path: root/src/silx/gui/plot3d/items/
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1 files changed, 896 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/silx/gui/plot3d/items/ b/src/silx/gui/plot3d/items/
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index 0000000..7696794
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/silx/gui/plot3d/items/
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+# /*##########################################################################
+# Copyright (c) 2017-2020 European Synchrotron Radiation Facility
+# Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
+# of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
+# in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
+# to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
+# copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
+# furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
+# The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
+# all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
+# ###########################################################################*/
+"""This module provides 3D array item class and its sub-items.
+__authors__ = ["T. Vincent"]
+__license__ = "MIT"
+__date__ = "24/04/2018"
+import logging
+import time
+import numpy
+from silx.math.combo import min_max
+from silx.math.marchingcubes import MarchingCubes
+from silx.math.interpolate import interp3d
+from ....utils.proxy import docstring
+from ... import _glutils as glu
+from ... import qt
+from ...colors import rgba
+from ..scene import cutplane, function, primitives, transform, utils
+from .core import BaseNodeItem, Item3D, ItemChangedType, Item3DChangedType
+from .mixins import ColormapMixIn, ComplexMixIn, InterpolationMixIn, PlaneMixIn
+from ._pick import PickingResult
+_logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
+class CutPlane(Item3D, ColormapMixIn, InterpolationMixIn, PlaneMixIn):
+ """Class representing a cutting plane in a :class:`ScalarField3D` item.
+ :param parent: 3D Data set in which the cut plane is applied.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, parent):
+ Item3D.__init__(self, parent=None)
+ ColormapMixIn.__init__(self)
+ InterpolationMixIn.__init__(self)
+ PlaneMixIn.__init__(self)
+ plane = cutplane.CutPlane(normal=(0, 1, 0))
+ self._setPlane(plane)
+ self._dataRange = None
+ self._data = None
+ self._getScenePrimitive().children = [plane]
+ # Connect scene primitive to mix-in class
+ ColormapMixIn._setSceneColormap(self, plane.colormap)
+ InterpolationMixIn._setPrimitive(self, plane)
+ self.setParent(parent)
+ def _updateData(self, data, range_):
+ """Update used dataset
+ No copy is made.
+ :param Union[numpy.ndarray[float],None] data: The dataset
+ :param Union[List[float],None] range_:
+ (min, min positive, max) values
+ """
+ self._data = None if data is None else numpy.array(data, copy=False)
+ self._getPlane().setData(self._data, copy=False)
+ # Store data range info as 3-tuple of values
+ self._dataRange = range_
+ if range_ is None:
+ range_ = None, None, None
+ self._setColormappedData(
+ self._data,
+ copy=False,
+ min_=range_[0],
+ minPositive=range_[1],
+ max_=range_[2],
+ )
+ self._updated(ItemChangedType.DATA)
+ def _syncDataWithParent(self):
+ """Synchronize this instance data with that of its parent"""
+ parent = self.parent()
+ if parent is None:
+ data, range_ = None, None
+ else:
+ data = parent.getData(copy=False)
+ range_ = parent.getDataRange()
+ self._updateData(data, range_)
+ def _parentChanged(self, event):
+ """Handle data change in the parent this plane belongs to"""
+ if event == ItemChangedType.DATA:
+ self._syncDataWithParent()
+ def setParent(self, parent):
+ oldParent = self.parent()
+ if isinstance(oldParent, Item3D):
+ oldParent.sigItemChanged.disconnect(self._parentChanged)
+ super(CutPlane, self).setParent(parent)
+ if isinstance(parent, Item3D):
+ parent.sigItemChanged.connect(self._parentChanged)
+ self._syncDataWithParent()
+ # Colormap
+ def getDisplayValuesBelowMin(self):
+ """Return whether values <= colormap min are displayed or not.
+ :rtype: bool
+ """
+ return self._getPlane().colormap.displayValuesBelowMin
+ def setDisplayValuesBelowMin(self, display):
+ """Set whether to display values <= colormap min.
+ :param bool display: True to show values below min,
+ False to discard them
+ """
+ display = bool(display)
+ if display != self.getDisplayValuesBelowMin():
+ self._getPlane().colormap.displayValuesBelowMin = display
+ self._updated(ItemChangedType.ALPHA)
+ def getDataRange(self):
+ """Return the range of the data as a 3-tuple of values.
+ positive min is NaN if no data is positive.
+ :return: (min, positive min, max) or None.
+ :rtype: Union[List[float],None]
+ """
+ return None if self._dataRange is None else tuple(self._dataRange)
+ def getData(self, copy=True):
+ """Return 3D dataset.
+ :param bool copy:
+ True (default) to get a copy,
+ False to get the internal data (DO NOT modify!)
+ :return: The data set (or None if not set)
+ """
+ if self._data is None:
+ return None
+ else:
+ return numpy.array(self._data, copy=copy)
+ def _pickFull(self, context):
+ """Perform picking in this item at given widget position.
+ :param PickContext context: Current picking context
+ :return: Object holding the results or None
+ :rtype: Union[None,PickingResult]
+ """
+ rayObject = context.getPickingSegment(frame=self._getScenePrimitive())
+ if rayObject is None:
+ return None
+ points = utils.segmentPlaneIntersect(
+ rayObject[0, :3],
+ rayObject[1, :3],
+ planeNorm=self.getNormal(),
+ planePt=self.getPoint(),
+ )
+ if len(points) == 1: # Single intersection
+ if numpy.any(points[0] < 0.0):
+ return None # Outside volume
+ z, y, x = int(points[0][2]), int(points[0][1]), int(points[0][0])
+ data = self.getData(copy=False)
+ if data is None:
+ return None # No dataset
+ depth, height, width = data.shape
+ if z < depth and y < height and x < width:
+ return PickingResult(
+ self, positions=[points[0]], indices=([z], [y], [x])
+ )
+ else:
+ return None # Outside image
+ else: # Either no intersection or segment and image are coplanar
+ return None
+class Isosurface(Item3D):
+ """Class representing an iso-surface in a :class:`ScalarField3D` item.
+ :param parent: The DataItem3D this iso-surface belongs to
+ """
+ def __init__(self, parent):
+ Item3D.__init__(self, parent=None)
+ self._data = None
+ self._level = float("nan")
+ self._autoLevelFunction = None
+ self._color = rgba("#FFD700FF")
+ self.setParent(parent)
+ def _syncDataWithParent(self):
+ """Synchronize this instance data with that of its parent"""
+ parent = self.parent()
+ if parent is None:
+ self._data = None
+ else:
+ self._data = parent.getData(copy=False)
+ self._updateScenePrimitive()
+ def _parentChanged(self, event):
+ """Handle data change in the parent this isosurface belongs to"""
+ if event == ItemChangedType.DATA:
+ self._syncDataWithParent()
+ def setParent(self, parent):
+ oldParent = self.parent()
+ if isinstance(oldParent, Item3D):
+ oldParent.sigItemChanged.disconnect(self._parentChanged)
+ super(Isosurface, self).setParent(parent)
+ if isinstance(parent, Item3D):
+ parent.sigItemChanged.connect(self._parentChanged)
+ self._syncDataWithParent()
+ def getData(self, copy=True):
+ """Return 3D dataset.
+ :param bool copy:
+ True (default) to get a copy,
+ False to get the internal data (DO NOT modify!)
+ :return: The data set (or None if not set)
+ """
+ if self._data is None:
+ return None
+ else:
+ return numpy.array(self._data, copy=copy)
+ def getLevel(self):
+ """Return the level of this iso-surface (float)"""
+ return self._level
+ def setLevel(self, level):
+ """Set the value at which to build the iso-surface.
+ Setting this value reset auto-level function
+ :param float level: The value at which to build the iso-surface
+ """
+ self._autoLevelFunction = None
+ level = float(level)
+ if level != self._level:
+ self._level = level
+ self._updateScenePrimitive()
+ self._updated(Item3DChangedType.ISO_LEVEL)
+ def isAutoLevel(self):
+ """True if iso-level is rebuild for each data set."""
+ return self.getAutoLevelFunction() is not None
+ def getAutoLevelFunction(self):
+ """Return the function computing the iso-level (callable or None)"""
+ return self._autoLevelFunction
+ def setAutoLevelFunction(self, autoLevel):
+ """Set the function used to compute the iso-level.
+ WARNING: The function might get called in a thread.
+ :param callable autoLevel:
+ A function taking a 3D numpy.ndarray of float32 and returning
+ a float used as iso-level.
+ Example: numpy.mean(data) + numpy.std(data)
+ """
+ assert callable(autoLevel)
+ self._autoLevelFunction = autoLevel
+ self._updateScenePrimitive()
+ def getColor(self):
+ """Return the color of this iso-surface (QColor)"""
+ return qt.QColor.fromRgbF(*self._color)
+ def _updateColor(self, color):
+ """Handle update of color
+ :param List[float] color: RGBA channels in [0, 1]
+ """
+ primitive = self._getScenePrimitive()
+ if len(primitive.children) != 0:
+ primitive.children[0].setAttribute("color", color)
+ def setColor(self, color):
+ """Set the color of the iso-surface
+ :param color: RGBA color of the isosurface
+ :type color: QColor, str or array-like of 4 float in [0., 1.]
+ """
+ color = rgba(color)
+ if color != self._color:
+ self._color = color
+ self._updateColor(self._color)
+ self._updated(ItemChangedType.COLOR)
+ def _computeIsosurface(self):
+ """Compute isosurface for current state.
+ :return: (vertices, normals, indices) arrays
+ :rtype: List[Union[None,numpy.ndarray]]
+ """
+ data = self.getData(copy=False)
+ if data is None:
+ if self.isAutoLevel():
+ self._level = float("nan")
+ else:
+ if self.isAutoLevel():
+ st = time.time()
+ try:
+ level = float(self.getAutoLevelFunction()(data))
+ except Exception:
+ module_ = self.getAutoLevelFunction().__module__
+ name = self.getAutoLevelFunction().__name__
+ _logger.error(
+ "Error while executing iso level function %s.%s",
+ module_,
+ name,
+ exc_info=True,
+ )
+ level = float("nan")
+ else:
+"Computed iso-level in %f s.", time.time() - st)
+ if level != self._level:
+ self._level = level
+ self._updated(Item3DChangedType.ISO_LEVEL)
+ if numpy.isfinite(self._level):
+ st = time.time()
+ vertices, normals, indices = MarchingCubes(data, isolevel=self._level)
+"Computed iso-surface in %f s.", time.time() - st)
+ if len(vertices) != 0:
+ return vertices, normals, indices
+ return None, None, None
+ def _updateScenePrimitive(self):
+ """Update underlying mesh"""
+ self._getScenePrimitive().children = []
+ vertices, normals, indices = self._computeIsosurface()
+ if vertices is not None:
+ mesh = primitives.Mesh3D(
+ vertices,
+ colors=self._color,
+ normals=normals,
+ mode="triangles",
+ indices=indices,
+ copy=False,
+ )
+ self._getScenePrimitive().children = [mesh]
+ def _pickFull(self, context):
+ """Perform picking in this item at given widget position.
+ :param PickContext context: Current picking context
+ :return: Object holding the results or None
+ :rtype: Union[None,PickingResult]
+ """
+ rayObject = context.getPickingSegment(frame=self._getScenePrimitive())
+ if rayObject is None:
+ return None
+ rayObject = rayObject[:, :3]
+ data = self.getData(copy=False)
+ bins = utils.segmentVolumeIntersect(rayObject, numpy.array(data.shape) - 1)
+ if bins is None:
+ return None
+ # gather bin data
+ offsets = [(i, j, k) for i in (0, 1) for j in (0, 1) for k in (0, 1)]
+ indices = bins[:, numpy.newaxis, :] + offsets
+ binsData = data[indices[:, :, 0], indices[:, :, 1], indices[:, :, 2]]
+ # binsData.shape = nbins, 8
+ # TODO up-to this point everything can be done once for all isosurfaces
+ # check bin candidates
+ level = self.getLevel()
+ mask = numpy.logical_and(
+ numpy.nanmin(binsData, axis=1) <= level,
+ level <= numpy.nanmax(binsData, axis=1),
+ )
+ bins = bins[mask]
+ binsData = binsData[mask]
+ if len(bins) == 0:
+ return None # No bin candidate
+ # do picking on candidates
+ intersections = []
+ depths = []
+ for currentBin, data in zip(bins, binsData):
+ mc = MarchingCubes(data.reshape(2, 2, 2), isolevel=level)
+ points = mc.get_vertices() + currentBin
+ triangles = points[mc.get_indices()]
+ t = glu.segmentTrianglesIntersection(rayObject, triangles)[1]
+ t = numpy.unique(t) # Duplicates happen on triangle edges
+ if len(t) != 0:
+ # Compute intersection points and get closest data point
+ points = t.reshape(-1, 1) * (rayObject[1] - rayObject[0]) + rayObject[0]
+ # Get closest data points by rounding to int
+ intersections.extend(points)
+ depths.extend(t)
+ if len(intersections) == 0:
+ return None # No intersected triangles
+ intersections = numpy.array(intersections)[numpy.argsort(depths)]
+ indices = numpy.transpose(numpy.round(intersections).astype(numpy.int64))
+ return PickingResult(self, positions=intersections, indices=indices)
+class ScalarField3D(BaseNodeItem):
+ """3D scalar field on a regular grid.
+ :param parent: The View widget this item belongs to.
+ """
+ _CutPlane = CutPlane
+ """CutPlane class associated to this class"""
+ _Isosurface = Isosurface
+ """Isosurface classe associated to this class"""
+ def __init__(self, parent=None):
+ BaseNodeItem.__init__(self, parent=parent)
+ # Gives this item the shape of the data, no matter
+ # of the isosurface/cut plane size
+ self._boundedGroup = primitives.BoundedGroup()
+ # Store iso-surfaces
+ self._isosurfaces = []
+ self._data = None
+ self._dataRange = None
+ self._cutPlane = self._CutPlane(parent=self)
+ self._cutPlane.setVisible(False)
+ self._isogroup = primitives.GroupDepthOffset()
+ self._isogroup.transforms = [
+ # Convert from z, y, x from marching cubes to x, y, z
+ transform.Matrix(
+ (
+ (0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0),
+ (0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0),
+ (1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0),
+ (0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0),
+ )
+ ),
+ # Offset to match cutting plane coords
+ transform.Translate(0.5, 0.5, 0.5),
+ ]
+ self._getScenePrimitive().children = [
+ self._boundedGroup,
+ self._cutPlane._getScenePrimitive(),
+ self._isogroup,
+ ]
+ @staticmethod
+ def _computeRangeFromData(data):
+ """Compute range info (min, min positive, max) from data
+ :param Union[numpy.ndarray,None] data:
+ :return: Union[List[float],None]
+ """
+ if data is None:
+ return None
+ dataRange = min_max(data, min_positive=True, finite=True)
+ if dataRange.minimum is None: # Only non-finite data
+ return None
+ if dataRange is not None:
+ min_positive = dataRange.min_positive
+ if min_positive is None:
+ min_positive = float("nan")
+ return dataRange.minimum, min_positive, dataRange.maximum
+ def setData(self, data, copy=True):
+ """Set the 3D scalar data represented by this item.
+ Dataset order is zyx (i.e., first dimension is z).
+ :param data: 3D array
+ :type data: 3D numpy.ndarray of float32 with shape at least (2, 2, 2)
+ :param bool copy:
+ True (default) to make a copy,
+ False to avoid copy (DO NOT MODIFY data afterwards)
+ """
+ if data is None:
+ self._data = None
+ self._boundedGroup.shape = None
+ else:
+ data = numpy.array(data, copy=copy, dtype=numpy.float32, order="C")
+ assert data.ndim == 3
+ assert min(data.shape) >= 2
+ self._data = data
+ self._boundedGroup.shape = self._data.shape
+ self._dataRange = self._computeRangeFromData(self._data)
+ self._updated(ItemChangedType.DATA)
+ def getData(self, copy=True):
+ """Return 3D dataset.
+ :param bool copy:
+ True (default) to get a copy,
+ False to get the internal data (DO NOT modify!)
+ :return: The data set (or None if not set)
+ """
+ if self._data is None:
+ return None
+ else:
+ return numpy.array(self._data, copy=copy)
+ def getDataRange(self):
+ """Return the range of the data as a 3-tuple of values.
+ positive min is NaN if no data is positive.
+ :return: (min, positive min, max) or None.
+ """
+ return self._dataRange
+ # Cut Plane
+ def getCutPlanes(self):
+ """Return an iterable of all :class:`CutPlane` of this item.
+ This includes hidden cut planes.
+ For now, there is always one cut plane.
+ """
+ return (self._cutPlane,)
+ # Handle iso-surfaces
+ # TODO rename to sigItemAdded|Removed?
+ sigIsosurfaceAdded = qt.Signal(object)
+ """Signal emitted when a new iso-surface is added to the view.
+ The newly added iso-surface is provided by this signal
+ """
+ sigIsosurfaceRemoved = qt.Signal(object)
+ """Signal emitted when an iso-surface is removed from the view
+ The removed iso-surface is provided by this signal.
+ """
+ def addIsosurface(self, level, color):
+ """Add an isosurface to this item.
+ :param level:
+ The value at which to build the iso-surface or a callable
+ (e.g., a function) taking a 3D numpy.ndarray as input and
+ returning a float.
+ Example: numpy.mean(data) + numpy.std(data)
+ :type level: float or callable
+ :param color: RGBA color of the isosurface
+ :type color: str or array-like of 4 float in [0., 1.]
+ :return: isosurface object
+ :rtype: ~silx.gui.plot3d.items.volume.Isosurface
+ """
+ isosurface = self._Isosurface(parent=self)
+ isosurface.setColor(color)
+ if callable(level):
+ isosurface.setAutoLevelFunction(level)
+ else:
+ isosurface.setLevel(level)
+ isosurface.sigItemChanged.connect(self._isosurfaceItemChanged)
+ self._isosurfaces.append(isosurface)
+ self._updateIsosurfaces()
+ self.sigIsosurfaceAdded.emit(isosurface)
+ return isosurface
+ def getIsosurfaces(self):
+ """Return an iterable of all :class:`.Isosurface` instance of this item"""
+ return tuple(self._isosurfaces)
+ def removeIsosurface(self, isosurface):
+ """Remove an iso-surface from this item.
+ :param ~silx.gui.plot3d.Plot3DWidget.Isosurface isosurface:
+ The isosurface object to remove
+ """
+ if isosurface not in self.getIsosurfaces():
+ _logger.warning(
+ "Try to remove isosurface that is not in the list: %s", str(isosurface)
+ )
+ else:
+ isosurface.sigItemChanged.disconnect(self._isosurfaceItemChanged)
+ self._isosurfaces.remove(isosurface)
+ self._updateIsosurfaces()
+ self.sigIsosurfaceRemoved.emit(isosurface)
+ def clearIsosurfaces(self):
+ """Remove all :class:`.Isosurface` instances from this item."""
+ for isosurface in self.getIsosurfaces():
+ self.removeIsosurface(isosurface)
+ def _isosurfaceItemChanged(self, event):
+ """Handle update of isosurfaces upon level changed"""
+ if event == Item3DChangedType.ISO_LEVEL:
+ self._updateIsosurfaces()
+ def _updateIsosurfaces(self):
+ """Handle updates of iso-surfaces level and add/remove"""
+ # Sorting using minus, this supposes data 'object' to be max values
+ sortedIso = sorted(
+ self.getIsosurfaces(), key=lambda isosurface: -isosurface.getLevel()
+ )
+ self._isogroup.children = [iso._getScenePrimitive() for iso in sortedIso]
+ # BaseNodeItem
+ def getItems(self):
+ """Returns the list of items currently present in this item.
+ :rtype: tuple
+ """
+ return self.getCutPlanes() + self.getIsosurfaces()
+# ComplexField3D #
+class ComplexCutPlane(CutPlane, ComplexMixIn):
+ """Class representing a cutting plane in a :class:`ComplexField3D` item.
+ :param parent: 3D Data set in which the cut plane is applied.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, parent):
+ ComplexMixIn.__init__(self)
+ CutPlane.__init__(self, parent=parent)
+ def _syncDataWithParent(self):
+ """Synchronize this instance data with that of its parent"""
+ parent = self.parent()
+ if parent is None:
+ data, range_ = None, None
+ else:
+ mode = self.getComplexMode()
+ data = parent.getData(mode=mode, copy=False)
+ range_ = parent.getDataRange(mode=mode)
+ self._updateData(data, range_)
+ def _updated(self, event=None):
+ """Handle update of the cut plane (and take care of mode change
+ :param Union[None,ItemChangedType] event: The kind of update
+ """
+ if event == ItemChangedType.COMPLEX_MODE:
+ self._syncDataWithParent()
+ super(ComplexCutPlane, self)._updated(event)
+class ComplexIsosurface(Isosurface, ComplexMixIn, ColormapMixIn):
+ """Class representing an iso-surface in a :class:`ComplexField3D` item.
+ :param parent: The DataItem3D this iso-surface belongs to
+ """
+ ComplexMixIn.ComplexMode.NONE,
+ """Overrides supported ComplexMode"""
+ def __init__(self, parent):
+ ComplexMixIn.__init__(self)
+ ColormapMixIn.__init__(self, function.Colormap())
+ Isosurface.__init__(self, parent=parent)
+ self.setComplexMode(self.ComplexMode.NONE)
+ def _updateColor(self, color):
+ """Handle update of color
+ :param List[float] color: RGBA channels in [0, 1]
+ """
+ primitive = self._getScenePrimitive()
+ if len(primitive.children) != 0 and isinstance(
+ primitive.children[0], primitives.ColormapMesh3D
+ ):
+ primitive.children[0].alpha = self._color[3]
+ else:
+ super(ComplexIsosurface, self)._updateColor(color)
+ def _syncDataWithParent(self):
+ """Synchronize this instance data with that of its parent"""
+ parent = self.parent()
+ if parent is None:
+ self._data = None
+ else:
+ self._data = parent.getData(mode=parent.getComplexMode(), copy=False)
+ if parent is None or self.getComplexMode() == self.ComplexMode.NONE:
+ self._setColormappedData(None, copy=False)
+ else:
+ self._setColormappedData(
+ parent.getData(mode=self.getComplexMode(), copy=False), copy=False
+ )
+ self._updateScenePrimitive()
+ def _parentChanged(self, event):
+ """Handle data change in the parent this isosurface belongs to"""
+ if event == ItemChangedType.COMPLEX_MODE:
+ self._syncDataWithParent()
+ super(ComplexIsosurface, self)._parentChanged(event)
+ def _updated(self, event=None):
+ """Handle update of the isosurface (and take care of mode change)
+ :param ItemChangedType event: The kind of update
+ """
+ if event == ItemChangedType.COMPLEX_MODE:
+ self._syncDataWithParent()
+ elif event in (ItemChangedType.COLORMAP, Item3DChangedType.INTERPOLATION):
+ self._updateScenePrimitive()
+ super(ComplexIsosurface, self)._updated(event)
+ def _updateScenePrimitive(self):
+ """Update underlying mesh"""
+ if self.getComplexMode() == self.ComplexMode.NONE:
+ super(ComplexIsosurface, self)._updateScenePrimitive()
+ else: # Specific display for colormapped isosurface
+ self._getScenePrimitive().children = []
+ values = self.getColormappedData(copy=False)
+ if values is not None:
+ vertices, normals, indices = self._computeIsosurface()
+ if vertices is not None:
+ values = interp3d(values, vertices, method="linear_omp")
+ # TODO reuse isosurface when only color changes...
+ mesh = primitives.ColormapMesh3D(
+ vertices,
+ value=values.reshape(-1, 1),
+ colormap=self._getSceneColormap(),
+ normal=normals,
+ mode="triangles",
+ indices=indices,
+ copy=False,
+ )
+ mesh.alpha = self._color[3]
+ self._getScenePrimitive().children = [mesh]
+class ComplexField3D(ScalarField3D, ComplexMixIn):
+ """3D complex field on a regular grid.
+ :param parent: The View widget this item belongs to.
+ """
+ _CutPlane = ComplexCutPlane
+ _Isosurface = ComplexIsosurface
+ def __init__(self, parent=None):
+ self._dataRangeCache = None
+ ComplexMixIn.__init__(self)
+ ScalarField3D.__init__(self, parent=parent)
+ @docstring(ComplexMixIn)
+ def setComplexMode(self, mode):
+ mode = ComplexMixIn.ComplexMode.from_value(mode)
+ if mode != self.getComplexMode():
+ self.clearIsosurfaces() # Reset isosurfaces
+ ComplexMixIn.setComplexMode(self, mode)
+ def setData(self, data, copy=True):
+ """Set the 3D complex data represented by this item.
+ Dataset order is zyx (i.e., first dimension is z).
+ :param data: 3D array
+ :type data: 3D numpy.ndarray of float32 with shape at least (2, 2, 2)
+ :param bool copy:
+ True (default) to make a copy,
+ False to avoid copy (DO NOT MODIFY data afterwards)
+ """
+ if data is None:
+ self._data = None
+ self._dataRangeCache = None
+ self._boundedGroup.shape = None
+ else:
+ data = numpy.array(data, copy=copy, dtype=numpy.complex64, order="C")
+ assert data.ndim == 3
+ assert min(data.shape) >= 2
+ self._data = data
+ self._dataRangeCache = {}
+ self._boundedGroup.shape = self._data.shape
+ self._updated(ItemChangedType.DATA)
+ def getData(self, copy=True, mode=None):
+ """Return 3D dataset.
+ This method does not cache data converted to a specific mode,
+ it computes it for each request.
+ :param bool copy:
+ True (default) to get a copy,
+ False to get the internal data (DO NOT modify!)
+ :param Union[None,Mode] mode:
+ The kind of data to retrieve.
+ If None (the default), it returns the complex data,
+ else it computes the requested scalar data.
+ :return: The data set (or None if not set)
+ :rtype: Union[numpy.ndarray,None]
+ """
+ if mode is None:
+ return super(ComplexField3D, self).getData(copy=copy)
+ else:
+ return self._convertComplexData(self._data, mode)
+ def getDataRange(self, mode=None):
+ """Return the range of the requested data as a 3-tuple of values.
+ Positive min is NaN if no data is positive.
+ :param Union[None,Mode] mode:
+ The kind of data for which to get the range information.
+ If None (the default), it returns the data range for the current mode,
+ else it returns the data range for the requested mode.
+ :return: (min, positive min, max) or None.
+ :rtype: Union[None,List[float]]
+ """
+ if self._dataRangeCache is None:
+ return None
+ if mode is None:
+ mode = self.getComplexMode()
+ if mode not in self._dataRangeCache:
+ # Compute it and store it in cache
+ data = self.getData(copy=False, mode=mode)
+ self._dataRangeCache[mode] = self._computeRangeFromData(data)
+ return self._dataRangeCache[mode]