path: root/src/silx/gui/plot/items
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/silx/gui/plot/items')
15 files changed, 9190 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/silx/gui/plot/items/ b/src/silx/gui/plot/items/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0fe29c2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/silx/gui/plot/items/
@@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
+# coding: utf-8
+# /*##########################################################################
+# Copyright (c) 2017-2021 European Synchrotron Radiation Facility
+# Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
+# of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
+# in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
+# to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
+# copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
+# furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
+# The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
+# all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
+# ###########################################################################*/
+"""This package provides classes that describes :class:`.PlotWidget` content.
+Instances of those classes are returned by :class:`.PlotWidget` methods that give
+access to its content such as :meth:`.PlotWidget.getCurve`, :meth:`.PlotWidget.getImage`.
+__authors__ = ["T. Vincent"]
+__license__ = "MIT"
+__date__ = "22/06/2017"
+from .core import (Item, DataItem, # noqa
+ LabelsMixIn, DraggableMixIn, ColormapMixIn, # noqa
+ SymbolMixIn, ColorMixIn, YAxisMixIn, FillMixIn, # noqa
+ AlphaMixIn, LineMixIn, ScatterVisualizationMixIn, # noqa
+ ComplexMixIn, ItemChangedType, PointsBase) # noqa
+from .complex import ImageComplexData # noqa
+from .curve import Curve, CurveStyle # noqa
+from .histogram import Histogram # noqa
+from .image import ImageBase, ImageData, ImageDataBase, ImageRgba, ImageStack, MaskImageData # noqa
+from .image_aggregated import ImageDataAggregated # noqa
+from .shape import Shape, BoundingRect, XAxisExtent, YAxisExtent # noqa
+from .scatter import Scatter # noqa
+from .marker import MarkerBase, Marker, XMarker, YMarker # noqa
+from .axis import Axis, XAxis, YAxis, YRightAxis
+DATA_ITEMS = (ImageComplexData, Curve, Histogram, ImageBase, Scatter,
+ BoundingRect, XAxisExtent, YAxisExtent)
+"""Classes of items representing data and to consider to compute data bounds.
diff --git a/src/silx/gui/plot/items/ b/src/silx/gui/plot/items/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..23416ec
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/silx/gui/plot/items/
@@ -0,0 +1,878 @@
+# coding: utf-8
+# /*##########################################################################
+# Copyright (c) 2018-2021 European Synchrotron Radiation Facility
+# Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
+# of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
+# in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
+# to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
+# copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
+# furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
+# The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
+# all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
+# ###########################################################################*/
+"""This module provides Arc ROI item for the :class:`~silx.gui.plot.PlotWidget`.
+__authors__ = ["V. Valls"]
+__license__ = "MIT"
+__date__ = "28/06/2018"
+import logging
+import numpy
+from ... import utils
+from .. import items
+from ...colors import rgba
+from ....utils.proxy import docstring
+from ._roi_base import HandleBasedROI
+from ._roi_base import InteractionModeMixIn
+from ._roi_base import RoiInteractionMode
+logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
+class _ArcGeometry:
+ """
+ Non-mutable object to store the geometry of the arc ROI.
+ The aim is is to switch between consistent state without dealing with
+ intermediate values.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, center, startPoint, endPoint, radius,
+ weight, startAngle, endAngle, closed=False):
+ """Constructor for a consistent arc geometry.
+ There is also specific class method to create different kind of arc
+ geometry.
+ """
+ = center
+ self.startPoint = startPoint
+ self.endPoint = endPoint
+ self.radius = radius
+ self.weight = weight
+ self.startAngle = startAngle
+ self.endAngle = endAngle
+ self._closed = closed
+ @classmethod
+ def createEmpty(cls):
+ """Create an arc geometry from an empty shape
+ """
+ zero = numpy.array([0, 0])
+ return cls(zero, zero.copy(), zero.copy(), 0, 0, 0, 0)
+ @classmethod
+ def createRect(cls, startPoint, endPoint, weight):
+ """Create an arc geometry from a definition of a rectangle
+ """
+ return cls(None, startPoint, endPoint, None, weight, None, None, False)
+ @classmethod
+ def createCircle(cls, center, startPoint, endPoint, radius,
+ weight, startAngle, endAngle):
+ """Create an arc geometry from a definition of a circle
+ """
+ return cls(center, startPoint, endPoint, radius,
+ weight, startAngle, endAngle, True)
+ def withWeight(self, weight):
+ """Return a new geometry based on this object, with a specific weight
+ """
+ return _ArcGeometry(, self.startPoint, self.endPoint,
+ self.radius, weight,
+ self.startAngle, self.endAngle, self._closed)
+ def withRadius(self, radius):
+ """Return a new geometry based on this object, with a specific radius.
+ The weight and the center is conserved.
+ """
+ startPoint = + (self.startPoint - / self.radius * radius
+ endPoint = + (self.endPoint - / self.radius * radius
+ return _ArcGeometry(, startPoint, endPoint,
+ radius, self.weight,
+ self.startAngle, self.endAngle, self._closed)
+ def withStartAngle(self, startAngle):
+ """Return a new geometry based on this object, with a specific start angle
+ """
+ vector = numpy.array([numpy.cos(startAngle), numpy.sin(startAngle)])
+ startPoint = + vector * self.radius
+ # Never add more than 180 to maintain coherency
+ deltaAngle = startAngle - self.startAngle
+ if deltaAngle > numpy.pi:
+ deltaAngle -= numpy.pi * 2
+ elif deltaAngle < -numpy.pi:
+ deltaAngle += numpy.pi * 2
+ startAngle = self.startAngle + deltaAngle
+ return _ArcGeometry(
+ startPoint,
+ self.endPoint,
+ self.radius,
+ self.weight,
+ startAngle,
+ self.endAngle,
+ self._closed,
+ )
+ def withEndAngle(self, endAngle):
+ """Return a new geometry based on this object, with a specific end angle
+ """
+ vector = numpy.array([numpy.cos(endAngle), numpy.sin(endAngle)])
+ endPoint = + vector * self.radius
+ # Never add more than 180 to maintain coherency
+ deltaAngle = endAngle - self.endAngle
+ if deltaAngle > numpy.pi:
+ deltaAngle -= numpy.pi * 2
+ elif deltaAngle < -numpy.pi:
+ deltaAngle += numpy.pi * 2
+ endAngle = self.endAngle + deltaAngle
+ return _ArcGeometry(
+ self.startPoint,
+ endPoint,
+ self.radius,
+ self.weight,
+ self.startAngle,
+ endAngle,
+ self._closed,
+ )
+ def translated(self, dx, dy):
+ """Return the translated geometry by dx, dy"""
+ delta = numpy.array([dx, dy])
+ center = None if is None else + delta
+ startPoint = None if self.startPoint is None else self.startPoint + delta
+ endPoint = None if self.endPoint is None else self.endPoint + delta
+ return _ArcGeometry(center, startPoint, endPoint,
+ self.radius, self.weight,
+ self.startAngle, self.endAngle, self._closed)
+ def getKind(self):
+ """Returns the kind of shape defined"""
+ if is None:
+ return "rect"
+ elif numpy.isnan(self.startAngle):
+ return "point"
+ elif self.isClosed():
+ if self.weight <= 0 or self.weight * 0.5 >= self.radius:
+ return "circle"
+ else:
+ return "donut"
+ else:
+ if self.weight * 0.5 < self.radius:
+ return "arc"
+ else:
+ return "camembert"
+ def isClosed(self):
+ """Returns True if the geometry is a circle like"""
+ if self._closed is not None:
+ return self._closed
+ delta = numpy.abs(self.endAngle - self.startAngle)
+ self._closed = numpy.isclose(delta, numpy.pi * 2)
+ return self._closed
+ def __str__(self):
+ return str((,
+ self.startPoint,
+ self.endPoint,
+ self.radius,
+ self.weight,
+ self.startAngle,
+ self.endAngle,
+ self._closed))
+class ArcROI(HandleBasedROI, items.LineMixIn, InteractionModeMixIn):
+ """A ROI identifying an arc of a circle with a width.
+ This ROI provides
+ - 3 handle to control the curvature
+ - 1 handle to control the weight
+ - 1 anchor to translate the shape.
+ """
+ ICON = 'add-shape-arc'
+ NAME = 'arc ROI'
+ SHORT_NAME = "arc"
+ """Metadata for this kind of ROI"""
+ _plotShape = "line"
+ """Plot shape which is used for the first interaction"""
+ ThreePointMode = RoiInteractionMode("3 points", "Provides 3 points to define the main radius circle")
+ PolarMode = RoiInteractionMode("Polar", "Provides anchors to edit the ROI in polar coords")
+ # FIXME: MoveMode was designed cause there is too much anchors
+ # FIXME: It would be good replace it by a dnd on the shape
+ MoveMode = RoiInteractionMode("Translation", "Provides anchors to only move the ROI")
+ def __init__(self, parent=None):
+ HandleBasedROI.__init__(self, parent=parent)
+ items.LineMixIn.__init__(self)
+ InteractionModeMixIn.__init__(self)
+ self._geometry = _ArcGeometry.createEmpty()
+ self._handleLabel = self.addLabelHandle()
+ self._handleStart = self.addHandle()
+ self._handleMid = self.addHandle()
+ self._handleEnd = self.addHandle()
+ self._handleWeight = self.addHandle()
+ self._handleWeight._setConstraint(self._arcCurvatureMarkerConstraint)
+ self._handleMove = self.addTranslateHandle()
+ shape = items.Shape("polygon")
+ shape.setPoints([[0, 0], [0, 0]])
+ shape.setColor(rgba(self.getColor()))
+ shape.setFill(False)
+ shape.setOverlay(True)
+ shape.setLineStyle(self.getLineStyle())
+ shape.setLineWidth(self.getLineWidth())
+ self.__shape = shape
+ self.addItem(shape)
+ self._initInteractionMode(self.ThreePointMode)
+ self._interactiveModeUpdated(self.ThreePointMode)
+ def availableInteractionModes(self):
+ """Returns the list of available interaction modes
+ :rtype: List[RoiInteractionMode]
+ """
+ return [self.ThreePointMode, self.PolarMode, self.MoveMode]
+ def _interactiveModeUpdated(self, modeId):
+ """Set the interaction mode.
+ :param RoiInteractionMode modeId:
+ """
+ if modeId is self.ThreePointMode:
+ self._handleStart.setSymbol("s")
+ self._handleMid.setSymbol("s")
+ self._handleEnd.setSymbol("s")
+ self._handleWeight.setSymbol("d")
+ self._handleMove.setSymbol("+")
+ elif modeId is self.PolarMode:
+ self._handleStart.setSymbol("o")
+ self._handleMid.setSymbol("o")
+ self._handleEnd.setSymbol("o")
+ self._handleWeight.setSymbol("d")
+ self._handleMove.setSymbol("+")
+ elif modeId is self.MoveMode:
+ self._handleStart.setSymbol("")
+ self._handleMid.setSymbol("+")
+ self._handleEnd.setSymbol("")
+ self._handleWeight.setSymbol("")
+ self._handleMove.setSymbol("+")
+ else:
+ assert False
+ if self._geometry.isClosed():
+ if modeId != self.MoveMode:
+ self._handleStart.setSymbol("x")
+ self._handleEnd.setSymbol("x")
+ self._updateHandles()
+ def _updated(self, event=None, checkVisibility=True):
+ if event == items.ItemChangedType.VISIBLE:
+ self._updateItemProperty(event, self, self.__shape)
+ super(ArcROI, self)._updated(event, checkVisibility)
+ def _updatedStyle(self, event, style):
+ super(ArcROI, self)._updatedStyle(event, style)
+ self.__shape.setColor(style.getColor())
+ self.__shape.setLineStyle(style.getLineStyle())
+ self.__shape.setLineWidth(style.getLineWidth())
+ def setFirstShapePoints(self, points):
+ """"Initialize the ROI using the points from the first interaction.
+ This interaction is constrained by the plot API and only supports few
+ shapes.
+ """
+ # The first shape is a line
+ point0 = points[0]
+ point1 = points[1]
+ # Compute a non collinear point for the curvature
+ center = (point1 + point0) * 0.5
+ normal = point1 - center
+ normal = numpy.array((normal[1], -normal[0]))
+ defaultCurvature = numpy.pi / 5.0
+ weightCoef = 0.20
+ mid = center - normal * defaultCurvature
+ distance = numpy.linalg.norm(point0 - point1)
+ weight = distance * weightCoef
+ geometry = self._createGeometryFromControlPoints(point0, mid, point1, weight)
+ self._geometry = geometry
+ self._updateHandles()
+ def _updateText(self, text):
+ self._handleLabel.setText(text)
+ def _updateMidHandle(self):
+ """Keep the same geometry, but update the location of the control
+ points.
+ So calling this function do not trigger sigRegionChanged.
+ """
+ geometry = self._geometry
+ if geometry.isClosed():
+ start = numpy.array(self._handleStart.getPosition())
+ midPos = + - start
+ else:
+ if is None:
+ midPos = geometry.startPoint * 0.5 + geometry.endPoint * 0.5
+ else:
+ midAngle = geometry.startAngle * 0.5 + geometry.endAngle * 0.5
+ vector = numpy.array([numpy.cos(midAngle), numpy.sin(midAngle)])
+ midPos = + geometry.radius * vector
+ with utils.blockSignals(self._handleMid):
+ self._handleMid.setPosition(*midPos)
+ def _updateWeightHandle(self):
+ geometry = self._geometry
+ if is None:
+ # rectangle
+ center = (geometry.startPoint + geometry.endPoint) * 0.5
+ normal = geometry.endPoint - geometry.startPoint
+ normal = numpy.array((normal[1], -normal[0]))
+ distance = numpy.linalg.norm(normal)
+ if distance != 0:
+ normal = normal / distance
+ weightPos = center + normal * geometry.weight * 0.5
+ else:
+ if geometry.isClosed():
+ midAngle = geometry.startAngle + numpy.pi * 0.5
+ elif is not None:
+ midAngle = (geometry.startAngle + geometry.endAngle) * 0.5
+ vector = numpy.array([numpy.cos(midAngle), numpy.sin(midAngle)])
+ weightPos = + (geometry.radius + geometry.weight * 0.5) * vector
+ with utils.blockSignals(self._handleWeight):
+ self._handleWeight.setPosition(*weightPos)
+ def _getWeightFromHandle(self, weightPos):
+ geometry = self._geometry
+ if is None:
+ # rectangle
+ center = (geometry.startPoint + geometry.endPoint) * 0.5
+ return numpy.linalg.norm(center - weightPos) * 2
+ else:
+ distance = numpy.linalg.norm( - weightPos)
+ return abs(distance - geometry.radius) * 2
+ def _updateHandles(self):
+ geometry = self._geometry
+ with utils.blockSignals(self._handleStart):
+ self._handleStart.setPosition(*geometry.startPoint)
+ with utils.blockSignals(self._handleEnd):
+ self._handleEnd.setPosition(*geometry.endPoint)
+ self._updateMidHandle()
+ self._updateWeightHandle()
+ self._updateShape()
+ def _updateCurvature(self, start, mid, end, updateCurveHandles, checkClosed=False, updateStart=False):
+ """Update the curvature using 3 control points in the curve
+ :param bool updateCurveHandles: If False curve handles are already at
+ the right location
+ """
+ if checkClosed:
+ closed = self._isCloseInPixel(start, end)
+ else:
+ closed = self._geometry.isClosed()
+ if closed:
+ if updateStart:
+ start = end
+ else:
+ end = start
+ if updateCurveHandles:
+ with utils.blockSignals(self._handleStart):
+ self._handleStart.setPosition(*start)
+ with utils.blockSignals(self._handleMid):
+ self._handleMid.setPosition(*mid)
+ with utils.blockSignals(self._handleEnd):
+ self._handleEnd.setPosition(*end)
+ weight = self._geometry.weight
+ geometry = self._createGeometryFromControlPoints(start, mid, end, weight, closed=closed)
+ self._geometry = geometry
+ self._updateWeightHandle()
+ self._updateShape()
+ def _updateCloseInAngle(self, geometry, updateStart):
+ azim = numpy.abs(geometry.endAngle - geometry.startAngle)
+ if numpy.pi < azim < 3 * numpy.pi:
+ closed = self._isCloseInPixel(geometry.startPoint, geometry.endPoint)
+ geometry._closed = closed
+ if closed:
+ sign = 1 if geometry.startAngle < geometry.endAngle else -1
+ if updateStart:
+ geometry.startPoint = geometry.endPoint
+ geometry.startAngle = geometry.endAngle - sign * 2*numpy.pi
+ else:
+ geometry.endPoint = geometry.startPoint
+ geometry.endAngle = geometry.startAngle + sign * 2*numpy.pi
+ def handleDragUpdated(self, handle, origin, previous, current):
+ modeId = self.getInteractionMode()
+ if handle is self._handleStart:
+ if modeId is self.ThreePointMode:
+ mid = numpy.array(self._handleMid.getPosition())
+ end = numpy.array(self._handleEnd.getPosition())
+ self._updateCurvature(
+ current, mid, end, checkClosed=True, updateStart=True,
+ updateCurveHandles=False
+ )
+ elif modeId is self.PolarMode:
+ v = current -
+ startAngle = numpy.angle(complex(v[0], v[1]))
+ geometry = self._geometry.withStartAngle(startAngle)
+ self._updateCloseInAngle(geometry, updateStart=True)
+ self._geometry = geometry
+ self._updateHandles()
+ elif handle is self._handleMid:
+ if modeId is self.ThreePointMode:
+ if self._geometry.isClosed():
+ radius = numpy.linalg.norm( - current)
+ self._geometry = self._geometry.withRadius(radius)
+ self._updateHandles()
+ else:
+ start = numpy.array(self._handleStart.getPosition())
+ end = numpy.array(self._handleEnd.getPosition())
+ self._updateCurvature(start, current, end, updateCurveHandles=False)
+ elif modeId is self.PolarMode:
+ radius = numpy.linalg.norm( - current)
+ self._geometry = self._geometry.withRadius(radius)
+ self._updateHandles()
+ elif modeId is self.MoveMode:
+ delta = current - previous
+ self.translate(*delta)
+ elif handle is self._handleEnd:
+ if modeId is self.ThreePointMode:
+ start = numpy.array(self._handleStart.getPosition())
+ mid = numpy.array(self._handleMid.getPosition())
+ self._updateCurvature(
+ start, mid, current, checkClosed=True, updateStart=False,
+ updateCurveHandles=False
+ )
+ elif modeId is self.PolarMode:
+ v = current -
+ endAngle = numpy.angle(complex(v[0], v[1]))
+ geometry = self._geometry.withEndAngle(endAngle)
+ self._updateCloseInAngle(geometry, updateStart=False)
+ self._geometry = geometry
+ self._updateHandles()
+ elif handle is self._handleWeight:
+ weight = self._getWeightFromHandle(current)
+ self._geometry = self._geometry.withWeight(weight)
+ self._updateShape()
+ elif handle is self._handleMove:
+ delta = current - previous
+ self.translate(*delta)
+ def _isCloseInPixel(self, point1, point2):
+ manager = self.parent()
+ if manager is None:
+ return False
+ plot = manager.parent()
+ if plot is None:
+ return False
+ point1 = plot.dataToPixel(*point1)
+ if point1 is None:
+ return False
+ point2 = plot.dataToPixel(*point2)
+ if point2 is None:
+ return False
+ return abs(point1[0] - point2[0]) + abs(point1[1] - point2[1]) < 15
+ def _normalizeGeometry(self):
+ """Keep the same phisical geometry, but with normalized parameters.
+ """
+ geometry = self._geometry
+ if geometry.weight * 0.5 >= geometry.radius:
+ radius = (geometry.weight * 0.5 + geometry.radius) * 0.5
+ geometry = geometry.withRadius(radius)
+ geometry = geometry.withWeight(radius * 2)
+ self._geometry = geometry
+ return True
+ return False
+ def handleDragFinished(self, handle, origin, current):
+ modeId = self.getInteractionMode()
+ if handle in [self._handleStart, self._handleMid, self._handleEnd]:
+ if modeId is self.ThreePointMode:
+ self._normalizeGeometry()
+ self._updateHandles()
+ if self._geometry.isClosed():
+ if modeId is self.MoveMode:
+ self._handleStart.setSymbol("")
+ self._handleEnd.setSymbol("")
+ else:
+ self._handleStart.setSymbol("x")
+ self._handleEnd.setSymbol("x")
+ else:
+ if modeId is self.ThreePointMode:
+ self._handleStart.setSymbol("s")
+ self._handleEnd.setSymbol("s")
+ elif modeId is self.PolarMode:
+ self._handleStart.setSymbol("o")
+ self._handleEnd.setSymbol("o")
+ if modeId is self.MoveMode:
+ self._handleStart.setSymbol("")
+ self._handleEnd.setSymbol("")
+ def _createGeometryFromControlPoints(self, start, mid, end, weight, closed=None):
+ """Returns the geometry of the object"""
+ if closed or (closed is None and numpy.allclose(start, end)):
+ # Special arc: It's a closed circle
+ center = (start + mid) * 0.5
+ radius = numpy.linalg.norm(start - center)
+ v = start - center
+ startAngle = numpy.angle(complex(v[0], v[1]))
+ endAngle = startAngle + numpy.pi * 2.0
+ return _ArcGeometry.createCircle(
+ center, start, end, radius, weight, startAngle, endAngle
+ )
+ elif numpy.linalg.norm(numpy.cross(mid - start, end - start)) < 1e-5:
+ # Degenerated arc, it's a rectangle
+ return _ArcGeometry.createRect(start, end, weight)
+ else:
+ center, radius = self._circleEquation(start, mid, end)
+ v = start - center
+ startAngle = numpy.angle(complex(v[0], v[1]))
+ v = mid - center
+ midAngle = numpy.angle(complex(v[0], v[1]))
+ v = end - center
+ endAngle = numpy.angle(complex(v[0], v[1]))
+ # Is it clockwise or anticlockwise
+ relativeMid = (endAngle - midAngle + 2 * numpy.pi) % (2 * numpy.pi)
+ relativeEnd = (endAngle - startAngle + 2 * numpy.pi) % (2 * numpy.pi)
+ if relativeMid < relativeEnd:
+ if endAngle < startAngle:
+ endAngle += 2 * numpy.pi
+ else:
+ if endAngle > startAngle:
+ endAngle -= 2 * numpy.pi
+ return _ArcGeometry(center, start, end,
+ radius, weight, startAngle, endAngle)
+ def _createShapeFromGeometry(self, geometry):
+ kind = geometry.getKind()
+ if kind == "rect":
+ # It is not an arc
+ # but we can display it as an intermediate shape
+ normal = geometry.endPoint - geometry.startPoint
+ normal = numpy.array((normal[1], -normal[0]))
+ distance = numpy.linalg.norm(normal)
+ if distance != 0:
+ normal /= distance
+ points = numpy.array([
+ geometry.startPoint + normal * geometry.weight * 0.5,
+ geometry.endPoint + normal * geometry.weight * 0.5,
+ geometry.endPoint - normal * geometry.weight * 0.5,
+ geometry.startPoint - normal * geometry.weight * 0.5])
+ elif kind == "point":
+ # It is not an arc
+ # but we can display it as an intermediate shape
+ # NOTE: At least 2 points are expected
+ points = numpy.array([geometry.startPoint, geometry.startPoint])
+ elif kind == "circle":
+ outerRadius = geometry.radius + geometry.weight * 0.5
+ angles = numpy.linspace(0, 2 * numpy.pi, num=50)
+ # It's a circle
+ points = []
+ numpy.append(angles, angles[-1])
+ for angle in angles:
+ direction = numpy.array([numpy.cos(angle), numpy.sin(angle)])
+ points.append( + direction * outerRadius)
+ points = numpy.array(points)
+ elif kind == "donut":
+ innerRadius = geometry.radius - geometry.weight * 0.5
+ outerRadius = geometry.radius + geometry.weight * 0.5
+ angles = numpy.linspace(0, 2 * numpy.pi, num=50)
+ # It's a donut
+ points = []
+ # NOTE: NaN value allow to create 2 separated circle shapes
+ # using a single plot item. It's a kind of cheat
+ points.append(numpy.array([float("nan"), float("nan")]))
+ for angle in angles:
+ direction = numpy.array([numpy.cos(angle), numpy.sin(angle)])
+ points.insert(0, + direction * innerRadius)
+ points.append( + direction * outerRadius)
+ points.append(numpy.array([float("nan"), float("nan")]))
+ points = numpy.array(points)
+ else:
+ innerRadius = geometry.radius - geometry.weight * 0.5
+ outerRadius = geometry.radius + geometry.weight * 0.5
+ delta = 0.1 if geometry.endAngle >= geometry.startAngle else -0.1
+ if geometry.startAngle == geometry.endAngle:
+ # Degenerated, it's a line (single radius)
+ angle = geometry.startAngle
+ direction = numpy.array([numpy.cos(angle), numpy.sin(angle)])
+ points = []
+ points.append( + direction * innerRadius)
+ points.append( + direction * outerRadius)
+ return numpy.array(points)
+ angles = numpy.arange(geometry.startAngle, geometry.endAngle, delta)
+ if angles[-1] != geometry.endAngle:
+ angles = numpy.append(angles, geometry.endAngle)
+ if kind == "camembert":
+ # It's a part of camembert
+ points = []
+ points.append(
+ points.append(geometry.startPoint)
+ delta = 0.1 if geometry.endAngle >= geometry.startAngle else -0.1
+ for angle in angles:
+ direction = numpy.array([numpy.cos(angle), numpy.sin(angle)])
+ points.append( + direction * outerRadius)
+ points.append(geometry.endPoint)
+ points.append(
+ elif kind == "arc":
+ # It's a part of donut
+ points = []
+ points.append(geometry.startPoint)
+ for angle in angles:
+ direction = numpy.array([numpy.cos(angle), numpy.sin(angle)])
+ points.insert(0, + direction * innerRadius)
+ points.append( + direction * outerRadius)
+ points.insert(0, geometry.endPoint)
+ points.append(geometry.endPoint)
+ else:
+ assert False
+ points = numpy.array(points)
+ return points
+ def _updateShape(self):
+ geometry = self._geometry
+ points = self._createShapeFromGeometry(geometry)
+ self.__shape.setPoints(points)
+ index = numpy.nanargmin(points[:, 1])
+ pos = points[index]
+ with utils.blockSignals(self._handleLabel):
+ self._handleLabel.setPosition(pos[0], pos[1])
+ if is None:
+ movePos = geometry.startPoint * 0.34 + geometry.endPoint * 0.66
+ else:
+ movePos =
+ with utils.blockSignals(self._handleMove):
+ self._handleMove.setPosition(*movePos)
+ self.sigRegionChanged.emit()
+ def getGeometry(self):
+ """Returns a tuple containing the geometry of this ROI
+ It is a symmetric function of :meth:`setGeometry`.
+ If `startAngle` is smaller than `endAngle` the rotation is clockwise,
+ else the rotation is anticlockwise.
+ :rtype: Tuple[numpy.ndarray,float,float,float,float]
+ :raise ValueError: In case the ROI can't be represented as section of
+ a circle
+ """
+ geometry = self._geometry
+ if is None:
+ raise ValueError("This ROI can't be represented as a section of circle")
+ return, self.getInnerRadius(), self.getOuterRadius(), geometry.startAngle, geometry.endAngle
+ def isClosed(self):
+ """Returns true if the arc is a closed shape, like a circle or a donut.
+ :rtype: bool
+ """
+ return self._geometry.isClosed()
+ def getCenter(self):
+ """Returns the center of the circle used to draw arcs of this ROI.
+ This center is usually outside the the shape itself.
+ :rtype: numpy.ndarray
+ """
+ return
+ def getStartAngle(self):
+ """Returns the angle of the start of the section of this ROI (in radian).
+ If `startAngle` is smaller than `endAngle` the rotation is clockwise,
+ else the rotation is anticlockwise.
+ :rtype: float
+ """
+ return self._geometry.startAngle
+ def getEndAngle(self):
+ """Returns the angle of the end of the section of this ROI (in radian).
+ If `startAngle` is smaller than `endAngle` the rotation is clockwise,
+ else the rotation is anticlockwise.
+ :rtype: float
+ """
+ return self._geometry.endAngle
+ def getInnerRadius(self):
+ """Returns the radius of the smaller arc used to draw this ROI.
+ :rtype: float
+ """
+ geometry = self._geometry
+ radius = geometry.radius - geometry.weight * 0.5
+ if radius < 0:
+ radius = 0
+ return radius
+ def getOuterRadius(self):
+ """Returns the radius of the bigger arc used to draw this ROI.
+ :rtype: float
+ """
+ geometry = self._geometry
+ radius = geometry.radius + geometry.weight * 0.5
+ return radius
+ def setGeometry(self, center, innerRadius, outerRadius, startAngle, endAngle):
+ """
+ Set the geometry of this arc.
+ :param numpy.ndarray center: Center of the circle.
+ :param float innerRadius: Radius of the smaller arc of the section.
+ :param float outerRadius: Weight of the bigger arc of the section.
+ It have to be bigger than `innerRadius`
+ :param float startAngle: Location of the start of the section (in radian)
+ :param float endAngle: Location of the end of the section (in radian).
+ If `startAngle` is smaller than `endAngle` the rotation is clockwise,
+ else the rotation is anticlockwise.
+ """
+ if innerRadius > outerRadius:
+ logger.error("inner radius larger than outer radius")
+ innerRadius, outerRadius = outerRadius, innerRadius
+ center = numpy.array(center)
+ radius = (innerRadius + outerRadius) * 0.5
+ weight = outerRadius - innerRadius
+ vector = numpy.array([numpy.cos(startAngle), numpy.sin(startAngle)])
+ startPoint = center + vector * radius
+ vector = numpy.array([numpy.cos(endAngle), numpy.sin(endAngle)])
+ endPoint = center + vector * radius
+ geometry = _ArcGeometry(center, startPoint, endPoint,
+ radius, weight,
+ startAngle, endAngle, closed=None)
+ self._geometry = geometry
+ self._updateHandles()
+ @docstring(HandleBasedROI)
+ def contains(self, position):
+ # first check distance, fastest
+ center = self.getCenter()
+ distance = numpy.sqrt((position[1] - center[1]) ** 2 + ((position[0] - center[0])) ** 2)
+ is_in_distance = self.getInnerRadius() <= distance <= self.getOuterRadius()
+ if not is_in_distance:
+ return False
+ rel_pos = position[1] - center[1], position[0] - center[0]
+ angle = numpy.arctan2(*rel_pos)
+ # angle is inside [-pi, pi]
+ # Normalize the start angle between [-pi, pi]
+ # with a positive angle range
+ start_angle = self.getStartAngle()
+ end_angle = self.getEndAngle()
+ azim_range = end_angle - start_angle
+ if azim_range < 0:
+ start_angle = end_angle
+ azim_range = -azim_range
+ start_angle = numpy.mod(start_angle + numpy.pi, 2 * numpy.pi) - numpy.pi
+ if angle < start_angle:
+ angle += 2 * numpy.pi
+ return start_angle <= angle <= start_angle + azim_range
+ def translate(self, x, y):
+ self._geometry = self._geometry.translated(x, y)
+ self._updateHandles()
+ def _arcCurvatureMarkerConstraint(self, x, y):
+ """Curvature marker remains on perpendicular bisector"""
+ geometry = self._geometry
+ if is None:
+ center = (geometry.startPoint + geometry.endPoint) * 0.5
+ vector = geometry.startPoint - geometry.endPoint
+ vector = numpy.array((vector[1], -vector[0]))
+ vdist = numpy.linalg.norm(vector)
+ if vdist != 0:
+ normal = numpy.array((vector[1], -vector[0])) / vdist
+ else:
+ normal = numpy.array((0, 0))
+ else:
+ if geometry.isClosed():
+ midAngle = geometry.startAngle + numpy.pi * 0.5
+ else:
+ midAngle = (geometry.startAngle + geometry.endAngle) * 0.5
+ normal = numpy.array([numpy.cos(midAngle), numpy.sin(midAngle)])
+ center =
+ dist =, (numpy.array((x, y)) - center))
+ dist = numpy.clip(dist, geometry.radius, geometry.radius * 2)
+ x, y = center + dist * normal
+ return x, y
+ @staticmethod
+ def _circleEquation(pt1, pt2, pt3):
+ """Circle equation from 3 (x, y) points
+ :return: Position of the center of the circle and the radius
+ :rtype: Tuple[Tuple[float,float],float]
+ """
+ x, y, z = complex(*pt1), complex(*pt2), complex(*pt3)
+ w = z - x
+ w /= y - x
+ c = (x - y) * (w - abs(w) ** 2) / 2j / w.imag - x
+ return numpy.array((-c.real, -c.imag)), abs(c + x)
+ def __str__(self):
+ try:
+ center, innerRadius, outerRadius, startAngle, endAngle = self.getGeometry()
+ params = center[0], center[1], innerRadius, outerRadius, startAngle, endAngle
+ params = 'center: %f %f; radius: %f %f; angles: %f %f' % params
+ except ValueError:
+ params = "invalid"
+ return "%s(%s)" % (self.__class__.__name__, params)
diff --git a/src/silx/gui/plot/items/ b/src/silx/gui/plot/items/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8c8e781
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/silx/gui/plot/items/
@@ -0,0 +1,72 @@
+# coding: utf-8
+# /*##########################################################################
+# Copyright (c) 2019-2020 European Synchrotron Radiation Facility
+# Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
+# of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
+# in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
+# to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
+# copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
+# furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
+# The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
+# all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
+# ###########################################################################*/
+"""This module provides classes supporting item picking."""
+__authors__ = ["T. Vincent"]
+__license__ = "MIT"
+__date__ = "04/06/2019"
+import numpy
+class PickingResult(object):
+ """Class to access picking information in a :class:`PlotWidget`"""
+ def __init__(self, item, indices=None):
+ """Init
+ :param item: The picked item
+ :param numpy.ndarray indices: Array-like of indices of picked data.
+ Either 1D or 2D with dim0: data dimension and dim1: indices.
+ No copy is made.
+ """
+ self._item = item
+ if indices is None or len(indices) == 0:
+ self._indices = None
+ else:
+ # Indices is set to None if indices array is empty
+ indices = numpy.array(indices, copy=False, dtype=numpy.int64)
+ self._indices = None if indices.size == 0 else indices
+ def getItem(self):
+ """Returns the item this results corresponds to."""
+ return self._item
+ def getIndices(self, copy=True):
+ """Returns indices of picked data.
+ If data is 1D, it returns a numpy.ndarray, otherwise
+ it returns a tuple with as many numpy.ndarray as there are
+ dimensions in the data.
+ :param bool copy: True (default) to get a copy,
+ False to return internal arrays
+ :rtype: Union[None,numpy.ndarray,List[numpy.ndarray]]
+ """
+ if self._indices is None:
+ return None
+ indices = numpy.array(self._indices, copy=copy)
+ return indices if indices.ndim == 1 else tuple(indices)
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3eb6cf4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/silx/gui/plot/items/
@@ -0,0 +1,835 @@
+# coding: utf-8
+# /*##########################################################################
+# Copyright (c) 2018-2020 European Synchrotron Radiation Facility
+# Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
+# of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
+# in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
+# to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
+# copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
+# furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
+# The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
+# all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
+# ###########################################################################*/
+"""This module provides base components to create ROI item for
+the :class:`~silx.gui.plot.PlotWidget`.
+.. inheritance-diagram::
+ silx.gui.plot.items.roi
+ :parts: 1
+__authors__ = ["T. Vincent"]
+__license__ = "MIT"
+__date__ = "28/06/2018"
+import logging
+import numpy
+import weakref
+from ....utils.weakref import WeakList
+from ... import qt
+from .. import items
+from ..items import core
+from ...colors import rgba
+import silx.utils.deprecation
+from ....utils.proxy import docstring
+logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
+class _RegionOfInterestBase(qt.QObject):
+ """Base class of 1D and 2D region of interest
+ :param QObject parent: See QObject
+ :param str name: The name of the ROI
+ """
+ sigAboutToBeRemoved = qt.Signal()
+ """Signal emitted just before this ROI is removed from its manager."""
+ sigItemChanged = qt.Signal(object)
+ """Signal emitted when item has changed.
+ It provides a flag describing which property of the item has changed.
+ See :class:`ItemChangedType` for flags description.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, parent=None):
+ qt.QObject.__init__(self, parent=parent)
+ self.__name = ''
+ def getName(self):
+ """Returns the name of the ROI
+ :return: name of the region of interest
+ :rtype: str
+ """
+ return self.__name
+ def setName(self, name):
+ """Set the name of the ROI
+ :param str name: name of the region of interest
+ """
+ name = str(name)
+ if self.__name != name:
+ self.__name = name
+ self._updated(items.ItemChangedType.NAME)
+ def _updated(self, event=None, checkVisibility=True):
+ """Implement Item mix-in update method by updating the plot items
+ See :class:`~silx.gui.plot.items.Item._updated`
+ """
+ self.sigItemChanged.emit(event)
+ def contains(self, position):
+ """Returns True if the `position` is in this ROI.
+ :param tuple[float,float] position: position to check
+ :return: True if the value / point is consider to be in the region of
+ interest.
+ :rtype: bool
+ """
+ return False # Override in subclass to perform actual test
+class RoiInteractionMode(object):
+ """Description of an interaction mode.
+ An interaction mode provide a specific kind of interaction for a ROI.
+ A ROI can implement many interaction.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, label, description=None):
+ self._label = label
+ self._description = description
+ @property
+ def label(self):
+ return self._label
+ @property
+ def description(self):
+ return self._description
+class InteractionModeMixIn(object):
+ """Mix in feature which can be implemented by a ROI object.
+ This provides user interaction to switch between different
+ interaction mode to edit the ROI.
+ This ROI modes have to be described using `RoiInteractionMode`,
+ and taken into account during interation with handles.
+ """
+ sigInteractionModeChanged = qt.Signal(object)
+ def __init__(self):
+ self.__modeId = None
+ def _initInteractionMode(self, modeId):
+ """Set the mode without updating anything.
+ Must be one of the returned :meth:`availableInteractionModes`.
+ :param RoiInteractionMode modeId: Mode to use
+ """
+ self.__modeId = modeId
+ def availableInteractionModes(self):
+ """Returns the list of available interaction modes
+ Must be implemented when inherited to provide all available modes.
+ :rtype: List[RoiInteractionMode]
+ """
+ raise NotImplementedError()
+ def setInteractionMode(self, modeId):
+ """Set the interaction mode.
+ :param RoiInteractionMode modeId: Mode to use
+ """
+ self.__modeId = modeId
+ self._interactiveModeUpdated(modeId)
+ self.sigInteractionModeChanged.emit(modeId)
+ def _interactiveModeUpdated(self, modeId):
+ """Called directly after an update of the mode.
+ The signal `sigInteractionModeChanged` is triggered after this
+ call.
+ Must be implemented when inherited to take care of the change.
+ """
+ raise NotImplementedError()
+ def getInteractionMode(self):
+ """Returns the interaction mode.
+ Must be one of the returned :meth:`availableInteractionModes`.
+ :rtype: RoiInteractionMode
+ """
+ return self.__modeId
+class RegionOfInterest(_RegionOfInterestBase, core.HighlightedMixIn):
+ """Object describing a region of interest in a plot.
+ :param QObject parent:
+ The RegionOfInterestManager that created this object
+ """
+ """Default line width of the curve"""
+ """Default line style of the curve"""
+ _DEFAULT_HIGHLIGHT_STYLE = items.CurveStyle(linewidth=2)
+ """Default highlight style of the item"""
+ ICON, NAME, SHORT_NAME = None, None, None
+ """Metadata to describe the ROI in labels, tooltips and widgets
+ Should be set by inherited classes to custom the ROI manager widget.
+ """
+ sigRegionChanged = qt.Signal()
+ """Signal emitted everytime the shape or position of the ROI changes"""
+ sigEditingStarted = qt.Signal()
+ """Signal emitted when the user start editing the roi"""
+ sigEditingFinished = qt.Signal()
+ """Signal emitted when the region edition is finished. During edition
+ sigEditionChanged will be emitted several times and
+ sigRegionEditionFinished only at end"""
+ def __init__(self, parent=None):
+ # Avoid circular dependency
+ from import roi as roi_tools
+ assert parent is None or isinstance(parent, roi_tools.RegionOfInterestManager)
+ _RegionOfInterestBase.__init__(self, parent)
+ core.HighlightedMixIn.__init__(self)
+ self._color = rgba('red')
+ self._editable = False
+ self._selectable = False
+ self._focusProxy = None
+ self._visible = True
+ self._child = WeakList()
+ def _connectToPlot(self, plot):
+ """Called after connection to a plot"""
+ for item in self.getItems():
+ # This hack is needed to avoid reentrant call from _disconnectFromPlot
+ # to the ROI manager. It also speed up the item tests in _itemRemoved
+ item._roiGroup = True
+ plot.addItem(item)
+ def _disconnectFromPlot(self, plot):
+ """Called before disconnection from a plot"""
+ for item in self.getItems():
+ # The item could be already be removed by the plot
+ if item.getPlot() is not None:
+ del item._roiGroup
+ plot.removeItem(item)
+ def _setItemName(self, item):
+ """Helper to generate a unique id to a plot item"""
+ legend = "__ROI-%d__%d" % (id(self), id(item))
+ item.setName(legend)
+ def setParent(self, parent):
+ """Set the parent of the RegionOfInterest
+ :param Union[None,RegionOfInterestManager] parent: The new parent
+ """
+ # Avoid circular dependency
+ from import roi as roi_tools
+ if (parent is not None and not isinstance(parent, roi_tools.RegionOfInterestManager)):
+ raise ValueError('Unsupported parent')
+ previousParent = self.parent()
+ if previousParent is not None:
+ previousPlot = previousParent.parent()
+ if previousPlot is not None:
+ self._disconnectFromPlot(previousPlot)
+ super(RegionOfInterest, self).setParent(parent)
+ if parent is not None:
+ plot = parent.parent()
+ if plot is not None:
+ self._connectToPlot(plot)
+ def addItem(self, item):
+ """Add an item to the set of this ROI children.
+ This item will be added and removed to the plot used by the ROI.
+ If the ROI is already part of a plot, the item will also be added to
+ the plot.
+ It the item do not have a name already, a unique one is generated to
+ avoid item collision in the plot.
+ :param silx.gui.plot.items.Item item: A plot item
+ """
+ assert item is not None
+ self._child.append(item)
+ if item.getName() == '':
+ self._setItemName(item)
+ manager = self.parent()
+ if manager is not None:
+ plot = manager.parent()
+ if plot is not None:
+ item._roiGroup = True
+ plot.addItem(item)
+ def removeItem(self, item):
+ """Remove an item from this ROI children.
+ If the item is part of a plot it will be removed too.
+ :param silx.gui.plot.items.Item item: A plot item
+ """
+ assert item is not None
+ self._child.remove(item)
+ plot = item.getPlot()
+ if plot is not None:
+ del item._roiGroup
+ plot.removeItem(item)
+ def getItems(self):
+ """Returns the list of PlotWidget items of this RegionOfInterest.
+ :rtype: List[~silx.gui.plot.items.Item]
+ """
+ return tuple(self._child)
+ @classmethod
+ def _getShortName(cls):
+ """Return an human readable kind of ROI
+ :rtype: str
+ """
+ if hasattr(cls, "SHORT_NAME"):
+ name = cls.SHORT_NAME
+ if name is None:
+ name = cls.__name__
+ return name
+ def getColor(self):
+ """Returns the color of this ROI
+ :rtype: QColor
+ """
+ return qt.QColor.fromRgbF(*self._color)
+ def setColor(self, color):
+ """Set the color used for this ROI.
+ :param color: The color to use for ROI shape as
+ either a color name, a QColor, a list of uint8 or float in [0, 1].
+ """
+ color = rgba(color)
+ if color != self._color:
+ self._color = color
+ self._updated(items.ItemChangedType.COLOR)
+ @silx.utils.deprecation.deprecated(reason='API modification',
+ replacement='getName()',
+ since_version=0.12)
+ def getLabel(self):
+ """Returns the label displayed for this ROI.
+ :rtype: str
+ """
+ return self.getName()
+ @silx.utils.deprecation.deprecated(reason='API modification',
+ replacement='setName(name)',
+ since_version=0.12)
+ def setLabel(self, label):
+ """Set the label displayed with this ROI.
+ :param str label: The text label to display
+ """
+ self.setName(name=label)
+ def isEditable(self):
+ """Returns whether the ROI is editable by the user or not.
+ :rtype: bool
+ """
+ return self._editable
+ def setEditable(self, editable):
+ """Set whether the ROI can be changed interactively.
+ :param bool editable: True to allow edition by the user,
+ False to disable.
+ """
+ editable = bool(editable)
+ if self._editable != editable:
+ self._editable = editable
+ self._updated(items.ItemChangedType.EDITABLE)
+ def isSelectable(self):
+ """Returns whether the ROI is selectable by the user or not.
+ :rtype: bool
+ """
+ return self._selectable
+ def setSelectable(self, selectable):
+ """Set whether the ROI can be selected interactively.
+ :param bool selectable: True to allow selection by the user,
+ False to disable.
+ """
+ selectable = bool(selectable)
+ if self._selectable != selectable:
+ self._selectable = selectable
+ self._updated(items.ItemChangedType.SELECTABLE)
+ def getFocusProxy(self):
+ """Returns the ROI which have to be selected when this ROI is selected,
+ else None if no proxy specified.
+ :rtype: RegionOfInterest
+ """
+ proxy = self._focusProxy
+ if proxy is None:
+ return None
+ proxy = proxy()
+ if proxy is None:
+ self._focusProxy = None
+ return proxy
+ def setFocusProxy(self, roi):
+ """Set the real ROI which will be selected when this ROI is selected,
+ else None to remove the proxy already specified.
+ :param RegionOfInterest roi: A ROI
+ """
+ if roi is not None:
+ self._focusProxy = weakref.ref(roi)
+ else:
+ self._focusProxy = None
+ def isVisible(self):
+ """Returns whether the ROI is visible in the plot.
+ .. note::
+ This does not take into account whether or not the plot
+ widget itself is visible (unlike :meth:`QWidget.isVisible` which
+ checks the visibility of all its parent widgets up to the window)
+ :rtype: bool
+ """
+ return self._visible
+ def setVisible(self, visible):
+ """Set whether the plot items associated with this ROI are
+ visible in the plot.
+ :param bool visible: True to show the ROI in the plot, False to
+ hide it.
+ """
+ visible = bool(visible)
+ if self._visible != visible:
+ self._visible = visible
+ self._updated(items.ItemChangedType.VISIBLE)
+ @classmethod
+ def showFirstInteractionShape(cls):
+ """Returns True if the shape created by the first interaction and
+ managed by the plot have to be visible.
+ :rtype: bool
+ """
+ return False
+ @classmethod
+ def getFirstInteractionShape(cls):
+ """Returns the shape kind which will be used by the very first
+ interaction with the plot.
+ This interactions are hardcoded inside the plot
+ :rtype: str
+ """
+ return cls._plotShape
+ def setFirstShapePoints(self, points):
+ """"Initialize the ROI using the points from the first interaction.
+ This interaction is constrained by the plot API and only supports few
+ shapes.
+ """
+ raise NotImplementedError()
+ def creationStarted(self):
+ """"Called when the ROI creation interaction was started.
+ """
+ pass
+ def creationFinalized(self):
+ """"Called when the ROI creation interaction was finalized.
+ """
+ pass
+ def _updateItemProperty(self, event, source, destination):
+ """Update the item property of a destination from an item source.
+ :param items.ItemChangedType event: Property type to update
+ :param silx.gui.plot.items.Item source: The reference for the data
+ :param event Union[Item,List[Item]] destination: The item(s) to update
+ """
+ if not isinstance(destination, (list, tuple)):
+ destination = [destination]
+ if event == items.ItemChangedType.NAME:
+ value = source.getName()
+ for d in destination:
+ d.setName(value)
+ elif event == items.ItemChangedType.EDITABLE:
+ value = source.isEditable()
+ for d in destination:
+ d.setEditable(value)
+ elif event == items.ItemChangedType.SELECTABLE:
+ value = source.isSelectable()
+ for d in destination:
+ d._setSelectable(value)
+ elif event == items.ItemChangedType.COLOR:
+ value = rgba(source.getColor())
+ for d in destination:
+ d.setColor(value)
+ elif event == items.ItemChangedType.LINE_STYLE:
+ value = self.getLineStyle()
+ for d in destination:
+ d.setLineStyle(value)
+ elif event == items.ItemChangedType.LINE_WIDTH:
+ value = self.getLineWidth()
+ for d in destination:
+ d.setLineWidth(value)
+ elif event == items.ItemChangedType.SYMBOL:
+ value = self.getSymbol()
+ for d in destination:
+ d.setSymbol(value)
+ elif event == items.ItemChangedType.SYMBOL_SIZE:
+ value = self.getSymbolSize()
+ for d in destination:
+ d.setSymbolSize(value)
+ elif event == items.ItemChangedType.VISIBLE:
+ value = self.isVisible()
+ for d in destination:
+ d.setVisible(value)
+ else:
+ assert False
+ def _updated(self, event=None, checkVisibility=True):
+ if event == items.ItemChangedType.HIGHLIGHTED:
+ style = self.getCurrentStyle()
+ self._updatedStyle(event, style)
+ else:
+ styleEvents = [items.ItemChangedType.COLOR,
+ items.ItemChangedType.LINE_STYLE,
+ items.ItemChangedType.LINE_WIDTH,
+ items.ItemChangedType.SYMBOL,
+ items.ItemChangedType.SYMBOL_SIZE]
+ if self.isHighlighted():
+ styleEvents.append(items.ItemChangedType.HIGHLIGHTED_STYLE)
+ if event in styleEvents:
+ style = self.getCurrentStyle()
+ self._updatedStyle(event, style)
+ super(RegionOfInterest, self)._updated(event, checkVisibility)
+ def _updatedStyle(self, event, style):
+ """Called when the current displayed style of the ROI was changed.
+ :param event: The event responsible of the change of the style
+ :param items.CurveStyle style: The current style
+ """
+ pass
+ def getCurrentStyle(self):
+ """Returns the current curve style.
+ Curve style depends on curve highlighting
+ :rtype: CurveStyle
+ """
+ baseColor = rgba(self.getColor())
+ if isinstance(self, core.LineMixIn):
+ baseLinestyle = self.getLineStyle()
+ baseLinewidth = self.getLineWidth()
+ else:
+ baseLinestyle = self._DEFAULT_LINESTYLE
+ baseLinewidth = self._DEFAULT_LINEWIDTH
+ if isinstance(self, core.SymbolMixIn):
+ baseSymbol = self.getSymbol()
+ baseSymbolsize = self.getSymbolSize()
+ else:
+ baseSymbol = 'o'
+ baseSymbolsize = 1
+ if self.isHighlighted():
+ style = self.getHighlightedStyle()
+ color = style.getColor()
+ linestyle = style.getLineStyle()
+ linewidth = style.getLineWidth()
+ symbol = style.getSymbol()
+ symbolsize = style.getSymbolSize()
+ return items.CurveStyle(
+ color=baseColor if color is None else color,
+ linestyle=baseLinestyle if linestyle is None else linestyle,
+ linewidth=baseLinewidth if linewidth is None else linewidth,
+ symbol=baseSymbol if symbol is None else symbol,
+ symbolsize=baseSymbolsize if symbolsize is None else symbolsize)
+ else:
+ return items.CurveStyle(color=baseColor,
+ linestyle=baseLinestyle,
+ linewidth=baseLinewidth,
+ symbol=baseSymbol,
+ symbolsize=baseSymbolsize)
+ def _editingStarted(self):
+ assert self._editable is True
+ self.sigEditingStarted.emit()
+ def _editingFinished(self):
+ self.sigEditingFinished.emit()
+class HandleBasedROI(RegionOfInterest):
+ """Manage a ROI based on a set of handles"""
+ def __init__(self, parent=None):
+ RegionOfInterest.__init__(self, parent=parent)
+ self._handles = []
+ self._posOrigin = None
+ self._posPrevious = None
+ def addUserHandle(self, item=None):
+ """
+ Add a new free handle to the ROI.
+ This handle do nothing. It have to be managed by the ROI
+ implementing this class.
+ :param Union[None,silx.gui.plot.items.Marker] item: The new marker to
+ add, else None to create a default marker.
+ :rtype: silx.gui.plot.items.Marker
+ """
+ return self.addHandle(item, role="user")
+ def addLabelHandle(self, item=None):
+ """
+ Add a new label handle to the ROI.
+ This handle is not draggable nor selectable.
+ It is displayed without symbol, but it is always visible anyway
+ the ROI is editable, in order to display text.
+ :param Union[None,silx.gui.plot.items.Marker] item: The new marker to
+ add, else None to create a default marker.
+ :rtype: silx.gui.plot.items.Marker
+ """
+ return self.addHandle(item, role="label")
+ def addTranslateHandle(self, item=None):
+ """
+ Add a new translate handle to the ROI.
+ Dragging translate handles affect the position position of the ROI
+ but not the shape itself.
+ :param Union[None,silx.gui.plot.items.Marker] item: The new marker to
+ add, else None to create a default marker.
+ :rtype: silx.gui.plot.items.Marker
+ """
+ return self.addHandle(item, role="translate")
+ def addHandle(self, item=None, role="default"):
+ """
+ Add a new handle to the ROI.
+ Dragging handles while affect the position or the shape of the
+ ROI.
+ :param Union[None,silx.gui.plot.items.Marker] item: The new marker to
+ add, else None to create a default marker.
+ :rtype: silx.gui.plot.items.Marker
+ """
+ if item is None:
+ item = items.Marker()
+ color = rgba(self.getColor())
+ color = self._computeHandleColor(color)
+ item.setColor(color)
+ if role == "default":
+ item.setSymbol("s")
+ elif role == "user":
+ pass
+ elif role == "translate":
+ item.setSymbol("+")
+ elif role == "label":
+ item.setSymbol("")
+ if role == "user":
+ pass
+ elif role == "label":
+ item._setSelectable(False)
+ item._setDraggable(False)
+ item.setVisible(True)
+ else:
+ self.__updateEditable(item, self.isEditable(), remove=False)
+ item._setSelectable(False)
+ self._handles.append((item, role))
+ self.addItem(item)
+ return item
+ def removeHandle(self, handle):
+ data = [d for d in self._handles if d[0] is handle][0]
+ self._handles.remove(data)
+ role = data[1]
+ if role not in ["user", "label"]:
+ if self.isEditable():
+ self.__updateEditable(handle, False)
+ self.removeItem(handle)
+ def getHandles(self):
+ """Returns the list of handles of this HandleBasedROI.
+ :rtype: List[~silx.gui.plot.items.Marker]
+ """
+ return tuple(data[0] for data in self._handles)
+ def _updated(self, event=None, checkVisibility=True):
+ """Implement Item mix-in update method by updating the plot items
+ See :class:`~silx.gui.plot.items.Item._updated`
+ """
+ if event == items.ItemChangedType.NAME:
+ self._updateText(self.getName())
+ elif event == items.ItemChangedType.VISIBLE:
+ for item, role in self._handles:
+ visible = self.isVisible()
+ editionVisible = visible and self.isEditable()
+ if role not in ["user", "label"]:
+ item.setVisible(editionVisible)
+ else:
+ item.setVisible(visible)
+ elif event == items.ItemChangedType.EDITABLE:
+ for item, role in self._handles:
+ editable = self.isEditable()
+ if role not in ["user", "label"]:
+ self.__updateEditable(item, editable)
+ super(HandleBasedROI, self)._updated(event, checkVisibility)
+ def _updatedStyle(self, event, style):
+ super(HandleBasedROI, self)._updatedStyle(event, style)
+ # Update color of shape items in the plot
+ color = rgba(self.getColor())
+ handleColor = self._computeHandleColor(color)
+ for item, role in self._handles:
+ if role == 'user':
+ pass
+ elif role == 'label':
+ item.setColor(color)
+ else:
+ item.setColor(handleColor)
+ def __updateEditable(self, handle, editable, remove=True):
+ # NOTE: visibility change emit a position update event
+ handle.setVisible(editable and self.isVisible())
+ handle._setDraggable(editable)
+ if editable:
+ handle.sigDragStarted.connect(self._handleEditingStarted)
+ handle.sigItemChanged.connect(self._handleEditingUpdated)
+ handle.sigDragFinished.connect(self._handleEditingFinished)
+ else:
+ if remove:
+ handle.sigDragStarted.disconnect(self._handleEditingStarted)
+ handle.sigItemChanged.disconnect(self._handleEditingUpdated)
+ handle.sigDragFinished.disconnect(self._handleEditingFinished)
+ def _handleEditingStarted(self):
+ super(HandleBasedROI, self)._editingStarted()
+ handle = self.sender()
+ self._posOrigin = numpy.array(handle.getPosition())
+ self._posPrevious = numpy.array(self._posOrigin)
+ self.handleDragStarted(handle, self._posOrigin)
+ def _handleEditingUpdated(self):
+ if self._posOrigin is None:
+ # Avoid to handle events when visibility change
+ return
+ handle = self.sender()
+ current = numpy.array(handle.getPosition())
+ self.handleDragUpdated(handle, self._posOrigin, self._posPrevious, current)
+ self._posPrevious = current
+ def _handleEditingFinished(self):
+ handle = self.sender()
+ current = numpy.array(handle.getPosition())
+ self.handleDragFinished(handle, self._posOrigin, current)
+ self._posPrevious = None
+ self._posOrigin = None
+ super(HandleBasedROI, self)._editingFinished()
+ def isHandleBeingDragged(self):
+ """Returns True if one of the handles is currently being dragged.
+ :rtype: bool
+ """
+ return self._posOrigin is not None
+ def handleDragStarted(self, handle, origin):
+ """Called when an handler drag started"""
+ pass
+ def handleDragUpdated(self, handle, origin, previous, current):
+ """Called when an handle drag position changed"""
+ pass
+ def handleDragFinished(self, handle, origin, current):
+ """Called when an handle drag finished"""
+ pass
+ def _computeHandleColor(self, color):
+ """Returns the anchor color from the base ROI color
+ :param Union[numpy.array,Tuple,List]: color
+ :rtype: Union[numpy.array,Tuple,List]
+ """
+ return color[:3] + (0.5,)
+ def _updateText(self, text):
+ """Update the text displayed by this ROI
+ :param str text: A text
+ """
+ pass
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c73323e
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+++ b/src/silx/gui/plot/items/
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+# coding: utf-8
+# /*##########################################################################
+# Copyright (c) 2017-2021 European Synchrotron Radiation Facility
+# Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
+# of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
+# in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
+# to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
+# copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
+# furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
+# The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
+# all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
+# ###########################################################################*/
+"""This module provides the class for axes of the :class:`PlotWidget`.
+__authors__ = ["V. Valls"]
+__license__ = "MIT"
+__date__ = "22/11/2018"
+import datetime as dt
+import enum
+import logging
+import numpy
+from ... import qt
+from .. import _utils
+_logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
+class TickMode(enum.Enum):
+ """Determines if ticks are regular number or datetimes."""
+ DEFAULT = 0 # Ticks are regular numbers
+ TIME_SERIES = 1 # Ticks are datetime objects
+class Axis(qt.QObject):
+ """This class describes and controls a plot axis.
+ Note: This is an abstract class.
+ """
+ # States are half-stored on the backend of the plot, and half-stored on this
+ # object.
+ # TODO It would be good to store all the states of an axis in this object.
+ # i.e. vmin and vmax
+ LINEAR = "linear"
+ """Constant defining a linear scale"""
+ """Constant defining a logarithmic scale"""
+ sigInvertedChanged = qt.Signal(bool)
+ """Signal emitted when axis orientation has changed"""
+ sigScaleChanged = qt.Signal(str)
+ """Signal emitted when axis scale has changed"""
+ _sigLogarithmicChanged = qt.Signal(bool)
+ """Signal emitted when axis scale has changed to or from logarithmic"""
+ sigAutoScaleChanged = qt.Signal(bool)
+ """Signal emitted when axis autoscale has changed"""
+ sigLimitsChanged = qt.Signal(float, float)
+ """Signal emitted when axis limits have changed"""
+ def __init__(self, plot):
+ """Constructor
+ :param silx.gui.plot.PlotWidget.PlotWidget plot: Parent plot of this
+ axis
+ """
+ qt.QObject.__init__(self, parent=plot)
+ self._scale = self.LINEAR
+ self._isAutoScale = True
+ # Store default labels provided to setGraph[X|Y]Label
+ self._defaultLabel = ''
+ # Store currently displayed labels
+ # Current label can differ from input one with active curve handling
+ self._currentLabel = ''
+ def _getPlot(self):
+ """Returns the PlotWidget this Axis belongs to.
+ :rtype: PlotWidget
+ """
+ plot = self.parent()
+ if plot is None:
+ raise RuntimeError("Axis no longer attached to a PlotWidget")
+ return plot
+ def _getBackend(self):
+ """Returns the backend
+ :rtype: BackendBase
+ """
+ return self._getPlot()._backend
+ def getLimits(self):
+ """Get the limits of this axis.
+ :return: Minimum and maximum values of this axis as tuple
+ """
+ return self._internalGetLimits()
+ def setLimits(self, vmin, vmax):
+ """Set this axis limits.
+ :param float vmin: minimum axis value
+ :param float vmax: maximum axis value
+ """
+ vmin, vmax = self._checkLimits(vmin, vmax)
+ if self.getLimits() == (vmin, vmax):
+ return
+ self._internalSetLimits(vmin, vmax)
+ self._getPlot()._setDirtyPlot()
+ self._emitLimitsChanged()
+ def _emitLimitsChanged(self):
+ """Emit axis sigLimitsChanged and PlotWidget limitsChanged event"""
+ vmin, vmax = self.getLimits()
+ self.sigLimitsChanged.emit(vmin, vmax)
+ self._getPlot()._notifyLimitsChanged(emitSignal=False)
+ def _checkLimits(self, vmin, vmax):
+ """Makes sure axis range is not empty and within supported range.
+ :param float vmin: Min axis value
+ :param float vmax: Max axis value
+ :return: (min, max) making sure min < max
+ :rtype: 2-tuple of float
+ """
+ return _utils.checkAxisLimits(
+ vmin, vmax, isLog=self._isLogarithmic(), name=self._defaultLabel)
+ def isInverted(self):
+ """Return True if the axis is inverted (top to bottom for the y-axis),
+ False otherwise. It is always False for the X axis.
+ :rtype: bool
+ """
+ return False
+ def setInverted(self, isInverted):
+ """Set the axis orientation.
+ This is only available for the Y axis.
+ :param bool flag: True for Y axis going from top to bottom,
+ False for Y axis going from bottom to top
+ """
+ if isInverted == self.isInverted():
+ return
+ raise NotImplementedError()
+ def getLabel(self):
+ """Return the current displayed label of this axis.
+ :param str axis: The Y axis for which to get the label (left or right)
+ :rtype: str
+ """
+ return self._currentLabel
+ def setLabel(self, label):
+ """Set the label displayed on the plot for this axis.
+ The provided label can be temporarily replaced by the label of the
+ active curve if any.
+ :param str label: The axis label
+ """
+ self._defaultLabel = label
+ self._setCurrentLabel(label)
+ self._getPlot()._setDirtyPlot()
+ def _setCurrentLabel(self, label):
+ """Define the label currently displayed.
+ If the label is None or empty the default label is used.
+ :param str label: Currently displayed label
+ """
+ if label is None or label == '':
+ label = self._defaultLabel
+ if label is None:
+ label = ''
+ self._currentLabel = label
+ self._internalSetCurrentLabel(label)
+ def getScale(self):
+ """Return the name of the scale used by this axis.
+ :rtype: str
+ """
+ return self._scale
+ def setScale(self, scale):
+ """Set the scale to be used by this axis.
+ :param str scale: Name of the scale ("log", or "linear")
+ """
+ assert(scale in self._SCALES)
+ if self._scale == scale:
+ return
+ # For the backward compatibility signal
+ emitLog = self._scale == self.LOGARITHMIC or scale == self.LOGARITHMIC
+ self._scale = scale
+ # TODO hackish way of forcing update of curves and images
+ plot = self._getPlot()
+ for item in plot.getItems():
+ item._updated()
+ plot._invalidateDataRange()
+ if scale == self.LOGARITHMIC:
+ self._internalSetLogarithmic(True)
+ elif scale == self.LINEAR:
+ self._internalSetLogarithmic(False)
+ else:
+ raise ValueError("Scale %s unsupported" % scale)
+ plot._forceResetZoom()
+ self.sigScaleChanged.emit(self._scale)
+ if emitLog:
+ self._sigLogarithmicChanged.emit(self._scale == self.LOGARITHMIC)
+ def _isLogarithmic(self):
+ """Return True if this axis scale is logarithmic, False if linear.
+ :rtype: bool
+ """
+ return self._scale == self.LOGARITHMIC
+ def _setLogarithmic(self, flag):
+ """Set the scale of this axes (either linear or logarithmic).
+ :param bool flag: True to use a logarithmic scale, False for linear.
+ """
+ flag = bool(flag)
+ self.setScale(self.LOGARITHMIC if flag else self.LINEAR)
+ def getTimeZone(self):
+ """Sets tzinfo that is used if this axis plots date times.
+ None means the datetimes are interpreted as local time.
+ :rtype: datetime.tzinfo of None.
+ """
+ raise NotImplementedError()
+ def setTimeZone(self, tz):
+ """Sets tzinfo that is used if this axis' tickMode is TIME_SERIES
+ The tz must be a descendant of the datetime.tzinfo class, "UTC" or None.
+ Use None to let the datetimes be interpreted as local time.
+ Use the string "UTC" to let the date datetimes be in UTC time.
+ :param tz: datetime.tzinfo, "UTC" or None.
+ """
+ raise NotImplementedError()
+ def getTickMode(self):
+ """Determines if axis ticks are number or datetimes.
+ :rtype: TickMode enum.
+ """
+ raise NotImplementedError()
+ def setTickMode(self, tickMode):
+ """Determines if axis ticks are number or datetimes.
+ :param TickMode tickMode: tick mode enum.
+ """
+ raise NotImplementedError()
+ def isAutoScale(self):
+ """Return True if axis is automatically adjusting its limits.
+ :rtype: bool
+ """
+ return self._isAutoScale
+ def setAutoScale(self, flag=True):
+ """Set the axis limits adjusting behavior of :meth:`resetZoom`.
+ :param bool flag: True to resize limits automatically,
+ False to disable it.
+ """
+ self._isAutoScale = bool(flag)
+ self.sigAutoScaleChanged.emit(self._isAutoScale)
+ def _setLimitsConstraints(self, minPos=None, maxPos=None):
+ raise NotImplementedError()
+ def setLimitsConstraints(self, minPos=None, maxPos=None):
+ """
+ Set a constraint on the position of the axes.
+ :param float minPos: Minimum allowed axis value.
+ :param float maxPos: Maximum allowed axis value.
+ :return: True if the constaints was updated
+ :rtype: bool
+ """
+ updated = self._setLimitsConstraints(minPos, maxPos)
+ if updated:
+ plot = self._getPlot()
+ xMin, xMax = plot.getXAxis().getLimits()
+ yMin, yMax = plot.getYAxis().getLimits()
+ y2Min, y2Max = plot.getYAxis('right').getLimits()
+ plot.setLimits(xMin, xMax, yMin, yMax, y2Min, y2Max)
+ return updated
+ def _setRangeConstraints(self, minRange=None, maxRange=None):
+ raise NotImplementedError()
+ def setRangeConstraints(self, minRange=None, maxRange=None):
+ """
+ Set a constraint on the position of the axes.
+ :param float minRange: Minimum allowed left-to-right span across the
+ view
+ :param float maxRange: Maximum allowed left-to-right span across the
+ view
+ :return: True if the constaints was updated
+ :rtype: bool
+ """
+ updated = self._setRangeConstraints(minRange, maxRange)
+ if updated:
+ plot = self._getPlot()
+ xMin, xMax = plot.getXAxis().getLimits()
+ yMin, yMax = plot.getYAxis().getLimits()
+ y2Min, y2Max = plot.getYAxis('right').getLimits()
+ plot.setLimits(xMin, xMax, yMin, yMax, y2Min, y2Max)
+ return updated
+class XAxis(Axis):
+ """Axis class defining primitives for the X axis"""
+ # TODO With some changes on the backend, it will be able to remove all this
+ # specialised implementations (prefixel by '_internal')
+ def getTimeZone(self):
+ return self._getBackend().getXAxisTimeZone()
+ def setTimeZone(self, tz):
+ if isinstance(tz, str) and tz.upper() == "UTC":
+ tz =
+ elif not(tz is None or isinstance(tz, dt.tzinfo)):
+ raise TypeError("tz must be a dt.tzinfo object, None or 'UTC'.")
+ self._getBackend().setXAxisTimeZone(tz)
+ self._getPlot()._setDirtyPlot()
+ def getTickMode(self):
+ if self._getBackend().isXAxisTimeSeries():
+ return TickMode.TIME_SERIES
+ else:
+ return TickMode.DEFAULT
+ def setTickMode(self, tickMode):
+ if tickMode == TickMode.DEFAULT:
+ self._getBackend().setXAxisTimeSeries(False)
+ elif tickMode == TickMode.TIME_SERIES:
+ self._getBackend().setXAxisTimeSeries(True)
+ else:
+ raise ValueError("Unexpected TickMode: {}".format(tickMode))
+ def _internalSetCurrentLabel(self, label):
+ self._getBackend().setGraphXLabel(label)
+ def _internalGetLimits(self):
+ return self._getBackend().getGraphXLimits()
+ def _internalSetLimits(self, xmin, xmax):
+ self._getBackend().setGraphXLimits(xmin, xmax)
+ def _internalSetLogarithmic(self, flag):
+ self._getBackend().setXAxisLogarithmic(flag)
+ def _setLimitsConstraints(self, minPos=None, maxPos=None):
+ constrains = self._getPlot()._getViewConstraints()
+ updated = constrains.update(xMin=minPos, xMax=maxPos)
+ return updated
+ def _setRangeConstraints(self, minRange=None, maxRange=None):
+ constrains = self._getPlot()._getViewConstraints()
+ updated = constrains.update(minXRange=minRange, maxXRange=maxRange)
+ return updated
+class YAxis(Axis):
+ """Axis class defining primitives for the Y axis"""
+ # TODO With some changes on the backend, it will be able to remove all this
+ # specialised implementations (prefixel by '_internal')
+ def _internalSetCurrentLabel(self, label):
+ self._getBackend().setGraphYLabel(label, axis='left')
+ def _internalGetLimits(self):
+ return self._getBackend().getGraphYLimits(axis='left')
+ def _internalSetLimits(self, ymin, ymax):
+ self._getBackend().setGraphYLimits(ymin, ymax, axis='left')
+ def _internalSetLogarithmic(self, flag):
+ self._getBackend().setYAxisLogarithmic(flag)
+ def setInverted(self, flag=True):
+ """Set the axis orientation.
+ This is only available for the Y axis.
+ :param bool flag: True for Y axis going from top to bottom,
+ False for Y axis going from bottom to top
+ """
+ flag = bool(flag)
+ if self.isInverted() == flag:
+ return
+ self._getBackend().setYAxisInverted(flag)
+ self._getPlot()._setDirtyPlot()
+ self.sigInvertedChanged.emit(flag)
+ def isInverted(self):
+ """Return True if the axis is inverted (top to bottom for the y-axis),
+ False otherwise. It is always False for the X axis.
+ :rtype: bool
+ """
+ return self._getBackend().isYAxisInverted()
+ def _setLimitsConstraints(self, minPos=None, maxPos=None):
+ constrains = self._getPlot()._getViewConstraints()
+ updated = constrains.update(yMin=minPos, yMax=maxPos)
+ return updated
+ def _setRangeConstraints(self, minRange=None, maxRange=None):
+ constrains = self._getPlot()._getViewConstraints()
+ updated = constrains.update(minYRange=minRange, maxYRange=maxRange)
+ return updated
+class YRightAxis(Axis):
+ """Proxy axis for the secondary Y axes. It manages it own label and limit
+ but share the some state like scale and direction with the main axis."""
+ # TODO With some changes on the backend, it will be able to remove all this
+ # specialised implementations (prefixel by '_internal')
+ def __init__(self, plot, mainAxis):
+ """Constructor
+ :param silx.gui.plot.PlotWidget.PlotWidget plot: Parent plot of this
+ axis
+ :param Axis mainAxis: Axis which sharing state with this axis
+ """
+ Axis.__init__(self, plot)
+ self.__mainAxis = mainAxis
+ @property
+ def sigInvertedChanged(self):
+ """Signal emitted when axis orientation has changed"""
+ return self.__mainAxis.sigInvertedChanged
+ @property
+ def sigScaleChanged(self):
+ """Signal emitted when axis scale has changed"""
+ return self.__mainAxis.sigScaleChanged
+ @property
+ def _sigLogarithmicChanged(self):
+ """Signal emitted when axis scale has changed to or from logarithmic"""
+ return self.__mainAxis._sigLogarithmicChanged
+ @property
+ def sigAutoScaleChanged(self):
+ """Signal emitted when axis autoscale has changed"""
+ return self.__mainAxis.sigAutoScaleChanged
+ def _internalSetCurrentLabel(self, label):
+ self._getBackend().setGraphYLabel(label, axis='right')
+ def _internalGetLimits(self):
+ return self._getBackend().getGraphYLimits(axis='right')
+ def _internalSetLimits(self, ymin, ymax):
+ self._getBackend().setGraphYLimits(ymin, ymax, axis='right')
+ def setInverted(self, flag=True):
+ """Set the Y axis orientation.
+ :param bool flag: True for Y axis going from top to bottom,
+ False for Y axis going from bottom to top
+ """
+ return self.__mainAxis.setInverted(flag)
+ def isInverted(self):
+ """Return True if Y axis goes from top to bottom, False otherwise."""
+ return self.__mainAxis.isInverted()
+ def getScale(self):
+ """Return the name of the scale used by this axis.
+ :rtype: str
+ """
+ return self.__mainAxis.getScale()
+ def setScale(self, scale):
+ """Set the scale to be used by this axis.
+ :param str scale: Name of the scale ("log", or "linear")
+ """
+ self.__mainAxis.setScale(scale)
+ def _isLogarithmic(self):
+ """Return True if Y axis scale is logarithmic, False if linear."""
+ return self.__mainAxis._isLogarithmic()
+ def _setLogarithmic(self, flag):
+ """Set the Y axes scale (either linear or logarithmic).
+ :param bool flag: True to use a logarithmic scale, False for linear.
+ """
+ return self.__mainAxis._setLogarithmic(flag)
+ def isAutoScale(self):
+ """Return True if Y axes are automatically adjusting its limits."""
+ return self.__mainAxis.isAutoScale()
+ def setAutoScale(self, flag=True):
+ """Set the Y axis limits adjusting behavior of :meth:`PlotWidget.resetZoom`.
+ :param bool flag: True to resize limits automatically,
+ False to disable it.
+ """
+ return self.__mainAxis.setAutoScale(flag)
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000..abb64ad
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+# coding: utf-8
+# /*##########################################################################
+# Copyright (c) 2017-2021 European Synchrotron Radiation Facility
+# Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
+# of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
+# in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
+# to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
+# copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
+# furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
+# The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
+# all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
+# ###########################################################################*/
+"""This module provides the :class:`ImageComplexData` of the :class:`Plot`.
+from __future__ import absolute_import
+__authors__ = ["Vincent Favre-Nicolin", "T. Vincent"]
+__license__ = "MIT"
+__date__ = "14/06/2018"
+import logging
+import numpy
+from ....utils.proxy import docstring
+from ....utils.deprecation import deprecated
+from ...colors import Colormap
+from .core import ColormapMixIn, ComplexMixIn, ItemChangedType
+from .image import ImageBase
+_logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
+# Complex colormap functions
+def _phase2rgb(colormap, data):
+ """Creates RGBA image with colour-coded phase.
+ :param Colormap colormap: The colormap to use
+ :param numpy.ndarray data: The data to convert
+ :return: Array of RGBA colors
+ :rtype: numpy.ndarray
+ """
+ if data.size == 0:
+ return numpy.zeros((0, 0, 4), dtype=numpy.uint8)
+ phase = numpy.angle(data)
+ return colormap.applyToData(phase)
+def _complex2rgbalog(phaseColormap, data, amin=0., dlogs=2, smax=None):
+ """Returns RGBA colors: colour-coded phases and log10(amplitude) in alpha.
+ :param Colormap phaseColormap: Colormap to use for the phase
+ :param numpy.ndarray data: the complex data array to convert to RGBA
+ :param float amin: the minimum value for the alpha channel
+ :param float dlogs: amplitude range displayed, in log10 units
+ :param float smax:
+ if specified, all values above max will be displayed with an alpha=1
+ """
+ if data.size == 0:
+ return numpy.zeros((0, 0, 4), dtype=numpy.uint8)
+ rgba = _phase2rgb(phaseColormap, data)
+ sabs = numpy.absolute(data)
+ if smax is not None:
+ sabs[sabs > smax] = smax
+ a = numpy.log10(sabs + 1e-20)
+ a -= a.max() - dlogs # display dlogs orders of magnitude
+ rgba[..., 3] = 255 * (amin + a / dlogs * (1 - amin) * (a > 0))
+ return rgba
+def _complex2rgbalin(phaseColormap, data, gamma=1.0, smax=None):
+ """Returns RGBA colors: colour-coded phase and linear amplitude in alpha.
+ :param Colormap phaseColormap: Colormap to use for the phase
+ :param numpy.ndarray data:
+ :param float gamma: Optional exponent gamma applied to the amplitude
+ :param float smax:
+ """
+ if data.size == 0:
+ return numpy.zeros((0, 0, 4), dtype=numpy.uint8)
+ rgba = _phase2rgb(phaseColormap, data)
+ a = numpy.absolute(data)
+ if smax is not None:
+ a[a > smax] = smax
+ a /= a.max()
+ rgba[..., 3] = 255 * a**gamma
+ return rgba
+class ImageComplexData(ImageBase, ColormapMixIn, ComplexMixIn):
+ """Specific plot item to force colormap when using complex colormap.
+ This is returning the specific colormap when displaying
+ colored phase + amplitude.
+ """
+ ComplexMixIn.ComplexMode.ABSOLUTE,
+ ComplexMixIn.ComplexMode.PHASE,
+ ComplexMixIn.ComplexMode.REAL,
+ ComplexMixIn.ComplexMode.IMAGINARY,
+ ComplexMixIn.ComplexMode.AMPLITUDE_PHASE,
+ ComplexMixIn.ComplexMode.LOG10_AMPLITUDE_PHASE,
+ ComplexMixIn.ComplexMode.SQUARE_AMPLITUDE)
+ """Overrides supported ComplexMode"""
+ def __init__(self):
+ ImageBase.__init__(self, numpy.zeros((0, 0), dtype=numpy.complex64))
+ ColormapMixIn.__init__(self)
+ ComplexMixIn.__init__(self)
+ self._dataByModesCache = {}
+ self._amplitudeRangeInfo = None, 2
+ # Use default from ColormapMixIn
+ colormap = super(ImageComplexData, self).getColormap()
+ phaseColormap = Colormap(
+ name='hsv',
+ vmin=-numpy.pi,
+ vmax=numpy.pi)
+ self._colormaps = { # Default colormaps for all modes
+ self.ComplexMode.ABSOLUTE: colormap,
+ self.ComplexMode.PHASE: phaseColormap,
+ self.ComplexMode.REAL: colormap,
+ self.ComplexMode.IMAGINARY: colormap,
+ self.ComplexMode.AMPLITUDE_PHASE: phaseColormap,
+ self.ComplexMode.LOG10_AMPLITUDE_PHASE: phaseColormap,
+ self.ComplexMode.SQUARE_AMPLITUDE: colormap,
+ }
+ def _addBackendRenderer(self, backend):
+ """Update backend renderer"""
+ plot = self.getPlot()
+ assert plot is not None
+ if not self._isPlotLinear(plot):
+ # Do not render with non linear scales
+ return None
+ mode = self.getComplexMode()
+ if mode in (self.ComplexMode.AMPLITUDE_PHASE,
+ self.ComplexMode.LOG10_AMPLITUDE_PHASE):
+ # For those modes, compute RGBA image here
+ colormap = None
+ data = self.getRgbaImageData(copy=False)
+ else:
+ colormap = self.getColormap()
+ if colormap.isAutoscale():
+ # Avoid backend to compute autoscale: use item cache
+ colormap = colormap.copy()
+ colormap.setVRange(*colormap.getColormapRange(self))
+ data = self.getData(copy=False)
+ if data.size == 0:
+ return None # No data to display
+ return backend.addImage(data,
+ origin=self.getOrigin(),
+ scale=self.getScale(),
+ colormap=colormap,
+ alpha=self.getAlpha())
+ @docstring(ComplexMixIn)
+ def setComplexMode(self, mode):
+ changed = super(ImageComplexData, self).setComplexMode(mode)
+ if changed:
+ self._valueDataChanged()
+ # Backward compatibility
+ self._updated(ItemChangedType.VISUALIZATION_MODE)
+ # Update ColormapMixIn colormap
+ colormap = self._colormaps[self.getComplexMode()]
+ if colormap is not super(ImageComplexData, self).getColormap():
+ super(ImageComplexData, self).setColormap(colormap)
+ # Send data updated as value returned by getData has changed
+ self._updated(ItemChangedType.DATA)
+ return changed
+ def _setAmplitudeRangeInfo(self, max_=None, delta=2):
+ """Set the amplitude range to display for 'log10_amplitude_phase' mode.
+ :param max_: Max of the amplitude range.
+ If None it autoscales to data max.
+ :param float delta: Delta range in log10 to display
+ """
+ self._amplitudeRangeInfo = max_, float(delta)
+ self._updated(ItemChangedType.VISUALIZATION_MODE)
+ def _getAmplitudeRangeInfo(self):
+ """Returns the amplitude range to use for 'log10_amplitude_phase' mode.
+ :return: (max, delta), if max is None, then it autoscales to data max
+ :rtype: 2-tuple"""
+ return self._amplitudeRangeInfo
+ def setColormap(self, colormap, mode=None):
+ """Set the colormap for this specific mode.
+ :param ~silx.gui.colors.Colormap colormap: The colormap
+ :param Union[ComplexMode,str] mode:
+ If specified, set the colormap of this specific mode.
+ Default: current mode.
+ """
+ if mode is None:
+ mode = self.getComplexMode()
+ else:
+ mode = self.ComplexMode.from_value(mode)
+ self._colormaps[mode] = colormap
+ if mode is self.getComplexMode():
+ super(ImageComplexData, self).setColormap(colormap)
+ else:
+ self._updated(ItemChangedType.COLORMAP)
+ def getColormap(self, mode=None):
+ """Get the colormap for the (current) mode.
+ :param Union[ComplexMode,str] mode:
+ If specified, get the colormap of this specific mode.
+ Default: current mode.
+ :rtype: ~silx.gui.colors.Colormap
+ """
+ if mode is None:
+ mode = self.getComplexMode()
+ else:
+ mode = self.ComplexMode.from_value(mode)
+ return self._colormaps[mode]
+ def setData(self, data, copy=True):
+ """"Set the image complex data
+ :param numpy.ndarray data: 2D array of complex with 2 dimensions (h, w)
+ :param bool copy: True (Default) to get a copy,
+ False to use internal representation (do not modify!)
+ """
+ data = numpy.array(data, copy=copy)
+ assert data.ndim == 2
+ if not numpy.issubdtype(data.dtype, numpy.complexfloating):
+ _logger.warning(
+ 'Image is not complex, converting it to complex to plot it.')
+ data = numpy.array(data, dtype=numpy.complex64)
+ # Compute current mode data and set colormap data
+ mode = self.getComplexMode()
+ dataForMode = self.__convertComplexData(data, self.getComplexMode())
+ self._dataByModesCache = {mode: dataForMode}
+ super().setData(data)
+ def _updated(self, event=None, checkVisibility=True):
+ # Synchronizes colormapped data if changed
+ # ItemChangedType.COMPLEX_MODE triggers ItemChangedType.DATA
+ # No need to handle it twice.
+ if event in (ItemChangedType.DATA, ItemChangedType.MASK):
+ # Color-mapped data is NOT the `getValueData` for some modes
+ if self.getComplexMode() in (
+ self.ComplexMode.AMPLITUDE_PHASE,
+ self.ComplexMode.LOG10_AMPLITUDE_PHASE):
+ data = self.getData(copy=False, mode=self.ComplexMode.PHASE)
+ mask = self.getMaskData(copy=False)
+ if mask is not None:
+ data = numpy.copy(data)
+ data[mask != 0] = numpy.nan
+ else:
+ data = self.getValueData(copy=False)
+ self._setColormappedData(data, copy=False)
+ super()._updated(event=event, checkVisibility=checkVisibility)
+ def getComplexData(self, copy=True):
+ """Returns the image complex data
+ :param bool copy: True (Default) to get a copy,
+ False to use internal representation (do not modify!)
+ :rtype: numpy.ndarray of complex
+ """
+ return super().getData(copy=copy)
+ def __convertComplexData(self, data, mode):
+ """Convert complex data to given mode.
+ :param numpy.ndarray data:
+ :param Union[ComplexMode,str] mode:
+ :rtype: numpy.ndarray of float
+ """
+ if mode is self.ComplexMode.PHASE:
+ return numpy.angle(data)
+ elif mode is self.ComplexMode.REAL:
+ return numpy.real(data)
+ elif mode is self.ComplexMode.IMAGINARY:
+ return numpy.imag(data)
+ elif mode in (self.ComplexMode.ABSOLUTE,
+ self.ComplexMode.LOG10_AMPLITUDE_PHASE,
+ self.ComplexMode.AMPLITUDE_PHASE):
+ return numpy.absolute(data)
+ elif mode is self.ComplexMode.SQUARE_AMPLITUDE:
+ return numpy.absolute(data) ** 2
+ else:
+ _logger.error(
+ 'Unsupported conversion mode: %s, fallback to absolute',
+ str(mode))
+ return numpy.absolute(data)
+ def getData(self, copy=True, mode=None):
+ """Returns the image data corresponding to (current) mode.
+ The returned data is always floats, to get the complex data, use
+ :meth:`getComplexData`.
+ :param bool copy: True (Default) to get a copy,
+ False to use internal representation (do not modify!)
+ :param Union[ComplexMode,str] mode:
+ If specified, get data corresponding to the mode.
+ Default: Current mode.
+ :rtype: numpy.ndarray of float
+ """
+ if mode is None:
+ mode = self.getComplexMode()
+ else:
+ mode = self.ComplexMode.from_value(mode)
+ if mode not in self._dataByModesCache:
+ self._dataByModesCache[mode] = self.__convertComplexData(
+ self.getComplexData(copy=False), mode)
+ return numpy.array(self._dataByModesCache[mode], copy=copy)
+ def getRgbaImageData(self, copy=True, mode=None):
+ """Get the displayed RGB(A) image for (current) mode
+ :param bool copy: Ignored for this class
+ :param Union[ComplexMode,str] mode:
+ If specified, get data corresponding to the mode.
+ Default: Current mode.
+ :rtype: numpy.ndarray of uint8 of shape (height, width, 4)
+ """
+ if mode is None:
+ mode = self.getComplexMode()
+ else:
+ mode = self.ComplexMode.from_value(mode)
+ colormap = self.getColormap(mode=mode)
+ if mode is self.ComplexMode.AMPLITUDE_PHASE:
+ data = self.getComplexData(copy=False)
+ return _complex2rgbalin(colormap, data)
+ elif mode is self.ComplexMode.LOG10_AMPLITUDE_PHASE:
+ data = self.getComplexData(copy=False)
+ max_, delta = self._getAmplitudeRangeInfo()
+ return _complex2rgbalog(colormap, data, dlogs=delta, smax=max_)
+ else:
+ data = self.getData(copy=False, mode=mode)
+ return colormap.applyToData(data)
+ # Backward compatibility
+ Mode = ComplexMixIn.ComplexMode
+ @deprecated(replacement='setComplexMode', since_version='0.11.0')
+ def setVisualizationMode(self, mode):
+ return self.setComplexMode(mode)
+ @deprecated(replacement='getComplexMode', since_version='0.11.0')
+ def getVisualizationMode(self):
+ return self.getComplexMode()
diff --git a/src/silx/gui/plot/items/ b/src/silx/gui/plot/items/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fa3b8cf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/silx/gui/plot/items/
@@ -0,0 +1,1733 @@
+# coding: utf-8
+# /*##########################################################################
+# Copyright (c) 2017-2021 European Synchrotron Radiation Facility
+# Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
+# of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
+# in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
+# to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
+# copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
+# furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
+# The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
+# all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
+# ###########################################################################*/
+"""This module provides the base class for items of the :class:`Plot`.
+__authors__ = ["T. Vincent"]
+__license__ = "MIT"
+__date__ = "08/12/2020"
+import collections
+ from collections import abc
+except ImportError: # Python2 support
+ import collections as abc
+from copy import deepcopy
+import logging
+import enum
+from typing import Optional, Tuple
+import warnings
+import weakref
+import numpy
+from ....utils.deprecation import deprecated
+from ....utils.proxy import docstring
+from ....utils.enum import Enum as _Enum
+from ....math.combo import min_max
+from ... import qt
+from ... import colors
+from ...colors import Colormap
+from ._pick import PickingResult
+from silx import config
+_logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
+class ItemChangedType(enum.Enum):
+ """Type of modification provided by :attr:`Item.sigItemChanged` signal."""
+ # Private setters and setInfo are not emitting sigItemChanged signal.
+ # Signals to consider:
+ # COLORMAP_SET emitted when setColormap is called but not forward colormap object signal
+ # CURRENT_COLOR_CHANGED emitted current color changed because highlight changed,
+ # highlighted color changed or color changed depending on hightlight state.
+ VISIBLE = 'visibleChanged'
+ """Item's visibility changed flag."""
+ ZVALUE = 'zValueChanged'
+ """Item's Z value changed flag."""
+ COLORMAP = 'colormapChanged' # Emitted when set + forward events from the colormap object
+ """Item's colormap changed flag.
+ This is emitted both when setting a new colormap and
+ when the current colormap object is updated.
+ """
+ SYMBOL = 'symbolChanged'
+ """Item's symbol changed flag."""
+ SYMBOL_SIZE = 'symbolSizeChanged'
+ """Item's symbol size changed flag."""
+ LINE_WIDTH = 'lineWidthChanged'
+ """Item's line width changed flag."""
+ LINE_STYLE = 'lineStyleChanged'
+ """Item's line style changed flag."""
+ COLOR = 'colorChanged'
+ """Item's color changed flag."""
+ LINE_BG_COLOR = 'lineBgColorChanged'
+ """Item's line background color changed flag."""
+ YAXIS = 'yAxisChanged'
+ """Item's Y axis binding changed flag."""
+ FILL = 'fillChanged'
+ """Item's fill changed flag."""
+ ALPHA = 'alphaChanged'
+ """Item's transparency alpha changed flag."""
+ DATA = 'dataChanged'
+ """Item's data changed flag"""
+ MASK = 'maskChanged'
+ """Item's mask changed flag"""
+ HIGHLIGHTED = 'highlightedChanged'
+ """Item's highlight state changed flag."""
+ HIGHLIGHTED_COLOR = 'highlightedColorChanged'
+ """Deprecated, use HIGHLIGHTED_STYLE instead."""
+ HIGHLIGHTED_STYLE = 'highlightedStyleChanged'
+ """Item's highlighted style changed flag."""
+ SCALE = 'scaleChanged'
+ """Item's scale changed flag."""
+ TEXT = 'textChanged'
+ """Item's text changed flag."""
+ POSITION = 'positionChanged'
+ """Item's position changed flag.
+ This is emitted when a marker position changed and
+ when an image origin changed.
+ """
+ OVERLAY = 'overlayChanged'
+ """Item's overlay state changed flag."""
+ VISUALIZATION_MODE = 'visualizationModeChanged'
+ """Item's visualization mode changed flag."""
+ COMPLEX_MODE = 'complexModeChanged'
+ """Item's complex data visualization mode changed flag."""
+ NAME = 'nameChanged'
+ """Item's name changed flag."""
+ EDITABLE = 'editableChanged'
+ """Item's editable state changed flags."""
+ SELECTABLE = 'selectableChanged'
+ """Item's selectable state changed flags."""
+class Item(qt.QObject):
+ """Description of an item of the plot"""
+ """Default layer for overlay rendering"""
+ """Default selectable state of items"""
+ sigItemChanged = qt.Signal(object)
+ """Signal emitted when the item has changed.
+ It provides a flag describing which property of the item has changed.
+ See :class:`ItemChangedType` for flags description.
+ """
+ _sigVisibleBoundsChanged = qt.Signal()
+ """Signal emitted when the visible extent of the item in the plot has changed.
+ This signal is emitted only if visible extent tracking is enabled
+ (see :meth:`_setVisibleBoundsTracking`).
+ """
+ def __init__(self):
+ qt.QObject.__init__(self)
+ self._dirty = True
+ self._plotRef = None
+ self._visible = True
+ self._selectable = self._DEFAULT_SELECTABLE
+ self._z = self._DEFAULT_Z_LAYER
+ self._info = None
+ self._xlabel = None
+ self._ylabel = None
+ self.__name = ''
+ self.__visibleBoundsTracking = False
+ self.__previousVisibleBounds = None
+ self._backendRenderer = None
+ def getPlot(self):
+ """Returns the ~silx.gui.plot.PlotWidget this item belongs to.
+ :rtype: Union[~silx.gui.plot.PlotWidget,None]
+ """
+ return None if self._plotRef is None else self._plotRef()
+ def _setPlot(self, plot):
+ """Set the plot this item belongs to.
+ WARNING: This should only be called from the Plot.
+ :param Union[~silx.gui.plot.PlotWidget,None] plot: The Plot instance.
+ """
+ if plot is not None and self._plotRef is not None:
+ raise RuntimeError('Trying to add a node at two places.')
+ self.__disconnectFromPlotWidget()
+ self._plotRef = None if plot is None else weakref.ref(plot)
+ self.__connectToPlotWidget()
+ self._updated()
+ def getBounds(self): # TODO return a Bounds object rather than a tuple
+ """Returns the bounding box of this item in data coordinates
+ :returns: (xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax) or None
+ :rtype: 4-tuple of float or None
+ """
+ return self._getBounds()
+ def _getBounds(self):
+ """:meth:`getBounds` implementation to override by sub-class"""
+ return None
+ def isVisible(self):
+ """True if item is visible, False otherwise
+ :rtype: bool
+ """
+ return self._visible
+ def setVisible(self, visible):
+ """Set visibility of item.
+ :param bool visible: True to display it, False otherwise
+ """
+ visible = bool(visible)
+ if visible != self._visible:
+ self._visible = visible
+ # When visibility has changed, always mark as dirty
+ self._updated(ItemChangedType.VISIBLE,
+ checkVisibility=False)
+ def isOverlay(self):
+ """Return true if item is drawn as an overlay.
+ :rtype: bool
+ """
+ return False
+ def getName(self):
+ """Returns the name of the item which is used as legend.
+ :rtype: str
+ """
+ return self.__name
+ def setName(self, name):
+ """Set the name of the item which is used as legend.
+ :param str name: New name of the item
+ :raises RuntimeError: If item belongs to a PlotWidget.
+ """
+ name = str(name)
+ if self.__name != name:
+ if self.getPlot() is not None:
+ raise RuntimeError(
+ "Cannot change name while item is in a PlotWidget")
+ self.__name = name
+ self._updated(ItemChangedType.NAME)
+ def getLegend(self): # Replaced by getName for API consistency
+ return self.getName()
+ @deprecated(replacement='setName', since_version='0.13')
+ def _setLegend(self, legend):
+ legend = str(legend) if legend is not None else ''
+ self.setName(legend)
+ def isSelectable(self):
+ """Returns true if item is selectable (bool)"""
+ return self._selectable
+ def _setSelectable(self, selectable): # TODO support update
+ """Set whether item is selectable or not.
+ This is private for now as change is not handled.
+ :param bool selectable: True to make item selectable
+ """
+ self._selectable = bool(selectable)
+ def getZValue(self):
+ """Returns the layer on which to draw this item (int)"""
+ return self._z
+ def setZValue(self, z):
+ z = int(z) if z is not None else self._DEFAULT_Z_LAYER
+ if z != self._z:
+ self._z = z
+ self._updated(ItemChangedType.ZVALUE)
+ def getInfo(self, copy=True):
+ """Returns the info associated to this item
+ :param bool copy: True to get a deepcopy, False otherwise.
+ """
+ return deepcopy(self._info) if copy else self._info
+ def setInfo(self, info, copy=True):
+ if copy:
+ info = deepcopy(info)
+ self._info = info
+ def getVisibleBounds(self) -> Optional[Tuple[float, float, float, float]]:
+ """Returns visible bounds of the item bounding box in the plot area.
+ :returns:
+ (xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax) in data coordinates of the visible area or
+ None if item is not visible in the plot area.
+ :rtype: Union[List[float],None]
+ """
+ plot = self.getPlot()
+ bounds = self.getBounds()
+ if plot is None or bounds is None or not self.isVisible():
+ return None
+ xmin, xmax = numpy.clip(bounds[:2], *plot.getXAxis().getLimits())
+ ymin, ymax = numpy.clip(
+ bounds[2:], *plot.getYAxis(self.__getYAxis()).getLimits())
+ if xmin == xmax or ymin == ymax: # Outside the plot area
+ return None
+ else:
+ return xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax
+ def _isVisibleBoundsTracking(self) -> bool:
+ """Returns True if visible bounds changes are tracked.
+ When enabled, :attr:`_sigVisibleBoundsChanged` is emitted upon changes.
+ :rtype: bool
+ """
+ return self.__visibleBoundsTracking
+ def _setVisibleBoundsTracking(self, enable: bool) -> None:
+ """Set whether or not to track visible bounds changes.
+ :param bool enable:
+ """
+ if enable != self.__visibleBoundsTracking:
+ self.__disconnectFromPlotWidget()
+ self.__previousVisibleBounds = None
+ self.__visibleBoundsTracking = enable
+ self.__connectToPlotWidget()
+ def __getYAxis(self) -> str:
+ """Returns current Y axis ('left' or 'right')"""
+ return self.getYAxis() if isinstance(self, YAxisMixIn) else 'left'
+ def __connectToPlotWidget(self) -> None:
+ """Connect to PlotWidget signals and install event filter"""
+ if not self._isVisibleBoundsTracking():
+ return
+ plot = self.getPlot()
+ if plot is not None:
+ for axis in (plot.getXAxis(), plot.getYAxis(self.__getYAxis())):
+ axis.sigLimitsChanged.connect(self._visibleBoundsChanged)
+ plot.installEventFilter(self)
+ self._visibleBoundsChanged()
+ def __disconnectFromPlotWidget(self) -> None:
+ """Disconnect from PlotWidget signals and remove event filter"""
+ if not self._isVisibleBoundsTracking():
+ return
+ plot = self.getPlot()
+ if plot is not None:
+ for axis in (plot.getXAxis(), plot.getYAxis(self.__getYAxis())):
+ axis.sigLimitsChanged.disconnect(self._visibleBoundsChanged)
+ plot.removeEventFilter(self)
+ def _visibleBoundsChanged(self, *args) -> None:
+ """Check if visible extent actually changed and emit signal"""
+ if not self._isVisibleBoundsTracking():
+ return # No visible extent tracking
+ plot = self.getPlot()
+ if plot is None or not plot.isVisible():
+ return # No plot or plot not visible
+ extent = self.getVisibleBounds()
+ if extent != self.__previousVisibleBounds:
+ self.__previousVisibleBounds = extent
+ self._sigVisibleBoundsChanged.emit()
+ def eventFilter(self, watched, event):
+ """Event filter to handle PlotWidget show events"""
+ if watched is self.getPlot() and event.type() == qt.QEvent.Show:
+ self._visibleBoundsChanged()
+ return super().eventFilter(watched, event)
+ def _updated(self, event=None, checkVisibility=True):
+ """Mark the item as dirty (i.e., needing update).
+ This also triggers Plot.replot.
+ :param event: The event to send to :attr:`sigItemChanged` signal.
+ :param bool checkVisibility: True to only mark as dirty if visible,
+ False to always mark as dirty.
+ """
+ if not checkVisibility or self.isVisible():
+ if not self._dirty:
+ self._dirty = True
+ # TODO: send event instead of explicit call
+ plot = self.getPlot()
+ if plot is not None:
+ plot._itemRequiresUpdate(self)
+ if event is not None:
+ self.sigItemChanged.emit(event)
+ def _update(self, backend):
+ """Called by Plot to update the backend for this item.
+ This is meant to be called asynchronously from _updated.
+ This optimizes the number of call to _update.
+ :param backend: The backend to update
+ """
+ if self._dirty:
+ # Remove previous renderer from backend if any
+ self._removeBackendRenderer(backend)
+ # If not visible, do not add renderer to backend
+ if self.isVisible():
+ self._backendRenderer = self._addBackendRenderer(backend)
+ self._dirty = False
+ def _addBackendRenderer(self, backend):
+ """Override in subclass to add specific backend renderer.
+ :param BackendBase backend: The backend to update
+ :return: The renderer handle to store or None if no renderer in backend
+ """
+ return None
+ def _removeBackendRenderer(self, backend):
+ """Override in subclass to remove specific backend renderer.
+ :param BackendBase backend: The backend to update
+ """
+ if self._backendRenderer is not None:
+ backend.remove(self._backendRenderer)
+ self._backendRenderer = None
+ def pick(self, x, y):
+ """Run picking test on this item
+ :param float x: The x pixel coord where to pick.
+ :param float y: The y pixel coord where to pick.
+ :return: None if not picked, else the picked position information
+ :rtype: Union[None,PickingResult]
+ """
+ if not self.isVisible() or self._backendRenderer is None:
+ return None
+ plot = self.getPlot()
+ if plot is None:
+ return None
+ indices = plot._backend.pickItem(x, y, self._backendRenderer)
+ if indices is None:
+ return None
+ else:
+ return PickingResult(self, indices)
+class DataItem(Item):
+ """Item with a data extent in the plot"""
+ def _boundsChanged(self, checkVisibility: bool=True) -> None:
+ """Call this method in subclass when data bounds has changed.
+ :param bool checkVisibility:
+ """
+ if not checkVisibility or self.isVisible():
+ self._visibleBoundsChanged()
+ # TODO hackish data range implementation
+ plot = self.getPlot()
+ if plot is not None:
+ plot._invalidateDataRange()
+ @docstring(Item)
+ def setVisible(self, visible: bool):
+ if visible != self.isVisible():
+ self._boundsChanged(checkVisibility=False)
+ super().setVisible(visible)
+# Mix-in classes ##############################################################
+class ItemMixInBase(object):
+ """Base class for Item mix-in"""
+ def _updated(self, event=None, checkVisibility=True):
+ """This is implemented in :class:`Item`.
+ Mark the item as dirty (i.e., needing update).
+ This also triggers Plot.replot.
+ :param event: The event to send to :attr:`sigItemChanged` signal.
+ :param bool checkVisibility: True to only mark as dirty if visible,
+ False to always mark as dirty.
+ """
+ raise RuntimeError(
+ "Issue with Mix-In class inheritance order")
+class LabelsMixIn(ItemMixInBase):
+ """Mix-in class for items with x and y labels
+ Setters are private, otherwise it needs to check the plot
+ current active curve and access the internal current labels.
+ """
+ def __init__(self):
+ self._xlabel = None
+ self._ylabel = None
+ def getXLabel(self):
+ """Return the X axis label associated to this curve
+ :rtype: str or None
+ """
+ return self._xlabel
+ def _setXLabel(self, label):
+ """Set the X axis label associated with this curve
+ :param str label: The X axis label
+ """
+ self._xlabel = str(label)
+ def getYLabel(self):
+ """Return the Y axis label associated to this curve
+ :rtype: str or None
+ """
+ return self._ylabel
+ def _setYLabel(self, label):
+ """Set the Y axis label associated with this curve
+ :param str label: The Y axis label
+ """
+ self._ylabel = str(label)
+class DraggableMixIn(ItemMixInBase):
+ """Mix-in class for draggable items"""
+ def __init__(self):
+ self._draggable = False
+ def isDraggable(self):
+ """Returns true if image is draggable
+ :rtype: bool
+ """
+ return self._draggable
+ def _setDraggable(self, draggable): # TODO support update
+ """Set if image is draggable or not.
+ This is private for not as it does not support update.
+ :param bool draggable:
+ """
+ self._draggable = bool(draggable)
+ def drag(self, from_, to):
+ """Perform a drag of the item.
+ :param List[float] from_: (x, y) previous position in data coordinates
+ :param List[float] to: (x, y) current position in data coordinates
+ """
+ raise NotImplementedError("Must be implemented in subclass")
+class ColormapMixIn(ItemMixInBase):
+ """Mix-in class for items with colormap"""
+ def __init__(self):
+ self._colormap = Colormap()
+ self._colormap.sigChanged.connect(self._colormapChanged)
+ self.__data = None
+ self.__cacheColormapRange = {} # Store {normalization: range}
+ def getColormap(self):
+ """Return the used colormap"""
+ return self._colormap
+ def setColormap(self, colormap):
+ """Set the colormap of this item
+ :param silx.gui.colors.Colormap colormap: colormap description
+ """
+ if self._colormap is colormap:
+ return
+ if isinstance(colormap, dict):
+ colormap = Colormap._fromDict(colormap)
+ if self._colormap is not None:
+ self._colormap.sigChanged.disconnect(self._colormapChanged)
+ self._colormap = colormap
+ if self._colormap is not None:
+ self._colormap.sigChanged.connect(self._colormapChanged)
+ self._colormapChanged()
+ def _colormapChanged(self):
+ """Handle updates of the colormap"""
+ self._updated(ItemChangedType.COLORMAP)
+ def _setColormappedData(self, data, copy=True,
+ min_=None, minPositive=None, max_=None):
+ """Set the data used to compute the colormapped display.
+ It also resets the cache of data ranges.
+ This method MUST be called by inheriting classes when data is updated.
+ :param Union[None,numpy.ndarray] data:
+ :param Union[None,float] min_: Minimum value of the data
+ :param Union[None,float] minPositive:
+ Minimum of strictly positive values of the data
+ :param Union[None,float] max_: Maximum value of the data
+ """
+ self.__data = None if data is None else numpy.array(data, copy=copy)
+ self.__cacheColormapRange = {} # Reset cache
+ # Fill-up colormap range cache if values are provided
+ if max_ is not None and numpy.isfinite(max_):
+ if min_ is not None and numpy.isfinite(min_):
+ self.__cacheColormapRange[Colormap.LINEAR, Colormap.MINMAX] = min_, max_
+ if minPositive is not None and numpy.isfinite(minPositive):
+ self.__cacheColormapRange[Colormap.LOGARITHM, Colormap.MINMAX] = minPositive, max_
+ colormap = self.getColormap()
+ if None in (colormap.getVMin(), colormap.getVMax()):
+ self._colormapChanged()
+ def getColormappedData(self, copy=True):
+ """Returns the data used to compute the displayed colors
+ :param bool copy: True to get a copy,
+ False to get internal data (do not modify!).
+ :rtype: Union[None,numpy.ndarray]
+ """
+ if self.__data is None:
+ return None
+ else:
+ return numpy.array(self.__data, copy=copy)
+ def _getColormapAutoscaleRange(self, colormap=None):
+ """Returns the autoscale range for current data and colormap.
+ :param Union[None,~silx.gui.colors.Colormap] colormap:
+ The colormap for which to compute the autoscale range.
+ If None, the default, the colormap of the item is used
+ :return: (vmin, vmax) range (vmin and /or vmax might be `None`)
+ """
+ if colormap is None:
+ colormap = self.getColormap()
+ data = self.getColormappedData(copy=False)
+ if colormap is None or data is None:
+ return None, None
+ normalization = colormap.getNormalization()
+ autoscaleMode = colormap.getAutoscaleMode()
+ key = normalization, autoscaleMode
+ vRange = self.__cacheColormapRange.get(key, None)
+ if vRange is None:
+ vRange = colormap._computeAutoscaleRange(data)
+ self.__cacheColormapRange[key] = vRange
+ return vRange
+class SymbolMixIn(ItemMixInBase):
+ """Mix-in class for items with symbol type"""
+ """Default marker of the item"""
+ """Default marker size of the item"""
+ _SUPPORTED_SYMBOLS = collections.OrderedDict((
+ ('o', 'Circle'),
+ ('d', 'Diamond'),
+ ('s', 'Square'),
+ ('+', 'Plus'),
+ ('x', 'Cross'),
+ ('.', 'Point'),
+ (',', 'Pixel'),
+ ('|', 'Vertical line'),
+ ('_', 'Horizontal line'),
+ ('tickleft', 'Tick left'),
+ ('tickright', 'Tick right'),
+ ('tickup', 'Tick up'),
+ ('tickdown', 'Tick down'),
+ ('caretleft', 'Caret left'),
+ ('caretright', 'Caret right'),
+ ('caretup', 'Caret up'),
+ ('caretdown', 'Caret down'),
+ (u'\u2665', 'Heart'),
+ ('', 'None')))
+ """Dict of supported symbols"""
+ def __init__(self):
+ if self._DEFAULT_SYMBOL is None: # Use default from config
+ self._symbol = config.DEFAULT_PLOT_SYMBOL
+ else:
+ self._symbol = self._DEFAULT_SYMBOL
+ if self._DEFAULT_SYMBOL_SIZE is None: # Use default from config
+ self._symbol_size = config.DEFAULT_PLOT_SYMBOL_SIZE
+ else:
+ self._symbol_size = self._DEFAULT_SYMBOL_SIZE
+ @classmethod
+ def getSupportedSymbols(cls):
+ """Returns the list of supported symbol names.
+ :rtype: tuple of str
+ """
+ return tuple(cls._SUPPORTED_SYMBOLS.keys())
+ @classmethod
+ def getSupportedSymbolNames(cls):
+ """Returns the list of supported symbol human-readable names.
+ :rtype: tuple of str
+ """
+ return tuple(cls._SUPPORTED_SYMBOLS.values())
+ def getSymbolName(self, symbol=None):
+ """Returns human-readable name for a symbol.
+ :param str symbol: The symbol from which to get the name.
+ Default: current symbol.
+ :rtype: str
+ :raise KeyError: if symbol is not in :meth:`getSupportedSymbols`.
+ """
+ if symbol is None:
+ symbol = self.getSymbol()
+ return self._SUPPORTED_SYMBOLS[symbol]
+ def getSymbol(self):
+ """Return the point marker type.
+ Marker type::
+ - 'o' circle
+ - '.' point
+ - ',' pixel
+ - '+' cross
+ - 'x' x-cross
+ - 'd' diamond
+ - 's' square
+ :rtype: str
+ """
+ return self._symbol
+ def setSymbol(self, symbol):
+ """Set the marker type
+ See :meth:`getSymbol`.
+ :param str symbol: Marker type or marker name
+ """
+ if symbol is None:
+ symbol = self._DEFAULT_SYMBOL
+ elif symbol not in self.getSupportedSymbols():
+ for symbolCode, name in self._SUPPORTED_SYMBOLS.items():
+ if name.lower() == symbol.lower():
+ symbol = symbolCode
+ break
+ else:
+ raise ValueError('Unsupported symbol %s' % str(symbol))
+ if symbol != self._symbol:
+ self._symbol = symbol
+ self._updated(ItemChangedType.SYMBOL)
+ def getSymbolSize(self):
+ """Return the point marker size in points.
+ :rtype: float
+ """
+ return self._symbol_size
+ def setSymbolSize(self, size):
+ """Set the point marker size in points.
+ See :meth:`getSymbolSize`.
+ :param str symbol: Marker type
+ """
+ if size is None:
+ size = self._DEFAULT_SYMBOL_SIZE
+ if size != self._symbol_size:
+ self._symbol_size = size
+ self._updated(ItemChangedType.SYMBOL_SIZE)
+class LineMixIn(ItemMixInBase):
+ """Mix-in class for item with line"""
+ """Default line width"""
+ """Default line style"""
+ _SUPPORTED_LINESTYLE = '', ' ', '-', '--', '-.', ':', None
+ """Supported line styles"""
+ def __init__(self):
+ self._linewidth = self._DEFAULT_LINEWIDTH
+ self._linestyle = self._DEFAULT_LINESTYLE
+ @classmethod
+ def getSupportedLineStyles(cls):
+ """Returns list of supported line styles.
+ :rtype: List[str,None]
+ """
+ def getLineWidth(self):
+ """Return the curve line width in pixels
+ :rtype: float
+ """
+ return self._linewidth
+ def setLineWidth(self, width):
+ """Set the width in pixel of the curve line
+ See :meth:`getLineWidth`.
+ :param float width: Width in pixels
+ """
+ width = float(width)
+ if width != self._linewidth:
+ self._linewidth = width
+ self._updated(ItemChangedType.LINE_WIDTH)
+ def getLineStyle(self):
+ """Return the type of the line
+ Type of line::
+ - ' ' no line
+ - '-' solid line
+ - '--' dashed line
+ - '-.' dash-dot line
+ - ':' dotted line
+ :rtype: str
+ """
+ return self._linestyle
+ def setLineStyle(self, style):
+ """Set the style of the curve line.
+ See :meth:`getLineStyle`.
+ :param str style: Line style
+ """
+ style = str(style)
+ assert style in self.getSupportedLineStyles()
+ if style is None:
+ style = self._DEFAULT_LINESTYLE
+ if style != self._linestyle:
+ self._linestyle = style
+ self._updated(ItemChangedType.LINE_STYLE)
+class ColorMixIn(ItemMixInBase):
+ """Mix-in class for item with color"""
+ _DEFAULT_COLOR = (0., 0., 0., 1.)
+ """Default color of the item"""
+ def __init__(self):
+ self._color = self._DEFAULT_COLOR
+ def getColor(self):
+ """Returns the RGBA color of the item
+ :rtype: 4-tuple of float in [0, 1] or array of colors
+ """
+ return self._color
+ def setColor(self, color, copy=True):
+ """Set item color
+ :param color: color(s) to be used
+ :type color: str ("#RRGGBB") or (npoints, 4) unsigned byte array or
+ one of the predefined color names defined in
+ :param bool copy: True (Default) to get a copy,
+ False to use internal representation (do not modify!)
+ """
+ if isinstance(color, str):
+ color = colors.rgba(color)
+ elif isinstance(color, qt.QColor):
+ color = colors.rgba(color)
+ else:
+ color = numpy.array(color, copy=copy)
+ # TODO more checks + improve color array support
+ if color.ndim == 1: # Single RGBA color
+ color = colors.rgba(color)
+ else: # Array of colors
+ assert color.ndim == 2
+ self._color = color
+ self._updated(ItemChangedType.COLOR)
+class YAxisMixIn(ItemMixInBase):
+ """Mix-in class for item with yaxis"""
+ _DEFAULT_YAXIS = 'left'
+ """Default Y axis the item belongs to"""
+ def __init__(self):
+ self._yaxis = self._DEFAULT_YAXIS
+ def getYAxis(self):
+ """Returns the Y axis this curve belongs to.
+ Either 'left' or 'right'.
+ :rtype: str
+ """
+ return self._yaxis
+ def setYAxis(self, yaxis):
+ """Set the Y axis this curve belongs to.
+ :param str yaxis: 'left' or 'right'
+ """
+ yaxis = str(yaxis)
+ assert yaxis in ('left', 'right')
+ if yaxis != self._yaxis:
+ self._yaxis = yaxis
+ # Handle data extent changed for DataItem
+ if isinstance(self, DataItem):
+ self._boundsChanged()
+ # Handle visible extent changed
+ if self._isVisibleBoundsTracking():
+ # Switch Y axis signal connection
+ plot = self.getPlot()
+ if plot is not None:
+ previousYAxis = 'left' if self.getXAxis() == 'right' else 'right'
+ plot.getYAxis(previousYAxis).sigLimitsChanged.disconnect(
+ self._visibleBoundsChanged)
+ plot.getYAxis(self.getYAxis()).sigLimitsChanged.connect(
+ self._visibleBoundsChanged)
+ self._visibleBoundsChanged()
+ self._updated(ItemChangedType.YAXIS)
+class FillMixIn(ItemMixInBase):
+ """Mix-in class for item with fill"""
+ def __init__(self):
+ self._fill = False
+ def isFill(self):
+ """Returns whether the item is filled or not.
+ :rtype: bool
+ """
+ return self._fill
+ def setFill(self, fill):
+ """Set whether to fill the item or not.
+ :param bool fill:
+ """
+ fill = bool(fill)
+ if fill != self._fill:
+ self._fill = fill
+ self._updated(ItemChangedType.FILL)
+class AlphaMixIn(ItemMixInBase):
+ """Mix-in class for item with opacity"""
+ def __init__(self):
+ self._alpha = 1.
+ def getAlpha(self):
+ """Returns the opacity of the item
+ :rtype: float in [0, 1.]
+ """
+ return self._alpha
+ def setAlpha(self, alpha):
+ """Set the opacity of the item
+ .. note::
+ If the colormap already has some transparency, this alpha
+ adds additional transparency. The alpha channel of the colormap
+ is multiplied by this value.
+ :param alpha: Opacity of the item, between 0 (full transparency)
+ and 1. (full opacity)
+ :type alpha: float
+ """
+ alpha = float(alpha)
+ alpha = max(0., min(alpha, 1.)) # Clip alpha to [0., 1.] range
+ if alpha != self._alpha:
+ self._alpha = alpha
+ self._updated(ItemChangedType.ALPHA)
+class ComplexMixIn(ItemMixInBase):
+ """Mix-in class for complex data mode"""
+ """Override to only support a subset of all ComplexMode"""
+ class ComplexMode(_Enum):
+ """Identify available display mode for complex"""
+ NONE = 'none'
+ ABSOLUTE = 'amplitude'
+ PHASE = 'phase'
+ REAL = 'real'
+ IMAGINARY = 'imaginary'
+ AMPLITUDE_PHASE = 'amplitude_phase'
+ LOG10_AMPLITUDE_PHASE = 'log10_amplitude_phase'
+ SQUARE_AMPLITUDE = 'square_amplitude'
+ def __init__(self):
+ self.__complex_mode = self.ComplexMode.ABSOLUTE
+ def getComplexMode(self):
+ """Returns the current complex visualization mode.
+ :rtype: ComplexMode
+ """
+ return self.__complex_mode
+ def setComplexMode(self, mode):
+ """Set the complex visualization mode.
+ :param ComplexMode mode: The visualization mode in:
+ 'real', 'imaginary', 'phase', 'amplitude'
+ :return: True if value was set, False if is was already set
+ :rtype: bool
+ """
+ mode = self.ComplexMode.from_value(mode)
+ assert mode in self.supportedComplexModes()
+ if mode != self.__complex_mode:
+ self.__complex_mode = mode
+ self._updated(ItemChangedType.COMPLEX_MODE)
+ return True
+ else:
+ return False
+ def _convertComplexData(self, data, mode=None):
+ """Convert complex data to the specific mode.
+ :param Union[ComplexMode,None] mode:
+ The kind of value to compute.
+ If None (the default), the current complex mode is used.
+ :return: The converted dataset
+ :rtype: Union[numpy.ndarray[float],None]
+ """
+ if data is None:
+ return None
+ if mode is None:
+ mode = self.getComplexMode()
+ if mode is self.ComplexMode.REAL:
+ return numpy.real(data)
+ elif mode is self.ComplexMode.IMAGINARY:
+ return numpy.imag(data)
+ elif mode is self.ComplexMode.ABSOLUTE:
+ return numpy.absolute(data)
+ elif mode is self.ComplexMode.PHASE:
+ return numpy.angle(data)
+ elif mode is self.ComplexMode.SQUARE_AMPLITUDE:
+ return numpy.absolute(data) ** 2
+ else:
+ raise ValueError('Unsupported conversion mode: %s', str(mode))
+ @classmethod
+ def supportedComplexModes(cls):
+ """Returns the list of supported complex visualization modes.
+ See :class:`ComplexMode` and :meth:`setComplexMode`.
+ :rtype: List[ComplexMode]
+ """
+ return cls.ComplexMode.members()
+ else:
+class ScatterVisualizationMixIn(ItemMixInBase):
+ """Mix-in class for scatter plot visualization modes"""
+ """Allows to override supported Visualizations"""
+ @enum.unique
+ class Visualization(_Enum):
+ """Different modes of scatter plot visualizations"""
+ POINTS = 'points'
+ """Display scatter plot as a point cloud"""
+ LINES = 'lines'
+ """Display scatter plot as a wireframe.
+ This is based on Delaunay triangulation
+ """
+ SOLID = 'solid'
+ """Display scatter plot as a set of filled triangles.
+ This is based on Delaunay triangulation
+ """
+ REGULAR_GRID = 'regular_grid'
+ """Display scatter plot as an image.
+ It expects the points to be the intersection of a regular grid,
+ and the order of points following that of an image.
+ First line, then second one, and always in the same direction
+ (either all lines from left to right or all from right to left).
+ """
+ IRREGULAR_GRID = 'irregular_grid'
+ """Display scatter plot as contiguous quadrilaterals.
+ It expects the points to be the intersection of an irregular grid,
+ and the order of points following that of an image.
+ First line, then second one, and always in the same direction
+ (either all lines from left to right or all from right to left).
+ """
+ BINNED_STATISTIC = 'binned_statistic'
+ """Display scatter plot as 2D binned statistic (i.e., generalized histogram).
+ """
+ @enum.unique
+ class VisualizationParameter(_Enum):
+ """Different parameter names for scatter plot visualizations"""
+ GRID_MAJOR_ORDER = 'grid_major_order'
+ """The major order of points in the regular grid.
+ Either 'row' (row-major, fast X) or 'column' (column-major, fast Y).
+ """
+ GRID_BOUNDS = 'grid_bounds'
+ """The expected range in data coordinates of the regular grid.
+ A 2-tuple of 2-tuple: (begin (x, y), end (x, y)).
+ This provides the data coordinates of the first point and the expected
+ last on.
+ As for `GRID_SHAPE`, this can be wider than the current data.
+ """
+ GRID_SHAPE = 'grid_shape'
+ """The expected size of the regular grid (height, width).
+ The given shape can be wider than the number of points,
+ in which case the grid is not fully filled.
+ """
+ BINNED_STATISTIC_SHAPE = 'binned_statistic_shape'
+ """The number of bins in each dimension (height, width).
+ """
+ BINNED_STATISTIC_FUNCTION = 'binned_statistic_function'
+ """The reduction function to apply to each bin (str).
+ Available reduction functions are: 'mean' (default), 'count', 'sum'.
+ """
+ DATA_BOUNDS_HINT = 'data_bounds_hint'
+ """The expected bounds of the data in data coordinates.
+ A 2-tuple of 2-tuple: ((ymin, ymax), (xmin, xmax)).
+ This provides a hint for the data ranges in both dimensions.
+ It is eventually enlarged with actually data ranges.
+ WARNING: dimension 0 i.e., Y first.
+ """
+ VisualizationParameter.GRID_MAJOR_ORDER: ('row', 'column'),
+ VisualizationParameter.BINNED_STATISTIC_FUNCTION: ('mean', 'count', 'sum'),
+ }
+ """Supported visualization parameter values.
+ Defined for parameters with a set of acceptable values.
+ """
+ def __init__(self):
+ self.__visualization = self.Visualization.POINTS
+ self.__parameters = dict(# Init parameters to None
+ (parameter, None) for parameter in self.VisualizationParameter)
+ self.__parameters[self.VisualizationParameter.BINNED_STATISTIC_FUNCTION] = 'mean'
+ @classmethod
+ def supportedVisualizations(cls):
+ """Returns the list of supported scatter visualization modes.
+ See :meth:`setVisualization`
+ :rtype: List[Visualization]
+ """
+ return cls.Visualization.members()
+ else:
+ @classmethod
+ def supportedVisualizationParameterValues(cls, parameter):
+ """Returns the list of supported scatter visualization modes.
+ See :meth:`VisualizationParameters`
+ :param VisualizationParameter parameter:
+ This parameter for which to retrieve the supported values.
+ :returns: tuple of supported of values or None if not defined.
+ """
+ parameter = cls.VisualizationParameter(parameter)
+ parameter, None)
+ def setVisualization(self, mode):
+ """Set the scatter plot visualization mode to use.
+ See :class:`Visualization` for all possible values,
+ and :meth:`supportedVisualizations` for supported ones.
+ :param Union[str,Visualization] mode:
+ The visualization mode to use.
+ :return: True if value was set, False if is was already set
+ :rtype: bool
+ """
+ mode = self.Visualization.from_value(mode)
+ assert mode in self.supportedVisualizations()
+ if mode != self.__visualization:
+ self.__visualization = mode
+ self._updated(ItemChangedType.VISUALIZATION_MODE)
+ return True
+ else:
+ return False
+ def getVisualization(self):
+ """Returns the scatter plot visualization mode in use.
+ :rtype: Visualization
+ """
+ return self.__visualization
+ def setVisualizationParameter(self, parameter, value=None):
+ """Set the given visualization parameter.
+ :param Union[str,VisualizationParameter] parameter:
+ The name of the parameter to set
+ :param value: The value to use for this parameter
+ Set to None to automatically set the parameter
+ :raises ValueError: If parameter is not supported
+ :return: True if parameter was set, False if is was already set
+ :rtype: bool
+ :raise ValueError: If value is not supported
+ """
+ parameter = self.VisualizationParameter.from_value(parameter)
+ if self.__parameters[parameter] != value:
+ validValues = self.supportedVisualizationParameterValues(parameter)
+ if validValues is not None and value not in validValues:
+ raise ValueError("Unsupported parameter value: %s" % str(value))
+ self.__parameters[parameter] = value
+ self._updated(ItemChangedType.VISUALIZATION_MODE)
+ return True
+ return False
+ def getVisualizationParameter(self, parameter):
+ """Returns the value of the given visualization parameter.
+ This method returns the parameter as set by
+ :meth:`setVisualizationParameter`.
+ :param parameter: The name of the parameter to retrieve
+ :returns: The value previously set or None if automatically set
+ :raises ValueError: If parameter is not supported
+ """
+ if parameter not in self.VisualizationParameter:
+ raise ValueError("parameter not supported: %s", parameter)
+ return self.__parameters[parameter]
+ def getCurrentVisualizationParameter(self, parameter):
+ """Returns the current value of the given visualization parameter.
+ If the parameter was set by :meth:`setVisualizationParameter` to
+ a value that is not None, this value is returned;
+ else the current value that is automatically computed is returned.
+ :param parameter: The name of the parameter to retrieve
+ :returns: The current value (either set or automatically computed)
+ :raises ValueError: If parameter is not supported
+ """
+ # Override in subclass to provide automatically computed parameters
+ return self.getVisualizationParameter(parameter)
+class PointsBase(DataItem, SymbolMixIn, AlphaMixIn):
+ """Base class for :class:`Curve` and :class:`Scatter`"""
+ # note: _logFilterData must be overloaded if you overload
+ # getData to change its signature
+ """Default overlay layer for points,
+ on top of images."""
+ def __init__(self):
+ DataItem.__init__(self)
+ SymbolMixIn.__init__(self)
+ AlphaMixIn.__init__(self)
+ self._x = ()
+ self._y = ()
+ self._xerror = None
+ self._yerror = None
+ # Store filtered data for x > 0 and/or y > 0
+ self._filteredCache = {}
+ self._clippedCache = {}
+ # Store bounds depending on axes filtering >0:
+ # key is (isXPositiveFilter, isYPositiveFilter)
+ self._boundsCache = {}
+ @staticmethod
+ def _logFilterError(value, error):
+ """Filter/convert error values if they go <= 0.
+ Replace error leading to negative values by nan
+ :param numpy.ndarray value: 1D array of values
+ :param numpy.ndarray error:
+ Array of errors: scalar, N, Nx1 or 2xN or None.
+ :return: Filtered error so error bars are never negative
+ """
+ if error is not None:
+ # Convert Nx1 to N
+ if error.ndim == 2 and error.shape[1] == 1 and len(value) != 1:
+ error = numpy.ravel(error)
+ # Supports error being scalar, N or 2xN array
+ valueMinusError = value - numpy.atleast_2d(error)[0]
+ errorClipped = numpy.isnan(valueMinusError)
+ mask = numpy.logical_not(errorClipped)
+ errorClipped[mask] = valueMinusError[mask] <= 0
+ if numpy.any(errorClipped): # Need filtering
+ # expand errorbars to 2xN
+ if error.size == 1: # Scalar
+ error = numpy.full(
+ (2, len(value)), error, dtype=numpy.float64)
+ elif error.ndim == 1: # N array
+ newError = numpy.empty((2, len(value)),
+ dtype=numpy.float64)
+ newError[0,:] = error
+ newError[1,:] = error
+ error = newError
+ elif error.size == 2 * len(value): # 2xN array
+ error = numpy.array(
+ error, copy=True, dtype=numpy.float64)
+ else:
+ _logger.error("Unhandled error array")
+ return error
+ error[0, errorClipped] = numpy.nan
+ return error
+ def _getClippingBoolArray(self, xPositive, yPositive):
+ """Compute a boolean array to filter out points with negative
+ coordinates on log axes.
+ :param bool xPositive: True to filter arrays according to X coords.
+ :param bool yPositive: True to filter arrays according to Y coords.
+ :rtype: boolean numpy.ndarray
+ """
+ assert xPositive or yPositive
+ if (xPositive, yPositive) not in self._clippedCache:
+ xclipped, yclipped = False, False
+ if xPositive:
+ x = self.getXData(copy=False)
+ with numpy.errstate(invalid='ignore'): # Ignore NaN warnings
+ xclipped = x <= 0
+ if yPositive:
+ y = self.getYData(copy=False)
+ with numpy.errstate(invalid='ignore'): # Ignore NaN warnings
+ yclipped = y <= 0
+ self._clippedCache[(xPositive, yPositive)] = \
+ numpy.logical_or(xclipped, yclipped)
+ return self._clippedCache[(xPositive, yPositive)]
+ def _logFilterData(self, xPositive, yPositive):
+ """Filter out values with x or y <= 0 on log axes
+ :param bool xPositive: True to filter arrays according to X coords.
+ :param bool yPositive: True to filter arrays according to Y coords.
+ :return: The filter arrays or unchanged object if filtering not needed
+ :rtype: (x, y, xerror, yerror)
+ """
+ x = self.getXData(copy=False)
+ y = self.getYData(copy=False)
+ xerror = self.getXErrorData(copy=False)
+ yerror = self.getYErrorData(copy=False)
+ if xPositive or yPositive:
+ clipped = self._getClippingBoolArray(xPositive, yPositive)
+ if numpy.any(clipped):
+ # copy to keep original array and convert to float
+ x = numpy.array(x, copy=True, dtype=numpy.float64)
+ x[clipped] = numpy.nan
+ y = numpy.array(y, copy=True, dtype=numpy.float64)
+ y[clipped] = numpy.nan
+ if xPositive and xerror is not None:
+ xerror = self._logFilterError(x, xerror)
+ if yPositive and yerror is not None:
+ yerror = self._logFilterError(y, yerror)
+ return x, y, xerror, yerror
+ def _getBounds(self):
+ if self.getXData(copy=False).size == 0: # Empty data
+ return None
+ plot = self.getPlot()
+ if plot is not None:
+ xPositive = plot.getXAxis()._isLogarithmic()
+ yPositive = plot.getYAxis()._isLogarithmic()
+ else:
+ xPositive = False
+ yPositive = False
+ # TODO bounds do not take error bars into account
+ if (xPositive, yPositive) not in self._boundsCache:
+ # use the getData class method because instance method can be
+ # overloaded to return additional arrays
+ data = PointsBase.getData(self, copy=False, displayed=True)
+ if len(data) == 5:
+ # hack to avoid duplicating caching mechanism in Scatter
+ # (happens when cached data is used, caching done using
+ # Scatter._logFilterData)
+ x, y, _xerror, _yerror = data[0], data[1], data[3], data[4]
+ else:
+ x, y, _xerror, _yerror = data
+ xmin, xmax = min_max(x, finite=True)
+ ymin, ymax = min_max(y, finite=True)
+ self._boundsCache[(xPositive, yPositive)] = tuple([
+ (bound if bound is not None else numpy.nan)
+ for bound in (xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax)])
+ return self._boundsCache[(xPositive, yPositive)]
+ def _getCachedData(self):
+ """Return cached filtered data if applicable,
+ i.e. if any axis is in log scale.
+ Return None if caching is not applicable."""
+ plot = self.getPlot()
+ if plot is not None:
+ xPositive = plot.getXAxis()._isLogarithmic()
+ yPositive = plot.getYAxis()._isLogarithmic()
+ if xPositive or yPositive:
+ # At least one axis has log scale, filter data
+ if (xPositive, yPositive) not in self._filteredCache:
+ self._filteredCache[(xPositive, yPositive)] = \
+ self._logFilterData(xPositive, yPositive)
+ return self._filteredCache[(xPositive, yPositive)]
+ return None
+ def getData(self, copy=True, displayed=False):
+ """Returns the x, y values of the curve points and xerror, yerror
+ :param bool copy: True (Default) to get a copy,
+ False to use internal representation (do not modify!)
+ :param bool displayed: True to only get curve points that are displayed
+ in the plot. Default: False
+ Note: If plot has log scale, negative points
+ are not displayed.
+ :returns: (x, y, xerror, yerror)
+ :rtype: 4-tuple of numpy.ndarray
+ """
+ if displayed: # filter data according to plot state
+ cached_data = self._getCachedData()
+ if cached_data is not None:
+ return cached_data
+ return (self.getXData(copy),
+ self.getYData(copy),
+ self.getXErrorData(copy),
+ self.getYErrorData(copy))
+ def getXData(self, copy=True):
+ """Returns the x coordinates of the data points
+ :param copy: True (Default) to get a copy,
+ False to use internal representation (do not modify!)
+ :rtype: numpy.ndarray
+ """
+ return numpy.array(self._x, copy=copy)
+ def getYData(self, copy=True):
+ """Returns the y coordinates of the data points
+ :param copy: True (Default) to get a copy,
+ False to use internal representation (do not modify!)
+ :rtype: numpy.ndarray
+ """
+ return numpy.array(self._y, copy=copy)
+ def getXErrorData(self, copy=True):
+ """Returns the x error of the points
+ :param copy: True (Default) to get a copy,
+ False to use internal representation (do not modify!)
+ :rtype: numpy.ndarray, float or None
+ """
+ if isinstance(self._xerror, numpy.ndarray):
+ return numpy.array(self._xerror, copy=copy)
+ else:
+ return self._xerror # float or None
+ def getYErrorData(self, copy=True):
+ """Returns the y error of the points
+ :param copy: True (Default) to get a copy,
+ False to use internal representation (do not modify!)
+ :rtype: numpy.ndarray, float or None
+ """
+ if isinstance(self._yerror, numpy.ndarray):
+ return numpy.array(self._yerror, copy=copy)
+ else:
+ return self._yerror # float or None
+ def setData(self, x, y, xerror=None, yerror=None, copy=True):
+ """Set the data of the curve.
+ :param numpy.ndarray x: The data corresponding to the x coordinates.
+ :param numpy.ndarray y: The data corresponding to the y coordinates.
+ :param xerror: Values with the uncertainties on the x values
+ :type xerror: A float, or a numpy.ndarray of float32.
+ If it is an array, it can either be a 1D array of
+ same length as the data or a 2D array with 2 rows
+ of same length as the data: row 0 for positive errors,
+ row 1 for negative errors.
+ :param yerror: Values with the uncertainties on the y values.
+ :type yerror: A float, or a numpy.ndarray of float32. See xerror.
+ :param bool copy: True make a copy of the data (default),
+ False to use provided arrays.
+ """
+ x = numpy.array(x, copy=copy)
+ y = numpy.array(y, copy=copy)
+ assert len(x) == len(y)
+ assert x.ndim == y.ndim == 1
+ # Convert complex data
+ if numpy.iscomplexobj(x):
+ _logger.warning(
+ 'Converting x data to absolute value to plot it.')
+ x = numpy.absolute(x)
+ if numpy.iscomplexobj(y):
+ _logger.warning(
+ 'Converting y data to absolute value to plot it.')
+ y = numpy.absolute(y)
+ if xerror is not None:
+ if isinstance(xerror, abc.Iterable):
+ xerror = numpy.array(xerror, copy=copy)
+ if numpy.iscomplexobj(xerror):
+ _logger.warning(
+ 'Converting xerror data to absolute value to plot it.')
+ xerror = numpy.absolute(xerror)
+ else:
+ xerror = float(xerror)
+ if yerror is not None:
+ if isinstance(yerror, abc.Iterable):
+ yerror = numpy.array(yerror, copy=copy)
+ if numpy.iscomplexobj(yerror):
+ _logger.warning(
+ 'Converting yerror data to absolute value to plot it.')
+ yerror = numpy.absolute(yerror)
+ else:
+ yerror = float(yerror)
+ # TODO checks on xerror, yerror
+ self._x, self._y = x, y
+ self._xerror, self._yerror = xerror, yerror
+ self._boundsCache = {} # Reset cached bounds
+ self._filteredCache = {} # Reset cached filtered data
+ self._clippedCache = {} # Reset cached clipped bool array
+ self._boundsChanged()
+ self._updated(ItemChangedType.DATA)
+class BaselineMixIn(object):
+ """Base class for Baseline mix-in"""
+ def __init__(self, baseline=None):
+ self._baseline = baseline
+ def _setBaseline(self, baseline):
+ """
+ Set baseline value
+ :param baseline: baseline value(s)
+ :type: Union[None,float,numpy.ndarray]
+ """
+ if (isinstance(baseline, abc.Iterable)):
+ baseline = numpy.array(baseline)
+ self._baseline = baseline
+ def getBaseline(self, copy=True):
+ """
+ :param bool copy:
+ :return: histogram baseline
+ :rtype: Union[None,float,numpy.ndarray]
+ """
+ if isinstance(self._baseline, numpy.ndarray):
+ return numpy.array(self._baseline, copy=True)
+ else:
+ return self._baseline
+class _Style:
+ """Object which store styles"""
+class HighlightedMixIn(ItemMixInBase):
+ def __init__(self):
+ self._highlightStyle = self._DEFAULT_HIGHLIGHT_STYLE
+ self._highlighted = False
+ def isHighlighted(self):
+ """Returns True if curve is highlighted.
+ :rtype: bool
+ """
+ return self._highlighted
+ def setHighlighted(self, highlighted):
+ """Set the highlight state of the curve
+ :param bool highlighted:
+ """
+ highlighted = bool(highlighted)
+ if highlighted != self._highlighted:
+ self._highlighted = highlighted
+ # TODO inefficient: better to use backend's setCurveColor
+ self._updated(ItemChangedType.HIGHLIGHTED)
+ def getHighlightedStyle(self):
+ """Returns the highlighted style in use
+ :rtype: CurveStyle
+ """
+ return self._highlightStyle
+ def setHighlightedStyle(self, style):
+ """Set the style to use for highlighting
+ :param CurveStyle style: New style to use
+ """
+ previous = self.getHighlightedStyle()
+ if style != previous:
+ assert isinstance(style, _Style)
+ self._highlightStyle = style
+ self._updated(ItemChangedType.HIGHLIGHTED_STYLE)
+ # Backward compatibility event
+ if previous.getColor() != style.getColor():
+ self._updated(ItemChangedType.HIGHLIGHTED_COLOR)
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7cbe26e
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+# coding: utf-8
+# /*##########################################################################
+# Copyright (c) 2017-2021 European Synchrotron Radiation Facility
+# Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
+# of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
+# in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
+# to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
+# copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
+# furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
+# The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
+# all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
+# ###########################################################################*/
+"""This module provides the :class:`Curve` item of the :class:`Plot`.
+__authors__ = ["T. Vincent"]
+__license__ = "MIT"
+__date__ = "24/04/2018"
+import logging
+import numpy
+from ....utils.deprecation import deprecated
+from ... import colors
+from .core import (PointsBase, LabelsMixIn, ColorMixIn, YAxisMixIn,
+ FillMixIn, LineMixIn, SymbolMixIn, ItemChangedType,
+ BaselineMixIn, HighlightedMixIn, _Style)
+_logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
+class CurveStyle(_Style):
+ """Object storing the style of a curve.
+ Set a value to None to use the default
+ :param color: Color
+ :param Union[str,None] linestyle: Style of the line
+ :param Union[float,None] linewidth: Width of the line
+ :param Union[str,None] symbol: Symbol for markers
+ :param Union[float,None] symbolsize: Size of the markers
+ """
+ def __init__(self, color=None, linestyle=None, linewidth=None,
+ symbol=None, symbolsize=None):
+ if color is None:
+ self._color = None
+ else:
+ if isinstance(color, str):
+ color = colors.rgba(color)
+ else: # array-like expected
+ color = numpy.array(color, copy=False)
+ if color.ndim == 1: # Array is 1D, this is a single color
+ color = colors.rgba(color)
+ self._color = color
+ if linestyle is not None:
+ assert linestyle in LineMixIn.getSupportedLineStyles()
+ self._linestyle = linestyle
+ self._linewidth = None if linewidth is None else float(linewidth)
+ if symbol is not None:
+ assert symbol in SymbolMixIn.getSupportedSymbols()
+ self._symbol = symbol
+ self._symbolsize = None if symbolsize is None else float(symbolsize)
+ def getColor(self, copy=True):
+ """Returns the color or None if not set.
+ :param bool copy: True to get a copy (default),
+ False to get internal representation (do not modify!)
+ :rtype: Union[List[float],None]
+ """
+ if isinstance(self._color, numpy.ndarray):
+ return numpy.array(self._color, copy=copy)
+ else:
+ return self._color
+ def getLineStyle(self):
+ """Return the type of the line or None if not set.
+ Type of line::
+ - ' ' no line
+ - '-' solid line
+ - '--' dashed line
+ - '-.' dash-dot line
+ - ':' dotted line
+ :rtype: Union[str,None]
+ """
+ return self._linestyle
+ def getLineWidth(self):
+ """Return the curve line width in pixels or None if not set.
+ :rtype: Union[float,None]
+ """
+ return self._linewidth
+ def getSymbol(self):
+ """Return the point marker type.
+ Marker type::
+ - 'o' circle
+ - '.' point
+ - ',' pixel
+ - '+' cross
+ - 'x' x-cross
+ - 'd' diamond
+ - 's' square
+ :rtype: Union[str,None]
+ """
+ return self._symbol
+ def getSymbolSize(self):
+ """Return the point marker size in points.
+ :rtype: Union[float,None]
+ """
+ return self._symbolsize
+ def __eq__(self, other):
+ if isinstance(other, CurveStyle):
+ return (numpy.array_equal(self.getColor(), other.getColor()) and
+ self.getLineStyle() == other.getLineStyle() and
+ self.getLineWidth() == other.getLineWidth() and
+ self.getSymbol() == other.getSymbol() and
+ self.getSymbolSize() == other.getSymbolSize())
+ else:
+ return False
+class Curve(PointsBase, ColorMixIn, YAxisMixIn, FillMixIn, LabelsMixIn,
+ LineMixIn, BaselineMixIn, HighlightedMixIn):
+ """Description of a curve"""
+ """Default overlay layer for curves"""
+ """Default selectable state for curves"""
+ """Default line width of the curve"""
+ """Default line style of the curve"""
+ _DEFAULT_HIGHLIGHT_STYLE = CurveStyle(color='black')
+ """Default highlight style of the item"""
+ def __init__(self):
+ PointsBase.__init__(self)
+ ColorMixIn.__init__(self)
+ YAxisMixIn.__init__(self)
+ FillMixIn.__init__(self)
+ LabelsMixIn.__init__(self)
+ LineMixIn.__init__(self)
+ BaselineMixIn.__init__(self)
+ HighlightedMixIn.__init__(self)
+ self._setBaseline(Curve._DEFAULT_BASELINE)
+ def _addBackendRenderer(self, backend):
+ """Update backend renderer"""
+ # Filter-out values <= 0
+ xFiltered, yFiltered, xerror, yerror = self.getData(
+ copy=False, displayed=True)
+ if len(xFiltered) == 0 or not numpy.any(numpy.isfinite(xFiltered)):
+ return None # No data to display, do not add renderer to backend
+ style = self.getCurrentStyle()
+ return backend.addCurve(xFiltered, yFiltered,
+ color=style.getColor(),
+ symbol=style.getSymbol(),
+ linestyle=style.getLineStyle(),
+ linewidth=style.getLineWidth(),
+ yaxis=self.getYAxis(),
+ xerror=xerror,
+ yerror=yerror,
+ fill=self.isFill(),
+ alpha=self.getAlpha(),
+ symbolsize=style.getSymbolSize(),
+ baseline=self.getBaseline(copy=False))
+ def __getitem__(self, item):
+ """Compatibility with PyMca and silx <= 0.4.0"""
+ if isinstance(item, slice):
+ return [self[index] for index in range(*item.indices(5))]
+ elif item == 0:
+ return self.getXData(copy=False)
+ elif item == 1:
+ return self.getYData(copy=False)
+ elif item == 2:
+ return self.getName()
+ elif item == 3:
+ info = self.getInfo(copy=False)
+ return {} if info is None else info
+ elif item == 4:
+ params = {
+ 'info': self.getInfo(),
+ 'color': self.getColor(),
+ 'symbol': self.getSymbol(),
+ 'linewidth': self.getLineWidth(),
+ 'linestyle': self.getLineStyle(),
+ 'xlabel': self.getXLabel(),
+ 'ylabel': self.getYLabel(),
+ 'yaxis': self.getYAxis(),
+ 'xerror': self.getXErrorData(copy=False),
+ 'yerror': self.getYErrorData(copy=False),
+ 'z': self.getZValue(),
+ 'selectable': self.isSelectable(),
+ 'fill': self.isFill(),
+ }
+ return params
+ else:
+ raise IndexError("Index out of range: %s", str(item))
+ @deprecated(replacement='Curve.getHighlightedStyle().getColor()',
+ since_version='0.9.0')
+ def getHighlightedColor(self):
+ """Returns the RGBA highlight color of the item
+ :rtype: 4-tuple of float in [0, 1]
+ """
+ return self.getHighlightedStyle().getColor()
+ @deprecated(replacement='Curve.setHighlightedStyle()',
+ since_version='0.9.0')
+ def setHighlightedColor(self, color):
+ """Set the color to use when highlighted
+ :param color: color(s) to be used for highlight
+ :type color: str ("#RRGGBB") or (npoints, 4) unsigned byte array or
+ one of the predefined color names defined in
+ """
+ self.setHighlightedStyle(CurveStyle(color))
+ def getCurrentStyle(self):
+ """Returns the current curve style.
+ Curve style depends on curve highlighting
+ :rtype: CurveStyle
+ """
+ if self.isHighlighted():
+ style = self.getHighlightedStyle()
+ color = style.getColor()
+ linestyle = style.getLineStyle()
+ linewidth = style.getLineWidth()
+ symbol = style.getSymbol()
+ symbolsize = style.getSymbolSize()
+ return CurveStyle(
+ color=self.getColor() if color is None else color,
+ linestyle=self.getLineStyle() if linestyle is None else linestyle,
+ linewidth=self.getLineWidth() if linewidth is None else linewidth,
+ symbol=self.getSymbol() if symbol is None else symbol,
+ symbolsize=self.getSymbolSize() if symbolsize is None else symbolsize)
+ else:
+ return CurveStyle(color=self.getColor(),
+ linestyle=self.getLineStyle(),
+ linewidth=self.getLineWidth(),
+ symbol=self.getSymbol(),
+ symbolsize=self.getSymbolSize())
+ @deprecated(replacement='Curve.getCurrentStyle()',
+ since_version='0.9.0')
+ def getCurrentColor(self):
+ """Returns the current color of the curve.
+ This color is either the color of the curve or the highlighted color,
+ depending on the highlight state.
+ :rtype: 4-tuple of float in [0, 1]
+ """
+ return self.getCurrentStyle().getColor()
+ def setData(self, x, y, xerror=None, yerror=None, baseline=None, copy=True):
+ """Set the data of the curve.
+ :param numpy.ndarray x: The data corresponding to the x coordinates.
+ :param numpy.ndarray y: The data corresponding to the y coordinates.
+ :param xerror: Values with the uncertainties on the x values
+ :type xerror: A float, or a numpy.ndarray of float32.
+ If it is an array, it can either be a 1D array of
+ same length as the data or a 2D array with 2 rows
+ of same length as the data: row 0 for positive errors,
+ row 1 for negative errors.
+ :param yerror: Values with the uncertainties on the y values.
+ :type yerror: A float, or a numpy.ndarray of float32. See xerror.
+ :param baseline: curve baseline
+ :type baseline: Union[None,float,numpy.ndarray]
+ :param bool copy: True make a copy of the data (default),
+ False to use provided arrays.
+ """
+ PointsBase.setData(self, x=x, y=y, xerror=xerror, yerror=yerror,
+ copy=copy)
+ self._setBaseline(baseline=baseline)
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000..16bbefa
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+# coding: utf-8
+# /*##########################################################################
+# Copyright (c) 2017-2021 European Synchrotron Radiation Facility
+# Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
+# of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
+# in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
+# to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
+# copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
+# furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions::t
+# The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
+# all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
+# ###########################################################################*/
+"""This module provides the :class:`Histogram` item of the :class:`Plot`.
+__authors__ = ["H. Payno", "T. Vincent"]
+__license__ = "MIT"
+__date__ = "28/08/2018"
+import logging
+import typing
+import numpy
+from collections import OrderedDict, namedtuple
+ from collections import abc
+except ImportError: # Python2 support
+ import collections as abc
+from ....utils.proxy import docstring
+from .core import (DataItem, AlphaMixIn, BaselineMixIn, ColorMixIn, FillMixIn,
+ LineMixIn, YAxisMixIn, ItemChangedType, Item)
+from ._pick import PickingResult
+_logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
+def _computeEdges(x, histogramType):
+ """Compute the edges from a set of xs and a rule to generate the edges
+ :param x: the x value of the curve to transform into an histogram
+ :param histogramType: the type of histogram we wan't to generate.
+ This define the way to center the histogram values compared to the
+ curve value. Possible values can be::
+ - 'left'
+ - 'right'
+ - 'center'
+ :return: the edges for the given x and the histogramType
+ """
+ # for now we consider that the spaces between xs are constant
+ edges = x.copy()
+ if histogramType == 'left':
+ width = 1
+ if len(x) > 1:
+ width = x[1] - x[0]
+ edges = numpy.append(x[0] - width, edges)
+ if histogramType == 'center':
+ edges = _computeEdges(edges, 'right')
+ widths = (edges[1:] - edges[0:-1]) / 2.0
+ widths = numpy.append(widths, widths[-1])
+ edges = edges - widths
+ if histogramType == 'right':
+ width = 1
+ if len(x) > 1:
+ width = x[-1] - x[-2]
+ edges = numpy.append(edges, x[-1] + width)
+ return edges
+def _getHistogramCurve(histogram, edges):
+ """Returns the x and y value of a curve corresponding to the histogram
+ :param numpy.ndarray histogram: The values of the histogram
+ :param numpy.ndarray edges: The bin edges of the histogram
+ :return: a tuple(x, y) which contains the value of the curve to use
+ to display the histogram
+ """
+ assert len(histogram) + 1 == len(edges)
+ x = numpy.empty(len(histogram) * 2, dtype=edges.dtype)
+ y = numpy.empty(len(histogram) * 2, dtype=histogram.dtype)
+ # Make a curve with stairs
+ x[:-1:2] = edges[:-1]
+ x[1::2] = edges[1:]
+ y[:-1:2] = histogram
+ y[1::2] = histogram
+ return x, y
+# TODO: Yerror, test log scale
+class Histogram(DataItem, AlphaMixIn, ColorMixIn, FillMixIn,
+ LineMixIn, YAxisMixIn, BaselineMixIn):
+ """Description of an histogram"""
+ """Default overlay layer for histograms"""
+ """Default selectable state for histograms"""
+ """Default line width of the histogram"""
+ """Default line style of the histogram"""
+ def __init__(self):
+ DataItem.__init__(self)
+ AlphaMixIn.__init__(self)
+ BaselineMixIn.__init__(self)
+ ColorMixIn.__init__(self)
+ FillMixIn.__init__(self)
+ LineMixIn.__init__(self)
+ YAxisMixIn.__init__(self)
+ self._histogram = ()
+ self._edges = ()
+ self._setBaseline(Histogram._DEFAULT_BASELINE)
+ def _addBackendRenderer(self, backend):
+ """Update backend renderer"""
+ values, edges, baseline = self.getData(copy=False)
+ if values.size == 0:
+ return None # No data to display, do not add renderer
+ if values.size == 0:
+ return None # No data to display, do not add renderer to backend
+ x, y = _getHistogramCurve(values, edges)
+ # Filter-out values <= 0
+ plot = self.getPlot()
+ if plot is not None:
+ xPositive = plot.getXAxis()._isLogarithmic()
+ yPositive = plot.getYAxis()._isLogarithmic()
+ else:
+ xPositive = False
+ yPositive = False
+ if xPositive or yPositive:
+ clipped = numpy.logical_or(
+ (x <= 0) if xPositive else False,
+ (y <= 0) if yPositive else False)
+ # Make a copy and replace negative points by NaN
+ x = numpy.array(x, dtype=numpy.float64)
+ y = numpy.array(y, dtype=numpy.float64)
+ x[clipped] = numpy.nan
+ y[clipped] = numpy.nan
+ return backend.addCurve(x, y,
+ color=self.getColor(),
+ symbol='',
+ linestyle=self.getLineStyle(),
+ linewidth=self.getLineWidth(),
+ yaxis=self.getYAxis(),
+ xerror=None,
+ yerror=None,
+ fill=self.isFill(),
+ alpha=self.getAlpha(),
+ baseline=baseline,
+ symbolsize=1)
+ def _getBounds(self):
+ values, edges, baseline = self.getData(copy=False)
+ plot = self.getPlot()
+ if plot is not None:
+ xPositive = plot.getXAxis()._isLogarithmic()
+ yPositive = plot.getYAxis()._isLogarithmic()
+ else:
+ xPositive = False
+ yPositive = False
+ if xPositive or yPositive:
+ values = numpy.array(values, copy=True, dtype=numpy.float64)
+ if xPositive:
+ # Replace edges <= 0 by NaN and corresponding values by NaN
+ clipped_edges = (edges <= 0)
+ edges = numpy.array(edges, copy=True, dtype=numpy.float64)
+ edges[clipped_edges] = numpy.nan
+ clipped_values = numpy.logical_or(clipped_edges[:-1],
+ clipped_edges[1:])
+ else:
+ clipped_values = numpy.zeros_like(values, dtype=bool)
+ if yPositive:
+ # Replace values <= 0 by NaN, do not modify edges
+ clipped_values = numpy.logical_or(clipped_values, values <= 0)
+ values[clipped_values] = numpy.nan
+ if yPositive:
+ return (numpy.nanmin(edges),
+ numpy.nanmax(edges),
+ numpy.nanmin(values),
+ numpy.nanmax(values))
+ else: # No log scale on y axis, include 0 in bounds
+ if numpy.all(numpy.isnan(values)):
+ return None
+ return (numpy.nanmin(edges),
+ numpy.nanmax(edges),
+ min(0, numpy.nanmin(values)),
+ max(0, numpy.nanmax(values)))
+ def __pickFilledHistogram(self, x: float, y: float) -> typing.Optional[PickingResult]:
+ """Picking implementation for filled histogram
+ :param x: X position in pixels
+ :param y: Y position in pixels
+ """
+ if not self.isFill():
+ return None
+ plot = self.getPlot()
+ if plot is None:
+ return None
+ xData, yData = plot.pixelToData(x, y, axis=self.getYAxis())
+ xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax = self.getBounds()
+ if not xmin < xData < xmax or not ymin < yData < ymax:
+ return None # Outside bounding box
+ # Check x
+ edges = self.getBinEdgesData(copy=False)
+ index = numpy.searchsorted(edges, (xData,), side='left')[0] - 1
+ # Safe indexing in histogram values
+ index = numpy.clip(index, 0, len(edges) - 2)
+ # Check y
+ baseline = self.getBaseline(copy=False)
+ if baseline is None:
+ baseline = 0 # Default value
+ value = self.getValueData(copy=False)[index]
+ if ((baseline <= value and baseline <= yData <= value) or
+ (value < baseline and value <= yData <= baseline)):
+ return PickingResult(self, numpy.array([index]))
+ else:
+ return None
+ @docstring(DataItem)
+ def pick(self, x, y):
+ if self.isFill():
+ return self.__pickFilledHistogram(x, y)
+ else:
+ result = super().pick(x, y)
+ if result is None:
+ return None
+ else: # Convert from curve indices to histogram indices
+ return PickingResult(self, numpy.unique(result.getIndices() // 2))
+ def getValueData(self, copy=True):
+ """The values of the histogram
+ :param copy: True (Default) to get a copy,
+ False to use internal representation (do not modify!)
+ :returns: The values of the histogram
+ :rtype: numpy.ndarray
+ """
+ return numpy.array(self._histogram, copy=copy)
+ def getBinEdgesData(self, copy=True):
+ """The bin edges of the histogram (number of histogram values + 1)
+ :param copy: True (Default) to get a copy,
+ False to use internal representation (do not modify!)
+ :returns: The bin edges of the histogram
+ :rtype: numpy.ndarray
+ """
+ return numpy.array(self._edges, copy=copy)
+ def getData(self, copy=True):
+ """Return the histogram values, bin edges and baseline
+ :param copy: True (Default) to get a copy,
+ False to use internal representation (do not modify!)
+ :returns: (N histogram value, N+1 bin edges)
+ :rtype: 2-tuple of numpy.nadarray
+ """
+ return (self.getValueData(copy),
+ self.getBinEdgesData(copy),
+ self.getBaseline(copy))
+ def setData(self, histogram, edges, align='center', baseline=None,
+ copy=True):
+ """Set the histogram values and bin edges.
+ :param numpy.ndarray histogram: The values of the histogram.
+ :param numpy.ndarray edges:
+ The bin edges of the histogram.
+ If histogram and edges have the same length, the bin edges
+ are computed according to the align parameter.
+ :param str align:
+ In case histogram values and edges have the same length N,
+ the N+1 bin edges are computed according to the alignment in:
+ 'center' (default), 'left', 'right'.
+ :param baseline: histogram baseline
+ :type baseline: Union[None,float,numpy.ndarray]
+ :param bool copy: True make a copy of the data (default),
+ False to use provided arrays.
+ """
+ histogram = numpy.array(histogram, copy=copy)
+ edges = numpy.array(edges, copy=copy)
+ assert histogram.ndim == 1
+ assert edges.ndim == 1
+ assert edges.size in (histogram.size, histogram.size + 1)
+ assert align in ('center', 'left', 'right')
+ if histogram.size == 0: # No data
+ self._histogram = ()
+ self._edges = ()
+ else:
+ if edges.size == histogram.size: # Compute true bin edges
+ edges = _computeEdges(edges, align)
+ # Check that bin edges are monotonic
+ edgesDiff = numpy.diff(edges)
+ edgesDiff = edgesDiff[numpy.logical_not(numpy.isnan(edgesDiff))]
+ assert numpy.all(edgesDiff >= 0) or numpy.all(edgesDiff <= 0)
+ # manage baseline
+ if (isinstance(baseline, abc.Iterable)):
+ baseline = numpy.array(baseline)
+ if baseline.size == histogram.size:
+ new_baseline = numpy.empty(baseline.shape[0] * 2)
+ for i_value, value in enumerate(baseline):
+ new_baseline[i_value*2:i_value*2+2] = value
+ baseline = new_baseline
+ self._histogram = histogram
+ self._edges = edges
+ self._alignement = align
+ self._setBaseline(baseline)
+ self._boundsChanged()
+ self._updated(ItemChangedType.DATA)
+ def getAlignment(self):
+ """
+ :return: histogram alignement. Value in ('center', 'left', 'right').
+ """
+ return self._alignement
+ def _revertComputeEdges(self, x, histogramType):
+ """Compute the edges from a set of xs and a rule to generate the edges
+ :param x: the x value of the curve to transform into an histogram
+ :param histogramType: the type of histogram we wan't to generate.
+ This define the way to center the histogram values compared to the
+ curve value. Possible values can be::
+ - 'left'
+ - 'right'
+ - 'center'
+ :return: the edges for the given x and the histogramType
+ """
+ # for now we consider that the spaces between xs are constant
+ edges = x.copy()
+ if histogramType == 'left':
+ return edges[1:]
+ if histogramType == 'center':
+ edges = (edges[1:] + edges[:-1]) / 2.0
+ if histogramType == 'right':
+ width = 1
+ if len(x) > 1:
+ width = x[-1] + x[-2]
+ edges = edges[:-1]
+ return edges
diff --git a/src/silx/gui/plot/items/ b/src/silx/gui/plot/items/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5cc719b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/silx/gui/plot/items/
@@ -0,0 +1,641 @@
+# coding: utf-8
+# /*##########################################################################
+# Copyright (c) 2017-2021 European Synchrotron Radiation Facility
+# Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
+# of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
+# in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
+# to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
+# copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
+# furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
+# The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
+# all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
+# ###########################################################################*/
+"""This module provides the :class:`ImageData` and :class:`ImageRgba` items
+of the :class:`Plot`.
+__authors__ = ["T. Vincent"]
+__license__ = "MIT"
+__date__ = "08/12/2020"
+ from collections import abc
+except ImportError: # Python2 support
+ import collections as abc
+import logging
+import numpy
+from ....utils.proxy import docstring
+from .core import (DataItem, LabelsMixIn, DraggableMixIn, ColormapMixIn,
+ AlphaMixIn, ItemChangedType)
+_logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
+def _convertImageToRgba32(image, copy=True):
+ """Convert an RGB or RGBA image to RGBA32.
+ It converts from floats in [0, 1], bool, integer and uint in [0, 255]
+ If the input image is already an RGBA32 image,
+ the returned image shares the same data.
+ :param image: Image to convert to
+ :type image: numpy.ndarray with 3 dimensions: height, width, color channels
+ :param bool copy: True (Default) to get a copy, False, avoid copy if possible
+ :return: The image converted to RGBA32 with dimension: (height, width, 4)
+ :rtype: numpy.ndarray of uint8
+ """
+ assert image.ndim == 3
+ assert image.shape[-1] in (3, 4)
+ # Convert type to uint8
+ if != 'uint8':
+ if image.dtype.kind == 'f': # Float in [0, 1]
+ image = (numpy.clip(image, 0., 1.) * 255).astype(numpy.uint8)
+ elif image.dtype.kind == 'b': # boolean
+ image = image.astype(numpy.uint8) * 255
+ elif image.dtype.kind in ('i', 'u'): # int, uint
+ image = numpy.clip(image, 0, 255).astype(numpy.uint8)
+ else:
+ raise ValueError('Unsupported image dtype: %s',
+ copy = False # A copy as already been done, avoid next one
+ # Convert RGB to RGBA
+ if image.shape[-1] == 3:
+ new_image = numpy.empty((image.shape[0], image.shape[1], 4),
+ dtype=numpy.uint8)
+ new_image[:,:,:3] = image
+ new_image[:,:, 3] = 255
+ return new_image # This is a copy anyway
+ else:
+ return numpy.array(image, copy=copy)
+class ImageBase(DataItem, LabelsMixIn, DraggableMixIn, AlphaMixIn):
+ """Description of an image
+ :param numpy.ndarray data: Initial image data
+ """
+ def __init__(self, data=None, mask=None):
+ DataItem.__init__(self)
+ LabelsMixIn.__init__(self)
+ DraggableMixIn.__init__(self)
+ AlphaMixIn.__init__(self)
+ if data is None:
+ data = numpy.zeros((0, 0, 4), dtype=numpy.uint8)
+ self._data = data
+ self._mask = mask
+ self.__valueDataCache = None # Store default data
+ self._origin = (0., 0.)
+ self._scale = (1., 1.)
+ def __getitem__(self, item):
+ """Compatibility with PyMca and silx <= 0.4.0"""
+ if isinstance(item, slice):
+ return [self[index] for index in range(*item.indices(5))]
+ elif item == 0:
+ return self.getData(copy=False)
+ elif item == 1:
+ return self.getName()
+ elif item == 2:
+ info = self.getInfo(copy=False)
+ return {} if info is None else info
+ elif item == 3:
+ return None
+ elif item == 4:
+ params = {
+ 'info': self.getInfo(),
+ 'origin': self.getOrigin(),
+ 'scale': self.getScale(),
+ 'z': self.getZValue(),
+ 'selectable': self.isSelectable(),
+ 'draggable': self.isDraggable(),
+ 'colormap': None,
+ 'xlabel': self.getXLabel(),
+ 'ylabel': self.getYLabel(),
+ }
+ return params
+ else:
+ raise IndexError("Index out of range: %s" % str(item))
+ def _isPlotLinear(self, plot):
+ """Return True if plot only uses linear scale for both of x and y
+ axes."""
+ linear = plot.getXAxis().LINEAR
+ if plot.getXAxis().getScale() != linear:
+ return False
+ if plot.getYAxis().getScale() != linear:
+ return False
+ return True
+ def _getBounds(self):
+ if self.getData(copy=False).size == 0: # Empty data
+ return None
+ height, width = self.getData(copy=False).shape[:2]
+ origin = self.getOrigin()
+ scale = self.getScale()
+ # Taking care of scale might be < 0
+ xmin, xmax = origin[0], origin[0] + width * scale[0]
+ if xmin > xmax:
+ xmin, xmax = xmax, xmin
+ # Taking care of scale might be < 0
+ ymin, ymax = origin[1], origin[1] + height * scale[1]
+ if ymin > ymax:
+ ymin, ymax = ymax, ymin
+ plot = self.getPlot()
+ if plot is not None and not self._isPlotLinear(plot):
+ return None
+ else:
+ return xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax
+ @docstring(DraggableMixIn)
+ def drag(self, from_, to):
+ origin = self.getOrigin()
+ self.setOrigin((origin[0] + to[0] - from_[0],
+ origin[1] + to[1] - from_[1]))
+ def getData(self, copy=True):
+ """Returns the image data
+ :param bool copy: True (Default) to get a copy,
+ False to use internal representation (do not modify!)
+ :rtype: numpy.ndarray
+ """
+ return numpy.array(self._data, copy=copy)
+ def setData(self, data):
+ """Set the image data
+ :param numpy.ndarray data:
+ """
+ previousShape = self._data.shape
+ self._data = data
+ self._valueDataChanged()
+ self._boundsChanged()
+ self._updated(ItemChangedType.DATA)
+ if (self.getMaskData(copy=False) is not None and
+ previousShape != self._data.shape):
+ # Data shape changed, so mask shape changes.
+ # Send event, mask is lazily updated in getMaskData
+ self._updated(ItemChangedType.MASK)
+ def getMaskData(self, copy=True):
+ """Returns the mask data
+ :param bool copy: True (Default) to get a copy,
+ False to use internal representation (do not modify!)
+ :rtype: Union[None,numpy.ndarray]
+ """
+ if self._mask is None:
+ return None
+ # Update mask if it does not match data shape
+ shape = self.getData(copy=False).shape[:2]
+ if self._mask.shape != shape:
+ # Clip/extend mask to match data
+ newMask = numpy.zeros(shape, dtype=self._mask.dtype)
+ newMask[:self._mask.shape[0], :self._mask.shape[1]] = self._mask[:shape[0], :shape[1]]
+ self._mask = newMask
+ return numpy.array(self._mask, copy=copy)
+ def setMaskData(self, mask, copy=True):
+ """Set the image data
+ :param numpy.ndarray data:
+ :param bool copy: True (Default) to make a copy,
+ False to use as is (do not modify!)
+ """
+ if mask is not None:
+ mask = numpy.array(mask, copy=copy)
+ shape = self.getData(copy=False).shape[:2]
+ if mask.shape != shape:
+ _logger.warning("Inconsistent shape between mask and data %s, %s", mask.shape, shape)
+ # Clip/extent is done lazily in getMaskData
+ elif self._mask is None:
+ return # No update
+ self._mask = mask
+ self._valueDataChanged()
+ self._updated(ItemChangedType.MASK)
+ def _valueDataChanged(self):
+ """Clear cache of default data array"""
+ self.__valueDataCache = None
+ def _getValueData(self, copy=True):
+ """Return data used by :meth:`getValueData`
+ :param bool copy:
+ :rtype: numpy.ndarray
+ """
+ return self.getData(copy=copy)
+ def getValueData(self, copy=True):
+ """Return data (converted to int or float) with mask applied.
+ Masked values are set to Not-A-Number.
+ It returns a 2D array of values (int or float).
+ :param bool copy:
+ :rtype: numpy.ndarray
+ """
+ if self.__valueDataCache is None:
+ data = self._getValueData(copy=False)
+ mask = self.getMaskData(copy=False)
+ if mask is not None:
+ if numpy.issubdtype(data.dtype, numpy.floating):
+ dtype = data.dtype
+ else:
+ dtype = numpy.float64
+ data = numpy.array(data, dtype=dtype, copy=True)
+ data[mask != 0] = numpy.NaN
+ self.__valueDataCache = data
+ return numpy.array(self.__valueDataCache, copy=copy)
+ def getRgbaImageData(self, copy=True):
+ """Get the displayed RGB(A) image
+ :param bool copy: True (Default) to get a copy,
+ False to use internal representation (do not modify!)
+ :returns: numpy.ndarray of uint8 of shape (height, width, 4)
+ """
+ raise NotImplementedError('This MUST be implemented in sub-class')
+ def getOrigin(self):
+ """Returns the offset from origin at which to display the image.
+ :rtype: 2-tuple of float
+ """
+ return self._origin
+ def setOrigin(self, origin):
+ """Set the offset from origin at which to display the image.
+ :param origin: (ox, oy) Offset from origin
+ :type origin: float or 2-tuple of float
+ """
+ if isinstance(origin, abc.Sequence):
+ origin = float(origin[0]), float(origin[1])
+ else: # single value origin
+ origin = float(origin), float(origin)
+ if origin != self._origin:
+ self._origin = origin
+ self._boundsChanged()
+ self._updated(ItemChangedType.POSITION)
+ def getScale(self):
+ """Returns the scale of the image in data coordinates.
+ :rtype: 2-tuple of float
+ """
+ return self._scale
+ def setScale(self, scale):
+ """Set the scale of the image
+ :param scale: (sx, sy) Scale of the image
+ :type scale: float or 2-tuple of float
+ """
+ if isinstance(scale, abc.Sequence):
+ scale = float(scale[0]), float(scale[1])
+ else: # single value scale
+ scale = float(scale), float(scale)
+ if scale != self._scale:
+ self._scale = scale
+ self._boundsChanged()
+ self._updated(ItemChangedType.SCALE)
+class ImageDataBase(ImageBase, ColormapMixIn):
+ """Base class for colormapped 2D data image"""
+ def __init__(self):
+ ImageBase.__init__(self, numpy.zeros((0, 0), dtype=numpy.float32))
+ ColormapMixIn.__init__(self)
+ def _getColormapForRendering(self):
+ colormap = self.getColormap()
+ if colormap.isAutoscale():
+ # Avoid backend to compute autoscale: use item cache
+ colormap = colormap.copy()
+ colormap.setVRange(*colormap.getColormapRange(self))
+ return colormap
+ def getRgbaImageData(self, copy=True):
+ """Get the displayed RGB(A) image
+ :returns: Array of uint8 of shape (height, width, 4)
+ :rtype: numpy.ndarray
+ """
+ return self.getColormap().applyToData(self)
+ def setData(self, data, copy=True):
+ """"Set the image data
+ :param numpy.ndarray data: Data array with 2 dimensions (h, w)
+ :param bool copy: True (Default) to get a copy,
+ False to use internal representation (do not modify!)
+ """
+ data = numpy.array(data, copy=copy)
+ assert data.ndim == 2
+ if data.dtype.kind == 'b':
+ _logger.warning(
+ 'Converting boolean image to int8 to plot it.')
+ data = numpy.array(data, copy=False, dtype=numpy.int8)
+ elif numpy.iscomplexobj(data):
+ _logger.warning(
+ 'Converting complex image to absolute value to plot it.')
+ data = numpy.absolute(data)
+ super().setData(data)
+ def _updated(self, event=None, checkVisibility=True):
+ # Synchronizes colormapped data if changed
+ if event in (ItemChangedType.DATA, ItemChangedType.MASK):
+ self._setColormappedData(self.getValueData(copy=False), copy=False)
+ super()._updated(event=event, checkVisibility=checkVisibility)
+class ImageData(ImageDataBase):
+ """Description of a data image with a colormap"""
+ def __init__(self):
+ ImageDataBase.__init__(self)
+ self._alternativeImage = None
+ self.__alpha = None
+ def _addBackendRenderer(self, backend):
+ """Update backend renderer"""
+ plot = self.getPlot()
+ assert plot is not None
+ if not self._isPlotLinear(plot):
+ # Do not render with non linear scales
+ return None
+ if (self.getAlternativeImageData(copy=False) is not None or
+ self.getAlphaData(copy=False) is not None):
+ dataToUse = self.getRgbaImageData(copy=False)
+ else:
+ dataToUse = self.getData(copy=False)
+ if dataToUse.size == 0:
+ return None # No data to display
+ return backend.addImage(dataToUse,
+ origin=self.getOrigin(),
+ scale=self.getScale(),
+ colormap=self._getColormapForRendering(),
+ alpha=self.getAlpha())
+ def __getitem__(self, item):
+ """Compatibility with PyMca and silx <= 0.4.0"""
+ if item == 3:
+ return self.getAlternativeImageData(copy=False)
+ params = ImageBase.__getitem__(self, item)
+ if item == 4:
+ params['colormap'] = self.getColormap()
+ return params
+ def getRgbaImageData(self, copy=True):
+ """Get the displayed RGB(A) image
+ :returns: Array of uint8 of shape (height, width, 4)
+ :rtype: numpy.ndarray
+ """
+ alternative = self.getAlternativeImageData(copy=False)
+ if alternative is not None:
+ return _convertImageToRgba32(alternative, copy=copy)
+ else:
+ image = super().getRgbaImageData(copy=copy)
+ alphaImage = self.getAlphaData(copy=False)
+ if alphaImage is not None:
+ # Apply transparency
+ image[:,:, 3] = image[:,:, 3] * alphaImage
+ return image
+ def getAlternativeImageData(self, copy=True):
+ """Get the optional RGBA image that is displayed instead of the data
+ :param bool copy: True (Default) to get a copy,
+ False to use internal representation (do not modify!)
+ :rtype: Union[None,numpy.ndarray]
+ """
+ if self._alternativeImage is None:
+ return None
+ else:
+ return numpy.array(self._alternativeImage, copy=copy)
+ def getAlphaData(self, copy=True):
+ """Get the optional transparency image applied on the data
+ :param bool copy: True (Default) to get a copy,
+ False to use internal representation (do not modify!)
+ :rtype: Union[None,numpy.ndarray]
+ """
+ if self.__alpha is None:
+ return None
+ else:
+ return numpy.array(self.__alpha, copy=copy)
+ def setData(self, data, alternative=None, alpha=None, copy=True):
+ """"Set the image data and optionally an alternative RGB(A) representation
+ :param numpy.ndarray data: Data array with 2 dimensions (h, w)
+ :param alternative: RGB(A) image to display instead of data,
+ shape: (h, w, 3 or 4)
+ :type alternative: Union[None,numpy.ndarray]
+ :param alpha: An array of transparency value in [0, 1] to use for
+ display with shape: (h, w)
+ :type alpha: Union[None,numpy.ndarray]
+ :param bool copy: True (Default) to get a copy,
+ False to use internal representation (do not modify!)
+ """
+ data = numpy.array(data, copy=copy)
+ assert data.ndim == 2
+ if alternative is not None:
+ alternative = numpy.array(alternative, copy=copy)
+ assert alternative.ndim == 3
+ assert alternative.shape[2] in (3, 4)
+ assert alternative.shape[:2] == data.shape[:2]
+ self._alternativeImage = alternative
+ if alpha is not None:
+ alpha = numpy.array(alpha, copy=copy)
+ assert alpha.shape == data.shape
+ if alpha.dtype.kind != 'f':
+ alpha = alpha.astype(numpy.float32)
+ if numpy.any(numpy.logical_or(alpha < 0., alpha > 1.)):
+ alpha = numpy.clip(alpha, 0., 1.)
+ self.__alpha = alpha
+ super().setData(data)
+class ImageRgba(ImageBase):
+ """Description of an RGB(A) image"""
+ def __init__(self):
+ ImageBase.__init__(self, numpy.zeros((0, 0, 4), dtype=numpy.uint8))
+ def _addBackendRenderer(self, backend):
+ """Update backend renderer"""
+ plot = self.getPlot()
+ assert plot is not None
+ if not self._isPlotLinear(plot):
+ # Do not render with non linear scales
+ return None
+ data = self.getData(copy=False)
+ if data.size == 0:
+ return None # No data to display
+ return backend.addImage(data,
+ origin=self.getOrigin(),
+ scale=self.getScale(),
+ colormap=None,
+ alpha=self.getAlpha())
+ def getRgbaImageData(self, copy=True):
+ """Get the displayed RGB(A) image
+ :returns: numpy.ndarray of uint8 of shape (height, width, 4)
+ """
+ return _convertImageToRgba32(self.getData(copy=False), copy=copy)
+ def setData(self, data, copy=True):
+ """Set the image data
+ :param data: RGB(A) image data to set
+ :param bool copy: True (Default) to get a copy,
+ False to use internal representation (do not modify!)
+ """
+ data = numpy.array(data, copy=copy)
+ assert data.ndim == 3
+ assert data.shape[-1] in (3, 4)
+ super().setData(data)
+ def _getValueData(self, copy=True):
+ """Compute the intensity of the RGBA image as default data.
+ Conversion:
+ :param bool copy:
+ """
+ rgba = self.getRgbaImageData(copy=False).astype(numpy.float32)
+ intensity = (rgba[:, :, 0] * 0.299 +
+ rgba[:, :, 1] * 0.587 +
+ rgba[:, :, 2] * 0.114)
+ intensity *= rgba[:, :, 3] / 255.
+ return intensity
+class MaskImageData(ImageData):
+ """Description of an image used as a mask.
+ This class is used to flag mask items. This information is used to improve
+ internal silx widgets.
+ """
+ pass
+class ImageStack(ImageData):
+ """Item to store a stack of images and to show it in the plot as one
+ of the images of the stack.
+ The stack is a 3D array ordered this way: `frame id, y, x`.
+ So the first image of the stack can be reached this way: `stack[0, :, :]`
+ """
+ def __init__(self):
+ ImageData.__init__(self)
+ self.__stack = None
+ """A 3D numpy array (or a mimic one, see ListOfImages)"""
+ self.__stackPosition = None
+ """Displayed position in the cube"""
+ def setStackData(self, stack, position=None, copy=True):
+ """Set the stack data
+ :param stack: A 3D numpy array like
+ :param int position: The position of the displayed image in the stack
+ :param bool copy: True (Default) to get a copy,
+ False to use internal representation (do not modify!)
+ """
+ if self.__stack is stack:
+ return
+ if copy:
+ stack = numpy.array(stack)
+ assert stack.ndim == 3
+ self.__stack = stack
+ if position is not None:
+ self.__stackPosition = position
+ if self.__stackPosition is None:
+ self.__stackPosition = 0
+ self.__updateDisplayedData()
+ def getStackData(self, copy=True):
+ """Get the stored stack array.
+ :param bool copy: True (Default) to get a copy,
+ False to use internal representation (do not modify!)
+ :rtype: A 3D numpy array, or numpy array like
+ """
+ if copy:
+ return numpy.array(self.__stack)
+ else:
+ return self.__stack
+ def setStackPosition(self, pos):
+ """Set the displayed position on the stack.
+ This function will clamp the stack position according to
+ the real size of the first axis of the stack.
+ :param int pos: A position on the first axis of the stack.
+ """
+ if self.__stackPosition == pos:
+ return
+ self.__stackPosition = pos
+ self.__updateDisplayedData()
+ def getStackPosition(self):
+ """Get the displayed position of the stack.
+ :rtype: int
+ """
+ return self.__stackPosition
+ def __updateDisplayedData(self):
+ """Update the displayed frame whenever the stack or the stack
+ position are updated."""
+ if self.__stack is None or self.__stackPosition is None:
+ empty = numpy.array([]).reshape(0, 0)
+ self.setData(empty, copy=False)
+ return
+ size = len(self.__stack)
+ self.__stackPosition = numpy.clip(self.__stackPosition, 0, size)
+ self.setData(self.__stack[self.__stackPosition], copy=False)
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+# coding: utf-8
+# /*##########################################################################
+# Copyright (c) 2021 European Synchrotron Radiation Facility
+# Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
+# of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
+# in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
+# to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
+# copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
+# furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
+# The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
+# all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
+# ###########################################################################*/
+"""This module provides the :class:`ImageDataAggregated` items of the :class:`Plot`.
+__authors__ = ["T. Vincent"]
+__license__ = "MIT"
+__date__ = "07/07/2021"
+import enum
+import logging
+from typing import Tuple, Union
+import numpy
+from ....utils.enum import Enum as _Enum
+from ....utils.proxy import docstring
+from .axis import Axis
+from .core import ItemChangedType
+from .image import ImageDataBase
+from ._pick import PickingResult
+_logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
+class ImageDataAggregated(ImageDataBase):
+ """Item displaying an image as a density map."""
+ @enum.unique
+ class Aggregation(_Enum):
+ NONE = "none"
+ "Do not aggregate data, display as is (default)"
+ MAX = "max"
+ "Aggregates elements with max (ignore NaNs)"
+ MEAN = "mean"
+ "Aggregates elements with mean (ignore NaNs)"
+ MIN = "min"
+ "Aggregates elements with min (ignore NaNs)"
+ def __init__(self):
+ super().__init__()
+ self.__cacheLODData = {}
+ self.__currentLOD = 0, 0
+ self.__aggregationMode = self.Aggregation.NONE
+ def setAggregationMode(self, mode: Union[str,Aggregation]):
+ """Set the aggregation method used to reduce the data to screen resolution.
+ :param Aggregation mode: The aggregation method
+ """
+ aggregationMode = self.Aggregation.from_value(mode)
+ if aggregationMode != self.__aggregationMode:
+ self.__aggregationMode = aggregationMode
+ self.__cacheLODData = {} # Clear cache
+ self._updated(ItemChangedType.VISUALIZATION_MODE)
+ def getAggregationMode(self) -> Aggregation:
+ """Returns the currently used aggregation method."""
+ return self.__aggregationMode
+ def _addBackendRenderer(self, backend):
+ """Update backend renderer"""
+ plot = self.getPlot()
+ assert plot is not None
+ if not self._isPlotLinear(plot):
+ # Do not render with non linear scales
+ return None
+ data = self.getData(copy=False)
+ if data.size == 0:
+ return None # No data to display
+ aggregationMode = self.getAggregationMode()
+ if aggregationMode == self.Aggregation.NONE: # Pass data as it is
+ displayedData = data
+ scale = self.getScale()
+ else: # Aggregate data according to level of details
+ if aggregationMode == self.Aggregation.MAX:
+ aggregator = numpy.nanmax
+ elif aggregationMode == self.Aggregation.MEAN:
+ aggregator = numpy.nanmean
+ elif aggregationMode == self.Aggregation.MIN:
+ aggregator = numpy.nanmin
+ else:
+ _logger.error("Unsupported aggregation mode")
+ return None
+ lodx, lody = self._getLevelOfDetails()
+ if (lodx, lody) not in self.__cacheLODData:
+ height, width = data.shape
+ self.__cacheLODData[(lodx, lody)] = aggregator(
+ data[: (height // lody) * lody, : (width // lodx) * lodx].reshape(
+ height // lody, lody, width // lodx, lodx
+ ),
+ axis=(1, 3),
+ )
+ self.__currentLOD = lodx, lody
+ displayedData = self.__cacheLODData[self.__currentLOD]
+ sx, sy = self.getScale()
+ scale = sx * lodx, sy * lody
+ return backend.addImage(
+ displayedData,
+ origin=self.getOrigin(),
+ scale=scale,
+ colormap=self._getColormapForRendering(),
+ alpha=self.getAlpha(),
+ )
+ def _getPixelSizeInData(self, axis="left"):
+ """Returns the size of a pixel in plot data coordinates
+ :param str axis: Y axis to use in: 'left' (default), 'right'
+ :return:
+ Size (width, height) of a Qt pixel in data coordinates.
+ Size is None if it cannot be computed
+ :rtype: Union[List[float],None]
+ """
+ assert axis in ("left", "right")
+ plot = self.getPlot()
+ if plot is None:
+ return None
+ xaxis = plot.getXAxis()
+ yaxis = plot.getYAxis(axis)
+ if (
+ xaxis.getScale() != Axis.LINEAR
+ or yaxis.getScale() != Axis.LINEAR
+ ):
+ raise RuntimeError("Only available with linear axes")
+ xmin, xmax = xaxis.getLimits()
+ ymin, ymax = yaxis.getLimits()
+ width, height = plot.getPlotBoundsInPixels()[2:]
+ if width == 0 or height == 0:
+ return None
+ else:
+ return (xmax - xmin) / width, (ymax - ymin) / height
+ def _getLevelOfDetails(self) -> Tuple[int, int]:
+ """Return current level of details the image is displayed with."""
+ plot = self.getPlot()
+ if plot is None or not self._isPlotLinear(plot):
+ return 1, 1 # Fallback to bas LOD
+ sx, sy = self.getScale()
+ xUnitPerPixel, yUnitPerPixel = self._getPixelSizeInData()
+ lodx = max(1, int(numpy.ceil(xUnitPerPixel / sx)))
+ lody = max(1, int(numpy.ceil(yUnitPerPixel / sy)))
+ return lodx, lody
+ @docstring(ImageDataBase)
+ def setData(self, data, copy=True):
+ self.__cacheLODData = {} # Reset cache
+ super().setData(data)
+ @docstring(ImageDataBase)
+ def _setPlot(self, plot):
+ """Refresh image when plot limits change"""
+ previousPlot = self.getPlot()
+ if previousPlot is not None:
+ for axis in (previousPlot.getXAxis(), previousPlot.getYAxis()):
+ axis.sigLimitsChanged.disconnect(self.__plotLimitsChanged)
+ super()._setPlot(plot)
+ if plot is not None:
+ for axis in (plot.getXAxis(), plot.getYAxis()):
+ axis.sigLimitsChanged.connect(self.__plotLimitsChanged)
+ def __plotLimitsChanged(self):
+ """Trigger update if level of details has changed"""
+ if (self.getAggregationMode() != self.Aggregation.NONE and
+ self.__currentLOD != self._getLevelOfDetails()):
+ self._updated()
+ @docstring(ImageDataBase)
+ def pick(self, x, y):
+ result = super().pick(x, y)
+ if result is None:
+ return None
+ # Compute indices in initial data
+ plot = self.getPlot()
+ if plot is None:
+ return None
+ dataPos = plot.pixelToData(x, y, axis="left", check=True)
+ if dataPos is None:
+ return None # Outside plot area
+ ox, oy = self.getOrigin()
+ sx, sy = self.getScale()
+ col = int((dataPos[0] - ox) / sx)
+ row = int((dataPos[1] - oy) / sy)
+ height, width = self.getData(copy=False).shape[:2]
+ if 0 <= col < width and 0 <= row < height:
+ return PickingResult(self, ((row,), (col,)))
+ return None
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+# coding: utf-8
+# /*##########################################################################
+# Copyright (c) 2017-2020 European Synchrotron Radiation Facility
+# Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
+# of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
+# in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
+# to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
+# copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
+# furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
+# The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
+# all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
+# ###########################################################################*/
+"""This module provides markers item of the :class:`Plot`.
+__authors__ = ["T. Vincent"]
+__license__ = "MIT"
+__date__ = "06/03/2017"
+import logging
+from ....utils.proxy import docstring
+from .core import (Item, DraggableMixIn, ColorMixIn, LineMixIn, SymbolMixIn,
+ ItemChangedType, YAxisMixIn)
+from silx.gui import qt
+_logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
+class MarkerBase(Item, DraggableMixIn, ColorMixIn, YAxisMixIn):
+ """Base class for markers"""
+ sigDragStarted = qt.Signal()
+ """Signal emitted when the marker is pressed"""
+ sigDragFinished = qt.Signal()
+ """Signal emitted when the marker is released"""
+ _DEFAULT_COLOR = (0., 0., 0., 1.)
+ """Default color of the markers"""
+ def __init__(self):
+ Item.__init__(self)
+ DraggableMixIn.__init__(self)
+ ColorMixIn.__init__(self)
+ YAxisMixIn.__init__(self)
+ self._text = ''
+ self._x = None
+ self._y = None
+ self._constraint = self._defaultConstraint
+ self.__isBeingDragged = False
+ def _addRendererCall(self, backend,
+ symbol=None, linestyle='-', linewidth=1):
+ """Perform the update of the backend renderer"""
+ return backend.addMarker(
+ x=self.getXPosition(),
+ y=self.getYPosition(),
+ text=self.getText(),
+ color=self.getColor(),
+ symbol=symbol,
+ linestyle=linestyle,
+ linewidth=linewidth,
+ constraint=self.getConstraint(),
+ yaxis=self.getYAxis())
+ def _addBackendRenderer(self, backend):
+ """Update backend renderer"""
+ raise NotImplementedError()
+ @docstring(DraggableMixIn)
+ def drag(self, from_, to):
+ self.setPosition(to[0], to[1])
+ def isOverlay(self):
+ """Returns True: A marker is always rendered as an overlay.
+ :rtype: bool
+ """
+ return True
+ def getText(self):
+ """Returns marker text.
+ :rtype: str
+ """
+ return self._text
+ def setText(self, text):
+ """Set the text of the marker.
+ :param str text: The text to use
+ """
+ text = str(text)
+ if text != self._text:
+ self._text = text
+ self._updated(ItemChangedType.TEXT)
+ def getXPosition(self):
+ """Returns the X position of the marker line in data coordinates
+ :rtype: float or None
+ """
+ return self._x
+ def getYPosition(self):
+ """Returns the Y position of the marker line in data coordinates
+ :rtype: float or None
+ """
+ return self._y
+ def getPosition(self):
+ """Returns the (x, y) position of the marker in data coordinates
+ :rtype: 2-tuple of float or None
+ """
+ return self._x, self._y
+ def setPosition(self, x, y):
+ """Set marker position in data coordinates
+ Constraint are applied if any.
+ :param float x: X coordinates in data frame
+ :param float y: Y coordinates in data frame
+ """
+ x, y = self.getConstraint()(x, y)
+ x, y = float(x), float(y)
+ if x != self._x or y != self._y:
+ self._x, self._y = x, y
+ self._updated(ItemChangedType.POSITION)
+ def getConstraint(self):
+ """Returns the dragging constraint of this item"""
+ return self._constraint
+ def _setConstraint(self, constraint): # TODO support update
+ """Set the constraint.
+ This is private for now as update is not handled.
+ :param callable constraint:
+ :param constraint: A function filtering item displacement by
+ dragging operations or None for no filter.
+ This function is called each time the item is
+ moved.
+ This is only used if isDraggable returns True.
+ :type constraint: None or a callable that takes the coordinates of
+ the current cursor position in the plot as input
+ and that returns the filtered coordinates.
+ """
+ if constraint is None:
+ constraint = self._defaultConstraint
+ assert callable(constraint)
+ self._constraint = constraint
+ @staticmethod
+ def _defaultConstraint(*args):
+ """Default constraint not doing anything"""
+ return args
+ def _startDrag(self):
+ self.__isBeingDragged = True
+ self.sigDragStarted.emit()
+ def _endDrag(self):
+ self.__isBeingDragged = False
+ self.sigDragFinished.emit()
+ def isBeingDragged(self) -> bool:
+ """Returns whether the marker is currently dragged by the user."""
+ return self.__isBeingDragged
+class Marker(MarkerBase, SymbolMixIn):
+ """Description of a marker"""
+ """Default symbol of the marker"""
+ def __init__(self):
+ MarkerBase.__init__(self)
+ SymbolMixIn.__init__(self)
+ self._x = 0.
+ self._y = 0.
+ def _addBackendRenderer(self, backend):
+ return self._addRendererCall(backend, symbol=self.getSymbol())
+ def _setConstraint(self, constraint):
+ """Set the constraint function of the marker drag.
+ It also supports 'horizontal' and 'vertical' str as constraint.
+ :param constraint: The constraint of the dragging of this marker
+ :type: constraint: callable or str
+ """
+ if constraint == 'horizontal':
+ constraint = self._horizontalConstraint
+ elif constraint == 'vertical':
+ constraint = self._verticalConstraint
+ super(Marker, self)._setConstraint(constraint)
+ def _horizontalConstraint(self, _, y):
+ return self.getXPosition(), y
+ def _verticalConstraint(self, x, _):
+ return x, self.getYPosition()
+class _LineMarker(MarkerBase, LineMixIn):
+ """Base class for line markers"""
+ def __init__(self):
+ MarkerBase.__init__(self)
+ LineMixIn.__init__(self)
+ def _addBackendRenderer(self, backend):
+ return self._addRendererCall(backend,
+ linestyle=self.getLineStyle(),
+ linewidth=self.getLineWidth())
+class XMarker(_LineMarker):
+ """Description of a marker"""
+ def __init__(self):
+ _LineMarker.__init__(self)
+ self._x = 0.
+ def setPosition(self, x, y):
+ """Set marker line position in data coordinates
+ Constraint are applied if any.
+ :param float x: X coordinates in data frame
+ :param float y: Y coordinates in data frame
+ """
+ x, _ = self.getConstraint()(x, y)
+ x = float(x)
+ if x != self._x:
+ self._x = x
+ self._updated(ItemChangedType.POSITION)
+class YMarker(_LineMarker):
+ """Description of a marker"""
+ def __init__(self):
+ _LineMarker.__init__(self)
+ self._y = 0.
+ def setPosition(self, x, y):
+ """Set marker line position in data coordinates
+ Constraint are applied if any.
+ :param float x: X coordinates in data frame
+ :param float y: Y coordinates in data frame
+ """
+ _, y = self.getConstraint()(x, y)
+ y = float(y)
+ if y != self._y:
+ self._y = y
+ self._updated(ItemChangedType.POSITION)
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index 0000000..38a1424
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+# coding: utf-8
+# /*##########################################################################
+# Copyright (c) 2018-2020 European Synchrotron Radiation Facility
+# Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
+# of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
+# in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
+# to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
+# copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
+# furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
+# The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
+# all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
+# ###########################################################################*/
+"""This module provides ROI item for the :class:`~silx.gui.plot.PlotWidget`.
+.. inheritance-diagram::
+ silx.gui.plot.items.roi
+ :parts: 1
+__authors__ = ["T. Vincent"]
+__license__ = "MIT"
+__date__ = "28/06/2018"
+import logging
+import numpy
+from ... import utils
+from .. import items
+from ...colors import rgba
+from silx.image.shapes import Polygon
+from silx.image._boundingbox import _BoundingBox
+from ....utils.proxy import docstring
+from ..utils.intersections import segments_intersection
+from ._roi_base import _RegionOfInterestBase
+# He following imports have to be exposed by this module
+from ._roi_base import RegionOfInterest
+from ._roi_base import HandleBasedROI
+from ._arc_roi import ArcROI # noqa
+from ._roi_base import InteractionModeMixIn # noqa
+from ._roi_base import RoiInteractionMode # noqa
+logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
+class PointROI(RegionOfInterest, items.SymbolMixIn):
+ """A ROI identifying a point in a 2D plot."""
+ ICON = 'add-shape-point'
+ NAME = 'point markers'
+ SHORT_NAME = "point"
+ """Metadata for this kind of ROI"""
+ _plotShape = "point"
+ """Plot shape which is used for the first interaction"""
+ """Default symbol of the PointROI
+ It overwrite the `SymbolMixIn` class attribte.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, parent=None):
+ RegionOfInterest.__init__(self, parent=parent)
+ items.SymbolMixIn.__init__(self)
+ self._marker = items.Marker()
+ self._marker.sigItemChanged.connect(self._pointPositionChanged)
+ self._marker.setSymbol(self._DEFAULT_SYMBOL)
+ self._marker.sigDragStarted.connect(self._editingStarted)
+ self._marker.sigDragFinished.connect(self._editingFinished)
+ self.addItem(self._marker)
+ def setFirstShapePoints(self, points):
+ self.setPosition(points[0])
+ def _updated(self, event=None, checkVisibility=True):
+ if event == items.ItemChangedType.NAME:
+ label = self.getName()
+ self._marker.setText(label)
+ elif event == items.ItemChangedType.EDITABLE:
+ self._marker._setDraggable(self.isEditable())
+ elif event in [items.ItemChangedType.VISIBLE,
+ items.ItemChangedType.SELECTABLE]:
+ self._updateItemProperty(event, self, self._marker)
+ super(PointROI, self)._updated(event, checkVisibility)
+ def _updatedStyle(self, event, style):
+ self._marker.setColor(style.getColor())
+ def getPosition(self):
+ """Returns the position of this ROI
+ :rtype: numpy.ndarray
+ """
+ return self._marker.getPosition()
+ def setPosition(self, pos):
+ """Set the position of this ROI
+ :param numpy.ndarray pos: 2d-coordinate of this point
+ """
+ self._marker.setPosition(*pos)
+ @docstring(_RegionOfInterestBase)
+ def contains(self, position):
+ roiPos = self.getPosition()
+ return position[0] == roiPos[0] and position[1] == roiPos[1]
+ def _pointPositionChanged(self, event):
+ """Handle position changed events of the marker"""
+ if event is items.ItemChangedType.POSITION:
+ self.sigRegionChanged.emit()
+ def __str__(self):
+ params = '%f %f' % self.getPosition()
+ return "%s(%s)" % (self.__class__.__name__, params)
+class CrossROI(HandleBasedROI, items.LineMixIn):
+ """A ROI identifying a point in a 2D plot and displayed as a cross
+ """
+ ICON = 'add-shape-cross'
+ NAME = 'cross marker'
+ SHORT_NAME = "cross"
+ """Metadata for this kind of ROI"""
+ _plotShape = "point"
+ """Plot shape which is used for the first interaction"""
+ def __init__(self, parent=None):
+ HandleBasedROI.__init__(self, parent=parent)
+ items.LineMixIn.__init__(self)
+ self._handle = self.addHandle()
+ self._handle.sigItemChanged.connect(self._handlePositionChanged)
+ self._handleLabel = self.addLabelHandle()
+ self._vmarker = self.addUserHandle(items.YMarker())
+ self._vmarker._setSelectable(False)
+ self._vmarker._setDraggable(False)
+ self._vmarker.setPosition(*self.getPosition())
+ self._hmarker = self.addUserHandle(items.XMarker())
+ self._hmarker._setSelectable(False)
+ self._hmarker._setDraggable(False)
+ self._hmarker.setPosition(*self.getPosition())
+ def _updated(self, event=None, checkVisibility=True):
+ if event in [items.ItemChangedType.VISIBLE]:
+ markers = (self._vmarker, self._hmarker)
+ self._updateItemProperty(event, self, markers)
+ super(CrossROI, self)._updated(event, checkVisibility)
+ def _updateText(self, text):
+ self._handleLabel.setText(text)
+ def _updatedStyle(self, event, style):
+ super(CrossROI, self)._updatedStyle(event, style)
+ for marker in [self._vmarker, self._hmarker]:
+ marker.setColor(style.getColor())
+ marker.setLineStyle(style.getLineStyle())
+ marker.setLineWidth(style.getLineWidth())
+ def setFirstShapePoints(self, points):
+ pos = points[0]
+ self.setPosition(pos)
+ def getPosition(self):
+ """Returns the position of this ROI
+ :rtype: numpy.ndarray
+ """
+ return self._handle.getPosition()
+ def setPosition(self, pos):
+ """Set the position of this ROI
+ :param numpy.ndarray pos: 2d-coordinate of this point
+ """
+ self._handle.setPosition(*pos)
+ def _handlePositionChanged(self, event):
+ """Handle center marker position updates"""
+ if event is items.ItemChangedType.POSITION:
+ position = self.getPosition()
+ self._handleLabel.setPosition(*position)
+ self._vmarker.setPosition(*position)
+ self._hmarker.setPosition(*position)
+ self.sigRegionChanged.emit()
+ @docstring(HandleBasedROI)
+ def contains(self, position):
+ roiPos = self.getPosition()
+ return position[0] == roiPos[0] or position[1] == roiPos[1]
+class LineROI(HandleBasedROI, items.LineMixIn):
+ """A ROI identifying a line in a 2D plot.
+ This ROI provides 1 anchor for each boundary of the line, plus an center
+ in the center to translate the full ROI.
+ """
+ ICON = 'add-shape-diagonal'
+ NAME = 'line ROI'
+ SHORT_NAME = "line"
+ """Metadata for this kind of ROI"""
+ _plotShape = "line"
+ """Plot shape which is used for the first interaction"""
+ def __init__(self, parent=None):
+ HandleBasedROI.__init__(self, parent=parent)
+ items.LineMixIn.__init__(self)
+ self._handleStart = self.addHandle()
+ self._handleEnd = self.addHandle()
+ self._handleCenter = self.addTranslateHandle()
+ self._handleLabel = self.addLabelHandle()
+ shape = items.Shape("polylines")
+ shape.setPoints([[0, 0], [0, 0]])
+ shape.setColor(rgba(self.getColor()))
+ shape.setFill(False)
+ shape.setOverlay(True)
+ shape.setLineStyle(self.getLineStyle())
+ shape.setLineWidth(self.getLineWidth())
+ self.__shape = shape
+ self.addItem(shape)
+ def _updated(self, event=None, checkVisibility=True):
+ if event == items.ItemChangedType.VISIBLE:
+ self._updateItemProperty(event, self, self.__shape)
+ super(LineROI, self)._updated(event, checkVisibility)
+ def _updatedStyle(self, event, style):
+ super(LineROI, self)._updatedStyle(event, style)
+ self.__shape.setColor(style.getColor())
+ self.__shape.setLineStyle(style.getLineStyle())
+ self.__shape.setLineWidth(style.getLineWidth())
+ def setFirstShapePoints(self, points):
+ assert len(points) == 2
+ self.setEndPoints(points[0], points[1])
+ def _updateText(self, text):
+ self._handleLabel.setText(text)
+ def setEndPoints(self, startPoint, endPoint):
+ """Set this line location using the ending points
+ :param numpy.ndarray startPoint: Staring bounding point of the line
+ :param numpy.ndarray endPoint: Ending bounding point of the line
+ """
+ if not numpy.array_equal((startPoint, endPoint), self.getEndPoints()):
+ self.__updateEndPoints(startPoint, endPoint)
+ def __updateEndPoints(self, startPoint, endPoint):
+ """Update marker and shape to match given end points
+ :param numpy.ndarray startPoint: Staring bounding point of the line
+ :param numpy.ndarray endPoint: Ending bounding point of the line
+ """
+ startPoint = numpy.array(startPoint)
+ endPoint = numpy.array(endPoint)
+ center = (startPoint + endPoint) * 0.5
+ with utils.blockSignals(self._handleStart):
+ self._handleStart.setPosition(startPoint[0], startPoint[1])
+ with utils.blockSignals(self._handleEnd):
+ self._handleEnd.setPosition(endPoint[0], endPoint[1])
+ with utils.blockSignals(self._handleCenter):
+ self._handleCenter.setPosition(center[0], center[1])
+ with utils.blockSignals(self._handleLabel):
+ self._handleLabel.setPosition(center[0], center[1])
+ line = numpy.array((startPoint, endPoint))
+ self.__shape.setPoints(line)
+ self.sigRegionChanged.emit()
+ def getEndPoints(self):
+ """Returns bounding points of this ROI.
+ :rtype: Tuple(numpy.ndarray,numpy.ndarray)
+ """
+ startPoint = numpy.array(self._handleStart.getPosition())
+ endPoint = numpy.array(self._handleEnd.getPosition())
+ return (startPoint, endPoint)
+ def handleDragUpdated(self, handle, origin, previous, current):
+ if handle is self._handleStart:
+ _start, end = self.getEndPoints()
+ self.__updateEndPoints(current, end)
+ elif handle is self._handleEnd:
+ start, _end = self.getEndPoints()
+ self.__updateEndPoints(start, current)
+ elif handle is self._handleCenter:
+ start, end = self.getEndPoints()
+ delta = current - previous
+ start += delta
+ end += delta
+ self.setEndPoints(start, end)
+ @docstring(_RegionOfInterestBase)
+ def contains(self, position):
+ bottom_left = position[0], position[1]
+ bottom_right = position[0] + 1, position[1]
+ top_left = position[0], position[1] + 1
+ top_right = position[0] + 1, position[1] + 1
+ points = self.__shape.getPoints()
+ line_pt1 = points[0]
+ line_pt2 = points[1]
+ bb1 = _BoundingBox.from_points(points)
+ if not bb1.contains(position):
+ return False
+ return (
+ segments_intersection(seg1_start_pt=line_pt1, seg1_end_pt=line_pt2,
+ seg2_start_pt=bottom_left, seg2_end_pt=bottom_right) or
+ segments_intersection(seg1_start_pt=line_pt1, seg1_end_pt=line_pt2,
+ seg2_start_pt=bottom_right, seg2_end_pt=top_right) or
+ segments_intersection(seg1_start_pt=line_pt1, seg1_end_pt=line_pt2,
+ seg2_start_pt=top_right, seg2_end_pt=top_left) or
+ segments_intersection(seg1_start_pt=line_pt1, seg1_end_pt=line_pt2,
+ seg2_start_pt=top_left, seg2_end_pt=bottom_left)
+ ) is not None
+ def __str__(self):
+ start, end = self.getEndPoints()
+ params = start[0], start[1], end[0], end[1]
+ params = 'start: %f %f; end: %f %f' % params
+ return "%s(%s)" % (self.__class__.__name__, params)
+class HorizontalLineROI(RegionOfInterest, items.LineMixIn):
+ """A ROI identifying an horizontal line in a 2D plot."""
+ ICON = 'add-shape-horizontal'
+ NAME = 'horizontal line ROI'
+ SHORT_NAME = "hline"
+ """Metadata for this kind of ROI"""
+ _plotShape = "hline"
+ """Plot shape which is used for the first interaction"""
+ def __init__(self, parent=None):
+ RegionOfInterest.__init__(self, parent=parent)
+ items.LineMixIn.__init__(self)
+ self._marker = items.YMarker()
+ self._marker.sigItemChanged.connect(self._linePositionChanged)
+ self._marker.sigDragStarted.connect(self._editingStarted)
+ self._marker.sigDragFinished.connect(self._editingFinished)
+ self.addItem(self._marker)
+ def _updated(self, event=None, checkVisibility=True):
+ if event == items.ItemChangedType.NAME:
+ label = self.getName()
+ self._marker.setText(label)
+ elif event == items.ItemChangedType.EDITABLE:
+ self._marker._setDraggable(self.isEditable())
+ elif event in [items.ItemChangedType.VISIBLE,
+ items.ItemChangedType.SELECTABLE]:
+ self._updateItemProperty(event, self, self._marker)
+ super(HorizontalLineROI, self)._updated(event, checkVisibility)
+ def _updatedStyle(self, event, style):
+ self._marker.setColor(style.getColor())
+ self._marker.setLineStyle(style.getLineStyle())
+ self._marker.setLineWidth(style.getLineWidth())
+ def setFirstShapePoints(self, points):
+ pos = points[0, 1]
+ if pos == self.getPosition():
+ return
+ self.setPosition(pos)
+ def getPosition(self):
+ """Returns the position of this line if the horizontal axis
+ :rtype: float
+ """
+ pos = self._marker.getPosition()
+ return pos[1]
+ def setPosition(self, pos):
+ """Set the position of this ROI
+ :param float pos: Horizontal position of this line
+ """
+ self._marker.setPosition(0, pos)
+ @docstring(_RegionOfInterestBase)
+ def contains(self, position):
+ return position[1] == self.getPosition()
+ def _linePositionChanged(self, event):
+ """Handle position changed events of the marker"""
+ if event is items.ItemChangedType.POSITION:
+ self.sigRegionChanged.emit()
+ def __str__(self):
+ params = 'y: %f' % self.getPosition()
+ return "%s(%s)" % (self.__class__.__name__, params)
+class VerticalLineROI(RegionOfInterest, items.LineMixIn):
+ """A ROI identifying a vertical line in a 2D plot."""
+ ICON = 'add-shape-vertical'
+ NAME = 'vertical line ROI'
+ SHORT_NAME = "vline"
+ """Metadata for this kind of ROI"""
+ _plotShape = "vline"
+ """Plot shape which is used for the first interaction"""
+ def __init__(self, parent=None):
+ RegionOfInterest.__init__(self, parent=parent)
+ items.LineMixIn.__init__(self)
+ self._marker = items.XMarker()
+ self._marker.sigItemChanged.connect(self._linePositionChanged)
+ self._marker.sigDragStarted.connect(self._editingStarted)
+ self._marker.sigDragFinished.connect(self._editingFinished)
+ self.addItem(self._marker)
+ def _updated(self, event=None, checkVisibility=True):
+ if event == items.ItemChangedType.NAME:
+ label = self.getName()
+ self._marker.setText(label)
+ elif event == items.ItemChangedType.EDITABLE:
+ self._marker._setDraggable(self.isEditable())
+ elif event in [items.ItemChangedType.VISIBLE,
+ items.ItemChangedType.SELECTABLE]:
+ self._updateItemProperty(event, self, self._marker)
+ super(VerticalLineROI, self)._updated(event, checkVisibility)
+ def _updatedStyle(self, event, style):
+ self._marker.setColor(style.getColor())
+ self._marker.setLineStyle(style.getLineStyle())
+ self._marker.setLineWidth(style.getLineWidth())
+ def setFirstShapePoints(self, points):
+ pos = points[0, 0]
+ self.setPosition(pos)
+ def getPosition(self):
+ """Returns the position of this line if the horizontal axis
+ :rtype: float
+ """
+ pos = self._marker.getPosition()
+ return pos[0]
+ def setPosition(self, pos):
+ """Set the position of this ROI
+ :param float pos: Horizontal position of this line
+ """
+ self._marker.setPosition(pos, 0)
+ @docstring(RegionOfInterest)
+ def contains(self, position):
+ return position[0] == self.getPosition()
+ def _linePositionChanged(self, event):
+ """Handle position changed events of the marker"""
+ if event is items.ItemChangedType.POSITION:
+ self.sigRegionChanged.emit()
+ def __str__(self):
+ params = 'x: %f' % self.getPosition()
+ return "%s(%s)" % (self.__class__.__name__, params)
+class RectangleROI(HandleBasedROI, items.LineMixIn):
+ """A ROI identifying a rectangle in a 2D plot.
+ This ROI provides 1 anchor for each corner, plus an anchor in the
+ center to translate the full ROI.
+ """
+ ICON = 'add-shape-rectangle'
+ NAME = 'rectangle ROI'
+ SHORT_NAME = "rectangle"
+ """Metadata for this kind of ROI"""
+ _plotShape = "rectangle"
+ """Plot shape which is used for the first interaction"""
+ def __init__(self, parent=None):
+ HandleBasedROI.__init__(self, parent=parent)
+ items.LineMixIn.__init__(self)
+ self._handleTopLeft = self.addHandle()
+ self._handleTopRight = self.addHandle()
+ self._handleBottomLeft = self.addHandle()
+ self._handleBottomRight = self.addHandle()
+ self._handleCenter = self.addTranslateHandle()
+ self._handleLabel = self.addLabelHandle()
+ shape = items.Shape("rectangle")
+ shape.setPoints([[0, 0], [0, 0]])
+ shape.setFill(False)
+ shape.setOverlay(True)
+ shape.setLineStyle(self.getLineStyle())
+ shape.setLineWidth(self.getLineWidth())
+ shape.setColor(rgba(self.getColor()))
+ self.__shape = shape
+ self.addItem(shape)
+ def _updated(self, event=None, checkVisibility=True):
+ if event in [items.ItemChangedType.VISIBLE]:
+ self._updateItemProperty(event, self, self.__shape)
+ super(RectangleROI, self)._updated(event, checkVisibility)
+ def _updatedStyle(self, event, style):
+ super(RectangleROI, self)._updatedStyle(event, style)
+ self.__shape.setColor(style.getColor())
+ self.__shape.setLineStyle(style.getLineStyle())
+ self.__shape.setLineWidth(style.getLineWidth())
+ def setFirstShapePoints(self, points):
+ assert len(points) == 2
+ self._setBound(points)
+ def _setBound(self, points):
+ """Initialize the rectangle from a bunch of points"""
+ top = max(points[:, 1])
+ bottom = min(points[:, 1])
+ left = min(points[:, 0])
+ right = max(points[:, 0])
+ size = right - left, top - bottom
+ self._updateGeometry(origin=(left, bottom), size=size)
+ def _updateText(self, text):
+ self._handleLabel.setText(text)
+ def getCenter(self):
+ """Returns the central point of this rectangle
+ :rtype: numpy.ndarray([float,float])
+ """
+ pos = self._handleCenter.getPosition()
+ return numpy.array(pos)
+ def getOrigin(self):
+ """Returns the corner point with the smaller coordinates
+ :rtype: numpy.ndarray([float,float])
+ """
+ pos = self._handleBottomLeft.getPosition()
+ return numpy.array(pos)
+ def getSize(self):
+ """Returns the size of this rectangle
+ :rtype: numpy.ndarray([float,float])
+ """
+ vmin = self._handleBottomLeft.getPosition()
+ vmax = self._handleTopRight.getPosition()
+ vmin, vmax = numpy.array(vmin), numpy.array(vmax)
+ return vmax - vmin
+ def setOrigin(self, position):
+ """Set the origin position of this ROI
+ :param numpy.ndarray position: Location of the smaller corner of the ROI
+ """
+ size = self.getSize()
+ self.setGeometry(origin=position, size=size)
+ def setSize(self, size):
+ """Set the size of this ROI
+ :param numpy.ndarray size: Size of the center of the ROI
+ """
+ origin = self.getOrigin()
+ self.setGeometry(origin=origin, size=size)
+ def setCenter(self, position):
+ """Set the size of this ROI
+ :param numpy.ndarray position: Location of the center of the ROI
+ """
+ size = self.getSize()
+ self.setGeometry(center=position, size=size)
+ def setGeometry(self, origin=None, size=None, center=None):
+ """Set the geometry of the ROI
+ """
+ if ((origin is None or numpy.array_equal(origin, self.getOrigin())) and
+ (center is None or numpy.array_equal(center, self.getCenter())) and
+ numpy.array_equal(size, self.getSize())):
+ return # Nothing has changed
+ self._updateGeometry(origin, size, center)
+ def _updateGeometry(self, origin=None, size=None, center=None):
+ """Forced update of the geometry of the ROI"""
+ if origin is not None:
+ origin = numpy.array(origin)
+ size = numpy.array(size)
+ points = numpy.array([origin, origin + size])
+ center = origin + size * 0.5
+ elif center is not None:
+ center = numpy.array(center)
+ size = numpy.array(size)
+ points = numpy.array([center - size * 0.5, center + size * 0.5])
+ else:
+ raise ValueError("Origin or center expected")
+ with utils.blockSignals(self._handleBottomLeft):
+ self._handleBottomLeft.setPosition(points[0, 0], points[0, 1])
+ with utils.blockSignals(self._handleBottomRight):
+ self._handleBottomRight.setPosition(points[1, 0], points[0, 1])
+ with utils.blockSignals(self._handleTopLeft):
+ self._handleTopLeft.setPosition(points[0, 0], points[1, 1])
+ with utils.blockSignals(self._handleTopRight):
+ self._handleTopRight.setPosition(points[1, 0], points[1, 1])
+ with utils.blockSignals(self._handleCenter):
+ self._handleCenter.setPosition(center[0], center[1])
+ with utils.blockSignals(self._handleLabel):
+ self._handleLabel.setPosition(points[0, 0], points[0, 1])
+ self.__shape.setPoints(points)
+ self.sigRegionChanged.emit()
+ @docstring(HandleBasedROI)
+ def contains(self, position):
+ assert isinstance(position, (tuple, list, numpy.array))
+ points = self.__shape.getPoints()
+ bb1 = _BoundingBox.from_points(points)
+ return bb1.contains(position)
+ def handleDragUpdated(self, handle, origin, previous, current):
+ if handle is self._handleCenter:
+ # It is the center anchor
+ size = self.getSize()
+ self._updateGeometry(center=current, size=size)
+ else:
+ opposed = {
+ self._handleBottomLeft: self._handleTopRight,
+ self._handleTopRight: self._handleBottomLeft,
+ self._handleBottomRight: self._handleTopLeft,
+ self._handleTopLeft: self._handleBottomRight,
+ }
+ handle2 = opposed[handle]
+ current2 = handle2.getPosition()
+ points = numpy.array([current, current2])
+ # Switch handles if they were crossed by interaction
+ if self._handleBottomLeft.getXPosition() > self._handleBottomRight.getXPosition():
+ self._handleBottomLeft, self._handleBottomRight = self._handleBottomRight, self._handleBottomLeft
+ if self._handleTopLeft.getXPosition() > self._handleTopRight.getXPosition():
+ self._handleTopLeft, self._handleTopRight = self._handleTopRight, self._handleTopLeft
+ if self._handleBottomLeft.getYPosition() > self._handleTopLeft.getYPosition():
+ self._handleBottomLeft, self._handleTopLeft = self._handleTopLeft, self._handleBottomLeft
+ if self._handleBottomRight.getYPosition() > self._handleTopRight.getYPosition():
+ self._handleBottomRight, self._handleTopRight = self._handleTopRight, self._handleBottomRight
+ self._setBound(points)
+ def __str__(self):
+ origin = self.getOrigin()
+ w, h = self.getSize()
+ params = origin[0], origin[1], w, h
+ params = 'origin: %f %f; width: %f; height: %f' % params
+ return "%s(%s)" % (self.__class__.__name__, params)
+class CircleROI(HandleBasedROI, items.LineMixIn):
+ """A ROI identifying a circle in a 2D plot.
+ This ROI provides 1 anchor at the center to translate the circle,
+ and one anchor on the perimeter to change the radius.
+ """
+ ICON = 'add-shape-circle'
+ NAME = 'circle ROI'
+ SHORT_NAME = "circle"
+ """Metadata for this kind of ROI"""
+ _kind = "Circle"
+ """Label for this kind of ROI"""
+ _plotShape = "line"
+ """Plot shape which is used for the first interaction"""
+ def __init__(self, parent=None):
+ items.LineMixIn.__init__(self)
+ HandleBasedROI.__init__(self, parent=parent)
+ self._handlePerimeter = self.addHandle()
+ self._handleCenter = self.addTranslateHandle()
+ self._handleCenter.sigItemChanged.connect(self._centerPositionChanged)
+ self._handleLabel = self.addLabelHandle()
+ shape = items.Shape("polygon")
+ shape.setPoints([[0, 0], [0, 0]])
+ shape.setColor(rgba(self.getColor()))
+ shape.setFill(False)
+ shape.setOverlay(True)
+ shape.setLineStyle(self.getLineStyle())
+ shape.setLineWidth(self.getLineWidth())
+ self.__shape = shape
+ self.addItem(shape)
+ self.__radius = 0
+ def _updated(self, event=None, checkVisibility=True):
+ if event == items.ItemChangedType.VISIBLE:
+ self._updateItemProperty(event, self, self.__shape)
+ super(CircleROI, self)._updated(event, checkVisibility)
+ def _updatedStyle(self, event, style):
+ super(CircleROI, self)._updatedStyle(event, style)
+ self.__shape.setColor(style.getColor())
+ self.__shape.setLineStyle(style.getLineStyle())
+ self.__shape.setLineWidth(style.getLineWidth())
+ def setFirstShapePoints(self, points):
+ assert len(points) == 2
+ self._setRay(points)
+ def _setRay(self, points):
+ """Initialize the circle from the center point and a
+ perimeter point."""
+ center = points[0]
+ radius = numpy.linalg.norm(points[0] - points[1])
+ self.setGeometry(center=center, radius=radius)
+ def _updateText(self, text):
+ self._handleLabel.setText(text)
+ def getCenter(self):
+ """Returns the central point of this rectangle
+ :rtype: numpy.ndarray([float,float])
+ """
+ pos = self._handleCenter.getPosition()
+ return numpy.array(pos)
+ def getRadius(self):
+ """Returns the radius of this circle
+ :rtype: float
+ """
+ return self.__radius
+ def setCenter(self, position):
+ """Set the center point of this ROI
+ :param numpy.ndarray position: Location of the center of the circle
+ """
+ self._handleCenter.setPosition(*position)
+ def setRadius(self, radius):
+ """Set the size of this ROI
+ :param float size: Radius of the circle
+ """
+ radius = float(radius)
+ if radius != self.__radius:
+ self.__radius = radius
+ self._updateGeometry()
+ def setGeometry(self, center, radius):
+ """Set the geometry of the ROI
+ """
+ if numpy.array_equal(center, self.getCenter()):
+ self.setRadius(radius)
+ else:
+ self.__radius = float(radius) # Update radius directly
+ self.setCenter(center) # Calls _updateGeometry
+ def _updateGeometry(self):
+ """Update the handles and shape according to given parameters"""
+ center = self.getCenter()
+ perimeter_point = numpy.array([center[0] + self.__radius, center[1]])
+ self._handlePerimeter.setPosition(perimeter_point[0], perimeter_point[1])
+ self._handleLabel.setPosition(center[0], center[1])
+ nbpoints = 27
+ angles = numpy.arange(nbpoints) * 2.0 * numpy.pi / nbpoints
+ circleShape = numpy.array((numpy.cos(angles) * self.__radius,
+ numpy.sin(angles) * self.__radius)).T
+ circleShape += center
+ self.__shape.setPoints(circleShape)
+ self.sigRegionChanged.emit()
+ def _centerPositionChanged(self, event):
+ """Handle position changed events of the center marker"""
+ if event is items.ItemChangedType.POSITION:
+ self._updateGeometry()
+ def handleDragUpdated(self, handle, origin, previous, current):
+ if handle is self._handlePerimeter:
+ center = self.getCenter()
+ self.setRadius(numpy.linalg.norm(center - current))
+ @docstring(HandleBasedROI)
+ def contains(self, position):
+ return numpy.linalg.norm(self.getCenter() - position) <= self.getRadius()
+ def __str__(self):
+ center = self.getCenter()
+ radius = self.getRadius()
+ params = center[0], center[1], radius
+ params = 'center: %f %f; radius: %f;' % params
+ return "%s(%s)" % (self.__class__.__name__, params)
+class EllipseROI(HandleBasedROI, items.LineMixIn):
+ """A ROI identifying an oriented ellipse in a 2D plot.
+ This ROI provides 1 anchor at the center to translate the circle,
+ and two anchors on the perimeter to modify the major-radius and
+ minor-radius. These two anchors also allow to change the orientation.
+ """
+ ICON = 'add-shape-ellipse'
+ NAME = 'ellipse ROI'
+ SHORT_NAME = "ellipse"
+ """Metadata for this kind of ROI"""
+ _plotShape = "line"
+ """Plot shape which is used for the first interaction"""
+ def __init__(self, parent=None):
+ items.LineMixIn.__init__(self)
+ HandleBasedROI.__init__(self, parent=parent)
+ self._handleAxis0 = self.addHandle()
+ self._handleAxis1 = self.addHandle()
+ self._handleCenter = self.addTranslateHandle()
+ self._handleCenter.sigItemChanged.connect(self._centerPositionChanged)
+ self._handleLabel = self.addLabelHandle()
+ shape = items.Shape("polygon")
+ shape.setPoints([[0, 0], [0, 0]])
+ shape.setColor(rgba(self.getColor()))
+ shape.setFill(False)
+ shape.setOverlay(True)
+ shape.setLineStyle(self.getLineStyle())
+ shape.setLineWidth(self.getLineWidth())
+ self.__shape = shape
+ self.addItem(shape)
+ self._radius = 0., 0.
+ self._orientation = 0. # angle in radians between the X-axis and the _handleAxis0
+ def _updated(self, event=None, checkVisibility=True):
+ if event == items.ItemChangedType.VISIBLE:
+ self._updateItemProperty(event, self, self.__shape)
+ super(EllipseROI, self)._updated(event, checkVisibility)
+ def _updatedStyle(self, event, style):
+ super(EllipseROI, self)._updatedStyle(event, style)
+ self.__shape.setColor(style.getColor())
+ self.__shape.setLineStyle(style.getLineStyle())
+ self.__shape.setLineWidth(style.getLineWidth())
+ def setFirstShapePoints(self, points):
+ assert len(points) == 2
+ self._setRay(points)
+ @staticmethod
+ def _calculateOrientation(p0, p1):
+ """return angle in radians between the vector p0-p1
+ and the X axis
+ :param p0: first point coordinates (x, y)
+ :param p1: second point coordinates
+ :return:
+ """
+ vector = (p1[0] - p0[0], p1[1] - p0[1])
+ x_unit_vector = (1, 0)
+ norm = numpy.linalg.norm(vector)
+ if norm != 0:
+ theta = numpy.arccos(, x_unit_vector) / norm)
+ else:
+ theta = 0
+ if vector[1] < 0:
+ # arccos always returns values in range [0, pi]
+ theta = 2 * numpy.pi - theta
+ return theta
+ def _setRay(self, points):
+ """Initialize the circle from the center point and a
+ perimeter point."""
+ center = points[0]
+ radius = numpy.linalg.norm(points[0] - points[1])
+ orientation = self._calculateOrientation(points[0], points[1])
+ self.setGeometry(center=center,
+ radius=(radius, radius),
+ orientation=orientation)
+ def _updateText(self, text):
+ self._handleLabel.setText(text)
+ def getCenter(self):
+ """Returns the central point of this rectangle
+ :rtype: numpy.ndarray([float,float])
+ """
+ pos = self._handleCenter.getPosition()
+ return numpy.array(pos)
+ def getMajorRadius(self):
+ """Returns the half-diameter of the major axis.
+ :rtype: float
+ """
+ return max(self._radius)
+ def getMinorRadius(self):
+ """Returns the half-diameter of the minor axis.
+ :rtype: float
+ """
+ return min(self._radius)
+ def getOrientation(self):
+ """Return angle in radians between the horizontal (X) axis
+ and the major axis of the ellipse in [0, 2*pi[
+ :rtype: float:
+ """
+ return self._orientation
+ def setCenter(self, center):
+ """Set the center point of this ROI
+ :param numpy.ndarray position: Coordinates (X, Y) of the center
+ of the ellipse
+ """
+ self._handleCenter.setPosition(*center)
+ def setMajorRadius(self, radius):
+ """Set the half-diameter of the major axis of the ellipse.
+ :param float radius:
+ Major radius of the ellipsis. Must be a positive value.
+ """
+ if self._radius[0] > self._radius[1]:
+ newRadius = radius, self._radius[1]
+ else:
+ newRadius = self._radius[0], radius
+ self.setGeometry(radius=newRadius)
+ def setMinorRadius(self, radius):
+ """Set the half-diameter of the minor axis of the ellipse.
+ :param float radius:
+ Minor radius of the ellipsis. Must be a positive value.
+ """
+ if self._radius[0] > self._radius[1]:
+ newRadius = self._radius[0], radius
+ else:
+ newRadius = radius, self._radius[1]
+ self.setGeometry(radius=newRadius)
+ def setOrientation(self, orientation):
+ """Rotate the ellipse
+ :param float orientation: Angle in radians between the horizontal and
+ the major axis.
+ :return:
+ """
+ self.setGeometry(orientation=orientation)
+ def setGeometry(self, center=None, radius=None, orientation=None):
+ """
+ :param center: (X, Y) coordinates
+ :param float majorRadius:
+ :param float minorRadius:
+ :param float orientation: angle in radians between the major axis and the
+ horizontal
+ :return:
+ """
+ if center is None:
+ center = self.getCenter()
+ if radius is None:
+ radius = self._radius
+ else:
+ radius = float(radius[0]), float(radius[1])
+ if orientation is None:
+ orientation = self._orientation
+ else:
+ # ensure that we store the orientation in range [0, 2*pi
+ orientation = numpy.mod(orientation, 2 * numpy.pi)
+ if (numpy.array_equal(center, self.getCenter()) or
+ radius != self._radius or
+ orientation != self._orientation):
+ # Update parameters directly
+ self._radius = radius
+ self._orientation = orientation
+ if numpy.array_equal(center, self.getCenter()):
+ self._updateGeometry()
+ else:
+ # This will call _updateGeometry
+ self.setCenter(center)
+ def _updateGeometry(self):
+ """Update shape and markers"""
+ center = self.getCenter()
+ orientation = self.getOrientation()
+ if self._radius[1] > self._radius[0]:
+ # _handleAxis1 is the major axis
+ orientation -= numpy.pi / 2
+ point0 = numpy.array([center[0] + self._radius[0] * numpy.cos(orientation),
+ center[1] + self._radius[0] * numpy.sin(orientation)])
+ point1 = numpy.array([center[0] - self._radius[1] * numpy.sin(orientation),
+ center[1] + self._radius[1] * numpy.cos(orientation)])
+ with utils.blockSignals(self._handleAxis0):
+ self._handleAxis0.setPosition(*point0)
+ with utils.blockSignals(self._handleAxis1):
+ self._handleAxis1.setPosition(*point1)
+ with utils.blockSignals(self._handleLabel):
+ self._handleLabel.setPosition(*center)
+ nbpoints = 27
+ angles = numpy.arange(nbpoints) * 2.0 * numpy.pi / nbpoints
+ X = (self._radius[0] * numpy.cos(angles) * numpy.cos(orientation)
+ - self._radius[1] * numpy.sin(angles) * numpy.sin(orientation))
+ Y = (self._radius[0] * numpy.cos(angles) * numpy.sin(orientation)
+ + self._radius[1] * numpy.sin(angles) * numpy.cos(orientation))
+ ellipseShape = numpy.array((X, Y)).T
+ ellipseShape += center
+ self.__shape.setPoints(ellipseShape)
+ self.sigRegionChanged.emit()
+ def handleDragUpdated(self, handle, origin, previous, current):
+ if handle in (self._handleAxis0, self._handleAxis1):
+ center = self.getCenter()
+ orientation = self._calculateOrientation(center, current)
+ distance = numpy.linalg.norm(center - current)
+ if handle is self._handleAxis1:
+ if self._radius[0] > distance:
+ # _handleAxis1 is not the major axis, rotate -90 degrees
+ orientation -= numpy.pi / 2
+ radius = self._radius[0], distance
+ else: # _handleAxis0
+ if self._radius[1] > distance:
+ # _handleAxis0 is not the major axis, rotate +90 degrees
+ orientation += numpy.pi / 2
+ radius = distance, self._radius[1]
+ self.setGeometry(radius=radius, orientation=orientation)
+ def _centerPositionChanged(self, event):
+ """Handle position changed events of the center marker"""
+ if event is items.ItemChangedType.POSITION:
+ self._updateGeometry()
+ @docstring(HandleBasedROI)
+ def contains(self, position):
+ major, minor = self.getMajorRadius(), self.getMinorRadius()
+ delta = self.getOrientation()
+ x, y = position - self.getCenter()
+ return ((x*numpy.cos(delta) + y*numpy.sin(delta))**2/major**2 +
+ (x*numpy.sin(delta) - y*numpy.cos(delta))**2/minor**2) <= 1
+ def __str__(self):
+ center = self.getCenter()
+ major = self.getMajorRadius()
+ minor = self.getMinorRadius()
+ orientation = self.getOrientation()
+ params = center[0], center[1], major, minor, orientation
+ params = 'center: %f %f; major radius: %f: minor radius: %f; orientation: %f' % params
+ return "%s(%s)" % (self.__class__.__name__, params)
+class PolygonROI(HandleBasedROI, items.LineMixIn):
+ """A ROI identifying a closed polygon in a 2D plot.
+ This ROI provides 1 anchor for each point of the polygon.
+ """
+ ICON = 'add-shape-polygon'
+ NAME = 'polygon ROI'
+ SHORT_NAME = "polygon"
+ """Metadata for this kind of ROI"""
+ _plotShape = "polygon"
+ """Plot shape which is used for the first interaction"""
+ def __init__(self, parent=None):
+ HandleBasedROI.__init__(self, parent=parent)
+ items.LineMixIn.__init__(self)
+ self._handleLabel = self.addLabelHandle()
+ self._handleCenter = self.addTranslateHandle()
+ self._handlePoints = []
+ self._points = numpy.empty((0, 2))
+ self._handleClose = None
+ self._polygon_shape = None
+ shape = self.__createShape()
+ self.__shape = shape
+ self.addItem(shape)
+ def _updated(self, event=None, checkVisibility=True):
+ if event in [items.ItemChangedType.VISIBLE]:
+ self._updateItemProperty(event, self, self.__shape)
+ super(PolygonROI, self)._updated(event, checkVisibility)
+ def _updatedStyle(self, event, style):
+ super(PolygonROI, self)._updatedStyle(event, style)
+ self.__shape.setColor(style.getColor())
+ self.__shape.setLineStyle(style.getLineStyle())
+ self.__shape.setLineWidth(style.getLineWidth())
+ if self._handleClose is not None:
+ color = self._computeHandleColor(style.getColor())
+ self._handleClose.setColor(color)
+ def __createShape(self, interaction=False):
+ kind = "polygon" if not interaction else "polylines"
+ shape = items.Shape(kind)
+ shape.setPoints([[0, 0], [0, 0]])
+ shape.setFill(False)
+ shape.setOverlay(True)
+ style = self.getCurrentStyle()
+ shape.setLineStyle(style.getLineStyle())
+ shape.setLineWidth(style.getLineWidth())
+ shape.setColor(rgba(style.getColor()))
+ return shape
+ def setFirstShapePoints(self, points):
+ if self._handleClose is not None:
+ self._handleClose.setPosition(*points[0])
+ self.setPoints(points)
+ def creationStarted(self):
+ """"Called when the ROI creation interaction was started.
+ """
+ # Handle to see where to close the polygon
+ self._handleClose = self.addUserHandle()
+ self._handleClose.setSymbol("o")
+ color = self._computeHandleColor(rgba(self.getColor()))
+ self._handleClose.setColor(color)
+ # Hide the center while creating the first shape
+ self._handleCenter.setSymbol("")
+ # In interaction replace the polygon by a line, to display something unclosed
+ self.removeItem(self.__shape)
+ self.__shape = self.__createShape(interaction=True)
+ self.__shape.setPoints(self._points)
+ self.addItem(self.__shape)
+ def isBeingCreated(self):
+ """Returns true if the ROI is in creation step"""
+ return self._handleClose is not None
+ def creationFinalized(self):
+ """"Called when the ROI creation interaction was finalized.
+ """
+ self.removeHandle(self._handleClose)
+ self._handleClose = None
+ self.removeItem(self.__shape)
+ self.__shape = self.__createShape()
+ self.__shape.setPoints(self._points)
+ self.addItem(self.__shape)
+ # Hide the center while creating the first shape
+ self._handleCenter.setSymbol("+")
+ for handle in self._handlePoints:
+ handle.setSymbol("s")
+ def _updateText(self, text):
+ self._handleLabel.setText(text)
+ def getPoints(self):
+ """Returns the list of the points of this polygon.
+ :rtype: numpy.ndarray
+ """
+ return self._points.copy()
+ def setPoints(self, points):
+ """Set the position of this ROI
+ :param numpy.ndarray pos: 2d-coordinate of this point
+ """
+ assert(len(points.shape) == 2 and points.shape[1] == 2)
+ if numpy.array_equal(points, self._points):
+ return # Nothing has changed
+ self._polygon_shape = None
+ # Update the needed handles
+ while len(self._handlePoints) != len(points):
+ if len(self._handlePoints) < len(points):
+ handle = self.addHandle()
+ self._handlePoints.append(handle)
+ if self.isBeingCreated():
+ handle.setSymbol("")
+ else:
+ handle = self._handlePoints.pop(-1)
+ self.removeHandle(handle)
+ for handle, position in zip(self._handlePoints, points):
+ with utils.blockSignals(handle):
+ handle.setPosition(position[0], position[1])
+ if len(points) > 0:
+ if not self.isHandleBeingDragged():
+ vmin = numpy.min(points, axis=0)
+ vmax = numpy.max(points, axis=0)
+ center = (vmax + vmin) * 0.5
+ with utils.blockSignals(self._handleCenter):
+ self._handleCenter.setPosition(center[0], center[1])
+ num = numpy.argmin(points[:, 1])
+ pos = points[num]
+ with utils.blockSignals(self._handleLabel):
+ self._handleLabel.setPosition(pos[0], pos[1])
+ if len(points) == 0:
+ self._points = numpy.empty((0, 2))
+ else:
+ self._points = points
+ self.__shape.setPoints(self._points)
+ self.sigRegionChanged.emit()
+ def translate(self, x, y):
+ points = self.getPoints()
+ delta = numpy.array([x, y])
+ self.setPoints(points)
+ self.setPoints(points + delta)
+ def handleDragUpdated(self, handle, origin, previous, current):
+ if handle is self._handleCenter:
+ delta = current - previous
+ self.translate(delta[0], delta[1])
+ else:
+ points = self.getPoints()
+ num = self._handlePoints.index(handle)
+ points[num] = current
+ self.setPoints(points)
+ def handleDragFinished(self, handle, origin, current):
+ points = self._points
+ if len(points) > 0:
+ # Only update the center at the end
+ # To avoid to disturb the interaction
+ vmin = numpy.min(points, axis=0)
+ vmax = numpy.max(points, axis=0)
+ center = (vmax + vmin) * 0.5
+ with utils.blockSignals(self._handleCenter):
+ self._handleCenter.setPosition(center[0], center[1])
+ def __str__(self):
+ points = self._points
+ params = '; '.join('%f %f' % (pt[0], pt[1]) for pt in points)
+ return "%s(%s)" % (self.__class__.__name__, params)
+ @docstring(HandleBasedROI)
+ def contains(self, position):
+ bb1 = _BoundingBox.from_points(self.getPoints())
+ if bb1.contains(position) is False:
+ return False
+ if self._polygon_shape is None:
+ self._polygon_shape = Polygon(vertices=self.getPoints())
+ # warning: both the polygon and the value are inverted
+ return self._polygon_shape.is_inside(row=position[0], col=position[1])
+ def _setControlPoints(self, points):
+ RegionOfInterest._setControlPoints(self, points=points)
+ self._polygon_shape = None
+class HorizontalRangeROI(RegionOfInterest, items.LineMixIn):
+ """A ROI identifying an horizontal range in a 1D plot."""
+ ICON = 'add-range-horizontal'
+ NAME = 'horizontal range ROI'
+ SHORT_NAME = "hrange"
+ _plotShape = "line"
+ """Plot shape which is used for the first interaction"""
+ def __init__(self, parent=None):
+ RegionOfInterest.__init__(self, parent=parent)
+ items.LineMixIn.__init__(self)
+ self._markerMin = items.XMarker()
+ self._markerMax = items.XMarker()
+ self._markerCen = items.XMarker()
+ self._markerCen.setLineStyle(" ")
+ self._markerMin._setConstraint(self.__positionMinConstraint)
+ self._markerMax._setConstraint(self.__positionMaxConstraint)
+ self._markerMin.sigDragStarted.connect(self._editingStarted)
+ self._markerMin.sigDragFinished.connect(self._editingFinished)
+ self._markerMax.sigDragStarted.connect(self._editingStarted)
+ self._markerMax.sigDragFinished.connect(self._editingFinished)
+ self._markerCen.sigDragStarted.connect(self._editingStarted)
+ self._markerCen.sigDragFinished.connect(self._editingFinished)
+ self.addItem(self._markerCen)
+ self.addItem(self._markerMin)
+ self.addItem(self._markerMax)
+ self.__filterReentrant = utils.LockReentrant()
+ def setFirstShapePoints(self, points):
+ vmin = min(points[:, 0])
+ vmax = max(points[:, 0])
+ self._updatePos(vmin, vmax)
+ def _updated(self, event=None, checkVisibility=True):
+ if event == items.ItemChangedType.NAME:
+ self._updateText()
+ elif event == items.ItemChangedType.EDITABLE:
+ self._updateEditable()
+ self._updateText()
+ elif event == items.ItemChangedType.LINE_STYLE:
+ markers = [self._markerMin, self._markerMax]
+ self._updateItemProperty(event, self, markers)
+ elif event in [items.ItemChangedType.VISIBLE,
+ items.ItemChangedType.SELECTABLE]:
+ markers = [self._markerMin, self._markerMax, self._markerCen]
+ self._updateItemProperty(event, self, markers)
+ super(HorizontalRangeROI, self)._updated(event, checkVisibility)
+ def _updatedStyle(self, event, style):
+ markers = [self._markerMin, self._markerMax, self._markerCen]
+ for m in markers:
+ m.setColor(style.getColor())
+ m.setLineWidth(style.getLineWidth())
+ def _updateText(self):
+ text = self.getName()
+ if self.isEditable():
+ self._markerMin.setText("")
+ self._markerCen.setText(text)
+ else:
+ self._markerMin.setText(text)
+ self._markerCen.setText("")
+ def _updateEditable(self):
+ editable = self.isEditable()
+ self._markerMin._setDraggable(editable)
+ self._markerMax._setDraggable(editable)
+ self._markerCen._setDraggable(editable)
+ if self.isEditable():
+ self._markerMin.sigItemChanged.connect(self._minPositionChanged)
+ self._markerMax.sigItemChanged.connect(self._maxPositionChanged)
+ self._markerCen.sigItemChanged.connect(self._cenPositionChanged)
+ self._markerCen.setLineStyle(":")
+ else:
+ self._markerMin.sigItemChanged.disconnect(self._minPositionChanged)
+ self._markerMax.sigItemChanged.disconnect(self._maxPositionChanged)
+ self._markerCen.sigItemChanged.disconnect(self._cenPositionChanged)
+ self._markerCen.setLineStyle(" ")
+ def _updatePos(self, vmin, vmax, force=False):
+ """Update marker position and emit signal.
+ :param float vmin:
+ :param float vmax:
+ :param bool force:
+ True to update even if already at the right position.
+ """
+ if not force and numpy.array_equal((vmin, vmax), self.getRange()):
+ return # Nothing has changed
+ center = (vmin + vmax) * 0.5
+ with self.__filterReentrant:
+ with utils.blockSignals(self._markerMin):
+ self._markerMin.setPosition(vmin, 0)
+ with utils.blockSignals(self._markerCen):
+ self._markerCen.setPosition(center, 0)
+ with utils.blockSignals(self._markerMax):
+ self._markerMax.setPosition(vmax, 0)
+ self.sigRegionChanged.emit()
+ def setRange(self, vmin, vmax):
+ """Set the range of this ROI.
+ :param float vmin: Staring location of the range
+ :param float vmax: Ending location of the range
+ """
+ if vmin is None or vmax is None:
+ err = "Can't set vmin or vmax to None"
+ raise ValueError(err)
+ if vmin > vmax:
+ err = "Can't set vmin and vmax because vmin >= vmax " \
+ "vmin = %s, vmax = %s" % (vmin, vmax)
+ raise ValueError(err)
+ self._updatePos(vmin, vmax)
+ def getRange(self):
+ """Returns the range of this ROI.
+ :rtype: Tuple[float,float]
+ """
+ vmin = self.getMin()
+ vmax = self.getMax()
+ return vmin, vmax
+ def setMin(self, vmin):
+ """Set the min of this ROI.
+ :param float vmin: New min
+ """
+ vmax = self.getMax()
+ self._updatePos(vmin, vmax)
+ def getMin(self):
+ """Returns the min value of this ROI.
+ :rtype: float
+ """
+ return self._markerMin.getPosition()[0]
+ def setMax(self, vmax):
+ """Set the max of this ROI.
+ :param float vmax: New max
+ """
+ vmin = self.getMin()
+ self._updatePos(vmin, vmax)
+ def getMax(self):
+ """Returns the max value of this ROI.
+ :rtype: float
+ """
+ return self._markerMax.getPosition()[0]
+ def setCenter(self, center):
+ """Set the center of this ROI.
+ :param float center: New center
+ """
+ vmin, vmax = self.getRange()
+ previousCenter = (vmin + vmax) * 0.5
+ delta = center - previousCenter
+ self._updatePos(vmin + delta, vmax + delta)
+ def getCenter(self):
+ """Returns the center location of this ROI.
+ :rtype: float
+ """
+ vmin, vmax = self.getRange()
+ return (vmin + vmax) * 0.5
+ def __positionMinConstraint(self, x, y):
+ """Constraint of the min marker"""
+ if self.__filterReentrant.locked():
+ # Ignore the constraint when we set an explicit value
+ return x, y
+ vmax = self.getMax()
+ if vmax is None:
+ return x, y
+ return min(x, vmax), y
+ def __positionMaxConstraint(self, x, y):
+ """Constraint of the max marker"""
+ if self.__filterReentrant.locked():
+ # Ignore the constraint when we set an explicit value
+ return x, y
+ vmin = self.getMin()
+ if vmin is None:
+ return x, y
+ return max(x, vmin), y
+ def _minPositionChanged(self, event):
+ """Handle position changed events of the marker"""
+ if event is items.ItemChangedType.POSITION:
+ marker = self.sender()
+ self._updatePos(marker.getXPosition(), self.getMax(), force=True)
+ def _maxPositionChanged(self, event):
+ """Handle position changed events of the marker"""
+ if event is items.ItemChangedType.POSITION:
+ marker = self.sender()
+ self._updatePos(self.getMin(), marker.getXPosition(), force=True)
+ def _cenPositionChanged(self, event):
+ """Handle position changed events of the marker"""
+ if event is items.ItemChangedType.POSITION:
+ marker = self.sender()
+ self.setCenter(marker.getXPosition())
+ @docstring(HandleBasedROI)
+ def contains(self, position):
+ return self.getMin() <= position[0] <= self.getMax()
+ def __str__(self):
+ vrange = self.getRange()
+ params = 'min: %f; max: %f' % vrange
+ return "%s(%s)" % (self.__class__.__name__, params)
diff --git a/src/silx/gui/plot/items/ b/src/silx/gui/plot/items/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fdc66f7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/silx/gui/plot/items/
@@ -0,0 +1,1002 @@
+# coding: utf-8
+# /*##########################################################################
+# Copyright (c) 2017-2021 European Synchrotron Radiation Facility
+# Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
+# of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
+# in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
+# to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
+# copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
+# furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
+# The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
+# all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
+# ###########################################################################*/
+"""This module provides the :class:`Scatter` item of the :class:`Plot`.
+from __future__ import division
+__authors__ = ["T. Vincent", "P. Knobel"]
+__license__ = "MIT"
+__date__ = "29/03/2017"
+from collections import namedtuple
+import logging
+import threading
+import numpy
+from collections import defaultdict
+from concurrent.futures import ThreadPoolExecutor, CancelledError
+from ....utils.proxy import docstring
+from ....math.combo import min_max
+from ....math.histogram import Histogramnd
+from ....utils.weakref import WeakList
+from .._utils.delaunay import delaunay
+from .core import PointsBase, ColormapMixIn, ScatterVisualizationMixIn
+from .axis import Axis
+from ._pick import PickingResult
+_logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
+class _GreedyThreadPoolExecutor(ThreadPoolExecutor):
+ """:class:`ThreadPoolExecutor` with an extra :meth:`submit_greedy` method.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
+ super(_GreedyThreadPoolExecutor, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
+ self.__futures = defaultdict(WeakList)
+ self.__lock = threading.RLock()
+ def submit_greedy(self, queue, fn, *args, **kwargs):
+ """Same as :meth:`submit` but cancel previous tasks in given queue.
+ This means that when a new task is submitted for a given queue,
+ all other pending tasks of that queue are cancelled.
+ :param queue: Identifier of the queue. This must be hashable.
+ :param callable fn: The callable to call with provided extra arguments
+ :return: Future corresponding to this task
+ :rtype: concurrent.futures.Future
+ """
+ with self.__lock:
+ # Cancel previous tasks in given queue
+ for future in self.__futures.pop(queue, []):
+ if not future.done():
+ future.cancel()
+ future = super(_GreedyThreadPoolExecutor, self).submit(
+ fn, *args, **kwargs)
+ self.__futures[queue].append(future)
+ return future
+# Functions to guess grid shape from coordinates
+def _get_z_line_length(array):
+ """Return length of line if array is a Z-like 2D regular grid.
+ :param numpy.ndarray array: The 1D array of coordinates to check
+ :return: 0 if no line length could be found,
+ else the number of element per line.
+ :rtype: int
+ """
+ sign = numpy.sign(numpy.diff(array))
+ if len(sign) == 0 or sign[0] == 0: # We don't handle that
+ return 0
+ # Check this way to account for 0 sign (i.e., diff == 0)
+ beginnings = numpy.where(sign == - sign[0])[0] + 1
+ if len(beginnings) == 0:
+ return 0
+ length = beginnings[0]
+ if numpy.all(numpy.equal(numpy.diff(beginnings), length)):
+ return length
+ return 0
+def _guess_z_grid_shape(x, y):
+ """Guess the shape of a grid from (x, y) coordinates.
+ The grid might contain more elements than x and y,
+ as the last line might be partly filled.
+ :param numpy.ndarray x:
+ :paran numpy.ndarray y:
+ :returns: (order, (height, width)) of the regular grid,
+ or None if could not guess one.
+ 'order' is 'row' if X (i.e., column) is the fast dimension, else 'column'.
+ :rtype: Union[List(str,int),None]
+ """
+ width = _get_z_line_length(x)
+ if width != 0:
+ return 'row', (int(numpy.ceil(len(x) / width)), width)
+ else:
+ height = _get_z_line_length(y)
+ if height != 0:
+ return 'column', (height, int(numpy.ceil(len(y) / height)))
+ return None
+def is_monotonic(array):
+ """Returns whether array is monotonic (increasing or decreasing).
+ :param numpy.ndarray array: 1D array-like container.
+ :returns: 1 if array is monotonically increasing,
+ -1 if array is monotonically decreasing,
+ 0 if array is not monotonic
+ :rtype: int
+ """
+ diff = numpy.diff(numpy.ravel(array))
+ with numpy.errstate(invalid='ignore'):
+ if numpy.all(diff >= 0):
+ return 1
+ elif numpy.all(diff <= 0):
+ return -1
+ else:
+ return 0
+def _guess_grid(x, y):
+ """Guess a regular grid from the points.
+ Result convention is (x, y)
+ :param numpy.ndarray x: X coordinates of the points
+ :param numpy.ndarray y: Y coordinates of the points
+ :returns: (order, (height, width)
+ order is 'row' or 'column'
+ :rtype: Union[List[str,List[int]],None]
+ """
+ x, y = numpy.ravel(x), numpy.ravel(y)
+ guess = _guess_z_grid_shape(x, y)
+ if guess is not None:
+ return guess
+ else:
+ # Cannot guess a regular grid
+ # Let's assume it's a single line
+ order = 'row' # or 'column' doesn't matter for a single line
+ y_monotonic = is_monotonic(y)
+ if is_monotonic(x) or y_monotonic: # we can guess a line
+ x_min, x_max = min_max(x)
+ y_min, y_max = min_max(y)
+ if not y_monotonic or x_max - x_min >= y_max - y_min:
+ # x only is monotonic or both are and X varies more
+ # line along X
+ shape = 1, len(x)
+ else:
+ # y only is monotonic or both are and Y varies more
+ # line along Y
+ shape = len(y), 1
+ else: # Cannot guess a line from the points
+ return None
+ return order, shape
+def _quadrilateral_grid_coords(points):
+ """Compute an irregular grid of quadrilaterals from a set of points
+ The input points are expected to lie on a grid.
+ :param numpy.ndarray points:
+ 3D data set of 2D input coordinates (height, width, 2)
+ height and width must be at least 2.
+ :return: 3D dataset of 2D coordinates of the grid (height+1, width+1, 2)
+ """
+ assert points.ndim == 3
+ assert points.shape[0] >= 2
+ assert points.shape[1] >= 2
+ assert points.shape[2] == 2
+ dim0, dim1 = points.shape[:2]
+ grid_points = numpy.zeros((dim0 + 1, dim1 + 1, 2), dtype=numpy.float64)
+ # Compute inner points as mean of 4 neighbours
+ neighbour_view = numpy.lib.stride_tricks.as_strided(
+ points,
+ shape=(dim0 - 1, dim1 - 1, 2, 2, points.shape[2]),
+ strides=points.strides[:2] + points.strides[:2] + points.strides[-1:], writeable=False)
+ inner_points = numpy.mean(neighbour_view, axis=(2, 3))
+ grid_points[1:-1, 1:-1] = inner_points
+ # Compute 'vertical' sides
+ # Alternative: grid_points[1:-1, [0, -1]] = points[:-1, [0, -1]] + points[1:, [0, -1]] - inner_points[:, [0, -1]]
+ grid_points[1:-1, [0, -1], 0] = points[:-1, [0, -1], 0] + points[1:, [0, -1], 0] - inner_points[:, [0, -1], 0]
+ grid_points[1:-1, [0, -1], 1] = inner_points[:, [0, -1], 1]
+ # Compute 'horizontal' sides
+ grid_points[[0, -1], 1:-1, 0] = inner_points[[0, -1], :, 0]
+ grid_points[[0, -1], 1:-1, 1] = points[[0, -1], :-1, 1] + points[[0, -1], 1:, 1] - inner_points[[0, -1], :, 1]
+ # Compute corners
+ d0, d1 = [0, 0, -1, -1], [0, -1, -1, 0]
+ grid_points[d0, d1] = 2 * points[d0, d1] - inner_points[d0, d1]
+ return grid_points
+def _quadrilateral_grid_as_triangles(points):
+ """Returns the points and indices to make a grid of quadirlaterals
+ :param numpy.ndarray points:
+ 3D array of points (height, width, 2)
+ :return: triangle corners (4 * N, 2), triangle indices (2 * N, 3)
+ With N = height * width, the number of input points
+ """
+ nbpoints =[:2])
+ grid = _quadrilateral_grid_coords(points)
+ coords = numpy.empty((4 * nbpoints, 2), dtype=grid.dtype)
+ coords[::4] = grid[:-1, :-1].reshape(-1, 2)
+ coords[1::4] = grid[1:, :-1].reshape(-1, 2)
+ coords[2::4] = grid[:-1, 1:].reshape(-1, 2)
+ coords[3::4] = grid[1:, 1:].reshape(-1, 2)
+ indices = numpy.empty((2 * nbpoints, 3), dtype=numpy.uint32)
+ indices[::2, 0] = numpy.arange(0, 4 * nbpoints, 4)
+ indices[::2, 1] = numpy.arange(1, 4 * nbpoints, 4)
+ indices[::2, 2] = numpy.arange(2, 4 * nbpoints, 4)
+ indices[1::2, 0] = indices[::2, 1]
+ indices[1::2, 1] = indices[::2, 2]
+ indices[1::2, 2] = numpy.arange(3, 4 * nbpoints, 4)
+ return coords, indices
+_RegularGridInfo = namedtuple(
+ '_RegularGridInfo', ['bounds', 'origin', 'scale', 'shape', 'order'])
+_HistogramInfo = namedtuple(
+ '_HistogramInfo', ['mean', 'count', 'sum', 'origin', 'scale', 'shape'])
+class Scatter(PointsBase, ColormapMixIn, ScatterVisualizationMixIn):
+ """Description of a scatter"""
+ """Default selectable state for scatter plots"""
+ ScatterVisualizationMixIn.Visualization.POINTS,
+ ScatterVisualizationMixIn.Visualization.SOLID,
+ ScatterVisualizationMixIn.Visualization.REGULAR_GRID,
+ ScatterVisualizationMixIn.Visualization.IRREGULAR_GRID,
+ ScatterVisualizationMixIn.Visualization.BINNED_STATISTIC,
+ )
+ """Overrides supported Visualizations"""
+ def __init__(self):
+ PointsBase.__init__(self)
+ ColormapMixIn.__init__(self)
+ ScatterVisualizationMixIn.__init__(self)
+ self._value = ()
+ self.__alpha = None
+ # Cache Delaunay triangulation future object
+ self.__delaunayFuture = None
+ # Cache interpolator future object
+ self.__interpolatorFuture = None
+ self.__executor = None
+ # Cache triangles: x, y, indices
+ self.__cacheTriangles = None, None, None
+ # Cache regular grid and histogram info
+ self.__cacheRegularGridInfo = None
+ self.__cacheHistogramInfo = None
+ def _updateColormappedData(self):
+ """Update the colormapped data, to be called when changed"""
+ if self.getVisualization() is self.Visualization.BINNED_STATISTIC:
+ histoInfo = self.__getHistogramInfo()
+ if histoInfo is None:
+ data = None
+ else:
+ data = getattr(
+ histoInfo,
+ self.getVisualizationParameter(
+ self.VisualizationParameter.BINNED_STATISTIC_FUNCTION))
+ else:
+ data = self.getValueData(copy=False)
+ self._setColormappedData(data, copy=False)
+ @docstring(ScatterVisualizationMixIn)
+ def setVisualization(self, mode):
+ previous = self.getVisualization()
+ if super().setVisualization(mode):
+ if (bool(mode is self.Visualization.BINNED_STATISTIC) ^
+ bool(previous is self.Visualization.BINNED_STATISTIC)):
+ self._updateColormappedData()
+ return True
+ else:
+ return False
+ @docstring(ScatterVisualizationMixIn)
+ def setVisualizationParameter(self, parameter, value):
+ parameter = self.VisualizationParameter.from_value(parameter)
+ if super(Scatter, self).setVisualizationParameter(parameter, value):
+ if parameter in (self.VisualizationParameter.GRID_BOUNDS,
+ self.VisualizationParameter.GRID_MAJOR_ORDER,
+ self.VisualizationParameter.GRID_SHAPE):
+ self.__cacheRegularGridInfo = None
+ if parameter in (self.VisualizationParameter.BINNED_STATISTIC_SHAPE,
+ self.VisualizationParameter.BINNED_STATISTIC_FUNCTION,
+ self.VisualizationParameter.DATA_BOUNDS_HINT):
+ if parameter in (self.VisualizationParameter.BINNED_STATISTIC_SHAPE,
+ self.VisualizationParameter.DATA_BOUNDS_HINT):
+ self.__cacheHistogramInfo = None # Clean-up cache
+ if self.getVisualization() is self.Visualization.BINNED_STATISTIC:
+ self._updateColormappedData()
+ return True
+ else:
+ return False
+ @docstring(ScatterVisualizationMixIn)
+ def getCurrentVisualizationParameter(self, parameter):
+ value = self.getVisualizationParameter(parameter)
+ if (parameter is self.VisualizationParameter.DATA_BOUNDS_HINT or
+ value is not None):
+ return value # Value has been set, return it
+ elif parameter is self.VisualizationParameter.GRID_BOUNDS:
+ grid = self.__getRegularGridInfo()
+ return None if grid is None else grid.bounds
+ elif parameter is self.VisualizationParameter.GRID_MAJOR_ORDER:
+ grid = self.__getRegularGridInfo()
+ return None if grid is None else grid.order
+ elif parameter is self.VisualizationParameter.GRID_SHAPE:
+ grid = self.__getRegularGridInfo()
+ return None if grid is None else grid.shape
+ elif parameter is self.VisualizationParameter.BINNED_STATISTIC_SHAPE:
+ info = self.__getHistogramInfo()
+ return None if info is None else info.shape
+ else:
+ raise NotImplementedError()
+ def __getRegularGridInfo(self):
+ """Get grid info"""
+ if self.__cacheRegularGridInfo is None:
+ shape = self.getVisualizationParameter(
+ self.VisualizationParameter.GRID_SHAPE)
+ order = self.getVisualizationParameter(
+ self.VisualizationParameter.GRID_MAJOR_ORDER)
+ if shape is None or order is None:
+ guess = _guess_grid(self.getXData(copy=False),
+ self.getYData(copy=False))
+ if guess is None:
+ _logger.warning(
+ 'Cannot guess a grid: Cannot display as regular grid image')
+ return None
+ if shape is None:
+ shape = guess[1]
+ if order is None:
+ order = guess[0]
+ nbpoints = len(self.getXData(copy=False))
+ if nbpoints > shape[0] * shape[1]:
+ # More data points that provided grid shape: enlarge grid
+ _logger.warning(
+ "More data points than provided grid shape size: extends grid")
+ dim0, dim1 = shape
+ if order == 'row': # keep dim1, enlarge dim0
+ dim0 = nbpoints // dim1 + (1 if nbpoints % dim1 else 0)
+ else: # keep dim0, enlarge dim1
+ dim1 = nbpoints // dim0 + (1 if nbpoints % dim0 else 0)
+ shape = dim0, dim1
+ bounds = self.getVisualizationParameter(
+ self.VisualizationParameter.GRID_BOUNDS)
+ if bounds is None:
+ x, y = self.getXData(copy=False), self.getYData(copy=False)
+ min_, max_ = min_max(x)
+ xRange = (min_, max_) if (x[0] - min_) < (max_ - x[0]) else (max_, min_)
+ min_, max_ = min_max(y)
+ yRange = (min_, max_) if (y[0] - min_) < (max_ - y[0]) else (max_, min_)
+ bounds = (xRange[0], yRange[0]), (xRange[1], yRange[1])
+ begin, end = bounds
+ scale = ((end[0] - begin[0]) / max(1, shape[1] - 1),
+ (end[1] - begin[1]) / max(1, shape[0] - 1))
+ if scale[0] == 0 and scale[1] == 0:
+ scale = 1., 1.
+ elif scale[0] == 0:
+ scale = scale[1], scale[1]
+ elif scale[1] == 0:
+ scale = scale[0], scale[0]
+ origin = begin[0] - 0.5 * scale[0], begin[1] - 0.5 * scale[1]
+ self.__cacheRegularGridInfo = _RegularGridInfo(
+ bounds=bounds, origin=origin, scale=scale, shape=shape, order=order)
+ return self.__cacheRegularGridInfo
+ def __getHistogramInfo(self):
+ """Get histogram info"""
+ if self.__cacheHistogramInfo is None:
+ shape = self.getVisualizationParameter(
+ self.VisualizationParameter.BINNED_STATISTIC_SHAPE)
+ if shape is None:
+ shape = 100, 100 # TODO compute auto shape
+ x, y, values = self.getData(copy=False)[:3]
+ if len(x) == 0: # No histogram
+ return None
+ if not numpy.issubdtype(x.dtype, numpy.floating):
+ x = x.astype(numpy.float64)
+ if not numpy.issubdtype(y.dtype, numpy.floating):
+ y = y.astype(numpy.float64)
+ if not numpy.issubdtype(values.dtype, numpy.floating):
+ values = values.astype(numpy.float64)
+ ranges = (tuple(min_max(y, finite=True)),
+ tuple(min_max(x, finite=True)))
+ rangesHint = self.getVisualizationParameter(
+ self.VisualizationParameter.DATA_BOUNDS_HINT)
+ if rangesHint is not None:
+ ranges = tuple((min(dataMin, hintMin), max(dataMax, hintMax))
+ for (dataMin, dataMax), (hintMin, hintMax) in zip(ranges, rangesHint))
+ points = numpy.transpose(numpy.array((y, x)))
+ counts, sums, bin_edges = Histogramnd(
+ points,
+ histo_range=ranges,
+ n_bins=shape,
+ weights=values)
+ yEdges, xEdges = bin_edges
+ origin = xEdges[0], yEdges[0]
+ scale = ((xEdges[-1] - xEdges[0]) / (len(xEdges) - 1),
+ (yEdges[-1] - yEdges[0]) / (len(yEdges) - 1))
+ with numpy.errstate(divide='ignore', invalid='ignore'):
+ histo = sums / counts
+ self.__cacheHistogramInfo = _HistogramInfo(
+ mean=histo, count=counts, sum=sums,
+ origin=origin, scale=scale, shape=shape)
+ return self.__cacheHistogramInfo
+ def __applyColormapToData(self):
+ """Compute colors by applying colormap to values.
+ :returns: Array of RGBA colors
+ """
+ cmap = self.getColormap()
+ rgbacolors = cmap.applyToData(self)
+ if self.__alpha is not None:
+ rgbacolors[:, -1] = (rgbacolors[:, -1] * self.__alpha).astype(numpy.uint8)
+ return rgbacolors
+ def _addBackendRenderer(self, backend):
+ """Update backend renderer"""
+ # Filter-out values <= 0
+ xFiltered, yFiltered, valueFiltered, xerror, yerror = self.getData(
+ copy=False, displayed=True)
+ # Remove not finite numbers (this includes filtered out x, y <= 0)
+ mask = numpy.logical_and(numpy.isfinite(xFiltered), numpy.isfinite(yFiltered))
+ xFiltered = xFiltered[mask]
+ yFiltered = yFiltered[mask]
+ if len(xFiltered) == 0:
+ return None # No data to display, do not add renderer to backend
+ visualization = self.getVisualization()
+ if visualization is self.Visualization.BINNED_STATISTIC:
+ plot = self.getPlot()
+ if (plot is None or
+ plot.getXAxis().getScale() != Axis.LINEAR or
+ plot.getYAxis().getScale() != Axis.LINEAR):
+ # Those visualizations are not available with log scaled axes
+ return None
+ histoInfo = self.__getHistogramInfo()
+ if histoInfo is None:
+ return None
+ data = getattr(histoInfo, self.getVisualizationParameter(
+ self.VisualizationParameter.BINNED_STATISTIC_FUNCTION))
+ return backend.addImage(
+ data=data,
+ origin=histoInfo.origin,
+ scale=histoInfo.scale,
+ colormap=self.getColormap(),
+ alpha=self.getAlpha())
+ elif visualization is self.Visualization.POINTS:
+ rgbacolors = self.__applyColormapToData()
+ return backend.addCurve(xFiltered, yFiltered,
+ color=rgbacolors[mask],
+ symbol=self.getSymbol(),
+ linewidth=0,
+ linestyle="",
+ yaxis='left',
+ xerror=xerror,
+ yerror=yerror,
+ fill=False,
+ alpha=self.getAlpha(),
+ symbolsize=self.getSymbolSize(),
+ baseline=None)
+ else:
+ plot = self.getPlot()
+ if (plot is None or
+ plot.getXAxis().getScale() != Axis.LINEAR or
+ plot.getYAxis().getScale() != Axis.LINEAR):
+ # Those visualizations are not available with log scaled axes
+ return None
+ if visualization is self.Visualization.SOLID:
+ triangulation = self._getDelaunay().result()
+ if triangulation is None:
+ _logger.warning(
+ 'Cannot get a triangulation: Cannot display as solid surface')
+ return None
+ else:
+ rgbacolors = self.__applyColormapToData()
+ triangles = triangulation.simplices.astype(numpy.int32)
+ return backend.addTriangles(xFiltered,
+ yFiltered,
+ triangles,
+ color=rgbacolors[mask],
+ alpha=self.getAlpha())
+ elif visualization is self.Visualization.REGULAR_GRID:
+ gridInfo = self.__getRegularGridInfo()
+ if gridInfo is None:
+ return None
+ dim0, dim1 = gridInfo.shape
+ if gridInfo.order == 'column': # transposition needed
+ dim0, dim1 = dim1, dim0
+ values = self.getValueData(copy=False)
+ if self.__alpha is None and len(values) == dim0 * dim1:
+ image = values.reshape(dim0, dim1)
+ else:
+ # The points do not fill the whole image
+ if (self.__alpha is None and
+ numpy.issubdtype(values.dtype, numpy.floating)):
+ image = numpy.empty(dim0 * dim1, dtype=values.dtype)
+ image[:len(values)] = values
+ image[len(values):] = float('nan') # Transparent pixels
+ image.shape = dim0, dim1
+ else: # Per value alpha or no NaN, so convert to RGBA
+ rgbacolors = self.__applyColormapToData()
+ image = numpy.empty((dim0 * dim1, 4), dtype=numpy.uint8)
+ image[:len(rgbacolors)] = rgbacolors
+ image[len(rgbacolors):] = (0, 0, 0, 0) # Transparent pixels
+ image.shape = dim0, dim1, 4
+ if gridInfo.order == 'column':
+ if image.ndim == 2:
+ image = numpy.transpose(image)
+ else:
+ image = numpy.transpose(image, axes=(1, 0, 2))
+ if image.ndim == 2:
+ colormap = self.getColormap()
+ if colormap.isAutoscale():
+ # Avoid backend to compute autoscale: use item cache
+ colormap = colormap.copy()
+ colormap.setVRange(*colormap.getColormapRange(self))
+ else:
+ colormap = None
+ return backend.addImage(
+ data=image,
+ origin=gridInfo.origin,
+ scale=gridInfo.scale,
+ colormap=colormap,
+ alpha=self.getAlpha())
+ elif visualization is self.Visualization.IRREGULAR_GRID:
+ gridInfo = self.__getRegularGridInfo()
+ if gridInfo is None:
+ return None
+ shape = gridInfo.shape
+ if shape is None: # No shape, no display
+ return None
+ rgbacolors = self.__applyColormapToData()
+ nbpoints = len(xFiltered)
+ if nbpoints == 1:
+ # single point, render as a square points
+ return backend.addCurve(xFiltered, yFiltered,
+ color=rgbacolors[mask],
+ symbol='s',
+ linewidth=0,
+ linestyle="",
+ yaxis='left',
+ xerror=None,
+ yerror=None,
+ fill=False,
+ alpha=self.getAlpha(),
+ symbolsize=7,
+ baseline=None)
+ # Make shape include all points
+ gridOrder = gridInfo.order
+ if nbpoints !=
+ if gridOrder == 'row':
+ shape = int(numpy.ceil(nbpoints / shape[1])), shape[1]
+ else: # column-major order
+ shape = shape[0], int(numpy.ceil(nbpoints / shape[0]))
+ if shape[0] < 2 or shape[1] < 2: # Single line, at least 2 points
+ points = numpy.ones((2, nbpoints, 2), dtype=numpy.float64)
+ # Use row/column major depending on shape, not on info value
+ gridOrder = 'row' if shape[0] == 1 else 'column'
+ if gridOrder == 'row':
+ points[0, :, 0] = xFiltered
+ points[0, :, 1] = yFiltered
+ else: # column-major order
+ points[0, :, 0] = yFiltered
+ points[0, :, 1] = xFiltered
+ # Add a second line that will be clipped in the end
+ points[1, :-1] = points[0, :-1] + numpy.cross(
+ points[0, 1:] - points[0, :-1], (0., 0., 1.))[:, :2]
+ points[1, -1] = points[0, -1] + numpy.cross(
+ points[0, -1] - points[0, -2], (0., 0., 1.))[:2]
+ points.shape = 2, nbpoints, 2 # Use same shape for both orders
+ coords, indices = _quadrilateral_grid_as_triangles(points)
+ elif gridOrder == 'row': # row-major order
+ if nbpoints !=
+ points = numpy.empty((, 2), dtype=numpy.float64)
+ points[:nbpoints, 0] = xFiltered
+ points[:nbpoints, 1] = yFiltered
+ # Index of last element of last fully filled row
+ index = (nbpoints // shape[1]) * shape[1]
+ points[nbpoints:, 0] = xFiltered[index - ( - nbpoints):index]
+ points[nbpoints:, 1] = yFiltered[-1]
+ else:
+ points = numpy.transpose((xFiltered, yFiltered))
+ points.shape = shape[0], shape[1], 2
+ else: # column-major order
+ if nbpoints !=
+ points = numpy.empty((, 2), dtype=numpy.float64)
+ points[:nbpoints, 0] = yFiltered
+ points[:nbpoints, 1] = xFiltered
+ # Index of last element of last fully filled column
+ index = (nbpoints // shape[0]) * shape[0]
+ points[nbpoints:, 0] = yFiltered[index - ( - nbpoints):index]
+ points[nbpoints:, 1] = xFiltered[-1]
+ else:
+ points = numpy.transpose((yFiltered, xFiltered))
+ points.shape = shape[1], shape[0], 2
+ coords, indices = _quadrilateral_grid_as_triangles(points)
+ # Remove unused extra triangles
+ coords = coords[:4*nbpoints]
+ indices = indices[:2*nbpoints]
+ if gridOrder == 'row':
+ x, y = coords[:, 0], coords[:, 1]
+ else: # column-major order
+ y, x = coords[:, 0], coords[:, 1]
+ rgbacolors = rgbacolors[mask] # Filter-out not finite points
+ gridcolors = numpy.empty(
+ (4 * nbpoints, rgbacolors.shape[-1]), dtype=rgbacolors.dtype)
+ for first in range(4):
+ gridcolors[first::4] = rgbacolors[:nbpoints]
+ return backend.addTriangles(x,
+ y,
+ indices,
+ color=gridcolors,
+ alpha=self.getAlpha())
+ else:
+ _logger.error("Unhandled visualization %s", visualization)
+ return None
+ @docstring(PointsBase)
+ def pick(self, x, y):
+ result = super(Scatter, self).pick(x, y)
+ if result is not None:
+ visualization = self.getVisualization()
+ if visualization is self.Visualization.IRREGULAR_GRID:
+ # Specific handling of picking for the irregular grid mode
+ index = result.getIndices(copy=False)[0] // 4
+ result = PickingResult(self, (index,))
+ elif visualization is self.Visualization.REGULAR_GRID:
+ # Specific handling of picking for the regular grid mode
+ picked = result.getIndices(copy=False)
+ if picked is None:
+ return None
+ row, column = picked[0][0], picked[1][0]
+ gridInfo = self.__getRegularGridInfo()
+ if gridInfo is None:
+ return None
+ if gridInfo.order == 'row':
+ index = row * gridInfo.shape[1] + column
+ else:
+ index = row + column * gridInfo.shape[0]
+ if index >= len(self.getXData(copy=False)): # OK as long as not log scale
+ return None # Image can be larger than scatter
+ result = PickingResult(self, (index,))
+ elif visualization is self.Visualization.BINNED_STATISTIC:
+ picked = result.getIndices(copy=False)
+ if picked is None or len(picked) == 0 or len(picked[0]) == 0:
+ return None
+ row, col = picked[0][0], picked[1][0]
+ histoInfo = self.__getHistogramInfo()
+ if histoInfo is None:
+ return None
+ sx, sy = histoInfo.scale
+ ox, oy = histoInfo.origin
+ xdata = self.getXData(copy=False)
+ ydata = self.getYData(copy=False)
+ indices = numpy.nonzero(numpy.logical_and(
+ numpy.logical_and(xdata >= ox + sx * col, xdata < ox + sx * (col + 1)),
+ numpy.logical_and(ydata >= oy + sy * row, ydata < oy + sy * (row + 1))))[0]
+ result = None if len(indices) == 0 else PickingResult(self, indices)
+ return result
+ def __getExecutor(self):
+ """Returns async greedy executor
+ :rtype: _GreedyThreadPoolExecutor
+ """
+ if self.__executor is None:
+ self.__executor = _GreedyThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=2)
+ return self.__executor
+ def _getDelaunay(self):
+ """Returns a :class:`Future` which result is the Delaunay object.
+ :rtype: concurrent.futures.Future
+ """
+ if self.__delaunayFuture is None or self.__delaunayFuture.cancelled():
+ # Need to init a new delaunay
+ x, y = self.getData(copy=False)[:2]
+ # Remove not finite points
+ mask = numpy.logical_and(numpy.isfinite(x), numpy.isfinite(y))
+ self.__delaunayFuture = self.__getExecutor().submit_greedy(
+ 'delaunay', delaunay, x[mask], y[mask])
+ return self.__delaunayFuture
+ @staticmethod
+ def __initInterpolator(delaunayFuture, values):
+ """Returns an interpolator for the given data points
+ :param concurrent.futures.Future delaunayFuture:
+ Future object which result is a Delaunay object
+ :param numpy.ndarray values: The data value of valid points.
+ :rtype: Union[callable,None]
+ """
+ # Wait for Delaunay to complete
+ try:
+ triangulation = delaunayFuture.result()
+ except CancelledError:
+ triangulation = None
+ if triangulation is None:
+ interpolator = None # Error case
+ else:
+ # Lazy-loading of interpolator
+ try:
+ from scipy.interpolate import LinearNDInterpolator
+ except ImportError:
+ LinearNDInterpolator = None
+ if LinearNDInterpolator is not None:
+ interpolator = LinearNDInterpolator(triangulation, values)
+ # First call takes a while, do it here
+ interpolator([(0., 0.)])
+ else:
+ # Fallback using matplotlib interpolator
+ import matplotlib.tri
+ x, y = triangulation.points.T
+ tri = matplotlib.tri.Triangulation(
+ x, y, triangles=triangulation.simplices)
+ mplInterpolator = matplotlib.tri.LinearTriInterpolator(
+ tri, values)
+ # Wrap interpolator to have same API as scipy's one
+ def interpolator(points):
+ return mplInterpolator(*points.T)
+ return interpolator
+ def _getInterpolator(self):
+ """Returns a :class:`Future` which result is the interpolator.
+ The interpolator is a callable taking an array Nx2 of points
+ as a single argument.
+ The :class:`Future` result is None in case the interpolator cannot
+ be initialized.
+ :rtype: concurrent.futures.Future
+ """
+ if (self.__interpolatorFuture is None or
+ self.__interpolatorFuture.cancelled()):
+ # Need to init a new interpolator
+ x, y, values = self.getData(copy=False)[:3]
+ # Remove not finite points
+ mask = numpy.logical_and(numpy.isfinite(x), numpy.isfinite(y))
+ x, y, values = x[mask], y[mask], values[mask]
+ self.__interpolatorFuture = self.__getExecutor().submit_greedy(
+ 'interpolator',
+ self.__initInterpolator, self._getDelaunay(), values)
+ return self.__interpolatorFuture
+ def _logFilterData(self, xPositive, yPositive):
+ """Filter out values with x or y <= 0 on log axes
+ :param bool xPositive: True to filter arrays according to X coords.
+ :param bool yPositive: True to filter arrays according to Y coords.
+ :return: The filtered arrays or unchanged object if not filtering needed
+ :rtype: (x, y, value, xerror, yerror)
+ """
+ # overloaded from PointsBase to filter also value.
+ value = self.getValueData(copy=False)
+ if xPositive or yPositive:
+ clipped = self._getClippingBoolArray(xPositive, yPositive)
+ if numpy.any(clipped):
+ # copy to keep original array and convert to float
+ value = numpy.array(value, copy=True, dtype=numpy.float64)
+ value[clipped] = numpy.nan
+ x, y, xerror, yerror = PointsBase._logFilterData(self, xPositive, yPositive)
+ return x, y, value, xerror, yerror
+ def getValueData(self, copy=True):
+ """Returns the value assigned to the scatter data points.
+ :param copy: True (Default) to get a copy,
+ False to use internal representation (do not modify!)
+ :rtype: numpy.ndarray
+ """
+ return numpy.array(self._value, copy=copy)
+ def getAlphaData(self, copy=True):
+ """Returns the alpha (transparency) assigned to the scatter data points.
+ :param copy: True (Default) to get a copy,
+ False to use internal representation (do not modify!)
+ :rtype: numpy.ndarray
+ """
+ return numpy.array(self.__alpha, copy=copy)
+ def getData(self, copy=True, displayed=False):
+ """Returns the x, y coordinates and the value of the data points
+ :param copy: True (Default) to get a copy,
+ False to use internal representation (do not modify!)
+ :param bool displayed: True to only get curve points that are displayed
+ in the plot. Default: False.
+ Note: If plot has log scale, negative points
+ are not displayed.
+ :returns: (x, y, value, xerror, yerror)
+ :rtype: 5-tuple of numpy.ndarray
+ """
+ if displayed:
+ data = self._getCachedData()
+ if data is not None:
+ assert len(data) == 5
+ return data
+ return (self.getXData(copy),
+ self.getYData(copy),
+ self.getValueData(copy),
+ self.getXErrorData(copy),
+ self.getYErrorData(copy))
+ # reimplemented from PointsBase to handle `value`
+ def setData(self, x, y, value, xerror=None, yerror=None, alpha=None, copy=True):
+ """Set the data of the scatter.
+ :param numpy.ndarray x: The data corresponding to the x coordinates.
+ :param numpy.ndarray y: The data corresponding to the y coordinates.
+ :param numpy.ndarray value: The data corresponding to the value of
+ the data points.
+ :param xerror: Values with the uncertainties on the x values
+ :type xerror: A float, or a numpy.ndarray of float32.
+ If it is an array, it can either be a 1D array of
+ same length as the data or a 2D array with 2 rows
+ of same length as the data: row 0 for positive errors,
+ row 1 for negative errors.
+ :param yerror: Values with the uncertainties on the y values
+ :type yerror: A float, or a numpy.ndarray of float32. See xerror.
+ :param alpha: Values with the transparency (between 0 and 1)
+ :type alpha: A float, or a numpy.ndarray of float32
+ :param bool copy: True make a copy of the data (default),
+ False to use provided arrays.
+ """
+ value = numpy.array(value, copy=copy)
+ assert value.ndim == 1
+ assert len(x) == len(value)
+ # Convert complex data
+ if numpy.iscomplexobj(value):
+ _logger.warning(
+ 'Converting value data to absolute value to plot it.')
+ value = numpy.absolute(value)
+ # Reset triangulation and interpolator
+ if self.__delaunayFuture is not None:
+ self.__delaunayFuture.cancel()
+ self.__delaunayFuture = None
+ if self.__interpolatorFuture is not None:
+ self.__interpolatorFuture.cancel()
+ self.__interpolatorFuture = None
+ # Data changed, this needs update
+ self.__cacheRegularGridInfo = None
+ self.__cacheHistogramInfo = None
+ self._value = value
+ if alpha is not None:
+ # Make sure alpha is an array of float in [0, 1]
+ alpha = numpy.array(alpha, copy=copy)
+ assert alpha.ndim == 1
+ assert len(x) == len(alpha)
+ if alpha.dtype.kind != 'f':
+ alpha = alpha.astype(numpy.float32)
+ if numpy.any(numpy.logical_or(alpha < 0., alpha > 1.)):
+ alpha = numpy.clip(alpha, 0., 1.)
+ self.__alpha = alpha
+ # set x, y, xerror, yerror
+ # call self._updated + plot._invalidateDataRange()
+ PointsBase.setData(self, x, y, xerror, yerror, copy)
+ self._updateColormappedData()
diff --git a/src/silx/gui/plot/items/ b/src/silx/gui/plot/items/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..00ac5f5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/silx/gui/plot/items/
@@ -0,0 +1,287 @@
+# coding: utf-8
+# /*##########################################################################
+# Copyright (c) 2017-2021 European Synchrotron Radiation Facility
+# Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
+# of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
+# in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
+# to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
+# copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
+# furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
+# The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
+# all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
+# ###########################################################################*/
+"""This module provides the :class:`Shape` item of the :class:`Plot`.
+__authors__ = ["T. Vincent"]
+__license__ = "MIT"
+__date__ = "21/12/2018"
+import logging
+import numpy
+from ... import colors
+from .core import (
+ Item, DataItem,
+ ColorMixIn, FillMixIn, ItemChangedType, LineMixIn, YAxisMixIn)
+_logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
+# TODO probably make one class for each kind of shape
+# TODO check fill:polygon/polyline + fill = duplicated
+class Shape(Item, ColorMixIn, FillMixIn, LineMixIn):
+ """Description of a shape item
+ :param str type_: The type of shape in:
+ 'hline', 'polygon', 'rectangle', 'vline', 'polylines'
+ """
+ def __init__(self, type_):
+ Item.__init__(self)
+ ColorMixIn.__init__(self)
+ FillMixIn.__init__(self)
+ LineMixIn.__init__(self)
+ self._overlay = False
+ assert type_ in ('hline', 'polygon', 'rectangle', 'vline', 'polylines')
+ self._type = type_
+ self._points = ()
+ self._lineBgColor = None
+ self._handle = None
+ def _addBackendRenderer(self, backend):
+ """Update backend renderer"""
+ points = self.getPoints(copy=False)
+ x, y = points.T[0], points.T[1]
+ return backend.addShape(x,
+ y,
+ shape=self.getType(),
+ color=self.getColor(),
+ fill=self.isFill(),
+ overlay=self.isOverlay(),
+ linestyle=self.getLineStyle(),
+ linewidth=self.getLineWidth(),
+ linebgcolor=self.getLineBgColor())
+ def isOverlay(self):
+ """Return true if shape is drawn as an overlay
+ :rtype: bool
+ """
+ return self._overlay
+ def setOverlay(self, overlay):
+ """Set the overlay state of the shape
+ :param bool overlay: True to make it an overlay
+ """
+ overlay = bool(overlay)
+ if overlay != self._overlay:
+ self._overlay = overlay
+ self._updated(ItemChangedType.OVERLAY)
+ def getType(self):
+ """Returns the type of shape to draw.
+ One of: 'hline', 'polygon', 'rectangle', 'vline', 'polylines'
+ :rtype: str
+ """
+ return self._type
+ def getPoints(self, copy=True):
+ """Get the control points of the shape.
+ :param bool copy: True (Default) to get a copy,
+ False to use internal representation (do not modify!)
+ :return: Array of point coordinates
+ :rtype: numpy.ndarray with 2 dimensions
+ """
+ return numpy.array(self._points, copy=copy)
+ def setPoints(self, points, copy=True):
+ """Set the point coordinates
+ :param numpy.ndarray points: Array of point coordinates
+ :param bool copy: True (Default) to get a copy,
+ False to use internal representation (do not modify!)
+ :return:
+ """
+ self._points = numpy.array(points, copy=copy)
+ self._updated(ItemChangedType.DATA)
+ def getLineBgColor(self):
+ """Returns the RGBA color of the item
+ :rtype: 4-tuple of float in [0, 1] or array of colors
+ """
+ return self._lineBgColor
+ def setLineBgColor(self, color, copy=True):
+ """Set item color
+ :param color: color(s) to be used
+ :type color: str ("#RRGGBB") or (npoints, 4) unsigned byte array or
+ one of the predefined color names defined in
+ :param bool copy: True (Default) to get a copy,
+ False to use internal representation (do not modify!)
+ """
+ if color is not None:
+ if isinstance(color, str):
+ color = colors.rgba(color)
+ else:
+ color = numpy.array(color, copy=copy)
+ # TODO more checks + improve color array support
+ if color.ndim == 1: # Single RGBA color
+ color = colors.rgba(color)
+ else: # Array of colors
+ assert color.ndim == 2
+ self._lineBgColor = color
+ self._updated(ItemChangedType.LINE_BG_COLOR)
+class BoundingRect(DataItem, YAxisMixIn):
+ """An invisible shape which enforce the plot view to display the defined
+ space on autoscale.
+ This item do not display anything. But if the visible property is true,
+ this bounding box is used by the plot, if not, the bounding box is
+ ignored. That's the default behaviour for plot items.
+ It can be applied on the "left" or "right" axes. Not both at the same time.
+ """
+ def __init__(self):
+ DataItem.__init__(self)
+ YAxisMixIn.__init__(self)
+ self.__bounds = None
+ def setBounds(self, rect):
+ """Set the bounding box of this item in data coordinates
+ :param Union[None,List[float]] rect: (xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax) or None
+ """
+ if rect is not None:
+ rect = float(rect[0]), float(rect[1]), float(rect[2]), float(rect[3])
+ assert rect[0] <= rect[1]
+ assert rect[2] <= rect[3]
+ if rect != self.__bounds:
+ self.__bounds = rect
+ self._boundsChanged()
+ self._updated(ItemChangedType.DATA)
+ def _getBounds(self):
+ if self.__bounds is None:
+ return None
+ plot = self.getPlot()
+ if plot is not None:
+ xPositive = plot.getXAxis()._isLogarithmic()
+ yPositive = plot.getYAxis()._isLogarithmic()
+ if xPositive or yPositive:
+ bounds = list(self.__bounds)
+ if xPositive and bounds[1] <= 0:
+ return None
+ if xPositive and bounds[0] <= 0:
+ bounds[0] = bounds[1]
+ if yPositive and bounds[3] <= 0:
+ return None
+ if yPositive and bounds[2] <= 0:
+ bounds[2] = bounds[3]
+ return tuple(bounds)
+ return self.__bounds
+class _BaseExtent(DataItem):
+ """Base class for :class:`XAxisExtent` and :class:`YAxisExtent`.
+ :param str axis: Either 'x' or 'y'.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, axis='x'):
+ assert axis in ('x', 'y')
+ DataItem.__init__(self)
+ self.__axis = axis
+ self.__range = 1., 100.
+ def setRange(self, min_, max_):
+ """Set the range of the extent of this item in data coordinates.
+ :param float min_: Lower bound of the extent
+ :param float max_: Upper bound of the extent
+ :raises ValueError: If min > max or not finite bounds
+ """
+ range_ = float(min_), float(max_)
+ if not numpy.all(numpy.isfinite(range_)):
+ raise ValueError("min_ and max_ must be finite numbers.")
+ if range_[0] > range_[1]:
+ raise ValueError("min_ must be lesser or equal to max_")
+ if range_ != self.__range:
+ self.__range = range_
+ self._boundsChanged()
+ self._updated(ItemChangedType.DATA)
+ def getRange(self):
+ """Returns the range (min, max) of the extent in data coordinates.
+ :rtype: List[float]
+ """
+ return self.__range
+ def _getBounds(self):
+ min_, max_ = self.getRange()
+ plot = self.getPlot()
+ if plot is not None:
+ axis = plot.getXAxis() if self.__axis == 'x' else plot.getYAxis()
+ if axis._isLogarithmic():
+ if max_ <= 0:
+ return None
+ if min_ <= 0:
+ min_ = max_
+ if self.__axis == 'x':
+ return min_, max_, float('nan'), float('nan')
+ else:
+ return float('nan'), float('nan'), min_, max_
+class XAxisExtent(_BaseExtent):
+ """Invisible item with a settable horizontal data extent.
+ This item do not display anything, but it behaves as a data
+ item with a horizontal extent regarding plot data bounds, i.e.,
+ :meth:`PlotWidget.resetZoom` will take this horizontal extent into account.
+ """
+ def __init__(self):
+ _BaseExtent.__init__(self, axis='x')
+class YAxisExtent(_BaseExtent, YAxisMixIn):
+ """Invisible item with a settable vertical data extent.
+ This item do not display anything, but it behaves as a data
+ item with a vertical extent regarding plot data bounds, i.e.,
+ :meth:`PlotWidget.resetZoom` will take this vertical extent into account.
+ """
+ def __init__(self):
+ _BaseExtent.__init__(self, axis='y')
+ YAxisMixIn.__init__(self)