path: root/src/silx/gui/plot/backends/
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/silx/gui/plot/backends/')
1 files changed, 1726 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/silx/gui/plot/backends/ b/src/silx/gui/plot/backends/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..facb63c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/silx/gui/plot/backends/
@@ -0,0 +1,1726 @@
+# /*##########################################################################
+# Copyright (c) 2004-2023 European Synchrotron Radiation Facility
+# Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
+# of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
+# in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
+# to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
+# copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
+# furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
+# The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
+# all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
+# ###########################################################################*/
+"""Matplotlib Plot backend."""
+from __future__ import annotations
+__authors__ = ["V.A. Sole", "T. Vincent, H. Payno"]
+__license__ = "MIT"
+__date__ = "21/12/2018"
+import logging
+import datetime as dt
+from typing import Tuple, Union
+import numpy
+from packaging.version import Version
+_logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
+from ... import qt
+# First of all init matplotlib and set its backend
+from ...utils.matplotlib import (
+ DefaultTickFormatter,
+ FigureCanvasQTAgg,
+ qFontToFontProperties,
+import matplotlib
+from matplotlib.container import Container
+from matplotlib.figure import Figure
+from matplotlib.patches import Rectangle, Polygon
+from matplotlib.image import AxesImage
+from matplotlib.backend_bases import MouseEvent
+from matplotlib.lines import Line2D
+from matplotlib.text import Text
+from matplotlib.collections import PathCollection, LineCollection
+from matplotlib.ticker import Formatter, Locator
+from matplotlib.tri import Triangulation
+from matplotlib.collections import TriMesh
+from matplotlib import path as mpath
+from . import BackendBase
+from .. import items
+from .._utils import FLOAT32_MINPOS
+from .._utils.dtime_ticklayout import (
+ calcTicks,
+ formatDatetimes,
+ timestamp,
+from ...qt import inspect as qt_inspect
+from .... import config
+from silx.gui.colors import RGBAColorType
+ "-": "solid",
+ "--": "dashed",
+ "-.": "dashdot",
+ ":": "dotted",
+ "": "solid",
+ None: "solid",
+"""Patches do not uses the same matplotlib syntax"""
+"""Store cached extra marker paths"""
+ "tickleft": 0,
+ "tickright": 1,
+ "tickup": 2,
+ "tickdown": 3,
+ "caretleft": 4,
+ "caretright": 5,
+ "caretup": 6,
+ "caretdown": 7,
+def normalize_linestyle(linestyle):
+ """Normalize known old-style linestyle, else return the provided value."""
+ return _PATCH_LINESTYLE.get(linestyle, linestyle)
+def get_path_from_symbol(symbol):
+ """Get the path representation of a symbol, else None if
+ it is not provided.
+ :param str symbol: Symbol description used by silx
+ :rtype: Union[None,matplotlib.path.Path]
+ """
+ if symbol == "\u2665":
+ path = _MARKER_PATHS.get(symbol, None)
+ if path is not None:
+ return path
+ vertices = numpy.array(
+ [
+ [0, -99],
+ [31, -73],
+ [47, -55],
+ [55, -46],
+ [63, -37],
+ [94, -2],
+ [94, 33],
+ [94, 69],
+ [71, 89],
+ [47, 89],
+ [24, 89],
+ [8, 74],
+ [0, 58],
+ [-8, 74],
+ [-24, 89],
+ [-47, 89],
+ [-71, 89],
+ [-94, 69],
+ [-94, 33],
+ [-94, -2],
+ [-63, -37],
+ [-55, -46],
+ [-47, -55],
+ [-31, -73],
+ [0, -99],
+ [0, -99],
+ ]
+ )
+ codes = [mpath.Path.CURVE4] * len(vertices)
+ codes[0] = mpath.Path.MOVETO
+ codes[-1] = mpath.Path.CLOSEPOLY
+ path = mpath.Path(vertices, codes)
+ _MARKER_PATHS[symbol] = path
+ return path
+ return None
+class NiceDateLocator(Locator):
+ """
+ Matplotlib Locator that uses Nice Numbers algorithm (adapted to dates)
+ to find the tick locations. This results in the same number behaviour
+ as when using the silx Open GL backend.
+ Expects the data to be posix timestampes (i.e. seconds since 1970)
+ """
+ def __init__(self, numTicks=5, tz=None):
+ """
+ :param numTicks: target number of ticks
+ :param datetime.tzinfo tz: optional time zone. None is local time.
+ """
+ super(NiceDateLocator, self).__init__()
+ self.numTicks = numTicks
+ self._spacing = None
+ self._unit = None
+ = tz
+ @property
+ def spacing(self):
+ """The current spacing. Will be updated when new tick value are made"""
+ return self._spacing
+ @property
+ def unit(self):
+ """The current DtUnit. Will be updated when new tick value are made"""
+ return self._unit
+ def __call__(self):
+ """Return the locations of the ticks"""
+ vmin, vmax = self.axis.get_view_interval()
+ return self.tick_values(vmin, vmax)
+ def tick_values(self, vmin, vmax):
+ """Calculates tick values"""
+ if vmax < vmin:
+ vmin, vmax = vmax, vmin
+ # vmin and vmax should be timestamps (i.e. seconds since 1 Jan 1970)
+ try:
+ dtMin = dt.datetime.fromtimestamp(vmin,
+ dtMax = dt.datetime.fromtimestamp(vmax,
+ except ValueError:
+ _logger.warning("Data range cannot be displayed with time axis")
+ return []
+ dtTicks, self._spacing, self._unit = calcTicks(dtMin, dtMax, self.numTicks)
+ # Convert datetime back to time stamps.
+ ticks = [timestamp(dtTick) for dtTick in dtTicks]
+ return ticks
+class NiceAutoDateFormatter(Formatter):
+ """
+ Matplotlib FuncFormatter that is linked to a NiceDateLocator and gives the
+ best possible formats given the locators current spacing an date unit.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, locator, tz=None):
+ """
+ :param niceDateLocator: a NiceDateLocator object
+ :param datetime.tzinfo tz: optional time zone. None is local time.
+ """
+ super(NiceAutoDateFormatter, self).__init__()
+ self.locator = locator
+ = tz
+ def __call__(self, x, pos=None):
+ """Return the format for tick val *x* at position *pos*
+ Expects x to be a POSIX timestamp (seconds since 1 Jan 1970)
+ """
+ datetime = dt.datetime.fromtimestamp(x,
+ return formatDatetimes(
+ [datetime],
+ self.locator.spacing,
+ self.locator.unit,
+ )[datetime]
+ def format_ticks(self, values):
+ return tuple(
+ formatDatetimes(
+ [dt.datetime.fromtimestamp(value, for value in values],
+ self.locator.spacing,
+ self.locator.unit,
+ ).values()
+ )
+class _PickableContainer(Container):
+ """Artists container with a :meth:`contains` method"""
+ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
+ Container.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs)
+ self.__zorder = None
+ @property
+ def axes(self):
+ """Mimin Artist.axes"""
+ for child in self.get_children():
+ if hasattr(child, "axes"):
+ return child.axes
+ return None
+ def draw(self, *args, **kwargs):
+ """artist-like draw to broadcast draw to children"""
+ for child in self.get_children():
+ child.draw(*args, **kwargs)
+ def get_zorder(self):
+ """Mimic Artist.get_zorder"""
+ return self.__zorder
+ def set_zorder(self, z):
+ """Mimic Artist.set_zorder to broadcast to children"""
+ if z != self.__zorder:
+ self.__zorder = z
+ for child in self.get_children():
+ child.set_zorder(z)
+ def contains(self, mouseevent):
+ """Mimic Artist.contains, and call it on all children.
+ :param mouseevent:
+ :return: Picking status and associated information as a dict
+ :rtype: (bool,dict)
+ """
+ # Goes through children from front to back and return first picked one.
+ for child in reversed(self.get_children()):
+ picked, info = child.contains(mouseevent)
+ if picked:
+ return picked, info
+ return False, {}
+class _TextWithOffset(Text):
+ """Text object which can be displayed at a specific position
+ of the plot, but with a pixel offset"""
+ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
+ Text.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs)
+ self.pixel_offset = (0, 0)
+ self.__cache = None
+ def draw(self, renderer):
+ self.__cache = None
+ return Text.draw(self, renderer)
+ def __get_xy(self):
+ if self.__cache is not None:
+ return self.__cache
+ align = self.get_horizontalalignment()
+ if align == "left":
+ xoffset = self.pixel_offset[0]
+ elif align == "right":
+ xoffset = -self.pixel_offset[0]
+ else:
+ xoffset = 0
+ align = self.get_verticalalignment()
+ if align == "top":
+ yoffset = -self.pixel_offset[1]
+ elif align == "bottom":
+ yoffset = self.pixel_offset[1]
+ else:
+ yoffset = 0
+ trans = self.get_transform()
+ x = super(_TextWithOffset, self).convert_xunits(self._x)
+ y = super(_TextWithOffset, self).convert_xunits(self._y)
+ pos = x, y
+ try:
+ invtrans = trans.inverted()
+ except numpy.linalg.LinAlgError:
+ # Cannot inverse transform, fallback: pos without offset
+ self.__cache = None
+ return pos
+ proj = trans.transform_point(pos)
+ proj = proj + numpy.array((xoffset, yoffset))
+ pos = invtrans.transform_point(proj)
+ self.__cache = pos
+ return pos
+ def convert_xunits(self, x):
+ """Return the pixel position of the annotated point."""
+ return self.__get_xy()[0]
+ def convert_yunits(self, y):
+ """Return the pixel position of the annotated point."""
+ return self.__get_xy()[1]
+class _MarkerContainer(_PickableContainer):
+ """Marker artists container supporting draw/remove and text position update
+ :param artists:
+ Iterable with either one Line2D or a Line2D and a Text.
+ The use of an iterable if enforced by Container being
+ a subclass of tuple that defines a specific __new__.
+ :param x: X coordinate of the marker (None for horizontal lines)
+ :param y: Y coordinate of the marker (None for vertical lines)
+ """
+ def __init__(self, artists, symbol, x, y, yAxis):
+ self.line = artists[0]
+ self.text = artists[1] if len(artists) > 1 else None
+ self.symbol = symbol
+ self.x = x
+ self.y = y
+ self.yAxis = yAxis
+ _PickableContainer.__init__(self, artists)
+ def draw(self, *args, **kwargs):
+ """artist-like draw to broadcast draw to line and text"""
+ self.line.draw(*args, **kwargs)
+ if self.text is not None:
+ self.text.draw(*args, **kwargs)
+ def updateMarkerText(self, xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax, yinverted):
+ """Update marker text position and visibility according to plot limits
+ :param xmin: X axis lower limit
+ :param xmax: X axis upper limit
+ :param ymin: Y axis lower limit
+ :param ymax: Y axis upper limit
+ :param yinverted: True if the y axis is inverted
+ """
+ if self.text is not None:
+ visible = (self.x is None or xmin <= self.x <= xmax) and (
+ self.y is None or ymin <= self.y <= ymax
+ )
+ self.text.set_visible(visible)
+ if self.x is not None and self.y is not None:
+ if self.symbol is None:
+ valign = "baseline"
+ else:
+ if yinverted:
+ valign = "bottom"
+ else:
+ valign = "top"
+ self.text.set_verticalalignment(valign)
+ elif self.y is None: # vertical line
+ # Always display it on top
+ center = (ymax + ymin) * 0.5
+ pos = (ymax - ymin) * 0.5 * 0.99
+ if yinverted:
+ pos = -pos
+ self.text.set_y(center + pos)
+ elif self.x is None: # Horizontal line
+ delta = abs(xmax - xmin)
+ if xmin > xmax:
+ xmax = xmin
+ xmax -= 0.005 * delta
+ self.text.set_x(xmax)
+ def contains(self, mouseevent):
+ """Mimic Artist.contains, and call it on the line Artist.
+ :param mouseevent:
+ :return: Picking status and associated information as a dict
+ :rtype: (bool,dict)
+ """
+ return self.line.contains(mouseevent)
+class SecondEdgeColorPatchMixIn:
+ """Mix-in class to add a second color for patches with dashed lines"""
+ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
+ super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
+ self._second_edgecolor = None
+ def set_second_edgecolor(self, color):
+ """Set the second color used to fill dashed edges"""
+ self._second_edgecolor = color
+ def get_second_edgecolor(self):
+ """Returns the second color used to fill dashed edges"""
+ return self._second_edgecolor
+ def draw(self, renderer):
+ linestyle = self.get_linestyle()
+ if linestyle == "solid" or self.get_second_edgecolor() is None:
+ super().draw(renderer)
+ return
+ edgecolor = self.get_edgecolor()
+ hatch = self.get_hatch()
+ self.set_linestyle("solid")
+ self.set_edgecolor(self.get_second_edgecolor())
+ self.set_hatch(None)
+ super().draw(renderer)
+ self.set_linestyle(linestyle)
+ self.set_edgecolor(edgecolor)
+ self.set_hatch(hatch)
+ super().draw(renderer)
+class Rectangle2EdgeColor(SecondEdgeColorPatchMixIn, Rectangle):
+ """Rectangle patch with a second edge color for dashed line"""
+class Polygon2EdgeColor(SecondEdgeColorPatchMixIn, Polygon):
+ """Polygon patch with a second edge color for dashed line"""
+class Image(AxesImage):
+ """An AxesImage with a fast path for uint8 RGBA images.
+ :param List[float] silx_origin: (ox, oy) Offset of the image.
+ :param List[float] silx_scale: (sx, sy) Scale of the image.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, *args, silx_origin=(0.0, 0.0), silx_scale=(1.0, 1.0), **kwargs):
+ super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
+ self.__silx_origin = silx_origin
+ self.__silx_scale = silx_scale
+ def contains(self, mouseevent):
+ """Overridden to fill 'ind' with row and column"""
+ inside, info = super().contains(mouseevent)
+ if inside:
+ x, y = mouseevent.xdata, mouseevent.ydata
+ ox, oy = self.__silx_origin
+ sx, sy = self.__silx_scale
+ height, width = self.get_size()
+ column = numpy.clip(int((x - ox) / sx), 0, width - 1)
+ row = numpy.clip(int((y - oy) / sy), 0, height - 1)
+ info["ind"] = (row,), (column,)
+ return inside, info
+ def set_data(self, A):
+ """Overridden to add a fast path for RGBA unit8 images"""
+ A = numpy.array(A, copy=False)
+ if A.ndim != 3 or A.shape[2] != 4 or A.dtype != numpy.uint8:
+ super(Image, self).set_data(A)
+ else:
+ # Call AxesImage.set_data with small data to set attributes
+ super(Image, self).set_data(numpy.zeros((2, 2, 4), dtype=A.dtype))
+ self._A = A # Override stored data
+class BackendMatplotlib(BackendBase.BackendBase):
+ """Base class for Matplotlib backend without a FigureCanvas.
+ For interactive on screen plot, see :class:`BackendMatplotlibQt`.
+ See :class:`BackendBase.BackendBase` for public API documentation.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, plot, parent=None):
+ super(BackendMatplotlib, self).__init__(plot, parent)
+ # matplotlib is handling keep aspect ratio at draw time
+ # When keep aspect ratio is on, and one changes the limits and
+ # ask them *before* next draw has been performed he will get the
+ # limits without applying keep aspect ratio.
+ # This attribute is used to ensure consistent values returned
+ # when getting the limits at the expense of a replot
+ self._dirtyLimits = True
+ self._axesDisplayed = True
+ self._matplotlibVersion = Version(matplotlib.__version__)
+ self.fig = Figure(
+ tight_layout=config._MPL_TIGHT_LAYOUT,
+ )
+ self.fig.set_facecolor("w")
+ if config._MPL_TIGHT_LAYOUT:
+ = self.fig.add_subplot(label="left")
+ else:
+ = self.fig.add_axes([0.15, 0.15, 0.75, 0.75], label="left")
+ self.ax2 =
+ self.ax2.set_label("right")
+ # Make sure background of Axes is displayed
+ self.ax2.patch.set_visible(False)
+ # Set axis zorder=0.5 so grid is displayed at 0.5
+ # Configure axes tick label formatter
+ for axis in (,, self.ax2.yaxis, self.ax2.xaxis):
+ axis.set_major_formatter(DefaultTickFormatter())
+ self.ax2.set_autoscaley_on(True)
+ # this works but the figure color is left
+ if self._matplotlibVersion < Version("2"):
+ else:
+ self._background = None
+ self._colormaps = {}
+ self._graphCursor = tuple()
+ self._enableAxis("right", False)
+ self._isXAxisTimeSeries = False
+ def getItemsFromBackToFront(self, condition=None):
+ """Order as BackendBase + take into account matplotlib Axes structure"""
+ def axesOrder(item):
+ if item.isOverlay():
+ return 2
+ elif isinstance(item, items.YAxisMixIn) and item.getYAxis() == "right":
+ return 1
+ else:
+ return 0
+ return sorted(
+ BackendBase.BackendBase.getItemsFromBackToFront(self, condition=condition),
+ key=axesOrder,
+ )
+ def _overlayItems(self):
+ """Generator of backend renderer for overlay items"""
+ for item in self._plot.getItems():
+ if (
+ item.isOverlay()
+ and item.isVisible()
+ and item._backendRenderer is not None
+ ):
+ yield item._backendRenderer
+ def _hasOverlays(self):
+ """Returns whether there is an overlay layer or not.
+ The overlay layers contains overlay items and the crosshair.
+ :rtype: bool
+ """
+ if self._graphCursor:
+ return True # There is the crosshair
+ for item in self._overlayItems():
+ return True # There is at least one overlay item
+ return False
+ # Add methods
+ def _getMarkerFromSymbol(self, symbol):
+ """Returns a marker that can be displayed by matplotlib.
+ :param str symbol: A symbol description used by silx
+ :rtype: Union[str,int,matplotlib.path.Path]
+ """
+ path = get_path_from_symbol(symbol)
+ if path is not None:
+ return path
+ num = _SPECIAL_MARKERS.get(symbol, None)
+ if num is not None:
+ return num
+ # This symbol must be supported by matplotlib
+ return symbol
+ def addCurve(
+ self,
+ x,
+ y,
+ color,
+ gapcolor,
+ symbol,
+ linewidth,
+ linestyle,
+ yaxis,
+ xerror,
+ yerror,
+ fill,
+ alpha,
+ symbolsize,
+ baseline,
+ ):
+ for parameter in (
+ x,
+ y,
+ color,
+ symbol,
+ linewidth,
+ linestyle,
+ yaxis,
+ fill,
+ alpha,
+ symbolsize,
+ ):
+ assert parameter is not None
+ assert yaxis in ("left", "right")
+ if len(color) == 4 and type(color[3]) in [type(1), numpy.uint8, numpy.int8]:
+ color = numpy.array(color, dtype=numpy.float64) / 255.0
+ if yaxis == "right":
+ axes = self.ax2
+ self._enableAxis("right", True)
+ else:
+ axes =
+ pickradius = 3
+ artists = [] # All the artists composing the curve
+ # First add errorbars if any so they are behind the curve
+ if xerror is not None or yerror is not None:
+ if hasattr(color, "dtype") and len(color) == len(x):
+ errorbarColor = "k"
+ else:
+ errorbarColor = color
+ # Nx1 error array deprecated in matplotlib >=3.1 (removed in 3.3)
+ if (
+ isinstance(xerror, numpy.ndarray)
+ and xerror.ndim == 2
+ and xerror.shape[1] == 1
+ ):
+ xerror = numpy.ravel(xerror)
+ if (
+ isinstance(yerror, numpy.ndarray)
+ and yerror.ndim == 2
+ and yerror.shape[1] == 1
+ ):
+ yerror = numpy.ravel(yerror)
+ errorbars = axes.errorbar(
+ x, y, xerr=xerror, yerr=yerror, linestyle=" ", color=errorbarColor
+ )
+ artists += list(errorbars.get_children())
+ if hasattr(color, "dtype") and len(color) == len(x):
+ # scatter plot
+ if color.dtype not in [numpy.float32, numpy.float64]:
+ actualColor = color / 255.0
+ else:
+ actualColor = color
+ if linestyle not in ["", " ", None]:
+ # scatter plot with an actual line ...
+ # we need to assign a color ...
+ curveList = axes.plot(
+ x,
+ y,
+ linestyle=linestyle,
+ color=actualColor[0],
+ linewidth=linewidth,
+ picker=True,
+ pickradius=pickradius,
+ marker=None,
+ )
+ artists += list(curveList)
+ marker = self._getMarkerFromSymbol(symbol)
+ scatter = axes.scatter(
+ x,
+ y,
+ color=actualColor,
+ marker=marker,
+ picker=True,
+ pickradius=pickradius,
+ s=symbolsize**2,
+ )
+ artists.append(scatter)
+ if fill:
+ if baseline is None:
+ _baseline = FLOAT32_MINPOS
+ else:
+ _baseline = baseline
+ artists.append(
+ axes.fill_between(
+ x, _baseline, y, facecolor=actualColor[0], linestyle=""
+ )
+ )
+ else: # Curve
+ curveList = axes.plot(
+ x,
+ y,
+ linestyle=linestyle,
+ color=color,
+ linewidth=linewidth,
+ marker=symbol,
+ picker=True,
+ pickradius=pickradius,
+ markersize=symbolsize,
+ )
+ if gapcolor is not None and self._matplotlibVersion >= Version("3.6.0"):
+ for line2d in curveList:
+ line2d.set_gapcolor(gapcolor)
+ artists += list(curveList)
+ if fill:
+ if baseline is None:
+ _baseline = FLOAT32_MINPOS
+ else:
+ _baseline = baseline
+ artists.append(axes.fill_between(x, _baseline, y, facecolor=color))
+ for artist in artists:
+ if alpha < 1:
+ artist.set_alpha(alpha)
+ return _PickableContainer(artists)
+ def addImage(self, data, origin, scale, colormap, alpha):
+ # Non-uniform image
+ #
+ # Non-linear axes
+ #
+ for parameter in (data, origin, scale):
+ assert parameter is not None
+ origin = float(origin[0]), float(origin[1])
+ scale = float(scale[0]), float(scale[1])
+ height, width = data.shape[0:2]
+ # All image are shown as RGBA image
+ image = Image(
+ interpolation="nearest",
+ picker=True,
+ origin="lower",
+ silx_origin=origin,
+ silx_scale=scale,
+ )
+ if alpha < 1:
+ image.set_alpha(alpha)
+ # Set image extent
+ xmin = origin[0]
+ xmax = xmin + scale[0] * width
+ if scale[0] < 0.0:
+ xmin, xmax = xmax, xmin
+ ymin = origin[1]
+ ymax = ymin + scale[1] * height
+ if scale[1] < 0.0:
+ ymin, ymax = ymax, ymin
+ image.set_extent((xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax))
+ # Set image data
+ if scale[0] < 0.0 or scale[1] < 0.0:
+ # For negative scale, step by -1
+ xstep = 1 if scale[0] >= 0.0 else -1
+ ystep = 1 if scale[1] >= 0.0 else -1
+ data = data[::ystep, ::xstep]
+ if data.ndim == 2: # Data image, convert to RGBA image
+ data = colormap.applyToData(data)
+ elif data.dtype == numpy.uint16:
+ # Normalize uint16 data to have a similar behavior as opengl backend
+ data = data.astype(numpy.float32)
+ data /= 65535
+ image.set_data(data)
+ return image
+ def addTriangles(self, x, y, triangles, color, alpha):
+ for parameter in (x, y, triangles, color, alpha):
+ assert parameter is not None
+ color = numpy.array(color, copy=False)
+ assert color.ndim == 2 and len(color) == len(x)
+ if color.dtype not in [numpy.float32, numpy.float64]:
+ color = color.astype(numpy.float32) / 255.0
+ collection = TriMesh(
+ Triangulation(x, y, triangles), alpha=alpha, pickradius=0
+ ) # 0 enables picking on filled triangle
+ collection.set_color(color)
+ return collection
+ def addShape(
+ self, x, y, shape, color, fill, overlay, linestyle, linewidth, gapcolor
+ ):
+ if gapcolor is not None and shape not in (
+ "rectangle",
+ "polygon",
+ "polylines",
+ ):
+ _logger.warning(
+ "gapcolor not implemented for %s with matplotlib backend", shape
+ )
+ xView = numpy.array(x, copy=False)
+ yView = numpy.array(y, copy=False)
+ linestyle = normalize_linestyle(linestyle)
+ if shape == "line":
+ item =
+ x, y, color=color, linestyle=linestyle, linewidth=linewidth, marker=None
+ )[0]
+ elif shape == "hline":
+ if hasattr(y, "__len__"):
+ y = y[-1]
+ item =
+ y, color=color, linestyle=linestyle, linewidth=linewidth
+ )
+ elif shape == "vline":
+ if hasattr(x, "__len__"):
+ x = x[-1]
+ item =
+ x, color=color, linestyle=linestyle, linewidth=linewidth
+ )
+ elif shape == "rectangle":
+ xMin = numpy.nanmin(xView)
+ xMax = numpy.nanmax(xView)
+ yMin = numpy.nanmin(yView)
+ yMax = numpy.nanmax(yView)
+ w = xMax - xMin
+ h = yMax - yMin
+ item = Rectangle2EdgeColor(
+ xy=(xMin, yMin),
+ width=w,
+ height=h,
+ fill=False,
+ color=color,
+ linestyle=linestyle,
+ linewidth=linewidth,
+ )
+ item.set_second_edgecolor(gapcolor)
+ if fill:
+ item.set_hatch(".")
+ elif shape in ("polygon", "polylines"):
+ points = numpy.array((xView, yView)).T
+ if shape == "polygon":
+ closed = True
+ else: # shape == 'polylines'
+ closed = numpy.all(numpy.equal(points[0], points[-1]))
+ item = Polygon2EdgeColor(
+ points,
+ closed=closed,
+ fill=False,
+ color=color,
+ linestyle=linestyle,
+ linewidth=linewidth,
+ )
+ item.set_second_edgecolor(gapcolor)
+ if fill and shape == "polygon":
+ item.set_hatch("/")
+ else:
+ raise NotImplementedError("Unsupported item shape %s" % shape)
+ if overlay:
+ item.set_animated(True)
+ return item
+ def addMarker(
+ self,
+ x,
+ y,
+ text,
+ color,
+ symbol,
+ linestyle,
+ linewidth,
+ constraint,
+ yaxis,
+ font,
+ bgcolor: RGBAColorType | None,
+ ):
+ textArtist = None
+ fontProperties = None if font is None else qFontToFontProperties(font)
+ xmin, xmax = self.getGraphXLimits()
+ ymin, ymax = self.getGraphYLimits(axis=yaxis)
+ if yaxis == "left":
+ ax =
+ elif yaxis == "right":
+ ax = self.ax2
+ else:
+ assert False
+ if bgcolor is None:
+ bgcolor = "none"
+ marker = self._getMarkerFromSymbol(symbol)
+ if x is not None and y is not None:
+ line = ax.plot(
+ x, y, linestyle=" ", color=color, marker=marker, markersize=10.0
+ )[-1]
+ if text is not None:
+ textArtist = _TextWithOffset(
+ x,
+ y,
+ text,
+ color=color,
+ backgroundcolor=bgcolor,
+ horizontalalignment="left",
+ fontproperties=fontProperties,
+ )
+ if symbol is not None:
+ textArtist.pixel_offset = 10, 3
+ elif x is not None:
+ line = ax.axvline(x, color=color, linewidth=linewidth, linestyle=linestyle)
+ if text is not None:
+ # Y position will be updated in updateMarkerText call
+ textArtist = _TextWithOffset(
+ x,
+ 1.0,
+ text,
+ color=color,
+ backgroundcolor=bgcolor,
+ horizontalalignment="left",
+ verticalalignment="top",
+ fontproperties=fontProperties,
+ )
+ textArtist.pixel_offset = 5, 3
+ elif y is not None:
+ line = ax.axhline(y, color=color, linewidth=linewidth, linestyle=linestyle)
+ if text is not None:
+ # X position will be updated in updateMarkerText call
+ textArtist = _TextWithOffset(
+ 1.0,
+ y,
+ text,
+ color=color,
+ backgroundcolor=bgcolor,
+ horizontalalignment="right",
+ verticalalignment="top",
+ fontproperties=fontProperties,
+ )
+ textArtist.pixel_offset = 5, 3
+ else:
+ raise RuntimeError("A marker must at least have one coordinate")
+ line.set_picker(True)
+ line.set_pickradius(5)
+ # All markers are overlays
+ line.set_animated(True)
+ if textArtist is not None:
+ ax.add_artist(textArtist)
+ textArtist.set_animated(True)
+ artists = [line] if textArtist is None else [line, textArtist]
+ container = _MarkerContainer(artists, symbol, x, y, yaxis)
+ container.updateMarkerText(xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax, self.isYAxisInverted())
+ return container
+ def _updateMarkers(self):
+ xmin, xmax =
+ ymin1, ymax1 =
+ ymin2, ymax2 = self.ax2.get_ybound()
+ yinverted = self.isYAxisInverted()
+ for item in self._overlayItems():
+ if isinstance(item, _MarkerContainer):
+ if item.yAxis == "left":
+ item.updateMarkerText(xmin, xmax, ymin1, ymax1, yinverted)
+ else:
+ item.updateMarkerText(xmin, xmax, ymin2, ymax2, yinverted)
+ # Remove methods
+ def remove(self, item):
+ try:
+ item.remove()
+ except ValueError:
+ pass # Already removed e.g., in set[X|Y]AxisLogarithmic
+ # Interaction methods
+ def setGraphCursor(self, flag, color, linewidth, linestyle):
+ if flag:
+ lineh =
+ visible=False,
+ color=color,
+ linewidth=linewidth,
+ linestyle=linestyle,
+ )
+ lineh.set_animated(True)
+ linev =
+ visible=False,
+ color=color,
+ linewidth=linewidth,
+ linestyle=linestyle,
+ )
+ linev.set_animated(True)
+ self._graphCursor = lineh, linev
+ else:
+ if self._graphCursor:
+ lineh, linev = self._graphCursor
+ lineh.remove()
+ linev.remove()
+ self._graphCursor = tuple()
+ # Active curve
+ def setCurveColor(self, curve, color):
+ # Store Line2D and PathCollection
+ for artist in curve.get_children():
+ if isinstance(artist, (Line2D, LineCollection)):
+ artist.set_color(color)
+ elif isinstance(artist, PathCollection):
+ artist.set_facecolors(color)
+ artist.set_edgecolors(color)
+ else:
+ _logger.warning("setActiveCurve ignoring artist %s", str(artist))
+ # Misc.
+ def getWidgetHandle(self):
+ return self.fig.canvas
+ def _enableAxis(self, axis, flag=True):
+ """Show/hide Y axis
+ :param str axis: Axis name: 'left' or 'right'
+ :param bool flag: Default, True
+ """
+ assert axis in ("right", "left")
+ axes = self.ax2 if axis == "right" else
+ axes.get_yaxis().set_visible(flag)
+ def replot(self):
+ """Do not perform rendering.
+ Override in subclass to actually draw something.
+ """
+ with self._plot._paintContext():
+ self._replot()
+ def _replot(self):
+ """Call from subclass :meth:`replot` to handle updates"""
+ # TODO images, markers? scatter plot? move in remove?
+ # Right Y axis only support curve for now
+ # Hide right Y axis if no line is present
+ self._dirtyLimits = False
+ if not self.ax2.lines:
+ self._enableAxis("right", False)
+ def _drawOverlays(self):
+ """Draw overlays if any."""
+ def condition(item):
+ return (
+ item.isVisible()
+ and item._backendRenderer is not None
+ and item.isOverlay()
+ )
+ for item in self.getItemsFromBackToFront(condition=condition):
+ if isinstance(item, items.YAxisMixIn) and item.getYAxis() == "right":
+ axes = self.ax2
+ else:
+ axes =
+ axes.draw_artist(item._backendRenderer)
+ for item in self._graphCursor:
+ def updateZOrder(self):
+ """Reorder all items with z order from 0 to 1"""
+ items = self.getItemsFromBackToFront(
+ lambda item: item.isVisible() and item._backendRenderer is not None
+ )
+ count = len(items)
+ for index, item in enumerate(items):
+ if item.getZValue() < 0.5:
+ # Make sure matplotlib z order is below the grid (with z=0.5)
+ zorder = 0.5 * index / count
+ else: # Make sure matplotlib z order is above the grid (> 0.5)
+ zorder = 1.0 + index / count
+ if zorder != item._backendRenderer.get_zorder():
+ item._backendRenderer.set_zorder(zorder)
+ def saveGraph(self, fileName, fileFormat, dpi):
+ self.updateZOrder()
+ # fileName can be also a StringIO or file instance
+ if dpi is not None:
+ self.fig.savefig(fileName, format=fileFormat, dpi=dpi)
+ else:
+ self.fig.savefig(fileName, format=fileFormat)
+ self._plot._setDirtyPlot()
+ # Graph labels
+ def setGraphTitle(self, title):
+ def setGraphXLabel(self, label):
+ def setGraphYLabel(self, label, axis):
+ axes = if axis == "left" else self.ax2
+ axes.set_ylabel(label)
+ # Graph limits
+ def setLimits(self, xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax, y2min=None, y2max=None):
+ # Let matplotlib taking care of keep aspect ratio if any
+ self._dirtyLimits = True
+, xmax), max(xmin, xmax))
+ if y2min is not None and y2max is not None:
+ if not self.isYAxisInverted():
+ self.ax2.set_ylim(min(y2min, y2max), max(y2min, y2max))
+ else:
+ self.ax2.set_ylim(max(y2min, y2max), min(y2min, y2max))
+ if not self.isYAxisInverted():
+, ymax), max(ymin, ymax))
+ else:
+, ymax), min(ymin, ymax))
+ self._updateMarkers()
+ def getGraphXLimits(self):
+ if self._dirtyLimits and self.isKeepDataAspectRatio():
+ self.ax2.apply_aspect()
+ self._dirtyLimits = False
+ return
+ def setGraphXLimits(self, xmin, xmax):
+ self._dirtyLimits = True
+, xmax), max(xmin, xmax))
+ self._updateMarkers()
+ def getGraphYLimits(self, axis):
+ assert axis in ("left", "right")
+ ax = self.ax2 if axis == "right" else
+ if not ax.get_visible():
+ return None
+ if self._dirtyLimits and self.isKeepDataAspectRatio():
+ self.ax2.apply_aspect()
+ self._dirtyLimits = False
+ return ax.get_ybound()
+ def setGraphYLimits(self, ymin, ymax, axis):
+ ax = self.ax2 if axis == "right" else
+ if ymax < ymin:
+ ymin, ymax = ymax, ymin
+ self._dirtyLimits = True
+ if self.isKeepDataAspectRatio():
+ # matplotlib keeps limits of shared axis when keeping aspect ratio
+ # So x limits are kept when changing y limits....
+ # Change x limits first by taking into account aspect ratio
+ # and then change y limits.. so matplotlib does not need
+ # to make change (to y) to keep aspect ratio
+ xmin, xmax = ax.get_xbound()
+ curYMin, curYMax = ax.get_ybound()
+ newXRange = (xmax - xmin) * (ymax - ymin) / (curYMax - curYMin)
+ xcenter = 0.5 * (xmin + xmax)
+ ax.set_xlim(xcenter - 0.5 * newXRange, xcenter + 0.5 * newXRange)
+ if not self.isYAxisInverted():
+ ax.set_ylim(ymin, ymax)
+ else:
+ ax.set_ylim(ymax, ymin)
+ self._updateMarkers()
+ # Graph axes
+ def __initXAxisFormatterAndLocator(self):
+ if != "linear":
+ return # Do not override formatter and locator
+ if not self.isXAxisTimeSeries():
+ return
+ # We can't use a matplotlib.dates.DateFormatter because it expects
+ # the data to be in datetimes. Silx works internally with
+ # timestamps (floats).
+ locator = NiceDateLocator(tz=self.getXAxisTimeZone())
+ NiceAutoDateFormatter(locator, tz=self.getXAxisTimeZone())
+ )
+ def setXAxisTimeZone(self, tz):
+ super(BackendMatplotlib, self).setXAxisTimeZone(tz)
+ # Make new formatter and locator with the time zone.
+ self.setXAxisTimeSeries(self.isXAxisTimeSeries())
+ def isXAxisTimeSeries(self):
+ return self._isXAxisTimeSeries
+ def setXAxisTimeSeries(self, isTimeSeries):
+ self._isXAxisTimeSeries = isTimeSeries
+ self.__initXAxisFormatterAndLocator()
+ def setXAxisLogarithmic(self, flag):
+ # Workaround for matplotlib 2.1.0 when one tries to set an axis
+ # to log scale with both limits <= 0
+ # In this case a draw with positive limits is needed first
+ if flag and self._matplotlibVersion >= Version("2.1.0"):
+ xlim =
+ if xlim[0] <= 0 and xlim[1] <= 0:
+, 10)
+ self.draw()
+ xscale = "log" if flag else "linear"
+ self.ax2.set_xscale(xscale)
+ self.__initXAxisFormatterAndLocator()
+ def setYAxisLogarithmic(self, flag):
+ # Workaround for matplotlib 2.0 issue with negative bounds
+ # before switching to log scale
+ if flag and self._matplotlibVersion >= Version("2.0.0"):
+ redraw = False
+ for axis, dataRangeIndex in ((, 1), (self.ax2, 2)):
+ ylim = axis.get_ylim()
+ if ylim[0] <= 0 or ylim[1] <= 0:
+ dataRange = self._plot.getDataRange()[dataRangeIndex]
+ if dataRange is None:
+ dataRange = 1, 100 # Fallback
+ axis.set_ylim(*dataRange)
+ redraw = True
+ if redraw:
+ self.draw()
+ if flag:
+ self.ax2.set_yscale("log")
+ return
+ self.ax2.set_yscale("linear")
+ self.ax2.yaxis.set_major_formatter(DefaultTickFormatter())
+ def setYAxisInverted(self, flag):
+ if != bool(flag):
+ self._updateMarkers()
+ def isYAxisInverted(self):
+ return
+ def isYRightAxisVisible(self):
+ return self.ax2.yaxis.get_visible()
+ def isKeepDataAspectRatio(self):
+ return in (1.0, "equal")
+ def setKeepDataAspectRatio(self, flag):
+ if flag else "auto")
+ self.ax2.set_aspect(1.0 if flag else "auto")
+ def setGraphGrid(self, which):
+, which="both") # Disable all grid first
+ if which is not None:
+, which=which)
+ # Data <-> Pixel coordinates conversion
+ def _getDevicePixelRatio(self) -> float:
+ """Compatibility wrapper for devicePixelRatioF"""
+ return 1.0
+ def _mplToQtPosition(
+ self, x: Union[float, numpy.ndarray], y: Union[float, numpy.ndarray]
+ ) -> Tuple[Union[float, numpy.ndarray], Union[float, numpy.ndarray]]:
+ """Convert matplotlib "display" space coord to Qt widget logical pixel"""
+ ratio = self._getDevicePixelRatio()
+ # Convert from matplotlib origin (bottom) to Qt origin (top)
+ # and apply device pixel ratio
+ return x / ratio, (self.fig.get_window_extent().height - y) / ratio
+ def _qtToMplPosition(self, x: float, y: float) -> Tuple[float, float]:
+ """Convert Qt widget logical pixel to matplotlib "display" space coord"""
+ ratio = self._getDevicePixelRatio()
+ # Apply device pixel ration and
+ # convert from Qt origin (top) to matplotlib origin (bottom)
+ return x * ratio, self.fig.get_window_extent().height - (y * ratio)
+ def dataToPixel(self, x, y, axis):
+ ax = self.ax2 if axis == "right" else
+ points = numpy.transpose((x, y))
+ displayPos = ax.transData.transform(points).transpose()
+ return self._mplToQtPosition(*displayPos)
+ def pixelToData(self, x, y, axis):
+ ax = self.ax2 if axis == "right" else
+ displayPos = self._qtToMplPosition(x, y)
+ return tuple(ax.transData.inverted().transform_point(displayPos))
+ def getPlotBoundsInPixels(self):
+ bbox =
+ # Warning this is not returning int...
+ ratio = self._getDevicePixelRatio()
+ return tuple(
+ int(value / ratio)
+ for value in (
+ bbox.xmin,
+ self.fig.get_window_extent().height - bbox.ymax,
+ bbox.width,
+ bbox.height,
+ )
+ )
+ def setAxesMargins(self, left: float, top: float, right: float, bottom: float):
+ width, height = 1.0 - left - right, 1.0 - top - bottom
+ position = left, bottom, width, height
+ istight = config._MPL_TIGHT_LAYOUT and (left, top, right, bottom) != (
+ 0,
+ 0,
+ 0,
+ 0,
+ )
+ if self._matplotlibVersion >= Version("3.6"):
+ self.fig.set_layout_engine("tight" if istight else None)
+ else:
+ self.fig.set_tight_layout(True if istight else None)
+ # Toggle display of axes and viewbox rect
+ isFrameOn = position != (0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0)
+ self.ax2.set_frame_on(isFrameOn)
+ self.ax2.set_position(position)
+ self._synchronizeBackgroundColors()
+ self._synchronizeForegroundColors()
+ self._plot._setDirtyPlot()
+ def _synchronizeBackgroundColors(self):
+ backgroundColor = self._plot.getBackgroundColor().getRgbF()
+ dataBackgroundColor = self._plot.getDataBackgroundColor()
+ if dataBackgroundColor.isValid():
+ dataBackgroundColor = dataBackgroundColor.getRgbF()
+ else:
+ dataBackgroundColor = backgroundColor
+ if
+ self.fig.patch.set_facecolor(backgroundColor)
+ if self._matplotlibVersion < Version("2"):
+ else:
+ else:
+ self.fig.patch.set_facecolor(dataBackgroundColor)
+ def _synchronizeForegroundColors(self):
+ foregroundColor = self._plot.getForegroundColor().getRgbF()
+ gridColor = self._plot.getGridColor()
+ if gridColor.isValid():
+ gridColor = gridColor.getRgbF()
+ else:
+ gridColor = foregroundColor
+ for axes in (, self.ax2):
+ if axes.get_frame_on():
+ axes.spines["bottom"].set_color(foregroundColor)
+ axes.spines["top"].set_color(foregroundColor)
+ axes.spines["right"].set_color(foregroundColor)
+ axes.spines["left"].set_color(foregroundColor)
+ axes.tick_params(axis="x", colors=foregroundColor)
+ axes.tick_params(axis="y", colors=foregroundColor)
+ axes.yaxis.label.set_color(foregroundColor)
+ axes.xaxis.label.set_color(foregroundColor)
+ axes.title.set_color(foregroundColor)
+ for line in axes.get_xgridlines():
+ line.set_color(gridColor)
+ for line in axes.get_ygridlines():
+ line.set_color(gridColor)
+ # axes.grid().set_markeredgecolor(gridColor)
+ def setBackgroundColors(self, backgroundColor, dataBackgroundColor):
+ self._synchronizeBackgroundColors()
+ def setForegroundColors(self, foregroundColor, gridColor):
+ self._synchronizeForegroundColors()
+class BackendMatplotlibQt(BackendMatplotlib, FigureCanvasQTAgg):
+ """QWidget matplotlib backend using a QtAgg canvas.
+ It adds fast overlay drawing and mouse event management.
+ """
+ _sigPostRedisplay = qt.Signal()
+ """Signal handling automatic asynchronous replot"""
+ def __init__(self, plot, parent=None):
+ BackendMatplotlib.__init__(self, plot, parent)
+ FigureCanvasQTAgg.__init__(self, self.fig)
+ self.setParent(parent)
+ self._limitsBeforeResize = None
+ FigureCanvasQTAgg.setSizePolicy(
+ self, qt.QSizePolicy.Expanding, qt.QSizePolicy.Expanding
+ )
+ FigureCanvasQTAgg.updateGeometry(self)
+ # Make postRedisplay asynchronous using Qt signal
+ self._sigPostRedisplay.connect(self.__deferredReplot, qt.Qt.QueuedConnection)
+ self._picked = None
+ self.mpl_connect("button_press_event", self._onMousePress)
+ self.mpl_connect("button_release_event", self._onMouseRelease)
+ self.mpl_connect("motion_notify_event", self._onMouseMove)
+ self.mpl_connect("scroll_event", self._onMouseWheel)
+ def postRedisplay(self):
+ self._sigPostRedisplay.emit()
+ def __deferredReplot(self):
+ # Since this is deferred, makes sure it is still needed
+ plot = self._plotRef()
+ if plot is not None and plot._getDirtyPlot() and plot.getBackend() is self:
+ self.replot()
+ def _getDevicePixelRatio(self) -> float:
+ """Compatibility wrapper for devicePixelRatioF"""
+ if hasattr(self, "devicePixelRatioF"):
+ ratio = self.devicePixelRatioF()
+ else: # Qt < 5.6 compatibility
+ ratio = float(self.devicePixelRatio())
+ # Safety net: avoid returning 0
+ return ratio if ratio != 0.0 else 1.0
+ # Mouse event forwarding
+ _MPL_TO_PLOT_BUTTONS = {1: "left", 2: "middle", 3: "right"}
+ def _onMousePress(self, event):
+ button = self._MPL_TO_PLOT_BUTTONS.get(event.button, None)
+ if button is not None:
+ x, y = self._mplToQtPosition(event.x, event.y)
+ self._plot.onMousePress(int(x), int(y), button)
+ def _onMouseMove(self, event):
+ x, y = self._mplToQtPosition(event.x, event.y)
+ if self._graphCursor:
+ position = self._plot.pixelToData(x, y, axis="left", check=True)
+ lineh, linev = self._graphCursor
+ if position is not None:
+ linev.set_visible(True)
+ linev.set_xdata((position[0], position[0]))
+ lineh.set_visible(True)
+ lineh.set_ydata((position[1], position[1]))
+ self._plot._setDirtyPlot(overlayOnly=True)
+ elif lineh.get_visible():
+ lineh.set_visible(False)
+ linev.set_visible(False)
+ self._plot._setDirtyPlot(overlayOnly=True)
+ # onMouseMove must trigger replot if dirty flag is raised
+ self._plot.onMouseMove(int(x), int(y))
+ def _onMouseRelease(self, event):
+ button = self._MPL_TO_PLOT_BUTTONS.get(event.button, None)
+ if button is not None:
+ x, y = self._mplToQtPosition(event.x, event.y)
+ self._plot.onMouseRelease(int(x), int(y), button)
+ def _onMouseWheel(self, event):
+ x, y = self._mplToQtPosition(event.x, event.y)
+ self._plot.onMouseWheel(int(x), int(y), event.step)
+ def leaveEvent(self, event):
+ """QWidget event handler"""
+ try:
+ plot = self._plot
+ except RuntimeError:
+ pass
+ else:
+ plot.onMouseLeaveWidget()
+ # picking
+ def pickItem(self, x, y, item):
+ xDisplay, yDisplay = self._qtToMplPosition(x, y)
+ mouseEvent = MouseEvent(
+ "button_press_event", self, int(xDisplay), int(yDisplay)
+ )
+ # Override axes and data position with the axes
+ mouseEvent.inaxes = item.axes
+ mouseEvent.xdata, mouseEvent.ydata = self.pixelToData(
+ x, y, axis="left" if item.axes is else "right"
+ )
+ picked, info = item.contains(mouseEvent)
+ if not picked:
+ return None
+ elif isinstance(item, TriMesh):
+ # Convert selected triangle to data point indices
+ triangulation = item._triangulation
+ indices = triangulation.get_masked_triangles()[info["ind"][0]]
+ # Sort picked triangle points by distance to mouse
+ # from furthest to closest to put closest point last
+ # This is to be somewhat consistent with last scatter point
+ # being the top one.
+ xdata, ydata = self.pixelToData(x, y, axis="left")
+ dists = (triangulation.x[indices] - xdata) ** 2 + (
+ triangulation.y[indices] - ydata
+ ) ** 2
+ return indices[numpy.flip(numpy.argsort(dists), axis=0)]
+ else: # Returns indices if any
+ return info.get("ind", ())
+ # replot control
+ def resizeEvent(self, event):
+ # Store current limits
+ self._limitsBeforeResize = (
+ self.ax2.get_ybound(),
+ )
+ FigureCanvasQTAgg.resizeEvent(self, event)
+ if self.isKeepDataAspectRatio() or self._hasOverlays():
+ # This is needed with matplotlib 1.5.x and 2.0.x
+ self._plot._setDirtyPlot()
+ def draw(self):
+ """Overload draw
+ It performs a full redraw (including overlays) of the plot.
+ It also resets background and emit limits changed signal.
+ This is directly called by matplotlib for widget resize.
+ """
+ if self.size().isEmpty():
+ return # Skip rendering of 0-sized canvas
+ self.updateZOrder()
+ if not qt_inspect.isValid(self):
+"draw requested but widget no longer exists")
+ return
+ # Starting with mpl 2.1.0, toggling autoscale raises a ValueError
+ # in some situations. See #1081, #1136, #1163,
+ if self._matplotlibVersion >= Version("2.0.0"):
+ try:
+ FigureCanvasQTAgg.draw(self)
+ except ValueError as err:
+ _logger.debug(
+ "ValueError caught while calling FigureCanvasQTAgg.draw: " "'%s'",
+ err,
+ )
+ else:
+ FigureCanvasQTAgg.draw(self)
+ if self._hasOverlays():
+ # Save background
+ self._background = self.copy_from_bbox(self.fig.bbox)
+ else:
+ self._background = None # Reset background
+ # Check if limits changed due to a resize of the widget
+ if self._limitsBeforeResize is not None:
+ xLimits, yLimits, yRightLimits = self._limitsBeforeResize
+ self._limitsBeforeResize = None
+ if xLimits != or yLimits !=
+ self._updateMarkers()
+ if xLimits !=
+ self._plot.getXAxis()._emitLimitsChanged()
+ if yLimits !=
+ self._plot.getYAxis(axis="left")._emitLimitsChanged()
+ if yRightLimits != self.ax2.get_ybound():
+ self._plot.getYAxis(axis="right")._emitLimitsChanged()
+ self._drawOverlays()
+ def replot(self):
+ if not qt_inspect.isValid(self):
+"replot requested but widget no longer exists")
+ return
+ with self._plot._paintContext():
+ BackendMatplotlib._replot(self)
+ dirtyFlag = self._plot._getDirtyPlot()
+ if dirtyFlag == "overlay":
+ # Only redraw overlays using fast rendering path
+ if self._background is None:
+ self._background = self.copy_from_bbox(self.fig.bbox)
+ self.restore_region(self._background)
+ self._drawOverlays()
+ self.blit(self.fig.bbox)
+ elif dirtyFlag: # Need full redraw
+ self.draw()
+ # Workaround issue of rendering overlays with some matplotlib versions
+ if Version("1.5") <= self._matplotlibVersion < Version(
+ "2.1"
+ ) and not hasattr(self, "_firstReplot"):
+ self._firstReplot = False
+ if self._hasOverlays():
+ qt.QTimer.singleShot(0, self.draw) # Request async draw
+ # cursor
+ BackendBase.CURSOR_DEFAULT: qt.Qt.ArrowCursor,
+ BackendBase.CURSOR_POINTING: qt.Qt.PointingHandCursor,
+ BackendBase.CURSOR_SIZE_HOR: qt.Qt.SizeHorCursor,
+ BackendBase.CURSOR_SIZE_VER: qt.Qt.SizeVerCursor,
+ BackendBase.CURSOR_SIZE_ALL: qt.Qt.SizeAllCursor,
+ }
+ def setGraphCursorShape(self, cursor):
+ if cursor is None:
+ FigureCanvasQTAgg.unsetCursor(self)
+ else:
+ cursor = self._QT_CURSORS[cursor]
+ FigureCanvasQTAgg.setCursor(self, qt.QCursor(cursor))