path: root/src/silx/io/test/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'src/silx/io/test/')
1 files changed, 1009 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/silx/io/test/ b/src/silx/io/test/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4cafa9b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/silx/io/test/
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+# coding: utf-8
+# /*##########################################################################
+# Copyright (C) 2016-2021 European Synchrotron Radiation Facility
+# Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
+# of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
+# in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
+# to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
+# copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
+# furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
+# The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
+# all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
+# ############################################################################*/
+"""Tests for dicttoh5 module"""
+__authors__ = ["P. Knobel"]
+__license__ = "MIT"
+__date__ = "17/01/2018"
+from collections import OrderedDict
+import numpy
+import os
+import tempfile
+import unittest
+import h5py
+from copy import deepcopy
+from collections import defaultdict
+from silx.utils.testutils import LoggingValidator
+from ..configdict import ConfigDict
+from .. import dictdump
+from ..dictdump import dicttoh5, dicttojson, dump
+from ..dictdump import h5todict, load
+from ..dictdump import logger as dictdump_logger
+from ..utils import is_link
+from ..utils import h5py_read_dataset
+def tree():
+ """Tree data structure as a recursive nested dictionary"""
+ return defaultdict(tree)
+inhabitants = 160215
+city_attrs = tree()
+city_attrs["Europe"]["France"]["Grenoble"]["area"] = "18.44 km2"
+city_attrs["Europe"]["France"]["Grenoble"]["inhabitants"] = inhabitants
+city_attrs["Europe"]["France"]["Grenoble"]["coordinates"] = [45.1830, 5.7196]
+ext_attrs = tree()
+ext_attrs["ext_group"]["dataset"] = 10
+ext_filename = "ext.h5"
+link_attrs = tree()
+link_attrs["links"]["group"]["dataset"] = 10
+link_attrs["links"]["group"]["relative_softlink"] = h5py.SoftLink("dataset")
+link_attrs["links"]["relative_softlink"] = h5py.SoftLink("group/dataset")
+link_attrs["links"]["absolute_softlink"] = h5py.SoftLink("/links/group/dataset")
+link_attrs["links"]["external_link"] = h5py.ExternalLink(ext_filename, "/ext_group/dataset")
+class DictTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
+ def assertRecursiveEqual(self, expected, actual, nodes=tuple()):
+ err_msg = "\n\n Tree nodes: {}".format(nodes)
+ if isinstance(expected, dict):
+ self.assertTrue(isinstance(actual, dict), msg=err_msg)
+ self.assertEqual(
+ set(expected.keys()),
+ set(actual.keys()),
+ msg=err_msg
+ )
+ for k in actual:
+ self.assertRecursiveEqual(
+ expected[k],
+ actual[k],
+ nodes=nodes + (k,),
+ )
+ return
+ if isinstance(actual, numpy.ndarray):
+ actual = actual.tolist()
+ if isinstance(expected, numpy.ndarray):
+ expected = expected.tolist()
+ self.assertEqual(expected, actual, msg=err_msg)
+class H5DictTestCase(DictTestCase):
+ def _dictRoundTripNormalize(self, treedict):
+ """Convert the dictionary as expected from a round-trip
+ treedict -> dicttoh5 -> h5todict -> newtreedict
+ """
+ for key, value in list(treedict.items()):
+ if isinstance(value, dict):
+ self._dictRoundTripNormalize(value)
+ # Expand treedict[("group", "attr_name")]
+ # to treedict["group"]["attr_name"]
+ for key, value in list(treedict.items()):
+ if not isinstance(key, tuple):
+ continue
+ # Put the attribute inside the group
+ grpname, attr = key
+ if not grpname:
+ continue
+ group = treedict.setdefault(grpname, dict())
+ if isinstance(group, dict):
+ del treedict[key]
+ group[("", attr)] = value
+ def dictRoundTripNormalize(self, treedict):
+ treedict2 = deepcopy(treedict)
+ self._dictRoundTripNormalize(treedict2)
+ return treedict2
+class TestDictToH5(H5DictTestCase):
+ def setUp(self):
+ self.tempdir = tempfile.mkdtemp()
+ self.h5_fname = os.path.join(self.tempdir, "cityattrs.h5")
+ self.h5_ext_fname = os.path.join(self.tempdir, ext_filename)
+ def tearDown(self):
+ if os.path.exists(self.h5_fname):
+ os.unlink(self.h5_fname)
+ if os.path.exists(self.h5_ext_fname):
+ os.unlink(self.h5_ext_fname)
+ os.rmdir(self.tempdir)
+ def testH5CityAttrs(self):
+ filters = {'shuffle': True,
+ 'fletcher32': True}
+ dicttoh5(city_attrs, self.h5_fname, h5path='/city attributes',
+ mode="w", create_dataset_args=filters)
+ h5f = h5py.File(self.h5_fname, mode='r')
+ self.assertIn("Tourcoing/area", h5f["/city attributes/Europe/France"])
+ ds = h5f["/city attributes/Europe/France/Grenoble/inhabitants"]
+ self.assertEqual(ds[...], 160215)
+ # filters only apply to datasets that are not scalars (shape != () )
+ ds = h5f["/city attributes/Europe/France/Grenoble/coordinates"]
+ #self.assertEqual(ds.compression, "gzip")
+ self.assertTrue(ds.fletcher32)
+ self.assertTrue(ds.shuffle)
+ h5f.close()
+ ddict = load(self.h5_fname, fmat="hdf5")
+ self.assertAlmostEqual(
+ min(ddict["city attributes"]["Europe"]["France"]["Grenoble"]["coordinates"]),
+ 5.7196)
+ def testH5OverwriteDeprecatedApi(self):
+ dd = ConfigDict({'t': True})
+ dicttoh5(h5file=self.h5_fname, treedict=dd, mode='a')
+ dd = ConfigDict({'t': False})
+ dicttoh5(h5file=self.h5_fname, treedict=dd, mode='a',
+ overwrite_data=False)
+ res = h5todict(self.h5_fname)
+ assert(res['t'] == True)
+ dicttoh5(h5file=self.h5_fname, treedict=dd, mode='a',
+ overwrite_data=True)
+ res = h5todict(self.h5_fname)
+ assert(res['t'] == False)
+ def testAttributes(self):
+ """Any kind of attribute can be described"""
+ ddict = {
+ "group": {"datatset": "hmmm", ("", "group_attr"): 10},
+ "dataset": "aaaaaaaaaaaaaaa",
+ ("", "root_attr"): 11,
+ ("dataset", "dataset_attr"): 12,
+ ("group", "group_attr2"): 13,
+ }
+ with h5py.File(self.h5_fname, "w") as h5file:
+ dictdump.dicttoh5(ddict, h5file)
+ self.assertEqual(h5file["group"].attrs['group_attr'], 10)
+ self.assertEqual(h5file.attrs['root_attr'], 11)
+ self.assertEqual(h5file["dataset"].attrs['dataset_attr'], 12)
+ self.assertEqual(h5file["group"].attrs['group_attr2'], 13)
+ def testPathAttributes(self):
+ """A group is requested at a path"""
+ ddict = {
+ ("", "NX_class"): 'NXcollection',
+ }
+ with h5py.File(self.h5_fname, "w") as h5file:
+ # This should not warn
+ with LoggingValidator(dictdump_logger, warning=0):
+ dictdump.dicttoh5(ddict, h5file, h5path="foo/bar")
+ def testKeyOrder(self):
+ ddict1 = {
+ "d": "plow",
+ ("d", "a"): "ox",
+ }
+ ddict2 = {
+ ("d", "a"): "ox",
+ "d": "plow",
+ }
+ with h5py.File(self.h5_fname, "w") as h5file:
+ dictdump.dicttoh5(ddict1, h5file, h5path="g1")
+ dictdump.dicttoh5(ddict2, h5file, h5path="g2")
+ self.assertEqual(h5file["g1/d"].attrs['a'], "ox")
+ self.assertEqual(h5file["g2/d"].attrs['a'], "ox")
+ def testAttributeValues(self):
+ """Any NX data types can be used"""
+ ddict = {
+ ("", "bool"): True,
+ ("", "int"): 11,
+ ("", "float"): 1.1,
+ ("", "str"): "a",
+ ("", "boollist"): [True, False, True],
+ ("", "intlist"): [11, 22, 33],
+ ("", "floatlist"): [1.1, 2.2, 3.3],
+ ("", "strlist"): ["a", "bb", "ccc"],
+ }
+ with h5py.File(self.h5_fname, "w") as h5file:
+ dictdump.dicttoh5(ddict, h5file)
+ for k, expected in ddict.items():
+ result = h5file.attrs[k[1]]
+ if isinstance(expected, list):
+ if isinstance(expected[0], str):
+ numpy.testing.assert_array_equal(result, expected)
+ else:
+ numpy.testing.assert_array_almost_equal(result, expected)
+ else:
+ self.assertEqual(result, expected)
+ def testAttributeAlreadyExists(self):
+ """A duplicated attribute warns if overwriting is not enabled"""
+ ddict = {
+ "group": {"dataset": "hmmm", ("", "attr"): 10},
+ ("group", "attr"): 10,
+ }
+ with h5py.File(self.h5_fname, "w") as h5file:
+ dictdump.dicttoh5(ddict, h5file)
+ self.assertEqual(h5file["group"].attrs['attr'], 10)
+ def testFlatDict(self):
+ """Description of a tree with a single level of keys"""
+ ddict = {
+ "group/group/dataset": 10,
+ ("group/group/dataset", "attr"): 11,
+ ("group/group", "attr"): 12,
+ }
+ with h5py.File(self.h5_fname, "w") as h5file:
+ dictdump.dicttoh5(ddict, h5file)
+ self.assertEqual(h5file["group/group/dataset"][()], 10)
+ self.assertEqual(h5file["group/group/dataset"].attrs['attr'], 11)
+ self.assertEqual(h5file["group/group"].attrs['attr'], 12)
+ def testLinks(self):
+ with h5py.File(self.h5_ext_fname, "w") as h5file:
+ dictdump.dicttoh5(ext_attrs, h5file)
+ with h5py.File(self.h5_fname, "w") as h5file:
+ dictdump.dicttoh5(link_attrs, h5file)
+ with h5py.File(self.h5_fname, "r") as h5file:
+ self.assertEqual(h5file["links/group/dataset"][()], 10)
+ self.assertEqual(h5file["links/group/relative_softlink"][()], 10)
+ self.assertEqual(h5file["links/relative_softlink"][()], 10)
+ self.assertEqual(h5file["links/absolute_softlink"][()], 10)
+ self.assertEqual(h5file["links/external_link"][()], 10)
+ def testDumpNumpyArray(self):
+ ddict = {
+ 'darks': {
+ '0': numpy.array([[0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0]], dtype=numpy.uint16)
+ }
+ }
+ with h5py.File(self.h5_fname, "w") as h5file:
+ dictdump.dicttoh5(ddict, h5file)
+ with h5py.File(self.h5_fname, "r") as h5file:
+ numpy.testing.assert_array_equal(h5py_read_dataset(h5file["darks"]["0"]),
+ ddict['darks']['0'])
+ def testOverwrite(self):
+ # Tree structure that will be tested
+ group1 = {
+ ("", "attr2"): "original2",
+ "dset1": 0,
+ "dset2": [0, 1],
+ ("dset1", "attr1"): "original1",
+ ("dset1", "attr2"): "original2",
+ ("dset2", "attr1"): "original1",
+ ("dset2", "attr2"): "original2",
+ }
+ group2 = {
+ "subgroup1": group1.copy(),
+ "subgroup2": group1.copy(),
+ ("subgroup1", "attr1"): "original1",
+ ("subgroup2", "attr1"): "original1"
+ }
+ group2.update(group1)
+ # initial HDF5 tree
+ otreedict = {
+ ('', 'attr1'): "original1",
+ ('', 'attr2'): "original2",
+ 'group1': group1,
+ 'group2': group2,
+ ('group1', 'attr1'): "original1",
+ ('group2', 'attr1'): "original1"
+ }
+ wtreedict = None # dumped dictionary
+ etreedict = None # expected HDF5 tree after dump
+ def reset_file():
+ dicttoh5(
+ otreedict,
+ h5file=self.h5_fname,
+ mode="w",
+ )
+ def append_file(update_mode):
+ dicttoh5(
+ wtreedict,
+ h5file=self.h5_fname,
+ mode="a",
+ update_mode=update_mode
+ )
+ def assert_file():
+ rtreedict = h5todict(
+ self.h5_fname,
+ include_attributes=True,
+ asarray=False
+ )
+ netreedict = self.dictRoundTripNormalize(etreedict)
+ try:
+ self.assertRecursiveEqual(netreedict, rtreedict)
+ except AssertionError:
+ from pprint import pprint
+ print("\nDUMP:")
+ pprint(wtreedict)
+ print("\nEXPECTED:")
+ pprint(netreedict)
+ print("\nHDF5:")
+ pprint(rtreedict)
+ raise
+ def assert_append(update_mode):
+ append_file(update_mode)
+ assert_file()
+ # Test wrong arguments
+ with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
+ dicttoh5(
+ otreedict,
+ h5file=self.h5_fname,
+ mode="w",
+ update_mode="wrong-value"
+ )
+ # No writing
+ reset_file()
+ etreedict = deepcopy(otreedict)
+ assert_file()
+ # Write identical dictionary
+ wtreedict = deepcopy(otreedict)
+ reset_file()
+ etreedict = deepcopy(otreedict)
+ for update_mode in [None, "add", "modify", "replace"]:
+ assert_append(update_mode)
+ # Write empty dictionary
+ wtreedict = dict()
+ reset_file()
+ etreedict = deepcopy(otreedict)
+ for update_mode in [None, "add", "modify", "replace"]:
+ assert_append(update_mode)
+ # Modified dataset
+ wtreedict = dict()
+ wtreedict["group2"] = dict()
+ wtreedict["group2"]["subgroup2"] = dict()
+ wtreedict["group2"]["subgroup2"]["dset1"] = {"dset3": [10, 20]}
+ wtreedict["group2"]["subgroup2"]["dset2"] = [10, 20]
+ reset_file()
+ etreedict = deepcopy(otreedict)
+ for update_mode in [None, "add"]:
+ assert_append(update_mode)
+ etreedict["group2"]["subgroup2"]["dset2"] = [10, 20]
+ assert_append("modify")
+ etreedict["group2"] = dict()
+ del etreedict[("group2", "attr1")]
+ etreedict["group2"]["subgroup2"] = dict()
+ etreedict["group2"]["subgroup2"]["dset1"] = {"dset3": [10, 20]}
+ etreedict["group2"]["subgroup2"]["dset2"] = [10, 20]
+ assert_append("replace")
+ # Modified group
+ wtreedict = dict()
+ wtreedict["group2"] = dict()
+ wtreedict["group2"]["subgroup2"] = [0, 1]
+ reset_file()
+ etreedict = deepcopy(otreedict)
+ for update_mode in [None, "add", "modify"]:
+ assert_append(update_mode)
+ etreedict["group2"] = dict()
+ del etreedict[("group2", "attr1")]
+ etreedict["group2"]["subgroup2"] = [0, 1]
+ assert_append("replace")
+ # Modified attribute
+ wtreedict = dict()
+ wtreedict["group2"] = dict()
+ wtreedict["group2"]["subgroup2"] = dict()
+ wtreedict["group2"]["subgroup2"][("dset1", "attr1")] = "modified"
+ reset_file()
+ etreedict = deepcopy(otreedict)
+ for update_mode in [None, "add"]:
+ assert_append(update_mode)
+ etreedict["group2"]["subgroup2"][("dset1", "attr1")] = "modified"
+ assert_append("modify")
+ etreedict["group2"] = dict()
+ del etreedict[("group2", "attr1")]
+ etreedict["group2"]["subgroup2"] = dict()
+ etreedict["group2"]["subgroup2"]["dset1"] = dict()
+ etreedict["group2"]["subgroup2"]["dset1"][("", "attr1")] = "modified"
+ assert_append("replace")
+ # Delete group
+ wtreedict = dict()
+ wtreedict["group2"] = dict()
+ wtreedict["group2"]["subgroup2"] = None
+ reset_file()
+ etreedict = deepcopy(otreedict)
+ for update_mode in [None, "add"]:
+ assert_append(update_mode)
+ del etreedict["group2"]["subgroup2"]
+ del etreedict["group2"][("subgroup2", "attr1")]
+ assert_append("modify")
+ etreedict["group2"] = dict()
+ del etreedict[("group2", "attr1")]
+ assert_append("replace")
+ # Delete dataset
+ wtreedict = dict()
+ wtreedict["group2"] = dict()
+ wtreedict["group2"]["subgroup2"] = dict()
+ wtreedict["group2"]["subgroup2"]["dset2"] = None
+ reset_file()
+ etreedict = deepcopy(otreedict)
+ for update_mode in [None, "add"]:
+ assert_append(update_mode)
+ del etreedict["group2"]["subgroup2"]["dset2"]
+ del etreedict["group2"]["subgroup2"][("dset2", "attr1")]
+ del etreedict["group2"]["subgroup2"][("dset2", "attr2")]
+ assert_append("modify")
+ etreedict["group2"] = dict()
+ del etreedict[("group2", "attr1")]
+ etreedict["group2"]["subgroup2"] = dict()
+ assert_append("replace")
+ # Delete attribute
+ wtreedict = dict()
+ wtreedict["group2"] = dict()
+ wtreedict["group2"]["subgroup2"] = dict()
+ wtreedict["group2"]["subgroup2"][("dset2", "attr1")] = None
+ reset_file()
+ etreedict = deepcopy(otreedict)
+ for update_mode in [None, "add"]:
+ assert_append(update_mode)
+ del etreedict["group2"]["subgroup2"][("dset2", "attr1")]
+ assert_append("modify")
+ etreedict["group2"] = dict()
+ del etreedict[("group2", "attr1")]
+ etreedict["group2"]["subgroup2"] = dict()
+ etreedict["group2"]["subgroup2"]["dset2"] = dict()
+ assert_append("replace")
+class TestH5ToDict(H5DictTestCase):
+ def setUp(self):
+ self.tempdir = tempfile.mkdtemp()
+ self.h5_fname = os.path.join(self.tempdir, "cityattrs.h5")
+ self.h5_ext_fname = os.path.join(self.tempdir, ext_filename)
+ dicttoh5(city_attrs, self.h5_fname)
+ dicttoh5(link_attrs, self.h5_fname, mode="a")
+ dicttoh5(ext_attrs, self.h5_ext_fname)
+ def tearDown(self):
+ if os.path.exists(self.h5_fname):
+ os.unlink(self.h5_fname)
+ if os.path.exists(self.h5_ext_fname):
+ os.unlink(self.h5_ext_fname)
+ os.rmdir(self.tempdir)
+ def testExcludeNames(self):
+ ddict = h5todict(self.h5_fname, path="/Europe/France",
+ exclude_names=["ourcoing", "inhab", "toto"])
+ self.assertNotIn("Tourcoing", ddict)
+ self.assertIn("Grenoble", ddict)
+ self.assertNotIn("inhabitants", ddict["Grenoble"])
+ self.assertIn("coordinates", ddict["Grenoble"])
+ self.assertIn("area", ddict["Grenoble"])
+ def testAsArrayTrue(self):
+ """Test with asarray=True, the default"""
+ ddict = h5todict(self.h5_fname, path="/Europe/France/Grenoble")
+ self.assertTrue(numpy.array_equal(ddict["inhabitants"], numpy.array(inhabitants)))
+ def testAsArrayFalse(self):
+ """Test with asarray=False"""
+ ddict = h5todict(self.h5_fname, path="/Europe/France/Grenoble", asarray=False)
+ self.assertEqual(ddict["inhabitants"], inhabitants)
+ def testDereferenceLinks(self):
+ ddict = h5todict(self.h5_fname, path="links", dereference_links=True)
+ self.assertTrue(ddict["absolute_softlink"], 10)
+ self.assertTrue(ddict["relative_softlink"], 10)
+ self.assertTrue(ddict["external_link"], 10)
+ self.assertTrue(ddict["group"]["relative_softlink"], 10)
+ def testPreserveLinks(self):
+ ddict = h5todict(self.h5_fname, path="links", dereference_links=False)
+ self.assertTrue(is_link(ddict["absolute_softlink"]))
+ self.assertTrue(is_link(ddict["relative_softlink"]))
+ self.assertTrue(is_link(ddict["external_link"]))
+ self.assertTrue(is_link(ddict["group"]["relative_softlink"]))
+ def testStrings(self):
+ ddict = {"dset_bytes": b"bytes",
+ "dset_utf8": "utf8",
+ "dset_2bytes": [b"bytes", b"bytes"],
+ "dset_2utf8": ["utf8", "utf8"],
+ ("", "attr_bytes"): b"bytes",
+ ("", "attr_utf8"): "utf8",
+ ("", "attr_2bytes"): [b"bytes", b"bytes"],
+ ("", "attr_2utf8"): ["utf8", "utf8"]}
+ dicttoh5(ddict, self.h5_fname, mode="w")
+ adict = h5todict(self.h5_fname, include_attributes=True, asarray=False)
+ self.assertEqual(ddict["dset_bytes"], adict["dset_bytes"])
+ self.assertEqual(ddict["dset_utf8"], adict["dset_utf8"])
+ self.assertEqual(ddict[("", "attr_bytes")], adict[("", "attr_bytes")])
+ self.assertEqual(ddict[("", "attr_utf8")], adict[("", "attr_utf8")])
+ numpy.testing.assert_array_equal(ddict["dset_2bytes"], adict["dset_2bytes"])
+ numpy.testing.assert_array_equal(ddict["dset_2utf8"], adict["dset_2utf8"])
+ numpy.testing.assert_array_equal(ddict[("", "attr_2bytes")], adict[("", "attr_2bytes")])
+ numpy.testing.assert_array_equal(ddict[("", "attr_2utf8")], adict[("", "attr_2utf8")])
+class TestDictToNx(H5DictTestCase):
+ def setUp(self):
+ self.tempdir = tempfile.mkdtemp()
+ self.h5_fname = os.path.join(self.tempdir, "nx.h5")
+ self.h5_ext_fname = os.path.join(self.tempdir, "nx_ext.h5")
+ def tearDown(self):
+ if os.path.exists(self.h5_fname):
+ os.unlink(self.h5_fname)
+ if os.path.exists(self.h5_ext_fname):
+ os.unlink(self.h5_ext_fname)
+ os.rmdir(self.tempdir)
+ def testAttributes(self):
+ """Any kind of attribute can be described"""
+ ddict = {
+ "group": {"dataset": 100, "@group_attr1": 10},
+ "dataset": 200,
+ "@root_attr": 11,
+ "dataset@dataset_attr": "12",
+ "group@group_attr2": 13,
+ }
+ with h5py.File(self.h5_fname, "w") as h5file:
+ dictdump.dicttonx(ddict, h5file)
+ self.assertEqual(h5file["group"].attrs['group_attr1'], 10)
+ self.assertEqual(h5file.attrs['root_attr'], 11)
+ self.assertEqual(h5file["dataset"].attrs['dataset_attr'], "12")
+ self.assertEqual(h5file["group"].attrs['group_attr2'], 13)
+ def testKeyOrder(self):
+ ddict1 = {
+ "d": "plow",
+ "d@a": "ox",
+ }
+ ddict2 = {
+ "d@a": "ox",
+ "d": "plow",
+ }
+ with h5py.File(self.h5_fname, "w") as h5file:
+ dictdump.dicttonx(ddict1, h5file, h5path="g1")
+ dictdump.dicttonx(ddict2, h5file, h5path="g2")
+ self.assertEqual(h5file["g1/d"].attrs['a'], "ox")
+ self.assertEqual(h5file["g2/d"].attrs['a'], "ox")
+ def testAttributeValues(self):
+ """Any NX data types can be used"""
+ ddict = {
+ "@bool": True,
+ "@int": 11,
+ "@float": 1.1,
+ "@str": "a",
+ "@boollist": [True, False, True],
+ "@intlist": [11, 22, 33],
+ "@floatlist": [1.1, 2.2, 3.3],
+ "@strlist": ["a", "bb", "ccc"],
+ }
+ with h5py.File(self.h5_fname, "w") as h5file:
+ dictdump.dicttonx(ddict, h5file)
+ for k, expected in ddict.items():
+ result = h5file.attrs[k[1:]]
+ if isinstance(expected, list):
+ if isinstance(expected[0], str):
+ numpy.testing.assert_array_equal(result, expected)
+ else:
+ numpy.testing.assert_array_almost_equal(result, expected)
+ else:
+ self.assertEqual(result, expected)
+ def testFlatDict(self):
+ """Description of a tree with a single level of keys"""
+ ddict = {
+ "group/group/dataset": 10,
+ "group/group/dataset@attr": 11,
+ "group/group@attr": 12,
+ }
+ with h5py.File(self.h5_fname, "w") as h5file:
+ dictdump.dicttonx(ddict, h5file)
+ self.assertEqual(h5file["group/group/dataset"][()], 10)
+ self.assertEqual(h5file["group/group/dataset"].attrs['attr'], 11)
+ self.assertEqual(h5file["group/group"].attrs['attr'], 12)
+ def testLinks(self):
+ ddict = {"ext_group": {"dataset": 10}}
+ dictdump.dicttonx(ddict, self.h5_ext_fname)
+ ddict = {"links": {"group": {"dataset": 10, ">relative_softlink": "dataset"},
+ ">relative_softlink": "group/dataset",
+ ">absolute_softlink": "/links/group/dataset",
+ ">external_link": "nx_ext.h5::/ext_group/dataset"}}
+ dictdump.dicttonx(ddict, self.h5_fname)
+ with h5py.File(self.h5_fname, "r") as h5file:
+ self.assertEqual(h5file["links/group/dataset"][()], 10)
+ self.assertEqual(h5file["links/group/relative_softlink"][()], 10)
+ self.assertEqual(h5file["links/relative_softlink"][()], 10)
+ self.assertEqual(h5file["links/absolute_softlink"][()], 10)
+ self.assertEqual(h5file["links/external_link"][()], 10)
+ def testUpLinks(self):
+ ddict = {"data": {"group": {"dataset": 10, ">relative_softlink": "dataset"}},
+ "links": {"group": {"subgroup": {">relative_softlink": "../../../data/group/dataset"}}}}
+ dictdump.dicttonx(ddict, self.h5_fname)
+ with h5py.File(self.h5_fname, "r") as h5file:
+ self.assertEqual(h5file["/links/group/subgroup/relative_softlink"][()], 10)
+ def testOverwrite(self):
+ entry_name = "entry"
+ wtreedict = {
+ "group1": {"a": 1, "b": 2},
+ "group2@attr3": "attr3",
+ "group2@attr4": "attr4",
+ "group2": {
+ "@attr1": "attr1",
+ "@attr2": "attr2",
+ "c": 3,
+ "d": 4,
+ "dataset4": 8,
+ "dataset4@units": "keV",
+ },
+ "group3": {"subgroup": {"e": 9, "f": 10}},
+ "dataset1": 5,
+ "dataset2": 6,
+ "dataset3": 7,
+ "dataset3@units": "mm",
+ }
+ esubtree = {
+ "@NX_class": "NXentry",
+ "group1": {"@NX_class": "NXcollection", "a": 1, "b": 2},
+ "group2": {
+ "@NX_class": "NXcollection",
+ "@attr1": "attr1",
+ "@attr2": "attr2",
+ "@attr3": "attr3",
+ "@attr4": "attr4",
+ "c": 3,
+ "d": 4,
+ "dataset4": 8,
+ "dataset4@units": "keV",
+ },
+ "group3": {
+ "@NX_class": "NXcollection",
+ "subgroup": {"@NX_class": "NXcollection", "e": 9, "f": 10},
+ },
+ "dataset1": 5,
+ "dataset2": 6,
+ "dataset3": 7,
+ "dataset3@units": "mm",
+ }
+ etreedict = {entry_name: esubtree}
+ def append_file(update_mode, add_nx_class):
+ dictdump.dicttonx(
+ wtreedict,
+ h5file=self.h5_fname,
+ mode="a",
+ h5path=entry_name,
+ update_mode=update_mode,
+ add_nx_class=add_nx_class
+ )
+ def assert_file():
+ rtreedict = dictdump.nxtodict(
+ self.h5_fname,
+ include_attributes=True,
+ asarray=False,
+ )
+ netreedict = self.dictRoundTripNormalize(etreedict)
+ try:
+ self.assertRecursiveEqual(netreedict, rtreedict)
+ except AssertionError:
+ from pprint import pprint
+ print("\nDUMP:")
+ pprint(wtreedict)
+ print("\nEXPECTED:")
+ pprint(netreedict)
+ print("\nHDF5:")
+ pprint(rtreedict)
+ raise
+ def assert_append(update_mode, add_nx_class=None):
+ append_file(update_mode, add_nx_class=add_nx_class)
+ assert_file()
+ # First to an empty file
+ assert_append(None)
+ # Add non-existing attributes/datasets/groups
+ wtreedict["group1"].pop("a")
+ wtreedict["group2"].pop("@attr1")
+ wtreedict["group2"]["@attr2"] = "attr3" # only for update
+ wtreedict["group2"]["@type"] = "test"
+ wtreedict["group2"]["dataset4"] = 9 # only for update
+ del wtreedict["group2"]["dataset4@units"]
+ wtreedict["group3"] = {}
+ esubtree["group2"]["@type"] = "test"
+ assert_append("add")
+ # Add update existing attributes and datasets
+ esubtree["group2"]["@attr2"] = "attr3"
+ esubtree["group2"]["dataset4"] = 9
+ assert_append("modify")
+ # Do not add missing NX_class by default when updating
+ wtreedict["group2"]["@NX_class"] = "NXprocess"
+ esubtree["group2"]["@NX_class"] = "NXprocess"
+ assert_append("modify")
+ del wtreedict["group2"]["@NX_class"]
+ assert_append("modify")
+ # Overwrite existing groups/datasets/attributes
+ esubtree["group1"].pop("a")
+ esubtree["group2"].pop("@attr1")
+ esubtree["group2"]["@NX_class"] = "NXcollection"
+ esubtree["group2"]["dataset4"] = 9
+ del esubtree["group2"]["dataset4@units"]
+ esubtree["group3"] = {"@NX_class": "NXcollection"}
+ assert_append("replace", add_nx_class=True)
+class TestNxToDict(H5DictTestCase):
+ def setUp(self):
+ self.tempdir = tempfile.mkdtemp()
+ self.h5_fname = os.path.join(self.tempdir, "nx.h5")
+ self.h5_ext_fname = os.path.join(self.tempdir, "nx_ext.h5")
+ def tearDown(self):
+ if os.path.exists(self.h5_fname):
+ os.unlink(self.h5_fname)
+ if os.path.exists(self.h5_ext_fname):
+ os.unlink(self.h5_ext_fname)
+ os.rmdir(self.tempdir)
+ def testAttributes(self):
+ """Any kind of attribute can be described"""
+ ddict = {
+ "group": {"dataset": 100, "@group_attr1": 10},
+ "dataset": 200,
+ "@root_attr": 11,
+ "dataset@dataset_attr": "12",
+ "group@group_attr2": 13,
+ }
+ dictdump.dicttonx(ddict, self.h5_fname)
+ ddict = dictdump.nxtodict(self.h5_fname, include_attributes=True)
+ self.assertEqual(ddict["group"]["@group_attr1"], 10)
+ self.assertEqual(ddict["@root_attr"], 11)
+ self.assertEqual(ddict["dataset@dataset_attr"], "12")
+ self.assertEqual(ddict["group"]["@group_attr2"], 13)
+ def testDereferenceLinks(self):
+ """Write links and dereference on read"""
+ ddict = {"ext_group": {"dataset": 10}}
+ dictdump.dicttonx(ddict, self.h5_ext_fname)
+ ddict = {"links": {"group": {"dataset": 10, ">relative_softlink": "dataset"},
+ ">relative_softlink": "group/dataset",
+ ">absolute_softlink": "/links/group/dataset",
+ ">external_link": "nx_ext.h5::/ext_group/dataset"}}
+ dictdump.dicttonx(ddict, self.h5_fname)
+ ddict = dictdump.h5todict(self.h5_fname, dereference_links=True)
+ self.assertTrue(ddict["links"]["absolute_softlink"], 10)
+ self.assertTrue(ddict["links"]["relative_softlink"], 10)
+ self.assertTrue(ddict["links"]["external_link"], 10)
+ self.assertTrue(ddict["links"]["group"]["relative_softlink"], 10)
+ def testPreserveLinks(self):
+ """Write/read links"""
+ ddict = {"ext_group": {"dataset": 10}}
+ dictdump.dicttonx(ddict, self.h5_ext_fname)
+ ddict = {"links": {"group": {"dataset": 10, ">relative_softlink": "dataset"},
+ ">relative_softlink": "group/dataset",
+ ">absolute_softlink": "/links/group/dataset",
+ ">external_link": "nx_ext.h5::/ext_group/dataset"}}
+ dictdump.dicttonx(ddict, self.h5_fname)
+ ddict = dictdump.nxtodict(self.h5_fname, dereference_links=False)
+ self.assertTrue(ddict["links"][">absolute_softlink"], "dataset")
+ self.assertTrue(ddict["links"][">relative_softlink"], "group/dataset")
+ self.assertTrue(ddict["links"][">external_link"], "/links/group/dataset")
+ self.assertTrue(ddict["links"]["group"][">relative_softlink"], "nx_ext.h5::/ext_group/datase")
+ def testNotExistingPath(self):
+ """Test converting not existing path"""
+ with h5py.File(self.h5_fname, 'a') as f:
+ f['data'] = 1
+ ddict = h5todict(self.h5_fname, path="/I/am/not/a/path", errors='ignore')
+ self.assertFalse(ddict)
+ with LoggingValidator(dictdump_logger, error=1):
+ ddict = h5todict(self.h5_fname, path="/I/am/not/a/path", errors='log')
+ self.assertFalse(ddict)
+ with self.assertRaises(KeyError):
+ h5todict(self.h5_fname, path="/I/am/not/a/path", errors='raise')
+ def testBrokenLinks(self):
+ """Test with broken links"""
+ with h5py.File(self.h5_fname, 'a') as f:
+ f["/Mars/BrokenSoftLink"] = h5py.SoftLink("/Idontexists")
+ f["/Mars/BrokenExternalLink"] = h5py.ExternalLink("notexistingfile.h5", "/Idontexists")
+ ddict = h5todict(self.h5_fname, path="/Mars", errors='ignore')
+ self.assertFalse(ddict)
+ with LoggingValidator(dictdump_logger, error=2):
+ ddict = h5todict(self.h5_fname, path="/Mars", errors='log')
+ self.assertFalse(ddict)
+ with self.assertRaises(KeyError):
+ h5todict(self.h5_fname, path="/Mars", errors='raise')
+class TestDictToJson(DictTestCase):
+ def setUp(self):
+ self.dir_path = tempfile.mkdtemp()
+ self.json_fname = os.path.join(self.dir_path, "cityattrs.json")
+ def tearDown(self):
+ os.unlink(self.json_fname)
+ os.rmdir(self.dir_path)
+ def testJsonCityAttrs(self):
+ self.json_fname = os.path.join(self.dir_path, "cityattrs.json")
+ dicttojson(city_attrs, self.json_fname, indent=3)
+ with open(self.json_fname, "r") as f:
+ json_content =
+ self.assertIn('"inhabitants": 160215', json_content)
+class TestDictToIni(DictTestCase):
+ def setUp(self):
+ self.dir_path = tempfile.mkdtemp()
+ self.ini_fname = os.path.join(self.dir_path, "test.ini")
+ def tearDown(self):
+ os.unlink(self.ini_fname)
+ os.rmdir(self.dir_path)
+ def testConfigDictIO(self):
+ """Ensure values and types of data is preserved when dictionary is
+ written to file and read back."""
+ testdict = {
+ 'simple_types': {
+ 'float': 1.0,
+ 'int': 1,
+ 'percent string': '5 % is too much',
+ 'backslash string': 'i can use \\',
+ 'empty_string': '',
+ 'nonestring': 'None',
+ 'nonetype': None,
+ 'interpstring': 'interpolation: %(percent string)s',
+ },
+ 'containers': {
+ 'list': [-1, 'string', 3.0, False, None],
+ 'array': numpy.array([1.0, 2.0, 3.0]),
+ 'dict': {
+ 'key1': 'Hello World',
+ 'key2': 2.0,
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ dump(testdict, self.ini_fname)
+ #read the data back
+ readdict = load(self.ini_fname)
+ testdictkeys = list(testdict.keys())
+ readkeys = list(readdict.keys())
+ self.assertTrue(len(readkeys) == len(testdictkeys),
+ "Number of read keys not equal")
+ self.assertEqual(readdict['simple_types']["interpstring"],
+ "interpolation: 5 % is too much")
+ testdict['simple_types']["interpstring"] = "interpolation: 5 % is too much"
+ for key in testdict["simple_types"]:
+ original = testdict['simple_types'][key]
+ read = readdict['simple_types'][key]
+ self.assertEqual(read, original,
+ "Read <%s> instead of <%s>" % (read, original))
+ for key in testdict["containers"]:
+ original = testdict["containers"][key]
+ read = readdict["containers"][key]
+ if key == 'array':
+ self.assertEqual(read.all(), original.all(),
+ "Read <%s> instead of <%s>" % (read, original))
+ else:
+ self.assertEqual(read, original,
+ "Read <%s> instead of <%s>" % (read, original))
+ def testConfigDictOrder(self):
+ """Ensure order is preserved when dictionary is
+ written to file and read back."""
+ test_dict = {'banana': 3, 'apple': 4, 'pear': 1, 'orange': 2}
+ # sort by key
+ test_ordered_dict1 = OrderedDict(sorted(test_dict.items(),
+ key=lambda t: t[0]))
+ # sort by value
+ test_ordered_dict2 = OrderedDict(sorted(test_dict.items(),
+ key=lambda t: t[1]))
+ # add the two ordered dict as sections of a third ordered dict
+ test_ordered_dict3 = OrderedDict()
+ test_ordered_dict3["section1"] = test_ordered_dict1
+ test_ordered_dict3["section2"] = test_ordered_dict2
+ # write to ini and read back as a ConfigDict (inherits OrderedDict)
+ dump(test_ordered_dict3,
+ self.ini_fname, fmat="ini")
+ read_instance = ConfigDict()
+ # loop through original and read-back dictionaries,
+ # test identical order for key/value pairs
+ for orig_key, section in zip(test_ordered_dict3.keys(),
+ read_instance.keys()):
+ self.assertEqual(orig_key, section)
+ for orig_key2, read_key in zip(test_ordered_dict3[section].keys(),
+ read_instance[section].keys()):
+ self.assertEqual(orig_key2, read_key)
+ self.assertEqual(test_ordered_dict3[section][orig_key2],
+ read_instance[section][read_key])