path: root/src/silx/io/nxdata/
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1 files changed, 1004 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/silx/io/nxdata/ b/src/silx/io/nxdata/
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+# coding: utf-8
+# /*##########################################################################
+# Copyright (c) 2017-2021 European Synchrotron Radiation Facility
+# Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
+# of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
+# in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
+# to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
+# copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
+# furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
+# The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
+# all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
+# ###########################################################################*/
+"""This package provides a collection of functions to work with h5py-like
+groups following the NeXus *NXdata* specification.
+The main class is :class:`NXdata`.
+You can also fetch the default NXdata in a NXroot or a NXentry with function
+Other public functions:
+ - :func:`is_valid_nxdata`
+ - :func:`is_NXroot_with_default_NXdata`
+ - :func:`is_NXentry_with_default_NXdata`
+ - :func:`is_group_with_default_NXdata`
+import json
+import numpy
+from import is_group, is_file, is_dataset, h5py_read_dataset
+from ._utils import get_attr_as_unicode, INTERPDIM, nxdata_logger, \
+ get_uncertainties_names, get_signal_name, \
+ get_auxiliary_signals_names, validate_auxiliary_signals, validate_number_of_axes
+__authors__ = ["P. Knobel"]
+__license__ = "MIT"
+__date__ = "24/03/2020"
+class InvalidNXdataError(Exception):
+ pass
+class _SilxStyle(object):
+ """NXdata@SILX_style parser.
+ :param NXdata nxdata:
+ NXdata description for which to extract silx_style information.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, nxdata):
+ naxes = len(nxdata.axes)
+ self._axes_scale_types = [None] * naxes
+ self._signal_scale_type = None
+ stylestr = get_attr_as_unicode(, "SILX_style")
+ if stylestr is None:
+ return
+ try:
+ style = json.loads(stylestr)
+ except json.JSONDecodeError:
+ nxdata_logger.error(
+ "Ignoring SILX_style, cannot parse: %s", stylestr)
+ return
+ if not isinstance(style, dict):
+ nxdata_logger.error(
+ "Ignoring SILX_style, cannot parse: %s", stylestr)
+ if 'axes_scale_types' in style:
+ axes_scale_types = style['axes_scale_types']
+ if isinstance(axes_scale_types, str):
+ # Convert single argument to list
+ axes_scale_types = [axes_scale_types]
+ if not isinstance(axes_scale_types, list):
+ nxdata_logger.error(
+ "Ignoring SILX_style:axes_scale_types, not a list")
+ else:
+ for scale_type in axes_scale_types:
+ if scale_type not in ('linear', 'log'):
+ nxdata_logger.error(
+ "Ignoring SILX_style:axes_scale_types, invalid value: %s", str(scale_type))
+ break
+ else: # All values are valid
+ if len(axes_scale_types) > naxes:
+ nxdata_logger.error(
+ "Clipping SILX_style:axes_scale_types, too many values")
+ axes_scale_types = axes_scale_types[:naxes]
+ elif len(axes_scale_types) < naxes:
+ # Extend axes_scale_types with None to match number of axes
+ axes_scale_types = [None] * (naxes - len(axes_scale_types)) + axes_scale_types
+ self._axes_scale_types = tuple(axes_scale_types)
+ if 'signal_scale_type' in style:
+ scale_type = style['signal_scale_type']
+ if scale_type not in ('linear', 'log'):
+ nxdata_logger.error(
+ "Ignoring SILX_style:signal_scale_type, invalid value: %s", str(scale_type))
+ else:
+ self._signal_scale_type = scale_type
+ axes_scale_types = property(
+ lambda self: self._axes_scale_types,
+ doc="Tuple of NXdata axes scale types (None, 'linear' or 'log'). List[str]")
+ signal_scale_type = property(
+ lambda self: self._signal_scale_type,
+ doc="NXdata signal scale type (None, 'linear' or 'log'). str")
+class NXdata(object):
+ """NXdata parser.
+ .. note::
+ Before attempting to access any attribute or property,
+ you should check that :attr:`is_valid` is *True*.
+ :param group: h5py-like group following the NeXus *NXdata* specification.
+ :param boolean validate: Set this parameter to *False* to skip the initial
+ validation. This option is provided for optimisation purposes, for cases
+ where :meth:`` has already been called
+ prior to instantiating this :class:`NXdata`.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, group, validate=True):
+ super(NXdata, self).__init__()
+ self._plot_style = None
+ = group
+ """h5py-like group object with @NX_class=NXdata.
+ """
+ self.issues = []
+ """List of error messages for malformed NXdata."""
+ if validate:
+ self._validate()
+ self.is_valid = not self.issues
+ """Validity status for this NXdata.
+ If False, all properties and attributes will be None.
+ """
+ self._is_scatter = None
+ self._axes = None
+ self.signal = None
+ """Main signal dataset in this NXdata group.
+ In case more than one signal is present in this group,
+ the other ones can be found in :attr:`auxiliary_signals`.
+ """
+ self.signal_name = None
+ """Signal long name, as specified in the @long_name attribute of the
+ signal dataset. If not specified, the dataset name is used."""
+ self.signal_ndim = None
+ self.signal_is_0d = None
+ self.signal_is_1d = None
+ self.signal_is_2d = None
+ self.signal_is_3d = None
+ self.axes_names = None
+ """List of axes names in a NXdata group.
+ This attribute is similar to :attr:`axes_dataset_names` except that
+ if an axis dataset has a "@long_name" attribute, it will be used
+ instead of the dataset name.
+ """
+ if not self.is_valid:
+ nxdata_logger.debug("%s", self.issues)
+ else:
+ self.signal =[self.signal_dataset_name]
+ self.signal_name = get_attr_as_unicode(self.signal, "long_name")
+ if self.signal_name is None:
+ self.signal_name = self.signal_dataset_name
+ # ndim will be available in very recent h5py versions only
+ self.signal_ndim = getattr(self.signal, "ndim",
+ len(self.signal.shape))
+ self.signal_is_0d = self.signal_ndim == 0
+ self.signal_is_1d = self.signal_ndim == 1
+ self.signal_is_2d = self.signal_ndim == 2
+ self.signal_is_3d = self.signal_ndim == 3
+ self.axes_names = []
+ # check if axis dataset defines @long_name
+ for _, dsname in enumerate(self.axes_dataset_names):
+ if dsname is not None and "long_name" in[dsname].attrs:
+ self.axes_names.append(get_attr_as_unicode([dsname], "long_name"))
+ else:
+ self.axes_names.append(dsname)
+ # excludes scatters
+ self.signal_is_1d = self.signal_is_1d and len(self.axes) <= 1 # excludes n-D scatters
+ self._plot_style = _SilxStyle(self)
+ def _validate(self):
+ """Fill :attr:`issues` with error messages for each error found."""
+ if not is_group(
+ raise TypeError("group must be a h5py-like group")
+ if get_attr_as_unicode(, "NX_class") != "NXdata":
+ self.issues.append("Group has no attribute @NX_class='NXdata'")
+ return
+ signal_name = get_signal_name(
+ if signal_name is None:
+ self.issues.append("No @signal attribute on the NXdata group, "
+ "and no dataset with a @signal=1 attr found")
+ # very difficult to do more consistency tests without signal
+ return
+ elif signal_name not in or not is_dataset([signal_name]):
+ self.issues.append("Cannot find signal dataset '%s'" % signal_name)
+ return
+ auxiliary_signals_names = get_auxiliary_signals_names(
+ self.issues += validate_auxiliary_signals(,
+ signal_name,
+ auxiliary_signals_names)
+ axes_names = get_attr_as_unicode(, "axes")
+ if axes_names is None:
+ # try @axes on signal dataset (older NXdata specification)
+ axes_names = get_attr_as_unicode([signal_name], "axes")
+ if axes_names is not None:
+ # we expect a comma separated string
+ if hasattr(axes_names, "split"):
+ axes_names = axes_names.split(":")
+ if isinstance(axes_names, (str, bytes)):
+ axes_names = [axes_names]
+ if axes_names:
+ self.issues += validate_number_of_axes(, signal_name,
+ num_axes=len(axes_names))
+ # Test consistency of @uncertainties
+ uncertainties_names = get_uncertainties_names(, signal_name)
+ if uncertainties_names is not None:
+ if len(uncertainties_names) != len(axes_names):
+ if len(uncertainties_names) < len(axes_names):
+ # ignore the field to avoid index error in the axes loop
+ uncertainties_names = None
+ self.issues.append("@uncertainties does not define the same " +
+ "number of fields than @axes. Field ignored")
+ else:
+ self.issues.append("@uncertainties does not define the same " +
+ "number of fields than @axes")
+ # Test individual axes
+ is_scatter = True # true if all axes have the same size as the signal
+ signal_size = 1
+ for dim in[signal_name].shape:
+ signal_size *= dim
+ polynomial_axes_names = []
+ for i, axis_name in enumerate(axes_names):
+ if axis_name == ".":
+ continue
+ if axis_name not in or not is_dataset([axis_name]):
+ self.issues.append("Could not find axis dataset '%s'" % axis_name)
+ continue
+ axis_size = 1
+ for dim in[axis_name].shape:
+ axis_size *= dim
+ if len([axis_name].shape) != 1:
+ # I don't know how to interpret n-D axes
+ self.issues.append("Axis %s is not 1D" % axis_name)
+ continue
+ else:
+ # for a 1-d axis,
+ fg_idx =[axis_name].attrs.get("first_good", 0)
+ lg_idx =[axis_name].attrs.get("last_good", len([axis_name]) - 1)
+ axis_len = lg_idx + 1 - fg_idx
+ if axis_len != signal_size:
+ if axis_len not in[signal_name].shape + (1, 2):
+ self.issues.append(
+ "Axis %s number of elements does not " % axis_name +
+ "correspond to the length of any signal dimension,"
+ " it does not appear to be a constant or a linear calibration," +
+ " and this does not seem to be a scatter plot.")
+ continue
+ elif axis_len in (1, 2):
+ polynomial_axes_names.append(axis_name)
+ is_scatter = False
+ else:
+ if not is_scatter:
+ self.issues.append(
+ "Axis %s number of elements is equal " % axis_name +
+ "to the length of the signal, but this does not seem" +
+ " to be a scatter (other axes have different sizes)")
+ continue
+ # Test individual uncertainties
+ errors_name = axis_name + "_errors"
+ if errors_name not in and uncertainties_names is not None:
+ errors_name = uncertainties_names[i]
+ if errors_name in and axis_name not in polynomial_axes_names:
+ if[errors_name].shape !=[axis_name].shape:
+ self.issues.append(
+ "Errors '%s' does not have the same " % errors_name +
+ "dimensions as axis '%s'." % axis_name)
+ # test dimensions of errors associated with signal
+ signal_errors = signal_name + "_errors"
+ if "errors" in and is_dataset(["errors"]):
+ errors = "errors"
+ elif signal_errors in and is_dataset([signal_errors]):
+ errors = signal_errors
+ else:
+ errors = None
+ if errors:
+ if[errors].shape !=[signal_name].shape:
+ # In principle just the same size should be enough but
+ # NeXus documentation imposes to have the same shape
+ self.issues.append(
+ "Dataset containing standard deviations must " +
+ "have the same dimensions as the signal.")
+ @property
+ def signal_dataset_name(self):
+ """Name of the main signal dataset."""
+ if not self.is_valid:
+ raise InvalidNXdataError("Unable to parse invalid NXdata")
+ signal_dataset_name = get_attr_as_unicode(, "signal")
+ if signal_dataset_name is None:
+ # find a dataset with @signal == 1
+ for dsname in
+ signal_attr =[dsname].attrs.get("signal")
+ if signal_attr in [1, b"1", u"1"]:
+ # This is the main (default) signal
+ signal_dataset_name = dsname
+ break
+ assert signal_dataset_name is not None
+ return signal_dataset_name
+ @property
+ def auxiliary_signals_dataset_names(self):
+ """Sorted list of names of the auxiliary signals datasets.
+ These are the names provided by the *@auxiliary_signals* attribute
+ on the NXdata group.
+ In case the NXdata group does not specify a *@signal* attribute
+ but has a dataset with an attribute *@signal=1*,
+ we look for datasets with attributes *@signal=2, @signal=3...*
+ (deprecated NXdata specification)."""
+ if not self.is_valid:
+ raise InvalidNXdataError("Unable to parse invalid NXdata")
+ signal_dataset_name = get_attr_as_unicode(, "signal")
+ if signal_dataset_name is not None:
+ auxiliary_signals_names = get_attr_as_unicode(, "auxiliary_signals")
+ if auxiliary_signals_names is not None:
+ if not isinstance(auxiliary_signals_names,
+ (tuple, list, numpy.ndarray)):
+ # tolerate a single string, but coerce into a list
+ return [auxiliary_signals_names]
+ return list(auxiliary_signals_names)
+ return []
+ # try old spec, @signal=1 (2, 3...) on dataset
+ numbered_names = []
+ for dsname in
+ if dsname == self.signal_dataset_name:
+ # main signal, not auxiliary
+ continue
+ ds =[dsname]
+ signal_attr = ds.attrs.get("signal")
+ if signal_attr is not None and not is_dataset(ds):
+ nxdata_logger.warning("Item %s with @signal=%s is not a dataset (%s)",
+ dsname, signal_attr, type(ds))
+ continue
+ if signal_attr is not None:
+ try:
+ signal_number = int(signal_attr)
+ except (ValueError, TypeError):
+ nxdata_logger.warning("Could not parse attr @signal=%s on "
+ "dataset %s as an int",
+ signal_attr, dsname)
+ continue
+ numbered_names.append((signal_number, dsname))
+ return [a[1] for a in sorted(numbered_names)]
+ @property
+ def auxiliary_signals_names(self):
+ """List of names of the auxiliary signals.
+ Similar to :attr:`auxiliary_signals_dataset_names`, but the @long_name
+ is used when this attribute is present, instead of the dataset name.
+ """
+ if not self.is_valid:
+ raise InvalidNXdataError("Unable to parse invalid NXdata")
+ signal_names = []
+ for asdn in self.auxiliary_signals_dataset_names:
+ if "long_name" in[asdn].attrs:
+ signal_names.append([asdn].attrs["long_name"])
+ else:
+ signal_names.append(asdn)
+ return signal_names
+ @property
+ def auxiliary_signals(self):
+ """List of all auxiliary signal datasets."""
+ if not self.is_valid:
+ raise InvalidNXdataError("Unable to parse invalid NXdata")
+ return [[dsname] for dsname in self.auxiliary_signals_dataset_names]
+ @property
+ def interpretation(self):
+ """*@interpretation* attribute associated with the *signal*
+ dataset of the NXdata group. ``None`` if no interpretation
+ attribute is present.
+ The *interpretation* attribute provides information about the last
+ dimensions of the signal. The allowed values are:
+ - *"scalar"*: 0-D data to be plotted
+ - *"spectrum"*: 1-D data to be plotted
+ - *"image"*: 2-D data to be plotted
+ - *"vertex"*: 3-D data to be plotted
+ For example, a 3-D signal with interpretation *"spectrum"* should be
+ considered to be a 2-D array of 1-D data. A 3-D signal with
+ interpretation *"image"* should be interpreted as a 1-D array (a list)
+ of 2-D images. An n-D array with interpretation *"image"* should be
+ interpreted as an (n-2)-D array of images.
+ A warning message is logged if the returned interpretation is not one
+ of the allowed values, but no error is raised and the unknown
+ interpretation is returned anyway.
+ """
+ if not self.is_valid:
+ raise InvalidNXdataError("Unable to parse invalid NXdata")
+ allowed_interpretations = [None, "scaler", "scalar", "spectrum", "image",
+ "rgba-image", # "hsla-image", "cmyk-image"
+ "vertex"]
+ interpretation = get_attr_as_unicode(self.signal, "interpretation")
+ if interpretation is None:
+ interpretation = get_attr_as_unicode(, "interpretation")
+ if interpretation not in allowed_interpretations:
+ nxdata_logger.warning("Interpretation %s is not valid." % interpretation +
+ " Valid values: " + ", ".join(str(s) for s in allowed_interpretations))
+ return interpretation
+ @property
+ def axes(self):
+ """List of the axes datasets.
+ The list typically has as many elements as there are dimensions in the
+ signal dataset, the exception being scatter plots which use a 1D
+ signal and multiple 1D axes of the same size.
+ If an axis dataset applies to several dimensions of the signal, it
+ will be repeated in the list.
+ If a dimension of the signal has no dimension scale, `None` is
+ inserted in its position in the list.
+ .. note::
+ The *@axes* attribute should define as many entries as there
+ are dimensions in the signal, to avoid any ambiguity.
+ If this is not the case, this implementation relies on the existence
+ of an *@interpretation* (*spectrum* or *image*) attribute in the
+ *signal* dataset.
+ .. note::
+ If an axis dataset defines attributes @first_good or @last_good,
+ the output will be a numpy array resulting from slicing that
+ axis (*axis[first_good:last_good + 1]*).
+ :rtype: List[Dataset or 1D array or None]
+ """
+ if not self.is_valid:
+ raise InvalidNXdataError("Unable to parse invalid NXdata")
+ if self._axes is not None:
+ # use cache
+ return self._axes
+ axes = []
+ for axis_name in self.axes_dataset_names:
+ if axis_name is None:
+ axes.append(None)
+ else:
+ axes.append([axis_name])
+ # keep only good range of axis data
+ for i, axis in enumerate(axes):
+ if axis is None:
+ continue
+ if "first_good" not in axis.attrs and "last_good" not in axis.attrs:
+ continue
+ fg_idx = axis.attrs.get("first_good", 0)
+ lg_idx = axis.attrs.get("last_good", len(axis) - 1)
+ axes[i] = axis[fg_idx:lg_idx + 1]
+ self._axes = axes
+ return self._axes
+ @property
+ def axes_dataset_names(self):
+ """List of axes dataset names.
+ If an axis dataset applies to several dimensions of the signal, its
+ name will be repeated in the list.
+ If a dimension of the signal has no dimension scale (i.e. there is a
+ "." in that position in the *@axes* array), `None` is inserted in the
+ output list in its position.
+ """
+ if not self.is_valid:
+ raise InvalidNXdataError("Unable to parse invalid NXdata")
+ numbered_names = [] # used in case of @axis=0 (old spec)
+ axes_dataset_names = get_attr_as_unicode(, "axes")
+ if axes_dataset_names is None:
+ # try @axes on signal dataset (older NXdata specification)
+ axes_dataset_names = get_attr_as_unicode(self.signal, "axes")
+ if axes_dataset_names is not None:
+ # we expect a comma separated string
+ if hasattr(axes_dataset_names, "split"):
+ axes_dataset_names = axes_dataset_names.split(":")
+ else:
+ # try @axis on the individual datasets (oldest NXdata specification)
+ for dsname in
+ if not is_dataset([dsname]):
+ continue
+ axis_attr =[dsname].attrs.get("axis")
+ if axis_attr is not None:
+ try:
+ axis_num = int(axis_attr)
+ except (ValueError, TypeError):
+ nxdata_logger.warning("Could not interpret attr @axis as"
+ "int on dataset %s", dsname)
+ continue
+ numbered_names.append((axis_num, dsname))
+ ndims = len(self.signal.shape)
+ if axes_dataset_names is None:
+ if numbered_names:
+ axes_dataset_names = []
+ numbers = [a[0] for a in numbered_names]
+ names = [a[1] for a in numbered_names]
+ for i in range(ndims):
+ if i in numbers:
+ axes_dataset_names.append(names[numbers.index(i)])
+ else:
+ axes_dataset_names.append(None)
+ return axes_dataset_names
+ else:
+ return [None] * ndims
+ if isinstance(axes_dataset_names, (str, bytes)):
+ axes_dataset_names = [axes_dataset_names]
+ for i, axis_name in enumerate(axes_dataset_names):
+ if hasattr(axis_name, "decode"):
+ axis_name = axis_name.decode()
+ if axis_name == ".":
+ axes_dataset_names[i] = None
+ if len(axes_dataset_names) != ndims:
+ if self.is_scatter and ndims == 1:
+ # case of a 1D signal with arbitrary number of axes
+ return list(axes_dataset_names)
+ if self.interpretation != "rgba-image":
+ # @axes may only define 1 or 2 axes if @interpretation=spectrum/image.
+ # Use the existing names for the last few dims, and prepend with Nones.
+ assert len(axes_dataset_names) == INTERPDIM[self.interpretation]
+ all_dimensions_names = [None] * (ndims - INTERPDIM[self.interpretation])
+ for axis_name in axes_dataset_names:
+ all_dimensions_names.append(axis_name)
+ else:
+ # 2 axes applying to the first two dimensions.
+ # The 3rd signal dimension is expected to contain 3(4) RGB(A) values.
+ assert len(axes_dataset_names) == 2
+ all_dimensions_names = [axn for axn in axes_dataset_names]
+ all_dimensions_names.append(None)
+ return all_dimensions_names
+ return list(axes_dataset_names)
+ @property
+ def title(self):
+ """Plot title. If not found, returns an empty string.
+ This attribute does not appear in the NXdata specification, but it is
+ implemented in *nexpy* as a dataset named "title" inside the NXdata
+ group. This dataset is expected to contain text.
+ Because the *nexpy* approach could cause a conflict if the signal
+ dataset or an axis dataset happened to be called "title", we also
+ support providing the title as an attribute of the NXdata group.
+ """
+ if not self.is_valid:
+ raise InvalidNXdataError("Unable to parse invalid NXdata")
+ title ="title")
+ data_dataset_names = [self.signal_name] + self.axes_dataset_names
+ if (title is not None and is_dataset(title) and
+ "title" not in data_dataset_names):
+ return str(h5py_read_dataset(title))
+ title ="title")
+ if title is None:
+ return ""
+ return str(title)
+ def get_axis_errors(self, axis_name):
+ """Return errors (uncertainties) associated with an axis.
+ If the axis has attributes @first_good or @last_good, the output
+ is trimmed accordingly (a numpy array will be returned rather than a
+ dataset).
+ :param str axis_name: Name of axis dataset. This dataset **must exist**.
+ :return: Dataset with axis errors, or None
+ :raise KeyError: if this group does not contain a dataset named axis_name
+ """
+ if not self.is_valid:
+ raise InvalidNXdataError("Unable to parse invalid NXdata")
+ # ensure axis_name is decoded, before comparing it with decoded attributes
+ if hasattr(axis_name, "decode"):
+ axis_name = axis_name.decode("utf-8")
+ if axis_name not in
+ # tolerate axis_name given as @long_name
+ for item in
+ long_name = get_attr_as_unicode([item], "long_name")
+ if long_name is not None and long_name == axis_name:
+ axis_name = item
+ break
+ if axis_name not in
+ raise KeyError("group does not contain a dataset named '%s'" % axis_name)
+ len_axis = len([axis_name])
+ fg_idx =[axis_name].attrs.get("first_good", 0)
+ lg_idx =[axis_name].attrs.get("last_good", len_axis - 1)
+ # case of axisname_errors dataset present
+ errors_name = axis_name + "_errors"
+ if errors_name in and is_dataset([errors_name]):
+ if fg_idx != 0 or lg_idx != (len_axis - 1):
+ return[errors_name][fg_idx:lg_idx + 1]
+ else:
+ return[errors_name]
+ # case of uncertainties dataset name provided in @uncertainties
+ uncertainties_names = get_attr_as_unicode(, "uncertainties")
+ if uncertainties_names is None:
+ uncertainties_names = get_attr_as_unicode(self.signal, "uncertainties")
+ if isinstance(uncertainties_names, str):
+ uncertainties_names = [uncertainties_names]
+ if uncertainties_names is not None:
+ # take the uncertainty with the same index as the axis in @axes
+ axes_ds_names = get_attr_as_unicode(, "axes")
+ if axes_ds_names is None:
+ axes_ds_names = get_attr_as_unicode(self.signal, "axes")
+ if isinstance(axes_ds_names, str):
+ axes_ds_names = [axes_ds_names]
+ elif isinstance(axes_ds_names, numpy.ndarray):
+ # transform numpy.ndarray into list
+ axes_ds_names = list(axes_ds_names)
+ assert isinstance(axes_ds_names, list)
+ if hasattr(axes_ds_names[0], "decode"):
+ axes_ds_names = [ax_name.decode("utf-8") for ax_name in axes_ds_names]
+ if axis_name not in axes_ds_names:
+ raise KeyError("group attr @axes does not mention a dataset " +
+ "named '%s'" % axis_name)
+ errors =[uncertainties_names[list(axes_ds_names).index(axis_name)]]
+ if fg_idx == 0 and lg_idx == (len_axis - 1):
+ return errors # dataset
+ else:
+ return errors[fg_idx:lg_idx + 1] # numpy array
+ return None
+ @property
+ def errors(self):
+ """Return errors (uncertainties) associated with the signal values.
+ :return: Dataset with errors, or None
+ """
+ if not self.is_valid:
+ raise InvalidNXdataError("Unable to parse invalid NXdata")
+ # case of signal
+ signal_errors = self.signal_dataset_name + "_errors"
+ if "errors" in and is_dataset(["errors"]):
+ errors = "errors"
+ elif signal_errors in and is_dataset([signal_errors]):
+ errors = signal_errors
+ else:
+ return None
+ return[errors]
+ @property
+ def plot_style(self):
+ """Information extracted from the optional SILX_style attribute
+ :raises: InvalidNXdataError
+ """
+ if not self.is_valid:
+ raise InvalidNXdataError("Unable to parse invalid NXdata")
+ return self._plot_style
+ @property
+ def is_scatter(self):
+ """True if the signal is 1D and all the axes have the
+ same size as the signal."""
+ if not self.is_valid:
+ raise InvalidNXdataError("Unable to parse invalid NXdata")
+ if self._is_scatter is not None:
+ return self._is_scatter
+ if not self.signal_is_1d:
+ self._is_scatter = False
+ else:
+ self._is_scatter = True
+ sigsize = 1
+ for dim in self.signal.shape:
+ sigsize *= dim
+ for axis in self.axes:
+ if axis is None:
+ continue
+ axis_size = 1
+ for dim in axis.shape:
+ axis_size *= dim
+ self._is_scatter = self._is_scatter and (axis_size == sigsize)
+ return self._is_scatter
+ @property
+ def is_x_y_value_scatter(self):
+ """True if this is a scatter with a signal and two axes."""
+ if not self.is_valid:
+ raise InvalidNXdataError("Unable to parse invalid NXdata")
+ return self.is_scatter and len(self.axes) == 2
+ # we currently have no widget capable of plotting 4D data
+ @property
+ def is_unsupported_scatter(self):
+ """True if this is a scatter with a signal and more than 2 axes."""
+ if not self.is_valid:
+ raise InvalidNXdataError("Unable to parse invalid NXdata")
+ return self.is_scatter and len(self.axes) > 2
+ @property
+ def is_curve(self):
+ """This property is True if the signal is 1D or :attr:`interpretation` is
+ *"spectrum"*, and there is at most one axis with a consistent length.
+ """
+ if not self.is_valid:
+ raise InvalidNXdataError("Unable to parse invalid NXdata")
+ if self.signal_is_0d or self.interpretation not in [None, "spectrum"]:
+ return False
+ # the axis, if any, must be of the same length as the last dimension
+ # of the signal, or of length 2 (a + b *x scale)
+ if self.axes[-1] is not None and len(self.axes[-1]) not in [
+ self.signal.shape[-1], 2]:
+ return False
+ if self.interpretation is None:
+ # We no longer test whether x values are monotonic
+ # (in the past, in that case, we used to consider it a scatter)
+ return self.signal_is_1d
+ # everything looks good
+ return True
+ @property
+ def is_image(self):
+ """True if the signal is 2D, or 3D with last dimension of length 3 or 4
+ and interpretation *rgba-image*, or >2D with interpretation *image*.
+ The axes (if any) length must also be consistent with the signal shape.
+ """
+ if not self.is_valid:
+ raise InvalidNXdataError("Unable to parse invalid NXdata")
+ if self.interpretation in ["scalar", "spectrum", "scaler"]:
+ return False
+ if self.signal_is_0d or self.signal_is_1d:
+ return False
+ if not self.signal_is_2d and \
+ self.interpretation not in ["image", "rgba-image"]:
+ return False
+ if self.signal_is_3d and self.interpretation == "rgba-image":
+ if self.signal.shape[-1] not in [3, 4]:
+ return False
+ img_axes = self.axes[0:2]
+ img_shape = self.signal.shape[0:2]
+ else:
+ img_axes = self.axes[-2:]
+ img_shape = self.signal.shape[-2:]
+ for i, axis in enumerate(img_axes):
+ if axis is not None and len(axis) not in [img_shape[i], 2]:
+ return False
+ return True
+ @property
+ def is_stack(self):
+ """True in the signal is at least 3D and interpretation is not
+ "scalar", "spectrum", "image" or "rgba-image".
+ The axes length must also be consistent with the last 3 dimensions
+ of the signal.
+ """
+ if not self.is_valid:
+ raise InvalidNXdataError("Unable to parse invalid NXdata")
+ if self.signal_ndim < 3 or self.interpretation in [
+ "scalar", "scaler", "spectrum", "image", "rgba-image"]:
+ return False
+ stack_shape = self.signal.shape[-3:]
+ for i, axis in enumerate(self.axes[-3:]):
+ if axis is not None and len(axis) not in [stack_shape[i], 2]:
+ return False
+ return True
+ @property
+ def is_volume(self):
+ """True in the signal is exactly 3D and interpretation
+ "scalar", or nothing.
+ The axes length must also be consistent with the 3 dimensions
+ of the signal.
+ """
+ if not self.is_valid:
+ raise InvalidNXdataError("Unable to parse invalid NXdata")
+ if self.signal_ndim != 3:
+ return False
+ if self.interpretation not in [None, "scalar", "scaler"]:
+ # 'scaler' and 'scalar' for a three dimensional array indicate a scalar field in 3D
+ return False
+ volume_shape = self.signal.shape[-3:]
+ for i, axis in enumerate(self.axes[-3:]):
+ if axis is not None and len(axis) not in [volume_shape[i], 2]:
+ return False
+ return True
+def is_valid_nxdata(group): # noqa
+ """Check if a h5py group is a **valid** NX_data group.
+ :param group: h5py-like group
+ :return: True if this NXdata group is valid.
+ :raise TypeError: if group is not a h5py group, a spech5 group,
+ or a fabioh5 group
+ """
+ nxd = NXdata(group)
+ return nxd.is_valid
+def is_group_with_default_NXdata(group, validate=True):
+ """Return True if group defines a valid default
+ NXdata.
+ .. note::
+ See
+ :param group: h5py-like object.
+ :param bool validate: Set this to skip the NXdata validation, and only
+ check the existence of the group.
+ Parameter provided for optimisation purposes, to avoid double
+ validation if the validation is already performed separately."""
+ default_nxdata_name = group.attrs.get("default")
+ if default_nxdata_name is None or default_nxdata_name not in group:
+ return False
+ default_nxdata_group = group.get(default_nxdata_name)
+ if not is_group(default_nxdata_group):
+ return False
+ if not validate:
+ return True
+ else:
+ return is_valid_nxdata(default_nxdata_group)
+def is_NXentry_with_default_NXdata(group, validate=True):
+ """Return True if group is a valid NXentry defining a valid default
+ NXdata.
+ :param group: h5py-like object.
+ :param bool validate: Set this to skip the NXdata validation, and only
+ check the existence of the group.
+ Parameter provided for optimisation purposes, to avoid double
+ validation if the validation is already performed separately."""
+ if not is_group(group):
+ return False
+ if get_attr_as_unicode(group, "NX_class") != "NXentry":
+ return False
+ return is_group_with_default_NXdata(group, validate)
+def is_NXroot_with_default_NXdata(group, validate=True):
+ """Return True if group is a valid NXroot defining a default NXentry
+ defining a valid default NXdata.
+ .. note::
+ A NXroot group cannot directly define a default NXdata. If a
+ *@default* argument is present, it must point to a NXentry group.
+ This NXentry must define a valid NXdata for this function to return
+ True.
+ :param group: h5py-like object.
+ :param bool validate: Set this to False if you are sure that the target group
+ is valid NXdata (i.e. :func:``
+ returns True). Parameter provided for optimisation purposes.
+ """
+ if not is_group(group):
+ return False
+ # A NXroot is supposed to be at the root of a data file, and @NX_class
+ # is therefore optional. We accept groups that are not located at the root
+ # if they have @NX_class=NXroot (use case: several nexus files archived
+ # in a single HDF5 file)
+ if get_attr_as_unicode(group, "NX_class") != "NXroot" and not is_file(group):
+ return False
+ default_nxentry_name = group.attrs.get("default")
+ if default_nxentry_name is None or default_nxentry_name not in group:
+ return False
+ default_nxentry_group = group.get(default_nxentry_name)
+ return is_NXentry_with_default_NXdata(default_nxentry_group,
+ validate=validate)
+def get_default(group, validate=True):
+ """Return a :class:`NXdata` object corresponding to the default NXdata group
+ in the group specified as parameter.
+ This function can find the NXdata if the group is already a NXdata, or
+ if it is a NXentry defining a default NXdata, or if it is a NXroot
+ defining such a default valid NXentry.
+ Return None if no valid NXdata could be found.
+ :param group: h5py-like group following the Nexus specification
+ (NXdata, NXentry or NXroot).
+ :param bool validate: Set this to False if you are sure that group
+ is valid NXdata (i.e. :func:``
+ returns True). Parameter provided for optimisation purposes.
+ :return: :class:`NXdata` object or None
+ :raise TypeError: if group is not a h5py-like group
+ """
+ if not is_group(group):
+ raise TypeError("Provided parameter is not a h5py-like group")
+ if is_NXroot_with_default_NXdata(group, validate=validate):
+ default_entry = group[group.attrs["default"]]
+ default_data = default_entry[default_entry.attrs["default"]]
+ elif is_group_with_default_NXdata(group, validate=validate):
+ default_data = group[group.attrs["default"]]
+ elif not validate or is_valid_nxdata(group):
+ default_data = group
+ else:
+ return None
+ return NXdata(default_data, validate=False)