path: root/src/silx/gui/plot/test/
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+# /*##########################################################################
+# Copyright (c) 2016-2023 European Synchrotron Radiation Facility
+# Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
+# of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
+# in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
+# to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
+# copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
+# furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
+# The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
+# all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
+# ###########################################################################*/
+"""Basic tests for PlotWidget"""
+__authors__ = ["T. Vincent"]
+__license__ = "MIT"
+__date__ = "03/01/2019"
+import unittest
+import numpy
+import pytest
+from silx.utils.testutils import ParametricTestCase
+from silx.gui.utils.testutils import SignalListener
+from silx.gui.utils.testutils import TestCaseQt
+from silx.gui import qt
+from silx.gui.plot import PlotWidget
+from silx.gui.plot.items import BoundingRect, XAxisExtent, YAxisExtent, Axis
+from silx.gui.colors import Colormap
+from .utils import PlotWidgetTestCase
+SIZE = 1024
+"""Size of the test image"""
+DATA_2D = numpy.arange(SIZE**2).reshape(SIZE, SIZE)
+"""Image data set"""
+class TestSpecialBackend(PlotWidgetTestCase, ParametricTestCase):
+ def __init__(self, methodName="runTest", backend=None):
+ TestCaseQt.__init__(self, methodName=methodName)
+ self.__backend = backend
+ def _createPlot(self):
+ return PlotWidget(backend=self.__backend)
+ def testPlot(self):
+ self.assertIsNotNone(self.plot)
+class TestPlotWidget(PlotWidgetTestCase, ParametricTestCase):
+ """Basic tests for PlotWidget"""
+ def testShow(self):
+ """Most basic test"""
+ pass
+ def testSetTitleLabels(self):
+ """Set title and axes labels"""
+ title, xlabel, ylabel = "the title", "x label", "y label"
+ self.plot.setGraphTitle(title)
+ self.plot.getXAxis().setLabel(xlabel)
+ self.plot.getYAxis().setLabel(ylabel)
+ self.qapp.processEvents()
+ self.assertEqual(self.plot.getGraphTitle(), title)
+ self.assertEqual(self.plot.getXAxis().getLabel(), xlabel)
+ self.assertEqual(self.plot.getYAxis().getLabel(), ylabel)
+ def _checkLimits(self, expectedXLim=None, expectedYLim=None, expectedRatio=None):
+ """Assert that limits are as expected"""
+ xlim = self.plot.getXAxis().getLimits()
+ ylim = self.plot.getYAxis().getLimits()
+ ratio = abs(xlim[1] - xlim[0]) / abs(ylim[1] - ylim[0])
+ if expectedXLim is not None:
+ self.assertEqual(expectedXLim, xlim)
+ if expectedYLim is not None:
+ self.assertEqual(expectedYLim, ylim)
+ if expectedRatio is not None:
+ self.assertTrue(numpy.allclose(expectedRatio, ratio, atol=0.01))
+ def testChangeLimitsWithAspectRatio(self):
+ self.plot.setKeepDataAspectRatio()
+ self.qapp.processEvents()
+ xlim = self.plot.getXAxis().getLimits()
+ ylim = self.plot.getYAxis().getLimits()
+ defaultRatio = abs(xlim[1] - xlim[0]) / abs(ylim[1] - ylim[0])
+ self.plot.getXAxis().setLimits(1.0, 10.0)
+ self._checkLimits(expectedXLim=(1.0, 10.0), expectedRatio=defaultRatio)
+ self.qapp.processEvents()
+ self._checkLimits(expectedXLim=(1.0, 10.0), expectedRatio=defaultRatio)
+ self.plot.getYAxis().setLimits(1.0, 10.0)
+ self._checkLimits(expectedYLim=(1.0, 10.0), expectedRatio=defaultRatio)
+ self.qapp.processEvents()
+ self._checkLimits(expectedYLim=(1.0, 10.0), expectedRatio=defaultRatio)
+ def testResizeWidget(self):
+ """Test resizing the widget and receiving limitsChanged events"""
+ self.plot.resize(200, 200)
+ self.qapp.processEvents()
+ self.qWait(100)
+ xlim = self.plot.getXAxis().getLimits()
+ ylim = self.plot.getYAxis().getLimits()
+ listener = SignalListener()
+ self.plot.getXAxis().sigLimitsChanged.connect(listener.partial("x"))
+ self.plot.getYAxis().sigLimitsChanged.connect(listener.partial("y"))
+ # Resize without aspect ratio
+ self.plot.resize(200, 300)
+ self.qapp.processEvents()
+ self.qWait(100)
+ self._checkLimits(expectedXLim=xlim, expectedYLim=ylim)
+ self.assertEqual(listener.callCount(), 0)
+ # Resize with aspect ratio
+ self.plot.setKeepDataAspectRatio(True)
+ self.qapp.processEvents()
+ self.qWait(1000)
+ listener.clear() # Clean-up received signal
+ self.plot.resize(200, 200)
+ self.qapp.processEvents()
+ self.qWait(100)
+ self.assertNotEqual(listener.callCount(), 0)
+ def testAddRemoveItemSignals(self):
+ """Test sigItemAdded and sigItemAboutToBeRemoved"""
+ listener = SignalListener()
+ self.plot.sigItemAdded.connect(listener.partial("add"))
+ self.plot.sigItemAboutToBeRemoved.connect(listener.partial("remove"))
+ self.plot.addCurve((1, 2, 3), (3, 2, 1), legend="curve")
+ self.assertEqual(listener.callCount(), 1)
+ curve = self.plot.getCurve("curve")
+ self.plot.remove("curve")
+ self.assertEqual(listener.callCount(), 2)
+ self.assertEqual(listener.arguments(callIndex=0), ("add", curve))
+ self.assertEqual(listener.arguments(callIndex=1), ("remove", curve))
+ def testGetItems(self):
+ """Test getItems method"""
+ curve_x = 1, 2
+ self.plot.addCurve(curve_x, (3, 4))
+ image = (0, 1), (2, 3)
+ self.plot.addImage(image)
+ scatter_x = 10, 11
+ self.plot.addScatter(scatter_x, (12, 13), (0, 1))
+ marker_pos = 5, 5
+ self.plot.addMarker(*marker_pos)
+ marker_x = 6
+ self.plot.addXMarker(marker_x)
+ self.plot.addShape((0, 5), (2, 10), shape="rectangle")
+ items = self.plot.getItems()
+ self.assertEqual(len(items), 6)
+ self.assertTrue(numpy.all(numpy.equal(items[0].getXData(), curve_x)))
+ self.assertTrue(numpy.all(numpy.equal(items[1].getData(), image)))
+ self.assertTrue(numpy.all(numpy.equal(items[2].getXData(), scatter_x)))
+ self.assertTrue(numpy.all(numpy.equal(items[3].getPosition(), marker_pos)))
+ self.assertTrue(numpy.all(numpy.equal(items[4].getPosition()[0], marker_x)))
+ self.assertEqual(items[5].getType(), "rectangle")
+ def testRemoveDiscardItem(self):
+ """Test removeItem and discardItem"""
+ self.plot.addCurve((1, 2, 3), (1, 2, 3))
+ curve = self.plot.getItems()[0]
+ self.plot.removeItem(curve)
+ with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
+ self.plot.removeItem(curve)
+ self.plot.addCurve((1, 2, 3), (1, 2, 3))
+ curve = self.plot.getItems()[0]
+ result = self.plot.discardItem(curve)
+ self.assertTrue(result)
+ result = self.plot.discardItem(curve)
+ self.assertFalse(result)
+ def testBackGroundColors(self):
+ self.plot.setVisible(True)
+ self.qWaitForWindowExposed(self.plot)
+ self.qapp.processEvents()
+ # Custom the full background
+ color = self.plot.getBackgroundColor()
+ self.assertTrue(color.isValid())
+ self.assertEqual(color, qt.QColor(255, 255, 255))
+ self.plot.setBackgroundColor("red")
+ color = self.plot.getBackgroundColor()
+ self.assertTrue(color.isValid())
+ self.qapp.processEvents()
+ # Custom the data background
+ color = self.plot.getDataBackgroundColor()
+ self.assertFalse(color.isValid())
+ self.plot.setDataBackgroundColor("red")
+ color = self.plot.getDataBackgroundColor()
+ self.assertTrue(color.isValid())
+ self.qapp.processEvents()
+ # Back to default
+ self.plot.setBackgroundColor("white")
+ self.plot.setDataBackgroundColor(None)
+ color = self.plot.getBackgroundColor()
+ self.assertTrue(color.isValid())
+ self.assertEqual(color, qt.QColor(255, 255, 255))
+ color = self.plot.getDataBackgroundColor()
+ self.assertFalse(color.isValid())
+ self.qapp.processEvents()
+class TestPlotImage(PlotWidgetTestCase, ParametricTestCase):
+ """Basic tests for addImage"""
+ def setUp(self):
+ super(TestPlotImage, self).setUp()
+ self.plot.getYAxis().setLabel("Rows")
+ self.plot.getXAxis().setLabel("Columns")
+ def testPlotColormapTemperature(self):
+ self.plot.setGraphTitle("Temp. Linear")
+ colormap = Colormap(
+ name="temperature", normalization="linear", vmin=None, vmax=None
+ )
+ self.plot.addImage(DATA_2D, legend="image 1", colormap=colormap)
+ def testPlotColormapGray(self):
+ self.plot.setKeepDataAspectRatio(False)
+ self.plot.setGraphTitle("Gray Linear")
+ colormap = Colormap(name="gray", normalization="linear", vmin=None, vmax=None)
+ self.plot.addImage(DATA_2D, legend="image 1", colormap=colormap)
+ def testPlotColormapTemperatureLog(self):
+ self.plot.setGraphTitle("Temp. Log")
+ colormap = Colormap(
+ name="temperature", normalization=Colormap.LOGARITHM, vmin=None, vmax=None
+ )
+ self.plot.addImage(DATA_2D, legend="image 1", colormap=colormap)
+ def testPlotRgbRgba(self):
+ self.plot.setKeepDataAspectRatio(False)
+ self.plot.setGraphTitle("RGB + RGBA")
+ rgb = numpy.array(
+ (
+ ((0, 0, 0), (128, 0, 0), (255, 0, 0)),
+ ((0, 128, 0), (0, 128, 128), (0, 128, 255)),
+ ),
+ dtype=numpy.uint8,
+ )
+ self.plot.addImage(
+ rgb, legend="rgb_uint8", origin=(0, 0), scale=(1, 1), resetzoom=False
+ )
+ rgb = numpy.array(
+ (
+ ((0, 0, 0), (32768, 0, 0), (65535, 0, 0)),
+ ((0, 32768, 0), (0, 32768, 32768), (0, 32768, 65535)),
+ ),
+ dtype=numpy.uint16,
+ )
+ self.plot.addImage(
+ rgb, legend="rgb_uint16", origin=(3, 2), scale=(2, 2), resetzoom=False
+ )
+ rgba = numpy.array(
+ (
+ ((0, 0, 0, 0.5), (0.5, 0, 0, 1), (1, 0, 0, 0.5)),
+ ((0, 0.5, 0, 1), (0, 0.5, 0.5, 1), (0, 1, 1, 0.5)),
+ ),
+ dtype=numpy.float32,
+ )
+ self.plot.addImage(
+ rgba, legend="rgba_float32", origin=(9, 6), scale=(1, 1), resetzoom=False
+ )
+ self.plot.resetZoom()
+ def testPlotColormapCustom(self):
+ self.plot.setKeepDataAspectRatio(False)
+ self.plot.setGraphTitle("Custom colormap")
+ colormap = Colormap(
+ name=None,
+ normalization=Colormap.LINEAR,
+ vmin=None,
+ vmax=None,
+ colors=((0.0, 0.0, 0.0), (1.0, 0.0, 0.0), (0.0, 1.0, 0.0), (0.0, 0.0, 1.0)),
+ )
+ self.plot.addImage(
+ DATA_2D, legend="image 1", colormap=colormap, resetzoom=False
+ )
+ colormap = Colormap(
+ name=None,
+ normalization=Colormap.LINEAR,
+ vmin=None,
+ vmax=None,
+ colors=numpy.array(
+ (
+ (0, 0, 0, 0),
+ (0, 0, 0, 128),
+ (128, 128, 128, 128),
+ (255, 255, 255, 255),
+ ),
+ dtype=numpy.uint8,
+ ),
+ )
+ self.plot.addImage(
+ DATA_2D,
+ legend="image 2",
+ colormap=colormap,
+ origin=(DATA_2D.shape[0], 0),
+ resetzoom=False,
+ )
+ self.plot.resetZoom()
+ def testPlotColormapNaNColor(self):
+ self.plot.setKeepDataAspectRatio(False)
+ self.plot.setGraphTitle("Colormap with NaN color")
+ colormap = Colormap()
+ colormap.setNaNColor("red")
+ self.assertEqual(colormap.getNaNColor(), qt.QColor(255, 0, 0))
+ data = DATA_2D.astype(numpy.float32)
+ data[len(data) // 2 :] = numpy.nan
+ self.plot.addImage(data, legend="image 1", colormap=colormap, resetzoom=False)
+ self.plot.resetZoom()
+ colormap.setNaNColor((0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 1.0))
+ self.assertEqual(colormap.getNaNColor(), qt.QColor(0, 255, 0))
+ self.qapp.processEvents()
+ def testImageOriginScale(self):
+ """Test of image with different origin and scale"""
+ self.plot.setGraphTitle("origin and scale")
+ tests = [ # (origin, scale)
+ ((10, 20), (1, 1)),
+ ((10, 20), (-1, -1)),
+ ((-10, 20), (2, 1)),
+ ((10, -20), (-1, -2)),
+ (100, 2),
+ (-100, (1, 1)),
+ ((10, 20), 2),
+ ]
+ for origin, scale in tests:
+ with self.subTest(origin=origin, scale=scale):
+ self.plot.addImage(DATA_2D, origin=origin, scale=scale)
+ try:
+ ox, oy = origin
+ except TypeError:
+ ox, oy = origin, origin
+ try:
+ sx, sy = scale
+ except TypeError:
+ sx, sy = scale, scale
+ xbounds = ox, ox + DATA_2D.shape[1] * sx
+ ybounds = oy, oy + DATA_2D.shape[0] * sy
+ # Check limits without aspect ratio
+ xmin, xmax = self.plot.getXAxis().getLimits()
+ ymin, ymax = self.plot.getYAxis().getLimits()
+ self.assertEqual(xmin, min(xbounds))
+ self.assertEqual(xmax, max(xbounds))
+ self.assertEqual(ymin, min(ybounds))
+ self.assertEqual(ymax, max(ybounds))
+ # Check limits with aspect ratio
+ self.plot.setKeepDataAspectRatio(True)
+ xmin, xmax = self.plot.getXAxis().getLimits()
+ ymin, ymax = self.plot.getYAxis().getLimits()
+ self.assertTrue(round(xmin, 7) <= min(xbounds))
+ self.assertTrue(round(xmax, 7) >= max(xbounds))
+ self.assertTrue(round(ymin, 7) <= min(ybounds))
+ self.assertTrue(round(ymax, 7) >= max(ybounds))
+ self.plot.setKeepDataAspectRatio(False) # Reset aspect ratio
+ self.plot.clear()
+ self.plot.resetZoom()
+ def testPlotColormapDictAPI(self):
+ """Test that the addImage API using a colormap dictionary is still
+ working"""
+ self.plot.setGraphTitle("Temp. Log")
+ colormap = {
+ "name": "temperature",
+ "normalization": "log",
+ "vmin": None,
+ "vmax": None,
+ }
+ self.plot.addImage(DATA_2D, legend="image 1", colormap=colormap)
+ def testPlotComplexImage(self):
+ """Test that a complex image is displayed as its absolute value."""
+ data = numpy.linspace(1, 1j, 100).reshape(10, 10)
+ self.plot.addImage(data, legend="complex")
+ image = self.plot.getActiveImage()
+ retrievedData = image.getData(copy=False)
+ self.assertTrue(numpy.all(numpy.equal(retrievedData, numpy.absolute(data))))
+ def testPlotBooleanImage(self):
+ """Test that a boolean image is displayed and converted to int8."""
+ data = numpy.zeros((10, 10), dtype=bool)
+ data[::2, ::2] = True
+ self.plot.addImage(data, legend="boolean")
+ image = self.plot.getActiveImage()
+ retrievedData = image.getData(copy=False)
+ self.assertTrue(numpy.all(numpy.equal(retrievedData, data)))
+ self.assertIs(retrievedData.dtype.type, numpy.int8)
+ def testPlotAlphaImage(self):
+ """Test with an alpha image layer"""
+ data = numpy.random.random((10, 10))
+ alpha = numpy.linspace(0, 1, 100).reshape(10, 10)
+ self.plot.addImage(data, legend="image")
+ image = self.plot.getActiveImage()
+ image.setData(data, alpha=alpha)
+ self.qapp.processEvents()
+ self.assertTrue(numpy.array_equal(alpha, image.getAlphaData()))
+class TestPlotCurve(PlotWidgetTestCase):
+ """Basic tests for addCurve."""
+ # Test data sets
+ xData = numpy.arange(1000)
+ yData = -500 + 100 * numpy.sin(xData)
+ xData2 = xData + 1000
+ yData2 = xData - 1000 + 200 * numpy.random.random(1000)
+ def setUp(self):
+ super(TestPlotCurve, self).setUp()
+ self.plot.setGraphTitle("Curve")
+ self.plot.getYAxis().setLabel("Rows")
+ self.plot.getXAxis().setLabel("Columns")
+ self.plot.setActiveCurveHandling(False)
+ def testPlotCurveInfinite(self):
+ """Test plot curves with not finite data"""
+ tests = {
+ "y all not finite": ([0, 1, 2], [numpy.inf, numpy.nan, -numpy.inf]),
+ "x all not finite": ([numpy.inf, numpy.nan, -numpy.inf], [0, 1, 2]),
+ "x some inf": ([0, numpy.inf, 2], [0, 1, 2]),
+ "y some inf": ([0, 1, 2], [0, numpy.inf, 2]),
+ }
+ for name, args in tests.items():
+ with self.subTest(name):
+ self.plot.addCurve(*args)
+ self.plot.resetZoom()
+ self.qapp.processEvents()
+ self.plot.clear()
+ def testPlotCurveColorFloat(self):
+ color = numpy.array(numpy.random.random(3 * 1000), dtype=numpy.float32).reshape(
+ 1000, 3
+ )
+ self.plot.addCurve(
+ self.xData,
+ self.yData,
+ legend="curve 1",
+ replace=False,
+ resetzoom=False,
+ color=color,
+ linestyle="",
+ symbol="s",
+ )
+ self.plot.addCurve(
+ self.xData2,
+ self.yData2,
+ legend="curve 2",
+ replace=False,
+ resetzoom=False,
+ color="green",
+ linestyle="-",
+ symbol="o",
+ )
+ self.plot.resetZoom()
+ def testPlotCurveColorByte(self):
+ color = numpy.array(
+ 255 * numpy.random.random(3 * 1000), dtype=numpy.uint8
+ ).reshape(1000, 3)
+ self.plot.addCurve(
+ self.xData,
+ self.yData,
+ legend="curve 1",
+ replace=False,
+ resetzoom=False,
+ color=color,
+ linestyle="",
+ symbol="s",
+ )
+ self.plot.addCurve(
+ self.xData2,
+ self.yData2,
+ legend="curve 2",
+ replace=False,
+ resetzoom=False,
+ color="green",
+ linestyle="-",
+ symbol="o",
+ )
+ self.plot.resetZoom()
+ def testPlotCurveColors(self):
+ color = numpy.array(numpy.random.random(3 * 1000), dtype=numpy.float32).reshape(
+ 1000, 3
+ )
+ self.plot.addCurve(
+ self.xData,
+ self.yData,
+ legend="curve 2",
+ replace=False,
+ resetzoom=False,
+ color=color,
+ linestyle="-",
+ symbol="o",
+ )
+ self.plot.resetZoom()
+ # Test updating color array
+ # From array to array
+ newColors = numpy.ones((len(self.xData), 3), dtype=numpy.float32)
+ self.plot.addCurve(
+ self.xData,
+ self.yData,
+ legend="curve 2",
+ replace=False,
+ resetzoom=False,
+ color=newColors,
+ symbol="o",
+ )
+ # Array to single color
+ self.plot.addCurve(
+ self.xData,
+ self.yData,
+ legend="curve 2",
+ replace=False,
+ resetzoom=False,
+ color="green",
+ symbol="o",
+ )
+ # single color to array
+ self.plot.addCurve(
+ self.xData,
+ self.yData,
+ legend="curve 2",
+ replace=False,
+ resetzoom=False,
+ color=color,
+ symbol="o",
+ )
+ def testPlotBaselineNumpyArray(self):
+ """simple test of the API with baseline as a numpy array"""
+ x = numpy.arange(0, 10, step=0.1)
+ my_sin = numpy.sin(x)
+ y = numpy.arange(-4, 6, step=0.1) + my_sin
+ baseline = y - 1.0
+ self.plot.addCurve(
+ x=x, y=y, color="grey", legend="curve1", fill=True, baseline=baseline
+ )
+ def testPlotBaselineScalar(self):
+ """simple test of the API with baseline as an int"""
+ x = numpy.arange(0, 10, step=0.1)
+ my_sin = numpy.sin(x)
+ y = numpy.arange(-4, 6, step=0.1) + my_sin
+ self.plot.addCurve(
+ x=x, y=y, color="grey", legend="curve1", fill=True, baseline=0
+ )
+ def testPlotBaselineList(self):
+ """simple test of the API with baseline as an int"""
+ x = numpy.arange(0, 10, step=0.1)
+ my_sin = numpy.sin(x)
+ y = numpy.arange(-4, 6, step=0.1) + my_sin
+ self.plot.addCurve(
+ x=x,
+ y=y,
+ color="grey",
+ legend="curve1",
+ fill=True,
+ baseline=list(range(0, 100, 1)),
+ )
+ def testPlotCurveComplexData(self):
+ """Test curve with complex data"""
+ data = numpy.arange(100.0) + 1j
+ self.plot.addCurve(x=data, y=data, xerror=data, yerror=data)
+ def testPlotCurveGapColor(self):
+ """Test dashed curve with gap color"""
+ data = numpy.arange(100)
+ self.plot.addCurve(
+ x=data, y=data, legend="curve1", linestyle="--", color="blue"
+ )
+ curve = self.plot.getCurve("curve1")
+ assert curve.getLineGapColor() is None
+ curve.setLineGapColor("red")
+ assert curve.getLineGapColor() == (1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0)
+class TestPlotHistogram(PlotWidgetTestCase):
+ """Basic tests for add Histogram"""
+ def setUp(self):
+ super(TestPlotHistogram, self).setUp()
+ self.edges = numpy.arange(0, 10, step=1)
+ self.histogram = numpy.random.random(len(self.edges))
+ def testPlot(self):
+ self.plot.addHistogram(
+ histogram=self.histogram, edges=self.edges, legend="histogram1"
+ )
+ def testPlotBaseline(self):
+ self.plot.addHistogram(
+ histogram=self.histogram,
+ edges=self.edges,
+ legend="histogram1",
+ color="blue",
+ baseline=-2,
+ z=2,
+ fill=True,
+ )
+ def testPlotGapColor(self):
+ """Test dashed histogram with gap color"""
+ data = numpy.arange(100)
+ self.plot.addHistogram(
+ histogram=self.histogram,
+ edges=self.edges,
+ legend="histogram1",
+ color="blue",
+ )
+ histogram = self.plot.getItems()[0]
+ assert histogram.getLineGapColor() is None
+ histogram.setLineGapColor("red")
+ assert histogram.getLineGapColor() == (1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0)
+ histogram.setLineStyle(":")
+class TestPlotScatter(PlotWidgetTestCase, ParametricTestCase):
+ """Basic tests for addScatter"""
+ def testScatter(self):
+ x = numpy.arange(100)
+ y = numpy.arange(100)
+ value = numpy.arange(100)
+ self.plot.addScatter(x, y, value)
+ self.plot.resetZoom()
+ def testScatterComplexData(self):
+ """Test scatter item with complex data"""
+ data = numpy.arange(100.0) + 1j
+ self.plot.addScatter(x=data, y=data, value=data, xerror=data, yerror=data)
+ self.plot.resetZoom()
+ def testScatterVisualization(self):
+ self.plot.addScatter((0, 1, 0, 1), (0, 0, 2, 2), (0, 1, 2, 3))
+ self.plot.resetZoom()
+ self.qapp.processEvents()
+ scatter = self.plot.getItems()[0]
+ for visualization in (
+ "solid",
+ "points",
+ "regular_grid",
+ "irregular_grid",
+ "binned_statistic",
+ scatter.Visualization.SOLID,
+ scatter.Visualization.POINTS,
+ scatter.Visualization.REGULAR_GRID,
+ scatter.Visualization.IRREGULAR_GRID,
+ scatter.Visualization.BINNED_STATISTIC,
+ ):
+ with self.subTest(visualization=visualization):
+ scatter.setVisualization(visualization)
+ self.qapp.processEvents()
+ def testGridVisualization(self):
+ """Test regular and irregular grid mode with different points"""
+ points = { # name: (x, y, order)
+ "single point": ((1.0,), (1.0,), "row"),
+ "horizontal line": ((0, 1, 2), (0, 0, 0), "row"),
+ "horizontal line backward": ((2, 1, 0), (0, 0, 0), "row"),
+ "vertical line": ((0, 0, 0), (0, 1, 2), "row"),
+ "vertical line backward": ((0, 0, 0), (2, 1, 0), "row"),
+ "grid fast x, +x +y": ((0, 1, 2, 0, 1, 2), (0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1), "row"),
+ "grid fast x, +x -y": ((0, 1, 2, 0, 1, 2), (1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0), "row"),
+ "grid fast x, -x -y": ((2, 1, 0, 2, 1, 0), (1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0), "row"),
+ "grid fast x, -x +y": ((2, 1, 0, 2, 1, 0), (0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1), "row"),
+ "grid fast y, +x +y": ((0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1), (0, 1, 2, 0, 1, 2), "column"),
+ "grid fast y, +x -y": ((0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1), (2, 1, 0, 2, 1, 0), "column"),
+ "grid fast y, -x -y": ((1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0), (2, 1, 0, 2, 1, 0), "column"),
+ "grid fast y, -x +y": ((1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0), (0, 1, 2, 0, 1, 2), "column"),
+ }
+ self.plot.addScatter((), (), ())
+ scatter = self.plot.getItems()[0]
+ self.qapp.processEvents()
+ for visualization in (
+ scatter.Visualization.REGULAR_GRID,
+ scatter.Visualization.IRREGULAR_GRID,
+ ):
+ scatter.setVisualization(visualization)
+ self.assertIs(scatter.getVisualization(), visualization)
+ for name, (x, y, ref_order) in points.items():
+ with self.subTest(name=name,
+ scatter.setData(x, y, numpy.arange(len(x)))
+ self.plot.setGraphTitle(name)
+ self.plot.resetZoom()
+ self.qapp.processEvents()
+ order = scatter.getCurrentVisualizationParameter(
+ scatter.VisualizationParameter.GRID_MAJOR_ORDER
+ )
+ self.assertEqual(ref_order, order)
+ ref_bounds = (x[0], y[0]), (x[-1], y[-1])
+ bounds = scatter.getCurrentVisualizationParameter(
+ scatter.VisualizationParameter.GRID_BOUNDS
+ )
+ self.assertEqual(ref_bounds, bounds)
+ shape = scatter.getCurrentVisualizationParameter(
+ scatter.VisualizationParameter.GRID_SHAPE
+ )
+ self.plot.getXAxis().setLimits(numpy.min(x) - 1, numpy.max(x) + 1)
+ self.plot.getYAxis().setLimits(numpy.min(y) - 1, numpy.max(y) + 1)
+ self.qapp.processEvents()
+ for index, position in enumerate(zip(x, y)):
+ xpixel, ypixel = self.plot.dataToPixel(*position)
+ result = scatter.pick(xpixel, ypixel)
+ self.assertIsNotNone(result)
+ self.assertIs(result.getItem(), scatter)
+ self.assertEqual(result.getIndices(), (index,))
+ def testBinnedStatisticVisualization(self):
+ """Test binned display"""
+ self.plot.addScatter((), (), ())
+ scatter = self.plot.getItems()[0]
+ scatter.setVisualization(scatter.Visualization.BINNED_STATISTIC)
+ self.assertIs(
+ scatter.getVisualization(), scatter.Visualization.BINNED_STATISTIC
+ )
+ self.assertEqual(
+ scatter.getVisualizationParameter(
+ scatter.VisualizationParameter.BINNED_STATISTIC_FUNCTION
+ ),
+ "mean",
+ )
+ self.qapp.processEvents()
+ scatter.setData(*numpy.random.random(300).reshape(3, -1))
+ self.qapp.processEvents()
+ # Update data
+ scatter.setData(*numpy.random.random(3000).reshape(3, -1))
+ self.qapp.processEvents()
+ for reduction in ("count", "sum", "mean"):
+ with self.subTest(reduction=reduction):
+ scatter.setVisualizationParameter(
+ scatter.VisualizationParameter.BINNED_STATISTIC_FUNCTION, reduction
+ )
+ self.assertEqual(
+ scatter.getVisualizationParameter(
+ scatter.VisualizationParameter.BINNED_STATISTIC_FUNCTION
+ ),
+ reduction,
+ )
+ self.qapp.processEvents()
+class TestPlotMarker(PlotWidgetTestCase):
+ """Basic tests for add*Marker"""
+ def setUp(self):
+ super(TestPlotMarker, self).setUp()
+ self.plot.getYAxis().setLabel("Rows")
+ self.plot.getXAxis().setLabel("Columns")
+ self.plot.getXAxis().setAutoScale(False)
+ self.plot.getYAxis().setAutoScale(False)
+ self.plot.setKeepDataAspectRatio(False)
+ self.plot.setLimits(0.0, 100.0, -100.0, 100.0)
+ def testPlotMarkerX(self):
+ self.plot.setGraphTitle("Markers X")
+ markers = [
+ (10.0, "blue", False, False),
+ (20.0, "red", False, False),
+ (40.0, "green", True, False),
+ (60.0, "gray", True, True),
+ (80.0, "black", False, True),
+ ]
+ for x, color, select, drag in markers:
+ name = str(x)
+ if select:
+ name += " sel."
+ if drag:
+ name += " drag"
+ self.plot.addXMarker(x, name, name, color, select, drag)
+ self.plot.resetZoom()
+ def testPlotMarkerY(self):
+ self.plot.setGraphTitle("Markers Y")
+ markers = [
+ (-50.0, "blue", False, False),
+ (-30.0, "red", False, False),
+ (0.0, "green", True, False),
+ (10.0, "gray", True, True),
+ (80.0, "black", False, True),
+ ]
+ for y, color, select, drag in markers:
+ name = str(y)
+ if select:
+ name += " sel."
+ if drag:
+ name += " drag"
+ self.plot.addYMarker(y, name, name, color, select, drag)
+ self.plot.resetZoom()
+ def testPlotMarkerPt(self):
+ self.plot.setGraphTitle("Markers Pt")
+ markers = [
+ (10.0, -50.0, "blue", False, False),
+ (40.0, -30.0, "red", False, False),
+ (50.0, 0.0, "green", True, False),
+ (50.0, 20.0, "gray", True, True),
+ (70.0, 50.0, "black", False, True),
+ ]
+ for x, y, color, select, drag in markers:
+ name = "{0},{1}".format(x, y)
+ if select:
+ name += " sel."
+ if drag:
+ name += " drag"
+ self.plot.addMarker(x, y, name, name, color, select, drag)
+ self.plot.resetZoom()
+ def testPlotMarkerWithoutLegend(self):
+ self.plot.setGraphTitle("Markers without legend")
+ self.plot.getYAxis().setInverted(True)
+ # Markers without legend
+ self.plot.addMarker(10, 10)
+ self.plot.addMarker(10, 20)
+ self.plot.addMarker(40, 50, text="test", symbol=None)
+ self.plot.addMarker(40, 50, text="test", symbol="+")
+ self.plot.addXMarker(25)
+ self.plot.addXMarker(35)
+ self.plot.addXMarker(45, text="test")
+ self.plot.addYMarker(55)
+ self.plot.addYMarker(65)
+ self.plot.addYMarker(75, text="test")
+ self.plot.resetZoom()
+ def testPlotMarkerYAxis(self):
+ # Check only the API
+ item = self.plot.addMarker(10, 10)
+ self.assertEqual(item.getYAxis(), "left")
+ item = self.plot.addMarker(10, 10, yaxis="right")
+ self.assertEqual(item.getYAxis(), "right")
+ item = self.plot.addMarker(10, 10, yaxis="left")
+ self.assertEqual(item.getYAxis(), "left")
+ item = self.plot.addXMarker(10, yaxis="right")
+ self.assertEqual(item.getYAxis(), "right")
+ item = self.plot.addXMarker(10, yaxis="left")
+ self.assertEqual(item.getYAxis(), "left")
+ item = self.plot.addYMarker(10, yaxis="right")
+ self.assertEqual(item.getYAxis(), "right")
+ item = self.plot.addYMarker(10, yaxis="left")
+ self.assertEqual(item.getYAxis(), "left")
+ self.plot.resetZoom()
+# TestPlotItem ################################################################
+class TestPlotItem(PlotWidgetTestCase):
+ """Basic tests for addItem."""
+ # Polygon coordinates and color
+ POLYGONS = [ # legend, x coords, y coords, color
+ ("triangle", numpy.array((10, 30, 50)), numpy.array((55, 70, 55)), "red"),
+ (
+ "square",
+ numpy.array((10, 10, 50, 50)),
+ numpy.array((10, 50, 50, 10)),
+ "green",
+ ),
+ (
+ "star",
+ numpy.array((60, 70, 80, 60, 80)),
+ numpy.array((25, 50, 25, 40, 40)),
+ "blue",
+ ),
+ (
+ "2 triangles-simple",
+ numpy.array((90.0, 95.0, 100.0, numpy.nan, 90.0, 95.0, 100.0)),
+ numpy.array((25.0, 5.0, 25.0, numpy.nan, 30.0, 50.0, 30.0)),
+ "pink",
+ ),
+ (
+ "2 triangles-extra NaN",
+ numpy.array(
+ (
+ numpy.nan,
+ 90.0,
+ 95.0,
+ 100.0,
+ numpy.nan,
+ 0.0,
+ 90.0,
+ 95.0,
+ 100.0,
+ numpy.nan,
+ )
+ ),
+ numpy.array(
+ (
+ 0.0,
+ 55.0,
+ 70.0,
+ 55.0,
+ numpy.nan,
+ numpy.nan,
+ 75.0,
+ 90.0,
+ 75.0,
+ numpy.nan,
+ )
+ ),
+ "black",
+ ),
+ ]
+ # Rectangle coordinantes and color
+ RECTANGLES = [ # legend, x coords, y coords, color
+ ("square 1", numpy.array((1.0, 10.0)), numpy.array((1.0, 10.0)), "red"),
+ ("square 2", numpy.array((10.0, 20.0)), numpy.array((10.0, 20.0)), "green"),
+ ("square 3", numpy.array((20.0, 30.0)), numpy.array((20.0, 30.0)), "blue"),
+ ("rect 1", numpy.array((1.0, 30.0)), numpy.array((35.0, 40.0)), "black"),
+ ("line h", numpy.array((1.0, 30.0)), numpy.array((45.0, 45.0)), "darkRed"),
+ ]
+ def setUp(self):
+ super(TestPlotItem, self).setUp()
+ self.plot.getYAxis().setLabel("Rows")
+ self.plot.getXAxis().setLabel("Columns")
+ self.plot.getXAxis().setAutoScale(False)
+ self.plot.getYAxis().setAutoScale(False)
+ self.plot.setKeepDataAspectRatio(False)
+ self.plot.setLimits(0.0, 100.0, -100.0, 100.0)
+ def testPlotItemPolygonFill(self):
+ for scale in self.SCALES:
+ with self.subTest(scale=scale):
+ self.plot.clear()
+ self.plot.getXAxis().setScale(scale)
+ self.plot.getYAxis().setScale(scale)
+ self.plot.setGraphTitle("Item Fill %s" % scale)
+ for legend, xList, yList, color in self.POLYGONS:
+ self.plot.addShape(
+ xList,
+ yList,
+ legend=legend,
+ replace=False,
+ linestyle="--",
+ shape="polygon",
+ fill=True,
+ color=color,
+ )
+ self.plot.resetZoom()
+ def testPlotItemPolygonNoFill(self):
+ for scale in self.SCALES:
+ with self.subTest(scale=scale):
+ self.plot.clear()
+ self.plot.getXAxis().setScale(scale)
+ self.plot.getYAxis().setScale(scale)
+ self.plot.setGraphTitle("Item No Fill %s" % scale)
+ for legend, xList, yList, color in self.POLYGONS:
+ self.plot.addShape(
+ xList,
+ yList,
+ legend=legend,
+ replace=False,
+ linestyle="--",
+ shape="polygon",
+ fill=False,
+ color=color,
+ )
+ self.plot.resetZoom()
+ def testPlotItemRectangleFill(self):
+ for scale in self.SCALES:
+ with self.subTest(scale=scale):
+ self.plot.clear()
+ self.plot.getXAxis().setScale(scale)
+ self.plot.getYAxis().setScale(scale)
+ self.plot.setGraphTitle("Rectangle Fill %s" % scale)
+ for legend, xList, yList, color in self.RECTANGLES:
+ self.plot.addShape(
+ xList,
+ yList,
+ legend=legend,
+ replace=False,
+ shape="rectangle",
+ fill=True,
+ color=color,
+ )
+ self.plot.resetZoom()
+ def testPlotItemRectangleNoFill(self):
+ for scale in self.SCALES:
+ with self.subTest(scale=scale):
+ self.plot.clear()
+ self.plot.getXAxis().setScale(scale)
+ self.plot.getYAxis().setScale(scale)
+ self.plot.setGraphTitle("Rectangle No Fill %s" % scale)
+ for legend, xList, yList, color in self.RECTANGLES:
+ self.plot.addShape(
+ xList,
+ yList,
+ legend=legend,
+ replace=False,
+ shape="rectangle",
+ fill=False,
+ color=color,
+ )
+ self.plot.resetZoom()
+# Log
+class TestPlotEmptyLog(PlotWidgetTestCase):
+ """Basic tests for log plot"""
+ def testEmptyPlotTitleLabelsLog(self):
+ self.plot.setGraphTitle("Empty Log Log")
+ self.plot.getXAxis().setLabel("X")
+ self.plot.getYAxis().setLabel("Y")
+ self.plot.getXAxis()._setLogarithmic(True)
+ self.plot.getYAxis()._setLogarithmic(True)
+ self.plot.resetZoom()
+class TestPlotAxes(TestCaseQt, ParametricTestCase):
+ # Test data
+ xData = numpy.arange(1, 10)
+ yData = xData**2
+ def __init__(self, methodName="runTest", backend=None):
+ unittest.TestCase.__init__(self, methodName)
+ self.__backend = backend
+ def setUp(self):
+ super(TestPlotAxes, self).setUp()
+ self.plot = PlotWidget(backend=self.__backend)
+ # It is not needed to display the plot
+ # It saves a lot of time
+ #
+ # self.qWaitForWindowExposed(self.plot)
+ def tearDown(self):
+ self.qapp.processEvents()
+ self.plot.setAttribute(qt.Qt.WA_DeleteOnClose)
+ self.plot.close()
+ del self.plot
+ super(TestPlotAxes, self).tearDown()
+ def testDefaultAxes(self):
+ axis = self.plot.getXAxis()
+ self.assertEqual(axis.getScale(), axis.LINEAR)
+ axis = self.plot.getYAxis()
+ self.assertEqual(axis.getScale(), axis.LINEAR)
+ axis = self.plot.getYAxis(axis="right")
+ self.assertEqual(axis.getScale(), axis.LINEAR)
+ def testOldPlotAxis_getterSetter(self):
+ """Test silx API prior to silx 0.6"""
+ x = self.plot.getXAxis()
+ y = self.plot.getYAxis()
+ p = self.plot
+ tests = [
+ # setters
+ (p.setGraphXLimits, (10, 20), x.getLimits, (10, 20)),
+ (p.setGraphYLimits, (10, 20), y.getLimits, (10, 20)),
+ (p.setGraphXLabel, "foox", x.getLabel, "foox"),
+ (p.setGraphYLabel, "fooy", y.getLabel, "fooy"),
+ (p.setYAxisInverted, True, y.isInverted, True),
+ (p.setXAxisLogarithmic, True, x.getScale, x.LOGARITHMIC),
+ (p.setYAxisLogarithmic, True, y.getScale, y.LOGARITHMIC),
+ (p.setXAxisAutoScale, False, x.isAutoScale, False),
+ (p.setYAxisAutoScale, False, y.isAutoScale, False),
+ # getters
+ (x.setLimits, (11, 20), p.getGraphXLimits, (11, 20)),
+ (y.setLimits, (11, 20), p.getGraphYLimits, (11, 20)),
+ (x.setLabel, "fooxx", p.getGraphXLabel, "fooxx"),
+ (y.setLabel, "fooyy", p.getGraphYLabel, "fooyy"),
+ (y.setInverted, False, p.isYAxisInverted, False),
+ (x.setScale, x.LINEAR, p.isXAxisLogarithmic, False),
+ (y.setScale, y.LINEAR, p.isYAxisLogarithmic, False),
+ (x.setAutoScale, True, p.isXAxisAutoScale, True),
+ (y.setAutoScale, True, p.isYAxisAutoScale, True),
+ ]
+ for testCase in tests:
+ setter, value, getter, expected = testCase
+ with self.subTest():
+ if setter is not None:
+ if not isinstance(value, tuple):
+ value = (value,)
+ setter(*value)
+ if getter is not None:
+ self.assertEqual(getter(), expected)
+ def testOldPlotAxis_Logarithmic(self):
+ """Test silx API prior to silx 0.6"""
+ x = self.plot.getXAxis()
+ y = self.plot.getYAxis()
+ yright = self.plot.getYAxis(axis="right")
+ self.assertEqual(x.getScale(), x.LINEAR)
+ self.assertEqual(y.getScale(), x.LINEAR)
+ self.assertEqual(yright.getScale(), x.LINEAR)
+ self.plot.setXAxisLogarithmic(True)
+ self.assertEqual(x.getScale(), x.LOGARITHMIC)
+ self.assertEqual(y.getScale(), x.LINEAR)
+ self.assertEqual(yright.getScale(), x.LINEAR)
+ self.assertEqual(self.plot.isXAxisLogarithmic(), True)
+ self.assertEqual(self.plot.isYAxisLogarithmic(), False)
+ self.plot.setYAxisLogarithmic(True)
+ self.assertEqual(x.getScale(), x.LOGARITHMIC)
+ self.assertEqual(y.getScale(), x.LOGARITHMIC)
+ self.assertEqual(yright.getScale(), x.LOGARITHMIC)
+ self.assertEqual(self.plot.isXAxisLogarithmic(), True)
+ self.assertEqual(self.plot.isYAxisLogarithmic(), True)
+ yright.setScale(yright.LINEAR)
+ self.assertEqual(x.getScale(), x.LOGARITHMIC)
+ self.assertEqual(y.getScale(), x.LINEAR)
+ self.assertEqual(yright.getScale(), x.LINEAR)
+ self.assertEqual(self.plot.isXAxisLogarithmic(), True)
+ self.assertEqual(self.plot.isYAxisLogarithmic(), False)
+ def testOldPlotAxis_AutoScale(self):
+ """Test silx API prior to silx 0.6"""
+ x = self.plot.getXAxis()
+ y = self.plot.getYAxis()
+ yright = self.plot.getYAxis(axis="right")
+ self.assertEqual(x.isAutoScale(), True)
+ self.assertEqual(y.isAutoScale(), True)
+ self.assertEqual(yright.isAutoScale(), True)
+ self.plot.setXAxisAutoScale(False)
+ self.assertEqual(x.isAutoScale(), False)
+ self.assertEqual(y.isAutoScale(), True)
+ self.assertEqual(yright.isAutoScale(), True)
+ self.assertEqual(self.plot.isXAxisAutoScale(), False)
+ self.assertEqual(self.plot.isYAxisAutoScale(), True)
+ self.plot.setYAxisAutoScale(False)
+ self.assertEqual(x.isAutoScale(), False)
+ self.assertEqual(y.isAutoScale(), False)
+ self.assertEqual(yright.isAutoScale(), False)
+ self.assertEqual(self.plot.isXAxisAutoScale(), False)
+ self.assertEqual(self.plot.isYAxisAutoScale(), False)
+ yright.setAutoScale(True)
+ self.assertEqual(x.isAutoScale(), False)
+ self.assertEqual(y.isAutoScale(), True)
+ self.assertEqual(yright.isAutoScale(), True)
+ self.assertEqual(self.plot.isXAxisAutoScale(), False)
+ self.assertEqual(self.plot.isYAxisAutoScale(), True)
+ def testOldPlotAxis_Inverted(self):
+ """Test silx API prior to silx 0.6"""
+ x = self.plot.getXAxis()
+ y = self.plot.getYAxis()
+ yright = self.plot.getYAxis(axis="right")
+ self.assertEqual(x.isInverted(), False)
+ self.assertEqual(y.isInverted(), False)
+ self.assertEqual(yright.isInverted(), False)
+ self.plot.setYAxisInverted(True)
+ self.assertEqual(x.isInverted(), False)
+ self.assertEqual(y.isInverted(), True)
+ self.assertEqual(yright.isInverted(), True)
+ self.assertEqual(self.plot.isYAxisInverted(), True)
+ yright.setInverted(False)
+ self.assertEqual(x.isInverted(), False)
+ self.assertEqual(y.isInverted(), False)
+ self.assertEqual(yright.isInverted(), False)
+ self.assertEqual(self.plot.isYAxisInverted(), False)
+ def testLogXWithData(self):
+ self.plot.setGraphTitle("Curve X: Log Y: Linear")
+ self.plot.addCurve(
+ self.xData,
+ self.yData,
+ legend="curve",
+ replace=False,
+ resetzoom=True,
+ color="green",
+ linestyle="-",
+ symbol="o",
+ )
+ axis = self.plot.getXAxis()
+ axis.setScale(axis.LOGARITHMIC)
+ self.assertEqual(axis.getScale(), axis.LOGARITHMIC)
+ def testLogYWithData(self):
+ self.plot.setGraphTitle("Curve X: Linear Y: Log")
+ self.plot.addCurve(
+ self.xData,
+ self.yData,
+ legend="curve",
+ replace=False,
+ resetzoom=True,
+ color="green",
+ linestyle="-",
+ symbol="o",
+ )
+ axis = self.plot.getYAxis()
+ axis.setScale(axis.LOGARITHMIC)
+ self.assertEqual(axis.getScale(), axis.LOGARITHMIC)
+ axis = self.plot.getYAxis(axis="right")
+ self.assertEqual(axis.getScale(), axis.LOGARITHMIC)
+ def testLogYRightWithData(self):
+ self.plot.setGraphTitle("Curve X: Linear Y: Log")
+ self.plot.addCurve(
+ self.xData,
+ self.yData,
+ legend="curve",
+ replace=False,
+ resetzoom=True,
+ color="green",
+ linestyle="-",
+ symbol="o",
+ )
+ axis = self.plot.getYAxis(axis="right")
+ axis.setScale(axis.LOGARITHMIC)
+ self.assertEqual(axis.getScale(), axis.LOGARITHMIC)
+ axis = self.plot.getYAxis()
+ self.assertEqual(axis.getScale(), axis.LOGARITHMIC)
+ def testLimitsChanged_setLimits(self):
+ self.plot.addCurve(
+ self.xData,
+ self.yData,
+ legend="curve",
+ replace=False,
+ resetzoom=False,
+ color="green",
+ linestyle="-",
+ symbol="o",
+ )
+ listener = SignalListener()
+ self.plot.getXAxis().sigLimitsChanged.connect(listener.partial(axis="x"))
+ self.plot.getYAxis().sigLimitsChanged.connect(listener.partial(axis="y"))
+ self.plot.getYAxis(axis="right").sigLimitsChanged.connect(
+ listener.partial(axis="y2")
+ )
+ self.plot.setLimits(0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1)
+ # at least one event per axis
+ self.assertEqual(len(set(listener.karguments(argumentName="axis"))), 3)
+ def testLimitsChanged_resetZoom(self):
+ self.plot.addCurve(
+ self.xData,
+ self.yData,
+ legend="curve",
+ replace=False,
+ resetzoom=False,
+ color="green",
+ linestyle="-",
+ symbol="o",
+ )
+ listener = SignalListener()
+ self.plot.getXAxis().sigLimitsChanged.connect(listener.partial(axis="x"))
+ self.plot.getYAxis().sigLimitsChanged.connect(listener.partial(axis="y"))
+ self.plot.getYAxis(axis="right").sigLimitsChanged.connect(
+ listener.partial(axis="y2")
+ )
+ self.plot.resetZoom()
+ # at least one event per axis
+ self.assertEqual(len(set(listener.karguments(argumentName="axis"))), 3)
+ def testLimitsChanged_setXLimit(self):
+ self.plot.addCurve(
+ self.xData,
+ self.yData,
+ legend="curve",
+ replace=False,
+ resetzoom=False,
+ color="green",
+ linestyle="-",
+ symbol="o",
+ )
+ listener = SignalListener()
+ axis = self.plot.getXAxis()
+ axis.sigLimitsChanged.connect(listener)
+ axis.setLimits(20, 30)
+ # at least one event per axis
+ self.assertEqual(listener.arguments(callIndex=-1), (20.0, 30.0))
+ self.assertEqual(axis.getLimits(), (20.0, 30.0))
+ def testLimitsChanged_setYLimit(self):
+ self.plot.addCurve(
+ self.xData,
+ self.yData,
+ legend="curve",
+ replace=False,
+ resetzoom=False,
+ color="green",
+ linestyle="-",
+ symbol="o",
+ )
+ listener = SignalListener()
+ axis = self.plot.getYAxis()
+ axis.sigLimitsChanged.connect(listener)
+ axis.setLimits(20, 30)
+ # at least one event per axis
+ self.assertEqual(listener.arguments(callIndex=-1), (20.0, 30.0))
+ self.assertEqual(axis.getLimits(), (20.0, 30.0))
+ def testLimitsChanged_setYRightLimit(self):
+ self.plot.addCurve(
+ self.xData,
+ self.yData,
+ legend="curve",
+ replace=False,
+ resetzoom=False,
+ color="green",
+ linestyle="-",
+ symbol="o",
+ )
+ listener = SignalListener()
+ axis = self.plot.getYAxis(axis="right")
+ axis.sigLimitsChanged.connect(listener)
+ axis.setLimits(20, 30)
+ # at least one event per axis
+ self.assertEqual(listener.arguments(callIndex=-1), (20.0, 30.0))
+ self.assertEqual(axis.getLimits(), (20.0, 30.0))
+ def testScaleProxy(self):
+ listener = SignalListener()
+ y = self.plot.getYAxis()
+ yright = self.plot.getYAxis(axis="right")
+ y.sigScaleChanged.connect(listener.partial("left"))
+ yright.sigScaleChanged.connect(listener.partial("right"))
+ yright.setScale(yright.LOGARITHMIC)
+ self.assertEqual(y.getScale(), y.LOGARITHMIC)
+ events = listener.arguments()
+ self.assertEqual(len(events), 2)
+ self.assertIn(("left", y.LOGARITHMIC), events)
+ self.assertIn(("right", y.LOGARITHMIC), events)
+ def testAutoScaleProxy(self):
+ listener = SignalListener()
+ y = self.plot.getYAxis()
+ yright = self.plot.getYAxis(axis="right")
+ y.sigAutoScaleChanged.connect(listener.partial("left"))
+ yright.sigAutoScaleChanged.connect(listener.partial("right"))
+ yright.setAutoScale(False)
+ self.assertEqual(y.isAutoScale(), False)
+ events = listener.arguments()
+ self.assertEqual(len(events), 2)
+ self.assertIn(("left", False), events)
+ self.assertIn(("right", False), events)
+ def testInvertedProxy(self):
+ listener = SignalListener()
+ y = self.plot.getYAxis()
+ yright = self.plot.getYAxis(axis="right")
+ y.sigInvertedChanged.connect(listener.partial("left"))
+ yright.sigInvertedChanged.connect(listener.partial("right"))
+ yright.setInverted(True)
+ self.assertEqual(y.isInverted(), True)
+ events = listener.arguments()
+ self.assertEqual(len(events), 2)
+ self.assertIn(("left", True), events)
+ self.assertIn(("right", True), events)
+ def testAxesDisplayedFalse(self):
+ """Test coverage on setAxesDisplayed(False)"""
+ self.plot.setAxesDisplayed(False)
+ def testAxesDisplayedTrue(self):
+ """Test coverage on setAxesDisplayed(True)"""
+ self.plot.setAxesDisplayed(True)
+ def testAxesMargins(self):
+ """Test PlotWidget's getAxesMargins and setAxesMargins"""
+ self.qWaitForWindowExposed(self.plot)
+ margins = self.plot.getAxesMargins()
+ self.assertEqual(margins, (0.15, 0.1, 0.1, 0.15))
+ for margins in ((0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0), (0.15, 0.1, 0.1, 0.15)):
+ with self.subTest(margins=margins):
+ self.plot.setAxesMargins(*margins)
+ self.qapp.processEvents()
+ self.assertEqual(self.plot.getAxesMargins(), margins)
+ def testBoundingRectItem(self):
+ item = BoundingRect()
+ item.setBounds((-1000, 1000, -2000, 2000))
+ self.plot.addItem(item)
+ self.plot.resetZoom()
+ limits = numpy.array(self.plot.getXAxis().getLimits())
+ numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(limits, numpy.array([-1000, 1000]))
+ limits = numpy.array(self.plot.getYAxis().getLimits())
+ numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(limits, numpy.array([-2000, 2000]))
+ def testBoundingRectRightItem(self):
+ item = BoundingRect()
+ item.setYAxis("right")
+ item.setBounds((-1000, 1000, -2000, 2000))
+ self.plot.addItem(item)
+ self.plot.resetZoom()
+ limits = numpy.array(self.plot.getXAxis().getLimits())
+ numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(limits, numpy.array([-1000, 1000]))
+ limits = numpy.array(self.plot.getYAxis("right").getLimits())
+ numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(limits, numpy.array([-2000, 2000]))
+ def testBoundingRectArguments(self):
+ item = BoundingRect()
+ with self.assertRaises(Exception):
+ item.setBounds((1000, -1000, -2000, 2000))
+ with self.assertRaises(Exception):
+ item.setBounds((-1000, 1000, 2000, -2000))
+ def testBoundingRectWithLog(self):
+ item = BoundingRect()
+ self.plot.addItem(item)
+ item.setBounds((-1000, 1000, -2000, 2000))
+ self.plot.getXAxis()._setLogarithmic(True)
+ self.plot.getYAxis()._setLogarithmic(False)
+ self.assertEqual(item.getBounds(), (1000, 1000, -2000, 2000))
+ item.setBounds((-1000, 1000, -2000, 2000))
+ self.plot.getXAxis()._setLogarithmic(False)
+ self.plot.getYAxis()._setLogarithmic(True)
+ self.assertEqual(item.getBounds(), (-1000, 1000, 2000, 2000))
+ item.setBounds((-1000, 0, -2000, 2000))
+ self.plot.getXAxis()._setLogarithmic(True)
+ self.plot.getYAxis()._setLogarithmic(False)
+ self.assertIsNone(item.getBounds())
+ def testAxisExtent(self):
+ """Test XAxisExtent and yAxisExtent"""
+ for cls, axis in (
+ (XAxisExtent, self.plot.getXAxis()),
+ (YAxisExtent, self.plot.getYAxis()),
+ ):
+ for range_, logRange in (
+ ((2, 3), (2, 3)),
+ ((-2, -1), (1, 100)),
+ ((-1, 3), (3.0 * 0.9, 3.0 * 1.1)),
+ ):
+ extent = cls()
+ extent.setRange(*range_)
+ self.plot.addItem(extent)
+ for isLog, plotRange in ((False, range_), (True, logRange)):
+ with self.subTest(cls=cls.__name__, range=range_, isLog=isLog):
+ axis._setLogarithmic(isLog)
+ self.plot.resetZoom()
+ self.qapp.processEvents()
+ self.assertEqual(axis.getLimits(), plotRange)
+ axis._setLogarithmic(False)
+ self.plot.clear()
+ def testAxisLimitOverflow(self):
+ """Test setting limis beyond supported range"""
+ xaxis, yaxis = self.plot.getXAxis(), self.plot.getYAxis()
+ for scale in ("linear", "log"):
+ xaxis.setScale(scale)
+ yaxis.setScale(scale)
+ for limits in ((1e300, 1e308), (-1e308, 1e308), (1e-300, 2e-300)):
+ with self.subTest(scale=scale, limits=limits):
+ xaxis.setLimits(*limits)
+ self.qapp.processEvents()
+ self.assertNotEqual(xaxis.getLimits(), limits)
+ yaxis.setLimits(*limits)
+ self.qapp.processEvents()
+ self.assertNotEqual(yaxis.getLimits(), limits)
+class TestPlotCurveLog(PlotWidgetTestCase, ParametricTestCase):
+ """Basic tests for addCurve with log scale axes"""
+ # Test data
+ xData = numpy.arange(1000) + 1
+ yData = xData**2
+ def _setLabels(self):
+ self.plot.getXAxis().setLabel("X")
+ self.plot.getYAxis().setLabel("X * X")
+ def testPlotCurveLogX(self):
+ self._setLabels()
+ self.plot.getXAxis()._setLogarithmic(True)
+ self.plot.setGraphTitle("Curve X: Log Y: Linear")
+ self.plot.addCurve(
+ self.xData,
+ self.yData,
+ legend="curve",
+ replace=False,
+ resetzoom=True,
+ color="green",
+ linestyle="-",
+ symbol="o",
+ )
+ def testPlotCurveLogY(self):
+ self._setLabels()
+ self.plot.getYAxis()._setLogarithmic(True)
+ self.plot.setGraphTitle("Curve X: Linear Y: Log")
+ self.plot.addCurve(
+ self.xData,
+ self.yData,
+ legend="curve",
+ replace=False,
+ resetzoom=True,
+ color="green",
+ linestyle="-",
+ symbol="o",
+ )
+ def testPlotCurveLogXY(self):
+ self._setLabels()
+ self.plot.getXAxis()._setLogarithmic(True)
+ self.plot.getYAxis()._setLogarithmic(True)
+ self.plot.setGraphTitle("Curve X: Log Y: Log")
+ self.plot.addCurve(
+ self.xData,
+ self.yData,
+ legend="curve",
+ replace=False,
+ resetzoom=True,
+ color="green",
+ linestyle="-",
+ symbol="o",
+ )
+ def testPlotCurveErrorLogXY(self):
+ self.plot.getXAxis()._setLogarithmic(True)
+ self.plot.getYAxis()._setLogarithmic(True)
+ # Every second error leads to negative number
+ errors = numpy.ones_like(self.xData)
+ errors[::2] = self.xData[::2] + 1
+ tests = [ # name, xerror, yerror
+ ("xerror=3", 3, None),
+ ("xerror=N array", errors, None),
+ ("xerror=Nx1 array", errors.reshape(len(errors), 1), None),
+ ("xerror=2xN array", numpy.array((errors, errors)), None),
+ ("yerror=6", None, 6),
+ ("yerror=N array", None, errors**2),
+ ("yerror=Nx1 array", None, (errors**2).reshape(len(errors), 1)),
+ ("yerror=2xN array", None, numpy.array((errors, errors)) ** 2),
+ ]
+ for name, xError, yError in tests:
+ with self.subTest(name):
+ self.plot.setGraphTitle(name)
+ self.plot.addCurve(
+ self.xData,
+ self.yData,
+ legend=name,
+ xerror=xError,
+ yerror=yError,
+ replace=False,
+ resetzoom=True,
+ color="green",
+ linestyle="-",
+ symbol="o",
+ )
+ self.qapp.processEvents()
+ if xError is None:
+ dataMin, dataMax = numpy.min(self.xData), numpy.max(self.xData)
+ else:
+ xMinusError = self.xData - numpy.atleast_2d(xError)[0]
+ dataMin = numpy.min(xMinusError[xMinusError > 0])
+ xPlusError = self.xData + numpy.atleast_2d(xError)[-1]
+ dataMax = numpy.max(xPlusError[xPlusError > 0])
+ plotMin, plotMax = self.plot.getXAxis().getLimits()
+ assert numpy.allclose((dataMin, dataMax), (plotMin, plotMax))
+ if yError is None:
+ dataMin, dataMax = numpy.min(self.yData), numpy.max(self.yData)
+ else:
+ yMinusError = self.yData - numpy.atleast_2d(yError)[0]
+ dataMin = numpy.min(yMinusError[yMinusError > 0])
+ yPlusError = self.yData + numpy.atleast_2d(yError)[-1]
+ dataMax = numpy.max(yPlusError[yPlusError > 0])
+ plotMin, plotMax = self.plot.getYAxis().getLimits()
+ assert numpy.allclose((dataMin, dataMax), (plotMin, plotMax))
+ self.plot.clear()
+ self.plot.resetZoom()
+ self.qapp.processEvents()
+ def testPlotCurveToggleLog(self):
+ """Add a curve with negative data and toggle log axis"""
+ arange = numpy.arange(1000) + 1
+ tests = [ # name, xData, yData
+ ("x>0, some negative y", arange, arange - 500),
+ ("x>0, y<0", arange, -arange),
+ ("some negative x, y>0", arange - 500, arange),
+ ("x<0, y>0", -arange, arange),
+ ("some negative x and y", arange - 500, arange - 500),
+ ("x<0, y<0", -arange, -arange),
+ ]
+ for name, xData, yData in tests:
+ with self.subTest(name):
+ self.plot.addCurve(xData, yData, resetzoom=True)
+ self.qapp.processEvents()
+ # no log axis
+ xLim = self.plot.getXAxis().getLimits()
+ self.assertEqual(xLim, (min(xData), max(xData)))
+ yLim = self.plot.getYAxis().getLimits()
+ self.assertEqual(yLim, (min(yData), max(yData)))
+ # x axis log
+ self.plot.getXAxis()._setLogarithmic(True)
+ self.qapp.processEvents()
+ xLim = self.plot.getXAxis().getLimits()
+ yLim = self.plot.getYAxis().getLimits()
+ positives = xData > 0
+ if numpy.any(positives):
+ self.assertTrue(
+ numpy.allclose(
+ xLim, (min(xData[positives]), max(xData[positives]))
+ )
+ )
+ else: # No positive x in the curve
+ self.assertEqual(xLim, (1.0, 100.0))
+ self.assertEqual(yLim, (min(yData), max(yData)))
+ # x axis and y axis log
+ previousXLim = self.plot.getXAxis().getLimits()
+ previousYLim = self.plot.getYAxis().getLimits()
+ self.plot.getYAxis()._setLogarithmic(True)
+ self.qapp.processEvents()
+ xLim = self.plot.getXAxis().getLimits()
+ yLim = self.plot.getYAxis().getLimits()
+ self.assertEqual(xLim, previousXLim)
+ positives = numpy.logical_and(xData > 0, yData > 0)
+ if previousYLim[0] > 0:
+ self.assertEqual(yLim, previousYLim)
+ elif numpy.any(positives):
+ expectedLimits = min(yData[positives]), max(yData[positives])
+ self.assertTrue(
+ numpy.allclose(yLim, expectedLimits),
+ f"{yLim} != {expectedLimits}",
+ )
+ else: # No positive x and y in the curve
+ self.assertEqual(yLim, (1.0, 100.0))
+ # y axis log
+ previousXLim = self.plot.getXAxis().getLimits()
+ self.plot.getXAxis()._setLogarithmic(False)
+ self.qapp.processEvents()
+ xLim = self.plot.getXAxis().getLimits()
+ yLim = self.plot.getYAxis().getLimits()
+ self.assertEqual(xLim, previousXLim)
+ positives = yData > 0
+ if numpy.any(positives):
+ self.assertTrue(
+ numpy.allclose(
+ yLim, (min(yData[positives]), max(yData[positives]))
+ )
+ )
+ else: # No positive y in the curve
+ self.assertEqual(yLim, (1.0, 100.0))
+ # no log axis
+ previousXLim = self.plot.getXAxis().getLimits()
+ previousYLim = self.plot.getYAxis().getLimits()
+ self.plot.getYAxis()._setLogarithmic(False)
+ self.qapp.processEvents()
+ xLim = self.plot.getXAxis().getLimits()
+ self.assertEqual(xLim, previousXLim)
+ yLim = self.plot.getYAxis().getLimits()
+ self.assertEqual(yLim, previousYLim)
+ self.plot.clear()
+ self.plot.resetZoom()
+ self.qapp.processEvents()
+class TestPlotImageLog(PlotWidgetTestCase):
+ """Basic tests for addImage with log scale axes."""
+ def setUp(self):
+ super(TestPlotImageLog, self).setUp()
+ self.plot.getXAxis().setLabel("Columns")
+ self.plot.getYAxis().setLabel("Rows")
+ def testPlotColormapGrayLogX(self):
+ self.plot.getXAxis()._setLogarithmic(True)
+ self.plot.setGraphTitle("CMap X: Log Y: Linear")
+ colormap = Colormap(name="gray", normalization="linear", vmin=None, vmax=None)
+ self.plot.addImage(
+ DATA_2D,
+ legend="image 1",
+ origin=(1.0, 1.0),
+ scale=(1.0, 1.0),
+ resetzoom=False,
+ colormap=colormap,
+ )
+ self.plot.resetZoom()
+ def testPlotColormapGrayLogY(self):
+ self.plot.getYAxis()._setLogarithmic(True)
+ self.plot.setGraphTitle("CMap X: Linear Y: Log")
+ colormap = Colormap(name="gray", normalization="linear", vmin=None, vmax=None)
+ self.plot.addImage(
+ DATA_2D,
+ legend="image 1",
+ origin=(1.0, 1.0),
+ scale=(1.0, 1.0),
+ resetzoom=False,
+ colormap=colormap,
+ )
+ self.plot.resetZoom()
+ def testPlotColormapGrayLogXY(self):
+ self.plot.getXAxis()._setLogarithmic(True)
+ self.plot.getYAxis()._setLogarithmic(True)
+ self.plot.setGraphTitle("CMap X: Log Y: Log")
+ colormap = Colormap(name="gray", normalization="linear", vmin=None, vmax=None)
+ self.plot.addImage(
+ DATA_2D,
+ legend="image 1",
+ origin=(1.0, 1.0),
+ scale=(1.0, 1.0),
+ resetzoom=False,
+ colormap=colormap,
+ )
+ self.plot.resetZoom()
+ def testPlotRgbRgbaLogXY(self):
+ self.plot.getXAxis()._setLogarithmic(True)
+ self.plot.getYAxis()._setLogarithmic(True)
+ self.plot.setGraphTitle("RGB + RGBA X: Log Y: Log")
+ rgb = numpy.array(
+ (
+ ((0, 0, 0), (128, 0, 0), (255, 0, 0)),
+ ((0, 128, 0), (0, 128, 128), (0, 128, 255)),
+ ),
+ dtype=numpy.uint8,
+ )
+ self.plot.addImage(
+ rgb, legend="rgb", origin=(1, 1), scale=(10, 10), resetzoom=False
+ )
+ rgba = numpy.array(
+ (
+ ((0, 0, 0, 0.5), (0.5, 0, 0, 1), (1, 0, 0, 0.5)),
+ ((0, 0.5, 0, 1), (0, 0.5, 0.5, 1), (0, 1, 1, 0.5)),
+ ),
+ dtype=numpy.float32,
+ )
+ self.plot.addImage(
+ rgba, legend="rgba", origin=(5.0, 5.0), scale=(10.0, 10.0), resetzoom=False
+ )
+ self.plot.resetZoom()
+class TestPlotMarkerLog(PlotWidgetTestCase):
+ """Basic tests for markers on log scales"""
+ # Test marker parameters
+ markers = [ # x, y, color, selectable, draggable
+ (10.0, 10.0, "blue", False, False),
+ (20.0, 20.0, "red", False, False),
+ (40.0, 100.0, "green", True, False),
+ (40.0, 500.0, "gray", True, True),
+ (60.0, 800.0, "black", False, True),
+ ]
+ def setUp(self):
+ super(TestPlotMarkerLog, self).setUp()
+ self.plot.getYAxis().setLabel("Rows")
+ self.plot.getXAxis().setLabel("Columns")
+ self.plot.getXAxis().setAutoScale(False)
+ self.plot.getYAxis().setAutoScale(False)
+ self.plot.setKeepDataAspectRatio(False)
+ self.plot.setLimits(1.0, 100.0, 1.0, 1000.0)
+ self.plot.getXAxis()._setLogarithmic(True)
+ self.plot.getYAxis()._setLogarithmic(True)
+ def testPlotMarkerXLog(self):
+ self.plot.setGraphTitle("Markers X, Log axes")
+ for x, _, color, select, drag in self.markers:
+ name = str(x)
+ if select:
+ name += " sel."
+ if drag:
+ name += " drag"
+ self.plot.addXMarker(x, name, name, color, select, drag)
+ self.plot.resetZoom()
+ def testPlotMarkerYLog(self):
+ self.plot.setGraphTitle("Markers Y, Log axes")
+ for _, y, color, select, drag in self.markers:
+ name = str(y)
+ if select:
+ name += " sel."
+ if drag:
+ name += " drag"
+ self.plot.addYMarker(y, name, name, color, select, drag)
+ self.plot.resetZoom()
+ def testPlotMarkerPtLog(self):
+ self.plot.setGraphTitle("Markers Pt, Log axes")
+ for x, y, color, select, drag in self.markers:
+ name = "{0},{1}".format(x, y)
+ if select:
+ name += " sel."
+ if drag:
+ name += " drag"
+ self.plot.addMarker(x, y, name, name, color, select, drag)
+ self.plot.resetZoom()
+class TestPlotWidgetSwitchBackend(PlotWidgetTestCase):
+ """Test [get|set]Backend to switch backend"""
+ @pytest.mark.usefixtures("test_options")
+ def testSwitchBackend(self):
+ """Test switching a plot with a few items"""
+ backends = {"none": "BackendBase", "mpl": "BackendMatplotlibQt"}
+ if self.test_options.WITH_GL_TEST:
+ backends["gl"] = "BackendOpenGL"
+ self.plot.addImage(numpy.arange(100).reshape(10, 10))
+ self.plot.addCurve((-3, -2, -1), (1, 2, 3))
+ self.plot.resetZoom()
+ xlimits = self.plot.getXAxis().getLimits()
+ ylimits = self.plot.getYAxis().getLimits()
+ items = self.plot.getItems()
+ self.assertEqual(len(items), 2)
+ for backend, className in backends.items():
+ with self.subTest(backend=backend):
+ self.plot.setBackend(backend)
+ self.plot.replot()
+ retrievedBackend = self.plot.getBackend()
+ self.assertEqual(type(retrievedBackend).__name__, className)
+ self.assertEqual(self.plot.getXAxis().getLimits(), xlimits)
+ self.assertEqual(self.plot.getYAxis().getLimits(), ylimits)
+ self.assertEqual(self.plot.getItems(), items)
+class TestPlotWidget_Gl(TestPlotWidget):
+ backend = "gl"
+class TestPlotImage_Gl(TestPlotImage):
+ backend = "gl"
+class TestPlotCurve_Gl(TestPlotCurve):
+ backend = "gl"
+class TestPlotHistogram_Gl(TestPlotHistogram):
+ backend = "gl"
+class TestPlotScatter_Gl(TestPlotScatter):
+ backend = "gl"
+class TestPlotMarker_Gl(TestPlotMarker):
+ backend = "gl"
+class TestPlotItem_Gl(TestPlotItem):
+ backend = "gl"
+class TestPlotAxes_Gl(TestPlotAxes):
+ backend = "gl"
+class TestPlotEmptyLog_Gl(TestPlotEmptyLog):
+ backend = "gl"
+class TestPlotCurveLog_Gl(TestPlotCurveLog):
+ backend = "gl"
+class TestPlotImageLog_Gl(TestPlotImageLog):
+ backend = "gl"
+class TestPlotMarkerLog_Gl(TestPlotMarkerLog):
+ backend = "gl"
+class TestSpecial_ExplicitMplBackend(TestSpecialBackend):
+ backend = "mpl"