Whether to use autoscale or [vmin, vmax] range.
+ Default value of autoscale is False. This option is not compatible
+ with h5py datasets.
+ :param float vmin: The minimum value of the range to use if
+ 'autoscale' is False.
+ :param float vmax: The maximum value of the range to use if
+ 'autoscale' is False.
+ :param numpy.ndarray colors: Only used if name is None.
+ Custom colormap colors as Nx3 or Nx4 RGB or RGBA arrays
+ """
+ # if is a colormap object or a dictionary
+ if isinstance(colormap, Colormap) or isinstance(colormap, dict):
+ # Support colormap parameter as a dict
+ errmsg = "If colormap is provided as a Colormap object, all other parameters"
+ errmsg += " must not be specified when calling setColormap"
+ assert normalization is None, errmsg
+ assert autoscale is None, errmsg
+ assert vmin is None, errmsg
+ assert vmax is None, errmsg
+ assert colors is None, errmsg
+ if isinstance(colormap, dict):
+ reason = 'colormap parameter should now be an object'
+ replacement = 'Colormap()'
+ since_version = '0.6'
+ deprecated_warning(type_='function',
+ name='setColormap',
+ reason=reason,
+ replacement=replacement,
+ since_version=since_version)
+ _colormap = Colormap._fromDict(colormap)
+ else:
+ _colormap = colormap
+ else:
+ norm = normalization if normalization is not None else 'linear'
+ name = colormap if colormap is not None else 'gray'
+ _colormap = Colormap(name=name,
+ normalization=norm,
+ vmin=vmin,
+ vmax=vmax,
+ colors=colors)
+ if autoscale is not None:
+ deprecated_warning(
+ type_='function',
+ name='setColormap',
+ reason='autoscale argument is replaced by a method',
+ replacement='scaleColormapRangeToStack',
+ since_version='0.14')
+ self.__autoscaleCmap = bool(autoscale)
+ cursorColor = cursorColorForColormap(_colormap.getName())
+ self._plot.setInteractiveMode('zoom', color=cursorColor)
+ self._plot.setDefaultColormap(_colormap)
+ # Update active image colormap
+ activeImage = self.getActiveImage()
+ if isinstance(activeImage, items.ColormapMixIn):
+ activeImage.setColormap(self.getColormap())
+ if self.__autoscaleCmap:
+ # scaleColormapRangeToStack needs to be called **after**
+ # setDefaultColormap so getColormap returns the right colormap
+ self.scaleColormapRangeToStack()
+ @deprecated(replacement="getPlotWidget", since_version="0.13")
+ def getPlot(self):
+ return self.getPlotWidget()
+ def getPlotWidget(self):
+ """Return the :class:`PlotWidget`.
+ This gives access to advanced plot configuration options.
+ Be warned that modifying the plot can cause issues, and some changes
+ you make to the plot could be overwritten by the :class:`StackView`
+ widget's internal methods and callbacks.
+ :return: instance of :class:`PlotWidget` used in widget
+ """
+ return self._plot
+ def setOptionVisible(self, isVisible):
+ """
+ Set the visibility of the browsing options.
+ :param bool isVisible: True to have the options visible, else False
+ """
+ self._browser.setVisible(isVisible)
+ self.__planeSelection.setVisible(isVisible)
+ # proxies to PlotWidget or PlotWindow methods
+ def getProfileToolbar(self):
+ """Profile tools attached to this plot
+ """
+ return self._profileToolBar
+ def getGraphTitle(self):
+ """Return the plot main title as a str.
+ """
+ return self._plot.getGraphTitle()
+ def setGraphTitle(self, title=""):
+ """Set the plot main title.
+ :param str title: Main title of the plot (default: '')
+ """
+ return self._plot.setGraphTitle(title)
+ def getGraphXLabel(self):
+ """Return the current horizontal axis label as a str.
+ """
+ return self._plot.getXAxis().getLabel()
+ def setGraphXLabel(self, label=None):
+ """Set the plot horizontal axis label.
+ :param str label: The horizontal axis label
+ """
+ if label is None:
+ label = self.__dimensionsLabels[1 if self._perspective == 2 else 2]
+ self._plot.getXAxis().setLabel(label)
+ def getGraphYLabel(self, axis='left'):
+ """Return the current vertical axis label as a str.
+ :param str axis: The Y axis for which to get the label (left or right)
+ """
+ return self._plot.getYAxis().getLabel(axis)
+ def setGraphYLabel(self, label=None, axis='left'):
+ """Set the vertical axis label on the plot.
+ :param str label: The Y axis label
+ :param str axis: The Y axis for which to set the label (left or right)
+ """
+ if label is None:
+ label = self.__dimensionsLabels[1 if self._perspective == 0 else 0]
+ self._plot.getYAxis(axis=axis).setLabel(label)
+ def resetZoom(self):
+ """Reset the plot limits to the bounds of the data and redraw the plot.
+ This method is a simple proxy to the legacy :class:`PlotWidget` method
+ of the same name. Using the object oriented approach is now
+ preferred::
+ stackview.getPlot().resetZoom()
+ """
+ self._plot.resetZoom()
+ def setYAxisInverted(self, flag=True):
+ """Set the Y axis orientation.
+ This method is a simple proxy to the legacy :class:`PlotWidget` method
+ of the same name. Using the object oriented approach is now
+ preferred::
+ stackview.getPlot().setYAxisInverted(flag)
+ :param bool flag: True for Y axis going from top to bottom,
+ False for Y axis going from bottom to top
+ """
+ self._plot.setYAxisInverted(flag)
+ def isYAxisInverted(self):
+ """Return True if Y axis goes from top to bottom, False otherwise.
+ This method is a simple proxy to the legacy :class:`PlotWidget` method
+ of the same name. Using the object oriented approach is now
+ preferred::
+ stackview.getPlot().isYAxisInverted()"""
+ return self._plot.isYAxisInverted()
+ def getSupportedColormaps(self):
+ """Get the supported colormap names as a tuple of str.
+ The list should at least contain and start by:
+ ('gray', 'reversed gray', 'temperature', 'red', 'green', 'blue')
+ This method is a simple proxy to the legacy :class:`PlotWidget` method
+ of the same name. Using the object oriented approach is now
+ preferred::
+ stackview.getPlot().getSupportedColormaps()
+ """
+ return self._plot.getSupportedColormaps()
+ def isKeepDataAspectRatio(self):
+ """Returns whether the plot is keeping data aspect ratio or not.
+ This method is a simple proxy to the legacy :class:`PlotWidget` method
+ of the same name. Using the object oriented approach is now
+ preferred::
+ stackview.getPlot().isKeepDataAspectRatio()"""
+ return self._plot.isKeepDataAspectRatio()
+ def setKeepDataAspectRatio(self, flag=True):
+ """Set whether the plot keeps data aspect ratio or not.
+ This method is a simple proxy to the legacy :class:`PlotWidget` method
+ of the same name. Using the object oriented approach is now
+ preferred::
+ stackview.getPlot().setKeepDataAspectRatio(flag)
+ :param bool flag: True to respect data aspect ratio
+ """
+ self._plot.setKeepDataAspectRatio(flag)
+ # kind of private methods, but needed by Profile
+ def getActiveImage(self, just_legend=False):
+ """Returns the stack image object.
+ """
+ if just_legend:
+ return self._stackItem.getName()
+ return self._stackItem
+ def getColorBarAction(self):
+ """Returns the action managing the visibility of the colorbar.
+ .. warning:: to show/hide the plot colorbar call directly the ColorBar
+ widget using getColorBarWidget()
+ :rtype: QAction
+ """
+ return self._colorbarAction
+ def remove(self, legend=None,
+ kind=('curve', 'image', 'item', 'marker')):
+ """See :meth:`Plot.Plot.remove`"""
+ self._plot.remove(legend, kind)
+ def setInteractiveMode(self, *args, **kwargs):
+ """
+ See :meth:`Plot.Plot.setInteractiveMode`
+ """
+ self._plot.setInteractiveMode(*args, **kwargs)
+ @deprecated(replacement="addShape", since_version="0.13")
+ def addItem(self, *args, **kwargs):
+ self.addShape(*args, **kwargs)
+ def addShape(self, *args, **kwargs):
+ """
+ See :meth:`Plot.Plot.addShape`
+ """
+ self._plot.addShape(*args, **kwargs)
+class PlanesWidget(qt.QWidget):
+ """Widget for the plane/perspective selection
+ :param parent: the parent QWidget
+ """
+ sigPlaneSelectionChanged = qt.Signal(int)
+ def __init__(self, parent):
+ super(PlanesWidget, self).__init__(parent)
+ self.setSizePolicy(qt.QSizePolicy.Minimum, qt.QSizePolicy.Minimum)
+ layout0 = qt.QHBoxLayout()
+ self.setLayout(layout0)
+ layout0.setContentsMargins(0, 0, 0, 0)
+ layout0.addWidget(qt.QLabel("Axes selection:"))
+ # By default, the first dimension (dim0) is the frame index/depth/z,
+ # the second dimension is the image row number/y axis
+ # and the third dimension is the image column index/x axis
+ # 1
+ # | 0
+ # |/__2
+ self.qcbAxisSelection = qt.QComboBox(self)
+ self._setCBChoices(first_stack_dimension=0)
+ self.qcbAxisSelection.currentIndexChanged[int].connect(
+ self.__planeSelectionChanged)
+ layout0.addWidget(self.qcbAxisSelection)
+ def __planeSelectionChanged(self, idx):
+ """Callback function when the combobox selection changes
+ idx is the dimension number orthogonal to the slice plane,
+ following the convention:
+ - slice plane Dim1-Dim2: perspective 0
+ - slice plane Dim0-Dim2: perspective 1
+ - slice plane Dim0-Dim1: perspective 2
+ """
+ self.sigPlaneSelectionChanged.emit(idx)
+ def _setCBChoices(self, first_stack_dimension):
+ self.qcbAxisSelection.clear()
+ dim1dim2 = 'Dim%d-Dim%d' % (first_stack_dimension + 1,
+ first_stack_dimension + 2)
+ dim0dim2 = 'Dim%d-Dim%d' % (first_stack_dimension,
+ first_stack_dimension + 2)
+ dim0dim1 = 'Dim%d-Dim%d' % (first_stack_dimension,
+ first_stack_dimension + 1)
+ self.qcbAxisSelection.addItem(icons.getQIcon("cube-front"), dim1dim2)
+ self.qcbAxisSelection.addItem(icons.getQIcon("cube-bottom"), dim0dim2)
+ self.qcbAxisSelection.addItem(icons.getQIcon("cube-left"), dim0dim1)
+ def setFirstStackDimension(self, first_stack_dim):
+ """When viewing the last 3 dimensions of an n-D array (n>3), you can
+ use this method to change the text in the combobox.
+ For instance, for a 7-D array, first stack dim is 4, so the default
+ "Dim1-Dim2" text should be replaced with "Dim5-Dim6" (dimensions
+ numbers are 0-based).
+ :param int first_stack_dim: First stack dimension (n-3) when viewing the
+ last 3 dimensions of an n-D array.
+ """
+ self._setCBChoices(first_stack_dim)
+ def setPerspective(self, perspective):
+ """Update the combobox selection.
+ - slice plane Dim1-Dim2: perspective 0
+ - slice plane Dim0-Dim2: perspective 1
+ - slice plane Dim0-Dim1: perspective 2
+ :param perspective: Orthogonal dimension number (0, 1, or 2)
+ """
+ self.qcbAxisSelection.setCurrentIndex(perspective)
+class StackViewMainWindow(StackView):
+ """This class is a :class:`StackView` with a menu, an additional toolbar
+ to set the plot limits, and a status bar to display the value and 3D
+ index of the data samples hovered by the mouse cursor.
+ :param QWidget parent: Parent widget, or None
+ """
+ def __init__(self, parent=None):
+ self._dataInfo = None
+ super(StackViewMainWindow, self).__init__(parent)
+ self.setWindowFlags(qt.Qt.Window)
+ # Add toolbars and status bar
+ self.addToolBar(qt.Qt.BottomToolBarArea,
+ LimitsToolBar(plot=self._plot))
+ self.statusBar()
+ menu = self.menuBar().addMenu('File')
+ menu.addAction(self._plot.getOutputToolBar().getSaveAction())
+ menu.addAction(self._plot.getOutputToolBar().getPrintAction())
+ menu.addSeparator()
+ action = menu.addAction('Quit')
+ action.triggered[bool].connect(qt.QApplication.instance().quit)
+ menu = self.menuBar().addMenu('Edit')
+ menu.addAction(self._plot.getOutputToolBar().getCopyAction())
+ menu.addSeparator()
+ menu.addAction(self._plot.getResetZoomAction())
+ menu.addAction(self._plot.getColormapAction())
+ menu.addAction(self.getColorBarAction())
+ menu.addAction(actions.control.KeepAspectRatioAction(self._plot, self))
+ menu.addAction(actions.control.YAxisInvertedAction(self._plot, self))
+ menu = self.menuBar().addMenu('Profile')
+ profileToolBar = self._profileToolBar
+ menu.addAction(profileToolBar.hLineAction)
+ menu.addAction(profileToolBar.vLineAction)
+ menu.addAction(profileToolBar.lineAction)
+ menu.addAction(profileToolBar.crossAction)
+ menu.addSeparator()
+ menu.addAction(profileToolBar._editor)
+ menu.addSeparator()
+ menu.addAction(profileToolBar.clearAction)
+ # Connect to StackView's signal
+ self.valueChanged.connect(self._statusBarSlot)
+ def _statusBarSlot(self, x, y, value):
+ """Update status bar with coordinates/value from plots."""
+ # todo (after implementing calibration):
+ # - use floats for (x, y, z)
+ # - display both indices (dim0, dim1, dim2) and (x, y, z)
+ msg = "Cursor out of range"
+ if x is not None and y is not None:
+ img_idx = self._browser.value()
+ if self._perspective == 0:
+ dim0, dim1, dim2 = img_idx, int(y), int(x)
+ elif self._perspective == 1:
+ dim0, dim1, dim2 = int(y), img_idx, int(x)
+ elif self._perspective == 2:
+ dim0, dim1, dim2 = int(y), int(x), img_idx
+ msg = 'Position: (%d, %d, %d)' % (dim0, dim1, dim2)
+ if value is not None:
+ msg += ', Value: %g' % value
+ if self._dataInfo is not None:
+ msg = self._dataInfo + ', ' + msg
+ self.statusBar().showMessage(msg)
+ def setStack(self, stack, *args, **kwargs):
+ """Set the displayed stack.
+ See :meth:`StackView.setStack` for details.
+ """
+ if hasattr(stack, 'dtype') and hasattr(stack, 'shape'):
+ assert len(stack.shape) == 3
+ nframes, height, width = stack.shape
+ self._dataInfo = 'Data: %dx%dx%d (%s)' % (nframes, height, width,
+ str(stack.dtype))
+ self.statusBar().showMessage(self._dataInfo)
+ else:
+ self._dataInfo = None
+ # Set the new stack in StackView widget
+ super(StackViewMainWindow, self).setStack(stack, *args, **kwargs)
+ self.setStatusBar(None)