path: root/src/silx/gui/plot/items/
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1 files changed, 673 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/silx/gui/plot/items/ b/src/silx/gui/plot/items/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..18310d9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/silx/gui/plot/items/
@@ -0,0 +1,673 @@
+# /*##########################################################################
+# Copyright (c) 2017-2023 European Synchrotron Radiation Facility
+# Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
+# of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
+# in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
+# to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
+# copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
+# furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
+# The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
+# all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
+# ###########################################################################*/
+"""This module provides the :class:`ImageData` and :class:`ImageRgba` items
+of the :class:`Plot`.
+__authors__ = ["T. Vincent"]
+__license__ = "MIT"
+__date__ = "08/12/2020"
+from collections import abc
+import logging
+import numpy
+from ....utils.proxy import docstring
+from ....utils.deprecation import deprecated_warning
+from .core import (
+ DataItem,
+ LabelsMixIn,
+ DraggableMixIn,
+ ColormapMixIn,
+ AlphaMixIn,
+ ItemChangedType,
+_logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
+def _convertImageToRgba32(image, copy=True):
+ """Convert an RGB or RGBA image to RGBA32.
+ It converts from floats in [0, 1], bool, integer and uint in [0, 255]
+ If the input image is already an RGBA32 image,
+ the returned image shares the same data.
+ :param image: Image to convert to
+ :type image: numpy.ndarray with 3 dimensions: height, width, color channels
+ :param bool copy: True (Default) to get a copy, False, avoid copy if possible
+ :return: The image converted to RGBA32 with dimension: (height, width, 4)
+ :rtype: numpy.ndarray of uint8
+ """
+ assert image.ndim == 3
+ assert image.shape[-1] in (3, 4)
+ # Convert type to uint8
+ if != "uint8":
+ if image.dtype.kind == "f": # Float in [0, 1]
+ image = (numpy.clip(image, 0.0, 1.0) * 255).astype(numpy.uint8)
+ elif image.dtype.kind == "b": # boolean
+ image = image.astype(numpy.uint8) * 255
+ elif image.dtype.kind in ("i", "u"): # int, uint
+ image = numpy.clip(image, 0, 255).astype(numpy.uint8)
+ else:
+ raise ValueError("Unsupported image dtype: %s",
+ copy = False # A copy as already been done, avoid next one
+ # Convert RGB to RGBA
+ if image.shape[-1] == 3:
+ new_image = numpy.empty((image.shape[0], image.shape[1], 4), dtype=numpy.uint8)
+ new_image[:, :, :3] = image
+ new_image[:, :, 3] = 255
+ return new_image # This is a copy anyway
+ else:
+ return numpy.array(image, copy=copy)
+class ImageBase(DataItem, LabelsMixIn, DraggableMixIn, AlphaMixIn):
+ """Description of an image
+ :param numpy.ndarray data: Initial image data
+ """
+ def __init__(self, data=None, mask=None):
+ DataItem.__init__(self)
+ LabelsMixIn.__init__(self)
+ DraggableMixIn.__init__(self)
+ AlphaMixIn.__init__(self)
+ if data is None:
+ data = numpy.zeros((0, 0, 4), dtype=numpy.uint8)
+ self._data = data
+ self._mask = mask
+ self.__valueDataCache = None # Store default data
+ self._origin = (0.0, 0.0)
+ self._scale = (1.0, 1.0)
+ def __getitem__(self, item):
+ """Compatibility with PyMca and silx <= 0.4.0"""
+ deprecated_warning(
+ "Attributes",
+ "__getitem__",
+ since_version="2.0.0",
+ replacement="Use ImageBase methods",
+ )
+ if isinstance(item, slice):
+ return [self[index] for index in range(*item.indices(5))]
+ elif item == 0:
+ return self.getData(copy=False)
+ elif item == 1:
+ return self.getName()
+ elif item == 2:
+ info = self.getInfo(copy=False)
+ return {} if info is None else info
+ elif item == 3:
+ return None
+ elif item == 4:
+ params = {
+ "info": self.getInfo(),
+ "origin": self.getOrigin(),
+ "scale": self.getScale(),
+ "z": self.getZValue(),
+ "selectable": self.isSelectable(),
+ "draggable": self.isDraggable(),
+ "colormap": None,
+ "xlabel": self.getXLabel(),
+ "ylabel": self.getYLabel(),
+ }
+ return params
+ else:
+ raise IndexError("Index out of range: %s" % str(item))
+ def _isPlotLinear(self, plot):
+ """Return True if plot only uses linear scale for both of x and y
+ axes."""
+ linear = plot.getXAxis().LINEAR
+ if plot.getXAxis().getScale() != linear:
+ return False
+ if plot.getYAxis().getScale() != linear:
+ return False
+ return True
+ def _getBounds(self):
+ if self.getData(copy=False).size == 0: # Empty data
+ return None
+ height, width = self.getData(copy=False).shape[:2]
+ origin = self.getOrigin()
+ scale = self.getScale()
+ # Taking care of scale might be < 0
+ xmin, xmax = origin[0], origin[0] + width * scale[0]
+ if xmin > xmax:
+ xmin, xmax = xmax, xmin
+ # Taking care of scale might be < 0
+ ymin, ymax = origin[1], origin[1] + height * scale[1]
+ if ymin > ymax:
+ ymin, ymax = ymax, ymin
+ plot = self.getPlot()
+ if plot is not None and not self._isPlotLinear(plot):
+ return None
+ else:
+ return xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax
+ @docstring(DraggableMixIn)
+ def drag(self, from_, to):
+ origin = self.getOrigin()
+ self.setOrigin((origin[0] + to[0] - from_[0], origin[1] + to[1] - from_[1]))
+ def getData(self, copy=True):
+ """Returns the image data
+ :param bool copy: True (Default) to get a copy,
+ False to use internal representation (do not modify!)
+ :rtype: numpy.ndarray
+ """
+ return numpy.array(self._data, copy=copy)
+ def setData(self, data):
+ """Set the image data
+ :param numpy.ndarray data:
+ """
+ previousShape = self._data.shape
+ self._data = data
+ self._valueDataChanged()
+ self._boundsChanged()
+ self._updated(ItemChangedType.DATA)
+ if (
+ self.getMaskData(copy=False) is not None
+ and previousShape != self._data.shape
+ ):
+ # Data shape changed, so mask shape changes.
+ # Send event, mask is lazily updated in getMaskData
+ self._updated(ItemChangedType.MASK)
+ def getMaskData(self, copy=True):
+ """Returns the mask data
+ :param bool copy: True (Default) to get a copy,
+ False to use internal representation (do not modify!)
+ :rtype: Union[None,numpy.ndarray]
+ """
+ if self._mask is None:
+ return None
+ # Update mask if it does not match data shape
+ shape = self.getData(copy=False).shape[:2]
+ if self._mask.shape != shape:
+ # Clip/extend mask to match data
+ newMask = numpy.zeros(shape, dtype=self._mask.dtype)
+ newMask[: self._mask.shape[0], : self._mask.shape[1]] = self._mask[
+ : shape[0], : shape[1]
+ ]
+ self._mask = newMask
+ return numpy.array(self._mask, copy=copy)
+ def setMaskData(self, mask, copy=True):
+ """Set the image data
+ :param numpy.ndarray data:
+ :param bool copy: True (Default) to make a copy,
+ False to use as is (do not modify!)
+ """
+ if mask is not None:
+ mask = numpy.array(mask, copy=copy)
+ shape = self.getData(copy=False).shape[:2]
+ if mask.shape != shape:
+ _logger.warning(
+ "Inconsistent shape between mask and data %s, %s", mask.shape, shape
+ )
+ # Clip/extent is done lazily in getMaskData
+ elif self._mask is None:
+ return # No update
+ self._mask = mask
+ self._valueDataChanged()
+ self._updated(ItemChangedType.MASK)
+ def _valueDataChanged(self):
+ """Clear cache of default data array"""
+ self.__valueDataCache = None
+ def _getValueData(self, copy=True):
+ """Return data used by :meth:`getValueData`
+ :param bool copy:
+ :rtype: numpy.ndarray
+ """
+ return self.getData(copy=copy)
+ def getValueData(self, copy=True):
+ """Return data (converted to int or float) with mask applied.
+ Masked values are set to Not-A-Number.
+ It returns a 2D array of values (int or float).
+ :param bool copy:
+ :rtype: numpy.ndarray
+ """
+ if self.__valueDataCache is None:
+ data = self._getValueData(copy=False)
+ mask = self.getMaskData(copy=False)
+ if mask is not None:
+ if numpy.issubdtype(data.dtype, numpy.floating):
+ dtype = data.dtype
+ else:
+ dtype = numpy.float64
+ data = numpy.array(data, dtype=dtype, copy=True)
+ data[mask != 0] = numpy.NaN
+ self.__valueDataCache = data
+ return numpy.array(self.__valueDataCache, copy=copy)
+ def getRgbaImageData(self, copy=True):
+ """Get the displayed RGB(A) image
+ :param bool copy: True (Default) to get a copy,
+ False to use internal representation (do not modify!)
+ :returns: numpy.ndarray of uint8 of shape (height, width, 4)
+ """
+ raise NotImplementedError("This MUST be implemented in sub-class")
+ def getOrigin(self):
+ """Returns the offset from origin at which to display the image.
+ :rtype: 2-tuple of float
+ """
+ return self._origin
+ def setOrigin(self, origin):
+ """Set the offset from origin at which to display the image.
+ :param origin: (ox, oy) Offset from origin
+ :type origin: float or 2-tuple of float
+ """
+ if isinstance(origin, abc.Sequence):
+ origin = float(origin[0]), float(origin[1])
+ else: # single value origin
+ origin = float(origin), float(origin)
+ if origin != self._origin:
+ self._origin = origin
+ self._boundsChanged()
+ self._updated(ItemChangedType.POSITION)
+ def getScale(self):
+ """Returns the scale of the image in data coordinates.
+ :rtype: 2-tuple of float
+ """
+ return self._scale
+ def setScale(self, scale):
+ """Set the scale of the image
+ :param scale: (sx, sy) Scale of the image
+ :type scale: float or 2-tuple of float
+ """
+ if isinstance(scale, abc.Sequence):
+ scale = float(scale[0]), float(scale[1])
+ else: # single value scale
+ scale = float(scale), float(scale)
+ if scale != self._scale:
+ self._scale = scale
+ self._boundsChanged()
+ self._updated(ItemChangedType.SCALE)
+class ImageDataBase(ImageBase, ColormapMixIn):
+ """Base class for colormapped 2D data image"""
+ def __init__(self):
+ ImageBase.__init__(self, numpy.zeros((0, 0), dtype=numpy.float32))
+ ColormapMixIn.__init__(self)
+ def _getColormapForRendering(self):
+ colormap = self.getColormap()
+ if colormap.isAutoscale():
+ # NOTE: Make sure getColormapRange comes from the original object
+ vrange = colormap.getColormapRange(self)
+ # Avoid backend to compute autoscale: use item cache
+ colormap = colormap.copy()
+ colormap.setVRange(*vrange)
+ return colormap
+ def getRgbaImageData(self, copy=True):
+ """Get the displayed RGB(A) image
+ :returns: Array of uint8 of shape (height, width, 4)
+ :rtype: numpy.ndarray
+ """
+ return self.getColormap().applyToData(self)
+ def setData(self, data, copy=True):
+ """Set the image data
+ :param numpy.ndarray data: Data array with 2 dimensions (h, w)
+ :param bool copy: True (Default) to get a copy,
+ False to use internal representation (do not modify!)
+ """
+ data = numpy.array(data, copy=copy)
+ assert data.ndim == 2
+ if data.dtype.kind == "b":
+ _logger.warning("Converting boolean image to int8 to plot it.")
+ data = numpy.array(data, copy=False, dtype=numpy.int8)
+ elif numpy.iscomplexobj(data):
+ _logger.warning("Converting complex image to absolute value to plot it.")
+ data = numpy.absolute(data)
+ super().setData(data)
+ def _updated(self, event=None, checkVisibility=True):
+ # Synchronizes colormapped data if changed
+ if event in (ItemChangedType.DATA, ItemChangedType.MASK):
+ self._setColormappedData(self.getValueData(copy=False), copy=False)
+ super()._updated(event=event, checkVisibility=checkVisibility)
+class ImageData(ImageDataBase):
+ """Description of a data image with a colormap"""
+ def __init__(self):
+ ImageDataBase.__init__(self)
+ self._alternativeImage = None
+ self.__alpha = None
+ def _addBackendRenderer(self, backend):
+ """Update backend renderer"""
+ plot = self.getPlot()
+ assert plot is not None
+ if not self._isPlotLinear(plot):
+ # Do not render with non linear scales
+ return None
+ if (
+ self.getAlternativeImageData(copy=False) is not None
+ or self.getAlphaData(copy=False) is not None
+ ):
+ dataToUse = self.getRgbaImageData(copy=False)
+ else:
+ dataToUse = self.getData(copy=False)
+ if dataToUse.size == 0:
+ return None # No data to display
+ return backend.addImage(
+ dataToUse,
+ origin=self.getOrigin(),
+ scale=self.getScale(),
+ colormap=self._getColormapForRendering(),
+ alpha=self.getAlpha(),
+ )
+ def __getitem__(self, item):
+ """Compatibility with PyMca and silx <= 0.4.0"""
+ deprecated_warning(
+ "Attributes",
+ "__getitem__",
+ since_version="2.0.0",
+ replacement="Use ImageData methods",
+ )
+ if item == 3:
+ return self.getAlternativeImageData(copy=False)
+ params = ImageBase.__getitem__(self, item)
+ if item == 4:
+ params["colormap"] = self.getColormap()
+ return params
+ def getRgbaImageData(self, copy=True):
+ """Get the displayed RGB(A) image
+ :returns: Array of uint8 of shape (height, width, 4)
+ :rtype: numpy.ndarray
+ """
+ alternative = self.getAlternativeImageData(copy=False)
+ if alternative is not None:
+ return _convertImageToRgba32(alternative, copy=copy)
+ else:
+ image = super().getRgbaImageData(copy=copy)
+ alphaImage = self.getAlphaData(copy=False)
+ if alphaImage is not None:
+ # Apply transparency
+ image[:, :, 3] = image[:, :, 3] * alphaImage
+ return image
+ def getAlternativeImageData(self, copy=True):
+ """Get the optional RGBA image that is displayed instead of the data
+ :param bool copy: True (Default) to get a copy,
+ False to use internal representation (do not modify!)
+ :rtype: Union[None,numpy.ndarray]
+ """
+ if self._alternativeImage is None:
+ return None
+ else:
+ return numpy.array(self._alternativeImage, copy=copy)
+ def getAlphaData(self, copy=True):
+ """Get the optional transparency image applied on the data
+ :param bool copy: True (Default) to get a copy,
+ False to use internal representation (do not modify!)
+ :rtype: Union[None,numpy.ndarray]
+ """
+ if self.__alpha is None:
+ return None
+ else:
+ return numpy.array(self.__alpha, copy=copy)
+ def setData(self, data, alternative=None, alpha=None, copy=True):
+ """Set the image data and optionally an alternative RGB(A) representation
+ :param numpy.ndarray data: Data array with 2 dimensions (h, w)
+ :param alternative: RGB(A) image to display instead of data,
+ shape: (h, w, 3 or 4)
+ :type alternative: Union[None,numpy.ndarray]
+ :param alpha: An array of transparency value in [0, 1] to use for
+ display with shape: (h, w)
+ :type alpha: Union[None,numpy.ndarray]
+ :param bool copy: True (Default) to get a copy,
+ False to use internal representation (do not modify!)
+ """
+ data = numpy.array(data, copy=copy)
+ assert data.ndim == 2
+ if alternative is not None:
+ alternative = numpy.array(alternative, copy=copy)
+ assert alternative.ndim == 3
+ assert alternative.shape[2] in (3, 4)
+ assert alternative.shape[:2] == data.shape[:2]
+ self._alternativeImage = alternative
+ if alpha is not None:
+ alpha = numpy.array(alpha, copy=copy)
+ assert alpha.shape == data.shape
+ if alpha.dtype.kind != "f":
+ alpha = alpha.astype(numpy.float32)
+ if numpy.any(numpy.logical_or(alpha < 0.0, alpha > 1.0)):
+ alpha = numpy.clip(alpha, 0.0, 1.0)
+ self.__alpha = alpha
+ super().setData(data)
+class ImageRgba(ImageBase):
+ """Description of an RGB(A) image"""
+ def __init__(self):
+ ImageBase.__init__(self, numpy.zeros((0, 0, 4), dtype=numpy.uint8))
+ def _addBackendRenderer(self, backend):
+ """Update backend renderer"""
+ plot = self.getPlot()
+ assert plot is not None
+ if not self._isPlotLinear(plot):
+ # Do not render with non linear scales
+ return None
+ data = self.getData(copy=False)
+ if data.size == 0:
+ return None # No data to display
+ return backend.addImage(
+ data,
+ origin=self.getOrigin(),
+ scale=self.getScale(),
+ colormap=None,
+ alpha=self.getAlpha(),
+ )
+ def getRgbaImageData(self, copy=True):
+ """Get the displayed RGB(A) image
+ :returns: numpy.ndarray of uint8 of shape (height, width, 4)
+ """
+ return _convertImageToRgba32(self.getData(copy=False), copy=copy)
+ def setData(self, data, copy=True):
+ """Set the image data
+ :param data: RGB(A) image data to set
+ :param bool copy: True (Default) to get a copy,
+ False to use internal representation (do not modify!)
+ """
+ data = numpy.array(data, copy=copy)
+ if data.ndim != 3:
+ raise ValueError(
+ f"RGB(A) image is expected to be a 3D dataset. Got {data.ndim} dimensions"
+ )
+ if data.shape[-1] not in (3, 4):
+ raise ValueError(
+ f"RGB(A) image is expected to have 3 or 4 elements as last dimension. Got {data.shape[-1]}"
+ )
+ super().setData(data)
+ def _getValueData(self, copy=True):
+ """Compute the intensity of the RGBA image as default data.
+ Conversion:
+ :param bool copy:
+ """
+ rgba = self.getRgbaImageData(copy=False).astype(numpy.float32)
+ intensity = (
+ rgba[:, :, 0] * 0.299 + rgba[:, :, 1] * 0.587 + rgba[:, :, 2] * 0.114
+ )
+ intensity *= rgba[:, :, 3] / 255.0
+ return intensity
+class MaskImageData(ImageData):
+ """Description of an image used as a mask.
+ This class is used to flag mask items. This information is used to improve
+ internal silx widgets.
+ """
+ pass
+class ImageStack(ImageData):
+ """Item to store a stack of images and to show it in the plot as one
+ of the images of the stack.
+ The stack is a 3D array ordered this way: `frame id, y, x`.
+ So the first image of the stack can be reached this way: `stack[0, :, :]`
+ """
+ def __init__(self):
+ ImageData.__init__(self)
+ self.__stack = None
+ """A 3D numpy array (or a mimic one, see ListOfImages)"""
+ self.__stackPosition = None
+ """Displayed position in the cube"""
+ def setStackData(self, stack, position=None, copy=True):
+ """Set the stack data
+ :param stack: A 3D numpy array like
+ :param int position: The position of the displayed image in the stack
+ :param bool copy: True (Default) to get a copy,
+ False to use internal representation (do not modify!)
+ """
+ if self.__stack is stack:
+ return
+ if copy:
+ stack = numpy.array(stack)
+ assert stack.ndim == 3
+ self.__stack = stack
+ if position is not None:
+ self.__stackPosition = position
+ if self.__stackPosition is None:
+ self.__stackPosition = 0
+ self.__updateDisplayedData()
+ def getStackData(self, copy=True):
+ """Get the stored stack array.
+ :param bool copy: True (Default) to get a copy,
+ False to use internal representation (do not modify!)
+ :rtype: A 3D numpy array, or numpy array like
+ """
+ if copy:
+ return numpy.array(self.__stack)
+ else:
+ return self.__stack
+ def setStackPosition(self, pos):
+ """Set the displayed position on the stack.
+ This function will clamp the stack position according to
+ the real size of the first axis of the stack.
+ :param int pos: A position on the first axis of the stack.
+ """
+ if self.__stackPosition == pos:
+ return
+ self.__stackPosition = pos
+ self.__updateDisplayedData()
+ def getStackPosition(self):
+ """Get the displayed position of the stack.
+ :rtype: int
+ """
+ return self.__stackPosition
+ def __updateDisplayedData(self):
+ """Update the displayed frame whenever the stack or the stack
+ position are updated."""
+ if self.__stack is None or self.__stackPosition is None:
+ empty = numpy.array([]).reshape(0, 0)
+ self.setData(empty, copy=False)
+ return
+ size = len(self.__stack)
+ self.__stackPosition = numpy.clip(self.__stackPosition, 0, size)
+ self.setData(self.__stack[self.__stackPosition], copy=False)