path: root/src/silx/io/
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1 files changed, 843 insertions, 0 deletions
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+# coding: utf-8
+# /*##########################################################################
+# Copyright (C) 2016-2020 European Synchrotron Radiation Facility
+# Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
+# of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
+# in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
+# to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
+# copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
+# furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
+# The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
+# all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
+# ############################################################################*/
+"""This module offers a set of functions to dump a python dictionary indexed
+by text strings to following file formats: `HDF5, INI, JSON`
+from collections import OrderedDict
+from import Mapping
+import json
+import logging
+import numpy
+import os.path
+import sys
+import h5py
+from .configdict import ConfigDict
+from .utils import is_group
+from .utils import is_dataset
+from .utils import is_link
+from .utils import is_softlink
+from .utils import is_externallink
+from .utils import is_file as is_h5_file_like
+from .utils import open as h5open
+from .utils import h5py_read_dataset
+from .utils import H5pyAttributesReadWrapper
+from silx.utils.deprecation import deprecated_warning
+__authors__ = ["P. Knobel"]
+__license__ = "MIT"
+__date__ = "17/07/2018"
+logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
+vlen_utf8 = h5py.special_dtype(vlen=str)
+vlen_bytes = h5py.special_dtype(vlen=bytes)
+UPDATE_MODE_VALID_EXISTING_VALUES = ("add", "replace", "modify")
+def _prepare_hdf5_write_value(array_like):
+ """Cast a python object into a numpy array in a HDF5 friendly format.
+ :param array_like: Input dataset in a type that can be digested by
+ ``numpy.array()`` (`str`, `list`, `numpy.ndarray`…)
+ :return: ``numpy.ndarray`` ready to be written as an HDF5 dataset
+ """
+ array = numpy.asarray(array_like)
+ if numpy.issubdtype(array.dtype, numpy.bytes_):
+ return numpy.array(array_like, dtype=vlen_bytes)
+ elif numpy.issubdtype(array.dtype, numpy.str_):
+ return numpy.array(array_like, dtype=vlen_utf8)
+ else:
+ return array
+class _SafeH5FileWrite:
+ """Context manager returning a :class:`h5py.File` object.
+ If this object is initialized with a file path, we open the file
+ and then we close it on exiting.
+ If a :class:`h5py.File` instance is provided to :meth:`__init__` rather
+ than a path, we assume that the user is responsible for closing the
+ file.
+ This behavior is well suited for handling h5py file in a recursive
+ function. The object is created in the initial call if a path is provided,
+ and it is closed only at the end when all the processing is finished.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, h5file, mode="w"):
+ """
+ :param h5file: HDF5 file path or :class:`h5py.File` instance
+ :param str mode: Can be ``"r+"`` (read/write, file must exist),
+ ``"w"`` (write, existing file is lost), ``"w-"`` (write, fail if
+ exists) or ``"a"`` (read/write if exists, create otherwise).
+ This parameter is ignored if ``h5file`` is a file handle.
+ """
+ self.raw_h5file = h5file
+ self.mode = mode
+ def __enter__(self):
+ if not isinstance(self.raw_h5file, h5py.File):
+ self.h5file = h5py.File(self.raw_h5file, self.mode)
+ self.close_when_finished = True
+ else:
+ self.h5file = self.raw_h5file
+ self.close_when_finished = False
+ return self.h5file
+ def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb):
+ if self.close_when_finished:
+ self.h5file.close()
+class _SafeH5FileRead:
+ """Context manager returning a :class:`h5py.File` or a
+ :class:`` or a :class:`` object.
+ The general behavior is the same as :class:`_SafeH5FileWrite` except
+ that SPEC files and all formats supported by fabio can also be opened,
+ but in read-only mode.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, h5file):
+ """
+ :param h5file: HDF5 file path or h5py.File-like object
+ """
+ self.raw_h5file = h5file
+ def __enter__(self):
+ if not is_h5_file_like(self.raw_h5file):
+ self.h5file = h5open(self.raw_h5file)
+ self.close_when_finished = True
+ else:
+ self.h5file = self.raw_h5file
+ self.close_when_finished = False
+ return self.h5file
+ def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb):
+ if self.close_when_finished:
+ self.h5file.close()
+def _normalize_h5_path(h5root, h5path):
+ """
+ :param h5root: File name or h5py-like File, Group or Dataset
+ :param str h5path: relative to ``h5root``
+ :returns 2-tuple: (File or file object, h5path)
+ """
+ if is_group(h5root):
+ group_name =
+ if group_name == "/":
+ pass
+ elif h5path:
+ h5path = group_name + "/" + h5path
+ else:
+ h5path = group_name
+ h5file = h5root.file
+ elif is_dataset(h5root):
+ h5path =
+ h5file = h5root.file
+ else:
+ h5file = h5root
+ if not h5path:
+ h5path = "/"
+ elif not h5path.endswith("/"):
+ h5path += "/"
+ return h5file, h5path
+def dicttoh5(treedict, h5file, h5path='/',
+ mode="w", overwrite_data=None,
+ create_dataset_args=None, update_mode=None):
+ """Write a nested dictionary to a HDF5 file, using keys as member names.
+ If a dictionary value is a sub-dictionary, a group is created. If it is
+ any other data type, it is cast into a numpy array and written as a
+ :mod:`h5py` dataset. Dictionary keys must be strings and cannot contain
+ the ``/`` character.
+ If dictionary keys are tuples they are interpreted to set h5 attributes.
+ The tuples should have the format (dataset_name, attr_name).
+ Existing HDF5 items can be deleted by providing the dictionary value
+ ``None``, provided that ``update_mode in ["modify", "replace"]``.
+ .. note::
+ This function requires `h5py <>`_ to be installed.
+ :param treedict: Nested dictionary/tree structure with strings or tuples as
+ keys and array-like objects as leafs. The ``"/"`` character can be used
+ to define sub trees. If tuples are used as keys they should have the
+ format (dataset_name,attr_name) and will add a 5h attribute with the
+ corresponding value.
+ :param h5file: File name or h5py-like File, Group or Dataset
+ :param h5path: Target path in the HDF5 file relative to ``h5file``.
+ Default is root (``"/"``)
+ :param mode: Can be ``"r+"`` (read/write, file must exist),
+ ``"w"`` (write, existing file is lost), ``"w-"`` (write, fail if
+ exists) or ``"a"`` (read/write if exists, create otherwise).
+ This parameter is ignored if ``h5file`` is a file handle.
+ :param overwrite_data: Deprecated. ``True`` is approximately equivalent
+ to ``update_mode="modify"`` and ``False`` is equivalent to
+ ``update_mode="add"``.
+ :param create_dataset_args: Dictionary of args you want to pass to
+ ``h5f.create_dataset``. This allows you to specify filters and
+ compression parameters. Don't specify ``name`` and ``data``.
+ :param update_mode: Can be ``add`` (default), ``modify`` or ``replace``.
+ * ``add``: Extend the existing HDF5 tree when possible. Existing HDF5
+ items (groups, datasets and attributes) remain untouched.
+ * ``modify``: Extend the existing HDF5 tree when possible, modify
+ existing attributes, modify same-sized dataset values and delete
+ HDF5 items with a ``None`` value in the dict tree.
+ * ``replace``: Replace the existing HDF5 tree. Items from the root of
+ the HDF5 tree that are not present in the root of the dict tree
+ will remain untouched.
+ Example::
+ from import dicttoh5
+ city_area = {
+ "Europe": {
+ "France": {
+ "Isère": {
+ "Grenoble": 18.44,
+ ("Grenoble","unit"): "km2"
+ },
+ "Nord": {
+ "Tourcoing": 15.19,
+ ("Tourcoing","unit"): "km2"
+ },
+ },
+ },
+ }
+ create_ds_args = {'compression': "gzip",
+ 'shuffle': True,
+ 'fletcher32': True}
+ dicttoh5(city_area, "cities.h5", h5path="/area",
+ create_dataset_args=create_ds_args)
+ """
+ if overwrite_data is not None:
+ reason = (
+ "`overwrite_data=True` becomes `update_mode='modify'` and "
+ "`overwrite_data=False` becomes `update_mode='add'`"
+ )
+ deprecated_warning(
+ type_="argument",
+ name="overwrite_data",
+ reason=reason,
+ replacement="update_mode",
+ since_version="0.15",
+ )
+ if update_mode is None:
+ if overwrite_data:
+ update_mode = "modify"
+ else:
+ update_mode = "add"
+ else:
+ if update_mode not in UPDATE_MODE_VALID_EXISTING_VALUES:
+ raise ValueError((
+ "Argument 'update_mode' can only have values: {}"
+ ))
+ if overwrite_data is not None:
+ logger.warning("The argument `overwrite_data` is ignored")
+ if not isinstance(treedict, Mapping):
+ raise TypeError("'treedict' must be a dictionary")
+ h5file, h5path = _normalize_h5_path(h5file, h5path)
+ def _iter_treedict(attributes=False):
+ nonlocal treedict
+ for key, value in treedict.items():
+ if isinstance(key, tuple) == attributes:
+ yield key, value
+ change_allowed = update_mode in ("replace", "modify")
+ with _SafeH5FileWrite(h5file, mode=mode) as h5f:
+ # Create the root of the tree
+ if h5path in h5f:
+ if not is_group(h5f[h5path]):
+ if update_mode == "replace":
+ del h5f[h5path]
+ h5f.create_group(h5path)
+ else:
+ return
+ else:
+ h5f.create_group(h5path)
+ # Loop over all groups, links and datasets
+ for key, value in _iter_treedict(attributes=False):
+ h5name = h5path + str(key)
+ exists = h5name in h5f
+ if value is None:
+ # Delete HDF5 item
+ if exists and change_allowed:
+ del h5f[h5name]
+ exists = False
+ elif isinstance(value, Mapping):
+ # HDF5 group
+ if exists and update_mode == "replace":
+ del h5f[h5name]
+ exists = False
+ if value:
+ dicttoh5(value, h5f, h5name,
+ update_mode=update_mode,
+ create_dataset_args=create_dataset_args)
+ elif not exists:
+ h5f.create_group(h5name)
+ elif is_link(value):
+ # HDF5 link
+ if exists and update_mode == "replace":
+ del h5f[h5name]
+ exists = False
+ if not exists:
+ # Create link from h5py link object
+ h5f[h5name] = value
+ else:
+ # HDF5 dataset
+ if exists and not change_allowed:
+ continue
+ data = _prepare_hdf5_write_value(value)
+ # Edit the existing dataset
+ attrs_backup = None
+ if exists:
+ try:
+ h5f[h5name][()] = data
+ continue
+ except Exception:
+ # Delete the existing dataset
+ if update_mode != "replace":
+ if not is_dataset(h5f[h5name]):
+ continue
+ attrs_backup = dict(h5f[h5name].attrs)
+ del h5f[h5name]
+ # Create dataset
+ # can't apply filters on scalars (datasets with shape == ())
+ if data.shape == () or create_dataset_args is None:
+ h5f.create_dataset(h5name,
+ data=data)
+ else:
+ h5f.create_dataset(h5name,
+ data=data,
+ **create_dataset_args)
+ if attrs_backup:
+ h5f[h5name].attrs.update(attrs_backup)
+ # Loop over all attributes
+ for key, value in _iter_treedict(attributes=True):
+ if len(key) != 2:
+ raise ValueError("HDF5 attribute must be described by 2 values")
+ h5name = h5path + key[0]
+ attr_name = key[1]
+ if h5name not in h5f:
+ # Create an empty group to store the attribute
+ h5f.create_group(h5name)
+ h5a = h5f[h5name].attrs
+ exists = attr_name in h5a
+ if value is None:
+ # Delete HDF5 attribute
+ if exists and change_allowed:
+ del h5a[attr_name]
+ exists = False
+ else:
+ # Add/modify HDF5 attribute
+ if exists and not change_allowed:
+ continue
+ data = _prepare_hdf5_write_value(value)
+ h5a[attr_name] = data
+def _has_nx_class(treedict, key=""):
+ return key + "@NX_class" in treedict or \
+ (key, "NX_class") in treedict
+def _ensure_nx_class(treedict, parents=tuple()):
+ """Each group needs an "NX_class" attribute.
+ """
+ if _has_nx_class(treedict):
+ return
+ nparents = len(parents)
+ if nparents == 0:
+ treedict[("", "NX_class")] = "NXroot"
+ elif nparents == 1:
+ treedict[("", "NX_class")] = "NXentry"
+ else:
+ treedict[("", "NX_class")] = "NXcollection"
+def nexus_to_h5_dict(
+ treedict, parents=tuple(), add_nx_class=True, has_nx_class=False
+ """The following conversions are applied:
+ * key with "{name}@{attr_name}" notation: key converted to 2-tuple
+ * key with ">{url}" notation: strip ">" and convert value to
+ h5py.SoftLink or h5py.ExternalLink
+ :param treedict: Nested dictionary/tree structure with strings as keys
+ and array-like objects as leafs. The ``"/"`` character can be used
+ to define sub tree. The ``"@"`` character is used to write attributes.
+ The ``">"`` prefix is used to define links.
+ :param parents: Needed to resolve up-links (tuple of HDF5 group names)
+ :param add_nx_class: Add "NX_class" attribute when missing
+ :param has_nx_class: The "NX_class" attribute is defined in the parent
+ :rtype dict:
+ """
+ if not isinstance(treedict, Mapping):
+ raise TypeError("'treedict' must be a dictionary")
+ copy = dict()
+ for key, value in treedict.items():
+ if "@" in key:
+ # HDF5 attribute
+ key = tuple(key.rsplit("@", 1))
+ elif key.startswith(">"):
+ # HDF5 link
+ if isinstance(value, str):
+ key = key[1:]
+ first, sep, second = value.partition("::")
+ if sep:
+ value = h5py.ExternalLink(first, second)
+ else:
+ if ".." in first:
+ # Up-links not supported: make absolute
+ parts = []
+ for p in list(parents) + first.split("/"):
+ if not p or p == ".":
+ continue
+ elif p == "..":
+ parts.pop(-1)
+ else:
+ parts.append(p)
+ first = "/" + "/".join(parts)
+ value = h5py.SoftLink(first)
+ elif is_link(value):
+ key = key[1:]
+ if isinstance(value, Mapping):
+ # HDF5 group
+ key_has_nx_class = add_nx_class and _has_nx_class(treedict, key)
+ copy[key] = nexus_to_h5_dict(
+ value,
+ parents=parents+(key,),
+ add_nx_class=add_nx_class,
+ has_nx_class=key_has_nx_class)
+ else:
+ # HDF5 dataset or link
+ copy[key] = value
+ if add_nx_class and not has_nx_class:
+ _ensure_nx_class(copy, parents)
+ return copy
+def h5_to_nexus_dict(treedict):
+ """The following conversions are applied:
+ * 2-tuple key: converted to string ("@" notation)
+ * h5py.Softlink value: converted to string (">" key prefix)
+ * h5py.ExternalLink value: converted to string (">" key prefix)
+ :param treedict: Nested dictionary/tree structure with strings as keys
+ and array-like objects as leafs. The ``"/"`` character can be used
+ to define sub tree.
+ :rtype dict:
+ """
+ copy = dict()
+ for key, value in treedict.items():
+ if isinstance(key, tuple):
+ if len(key) != 2:
+ raise ValueError("HDF5 attribute must be described by 2 values")
+ key = "%s@%s" % (key[0], key[1])
+ elif is_softlink(value):
+ key = ">" + key
+ value = value.path
+ elif is_externallink(value):
+ key = ">" + key
+ value = value.filename + "::" + value.path
+ if isinstance(value, Mapping):
+ copy[key] = h5_to_nexus_dict(value)
+ else:
+ copy[key] = value
+ return copy
+def _name_contains_string_in_list(name, strlist):
+ if strlist is None:
+ return False
+ for filter_str in strlist:
+ if filter_str in name:
+ return True
+ return False
+def _handle_error(mode: str, exception, msg: str, *args) -> None:
+ """Handle errors.
+ :param str mode: 'raise', 'log', 'ignore'
+ :param type exception: Exception class to use in 'raise' mode
+ :param str msg: Error message template
+ :param List[str] args: Arguments for error message template
+ """
+ if mode == 'ignore':
+ return # no-op
+ elif mode == 'log':
+ logger.error(msg, *args)
+ elif mode == 'raise':
+ raise exception(msg % args)
+ else:
+ raise ValueError("Unsupported error handling: %s" % mode)
+def h5todict(h5file,
+ path="/",
+ exclude_names=None,
+ asarray=True,
+ dereference_links=True,
+ include_attributes=False,
+ errors='raise'):
+ """Read a HDF5 file and return a nested dictionary with the complete file
+ structure and all data.
+ Example of usage::
+ from import h5todict
+ # initialize dict with file header and scan header
+ header94 = h5todict("oleg.dat",
+ "/94.1/instrument/specfile")
+ # add positioners subdict
+ header94["positioners"] = h5todict("oleg.dat",
+ "/94.1/instrument/positioners")
+ # add scan data without mca data
+ header94["detector data"] = h5todict("oleg.dat",
+ "/94.1/measurement",
+ exclude_names="mca_")
+ .. note:: This function requires `h5py <>`_ to be
+ installed.
+ .. note:: If you write a dictionary to a HDF5 file with
+ :func:`dicttoh5` and then read it back with :func:`h5todict`, data
+ types are not preserved. All values are cast to numpy arrays before
+ being written to file, and they are read back as numpy arrays (or
+ scalars). In some cases, you may find that a list of heterogeneous
+ data types is converted to a numpy array of strings.
+ :param h5file: File name or h5py-like File, Group or Dataset
+ :param str path: Target path in the HDF5 file relative to ``h5file``
+ :param List[str] exclude_names: Groups and datasets whose name contains
+ a string in this list will be ignored. Default is None (ignore nothing)
+ :param bool asarray: True (default) to read scalar as arrays, False to
+ read them as scalar
+ :param bool dereference_links: True (default) to dereference links, False
+ to preserve the link itself
+ :param bool include_attributes: False (default)
+ :param str errors: Handling of errors (HDF5 access issue, broken link,...):
+ - 'raise' (default): Raise an exception
+ - 'log': Log as errors
+ - 'ignore': Ignore errors
+ :return: Nested dictionary
+ """
+ h5file, path = _normalize_h5_path(h5file, path)
+ with _SafeH5FileRead(h5file) as h5f:
+ ddict = {}
+ if path not in h5f:
+ _handle_error(
+ errors, KeyError, 'Path "%s" does not exist in file.', path)
+ return ddict
+ try:
+ root = h5f[path]
+ except KeyError as e:
+ if not isinstance(h5f.get(path, getlink=True), h5py.HardLink):
+ _handle_error(errors,
+ KeyError,
+ 'Cannot retrieve path "%s" (broken link)',
+ path)
+ else:
+ _handle_error(errors, KeyError, ', '.join(e.args))
+ return ddict
+ # Read the attributes of the group
+ if include_attributes:
+ attrs = H5pyAttributesReadWrapper(root.attrs)
+ for aname, avalue in attrs.items():
+ ddict[("", aname)] = avalue
+ # Read the children of the group
+ for key in root:
+ if _name_contains_string_in_list(key, exclude_names):
+ continue
+ h5name = path + "/" + key
+ # Preserve HDF5 link when requested
+ if not dereference_links:
+ lnk = h5f.get(h5name, getlink=True)
+ if is_link(lnk):
+ ddict[key] = lnk
+ continue
+ try:
+ h5obj = h5f[h5name]
+ except KeyError as e:
+ if not isinstance(h5f.get(h5name, getlink=True), h5py.HardLink):
+ _handle_error(errors,
+ KeyError,
+ 'Cannot retrieve path "%s" (broken link)',
+ h5name)
+ else:
+ _handle_error(errors, KeyError, ', '.join(e.args))
+ continue
+ if is_group(h5obj):
+ # Child is an HDF5 group
+ ddict[key] = h5todict(h5f,
+ h5name,
+ exclude_names=exclude_names,
+ asarray=asarray,
+ dereference_links=dereference_links,
+ include_attributes=include_attributes)
+ else:
+ # Child is an HDF5 dataset
+ try:
+ data = h5py_read_dataset(h5obj)
+ except OSError:
+ _handle_error(errors,
+ OSError,
+ 'Cannot retrieve dataset "%s"',
+ h5name)
+ else:
+ if asarray: # Convert HDF5 dataset to numpy array
+ data = numpy.array(data, copy=False)
+ ddict[key] = data
+ # Read the attributes of the child
+ if include_attributes:
+ attrs = H5pyAttributesReadWrapper(h5obj.attrs)
+ for aname, avalue in attrs.items():
+ ddict[(key, aname)] = avalue
+ return ddict
+def dicttonx(treedict, h5file, h5path="/", add_nx_class=None, **kw):
+ """
+ Write a nested dictionary to a HDF5 file, using string keys as member names.
+ The NeXus convention is used to identify attributes with ``"@"`` character,
+ therefore the dataset_names should not contain ``"@"``.
+ Similarly, links are identified by keys starting with the ``">"`` character.
+ The corresponding value can be a soft or external link.
+ :param treedict: Nested dictionary/tree structure with strings as keys
+ and array-like objects as leafs. The ``"/"`` character can be used
+ to define sub tree. The ``"@"`` character is used to write attributes.
+ The ``">"`` prefix is used to define links.
+ :param add_nx_class: Add "NX_class" attribute when missing. By default it
+ is ``True`` when ``update_mode`` is ``"add"`` or ``None``.
+ The named parameters are passed to dicttoh5.
+ Example::
+ import numpy
+ from import dicttonx
+ gauss = {
+ "entry":{
+ "title":u"A plot of a gaussian",
+ "instrument": {
+ "@NX_class": u"NXinstrument",
+ "positioners": {
+ "@NX_class": u"NXCollection",
+ "x": numpy.arange(0,1.1,.1)
+ }
+ }
+ "plot": {
+ "y": numpy.array([0.08, 0.19, 0.39, 0.66, 0.9, 1.,
+ 0.9, 0.66, 0.39, 0.19, 0.08]),
+ ">x": "../instrument/positioners/x",
+ "@signal": "y",
+ "@axes": "x",
+ "@NX_class":u"NXdata",
+ "title:u"Gauss Plot",
+ },
+ "@NX_class": u"NXentry",
+ "default":"plot",
+ }
+ "@NX_class": u"NXroot",
+ "@default": "entry",
+ }
+ dicttonx(gauss,"test.h5")
+ """
+ h5file, h5path = _normalize_h5_path(h5file, h5path)
+ parents = tuple(p for p in h5path.split("/") if p)
+ if add_nx_class is None:
+ add_nx_class = kw.get("update_mode", None) in (None, "add")
+ nxtreedict = nexus_to_h5_dict(
+ treedict, parents=parents, add_nx_class=add_nx_class
+ )
+ dicttoh5(nxtreedict, h5file, h5path=h5path, **kw)
+def nxtodict(h5file, include_attributes=True, **kw):
+ """Read a HDF5 file and return a nested dictionary with the complete file
+ structure and all data.
+ As opposed to h5todict, all keys will be strings and no h5py objects are
+ present in the tree.
+ The named parameters are passed to h5todict.
+ """
+ nxtreedict = h5todict(h5file, include_attributes=include_attributes, **kw)
+ return h5_to_nexus_dict(nxtreedict)
+def dicttojson(ddict, jsonfile, indent=None, mode="w"):
+ """Serialize ``ddict`` as a JSON formatted stream to ``jsonfile``.
+ :param ddict: Dictionary (or any object compatible with ``json.dump``).
+ :param jsonfile: JSON file name or file-like object.
+ If a file name is provided, the function opens the file in the
+ specified mode and closes it again.
+ :param indent: If indent is a non-negative integer, then JSON array
+ elements and object members will be pretty-printed with that indent
+ level. An indent level of ``0`` will only insert newlines.
+ ``None`` (the default) selects the most compact representation.
+ :param mode: File opening mode (``w``, ``a``, ``w+``…)
+ """
+ if not hasattr(jsonfile, "write"):
+ jsonf = open(jsonfile, mode)
+ else:
+ jsonf = jsonfile
+ json.dump(ddict, jsonf, indent=indent)
+ if not hasattr(jsonfile, "write"):
+ jsonf.close()
+def dicttoini(ddict, inifile, mode="w"):
+ """Output dict as configuration file (similar to Microsoft Windows INI).
+ :param dict: Dictionary of configuration parameters
+ :param inifile: INI file name or file-like object.
+ If a file name is provided, the function opens the file in the
+ specified mode and closes it again.
+ :param mode: File opening mode (``w``, ``a``, ``w+``…)
+ """
+ if not hasattr(inifile, "write"):
+ inif = open(inifile, mode)
+ else:
+ inif = inifile
+ ConfigDict(initdict=ddict).write(inif)
+ if not hasattr(inifile, "write"):
+ inif.close()
+def dump(ddict, ffile, mode="w", fmat=None):
+ """Dump dictionary to a file
+ :param ddict: Dictionary with string keys
+ :param ffile: File name or file-like object with a ``write`` method
+ :param str fmat: Output format: ``"json"``, ``"hdf5"`` or ``"ini"``.
+ When None (the default), it uses the filename extension as the format.
+ Dumping to a HDF5 file requires `h5py <>`_ to be
+ installed.
+ :param str mode: File opening mode (``w``, ``a``, ``w+``…)
+ Default is *"w"*, write mode, overwrite if exists.
+ :raises IOError: if file format is not supported
+ """
+ if fmat is None:
+ # If file-like object get its name, else use ffile as filename
+ filename = getattr(ffile, 'name', ffile)
+ fmat = os.path.splitext(filename)[1][1:] # Strip extension leading '.'
+ fmat = fmat.lower()
+ if fmat == "json":
+ dicttojson(ddict, ffile, indent=2, mode=mode)
+ elif fmat in ["hdf5", "h5"]:
+ dicttoh5(ddict, ffile, mode=mode)
+ elif fmat in ["ini", "cfg"]:
+ dicttoini(ddict, ffile, mode=mode)
+ else:
+ raise IOError("Unknown format " + fmat)
+def load(ffile, fmat=None):
+ """Load dictionary from a file
+ When loading from a JSON or INI file, an OrderedDict is returned to
+ preserve the values' insertion order.
+ :param ffile: File name or file-like object with a ``read`` method
+ :param fmat: Input format: ``json``, ``hdf5`` or ``ini``.
+ When None (the default), it uses the filename extension as the format.
+ Loading from a HDF5 file requires `h5py <>`_ to be
+ installed.
+ :return: Dictionary (ordered dictionary for JSON and INI)
+ :raises IOError: if file format is not supported
+ """
+ must_be_closed = False
+ if not hasattr(ffile, "read"):
+ f = open(ffile, "r")
+ fname = ffile
+ must_be_closed = True
+ else:
+ f = ffile
+ fname =
+ try:
+ if fmat is None: # Use file extension as format
+ fmat = os.path.splitext(fname)[1][1:] # Strip extension leading '.'
+ fmat = fmat.lower()
+ if fmat == "json":
+ return json.load(f, object_pairs_hook=OrderedDict)
+ if fmat in ["hdf5", "h5"]:
+ return h5todict(fname)
+ elif fmat in ["ini", "cfg"]:
+ return ConfigDict(filelist=[fname])
+ else:
+ raise IOError("Unknown format " + fmat)
+ finally:
+ if must_be_closed:
+ f.close()